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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

It took Hannah a little while to calm herself fully, having been fairly shaken up by the event, though eventually she wiped away her tears and just sat there, cradling Mei-Lien's head. Eventually the redhead got up and clothed herself, leading Hannah back through the castle to the main hallway, and then taking the door that had been on their left. They found an exact replica of the room on the right, an empty room with a chest in the middle.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With her equipment all properly set up and the aching more mild, Mei felt like they should continue, which was exactly what they did. There was a sidepath in the previous room still unexplored, so that was the chosen location for them to go into. The area behind the door was a streamlined copy of the room on the right, but with a chest there. "Again... well, only one thing to do here...." she thought aloud, carefully inching towards the chest and trying to get it open with the utmost sensitivity in order to get an early warning from any possible dangers.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien opened the chest with all due caution, but unfortunately the chest was trapped in such a way that no amount of caution would have helped her; a deep, dark magic embedded in the material of the chest, powerful, and yet neither of them could have sensed it. As she threw open the chest she heard a voice that whispered to her from somewhere inside of her head. "Greedy greedy" it said, and she felt herself immediately lose control of her body. "Have you been enjoying the castle so far, love? I hope you have. That isn't the sense I get, though" the voice whispered, as it turned her body to face Hannah. "Is it empty?" the mage asked, assuming that was why Mei-Lien was turning. Then the redhead heard her own voice call out, somewhat different from her normal tone, though she couldn't quite figure out how. "Not quite empty" it said, as she got into a loose stance. "You'll surely love this part."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With the chest containing some evil presence inside it, Mei was unable to detect the thing until it took over, instantly pushing her to the passenger seat of her own body once more. This time, it was a more complete hostile takeover than before, as this thing could actually speak with her mouth and all that. "Getting raped and abused by numerous critters? Not my idea of a good time." she thought, attempting to communicate with the presence. "And liking things, I suppose we'll see about that." she continued, not attempting to resist at this point, even though she was not sure if there was enough mental strenght in her to compete with the possibly ancient spirit.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 20 vs. 2 H, Critical Hit!
H 18 vs. 6 M, Hit!
M 7 vs. 10 H, Miss!
H 3 vs. 5 M, Miss!
M 14 vs. 7 H, Hit!
H 18 vs. 12 M, Hit!

"Ah, but you will learn to enjoy it, love. I can tell. There's a bit of a masochist in everyone, after all. It just has to be nurtured" the voice whispered as Mei-Lien's body walked slowly over to Hannah, seeing that she hadn't responded to the stance with more than a cocked head and curiosity. "Though perhaps you're more of a sadist at heart. I bet you'd just love to wipe the smile off this goody-two-shoes' face" the whispering continued, and suddenly she lunged at Hannah, slamming her fist into the mage's face and breaking her nose instantly. Hannah stumbled back a few steps and launched a fireball that hit Mei-Lien in the chest, hurting her a bit, though whatever was in control of her didn't seem to mind, and she continued on with another punch that Hannah was able to block with her arms. She then kicked at the young mage, slamming her in the side with a powerful blow, but she managed to knock the redhead back with a fireball. She stood back a bit, clutching her bleeding nose, and asked "a chest that's trapped to possess someone? You're a demon, aren't you?" Mei-Lien laughed, replying "of course not. What a silly idea. I'm just going to have a little fun." The mage seemed to see through it, and replied "alright then, no more holding back."

3/5 FP

2/5 FP
3/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Fucking hell.." Mei thought from her observer spot as she listened to the spirit speak at her. Despite there being some truth in the personality analogy it gave her, the redhead had taken some liking to this young mage. The later had even confessed to her, being an all-around good massager and healer, even took care of her beaten and abused body multiple times since they had started adventuring together despite having seen a few glipses of the fighter's true underlying personality. Now she was made to attack Hannah once more, under a possession though. It seemed that Hannah recognized the event for what it was, and this gave Mei the push she needed to try and fight back. "Let's see if I can affect this somehow..." she thought, trying to focus her will and wrest control back to herself before something truly bad could occur. If nothing else, she'd try to hinder her own movement enough for Hannah to get the opportunity to knock her out.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 19 vs. 17 H, Hit!
H 14 vs. 3 M, Hit!
H 10 vs. 2 M, Hit!
M 7 vs. 15 H, Miss!
H 19 vs. 4 M, Critical Hit!

