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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Oh..." Hannah said, thinking for a moment. "Well, does it bother you all the time, or are you just tired of it? She's seemed like a decent person when I've dealt with her, I'm sure if you explained things to her she'd understand" the mage continued, shrugging a little. "I'm fine with whatever you want to do for the most part, you know me."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Well I agree, Rosa is a pretty decent being, all things considered. Just not wanting to go and do that stuff now, there's no problem with the asker. I suppose we can go meet her if you feel it's too early, but I'll have to refrain from any sexual acts, don't really care for that right now. But we can sleep too, I'm fine with either." Mei carried on the conversation, not entirely sure what to do with the whole deal. It was indeed a bit early still.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"I say we meet her. I'm sure she'll understand if you don't want to have sex with her, and we can probably kill a little time that way until it's a more reasonable time for bed. At least, I'm not that tired" Hannah said, nodding and then looking up at Mei-Lien. She then let out a giggle as she set her eyes in front of her again. "Goodness, you just tower over me now" she said with a grin. "The whole thing is going to take some getting used to, but all in all I think I like it."

With the decision made, Mei-Lien called on the shapeshifter, who soon transported them to her head space. They found themselves on a cliff much like the one Rosa had pushed the redhead off of earlier in the day, though this time it had a rather nice view, a wonderful lookout over rolling plains to one side, transitioning into a hilly forest on the other. The shapeshifter was sitting in comfortable-looking chair enjoying the view, and she patted a pair of seats next to her, offering them to the two of them. "Good evening" she said, leaning back in the chair.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Yeah, let's see her then. Rosa has never forced my hand into those acts, so I can't really blame her for anything." Mei gave her final reply to Hannah for now, not really making a scene about her sudden height gain, though she did prod the mage with her body to tease her a bit. Such was the height difference between the two that Hannah barely reached past chest level.

After a mental poke in Rosa's direction, the pair soon found themselves back at the mindscape. The scenery was much more grand this time, a plains and forest setting viewed from a great cliff. Not going too deeply into greetings or such, the new demoness sat down plainly onto a chair that was offered, returning the greeting in exactly the same words. Not really having anything in mind, the fighter simply looked at the surroundings.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien and Hannah took their seats, and for a while the group of three sat in silence, enjoying the impressive view. Finally Rosa spoke up, asking "is there anything you want to do? I didn't have anything in specific in mind. We could play a couple of different kinds of games, or maybe have a swim or something. Or we could do other things~ I'm not really picky."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After a while, Rosa seemed to have gotten somewhat bored with the uneventful scenery viewing, and started suggesting other things for the trio to do instead of just sitting there. Once she had gone through the suggestions, the thought of maintaining her cleanliness came to Mei's mind. She had just gone through a major transformation, and was willing to get herself into water. "Swimming sounds good. Though I'd prefer it in reality, get myself clean you know." the demonic redhead replied after a brief silence.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Mmm, getting clean? There's a bath for that, and you know where it is no doubt. Other than that, this is a fairly small island, and fresh water for drinking and bathing is a scarce resource. Nothing deep enough to swim in would be out of the way enough that you wouldn't be seen. So, if you still want to swim here for the fun of it, we can do that, but you can't do both at once" Rosa replied, nodding. The scenery started to change as she did, the cliff slowly lowering down into a plain with a wide, slow moving river. "You could try the ocean, of course, but I wouldn't recommend it."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Despite the setback, only a small frown gave away the redhead's dissappointment. "Suppose we'll have to settle on that bath then. Imaginary swimming won't help me with me real body and it's real dirtiness. So I suppose we should go and use that pool then." Mei replied, not really up for the mind-swimming when it would be of no use to her. She would lead Hannah to the real bath, along with Rosa if she wanted to tag along.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hm... Alright, I suppose. I'll meet you there" Rosa replied, and soon Hannah and Mei-Lien were in the hallway again. The new demon then led her slave to the bath, to find the shapeshifter already there and sitting back in the warm water. "Come on in, it's pretty nice" she said, grinning up at the two of them. Hannah quickly joined her, sitting opposite Rosa. When Mei-Lien followed she would find the water quite pleasant, and that Hannah would move on her own to start scrubbing her back if she would allow it.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As the pair found their bath, they had the shifter waiting for them, already immersed and enjoying herself in the warm water. Mei held back the urge to jump into the water with a huge splash, remembering it was not deep enough for such things, especially with her newly-gained height increase. So she held up to her dignity, doing a non-dramatic, standard lowering into the pool of pleasurable warmth. Hannah was there right next to her as expected, and was soon all over her back with the scrubbing action. Sensing a prank, the redhead would dramatically sprout her wings after a while to give the girl some more work. She did not mean anything bad with it though, entirely confident that the mageling would be more than eager to have as much time touching her as possible.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah scrubbed Mei-Lien's back quietly for a bit, until suddenly the reptilian wings burst out of slots to each side of the demon's shoulderblades, dramatically unfurling until they were fully extended and slightly longer than her armspan. Hannah let out a squeal of surprise, falling back in the pool with a splash and flailing a little. Rosa couldn't help but laugh at the scene, clearly having gotten a kick out of the prank. After a little while Hannah recovered from her surprise, and she got back up and gently took hold of one of the leathery wings. "Wow... This is so cool... Can you fly with these?" she asked, rubbing at what little dirt was on the wings now, marveling at the feel of it. At least she didn't seem freaked out by Mei-Lien's transformation, drastic though it had been.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The little prod at Hannah seemed more than succesful, pushing the mage backwards with a flail and splash. But Rosa seemed to have gotten some enjoyment out of it, and the wiry girl was soon back on her feet, seeming quite interested about the new body parts Mei had acquired from her transformation. So interested in fact that she was feeling up for more questions about them. "Nah, not yet at least. I did some practise earlier, and the best I can manage for now is gliding. It might still be a usefull skill, enabling me to fall down long distances without getting hurt." the demonic fighter replied, letting Hannah have all the time she wanted with the wings. It was a remarkably good thing that she seemed to be taking all this in with practically no shock of any kind.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmm... That's still pretty cool" Hannah replied, thoroughly cleaning the impressive wings and familiarizing herself with the feel of them before finally moving down to Mei-Lien's lower back, cleaning that and then saying "you'll need to stand up if you want me to clean the rest of your backside." For her part, Rosa seemed content to relax and be with the two, either waiting for Mei-Lien to strike up a conversation or just not being very talkative at the moment.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Oh, right. This darned height increase." the martial artist demon muttered as she picked herself off from the bottom and stood up to allow Hannah a more free reign at her back. As the girl carried on with her scrubbing, she addressed Rosa for a bit. "I never did get your story. How did you end up with the mistress? Were you a human once as well?" Mei asked, a modest curiousity making her inquire about it.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

