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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

No, no one's here. (We're on for the usual time, I believe.)

Evil party, pick a day next week. I need word from all three of you, if you don't mind.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Anytime's good really, just give me a head's up, I only have morning classes right now.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Busy every weekday. Weekend only.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Weekend is fine for me.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Guess this is a little late, but are we on for tonight?
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I suppose so.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Guess this is a little late, but are we on for tonight?

It's more than a little late. It's at least seven or eight hours late.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Posted it before gametime tonight and Tass did get back to me rather quickly. However, as just Blarg and I showed up at the generally appointed time, we mostly talked Avengers and called it for the night.

Also, you missed the elven strippers.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

...You guys tied Isi up and stripped her, didn't you? XD

Sorry, work has me running in circles so bad, I forgot yesterday was saturday. Somebody poke me on AIM next time, I was there, but not on the forum.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Sorry about the extremely late reminder.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Don't think it would have made a difference on my end, my brain has been on standby most of the week, been just kinda zombying through everything. I was up for long enough last night, but I never thought to check the forum. Any earlier, and I likely would have forgotten about it, so no help there either.

Good news is, I have somehow managed to get this coming weekend off for no apparent reason, so I should be more aware by then.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Good party, Saturday at the usual time. Evil party, Sunday at 8 PM EST, no later.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I can be there for a bit, but I have to work at 9 on Sunday (see rant in Hate thread) so I won't be able to stay much later than 3, likely.
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Maybe we can start a bit earlier for ya then? i wouldn't mind an early night, i have massive cleaning to do this weekend. grandmother moves in with us weekend after, she's allergic to cats, and we have one hell of a hairy one XD
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

Suppose it all depends on what's going to go on and how much time we'll need for it. In theory, three hours should be enough to accomplish something, but then I know gaming groups...
Re: Pathfinder OOC Thread

I'll be out of town this weekend, not sure when I'll be back or if I'll have steady internet. If I'm around and say we can game, then we're on. If I'm not on by 1 AM then assume I won't be coming. As Loli hasn't told me whether or not she has to work Sunday and I may have a social requirement that day, I am unsure of the status of the evil party.