The voices stopped communicating with Mei-Lien for a while, focusing on the fight. And at first it continued to go well for it, as she landed a strong kick to the side of Hannah's knee, bending it in a way it most assuredly wasn't made to bend, causing a cry of pain to escape the mage. Just as the voice was about to press the advantage and end the fight, though, Mei-Lien forced her way into control of her body for a split second, surprising whatever was possessing her. "Fighting back? Hmph. Perhaps I've underestimated your opinion of this little girl" it whispered at her as it wrested control away from her again, though the pause was enough for Hannah to compose herself and shoot off two fireballs from her knees, one hitting the redhead square in the chest, the other in her hips. "Damn you" the voice muttered, launching herself at the still kneeling mage, though this only allowed Hannah to blast her at point blank range with another fireball, causing her to crumple to the ground. Slowly she faded out of consciousness, as the voice whispered "very well, have it your way. I'm sure we'll meet again."

When Mei-Lien awoke, Hannah was sitting next to her, looking as if nothing had happened as usual. "So you're awake. You really have got to stop busting my nose. Maybe go after some other part of me?" she said, jokingly. Her face got serious after that, though, and she continued "this is a bad place. There aren't many things that would have the power to do something like that. In fact, I can't think of anything... Except... maybe demons. Should we keep going? It might not make much difference now one way or the other..." Just like across the hall, there was another door in this room.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Still seeing herself fight Hannah, Mei's sudden struggle for control brought the mage enough of an opening to allow her the victory. As her blasted body fell, the redhead had a feeling of triumph. "Ahhahaaa, no ancient evil controls me...."

Once her senses returned, the figher found Hannah sitting there like nothing had happened between them. The mage knew enough that she couldn't fault Mei for her actions. "Where would you like me to hit you then?" she gave a reply to the mage's first comment, letting her speak afterwards. "That's most likely what the thing was, some sort of ancient demon spirit. The takeover happened so fast and effortlessly that I'm sure about it..."

With the door in sight, she started going for it. "Might as well go all the way..."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Maybe a nice punch to the gut for a change of pace" Hannah replied, keeping up the joke. "Maybe if we keep going we'll be able to find the cause of all this and deal with it. Though... It's probably powerful" she continued, following Mei-Lien into the next room. It seemed empty when they walked into it, but it was filled with a putrid smell. There was another door at the end of the room, but as Mei-Lien walked towards it Hannah suddenly shouted "stop!" Apparently the ability she had gained from the dryad had come in handy, and she could see something Mei-Lien couldn't. "There's a pit trap in the middle of the room. If you hug the wall, you'll avoid it" she explained, looking quite wary of whatever was in the pit.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The pair got into the new room. It was a strange place, looking empty but having a bad smell to it, as if something was putrefying in there. Before Mei could get too far in, Hannah stopped her, warning the martial artist about a trap. "Really? Alright, we'll evade the trap then." she said, setting herself against the wall to lurch past the illusionary floor. "Is something down there? the redhead asked along the way


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Have you ever seen those plants that eat bugs and things?" Hannah asked as she followed Mei-Lien in their path, hugging the wall towards the next room. "There's an enormous one of those at the bottom of the pit. Whoever built this castle isn't playing around." When they entered the next room, they found it far different from the rest of the rooms so far. While the rest were bathed in unnatural light that seemed to have no point of origin, this one was half shrouded in darkness. Somehow it seemed much blacker than anything the two of them had ever seen. Little tendrils of the darkness started to float over towards them along the floor, apparently interested in the two girls. "I've never heard of any sort of monster like that..."