When Mei-Lien stood up, Hannah began to scrub the parts of Mei-Lien's lower back that she hadn't been able to properly reach, starting to hum quietly to herself as she did so. When Mei-Lien asked Rosa for some of her story, the shapeshifter leaned back even further, smiling a little. "No, I was 'born' some five centuries ago, in a form more like this one" she said, changing her shape until she was a rather muscular, handsome man. "I remember it, actually. It was a strange feeling, being born. I was little different than I am now, except naive and unskilled. I wandered around, learning how to fight for a while, becoming a warrior with time. I had to put up with a lot of strange looks and ill-feeling from the more mortal races, who wondered what I was, why I didn't age, why I could manipulate my body as I could. It was around this time that I discovered that I couldn't die, regardless of how much people wanted me to..."

She frowned, sitting up a little straighter then. "I won't bore you with too many details, but I wandered around in this way for about a couple of centuries, I think. Somewhere along the line I realized that I preferred taking female form" she said, changing back to her normal form. "At first I preferred more childish forms, so that some of the more feminine parts wouldn't get in the way while I was fighting, but eventually I settled on the balance you see before you." As the story was being told Hannah moved on to scrub Mei-Lien's butt, being thorough, but not particularly sexual in her treatment, and then moving down the redhead's legs. "It was towards the end of that time that I met your mistress for the first time. She was quite different then... A lot more angry and impulsive. But there was something that drew me to her. Maybe it was the fact that even then she was a powerful warrior, and quite the looker too. I found that impossibly sexy... Which might have something to do with why I like you so much too" Rosa continued, winking at that last bit. "I decided to follow her around, to help her with her tasks. At first she resisted, not wanting a partner, but she came to see my value. Not only can I be useful in battle, I could help her to control some of more dangerous attributes. Because of my immortal nature, whenever she was overly angry or filled with rage she could take it out on me as much and as brutally as she wanted with little consequence. It was really unpleasant at first, but I took it for her sake."

