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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 26 vs. 19 R, Hit!
R 17 vs. 27 M, Miss!

M 18 vs. 11 R, Hit!
R 19 vs. 24 M, Miss!

M 13 vs. 22 R, Miss!
R 27 vs. 28 M, Miss!

Rosa kept charging, but Mei-Lien managed to kick the shifter's knee hard, throwing her off balance and knocking her forward. Once she was on the ground the demon stomped on the back of her head and then jumped back, preparing herself to defend against the inevitable counterattack. It was good that she did so, because Rosa launched at her with a fury, swinging her sword with enough power to slice several Mei-Lien's in half. With skilled use of her gauntlets the demon deflected the blow just barely, the metal of the weapons scarred deeply from taking the blow.

6/10 HP

5/7 FP
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

This streak was beginning to show that there might be a chance for Mei yet to get at least one victory over the shifter, even if it was a pretty minor one at this point. The incoming charge was easy enough to prevent, a kick to the knee taking Rosa down for a follow-up shot before they had to face off again. Maybe the pop-up had not been a total fakeout, for the following sword swing were now somewhat easier to deflect. The pair would still go on, one of them eventually going down. Hoping that she had some success, the redhead carried on with the application of fist and foot wherever appropriate.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

M 7 vs. 15 R, Miss!
R 22 vs. 26 M, Miss!

M 16 vs. 11 R, Hit!
R 14 vs. 11 M, Hit!

M 21 vs. 10 R, Hit!
R 18 vs. 27 M, Miss!

M 24 vs. 29 R, Miss!
R 14 vs. 15 M, Miss!

M 20 vs. 10 R, Hit!
R 21 vs. 17 M, Hit!

M 12 vs. 11 R, Hit!
R 29 vs. 21 M, Hit!

M 15 vs. 23 R, Miss!
R 25 vs. 12 M, Hit!

M 15 vs. 14 R, Hit!
R 22 vs. 25 M, Miss!

M 19 vs. 16 R, Hit!

Rosa continued to charge at Mei-Lien, swinging her sword with a fury few could match, though the demon was able to stay just barely out of the way of most of the blows, deflecting a few at a cost to her gauntlets' structural integrity. Finally she got tired of doing nothing but dodging, and stepped into a blow to punch the shifter hard in the nose, shattering it and causing blood to flow down Rosa's face even as the shifter's long sword slashed into the redhead's stomach again. Before Rosa could even react, though, Mei-Lien planted her knee in the shifter's gut hard enough to make her stagger back a few steps. The two of them both needed to catch their breath for a moment, though the demon hadn't gotten to Rosa like this since she had started fighting seriously, and that was starting to give her some confidence.

After the short break, Mei-Lien ran at Rosa quickly, faking the shifter out with a feint and then kicking at her knee. Even though Rosa's leg buckled she managed to swing her sword, slashing straight through the chainmail on the demon's shoulder and cutting deeply into her flesh, making it hard to use her left arm. Mei-Lien didn't flinch away, though, simply using her right arm to throw a powerful punch to Rosa's jaw, receiving a deep cut across her chest for her troubles. She tried to follow up with a left hook, but her damaged arm was too slow, and the shifter grabbed it hard with her free hand, twisting and jerking to break and dislocate bone as she painfully mangled the redhead's arm. Still, Mei-Lien managed to retaliate by kicking the same knee for the third time this fight, and it finally paid off as the kneecap shattered. Rosa screamed out in pain, collapsing slowly while swinging her blade as her leg failed to hold weight. It was a powerful blow, and even though the demon blocked it her gauntlet split open, her knuckles taking a shallow cut as the metal fell away uselessly. Even so, the fight was nearly over as the shifter fell to her knees, raising her sword to try and strike one last finishing blow. Mei-Lien was faster, as she grabbed the back of Rosa's head with her good hand and then slammed her knee into the shifter's already broken nose. She could feel the skull caving in around her knee, a satisfying feeling after so much losing and such a long, painful fight.

