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Never Ending Nightmare (Tiffanian)

Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 36, PP = 43, EP = 11/57, Status = Partial Possession: Spirit, Fine

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 = 6 * 5 = 30 damage.

The elemental advances 78 feet.

Casting: Success.
Attack: Miss.

Miranda sent a ball of flame forward, and it exploded directly in front of the floating creature. When the smoke cleared, the creature was slightly burnt, but still stood largely unharmed. Its nodes shifted again as her elemental seemingly dissolved and surged forward, a wave of mobile flames reaching out toward it, and coming within thirty feet as another surge of power lanced out at it. A hole appeared in the middle of the flames, opening around the bolt of power as the monster released. The elemental reformed unharmed, back in its humanoid form, only a few feet from the edge of the stage. The being continued to ignore Miranda in favor of her summoned creature.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

The monster didn't seem to deem Miranda's fireball worth dodging, and it glanced off of the thing, burning it slightly, but doing little as far as she could tell. Her heart jumped up into her throat and pounded as she watched her summoned elemental surge towards the monster, manipulating its body to dodge the thing's next blow and stay alive for a little while longer at least, now close enough to it that soon it could unleash an attack of its own. Her head was pounding, and she had used up so much more of her energy than she actually had that it felt like she might simply tear apart at the seams if she kept it up much longer, conflicting voices screaming in her head to run as far away from this place as possible, and that no, she couldn't do that, not without her mother. She summoned up enough energy to launch what would be her last fireball one way or another. If this didn't work, she was in seriously trouble.

Cast Greater Fireball (Level 4 Fire spell)
[(1d8 + 4)*5]
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 36, PP = 43, EP = 7/57, Status = Partial Possession: Spirit, Fine

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 7 + 4 = 11 * 5 = 55 damage.

Attack (Elemental) : Hit.
Damage: 5 + 6 + 75 = 86 damage.

Miranda gains 8 experience.

Mithras ball of flames once more exploded, only this time it was much closer to the alien creature. As the flames cleared, it shifted its body, aligning itself to point towards Miranda, and she could practically feel its energy gathering, ready to deliver to her a blow similar to the one that had almost destroyed her elemental. Unfortunately for it, Mirandas elemental reached it first, the entire being transforming its entire body into a massive flaming dragon with a titanically loud roar. It enveloped the monster completely, hiding it form her view, for several seconds, during which all she could hear was the deafening sound that it was emitting. When the flames cleared, the elemental was in its humanoid form once more, its burning eyes pointed toward her. It stared at her for several seconds, before it simply winked out of existence completely, leaving Miranda alone in the room with her unconscious mother. Flames were burning on some of the curtains, and some of the wood was beginning to smolder, which certainly did not bode well for her home. Her mother didn't make a single move, nor did she make a sound.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

Miranda's fireball slammed into the strange creature, but it didn't seem to have much effect at all. The thing simply turned towards her, and she could feel it prepare its attack, the energy being sucked out of the air around them and towards the creature. Her legs went weak and wobbly as she stared helplessly at it, frozen in fear and exhaustion. I don't want to die like this, please hurry she thought, knowing that her summoned elemental was now her only hope of survival, and that it had only a few seconds left to save her. Not a moment too soon it let out a terrible, deafening roar; she already had a splitting headache, and that certainly didn't help any. Still, she watched in awe, unable to look away as the elemental engulfed the monster, clearly incinerating it completely. Its work done, it turned to Miranda, who said "thank you, so much" before it disappeared back to wherever it came from. She breathed a deep sigh of relief, before she saw that the curtains were on fire, some of the wood around the windows almost ready to catch. She looked back to her mother, laying unconscious on the floor, and her panic began anew. I can't carry her out of here, even if I could where would we go? I'm tired, almost totally exhausted, anything out there would kill or rape us. But we can't stay here... I didn't just go through all of that just to stumble to my death! she thought, going through her options in her pounding, throbbing head. Finally she thought of something that just might work. With almost the last of her strength she tried to summon a water elemental, and then ask it to put out the fire.

Cast Call Water Elemental (Level 2 Water/Ice Spell) and have it put out the fires.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 36, PP = 43, EP = 5/57, Status = Possession: Spirit, Low on Energy

Casting: Success.
Resistance: Miranda loses.

