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Queen of the Damned (Host)



Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

It was far too late to turn back now. Regardless of her sins, and of her previous failures, Neri knew all too well that the survival of her kind depended on her continued existence. If she died here, her own kind would soon follow Nerzalil into oblivion, wilting away not unlike the alraune that they had captured and left to die in their lair.

As she gazed into the pool of water in the center of the ring of trees, Nerzalil found it to be both crystal clear and completely empty, neither plants nor living creatures within. The bottom was bare sand, and there was no movement within what should have been tepid water. Just after she knelt down to touch the pool....


The voice reverberated suddenly, the sound originating from the pool at her feet but thundering through her mind and soul, and also causing the water to ripple as if she had dropped a stone into the center of the pool.

"Savior. Survivor. Bringer of Resurrection. Be welcome."

There was a pause, the pond briefly going still, and then...

"We hear your voice."


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

(live-session post)

Well, it was close to what Neri had been hoping for, if not quite what she had expected. “Good. ” (Idiot, that was too abrupt!) “You already know who I am, and why I came here.” (But you seem to want me to say it anyway, so) “I have to admit to knowing little about your kind; presumably far less than you now know of mine. But I have a passing understanding of you and yours, and I know that we have some important similarities. We share the same enemies, in those who fear us and detest our appearance, our nature, our manner of reproduction. We share the same goals, in taking viable partners for breeding, and in surviving and growing in this jungle. We may even, perhaps, share a mindset, given our similar methods of thought. I may not know much about your kind, but I believe we can be of help to each other. You have nothing to fear from us… and we would like to have nothing to fear from you.”

The pool murmured beneath Nerzalil for a moment, and then the voices of the sentient trees replied; "We share more enemies than you know, Queen of the Damned. We have weighed our options. You are the choice that will leave us free. The hardest choice. And the easiest. The most obvious, but the most unusual. We will make no war upon you and yours, for there are things in motion that would make allies of us. We know of the dark ones who have taken root in your homes. We would aid you, in removing them."

A shiver of discontent ran through Neri at the trees' choice of title. However, even she knew that to comment on it would be... undiplomatic. The plants could only be referencing one group with their announcement, one Neri wanted to see removed perhaps more than the plant-kin. "The demons... I don't know why they came, or what they came for, but all the aid you can give in their removal we will welcome!" (You’re a bit too happy, Nerzalil, slow down) “Taking one of our burrows as theirs only means that I am already familiar with the layout of their current home, and the lands surrounding it; If we attack, I will make sure we are on advantageous ground. Combined, we should have the strength to clear them from the jungle.”

"The removal of your former slavers will carry a burden with it, Nerzalil. A Price. One you must pay, for while you might not have the strength to save your kind on your own, there will come a time, and soon, in which we will need your aid in turn."

“Of course. I will give all the aid I and my brothers are able to, in defence of you and your own. Any help will be returned twofold, as long as we have the power for it. Wouldn’t really be an alliance otherwise, would it?” Despite allowing mild sass into her conversation, Neri was somewhat confused by the ancients’ proclamation that they would need her help. They had a force several times larger than her own; exactly how could she and her brothers help the seeming rulers of the jungle? Still, she was entirely true to her word. She would suffer anything short of extinction for these flora; not just because their alliance was useful, not just because they were uncannily familiar to her own kind… but also because peace is what she had come here for from the beginning. The humans had not been accepting of the offer, but that only made the Shadow Demon all the more thankful when the plants had offered to accept.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Then the bargain is sealed. We will join our voice with yours, and when the time is right you will know what we require of you. Drink of the waters we have used to speak, and our kin will serve you as faithfully as they would us." The pool beneath Nerzalil's feet rumbled as the trees spoke, but when the echo of the last of their words had passed the water stilled instantly.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Wordlessly Neri nodded acceptance, mildly apprehensive but still set in her path. She leaned further forwards, till her mouth was to the pool, drinking a mouthful. This was quite sudden and there was still much to sort out, very much beyond just armies and intentions; territory, intermingling, distribution of prey (and other resources), and likely more besides the immediately obvious ones. She would have to come to know these plants, their motivations and culture… as they would, or presumably had, hers.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

At first, nothing happened. The trees said nothing save what Nerzalil's imagination might make of the wind that sighed through their leaves, and the water went still once more after her hands had left it. It took nearly a minute before something finally happened, and it wasn't nearly as dramatic as the end result suggested that it should have been.

When things finally did start to happen, first, Nerzalil felt a slight trembling come over her body, gradually causing her to vibrate slightly despite any attempts on her part to stop it. A low drone filled her ears, or at least she thought that it was her ears before realizing that it was actually coming directly from her mind, the realization coming as the sound slowly grew louder. Her shaking slowed as the voices grew louder, until it felt as if they would deafen her or perhaps drive her insane if she listened long enough or two intently. As they rose to a deafening pitch, her vision blurred and warped, colors shifting and melting together. As her vision became more and more distorted, the sounds being broadcasted into her head began to quiet. By the time the voices had gone completely silent however, the way her vision had changed left her functionally blind and almost drove the shadow demon to vomiting to boot.

That seemed to be the last change, however, as her vision began to settle as slowly as her other senses had, and there was thankfully no wild warping of her senses of smell or taste. Her body settled, and she felt no after-effects of any kind on her body or within her mind. 'You may now hear our voice, and the voice of our kind. Your mind has tuned out the noise of the collective, as your race had to when they first joined thoughts. You are unprepared to know so many individual minds all at once, and your senses are not able to process the added information from them, but you may concentrate to strengthen the link. You are part of us now, but separate. The link cannot be forced upon you, but if you choose to activate it we may see what you see, hear what you hear, and know your thoughts as we do our own. The reverse is true as well, and we will use this link to coordinate and communicate with you and yours. Perhaps it will even help you to find a way to restore the link between your own kind someday?'

