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An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley looked at the scene as revealed by her lantern. Without the sure knowledge that it was illusion it would have been... terrifying. And combined with a real attack to make it just a little bit worse. There were still questions it would be nice to have answered. What exactly was this thing, and why had it lead the four mages about while slaughtering others? Why here? It would be nice to know those answers, but before they could even try to figure them out they would have to beat the abomination before them.

The lessons Ashley had learned at the Academy were worthwhile ones, and several of them had been all but required to get them this far. But for beating this thing up there could be nothing better then natural strength. She raised a hand as she stepped through the ruined doorway, palm outstretched, and shoved it forward, feeling the backdraft as an enormous wind flew towards the thing behind the illusion.

As she let off her spell, Ashley also remembered the feeling of power that had infused the large gun she had picked up. The thought had occurred to her to use it on this beast... but there was only one shot. Probably magic would be sufficient to kill it, and even if it wasn't it would be best to wait until she was sure how fast the thing was, for a start.

Stormhammer, wind level 5. With evoker and windcaller. (1d8+9)*6 damage (60-102) plus RvR prone with effective resistance of (29+12+8=49).
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Blood so much blood Chloe had never seen this much blood in her entire life. The fact that it burned like acid and seemed to be heading toward her was more than enough to set off another wave of panic. She glanced over at the entrance to the room only to despair the blood had already blocked the door. Not giving up just yet Chloe began to ready a freezing spell to keep the blood at bay when the first drops from the ceiling began to fall on her. The pain was intense and her spell was soon forgotten as she tried to avoid the burning death falling from above......


Chloe opened her eyes. She didn't remember closing them or falling to the floor. Her mind reeled trying to figure out what happened when it came to her the blood! Her eyes darted to the expanding crimson pools which seemed harmless now thanks to the pale light coming from the doorway. She smiled and felt relief the others where okay and had found her. However her relief was short lived as her vision finally cleared. Once again fell her fell upon the bloated horror and what was worse she could clearly see her magic essence being siphoned away. Thankfully creature was distracted due to the timely intervention of the others and had yet to notice she had awaken. It might prove to be the only chance she would have to enact a little vengeance for herself. So from her prone position Chloe let loose her most powerful offensive spell at her disposal and hoped it would be enough to let her scramble to safety.

casting: Level 5 Body's Betrayal with intensify (Bolt) 4d4+7 * 5 (2d4+2d4[ intensify]+7 *5)
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 20/65, Status = Pregnant
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 22/45, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern

NPC stats
Tesnya: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 60/100, Status = Pregnant
Jenn: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 37/45, Status = Pregnant
Charles: HP = 76, PP = 71, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Nina: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

Casting (Chloe) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 2 +1 + 2 + 7 + 2 = 17 * 5 = 85 damage.

Casting (Ashley) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 7 + 2 = 13 * 6 = 78 damage.
Resistance: Ashley wins!

Casting (Jenn) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 3 + 8 + 2 = 14 * 5 = 70 damage.

Attack (Tesnya) : Hit.
Damage: 4 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 11 * 20 = 220 damage.

Ashley, Chloe, and all of the involved NPCs gain 6 experience!

Chloe unleashed a burst of magic from point blank range, a spell that was designed to cause the body itself to writhe and tear itself apart from the inside. A sickening wet crunching sound emanated from the bloated walking corpse, and it lurched to the side as part of its body seemed to fold inwards, allowing Ashley an unobstructed shot as Chloe then squirmed away along the floor. The Badarian wing mage wasted not time in smashing the creature with the most powerful directed force of wind that she could muster, which smashed into the stumbled creature and hurled it against the stone wall with bone crushing force, also causing its bloodied axe to fall to the floor with an audible clang.

Jenn and Tesnya stepped into the doorway immediately after, the water mage waving a hand in front of her which caused a five foot long spear of ice to appear in front of her, hovering in mid air. Thrusting her hand forward caused the spike to launch forward and impale the repulsive creature, a spurt of rotted black blood coating the spike and obscuring much of it as the spike impacted. Tesnya's entire body had begun to glow, with the greatest intensity coming from each of her hands, and the eastern girl brought them together in a cupping motion. A wave of blinding golden light shot forward and slammed into the prone, impaled abomination with a thunderous crash, causing an explosion of gore that splattered everyone with rotted chunks of monster save for Ashley, who had the good sense to duck behind the doorway as she saw Tesnya charging her blast.