Mirandas second conjured elemental appeared in front of her, a ball of liquid about twice the size of her head. At her command, it floated slowly over to the flames that were starting on the curtains, and pressed its watery body against them. Instantly, they were extinguished, steam rising from them and into the air, and the elemental moved over to the next one. The process took a little over a minute, but the water elemental eventually extinguished each of the fires, and then it simply dissolved into nothing. The room had a good amount of smoke in it from all of the fire Miranda had thrown around, but the air wasn't too difficult to breath in. Her mother stirred on the floor, beginning to awaken as Miranda turned to look at her, the throbbing in her head and general exhaustion still present as she heard a low, insidious laugh in the back of her mind.

"I lent you energy when you needed it... Miranda.... Now, I think it's time for you to return the favor." Neroes voice muttered, and then the daemons mind suddenly surged into her consciousness, trying to overwhelm her. Images bombarded her mind, of both her parents lying dead on the floor in front of her, of herself being grabbed by the tentacles of the thing her elemental had just slain and slowly torn limb from limb, what she'd imagined the juggernaut could do to her..... Dozens of them, thoughts of pain and terror crashing against her will like the oceans waves. Her other senses betrayed her as well, voices speaking gibberish and laughing and screaming filled her ears, and the smell of rot filled her nose, the taste of it causing her to recoil in horror as it touched her tongue. Pain and pleasure flitted across her skin in unison, and the sensory overload quickly overwhelmed Miranda.

Then, just as quickly as they'd come, the images stopped, and Miranda felt as though she were seeing things from a different point of view somehow. She watched, as if through a glass, as her hands suddenly moved against her will, and her eyes stared down at them as she turned them about. Her body began to shake, and she heard laughter, in her voice but... Twisted, somehow. Her mother stirred from a few foot away, and she moved, somewhat stiffly, to stand over her. "M... Miranda? What? Are you alright? How did you get here?" She sat up, rubbing her head slightly as she glanced around groggily, and then her eyes suddenly widened. "Oh my goodness! Miranda! What's happening today! I thought for sure that you'd...." Her mother paused, examining her with a confused expression, and Nero whispered into her mind; "Yes... She'll make a much more fitting host.... More willpower than you, of course.... But that just means I'll have to break her first!" She felt her body begin to shift strangely, her flesh warping magically as something grew out of her womanhood, a thick, 9 inch cock forming out of her and extending outwards. Her mother stared at it for a second, and then looked back up at Miranda, and said; "What in heavens name is happening to you, Miranda? Waht are you doing?"

(Miranda is now possessed fully by Nero. She has to attempt to rape her mother, but gets a Resistance check every round to try and win back control of her body. For every consecutive failure, the number of checks that Miranda needs to win will increase by 1. Currently, she has to win 1 check. Neroes Resistance stat is 20 for the purpose of these checks.)
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

Miranda watched as the summoning worked, and a small little blob of water appeared in front of her, and quickly setting about carrying out her order. It lazily floated to the curtains, engulfing them with its body and putting out the flames, and then moving around to other spots that were starting to catch fire, doing the same thing to them. When it had completed her order it dissolved away, back to wherever it came from, and Miranda breathed a sigh of relief. Her head was still pounding as if it might explode, and her entire body ached with exhaustion, but for the first time in a long time she felt as if she might be able to relax, if just for a moment. She turned to face her mother in the smokey room, just as the older woman woke up.

That was when she heard the sinister laugh in the back of her mind, and Nero suddenly began to assault her mind. Images flashed before her mind, terrible images that sent a wave of fear and panic washing over her. She saw her parents' bodies laying there on the floor in front of her, broken and bleeding, while the monster she had just killed grabbed her and ripped off her arms and legs one at a time, ever so slowly. Somehow she felt this as well as Nero manipulated all of her senses, and she couldn't quite muster a scream of pain as she felt the sensation of being ripped in two at the waist as the smell of her parents' rotting flesh filled her nose, the taste of dead flesh and blood filling her mouth as screams of pain, wicked laughter, and gibberish invaded her ears and worsened her already terrible headache. The intense mixed sensations quickly overwhelmed her as she begged for it to end.