The voice had spoken without warning into Neri's mind, but for some reason she was not surprised by its presence. Indeed, it felt so right to feel the link between herself and the titanic, magical trees that at first Nerzalil thought that the voice had come from within herself. A moment of concentration allowed her to feel the link to them, however, and she knew that a simple effort of will would allow her to shut it off.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil was at least a little nervous, certainly - but she hadn’t expected to physically shake, trying to steady one of her arms with the other… and finding it of no help at all. It didn’t take her much longer than that to realise something had begun since she took up the trees’ offer, the slowly growing hum and nausea driving the point home. When she began to pick out snatches of voice in the sounds from inside her head, a chill took her that had nothing to do with the pounding in her head; a very, very old part of her already knew what was happening. She succumbed to vertigo as her vision and sense of balance went, falling to her knees and a hand. Slowly, it all passed… and Neri began to think.
They just weren’t her own thoughts.
It seemed entirely normal, entirely right – especially for the shadow demon. But at the same time… it was horribly wrong. She forced back the link before the trees even managed to finish speaking, cutting herself off from them. A moment later, she opened it back up. You… it… …this, is… a FOUL curse you’ve put on me, Ancients…! she hissed down to the plant-minds in anger, not being entirely diplomatic – but, then, fuck diplomacy.

It didn’t cross Neri’s mind that the creatures would have any concept of privacy, given that she herself found it largely ludicrous; it –had- to know everything about her by now, which meant the plants were intentionally giving her something she could not have. She had been created for one purpose; at the beginning of her life, when she was nothing but another drone with an identical, fanatical personality to all the rest, Nerzalil had been given only one order – to experience and understand individuality. Her whole existence, her whole sacrifice, had been to achieve this goal. Even after everything Neri had gone through, even after taking on the mission of saving her species, the purpose given to her by her forefathers was embedded in her psyche as vital… and this connection to the plants was a threat to that purpose. I Can’t experience something like this, it’s too-… …corrupting…? she thought, though the final word only to herself, the idea of similarities between what the demons had done and having a hive mind understandably a little off-putting. …but... I have been forced to deal with new temptations once already. This, too, I will weather, as I now must… though your gift will see only as little use as is needed. Neri made no attempt to hide her bitterness at the unexpected situation. She had been expecting an aesthetic ritual, or a simple magic-marker, not a goddamn mind-meld.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

'The Voice is not akin to your shared mind, Nerzalil. It will not affect your ability to think for yourself, it will only allow you to communicate with us as we do with each other. Nothing more, nothing less.' The ancient plants replied calmly across the mental link, showing none of their own emotions through the link. It likely occurred to Neri about then that the ageless plants probably didn't even have any emotions, and as such couldn't understand her own very well. What they said did seem to be true at least, as she could easily shut off the link whenever she wanted to, and even when it was active she couldn't feel her thought patterns being altered. Of course, how one could detect that wasn't exactly obvious either, but on the surface at least the plants seemed to be dealing in good faith.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Something about the trees’ response rubbed the Shadow Demon the wrong way. She had expected more... tact, from them, some reassurance – or at least some reaction to her anger. What she got was an entirely clinical correction about the nature of her gift. Now, admittedly, a Shadow Demon would appear to be far from an emotional being... but the insects were actually at least as emotional as the average human. They simply didn’t know how to display or interpret it in the ways all other races did, having only communicated through the hive mind whenever possible. But with these plants, she was already communicating directly through thoughts; they had no excuse. Could their method not transmit emotions or something? Well, whatever the case, the event was odd but not worth too much thought for the moment. There was a more pressing question on the nature of the change she had just acquired.

What? But surely any connection would have to- Neri began, while simultaneously exploring her new ability, determining the truth for herself. She rather rudely attempted to press into the mind of the first plant she could feel – that wasn’t one of the trees – and started poking around to get a feel for things. Her inherited memories of the hivemind perhaps made her somewhat overconfident, while also giving her incorrect knowledge about how to enter another’s mind the way the plants did, so it took some moments for her to actually make the connection. If the plant refused to let her in, she simply looked for another until one relented. She started barged in and started silently examining their thoughts rather indiscriminately, a further awkwardly invasive action that her inherited memories made her oblivious to. If the plant shut off the link when she started rummaging, it would take her a few goes before Neri realised quite what she was doing to upset the plants, and asked permission first.
At first she only took a taste of their current thought, just to see if it would become hers as the elder’s first communication had... and then, finding it to be exactly as the trees had told her, Nerzalil began poking, trying to find memories... only to find that the link didn't work like that. "Ah... could you show me one of your memories?" the demon would ask, expecting to experience the memory but instead having it re-told to her. After a few seconds, she had a reasonable idea of how the link worked.

...I see. As you said, this works in an entirely different way to our own... former hivemind. I can only read their thoughts... not experience them, understand their full significance, or make them my own. ‘The Voice’ is a fitting name for it. My apologies, I was too hasty in my judgment. Unfortunately, I doubt it will help my kind recover their link; the connections are so different that it only tells me what the hive mind is not. Your link sends words where ours sends ideas, reads and remains separate where ours experiences and joins. Even the nature of the connection itself is different; I can feel you stretching out over all your fellows, as they do in return. We had no need to stretch, simply being... connected beyond just our souls reaching out. Neri paused, a few potentially useful ideas coming to her. What her brother’s hive mind wasn’t would perhaps prove important in determining what it was... but that was for later. If we have time, I would like to get to know your kind. Is it a problem if I walk around here for the time being, and speak with other plants?
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Plants were certainly not hard to find for Nerzalil, and as she stretched out her thoughts the shadow demon found that not only could she connect to the sentient plants like the trees, but also to the much simpler and more mundane variety, including even the grass beneath her feet. The exploration of her ability turned up an alraune's mind quickly enough, and the plant woman turned out to be quite welcome of Neri into her thoughts.... At least until the shadow demoness began trying to worm her way around. The very first thing that Neri discovered were the mildly depraved thoughts regarding Nerzalil herself, images of the shadow demon naked and doing a number of things that could all only be described as lewd at the forefront of the plant woman's thoughts.

'Ask before you peek next time!' The message came across quite clearly, and even though no emotion transferred over Nerzalil got the impression that the alraune was more embarrassed than upset. She didn't break the connection, however, merely limited it, and upon Neri's request played over a memory in which the alraune tended to a patch of wild flowers, a few images accompanied by thoughts represented by words being presented rather than a reliving of the experience.