As Rosa slumped to the ground, twitching, Mei-Lien stood over her triumphant. The demon was covered in blood from cuts to her stomach, chest, and limbs, and her left arm could do little more than hang limply at her side, but she had won. After a few minutes her wounds began to heal, as did Rosa's, though both of them took a little while. When the shifter was well enough to speak she groaned out "f...fuck... that was a great fight..." Slowly she began to claw at the dirt until she was crawling forward a little, finally getting to Mei-Lien's feet and giving the one that had destroyed her knee a kiss. "I'm impressed at how far you've come in so short a time." Her wounds almost fully healed now, Rosa slowly got up, her sword disappearing. "I haven't had one that good in a long time. Even after tomorrow we'll have to keep sparring just for fun. Anyway, I guess it's time to go to dinner" the shifter finished, and soon the two of them were back at the dining room table, just as food was being placed in front of them, thick slices of meat cooked well-done with a number of different side dishes. Hannah sat down beside Mei-Lien, casting sideways glances at the demon as she and Erica waited to begin eating.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

What followed Mei's random thoughts was a furious exchange of blows between the two, blood and sweat being produced in abundance but no tears would be shed in this fight. In the end, after smashing in Rosa's face, the redhead stood victorious. Barely able to stay on her feet and with a broken-down arm and equipment, but she did stand as the victor this time around. While it was no real victory against the super-vital shifter, managing one small victory over her was a good enough feeling to justify this last round as a success. Eventually her partner got back to a moving condition, going as far as planting a kiss on her. "Not sure what you're talking about there, seems like luck to me. But thanks, I suppose." she replied, letting Rosa return to her proper condition over time.

Not a moment after the shifter had recovered, the pair returned to the table with the dinner already there. "Huh? Already? Didn't expect it taking this long, but ok." the demoness commented before setting upon all the varieties of food. She was sure to eat at least some of everything.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien would find that the meat was a bit dry, but there was a spicy sauce of some kind served on the side that made up for it. For sides there were some potatoes fixed a few different ways, a light salad, and a creamy soup that tasted like mushroom soup with a few things added. In all it was decent, but could have been better. The demon would note that Tess wasn't there again this meal. Finally Erica asked her usual question after finishing about half her meal; "So, did you have a good last training session?"
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei found that the food was not all that surprising, maintaining it's decent taste that was nothing special, in neither positive or negative way. It was something she had expected really, since most foods had been that way. This time, Tess' absence did not surprise her, the whole deal not really bothering ehr in any way. The girl had been pretty dedicated towards her cause of monster training, so the demoness saw it fit to let her do that in peace. Better than usual, and more like an actual training session than usual. she replied once the mistress saw it fit to ask.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmm... Well that's good to hear" Erica replied, nodding. She took another bite and then said "Tess is in bed for the night. Apparently things almost worked out, but she couldn't get the tentacle beast to restrain itself forever and it really wore her out. She did better than I expected her to do for her first day, though." It would seem that the pudgy girl hadn't quite succeeded despite the progress she had made. The rest of the meal was spent in quiet, though as people were finishing up Mei-Lien heard Rosa's voice in her head. "Want to come back with me after dinner? Maybe you ought to bring your little mage friend and show her a fun time. She's worried about you, and going through a lot of emotions right now." Just as she was finished speaking, the elder succubus said "Alright, I'll clean up, you're dismissed for the night. Tomorrow we fight, so get at least a decent sleep" as she got up and began to clean up.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hmm, maybe a bit too much for her first attempts there." the demoness commented as she heard what had occurred in the monster housing areas. Somehow, it was not surprising. After that, there was nothing really said between the participants of the meal, until Rosa's mental communique interrupted the silence for Mei. While she had no real reply, the thing suggested was most likely a necessary event. Once the dinner had passed, the comment of the mistress made the redhead sigh heavily. "How am I supposed to sleep decently when there's all this sex and violence I have to do?" she thought, opting to go along with the shifter's suggestion.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After dinner the group split up, Erica continuing to clean up, Rosa off to do something or other, and Mei-Lien and Hannah walking to their bedroom, as they generally did after dinner was over. Once they had gotten inside and settled in to the little bed, they found themselves transported to a part of Rosa's headspace they had never seen before. Suddenly they were on a large, luxurious bed with the moon and stars above them, candles arranged all around the bed to provide dim but pleasant mood lighting. "There are toys and things just beyond the bed if you need them. You can go to sleep afterwards, I'll transfer you back and you won't wake up" the shifter communicated into Mei-Lien's mind. Hannah seemed surprised to be there, but not unpleasantly so.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Shortly after the dinner, the two returned to the demoness' room, getting into that small bed. It was then that they were whisked away into the shifter's odd as ever mindspot, in a pretty much superior bed with all the mood lightning and nightsky and the works. After getting the last bit of info from Rosa concerning the toys that were hidden just behind the headboard of the bed they were on. Since she was not sure how Hannah might be feeling in the current moment, Mei decided to initiate the thing with a more light approach involving some kissing and touching and such, maybe some involving toy if there was something she found approapriate for a starter. Going into full rapemode from the start was not likely a good choice for a delicate situation such as this one, and there was the chance of losing something potentially good that the mage girl might do.