For a moment, the gore splattered eastern girl stood panting, her feet still spread far apart, but as the smoke from where her attack had landed cleared the only thing that remained of their attacker was a few chunks of charred bone and some foul, rotted meat. A weight that none of them had even really acknowledged before was suddenly lifted, and even though they were still in the dark chapel, each of them felt safer now than they had since entering the forest. The illusions that the monster had called to terrorize Chloe were gone, and with them the final hints of the creature's presence were finally gone as well. With a sigh of relief, Tesnya rushed over to Chloe and wrapped her in a hug, "What did I tell you about moving! Heavens...." She trailed off and hugged Chloe even more tightly. Jenn, meanwhile, collapsed against the wall and began to heave heavy sobs, though anyone looking could tell that it was more letting out all of the pent up stress since they'd been captured rather than any new distress.

"Ashley!" Charles's voice called from down the hall, and he and Nina rushed toward her quickly. The still nude man took one glance into the room where all of the others were located before turning back toward her and saying; "What happened? We heard shouting, and then an explosion. Did that thing get in here somehow?" Nina walked into the room, spotted Chloe and Tesnya, saw that both were mostly alright, and immediately turned to check Jenn. "Is anybody hurt?"
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe wasn't expecting a hug a reprimand maybe but most defiantly not a hug. She was about to answer Tesnya when the eastern girl hugged her tighter and decided that she could explain later and hugged Tesnya back. After all no need to prematurely end the nicest thing that has happened to her all day.

When she got a chance Chloe tried to explain what happened.'Im sorry Tesnya I didn't open any doors or move from the spot I was standing. I heard you talking with Ashly and Jen and you sounded worried so I was going to meet back up with you when that thing appeared behind me. It made almost no noise just a creak of a board and a bad feeling where the only warning I had before it attacked. Lucky for me it only grazed my shoulder before I ran into here. I was so scared I tired to shout for help but only a scream came out. I was so frightened I didn't see the illusions the thing had placed in here and I guess in my state I was easy prey for their effects. Im sorry I could have gotten you all hurt or worse I should of came running to you when that door opened all by itself"
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley peeked into the room just long enough to realize that, A, the thing was certainly dead, and, B, that stepping out of the way of the door had been a wise decision. She was about to turn to comfort Jenn when the final two members of their party arrived. "Yes, it got in, and somehow cornered Chloe alone. It's dead now. Chloe seems to be fine, but someone with more medical knowledge probably ought to take a look at her. Oh, and Tesnya found some clothes..."

Glancing briefly at her Eldritch Lantern, Ashley decided to let it stay for the moment. She was starting to get tired, and wouldn't be able to properly recover until she dismissed it, but the threat might not be finished. Perhaps that beast hadn't been the only one of its kind roaming the fog, or perhaps it was only the minion of some greater damage. Or perhaps not. But appearances could be deceiving. Or they could be if she dismissed the magical light. Perhaps when they were back in the main hall someone else could make one.

That decided, she turned to Jenn. The water mage probably just needed to vent, and that was fine, but perhaps this wasn't the best place. Ashley gently put a hand on her friend's arm. "I know it's been a pretty terrible day, but you've done great, Jenn. Do you want to walk back to the main hall with me?"
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 20/65, Status = Pregnant
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 22/45, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern

NPC stats
Tesnya: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 60/100, Status = Pregnant
Jenn: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 37/45, Status = Pregnant
Charles: HP = 76, PP = 71, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Nina: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

Nina didn't spare another word after hearing that Chloe had been hurt, immediately moving over to examine her and leaving Charles to speak to Ashley. As he realized that Ashley was clothed while he still wasn't, the man blushed slightly but didn't comment on it. Instead, he replied; "Good, but we still ought to be careful until we can be sure that it was alone, and that none of the invaders managed to sneak in here." He frowned, "You didn't happen to find enough for Nina and I, did you?"

Tesnya was still holding Chloe tightly and stroking her head gently as Nina came over, coming in time to hear Chloe's words as the still nude nature mage knelt down to examine her. "It's alright, you're okay now, and we got to you in time. That thing is gone now, and we should be safe in here for a little while. Long enough to catch our breath at least," Tesnya said into Chloe's ear as Nina checked her for wounds. After a moment, the druid said; "You seem to be alright except for a few scratches and bruises. How are you feeling Chloe?"