When Nerzalil asked her question of the trees, they didn't hesitate to reply; 'That will not be a problem. Stay as long you feel you have time to, Nerzalil of the Shadow Demons.' Their permission given, Neri had as much time as she felt like spending to wander around the jungle. She could feel the plants, both sentient and otherwise, all around her, and with her new connection she doubted that any of them would treat her with hostility. Dozens of groups of alraune and hundreds of lone plant women were within easy reach, and she felt quite a few of the weeds that were their progenitors about as well. The more bestial variants of sentient plants and the massive hulking creatures that guarded the trees were present in force as well, though their minds were more like those of the barely conscious weeds than their humanoid children.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

The images of herself in the alraune’s mind caught Neri totally off-guard, and she recoiled both physically and mentally, though she didn’t break their link. Nerzalil hadn’t seen herself in those positions since leaving hell - …Alright, so maybe one or two; demon-warping left a girl with a not-entirely-repressible need for that sort of thing. Still, she wasn’t entirely sure why she didn’t expect them to be lewd, given that the plants were clearly taking voluptuous shapes, and they captured men just as her own kind did… hell, she had once been caught off-guard and ridden a shorn-weed, but somehow it never hit her that the creatures would have lascivious minds.
The weed had seemed so clinically wonderful, a trap that seemed to merely take advantage of any creature with the ability to feel lust, forcing them to rape themselves on it and provide it with offspring. It absolutely typified the dangers of having a libido, and was almost a shouted insult to anything that possessed one – something Neri had actually found herself admiring the plant for. She could only guess that she had been far too empathetic towards the collective of foliage, presuming that because of their similarities they would share a similar mindset about pleasure.

While the realisation had surprised her, it wasn’t one that made her dislike the plants. It was something new, and something that she would take into consideration in the future, but it wasn’t like they were demanding the shadow demons and plants all have a big orgy. Lust and the addictiveness of pleasure were all reprehensible, of course, but the Shadow Demon wasn’t going to tell her new allies to stop having at it.

Thank you. she thought back to the oaks; Well, then… she began, walking away… before drawing a blank on how to actually end the conversation, finally leaving it like that, and exiting the glade in about the most awkward way she could manage. While she could talk to the plants through The Voice, she couldn’t see the expression on its face and in its body – an odd thing for a Shadow Demon to find important, but one that Neri had begun to become accustomed to - , and neither could she take in the environment, get a feel for the way they lived and the activities of their society. She had struck out at random, though with the voice telling her the direction of the black oaks, she hardly expected to get lost. Not exactly wanting to continue conversing with the alraune she knew to be openly fantasising about her, (due to awkwardness more than malice,) she sook out one at random in the physical world, while also taking in everything she could of what was occurring. The first alraune she found became the subject of her questions; “Ah, hey… I’d like to know everything I can about you and your kind, so if you’ve got the time, can you tell me… well, everything? Anything you can think of; what you do – you and all the plants in general, what you eat, your history – I know next to nothing, so anything you think of will probably be news to me.”


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Neri sought out another alraune using the link, and found one not far from the oaks tending to a damaged shorn weed. Somehow, the plant's aphrodisiac spewing flower had been severed from its main body, and the alraune was working to keep it alive while it regenerated. She rose and glanced over her shoulder as the shadow demon approached, braids of green, vine-like hair flipping aside, and she offered Nerzalil a nod in greeting.

The shadow demon immediately began her questioning, and the woman offered her a bemused smile at the fairly comprehensive request for information. In response, she simply said; "I'd be happy to tell you all that you have asked, but you'll have to do something for me first, Nerzalil of the Shadow Demons." She smiled broadly and suggestively to Neri, placing a hand upon her hip and watching her reaction to the idea. She also blocked any connection to her thoughts, so Nerzalil had no idea what she might be thinking.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Hoh, speaking of the queen… there was one of the weeds now. Neri found herself acutely aware of just how vulnerable the plant currently was, its only means of defence robbed from it, leaving it nothing more than a towering stamen… the shadow demon failed to keep a predatory smirk from her face, though she did have the presence of mind to cut off the link and look away.

The alraune’s response to her question, however, gave Neri yet another reason for a sudden mood-swing. Being asked to perform a task for the sake of basic information on her new allies was enough to trigger the insect’s oversensitive paranoia. She visibly balked before she could stop herself, her mind suddenly spinning into action and going through a hundred nasty possibilities in the space of a second. Demons had been screwing each other over with bad deals for centuries, and the shadow demon had been present to observe over twenty of those years. She, of course, tried to read the plant-woman’s mind – and finding herself blocked, only became more worried. In the end, though, while the situation was unexpected, that didn’t merit refusing the request offhand. Regaining her composure, Nerzalil responded, though it was fairly clear she was hesitant. “I’m happy to help you, though it would depend on what you want me to do…”


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh, what I'd like from you should be fairly obvious, Nerzalil," the alraune said as she strode slowly toward the shadow demon, her hips rolling. Wearing a confident smirk, she stopped mere inches from Nerzalil, their chests almost pressing against one another, as the green woman drew near. "You're asking me to tell you a great deal, and even if it's mostly a matter of reciting things that I already know, it's still asking for a great deal of my time. You'll get the same demand from any other member of my kind if you ask them for the same thing, so you might as well just go with it," the alraune said, and even though she was making it seem like Neri didn't have a choice, she didn't push forward the last few inches to press against her fully.

"Would it really be so bad? When the connection began, we all felt how pent up you are. With us as your allies, you'll never want for a partner to help you find release again, and is the idea of bearing a few seedlings truly so repulsive? Were it possible, I would return the favor by bearing larva for you. As it is, I could help you keep your captives alive for far longer, and thus be able to carry more of your young. That, in addition to all the information you've asked about us, and all you have to do is have sex. That's the deal," the alraune finished, and then waited for Nerzalil's response to her offer.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

At this point, the nature of the favour didn’t take Neri too much by surprise. And the remaining surprise was the good kind, relief at the fact that her very-recent allies were not trying to screw her already – at least not metaphorically. When it came to the other kind of screwing… well, Nerzalil didn’t actually need much convincing. The insect had never been overly bothered by carrying new life in her; it was a mutation to the normal manner of things, and a reminder of the usually-abuse that had brought it on, and the pleasure of birthing (demon) children was an annoying inconvenience… but otherwise the act was largely benign. Carrying the child got in the way of her armour, of course, but if you were already having sex the addition of pregnancy afterwards was not such a big deal.