And end it did. In a second the images vanished, the screaming stopped, and she no longer felt as if she was being torn to pieces. Even the headache seemed to disappear. It was strange, though, for some reason she felt different somehow. She knew what it was when her hands moved against her will, turning about as Nero inspected them. She heard herself emit a wicked sort of laugh, as her mother got up and walked over towards her, talking to what she assumed was her daughter. N-Nero, what are you doing? What's going on? His answer would have provoked tears if she was still in control of her eyes. No, please, not my mother! All of this was to save her! You can't, I'll find you someone else! she pleaded, desperate to get him to stop, though she felt something very going on inside of her. In a moment a rather large cock began to slowly form and push its way out of her pussy, and another wave of shock, fear, and despair ran through her as she saw her mother stare at it for just a moment, clearly confused. No no no NO NO NO NO STOP IT STOP IT STOPITSTOPIT! she yelled desperately in her mind, I can't rape my own mother! Stop! This doesn't have to happen! She felt herself grab her mother's shoulders and push her down to her knees again, starting to press her unnatural cock against the older woman's lips. Come on mom, I know I'm not stronger than you, snap out of it, do something! she tried to shout, but no words came out, and her mother didn't fight back, at least not yet.

In her mind she began to cry, retreating into deep despair at her situation for a moment, before something snapped inside her. She had gone out of her way in a dangerous city, risked life and limb despite herself, fought gods only knew what sort of monstrosities, all to save her mother. She sure as hells wasn't about to let it turn out this way. With an uncharacteristic dose of rage she mustered up all the calm that she could and said alright Nero, give me my body back. Right now. If you do, I'll find you someone suitable to possess in the Tower Goldspike. If you don't, you'll wish I had left you in that little box. She tried her best to regain control of her body, focusing hard on pushing the daemon to the back of her mind, at the same time filling her thoughts with images of sealing Nero in a little wooden box, and then burning it to ash, to avoid being distracted by whatever he did to her mother with her body.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 36, PP = 43, EP = 37, Status = Fine

Resistance: Miranda wins!
Gain 4 exp. You may spend exp now, if you like.

Nero seemed to ignore her gibbering as he used Mirandas body to force her mother upright, using strength that Miranda knew she didn't possess, and press her cock against the womans lips. "Miranda! What are you agggg!! Mmmmmmm!!!" Her mother said, but she was cut off as the thing was simply forced into her mouth, going down her throat and causing her to gag as she felt and heard her body sigh in pleasure. Tears formed on her mothers face, which was formed into a mask of terror and horror, but, despite the size of what was being pushed into her, she didn't seem to have any trouble taking it in. Nor did she bite down.

When Miranda issued her much calmer mental words, however, Nero laughed into her mind again, the sound joined by her mothers gasping and a malicious laugh in her own voice. Then, Mirandas cock-imbued body began thrusting roughly into her own mothers mouth, and Miranda felt the pleasure of the act as though it were very far away, even though it was her own body that was doing it. "Why would I want to give you your body back? You can't resist me, and you know. Besides, I'm sure that your mother would make a wonderful host!" Laughter filled her thoughts once more, but her will suddenly made some progress against the daemon, and her eyes flickered for a moment.

Neros laughter stopped, and the daemons voice rang out into her mind once more, filled now with rage; "Stop resisting and know your place, weakling! You promised me a host, and I will take one that pleases me!" His voice suddenly became lower, and slier, however, as he continued; "Unless... Yes, that might work just fine.... You would like to be free of me, would you not, Miranda? There is a way.... And your precious mother would be unharmed... Mostly...." Beneath her, her mother was staring up at her with a very strange expression on her face, and was shaking slightly as her mouth was fucked relentlessly.

"She's not even resisting me, and she's got the best mouth on her that I've ever felt. She's shaking too, and she's feeding me plenty of energy, even though I'm not even touching her. She must love doing this, heh, your father's a very lucky man. It's like she can't get enough, and I can smell her arousal building. She might even finish before I do!" The daemon laughed again, allowing Miranda to gain even more headway. The daemons laughter was cut off again, and he almost sounded nervous now, as he said; "Miranda... Here's what I can do: You don't want to carry me anymore, and you don't want me to get into your mother. So, instead, let me have your mothers body, for a time. I can feel her fertility. I will make, for myself, a new body, and by the time you awaken, I will be gone, and you will be rid of me. I'll even erase your mothers memory of it, so that only you and I will know that this ever happened."