Jenn continued to sob as Ashley knelt beside her, and as soon as Ashley laid a hand on her she grabbed Ashley's arm and pulled her in close, hugging her tightly and sobbing against her shoulder. The girl's entire body was shaking violently with every sob, but if Ashley attempted to get her on her feet, the girl would comply. Of course, if she didn't want to move Jenn, then the water mage would be content to cry into her shoulder for a minute.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

"Just a little tired Nina. I don't know what that thing was doing exactly but I could use a rest. Ive had my energy drained from me before but not in the way it was doing it." Pausing a moment in thought Chloe shook her head. "Lets just get out this room I know it was an illusion but I still smell all the blood." Gently pulling away from Tesnya Chloe began heading for the door. She was exhausted and though dusty and dirty even the church pews sounded like a good place to rest. In addition she needed to get a little space between her and Tesnya. The sudden affection from the eastern girl surprised Chloe. Not that she didn't enjoy it but it was causing her to feel conflicted and a little confused about her own feelings.

As troubling as her own emotions seemed she could at lest sort them out with time but Tesnya was a mystery to her. She had only meet her a day ago. They barely knew each others name and yet during their embrace it seemed to Chloe at lest to be more than a simple comforting hug from a new friend. She shook her head again trying to clear her slightly confused thoughts. Maybe it was due to the pregnancy but then she was feeling fairly normal. She thought of the pews longingly but knew she couldn't sleep. It would be far to dangerous and so she would have to settle for a moment to collect her thoughts and sort through her conflicting emotions.

Finding a place to rest for a bit. Dismissing the light ball and casting clean on her and Tesnya's robes before resting
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

"I think Tesnya should still have some, unless they got dropped rushing back here. And yes, we should still go in at least pairs. Speaking of which: I'm going with Jenn back to the main hall. You can keep searching if you like, but even if this thing wasn't the only danger out in the fog, it was probably the only one actively hunting us. With it dead I feel like knowing what's back here is less important. We could probably plant a few protective spells and hole up in the main hall until the fog clears."

While she spoke, Ashley gently held Jenn, letting her cry a bit. Then she helped the girl to her feet, and guided her back to the main hall. Crying seemed a perfectly healthy response to the whole situation, and Ashley almost wished she could cry a bit. But comforting her friend would be almost as good for her, and considerably more helpful. Plus, crying in front of other people always embarrassed her enough to make it impossible to stop.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 20/65, Status = Pregnant
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 22/45, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern

NPC stats
Tesnya: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 60/100, Status = Pregnant
Jenn: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 37/45, Status = Pregnant
Charles: HP = 76, PP = 71, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Nina: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

"Uhh... Alright. Yeah, we probably don't need to search anymore, but Nina and I found a set of stairs leading down into the basement in our section. We'll probably be in the main hall as well shortly," Charles replied to Ashley, and then turned to examine the room that everyone else was in while Ashley helped Jenn to her feet. The girl got to her feet without too much trouble, though she continued to sob into Ashley's shoulder even as Ashley half carried her down the hall back to the main hall.

At the idea of getting out of the room they were in, Tesnya and Nina both nodded and helped Chloe up to her feet. After they were standing again, Tesnya pulled away from Chloe, moving far enough away to give the mage her personal space and saying; "We've had a long day, lets go back to the main hall and get some rest. We can get out of here and back to the Academy once the door melts." Nina simply nodded, and the three of them moved out of the room where Charles silently joined up with them, and they followed Ashley and Jenn back to the main hall.

They found it exactly as they left, but Ashley and Jenn arrived a minute or so ahead of the other three, giving them a short time alone together. The pews weren't particularly comfortable, even when lying down, but there were plenty of them to go around. Once the second group arrived, Tesnya immediately went to go sit down, and Charles and Nina followed once they had picked up and donned the robes that Tesnya had discarded earlier.
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe thanked Nina and Tesyna for helping her to her feet and said nothing when they finally arrived at the main hall. Taking a solitary seat near the others Chloe sat cross legged on the pew.