The actual act to conceive the young was the more repugnant to Neri, and even then no encouragement from the plant was necessary; the Shadow Demon had all she needed in her own head to convince herself to accept the proposal. It was true that Neri hated sex, lust, pleasure – anyone who said otherwise was liable for a few lumps, if the bug had her way. They were a curse that had been forced on her species by those terrible, horrible, nasty and just all around mean demons. The demons had wanted them to suffer under it, and break. But what was the best way to spite the wishes of those who had vilely twisted her? ‘Not breaking’ was a good start, but more than that, twisting their curse into something useful – that was spitting in their eye to the nth degree. It could not be said that the addition of the new elements of her physiology did not open up possibilities, skills that could be learned and abused… and for all of her enslavement, skill with her body was the only skill Nerzalil –could- use. It had been two years since the rules of life had changed, adding importance to her old martial skills, and making the ones she had newly learned useless. She hadn’t expected sex to find any further use in her life… but the Alraunes looked poised change that. If her new allies wanted carnal delight, as her first mind-link had so clearly showed her, she’d twist her cursed body into something useful and give them carnal delight… and bear young, that too.

Nerzalil did feel a little bad for using the addictive pleasure of sex to make her new allies like her, but the plant had been the one to ask for it, and it helped that the woman was quite so appealing to the insect. ‘Hates sex’ was firmly embedded in Neri as a character flaw, but ‘loves sex’ was somewhere in there as well. Hate and love were not opposite ends of the same stick, in the Shadow Demon’s mind. She knew what she despised about it, but also knew what she liked – and the Alraunes, with their distinctly attractive female bodies, their strangely alluring green skin tone and vine-like hair… they definitely counted as one of the Shadow Demon’s likes. When her mind was made up and intimate entanglement was certain to occur, it would take an expert, or prior knowledge, to even think that the big bug had something against the act. She would never allow the lust to consume her, of course, not the way it did other species – but this was controlled, and it helped to find enjoyment in the act when you wanted to pleasure someone else.

Though thoroughly, horribly out of practice, Nerzalil was certainly neither shy nor inexperienced, and took the last step toward the plant woman herself. Without hesitation and with more than a hint of desire, Neri took the forward approach, cupping the Alraune’s side and pulling her against the insect’s carapace, their breasts squishing and rolling against each other as they tried to fit into the lessened space, a wholly intended side-effect. Her hand roamed up the plant’s back and quickly found an appendage the shadow demon had briefly forgotten the plant women possessed, rather gingerly rubbing around it, not entirely certain how sensitive the foreign limb was. As if the assertive action had not been enough to signify Neri’s acceptance of the deal, she spoke somewhat smugly. “So, these seedlings… what is it going to be like to bear them?” Leaning her weight, and collecting the green woman’s feet with her own, Nerzalil attempted to topple her backwards – with the Shadow Demon on top, of course. She didn’t put enough force into it that her partner had no choice, but should she fall, the Shadow Demon would nuzzle into her neck and teased the base of a tendril as the plant-woman hopefully answered, tentatively getting to know the new piece of Alraune biology. Nerzalil didn’t lock lips with the woman, both because hers were still locked down behind the bars of her six mandibles, and because she hoped the plant would actually answer her question.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The alraune seemed surprised indeed at Nerzalil's sudden and apparently eager approached, but smiled and pressed her chest against Neri's and cooed with pleasure as the shadow demon began running a hand along her body. She let out an excited squeal as the demoness found one of her tentacles and began to rub it, the appendage twitching in Neri's grasp despite her ginger approach. "Eager? I'm surprised.... But I'd prefer to- Oh!" The alraune stopped and let out a grunt of surprise as Neri dropped her onto her back, lacking the balance to remain standing with the weight of the armored shadow demon bearing down on top of her. She wasn't injured by the fall, however, and let out a light laugh as Neri began nuzzling into her neck and stroking her tentacle.

Deigning to answer her question before letting things proceed further, the alraune said; "It won't be painful, if that's your concern. Most mortal women who bear our seedlings enjoy the experience immensely, in fact, and I doubt you'll find the act any less pleasurable. It should only take them a short while to gestate, depending on how many take within you. Does that answer your question sufficiently?" She spoke aloud, but at the same time images of human women writhing as small green pods similar to the ones she had seen coming from the alraune that her kind had captured from time to time slid out of their bodies. Though there was no sound, the expressions on their faces were anything but painful, and most let out around twenty of the little seeds before their bellies were completely flat once more.

Once Neri was content with her answer, the alraune continued; "You ought to remove your armor before we begin. I wouldn't want to get so fine a suit dirty, and it will be well cared for until you are ready to leave this place again." The smirk on the other woman's face revealed plenty of other reasons for wanting to get Neri out of her armor, but given the nature of the deal she'd just made it seemed like that ought to come as no surprise.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Neri’s reaction – her smile becoming slightly unnerved - was probably the opposite to what the alraune had been hoping for. A more painful pregnancy, the pregnancy a human seemed to expect when she was taken by one of the Shadow Demon’s kind, would have been far more appreciated by the insect. A pleasurable birth like a demon’s own was more invasive… and, obviously, pleasurable. Despite her willingness to engage in pleasure in this instance, Neri would rather not have so much of it that her allies saw her will-broken, if at all possible... even less so if it would be at her allies' own hands. She was still entertaining the idea that the alraune did not have her hopelessly outclassed, that her half-remembered skills would leave the plant in ecstasy with her unphased… rather than the more likely case of it being the other way around.