10/10 HP

5/5 FP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"A flytrap huh? Good that you noticed, it could've ended badly..." Mei gave a reply as they got past the illusionary pit. Behind the next door, there was another room, strangely half-lit with the other side being the most dark area the former champion had seen in her life. Something seemed to live there as well, a group of shadowy tentacles giving backing to the idea. "That looks somewhat curious... Let's hope I can hit them. Though these enchanted punch aids should help if they don't feel normal physical attacks..." she said, keeping the front and using only her fists to combat the tentacles.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 8 vs. 8 S, Hit!
H 13 vs. 11 S, Hit!
H 9 vs. 15 S, Miss!
S 11 vs. 20 M, Miss!
S 7 vs. 3 H, Hit and Grappled!
M 5 vs. 20 S, Counter!
H 13 vs. 13 S, Hit!
H 18 vs. 14 S, Hit!
S 3 vs. 8 M, Miss!
S 16 vs. 17 H, Miss!
M 5 vs. 6 S, Miss!
H 12 vs. 21 S, Miss!
H 6 vs. 5 S, Hit!
S 6 vs. 18 M, Miss!
S 7 vs. 6 H, Hit and Grappled!

Mei-Lien waited for the tendrils of darkness to come to her, and as they crawled slowly along the floor she punched one of them, the impact sending the tendril writhing backwards, retreating to the main clump of blackness. Hannah shot two fireballs at the clump, one of them connecting, the other seemingly phased out of existence just before it got there. Finally, though, the tendrils reached the two adventurers, one of them suddenly rearing up and lashing out at Mei-Lien, who easily dodged, while another attacked Hannah. The mage wasn't quite so fast as the redhead had been, and she was whipped and grabbed by the thing, lifted up a little into the air. Mei-Lien tried to attack a part of the darkness, but it seemed to anticipate her attack, and it dodged out of the way while slapping painfully against her lower legs. In the meantime, being lifted up into the air seemed to motivate Hannah, and her fireballs both hit home, forcing the darkness to drop her. Again Mei-Lien managed to dodge the thing's attack without problem, and this time Hannah knew what to expect, jumping out of the way and shooting a couple fireballs at the mass, though only one seemed to have any sort of effect. However, she hadn't noticed a tendril creeping up behind her, and it swiftly knocked her off her feet and grabbed hold of her ankles, pulling them together as more of the darkness crept her way...

5/10 HP

4/5 FP

Hannah (Grappled, -1 to Attack)
3/5 FP
0/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

There was certain predictability to these tentacles, much like to the many other beings they had fought before, allowing Mei easy strikes to open the combat. Despite Hannah's success at damaging the main mass, she was the one to get smacked around this time while the redhead evaded the grasping towards her. She threw in another attack, but failed this time and got whipped for the trouble. After another set of attacks, the situation didn't look too bad, even if Hannah was grappled. They needed to finish the investigating of this odd place, so Mei set upon the thing with her fists once more, confident that Hannah would be able to escape on her own


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 22 vs. 20 S, Hit!
H 18 vs. 13 S, Hit!
S 13 vs. 4 M, Hit and Grappled!
S 20 vs. 9 H, Hit and Grappled!
M 7 vs. 23 S, Counter!
H 3 vs. 21 S, Counter!
S 2 vs. 15 M, Miss!
S 9 vs. 19 H, Miss!
M 11 vs. 22 S, Miss!
H 16 vs. 9 S, Hit!
S 14 vs. 21 M, Miss!
S 10 vs. 14 H, Miss!

Mei-Lien managed to land a solid hit on one of the tendrils of darkness, and Hannah managed to get herself free with a fireball. The darkness writhed around them, more and more tendrils coming after them as the center mass seemed to shrink, and the tendrils grabbed both of them, whipping them before they had a chance to counter. The two managed to struggle enough to keep the blackness at bay for a short while, and Hannah managed to get herself free and dodge a counterattack, though Mei-Lien was still stuck in the hold of one of the tendrils. As she struggled, one of them snaked its way up into her dress, tugging at her panties. Hannah looked tired, having to take a moment to catch her breath before getting ready to attack.