Attempting to calm her thoughts and meditate however was proving difficult at best. Despite the horrors of the last few minutes she couldn't help but think of Tesyna. The warmth of her body next to hers the tight embrace that only lasted a few moments brought a slight flush to her otherwise pale cheeks. She couldn't help herself images of Tesyna naked walking down the hallway kept flooding her vision when she closed her eyes. A scowl crossed her face. This is not helping her rest and more over why is she even thinking about this. Not ten minutes ago she was almost killed and instead of that incident dominating her thoughts more indecent ones had taken there place. She sighed in frustration it was no use meditating her mind wouldn't allow it. Instead she found a more comfortable position on the old pew and tried to rest occasional stealing glances in Tesyna direction.

(just resting near the group)
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

In the main hall, Ashley led her friend over to a pew where she sat down, letting Jenn continue crying. When the others arrived, she finally let her lantern wink out. She spoke, directing herself at the others "I've been holding that thing for hours, I need a chance to recover... it might be best if someone kept a lantern going, though. And maybe alarms on the doors, in case there was anything hiding in that basement?"

As for Jenn... Ashley felt like she probably would be better in the morning. She had held together fine when their lives had been in danger, so she probably just needed a chance to vent before she could function on her own again. Which Ashley could understand. Her father had been a Badarian soldier, and even her mother hadn't known exactly which. So the first night after escaping a group of Badarian soldiers, she had cried herself to sleep wondering if that was the way she herself had been conceived, and if she was pregnant, and going to end up the same as her mother. She hadn't gotten pregnant then, and in fact seemed so far to have always gotten lucky on that account, but that brought up another issue in the present: all four other women were already showing, and would eventually birth invaders.

But they still had time left, and technically it shouldn't even be Ashley's decision on what to do with the spawn. Not that the decision ought to be difficult, but one never knew. And for that matter Ashley couldn't be sure that she wasn't pregnant, that her gestation wasn't simply going to be days or weeks or months instead of hours.

And with that thought, she settled down to wait for Jenn to fall asleep so that she could do the same.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 20/65, Status = Pregnant
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 22/45, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Tesnya: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 60/100, Status = Pregnant
Jenn: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 37/45, Status = Pregnant
Charles: HP = 76, PP = 71, EP = 53/57, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern
Nina: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

"I've got it," Charles said after Ashley caused her lantern to wink out of existence, quickly summoning one of his own to replace hers. He then set about putting alarm traps up along the doors, leaving the five women largely to themselves. Nina came over to sit by Chloe, but the nature mage didn't say anything to her, instead smiling nervously and reaching out to lay a comforting hand upon her shoulder. Tesnya was lying on one of the benches, her hands on her engorged belly. The eastern girl's eyes were closed, and she looked to be asleep for a moment before her eyes shot open just as Chloe glanced at her, meeting her gaze squarely for a few heartbeats.

Jenn, meanwhile, sobbed to herself as she leaned against Ashley for support, blind to the other mage's internal thoughts as she released the pent of anger and despair that their journey into the woods had wrought. The water mage eventually passed out, her sobbing coming to a halt as her head rested on Ashley's shoulder. Before Ashley herself could nod off, however, Charles came and sat in the pew ahead of the two of them, turning to look at her as he quietly said; "The traps are set, on both of the doors leading deeper inside and on the iced door, just in case. Jenn's enchantment is holding though, so we shouldn't have to worry about anything on that end."

Charles paused to clear his throat, glancing at the other four women in a seemingly random order at the same time. When he looked back at Ashley, he was blushing slightly and couldn't quite meet her eyes. He continued to speak a moment later, but his voice was lower and Ashley quickly realized that Charles was intensely uncomfortable with saying what he said next; "So... What do we do when it's time... For them, I mean."
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe's heart skipped a beat as the eastern girl meet her gaze and was glad that Nina was nearby to give her a reason to look away. Once again adjusting her position to look at Nina Chloe smiled. The thin blonde mage still looked a bit shaken and Chloe couldn't blame her after all they where all lucky to be alive and still have their souls. She in fact was far more worried about Nina then her own situation. Placing her hand on the other mages she gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'm okay Nina no need to worry about me. How are you holding up?" Chloe tried to smile again but it was weak and left her face when she rested her hand on Nina's growing bulge. " I guess I didn't do to well watching out for you." Chloe's eyes moved from Nina's belly to her own. "Then again I didn't really watch out for myself either." She let her eyes linger a moment before meeting Nina's again. She gently pulled the Nature mage into a light hug squishing her new larger bust into Nina's own. "Sorry I got you into this mess" it came out in a whisper and Chloe could feel water forming on her eyes and did her best to blink away the tears before letting the other mage go.
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Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley let out a soft sigh, and spoke in barely more then a whisper. "We help them as best we can, which probably just means holding hands, and then taking away the, ah, spawn. What happens after is up to them. We ought to kill them, but considering the number of these things already out there... well, I'd rather let one or two free then upset anyone too much to make it home."