“Oh? And here I though you would want to strip your conquest yourself.” Neri said, obviously smiling even though her mouth wasn’t directly visible. “Though, really, those vines would be a great help – assuming they can be used for things other than the ones I’ve seen flitting through your sisters’ heads? As much as I love this armour, it wasn’t made for quick removal.” Whether or not the plant woman aided Neri in her efforts, the shadow demon had the armour off before too long – though by herself, it would involve releasing her partner and stretching into fairly compromising positions to even reach some of the armour’s more obnoxiously placed restraints. Otherwise, with the Voice to guide the Shadow Demon’s partner, Neri wandered with her spare hand, down the stomach and up the leg of the pinned plant, quietly and physically admiring the soon-to-be father of her seedlings, without yet delivering much in the way of pleasure. When finally freed from her ancestral apparel, Neri raised a second question. “Your friend there… is it aware of us? I’d… hate to think that we’re subjecting it to helplessly watching this…” The Shadow demon spoke with a heady breath, her arousal at the idea quite clear enough that the Alraune had no need of the voice to determine that Nerzalil’s true sentiment ran counter to her statement…

(If Neri can use the voice to determine how much the weed is aware of the event (without disturbing the weed in a way that would potentially let it understand what she was doing), ignore her question. Instead: “Well, then… how can I best make you, make me, a mother…?”)
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh they're quite the utility, I assure you! Though, with this position I'm not sure who's the one being conquered!" the alraune replied playfully at Neri's suggestion, and quickly put her tendrils to work in removing the shadow demon's ceremonial armor. All too soon, Nerzalil was naked atop the still pinned alraune, and her partner's tendrils had begun to do a little bit of playful exploring of their own.

At her question regarding the shorn weed, the alraune glanced over at it and smirked; "Oh, it's as aware of us as such a creature can be. Why don't you see for yourself? You can connect to them as easily as you can to one of us!" Such proved true, but whether the shadow demon wanted to see the world from a neutered shorn weed's point of view or not was a decision that she could only make for herself. "They don't have eyes, obviously, but they can detect things. I wouldn't even know what to call it, but it's what allows them to distinguish proper hosts from predators. They aren't conscious like you or I, so you can override their will more or less completely. That's how we kept them from attacking you and your kin earlier."


Mar 28, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Neri snickered, mostly to herself, at the alraune’s coy comment about their position. “Ah, but you made such a convincing argument that I should be yours!” she teased, “I’ve become yet another helpless maiden seduced into your arms~.” The flagrant lie brought another chuckle out of the insect, and then a croon at the vines that had started to trace her body, just as her hand had previously traced the curve of the alraune’s form. The aforementioned hand, now encouraged by the alraune’s efforts, moved around the plant woman’s hip and under her, feeling up her behind, with no more announcement then a mildly insectile almost-purr from the big bug.
While that hand was yet to cause any direct pleasure to the plant, Neri also knew how to make exotic use of her own limbs. One of her legs was already well-positioned between the Alraune’s, and she insistently pressed down with it, demanding access to a part of her body she had perhaps not intended to use in the coming impregnation. The sensation should not be unenjoyable; unlike her brothers, Neri’s black carapace was a thinner and more malleable chitin than the remainder of her kind: built to demon specifics as it was, that was unsurprising. Still, it was noticeably harder (and smoother) than flesh, but Neri had more than enough practice in causing pleasure with her body that it wouldn’t give the plant any issues.

Allowing her weight – a not inconsiderable value, though also not particularly heavier than any adult human – to fall fully against the plant woman and her vines, Nerzalil’s second hand returned the probing that the green tendrils were giving. Her touch was laid on lightly, however, stroking the underside lazily, sometimes coming up to rub the tip of the vine with her thumb. Neri had certainly not forgotten Sex Slave 101 – or for that matter, Sex 101: actual stimulation wasn’t particularly pleasurable. Far more pleasure was caused by the anticipation and payoff of a body’s caress than the actual touch itself. Slower and softer touches gave a person more time to want for them, more time to feel them when they arrived.
Of course, with the touch of… more tentacles than Neri could be bothered to count upon her, even with a telepathic connection she wasn’t sure which of the two coupled women was ‘wanting’ and ‘anticipating’ the more. After all, somewhat shamefully, the warmth and itch between her own legs was strong enough that she must clearly be wet, for all to see… even if ‘all’ was only a technically-blind Shorn weed, and the vines of the feminine plant Neri was already having sex with anyway.

The disappointment was evident in Neri’s features on hearing that the weed was effectively a thoughtless animal; she was aware that such would probably be the case, but that didn’t stop her from hoping that the plant had enough of a mind to be frustrated by the situation. Her eagerness was only temporarily masked by the disappointment, though, rather than subsumed by it… and after a moment Nerzalil’s curiosity got the better of her anyway. She wouldn’t try to subdue the shorn weed, at least not immediately, just hearing its probably-blank thoughts. It wouldn’t be well advised to start exploring the extent of her connection while in the middle of something else that was demanding her full attention.

“…You alraunes are just unfair. Such techniques of seduction, and these cruel vines...” She began with mock annoyance, hiding a grain of truth in it – the brace of vines straddling her easily dispelled the illusion that she held the upper hand. The frisky flower could force her to do… effectively, anything it wanted. “...Picking things up, taking clothes off, more appendages than any male - even though you’re a woman… so long that nothing could ever hope to take one to the hilt… you’re all a bunch of cheaters!” she said, mock fury barely noticeable under her distinct arousal. The one hand Neri had around the plant’s vine had picked up the pace slightly as she berated the species of flora, not becoming as fast as the phallic extension might like, but certainly more insistent than the lazy stroking it had been receiving.
In an attempt to punish said cheater, once the insect had finished speaking, she completely dropped any idea of teasing the vine. Instead, with a 'growl' that sounded suspiciously simmilar to a groan of lust, Nerzalil took a vice-grip around the appendage - intending to catch the plant off guard by quite suddenly and vigorously pumping a decent length of the unfortunately fortunate tendril.

