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Learning Experiences (Archer)

Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

"I.. Ahhh... Couldn't...." The woman whimpered, just before Vivian kissed her. Her tongue darted out to toy with Vivian's, and she moaned softly as the half-demon girl continued teasing her folds. She tried to make the kiss last a moment longer as Vivian pulled away, but her legs spread wide to accommodate Vivian's hand as she whispered into her partner's ear. The fey woman closed her eyes and arched her back as Vivian's fingers slid in, and she got her first taste of the faerie's soul as pleasure drew a moan from between her lips. "Ky...Kyria.... My name is Kyria."
Re: Vivian (Archer)

"Thats a very pretty name. I'd really like it if I had someone so pretty to travel with so I wouldn't be all alone. Doesn't it sound like something fun and exciting?" Vivian began kissing down Kyria's neck as her fingers pumped in and out of her, she tried to maintain control of herself and not suck the fey dry of her spirit as she had with the satyr. "So were you joking about getting me pregnant before? Hehe." Vivian giggled as her kisses trailed down Kyria's chest and her free hand began to part her dress open to expose her chest.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Kyria moaned wordlessly into Vivian's mouth, her voice rising slightly as the part demon began kissing her way down the faerie's neck. Her dress opened easily, and her soft, round breasts came into view, the pink tips of which were already hard from arousal. "I... Ha! Could... Could.... Ahhh! Make myself.... Hah.... Like a.... Ha.... Like a man.... Haaahh! If you... Want." She was soaking wet, and even though she tried to keep herself from draining the woman dry, her energy was flowing out of her in a flood for Vivian to absorb. She seemed to have plenty of energy to take, however, and her hips bucked into Vivian's hand as she continued to explore the faerie's tender flower. Half opening her eyes, her partner reached out a hand and groped at one of Vivian's full breasts, teasing and pinching at her nipple as Vivian continued her handiwork.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

"Really?" Vivian asked with audible wonder, "Maybe later...I'm still repaying you for helping me out and keeping me company." Vivian's fingers pumped harder into Kyria, determined to make the fey climax as she pressed her body against her. "Mmmm....maybe you can teach me how to do that while I'm staying here." In her head Vivian struggled against her urges, her thirst to simply ravish Kyria, drain her of all her energy, bend the fey to her will...
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Kyria continued to moan and thrash under Vivian's ministrations, her pussy tensing and squeezing around her fingers as she continued pumping steadily into her body. Despite all of the stimulation and the energy that Vivian was sucking out of her soul, the faerie nurse continued groping at Vivian's ample chest. Even so, she seemed barely able to move under her attentions, and within a few more moments, Vivian felt the other woman's soul open itself fully to her as she began to climax on her fingers. As the faerie woman came, Vivian had her opportunity to gorge herself on her ample energies, but she might easily knock the woman out if she wasn't careful. On the other hand, she could easily spare the woman, for now, and continue to toy with her for as long as Vivian liked. She was certainly willing and eager enough, at the very least.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian moaned out with her fae companion, feasting on the delicious energy flowing out of her, after a few moments though she suddenly came to her senses and tore herself away from feeding before she could drain Kyria. The half demon girl exauhstedly laid beside her pulling Kyria into a tight embrace. "You taste wonderful but I don't want to hurt you....I feel soooo sleepy now. I-I want you to stay here with me tonight..." Her eyes drooped struggling to stay open, "longer than that....if....you want tooooo...." Vivian locked her lips giving Kyria a passionate kiss before drifting off into a deep well deserved sleep.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The faerie woman nodded silently to Vivian after she had asked her to stay the night, her spiritual energy having been drained heavily despite Vivian's attempt to hold herself back. Kyria was already half asleep when the young part demon suggested that she might be able to stay with her even past tonight, and only offered a slight murmur in response, and barely responded to the deep kiss upon her lips. After a while, Vivian drifted off to sleep beside Kyria.

Vivian awoke in the morning alone, her tent empty save for herself and the light streaming in through the earthen walls. She had a blanket draped over her, but that was small comfort compared to the warmth of another person. She had yet to adopt any real responsibilities among the fey, and as such Vivian was free to do as she liked, either to find breakfast or someone to talk to, or perhaps to track down Kyria again.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian took the blanket and wrapped it around her as a makeshift dress trying not to add anymore excitement to the camp this morning just yet. She was kind of hungry but she wanted to reunite with Kyria. She hopped that they fey wasn't embarassed about their hot night together. As she wandered the camp she listened to everything she could trying to overhear anything important about the camp or the surrounding areas as she searched for Kyria.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Stepping out of her tent, Vivian found the camp somewhat emptied compared to when she had last seen it, though it was by no means uninhabited, as she got more than a few stares as she stepped out wrapped in her blanket. As she walked through the gathering of tents, keeping an ear out for anything interesting, Vivian found that a good many of the fey simply weren't talking at the moment. There were half as many within the camp as there had been last night, if that, and those that remained simply set about whatever tasks they were performing without speaking, usually alone. She did pass a group of a half dozen gruffs surrounding a camp fire, but it was hardly the same atmosphere as there had been when Vivian had gone looking for food the previous day. She managed to catch snippets of their conversation as she passed by, at least.