It seemed odd to Ashley that he was so uncomfortable talking about it. After all, he probably had more experience with pregnancy than she did, just from his chosen field of magic, though, he didn't necessarily realize this. Or perhaps it was the subject of Ashley's own womb that he was nervous about. Or maybe it was the prospect of four naked women... not including Ashley, who he had seemed interested in before the invasion. Whatever it was, he had a few hours to get comfortable with it, but that was on him.

"I don't think I could stay awake much longer if I tried. We might not need a watch with the doors trapped, but if you think we do then you'll have to go first." With that, Ashley did her best to make herself comfortable without disturbing her sleeping friend, and started her own path to sleep.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Pregnant
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Tesnya: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 100, Status = Pregnant
Jenn: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 45, Status = Pregnant
Charles: HP = 76, PP = 71, EP = 53/57, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern
Nina: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Pregnant

Charles gave a quiet nod as Ashley went over what they would do when it came time for their friends to give birth, and after considering things for a moment he replied; "I doubt anyone will want to let them live, but you never know.... I suppose we'll see what happens." He rose from the bench and headed toward the end of the aisle, pausing when he reached it and saying; "I'll keep watch, I'd rather not risk any surprises. Sleep well, Ashley." With that, Ashley was left to sleep beside Jenn, the other girl's warmth pressing against her aiding her in falling asleep quickly despite the uncomfortable positioning on the bench.

"I'm alright.... I suppose it could be worse for us right now," Nina replied, though her reassuring smile faltered somewhat when Chloe laid a hand upon her belly. She returned the hug that followed somewhat half-heartedly, and then said; "It wasn't your fault... Or really anyone's fault. We could only have gone for so long before they overwhelmed us, there were just so damn many of them out there." She let out a sigh and shook her head, her eyes drooping before she let out a long yawn. "We should try to get some sleep while we can, we're probably going to be giving birth soon, and then we'll probably need to get back to the Academy." Nina rose and gave Chloe a pat on the shoulder, and then moved to go lie down on a different pew since they didn't really have room for two, Ashley and Jenn having to lie practically on top of each other to fit.

Charles had gone off to wander about the entrance, pacing while holding the magical lantern dancing about over his head. With that, the group took time to rest, each of them gradually drifting over to some sort of restless sleep.


Chloe awoke to a scream from Tesnya's bench, and quickly found that the eastern girl had fallen from her pew and was writhing about on the ground, clutching at her belly while tears streamed from her eyes. Charles came running in a moment later, kneeling beside her just as Ashley was awakened by a similar scream from Jenn, who likewise tumbled down and began to writhe in pain. Nina was next, but before she could even rise from her pew Chloe felt a pang from her belly, and a sudden wetness between her legs as whatever was growing within her womb seemed to have finished growing. Ashley, meanwhile, was still as flat around her belly as ever. "Damnit!" Charles swore in frustration, "Of all the rotten times for this, and all at the same time!"
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley awoke to a scream from Jenn, and nearly started throwing arcane fire until she realized it was just the water mage going into labor. Then she realized that the other three pregnant women were all giving similar cries of pain as their labors started as well. It might almost have been better if they were under attack. Or at least Ashley would have felt more useful. She recalled the warning from the Goddess who had saved them, to kill the invaders rather then studying them. But at the moment she rather wished she knew a bit more about them. Like a way to tell which one her friends were about to give birth to, and which if any were dangerous immediately after being born.

But there was no way to know. In her own case there could have been not doubt as to the species of the 'father', but as far as she knew none of the others had been 'saved' for a single alien to use... and thankfully it now seemed fairly certain that motherhood was not in her immediate future. As it was, the only thing Ashley could do was kneel down in front of her friend, and be ready to take action when the spawn came out. In the mean time, all she could do was talk. "Um... deep breaths? It'll be be finished soon, I think. Jenn? Do you want me to, ah, 'deal' with the spawn? Or do you want to do it yourself?"