2/10 HP

Mei-Lien (Grappled, -0 to Attack)
2/5 FP

1/5 FP
0/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah proved that the redhead's thoughts were not just thoughts as she freed herself, almost doing it in synch with the strike hitting home on the billowy mass of shadow. There was some shifting of darkness all over them afterwards, and both girls got grappled before they could properly evade or counter. This time it was Mei's turn to get held up in the grapple, and she looked on as Hannah escaped to the side. One nebulous tendril was already eager to poke at her panties, so Mei switched her efforts to attacking despite being still grappled. This battle could still go both ways, as Hannah was not going to fire multiple attacks anymore.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 12 vs. 8 S, Hit!
H 11 vs. 5 S, Hit!

Mei-Lien lashed out at the darkness holding her, seemingly injuring it once more, and Hannah cast another fireball at its center mass, hitting it head on. Immediately the tendrils dropped Mei-Lien and slithered off into the rest of the blackness, which itself floated to a corner, now looking small and nonthreatening. "I still don't know what that is, or why it would be here. Still, I think that was the toughest thing we've managed to beat. Maybe we're getting a little better as we go."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The offending tendril was quickly put back to it's place as Mei slmmed a fist into a few of it's buddies, followed by Hannah ever-present fireball. "Does that girl even do anything besides fireballs and healing?" the martial artist thought as she saw the darkness retreat into a corner, cowering in front of the two girls. Agreeing to Hannah's remark with a stern nod, she would lead them forward after adjusting her underwear back on properly, taking them to a new door if there was one in the room. Otherwise, they might have to enter that big door at the main corridor.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Just like the other side of the castle, there wasn't another door leading out of this room, so the two would have to go back to the main pathway. As they walked, though, Mei-Lien began to hear a number of voices seemingly coming from inside her head. Perhaps it was a side effect of the earlier incident. Perhaps being knocked out hadn't really ended her possession. Or maybe it was just a part of being in the castle. Either way, the voices seemed to be focused on Hannah. "You don't really like that girl" "do you?" "Just look at her" "look at her" "look at her" they whispered, all in unison on the third repetition. "Look at that twiggy little bitch" "walking around with that stupid half-smile on her face" "always faking excitement" "the hypocrite" "hypocrite" "hypocrite." "Paralyzed by fear" "so afraid" "so useless" "useless" "useless." "Why do you let her tag along with you?" "Haven't you got any pride?" "Will you really continue to allow that parasite to use you?" "Love you?" "She loves you?" "She doesn't love you." "She isn't capable" "not capable" "not capable." "She's just a lonely little girl, desperately clinging to anyone or anything that will let her." "She doesn't know the meaning of love." "Did you know that she doesn't mind losing?" "Sometimes she allows herself to lose." "Offers no resistance" "no resistance" "no resistance." "So desperate she'll give herself to a monster just so she won't feel alone" "so she'll feel wanted." "Weakness." "Her body is soft, but her mind is softer." "We have seen her heart" "We know her weakness." "Discard her." "Throw her out with the other trash" "this useless little bitch who only keeps you around because you're pretty." "Because she wants inside your dress." "Because she can't stand to be alone." The voices kept up their whispering as the two made their way into the main hallway and started deeper into the castle.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the pair walked down towards the main corridor to move forward, another mind-speaking session started in Mei's mind. It was similar to the last one, seemingly trying to get her break up with Hannah. Maybe the possessing demon thingy hadn't left her body yet, who knew. But the words were something she focused on. The fear part she had seen, but still the girl fought all the monsters she did. The girl could definately use some work on the looks department, she was unhealthy-looking and thin. Pride? That she did have, it was one of the things Mei thought she should try to work out from her own persona. But that pride didn't stop her from having an ally, one of the few beings that had been kind to her in this world. She didn't know love? The confession from before had seemed pretty genuine to the redhead, and she did have some respect to the mage for gathering her courage to say it. Maybe Hannah just wanted to sex her up, but the girl was still the one who had taken care of her so many times. Ignoring the rest of the jabberings was easy to Mei, who thought it being a rather amusing past-time as they went. She wondered if Hannah was getting similar things told about her along the way.