"...left this morning. That half-dragon was leading them..."
"Haedrin's going to get all of them killed....."
"....Couldn't lead a horse to water.."
"...And an outsider lover at that. The shame... To think one of the sidhe would take a mortal wife..."

They all turned to stare at her as she passed, going silent until Vivian had passed out of earshot.

Eventually, she found Kyria walking out of one of the medical tents, the fey woman looking glum at first but perking up as Vivian came into her field of view. She changed direction to meet the blanket-wrapped succubus, and kissed her lightly on the lips as they met. Showing no signs of shame or embarrassment at their earlier encounter, she said; "Hello Vivian! I'm sorry I had to disappear this morning, I was called to my duties earlier than expected. I'm not done yet, but I can take a moment to try and get you something to eat and some clothes, and maybe someone to help show you around if you like."
Re: Vivian (Archer)

"Oh no I'm fine right now, is there anything I can do to help you? Oh and umm, who is Haedrin? I overheard some people talking in the camp and they sounded a little unhappy about him. Is there something wrong?" Vivian glanced around hoping that she hadn't mentioned someone taboo or anything.
Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian: HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 41, Status = Fine

"Oh, not really, unless you've learned magic overnight." Kyria replied teasingly, though she looked a little less happy at the mention of Haedrin. "Haedrin.... Is complicated. He's a knight, and he took a group of warriors to your village to try and pry it from the invader's hands this morning. That's why I was called in, the one who should have been on duty left. He's.... Not very popular in the courts right now, because he took a human as his wife. That's very taboo among the sidhe, marrying a mortal, and a human most of all. I don't think that it's something to turn into such a big deal, but that's just how it is around here."

Kyria sighed, and then shook her head. "Are you sure I can't find someone to help show you around? I don't want to just let you sit around all day, and I'm going to be working all day...." She trailed off, waiting for Vivian to respond.
Re: Learning Experiences (Archer)

Vivian nodded as she listened, "Yeah, my mom sounded a lot like you. She made friends with all kinds of people, kobolds, gruffs, a really powerful demoness and this one really crazy girl named Cherry, she was kinda....clingy." Vivian giggled, "I'm sure they're okay, our mayor was pretty powerful and sneaky, she hid right in the middle of the last demon invasion, and Cherry.......well....I don't think there was room in her head for any corruption. She enjoyed sex more than some succubi, and once she got her arms......tentacles.....tail around you she wasn't budging." Vivian sighed happily, "Maybe for now I'll just wander around, we can meet back at my tent in the evening." She kissed Kyria on the cheek as she happily wandered off into the camp.

After walking around the less populated camp awhile her mind began to wander, "I really want to take a dip in that stream from last night......"

(Vivian uses instant transmission)

Vivan jumped at the sensation of water rushing by her ankles. A flood?! Wait, she was.....but..... The young woman looked around at her new surroundings confused, she had felt a little twitch inside, had she done this? Putting those questions aside for the moment she placed her makeshift robe on the grass before sitting down in the cool water and relaxing.
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Re: Vivian (Archer)

Vivian: HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 35/41, Status = Fine

Perception: Enemy wins!

"Alright, I'll see you later tonight Vivian!" Kyria replied, and then gave Vivian a soft kiss on the cheek in return. After departing from the faerie healer, Vivian received an occasional glare from someone as she passed them by.

That obviously changed when she simply vanished, and appeared once more in the center of the stream, up to her knees in water. Taking a moment to lower herself into the stream, the cool water is pleasant enough for her to relax in. The area was familiar enough to her, having passed through it the day before, but she wasn't sure which direction she ought to go to get back to the fey encampment. Perhaps, if she needed to get back quickly, she could call on the same ability that had brought her here? She felt that her hunger had grown, and suspected that she had used some of her energy in order to reach this place. So far, she hadn't been disturbed by anyone or anything, but the gruff had said that this place was dangerous the previous day, and had received no indication that that status had changed in the night between then and now.

(Vivian's still naked as far as I remember. She lost her clothing in the village, and hasn't been given any more as far as I remember. I could easily have forgotten though, with all of the threads I'm running.)
Re: Learning Experiences (Archer)

(yep, stark naked, just had a blanket as a make shift toga)

Vivian took a moment to bathe in the stream shivering a bit from the cool water before sitting on the bank. "Hmm I wonder how I did that....maybe I'll ask Kyria later if I can get back there." She sighed a bit, "Well it seems safe enough her for now and whatever that was made me a little queasy..." The young woman laid back on the grass closing her eyes for a moment to let her body rest after such a sudden display of an apparently new power she had developed. "I wonder if I'd be able to go anywhere I wanted with that..."
Re: Learning Experiences (Archer)

Vivian: HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 35/41, Status = Horny

Perception: Enemy wins.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Enemy wins! Vivian is now Horny.