The alraune seemed at this point to be turned on enough that the sudden jacking should hit it like a ton of bricks, if considerably less painful and considerably more enjoyable. …Well, assuming the alraune’s vines held a similar degree of sensitivity to more typical implements of impregnation, anyway. The tentacles of a tentacle horror certainly wouldn’t have minded it…

The act was only a brief one, of course, just enough that Neri hoped she would get a few good squeals and yelps, and maybe a plea of mercy, from the lustful plant. She didn’t plan on making it pop its seeds before it had the chance to get a vine inside her… as much fun as Neri would have forcing it to an early climax, the pair had a deal – and she probably wouldn’t have been able to get the alraune off quite so early even if she tried to, at any rate. Immediately afterward, the insect adopted an innocent expression, or at least as innocent an expression as her solid-white eyes and closed mandibles could while entwined with an alraune, hands back to slowly stroking their respective areas of green flesh, and leg gently rubbing the creature’s womanhood. Thanks to those damn delicious(looking) vines, there wasn’t anything else Neri could strictly do against however the flower decided to react to her ‘playfulness’. Perhaps her partner would not be in a particularly vengeful mood…?
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil: HP = 97, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The alraune seemed to find Nerzalil's lewdly humorous words in stride as she giggled beneath the insect, but that sound turned into a delighted coo as Neri grabbed at her plump bottom. Unlike the mortals she might have toyed with while in her hives or the demons she'd been forced to please in her long slavery, the alraune's flesh was distinctly unlike anything she'd experienced before, soft and supple but also somewhat rough like the leaves of a tree. Despite their unusual physiology, the plant woman seemed to enjoy Nerzalil's leg coming between her legs anyway as she let out a soft murmur at the contact, and the shadow demon felt a telltale wetness left on her chitinous exoskeleton. "You're far better at this than I'd imagined!" the alraune exclaimed delightfully as Neri added the light teasing of one of her vines to the mix, but she wasn't content to be the only one receiving stimulation.

One of the alraune's free vines slowly snaked its way around the leg Neri was pressing against her slit, the agile appendage returning the gesture as it slowly slid back and forth across the shadow demon's exposed sex. She didn't press the tentacle inwards just yet, but it was enough stimulation to cause Neri to remember all too well how pent up she had been over the last few days. Two more vines came up to wrap gently around the shadow demon's breasts and give them a light squeeze before the dextrous tips descended upon her nipples, which they began flicking against and occasionally pulling on as Neri continued her own pleasurable actions against her partner. They seemed to be having the desired effect, as the alraune was squirming and writhing and unleashing a number of increasingly lewd sounds as they continued. Even with only her simple teasing strokes, the shadow demon quickly found her fingers coated in the sweet, sticky blue substance that seemed to pass for the plant-kin's sexual juices.

Other tendrils were brushing against Neri's body, but for the moment the teasing between her legs and the steady stimulation against the tips of her breasts were all the pleasure that Neri was receiving. This allowed her to concentrate on the mental contact that she began with the helpless weed sitting only feet from the coupling duo. The shorn weed was barely sentient as near as Nerzalil was able to tell, but she could sense a desperate yearning coming from the simple creature, akin almost to a starved dog staring at a choice piece of food. She could see the plant's blue fluids leaking down the tip of its rod, eager and ready to be ridden so that it could plant its seed into a willing female, but without its flower and the aphrodisiac pollen there seemed little chance of that happening.

At Neri's mock accusation the alraune gave a pout, the expression defeated immediately by the smile that crossed her face afterwards and the moans she let out between words as the shadow demon picked up the pace of her stroking. "Oh but our lover's rarely complain!" she exclaimed as Nerzalil's fingers were quickly coated in the alraune's sticky juices. Her tentacles began teasing the shadow demon's body more aggressively in turn, sliding between her petals and occasionally pausing to tease her clitoris occasionally, while the ones on her breasts twisted around their erect tips and began to writhe and tug and twist incessantly.

Despite her intents, Nerzalil quickly found herself receiving far more than mere grunts and yelps. All too soon her stroking caused a particularly loud moan from her partner, and an eruption of blue sap spurted out of the vine in her grasp. Three long streams of cum shot out of the plant woman's tentacles, most of which landed upon the shadow demon's face but a healthy amount also joined the goo already all over her hands. It wasn't the only one, however, as the ones on her breasts also unleashed strands of blue cum that shown brightly against her black carapace, and the tendril between her legs shot one spurt against her nether lips and two more upwards, flying up before landing upon the shadow demon's rounded bottom. Nerzalil was quickly coated in the alraune's seed, and her knee received a decent coating of the woman's love juices as well.

Looking up at the leader of the shadow demons innocent smile with a sheepish expression once she'd recovered from her sudden climax, the alraune let out a sigh and said, "Much better than I'd imagined! But now it's your turn!" Seemingly totally bothered by the fact that she'd already cum, the plant woman's tendrils were now even more energetic than before as they began to handle Neri in exactly the manner she'd feared (or perhaps hoped) they would. Two settled around her waist and lifted her slightly, moving her so that she was straddling the alraune. Then, the ones on her breasts tightened their grip while one of them came away from her nipple, sliding between Neri's goo coated breasts and then being squeezed between them. Finally, three more tentacles pulled themselves between Neri's legs and curled around one another.

Though individually the tentacles were thinner than the average cock possessed even by a normal mortal, the three of them together were almost as thick around as an ogre's member. "I hope you're ready!" she began, "Because I'm going to fill you until you burst!" It seemed that her partner was in a vengeful mood, as whether Neri allowed it or not she was slowly pulled down upon the plant's improvised cock, being impaled upon it even though the alraune didn't move the appendage itself. The plant woman leaned up and took the no longer occupied nipple into her mouth, sicking upon it and flicking her tongue against it even as the latter motion was repeated by the alraune's tentacle. The ones squeezing around her breasts began to move up and down, causing Neri's breasts to rub up against the tentacle sandwiched between them. Several others began floating around her head, and the one in her hand remained between her fingers as well.
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Mar 28, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Queen of the Damned (Host)

Nerzalil’s smirk was irrepressible once she had seen the uncontained but unsatisfied lust lurking in the shorn weed, and the expression only grew until the alraune’s orgasm. The teasing vine sliding against her pussy and the others assaulting the peaks of her breasts made Neri appreciate just how badly her own body wanted attention now, each movement of the woman’s vines against her more sensitive places creating its own blossoming flower of aching need, leaving the Shadow Demon unable to hold back longing groans even if she had been trying to. Her body unintentionally writhed slowly, her hips rolling ever so minutely against the green appendage teasing her glowing folds, seeking out the distinct but soft sensation of the attending vines.