She felt her will gradually overwhelming the daemons, and her body stopped moving. Beneath her, however, her mother seemed possessed, and she continued the motions on her own, her eyes blank. Her mind must have been under attack by the daemon as well, and would only stop once Miranda pushed him back down. If she wanted, she could take back control of her body, fully, and push Nero back into his little mental box. Or, she could accept the daemons offer, and possibly be free of him permanently. But, it would require that she rape her own mother, or at least allow Nero to using her body. Could she really allow that.

Regardless of her choice, either to allow Nero to continue or to force him back down, Miranda would black out immediately, her mind welcoming the rest as she collapsed.

The young girl would awaken on the floor of the ballroom, her head spinning slightly as her mind processed what had happened before she'd blacked out. Her other lay a few feet away, unconscious still, and Miranda knew that she would be alright, no matter what choice she'd made. Or at least, she hoped. They were both alone in the ballroom, no signs of life present, and no signs that anything else might be coming to try and kill or rape her.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

Nero's mocking response to Miranda's words combined with the insane, wicked laugh he portrayed to her mother in her own voice as he started to forcibly thrust that unnatural cock down into her mouth infuriated the mage like nothing else ever had. As he laughed at her she tried to force her way into control of her body once again, and while she wasn't successful, she felt that she had made some progress. At the very least, Nero stopped laughing. He hurled an insult at her in an angry voice, but then seemed to calm himself, at least on the outside, and offer her a deal. Mostly? she asked him, as he looked down at her mother. The older woman had a strange expression on her face, one that her daughter couldn't quite read, though she was quivering a bit as her mouth was used roughly. She was already skeptical when the daemon started to "complement" her mother, and as he laughed she mentally lashed out at him again, almost regaining control of herself, and she screamed out at him in a rage BE QUIET! You will NOT speak about my mother in that way! He seemed to get nervous then, and detailed the deal; she would allow him to use her mother in more ways than one, creating a body to call his own. Soon enough she started to overwhelm the daemon, and while she wasn't in control of herself, neither was he. She thought about it only briefly as her body stood stiff, though still her rage grew. Somehow Nero was manipulating her mother's mind as well as her own, and the older woman was now suckling at the obscene cock with empty eyes, rocking back and forth on it and giving Miranda a taste of a bizarre pleasure she had never felt before, and that too only made her more and more angry. I will have no part in that. I will NOT under any circumstances take part in raping my mother, and I have no reason to trust you with her body anyway. After what you've just done to me, what makes you think I would trust you? You're damn right I don't want to carry you anymore, but damn me to the deepest of the Hells if I force you on my mother to get rid of you! she screamed, in that moment wresting complete control of her body from Nero, and swiftly falling unconscious, exhausted from the struggle against both the monsters and him.

When she awoke again she felt a bit dizzy, though still intact despite having spent who knows how long in the ballroom, exposed to whatever those things outside were. She jumped up quickly, looking around desperately to find her mother. The woman was thankfully not far away, still unconscious. Slowly she walked over to her, nudging her gently with a hand and saying "Mother... Mom, wake up." A plan was forming in her mind, and she was trying to keep it out of Nero's reach, though no doubt he would know soon enough. Either way, she would need her mother's help to pull it off.

Spend 20 exp to gain 20 Mind, bringing Miranda up to 48.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 46, PP = 63, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Mirandas mother groaned as she was shaken awake, and she flitted her eyes open. "Miranda...... Are you? What happened?" She glanced down, blushing slightly, to find Mirandas cock gone, the appendage having vanished when Nero lost control of her body. She looked back up at Mirandas face and sat up, tired and confused, but she glanced around cautiously before she looked back to Miranda. Her voice was suddenly firm and confident, as she'd always remembered it; "Miranda. What did you do?"