As she laid on her back in thought, Vivian suddenly found herself looking up at a woman with green skin, who was staring down at her with a broad grin. All she managed to determine about the woman was that she was green and naked and fairly curvy before she said; "Hi!" And then, a blast of golden powder sprayed directly into Vivian's face from one of the woman's hands. She was left sputtering and coughing for a moment, and by the time she had recovered from the burst of powder, Vivian felt extremely strange. More accurately, her nipples had hardened to the point that they hurt, her flower was dripping wet with arousal, and any thoughts besides fulfilling the burning itch in her loins had been banished from her head.
Re: Learning Experiences (Archer)

Vivian stares up at the other woman in confusion, she opened her mouth to return the greeting before getting a face full of pollen. Vivian moaned as her body became aroused suddenly against her will. Instinctively she began to finger herself in desperation, her pussy leaking out onto the grass. "Ohhhh what was that forrrr? I was just going to say hi...." The young succubus writhed on the ground pleasuring herself. "Who arrre you? What are you?"
Re: Learning Experiences (Archer)

Vivian: HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 35/41, Status = Horny, Grappled

The green woman giggled as Vivian started fingering herself and barely managed to gasp out her words. She didn't respond immediately, and instead, a dozen or so tentacles came out of her body, all of them a slightly darker shade than the rest of her body, and wrapped around Vivian's limbs. As she was too busy jilling herself to properly resist, her waist was quickly pulled upwards and raised into the air, so that her nethers were pointed toward the sky. As she took a position over Vivian, the plant-like woman said; "I'm a plant girl! And that's how we say hi to strangers!"

More tentacles grabbed her wrists and pulled them aside, away from Vivian's aching pussy, but at the same time a long thick tentacle extended out from the alraune's crotch, and hung over her in a manner that would have been menacing if Vivian had been any less horny. A strange blue liquid began leaking from the tip, and some of it dropped down onto her soaking flower. Everywhere it touched, her burning arousal only seemed to intensify. The woman wasted no time in lining it up against her pussy, and it was about then that Vivian noticed the bumps and ridges that ran along the dripping tendril's length.
Re: Learning Experiences (Archer)

Vivian wiggled around in the plant girl's grasp whimpering and pouting, "All I wanted to do was nap.....now I'm all wet and horny..." Once the alraune grew the appendage between her legs the poor hot succubus spread her legs wider for her. "Ohhhh...at least...you're prettier...that the squid thingys..." Vivian knew she was likely going to end up full of plant seeds but her mind was too addled to resist the need to be fucked by the plant girl.

(Vivian won't attempt to resist until after the alraune is done with her)
Re: Learning Experiences (Archer)

Vivian: HP = 37, PP = 38, EP = 35/41, Status = Pregnant

The alraune rubbed her member over Vivian's dripping slit after Vivian spread her legs, and giggled at Vivian's words. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, but thanks!" She said, and then moaned as she slid her thick tendril deep into Vivian's pussy, until the tip of it pressed against her cervix. There was no hesitation on the plant woman's part, as the tentacle inside of her began writhing and bucking around inside of her tight depths, the ridges and bumps along its shaft grinding against Vivian's sensitive inner walls.

Letting out a long series of lewd moans, the alraune fucked Vivian relentlessly, pounding her into the ground and going a long way to satisfy the burning urge inside of her. The young succubus had her first orgasm within minutes of the initial penetration, but for some reason she couldn't feel herself draining the alraune's energy. Shortly after her first orgasm, the tentacle inside of her tensed and pulsated, and a load of thick goo began pouring directly into Vivian's womb, the burning need in her body suddenly intensifying as the cum flooded her fertile body for the first time. Spurt after spurt of it painted her insides, and every drop remained inside of her depths, locked there by gravity and the tentacle that continued to writhe about inside of her.

The alraune kept going following her first climax, filling Vivian's womb with her seed repeatedly and driving her through orgasm after orgasm. By the time the tentacles released her, the one in her flower pulling out and allowing a flood of blue liquid to begin pouring from Vivian's abused sex, the half demon was utterly exhausted. "You're still conscious? Most would have passed out by now.... You've almost completely emptied me! It'll take me days to grow back all of that sap." The alraune said, showing no such signs of exhaustion despite having cum inside of Vivian close to twenty times.
Re: Learning Experiences (Archer)

Vivian thrashes and moaned throughout the ordeal, even without draining her energy the young succubus was reveling in the sexual pleasure. She lost track of time until she was released on the ground, lying on her back panting. "I'm a succubus...and I had some tough parents." Vivian took a deep breath and groaned sitting up to face her. "I'm Vivian, you don't seem like you're with the monsters that attacked my town so I won't be mad that you planted seeds in me....you could have just asked though...." Vivian giggled. "It's probably not safe here though even for you. Those new monsters attack anything, cover it in slime and control it like a gross parasite...." She glanced around a bit, "Speaking of which....I should probably get back to camp before something worse finds me out here..."