Ashley avoided suggesting letting it go, hoping none of the women would insist on that. Better if this was all dealt with quickly, especially since they wouldn't have time to spare between births. Hell, with four spawn and only two people to deal with them, two women might be in for a rude surprise even if everything went perfectly with Jenn and whoever Charles decided to help first. Ashley readied herself to blast the spawn with a magic missile the moment it was free of Jenn's body, if the water-mage gave the word. Otherwise she'd just have to do her best to restrain it. After all, how hard could it be to manhandle a newborn?
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe struggled to her feet and made her way to Nina. While defiantly her first pregnancy this far from her first birth and despite her own pains of labor Chloe manged to get Nina in semi setting position. Cradling Nina's head with one arm and holding her hand with the other she began quietly in a soft reassuring voice coaching the other mage. "Its alright Nina I'm here for you. Your not alone just breath steadily and push in time with the pains. I know it hurts just squeeze my hand and breath it will be over soon." At lest Chloe hoped it would be. She had heard of labors lasting hours at a time but given the advanced growth of the spawn she doubted their ordeal would last that long. Resisting her own natural urge to push was prolonging her own suffering but the longer she could hold out the better the chances of the others recovering from the births before she added a 4th spawn to the mix.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe: HP = 65, PP = 56, EP = 65, Status = Fine
Ashley: HP = 49, PP = 66, EP = 45, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Tesnya: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 100, Status = Fine
Jenn: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 45, Status = Fine
Charles: HP = 76, PP = 71, EP = 53/57, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern
Nina: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Nina's hand tightened around Chloe's as she grabbed her, the two of them largely on their own as Charles knelt beside Tesnya and Ashley helped Jenn. The druid couldn't seem to respond with anything coherent to Chloe's reassurances, so whether or not Chloe's presence was of much help or not was impossible for her to tell. The young healer had her own pain to worry about anyway, and soon enough the discomfort of her oncoming birth overwhelmed her ability to resist the pain, only allowing her to prolong her own birthing by an additional few moments. Jenn's chest was heaving, and she groaned with pain at Ashley's advice, unable to do anything more.

All too soon it was all done with, Nina and Jenn releasing miniature versions of the reptilian creatures that had ambushed them so often. Young as they were, they still had claws, and Ashley got a scratch on her arm before she killed it in whatever manner she decided to do so. Charles handled the ball of writhing tentacles that came forth from Tesnya a little bit more gracefully before quickly moving over and killing a similar creature from Chloe and the reptile that Nina had birthed, which had been attempting to sneak off before Charles caught it and snapped its neck. The four women who had just given birth recovered after a short rest, their stomachs flat, and by then Charles had gathered all of the corpses and tossed them behind the altar, out of sight. None of them complained about that, with the possible exception of Chloe if she chose to do so.
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Ashley cursed as the thing scratched her, but found time to be glad that the newborn's claws hadn't damaged Jenn on the way out. Presumably that was so that the 'mother' could serve her function again later, but in this case it was still a positive. Before it could injure her further or escape, Ashley shoved a bolt of arcane power through the baby hunter, killing it instantly. And that seemed to be that. Charles had managed to kill three infant invaders while Ashley had dealt with Jenn's, and all four women seemed to be unhurt and quickly recovering. Ashley knelt down next to the water mage. "Are you alright, Jenn?"

While she once again comforted her friend, Ashley silently thanked the gods that she hadn't had to go through that. It had sounded even more painful then she had imagined. In fact, she realized, that should be taken literally. At least one god was directly responsible for making sure the aliens didn't get another go at me. I really ought to find out which Goddess that was...

After she was sure Jenn was recovered and she had helped the other woman back up onto the pew, Ashley spoke to the group. "We still need to stay here until dawn. I'll take second watch."
Re: An Unforseen Storm (ranger and thetwo)

Chloe gave no objection to the death of the infant alien and was thankful it was all over. Exhausted and tired gave a brief nod in Ashleys direction and remounted the pew she had been resting on before. Finding sleep much easier this time around she soon drifted off into slumber.