Within her mind, she could only just barely sense Neros presence, and the daemon was now seemingly shielding its presence from her. She couldn't tell what it was thinking, but she also hoped that the distance it had to maintain in order to shield its own thoughts and perceptions would protect her own. The daemon might try to stop her somehow if it knew what she planned too soon.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

When her mother awoke with a groan and slowly sat up, Miranda hugged her immediately, ignoring the long look the woman had given to her crotch. "Mom! I'm so glad..." she said, tears running down her cheeks as she held her tight. "I'm sorry. I made a mistake" she said, calming down a little after a minute or so of tears and emotion. She took a moment to think carefully about her next move, trying her best to shield it and throwing in the occasional unrelated thought, before deciding on what to do. It was abrupt, but it just might work as long as her mother didn't ask too many questions too soon... "Can we go to my room? It's not too far from here, and I need some clothes" she said, masking her true intention. She knew she had a paper and pen on her desk, and she also knew she had any number of small boxes like the one Nero had called home before she had let him into her body. She tried to keep her mind blank; the later the daemon found out what she intended to do, the better.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 46, PP = 63, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Her mother glared at her perplexedly, and then rose to her feet. She was only slightly taller than Miranda, but from the expression on her face, and the sudden crackle of power around her and the near-crushing weight in her voice, she might as well have towered over her as she said; "No! We will go nowhere until you have told me exactly what it was that you have done, young lady! We are in a crisis, and now is not the time to be prattling about!" She wasn't quite furious, as Miranda had seen her become on rare occasions, but she was also most definitely not very happy at the moment.

Nero remained dormant in the back of Mirandas mind, and she guessed that her distraction tactics were working well, if he remained so distant. Surely, the daemon would try to take her over again if she knew that he was trying to seal him up in a box again, right?
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

Miranda shuddered and backed away a little as her mother rose up and yelled; though she wasn't mad per se, she was clearly not happy, and she had always been a very intimidating figure to Miranda. Still, she straightened up and nodded to herself; this would take a little bit of explanation to pull off. "One of the monsters hit me with its slime, and it made me feel... so weird... I kind of lost control of myself for a while there" she lied, still hoping to hide her intent from Nero. If he asked about it she would tell him I don't know how she would react if I told her the truth, I don't want to scare her or get her to do something weird. She put on the most pitiful looking expression, something she often did when trying to persuade her mother of something, and said "momma, come on, lets go to my room. I can't go around naked." Her use of the word "momma" would probably indicate to her mother that something wasn't quite right; her daughter rarely used such childish language, and mostly when she had a favor to ask. If things went according to Miranda's plan, her mother would realize that she really did need something out of her room, without many questions, though there was almost no way the older woman would be able to figure out what was going on without prompting.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 46, PP = 63, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Her mother looked unconvinced, but the comment about her being naked she at least agreed with, and she shifted into silence for a moment, considering. Apparently, she didn't want to talk about what had happened, so instead, she said; "Fine. Come on. But you're going to explain everything to me once you've got some clothes on." She lead Miranda out of the ballroom, her dress billowing as she walked, and down to the East Wing. They were on the same floor as her room, at least, and they didn't run into anything else as they walked down the hall. Mirandas bedrooms were closed, but her mother walked into them, and moved over to stand next to the large, veiled bed, equidistant from the windows and the door, and said, in a commanding tone; "Dress. Quickly. I doubt that our home will be safe for much longer, if it even still is."
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

Miranda followed her mother, relieved that she had at least agreed to this much. "I will, from the beginning" she replied, her eyes darting from side to side and down each hallway, praying they didn't run into any more monsters as they went. The last thing she needed was to have to fight again so soon. They soon made their way into Miranda's bedroom, and she wondered just how she would pull this off. She quickly moved to her dresser, pulling open a drawer and putting on a relatively plain pair of underwear, and then moved to the wardrobe, picking out an equally plain, short black dress, on the theory that it would be easier to move around in than one of her longer, fancier outfits.