Still, despite her arousal, Neri was only getting started when the plant woman started to end. She caught the meaning behind the long moan early enough for the actual bursts of release to not take her by surprise, but nevertheless Neri still gasped in shock that she had already worked the alraune to a climax – an impressively messy one for a single being, even by demonic standards. Nerzalil’s surprise turned into a fight between happy laughter and a contented moan once the plant-woman’s cum started painting the big bug blue. In its aftermath, the plant could be forgiven for thinking Neri had, somehow, peaked herself; her breath was ragged enough that her chest quite visibly heaved, and her expression was one of excessive, and somewhat sadistic joy.

Between the shornweed’s enforced erotic denial and turning the alraune into a quickshot, Neri had become quite thoroughly drunk on her own power. Everything, from the volume of the plants’ cry to the volume of the plants’ release, and especially the gods-be-damned delightful look of embarrassment on the alraune’s face, only served to fuel Neri’s intoxication. There were quivers of excited energy all through the Shadow Demon’s body, her thoughts and actions uncharacteristically giddy. Her motions hadn’t let up until part way through the alraune’s second spurt, and even then she continued very lightly tweaking the vine that had only moments before been jackhammered, an almost playful swaying of her hips translating into enough movement of the Shadow Demon’s leg for the alraune to feel it shifting against her body’s least-literal flower. “…Does it feel… good…?” Neri asked in the immediate aftermath, quite rhetorically, and with a meekness that was clearly insincere. Of course, giddy was far from the only thing Neri felt, or the sole reason for the insect’s quivering and lusty breathing.

By the time the Alraune’s vines wrapped around Neri, the invertebrate was enjoying herself enough that she didn’t so much as flinch at having her control restricted , not having stopped idly toying with her happily captive vine. Ignoring but appreciating the plant’s own comments, Neri affected forgetfulness. “What were we doing this for, again…? ‘Bearing your young’? …Because, hehh, if this is your attempt at impregnation, hun… you have the worst aim I’ve -ever- seen.” The plant tendril snaking between the Shadow Demon’s breasts received no comment, but the knowing look in her eyes said everything she wanted to. The act hardly seemed to be about giving the insect ‘her turn’, not that Neri minded the lewd plant taking advantage of the rather ample opportunity before her.

It was only when the alraune asked her if she was ready that Neri realized she was not. It had taken her several years to truly grasp the part that facial expression played in communication between non-hive-minded individuals, and especially so during sex. After all, how could she look cowed and dominated for her demonic rapists if she did not appear scared and submissive? “J-just a second…” came an unusually meek voice; despite having been used and abused every which way for two decades, there were still some things able to embarrass the Shadow Demon.

Having her mandiables spread was one thing, and spreading them under the effects of aphrodisiacs was in much the same category… but opening them willingly, for no reason other than allowing her partner to more visibly see the insect laid low by lust… it was not something the Shadow Demon had been given a reason to do for the last two years. Slowly, the six appendages peeled back, reversing until they were flat against Nerzalil’s face in the opposite direction, splayed out in a way that resembled cat’s whiskers. The change was… dramatic. With solid-white glowing eyes, carapace instead of skin, and six ivory tipped mandiables, the Shadow Demon had been just as alien a creature as the rest of her kin. With solid-white, glowing eyes, carapace instead of skin, and a completely normal, female face, with features that looked peculiarly soft for such a hard woman, Nerzalil appeared startlingly human – in fact, it could even be said that she looked more human than she resembled one of her own kind. She also looked startlingly more vulnerable than the fierce warrior who had toppled the Alraune, largely because of her moderate embarrassment at displaying the part of her body which had been the most severely and visibly warped by demonic interference.

Of course, the Alraune being in no mood for hesitation, Neri barely had the chance to open her covering claws and display her mildly nervous expression before it immediately turned into a surprised O - joined by a sound much the same as the shape. “O-oohh!” The plant’s first action beyond mere, coy stroking did wonders to appease the very yearning it had taken pains to induce, leaving the Shadow Demon momentarily stunned in the face of her own satisfaction.

As if to directly rebuke the cheeky accusation behind Neri’s earlier expression, her leafy lover immediately focused attention on the insect’s breasts… the primary penetration continuing at a slow pace such that the caught insect could properly appreciate each motion of the alraune’s mouth, and the tentacles helping themselves to her most obvious female trait. The Shadow Demon herself would not have said that her breasts were particularly sensitive, given that her yardstick was succubi whores and demon-warped sex-slaves. Compared to a human, however, she took an abnormal degree of pleasure from stimulation to her glowing faux-mammaries, and there was quite a bit of them to stimulate. The woman focused at first on the buds capping the insect’s vast femininity – a trick to find, given that they were the same transparent skin over glowing-bluish-white fluids as the rest of the mounds (…mounds that now looked considerably more blue, courtesy of the insect’s snap-fire friend). With her deepened cries of desire as evidence, it would become clear that Nerzalil took possibly just as much pleasure from the tendrils rolling her bust as she did from the more active attack on their peaks. It might take the plant a moment more to also realise that each and every one of the glowing organs on Neri’s body were also varying degrees of erotically sensitive, marking a blatant roadmap for eager vines to exploit; it would take her less time to realise if she was paying attention to Nerzalil through The Voice.

As nice as her alraune partner made it all feel, Neri didn’t enjoy the experience for herself. In all likelihood, she never would be able to enjoy actually feeling sexual pleasure; it was warped and unnatural, a view she felt she would never relent on. It would be a way to get rid of the need for release she had been building up these past days, but that didn’t make the act right. The only reason she allowed herself to moan was because it was what her partner would want to hear, an aural affirmation of the pleasure the plant was causing, a taste of the woman’s helplessness in the face of her vines’ touch. …Though normally, Nerzalil wouldn’t have managed to ignore her distaste to quite the degree she was with the Alraune.

