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Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The fishman darted forward, easily dodging Ai's leap at it and getting another scratch on her.

"Y-yes, I'm okay" she replies to Mary's question coming from the back. Wincing from the slight pain, Ai tries to stay calm and keep on the attack
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

20 vs. 17
2 vs. 15
16 vs. 3

Mary managed to launch two blasts of energy at the fish-man, one of them putting a dent in his shoulder, the other sailing off harmlessly into the swamp. The fish staggered back with the blow, and Ai managed to put a deep cut on its torso.

2 vs. 16

The fish-man tried to retaliate, but couldn't quite connect his blow on Ai.

Fish Man 1
2/5 HP

Fish Man 2
0/3 HP

5/5 FP
2/3 MP

2/5 FP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Ha! Take that. Let's get him, he probably can't take much more of this!" Mary shouted, happy to find her ability at magic still possible. She decided to launch another two bolts this time, she didn't want to take any chances with the fishman being around any longer.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

As her focus returns, Ai's pain eases and allows her to attack properly again. The mid-swing she throws out cuts a gash across the creature's chest. She backs down before the fishman can take a swipe at her.

"Yes, it's looking good" Ai says back at Mary, keeping her distance and readying an attack for the fishman once it comes near
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

10 vs. 12
13 vs. 12

Mary's first blast misses, but her second connects with the fish-man's face, and he staggers back a bit before lunging to attack Ai.

6 vs. 12
3 vs. 13

Ai easily dodges him and tries to finish the thing off, but he dodges just in time.

Fish Man 1
1/5 HP

Fish Man 2
0/3 HP

5/5 FP
1/3 MP

2/5 FP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary lines up her next blast. She knew the fishman was almost down, but it was annoying at how resilient enemies tended to be. Hopefully even if he dodged this it would be right into Ai's blade.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

While Mary's blast pounds the fishie on it's face, Ai waits for it to come at her.

Taking a quick step back, she evades the claws, trying to return the attack as the creature recovers from the attack. But the fish man is wise to her game, and evades the counter with a dodge of it's own.

Ai holds her ground, keeping up the same strategy
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

8 vs. 8

Mary's next blast hits the fish-man in the back as he charges at Ai, and he collapses to the ground in a heap.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The swamp thing plays her game once more, but before Ai has to swing at it, Mary's blast of magic nails the creature to the back. It falls face first to the ground in front of her, causing a mud splash that Ai manages to dodge.

"A nice bit of workout there. You did pretty good Mary" Ai says to Mary, stretching her arms a bit before continuing.
"So, the spire it is then?"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary gives a grin to Ai "Not bad yourself, but it looks like your clothes took a little bit of damage." Mary tries a bit of her magic to restore Ai's clothes to normal before answering, looking towards the spire.

"Yep, let's see what awaits us inside."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The two approached the spire, which looked even more decrepit and imposing up close. They found themselves confronted with a huge, rotting wooden door, which they opened with some difficulty and walked into the entrance to the spire. It was a small empty room with an immensely high ceiling, little rays of light filtering through it. There was only one path forward from here.
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Mary looked around in a bit of awe as they entered the old spire, taking in what sights she could, still amazed at the EGGs technology.

"Only one path forward it looks like, I guess we should get going then?"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

As they close to the tower's immidiate vicinity, it starts to look even more fascinating. The girls pry open the door, coming to a dimly lit entrance room

"Guess there's no other choice. Let's advance"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

The two walked along a short hallway before coming to a larger room, a bit more central in the spire. It was a plain room, with three open doorways, one in each wall. As they were deciding which path to take, they didn't notice the ropes slowly swirling about behind them... Ai spotted the rope demons at the last moment.

Rope Demon 1
7/7 HP

Rope Demon 2
6/6 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
3/3 MP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

A short hallway later, the girls come to a large room that is closing towards the central spire. A three-door intersection soon follows. Not sure which door to take, they stop to ponder a bit.

Just managing to notice another ambush, Ai turns to face the attackers as she gives Mary a quick warning. She settles on the spot once again, preparing for the monsters to attack and then hit back
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Ai's warning brings the rope demons to Mary's attention. Turning to look at them, she notices their size and figures they must be quiet powerful. "I never properly got the chance to lose to one of these...but if they're that powerful I guess I don't have to worry."

Mary brings her staff around as she aims a blast for the weaker looking demon. "Let's focus our efforts!"
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

3 vs. 10

Mary blasted at the weaker-looking rope demon, but missed completely; it reminded her quite a bit of her time in single-player, really.

16 vs. 16

That demon moved forward and whipped at Ai, and she barely managed to dodge.

3 vs. 15

Her counterattack fell far short, however.

9 vs. 14

The larger rope demon whipped at Ai, but she was too fast for it.

11 vs. 16
11 vs. 7

In the confusion after the first round of attacks, Ai and Mary quickly attacked the weaker demon, Ai managing to score a hit.

6 vs. 15
11 vs. 12

The rope demons lashed out at Ai again, but she managed to jump out of the way fairly easily.

Rope Demon 1
7/7 HP

Rope Demon 2
5/6 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
3/3 MP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

"Ahh! This is just like in single player...why is my aim so terrible!" Mary says dejectedly, aiming another blast for the already injured rope demon.

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to lose this quickly...even to something like this that looks quite fun..."
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

Dodging and weaving all around, Ai evades attacks the best she can, even scoring a hit in the process. The demons fail to hit her completely as she stays mobile. Seeing no better option, Ai focuses her attack on the same demon that Mary is blasting
Re: Ai and Mary (64 and Kakka)

4 vs. 16
12 vs. 15

Ai and Mary both miss with their attacks; this is getting a little bit worrisome.

9 vs. 1
20 vs. 9

The rope demons have better luck, whipping both Ai and Mary, entangling them slightly.

Rope Demon 1
7/7 HP

Rope Demon 2
5/6 HP

4/5 FP
0/10 AP
3/3 MP

4/5 FP
0/10 AP