When she was dressed, she walked over to her reading desk, and sat down as she began to relate the story. "I was walking to buy a new dress, you know, and this... thing just sort of appeared in the sky" she started, opening her diary, which she had left on the desk, and a pen. She then started just absentmindedly doodling on a blank page, continuing "it started releasing all these creatures, and they were raping the women and killing the men in the streets. I tried to run, but they were all over the place, and I kept barely getting away. I had to fight so many monsters..." Her doodling began to turn into words, at first a little bit of nonsense, as she said "I was so scared..." with somewhat exaggerated tears in her eyes. "I wanted to find you and dad, so I came here, and had to fight more of those terrible things, and then... you know..." she said, though she had scribbled a broken sentence. "Daemon inside me, took over body, help seal it" it read, in perhaps the sloppiest handwriting she had ever exhibited as she tried not to look at the page or think about it, not wanting to alert Nero until the last possible moment. Hopefully her mother would understand and wouldn't try to rush her out of the house, and Nero wouldn't figure out her plan and take over her body again. She began to sweat just a little, terrified that something might go wrong.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 46, PP = 63, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Her mother watched her go about dressing herself for a moment, but when Miranda returned, clothed once more, she was staring out the window. She stood straighter as Miranda moved toward her, but stared in confusion at her as she sat down at her desk. She seemed like she was about to say something, but then Miranda began speaking, and she decided to remain silent, a look of puzzlement at her odd behavior her only reaction to her daughters strangeness. She kept glancing between Mirandas hands and her face, until her words had been spoken, and her hidden message delivered. She could not sense anything from the daemon, and so could not guess at whether or not Nero could sense the plan she'd formed within her mind. Only time would tell.

Her mother visibly paled at the words scribbled onto the page, and she turned her gaze back up to Mirandas without meeting her eyes, a look of fear and wariness on her face. She waited a moment, clearly considering her words carefully, before she very softly said; "These troubles will not pass on their own. Work must be done to remove them, else they will claim more than they already have, and that cannot be allowed, my daughter. But first, there are a few things that must be gathered. A few charms from my own personal collection, which I keep in my rooms, and some herbs from the basement. They will aid us against the monsters that beset us. I will retrieve the charms, and prepare a few other things. Take something that might contain a few delicate herbs safely, the ornamental ash box that you got from the fair a few years ago perhaps, and go down into the basement. On the shelf in the far corner South western corner, take four sprigs of wraithguard, a couple of mint leaves, three holly berries, and one of the thrist nuts and put them in the box. All of the jars are labeled, so it should only take you a moment. Join me in my chambers as soon as you have collected all these, and we will set about doing what must be done."
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

Miranda nodded throughout her mother's instructions, trying to remember where exactly she had put that box, and the layout of the basement. She had been down there a number of times, mostly when her mother had tried to force some bit of magical knowledge on her. Thankfully, that had happened often enough that she had a good idea of where she needed to go and how best to get there. As for the box, she began to search her desk; it was in the third drawer she checked. Quickly she turned to another blank page of her diary, ripping it out and writing the ingredients down. "Alright, that shouldn't be a problem. I'll meet you there" she said, getting up from her chair with the box and paper in hand, heading off to the basement by the shortest route. As she stood in the doorway, though, she stopped and turned around. "Mom... I love you" she said, turning and getting underway again.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 46, PP = 63, EP = 47, Status = Grappled

Perception: Enemy wins.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Miranda has been grappled!
Aphrodisiac: Miranda is at 15/24 Resistance.

Her mother nodded to Miranda as she prepared to leave, but when she turned and spoke again, her mother didn't hesitate for a moment after her proclamation before issuing a radiant smile, joy and pride playing out across her face, before saying; "I love you too, Miranda. Be safe."

After all the horrors she'd faced today, that likely lifted Mirandas spirits, at least a little, but regardless, she passed through the empty halls of her home alone. Occasionally, she would see signs of damage that the invaders had caused, or signs of magic where someone, probably her mother, had fought to repel them. The place wasn't too badly damaged, at least, and she didn't spot any more fires or places of severe structural damage.

She used the servants stairs in the East Wing to get down, as they ran down directly to an entrance to the basement, which she figured would allow her to avoid anything else that might try to attack her within the mansion. As she descended, she slipped slightly, and idly noticed that the floors and walls had patches of slippery, grey gunk all over them. Thinking nothing more of it, she continued down, much more carefully, but also making sure to watch the stuff on the walls, just in case. As such, she didn't notice a patch that she placed one of her feet on, and slipped. She tumbled down, landing sharply and painfully on her backside, before sliding down several of the slimy steps, until her feet touched a landing and she managed to halt her descent.