Neri’s reservations had fairly quickly eroded as she saw more and more of how weak the plant was in the face of her sexual prowess (rusty though it was) - and as a result, the things she was willing and comfortable with doing to see such weakness had grown inversely numerous. Normally any attempt to cause Nerzalil significant pleasure, especially with something as brutishly-sized as the woven cock penetrating her presented pussy, would be met with instinctive hesitation and defense on the Shadow Demon’s part. Instead, to Neri the vines inside and against her only meant another chance to make the alraune’s eyes roll. Neri couldn’t determine exactly why she felt so safe with her new ally, enough so to openly display weakness before the woman; she didn’t seem to be under the effects of any chemicals or spells she recognized, and if she had been in a different mind, her own eagerness might have worried her.

The plant woman might have set her sights somewhat lower than Nerzalil’s face, but the insect wasn’t overly bothered by it – actually, the rapt attention to her bosom was endearing. Besides, there was a convenient array of phallic appendages wafting about her, doing their best to look enticing, and Nerzalil always jumped at an opportunity to try and practice on her greatest sexual weakness – the use of her mouth. If there was one area the Shadow Demon’s erotic skillset had ever flagged in, it was oral; after all, with mandiables like hers, even the demons she was enslaved to usually opted on the side of caution, keeping things below her face – and the demons that did see fit to test the bug’s maw did so quite brutally. After all, if you were going to bind her mouth-appendages, you might as well bind the rest of her; and if you had a slave bound, well, that was a good opportunity to really take things as far as you wanted. Unfortunately for the development of the Shadow Demon’s oral abilities, there wasn’t much practice one could get from having their mouth and throat forcibly raped.

Erotic skills were still –skills-, and Nerzalil had enough of an inferiority complex that the lack of them, orally speaking, was infuriating to her. In hell, she had become as good as sucking her own finger or the occasional phallic substitute could make her, which was to say considerably behind a succubi – and it was her inferiority to those damned women that had given Neri something of a complex. Neri’s more willing counterparts always knew how to push her buttons in more than one sense; being the butt of their typically snide comments for a good two decades had caused Neri to jump into more than a few ‘contests of skill’ against the seductive creatures; far more than she would have if the demons had instead tried been trying to seduce her.

Forcing half-formed thoughts of ‘cubi taunts from her head, Neri’s arm retracted, bringing with it the first of the vines to receive her affections. The insect only bothered with the barest of foreplay at this late stage of the tryst; Neri simply opened her mouth, (undoing some of the humanity that taking her mandiables out of the equation had caused, given the cavern of bright white flesh behind her identically glowing lips,) drawing the phallic extension in just far enough for it to qualify as a very deep kiss… should the tendril have been a tongue, and had there been a ‘cubi referee to make such a call. And it was as a lover’s tongue that she treated it, rolling her own against it for a good few moments, getting a feel for the taste and feel of the organ before turning the act into a(n officially-sanctioned legally-applicable succubi-approved) blowjob. Perhaps not a succubi-quality one, given that Neri was far from being inventive with her mouth, and not exactly well versed in coping with something less than half of the width she was used to, but there was enough of the tendril and enough passion in the act that the alraune probably wouldn’t care about the clumsy technique.

Her off hand – alternately caressing the plant’s back, thighs and, primarily, ass – would have seen its main use here, squeezing or pushing the alraune up towards Neri when she wanted more, while the rest of her body woulw be able to push her partner away if she wanted them to slow down, helping her keep the flow of the situation in her hands, semi-literally. The alraune, however, thwarted both uses of the technique – her vines kept things quite distinctly out of the Shadow Demon’s control, and the Voice made such physical communication meaningless. It found something else to do instead; her leg shifted away from grinding at her partner’s largely unattended petals as the Shadow Demon snaked her now-free hand up a green outer thigh and down the inner one. She wasted no time before tracing the outside and then inside of the flower’s petals, quite likely sticky with the plant’s nectar, and depending on how linked the alraune’s sexual organs were, cum. She had to be at least a little careful – Nerzalil’s fingers did not end in points simply to give the impression of nails; they were legitimately sharp claws she had, and if she had been trying to, or was simply careless enough, she could have well caused the alraune a cruel wound. Still, as long as she wasn’t harsh about it, the leaf-like flesh of the female’s body yielded to her touch… rather than being perforated by it.

Her intention was, at any rate, not to violently man-handle the plant’s depths; she instead moved to tease the skin around the bead cresting the alraune’s womanhood. The Shadow Demon could have tried, then, to bring the situation under her control, skilfully milking pleasure from the beautiful woman’s bud much as she had its vine. Instead, she allowed her actions to simply egg the eager foliage on; the alraune would likely feel distinctly unfulfilled if it did not get to exact pleasure from the insect, on its own terms, before its seeds were planted. Besides, Nerzalil had her own raging lusts that needed to be sated sooner rather than later…

…and ‘sooner’ was looking quite likely. When had she gotten quite this sensitive, that being filled to stretching and the touch of vines and tongues against her quite impressive bust was enough to make her almost become as quick off the plate as the alraune? Quite assuredly, this had been too long to go without sexual gratification. Neri had to doubt that she’d last until the plant sowed its seeds, even considering how sensitive it seemed to be… though getting quite so many different organs pleasured might just even things out a little.

It all took only perhaps a minute for the Shadow Demon to become acclimated with her new position, a short time for the alraune to rebuild some of its arousal in Neri’s affections, before truly fucking its semi-bound prey. “MMMHhhhhh! Hhhhmmmmuuhhh…!” the big bug cried out through the sudden onset of thrusting, and her muffled moans only decreased with the degree of her partner’s vigour. The Shadow Demon did attempt to continue some of her own actions, but it was token; strokes against the vine in her hand were haphazardly interrupted by the reflexive tightening and movement of her grip, while its counterpart lacked the dexterity to cause any pleasure without too much risk of pain… and the tendril in her mouth was, outside of the occasional lap, completely forgotten about against the trio of vines steadily pounding against a knot of physical need, the increasingly rapid assault sending waves of numbing heat she could feel from the end of her arms to the tip of her tail. There was no denying that her lover had her teetering near the edge of orgasm; the question was if, when and how it would bring it about. After all, it was the alraune’s turn with the reigns…
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