She sighed, eying Hannah behind Mei-Lien as she no doubt pondered how much she should say in front of the young mage. "Even so, I had always had a preference for being submissive in bed despite not minding going the other way, and with enough time I grew to love even the most extreme pain she threw at me, so eventually I asked her to be more... sexual... while she vented her frustrations. We started to have the sessions more regularly, and for fun rather than out of anger, and over time it helped her to curb her aggression. By now she's pretty well in control of herself. Over the centuries we just grew together, our interests started to mesh perfectly, and I can't speak for her, but just being around her gives me this content feeling that makes everything seem right somehow. Does that answer your questions, or is there anything more specific you want to know about?" she finished. At the same time Hannah finished her cleaning job, and asked "do you want me to clean your front side too, or will you do it yourself?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Taking in the shifter's story in all necessary carefulness, Mei had a minor concern about Rosa being there with them. "Hmmm... so she might actually be fully immortal... that could be bad..." she thought, the possible future rebellion would be blunted brutally by this one, if she could not be taken out. Since she was always looking out for herself and getting treated respectfully, the possibility of the new demon rebelling once the collar was off remained a strong possibility if the proper respect was not shown to her. Setting aside the thoughts for now, the martial artist switched her attention back to the mage scrubbing at her and eventually finishing. "If you want to, go ahead. But I won't force you, I'm perfectly fine with doing it myself." she replied, going along with whatever plan Hannah wanted to go with.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

With Mei-Lien's words Hannah quietly shifted around to the redhead's front, scrubbing her shoulders for a bit before moving down, cleaning the ample chest that was essentially eye level with her now that Mei-Lien was standing. As she did so, Rosa sat back again and sighed. "So that's my story. How about you? None of us really know that much about you, besides maybe your slave. You don't necessarily look like you're from around here, and that seems like a strange pairing you've got going on there" she asked, winking at the last part as she talked about Hannah as if the mage wasn't there. In the meantime she finished up her thorough cleaning of Mei-Lien's chest, moving down to scrub at her stomach, and it looked like she was trying not to pay much attention to the shapeshifter.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As she had been expecting, Mei's frontside was soon under the washing hands of Hannah. The girl just couldn't pass on an opportunity to feel her. But this did not bother the new demon, who maintained her discussion with Rosa, who inquired her about her own history. Though it would be stupid as hell for her to try and claim that she came from an outside world and this is all just a game for her, the redhead thought that her real-life story could still suffice with slight variations into things.

"Not really all that much in me to tell about. I'm from a far eastern country, started training martial arts when I was seven years of age. Have kept up with the training throughout my life, was once even a champion of my particular style. But then I lost interest in that stuff, left my school and went to pursue a path of fame and fortune in the illegal, underground fighting rings where life would occasionally be lost in matches for money. They too proved weak for the most part, and I could get along with the pay, but it was boring in the long run. So I left for other places, looking to find my big catch in some foreign country. I wandered through a few ruins with this here stick of a girl, and now we ended up here." she gave a brief overview about her existence, poking at Hannah on the side. She still let the mageling carry on, looking at Rosa instead to hear what she had to say.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Rosa listened quietly to Mei-Lien's story for a while, nodding every so often as Hannah continued to clean the redhead's stomach, rubbing her way down the long, tight body as the story went on. When she was done the shapeshifter began to comment. "Far east, huh? Must be waaaaaaaaay across the ocean. Interesting. Well, if tough fights are what you're looking for, I hope I provide a few. If you want I can always take a more powerful form to challenge you" she said, winking. As she finished, Hannah reached Mei-Lien's crotch, and started to clean it perhaps a little less thoroughly than she had the rest of the redhead, not wanting to cross the line over to pleasuring her, before starting down her legs. "So, are you looking forward to tomorrow then? Your first real consequential fight as a demon. I don't know if I'll be with you or not, it depends on how much confidence your mistress has in you."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"We'll see about that when we practise next. But tomorrow has me a bit wary, it will affect a lot of thing, I'm sure of that." Mei replied in short as Hannah carried on with the washing still. Her consideration and overcoming the desires to tease her when the ability was there for her to use made the redhead give her a bit more respect. "But I won't let my waryness get in the way, I'll maintain my cool and carry the operation out as I best can." the new demon assured Rosa of her intentions.

Seeing how the situation was, the redhead would get out from the bath if they were getting to finishing, but she would still let Hannah have her little pleasures as needed.