As she was nursing her pained rear, a puddle of the slime suddenly surged up from the landing her feet were on, wrapping around her legs and sliding upwards along them, trapping her limbs and setting fires of an intoxicatingly pleasant sensation up her nerves. Before she could react, the slime was already at the top of her thighs, heading directly toward her mound. The feeling of it rubbing along her skin was... Incredible, and arousal, brilliant in its intensity, suddenly flared up in her loins, causing her womanhood to burn with need, and her nipples to harden beneath her dress. If she didn't get free now, then in a few more seconds, she didn't think that she'd even want to.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

A feeling of warmth and happiness spread through Miranda as her mother returned her love, and she knew in that moment that she had made the right decision, no contest. She quickly made her way through her home towards the basement, damage and signs of the fight all around her, but that was easy to ignore; for perhaps the first time since that damned thing had appeared in the sky she felt a sense of what could almost be described as well-being.

The servant's stairwell in the east wing was her best bet. It went straight down to the basement, unlike many of the other stairwells, and surely the monsters had mostly taken the main stairs to the second floor. Of course, she slipped a little as she walked down the stairs, and noticed quite a few patches of strange gray slime on the stairs and walls; it seemed like the slime that giant thing she had killed earlier had dripping from its tentacles, so maybe it had come this way and dripped its foul gunk on the stairs? It wasn't important, in any case, so she kept going, if a little bit more carefully to avoid tripping. Just the same, her feet found their way to a puddle of the stuff, and she slipped and fell hard on her butt, sliding down several more steps.

It was as she rubbed her tender backside that she realized that it did, in fact, matter. Suddenly one of the puddles of slime lunged at her, surging quickly up her legs. Even just the touch of the bizarre slime sent burning, tingling pleasure shooting up her spine and causing her to let out a little gasp. It made her pause, unable to process anything but the sensation for a crucial moment as the slime slipped up under her dress, surging up to the edge of her panties as it held her legs in place with its goop; she could feel herself begin to wet those panties a bit as the aphrodisiac worked on her, her breathing turning to quick and heavy pants. She finally got a hold of herself after a few moments, and thought I have to get rid of this thing quick, or I'll just end up giving myself to it. Quickly she put her hand out, almost touching the slime that was binding her legs, and used the spell she had used to attack the juggernaut earlier; there would be no missing from this range.

Cast Flaming Orb (Level 3 Fire spell) To-hit (d20 + 51) Damage [(2d4 + 10)*4]
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

HP = 46, PP = 63, EP = 43/47, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 + 10 = 16 * 4 = 64 damage.
Gain 2 experience!

Her firebolt had to travel less than a foot from her hand to its target, and the slime between her legs suddenly boiled away within seconds from the magical flames. The only effect that Miranda felt was a slight raising of the temperature around her as the slime was, quite literally, evaporated. The end result, was a slightly horny, slightly panicky Miranda, whos butt still ached from the fall, and whos legs were still shaking slightly from any number of things. Her dress was mostly clean, at least, and she wasn't seriously injured. The stairway was otherwise clear, the landing her feet were on being the one that had the door to the first floor. All she had to do now, was get on her feet, and head out the door that was directly in front of her. A hallway led through the East wing, but she only needed to take another twenty steps outside of the door in order to find the door to the basement. After that, it was another flight of stairs, and she'd only have to locate the things that her mother had told her to find, and she could return.
Re: Miranda (Tiffanian)

Miranda's firebolt slammed into the slime at point-blank range, evaporating it more or less instantaneously, the only side-effect a pleasant warmth on her legs. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to reset herself after the brief but intense experience. She was still a bit aroused, but with the slime off her the more overwhelming sensation of the aphrodisiac was gone, and the condition had settled to a minor annoyance that would surely go away given a little bit of time.

A bit more calmed, Miranda got up and dusted off her somewhat pained bum, and made her way cautiously out of the stairwell, watching carefully for any more monsters; she couldn't afford to be careless again. There were things roaming around far more powerful than that slime, after all. If she saw nothing she would walk the short distance down the hallway to the stairs that led to the basement, and descend with all due caution, ready to find the materials her mother had instructed her to bring back. With any luck she would remember exactly where each was kept.