Moving on to actually doing things, the demoness took the mage girl into her arms, knowing that she liked that lovey-dovey stuff so much. When she had her in a good enough position, she started with the kissing, going at it for a good few minutes to see how Hannah was doing today and how she reacted to it. After she had her fill of the tongue-wrestling, Mei moved on to the touching part. Getting a few fingers into the rich girl's lower entrance, she further followed the reactions as she rubbed, using them as a guide towards what to do next.
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah was smiling happily as Mei-Lien leaned in and held the mage in her arms, whispering "Mei-Lien…" as she leaned the rest of the way in for a kiss. Her arms wrapped around the demon, hands stroking her back and wings as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to really get into the makeout session. The redhead would find her smaller partner kissing her back with passion, more aggressive than usual. She seemed content to keep up the kissing for as long as Mei-Lien would, though the demon could tell that she wanted more. The redhead soon gave it to her, a hand moving down to gently rub at Hannah’s quickly moistening slit. It wasn’t long before the mage was ready to have a finger inside her, and then another, as Mei-Lien started to gently finger her partner. The young mage was soon moaning and squirming, leaning up to kiss her demonic lover. The succubus would be able to see that there a few things that might be of interest in the way of toys. First were some lengths of rope; Hannah had expressed some limited interest in being bound in some way, so it might be something to try now. Second were a dildo and a strap-on. Mei-Lien might want help pleasure the girl, and either or both would work. There was also a small anal plug. These things were probably the only advisable toys the demon had to work with.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

After an initial scan through the two different acts, Mei saw that Hannah might be ready and willing to do something a bit more out of her usual bubble of things. Taking her opportunity, the fighter grabbed the rope, pinning Hannah against the bed and tying her arms behind her back with a relatively quick maneuver. Once the mage was secured, she could have the freedom to set up the dildo-pants on herself, getting them on nice and snug. Once the thing was set to go, the demoness picked up Hannah's butt and pushing her head down, preparing for a doggy penetration. With everything ready, she pushed the thing in, in a manner that was more gentle than it was rough. While she didn't get to feel much herself from this style and set-up, the redhead still decided to go all the way through with the act, switching to a more intimate and caring position where they could kiss somewhere along the way to show that it was not all lust. The rest of the stuff would remain unused, for there was no real part for them to play in this act.

When there was confirmation that Hannah had gotten herself off on two different occasions, Mei would let her go and see if the wiry girl had something planned for her. Even if she didn't, she didn't really mind, for the reason of them being there was really the other's satisfaction, not her own.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah watched curiously as Mei-Lien pulled back, rooting around for what she was looking for. Before she could really see the rope in her lover’s hand the demon had pinned her to the bed with the other, and quickly tied the mage’s skinny arms together behind her back. This seemed to excite the girl, though not quite as much as the sight of the succubus reaching down for the strap-on dildo and slowly securing it against her crotch. Mei-Lien took her time getting Hannah into position, turning her over and then forcing her up onto her knees, her ass up in the air as her head rested on one of the soft, fluffy pillows. The redhead could tell that the mage was enjoying this mild helplessness before the woman she loved; as she rubbed the head of the strap-on along the girl’s slit it soon became coated in juices which were soon trickling down her inner thighs.

Hannah was tensed in anticipation of being penetrated now, barely able to contain her desire. When Mei-Lien slowly pushed the hard shaft of the dildo into her she let out a long moan, her fingers wiggling as she her approval was clear. The demon then began to thrust away, gently, the strap-on bottoming out comfortably inside of her human partner with each stroke. She could tell that she was hitting all the right spots deep inside of Hannah from the way the mage squirmed and moaned, a wet noise resounding out into the night whenever their hips met, some of the girl’s honey splashing out of her sloppy pussy. Mei-Lien kept thrusting for a few solid minutes, picking up her pace slightly, adjusting the mage’s body so that the fake cock hilted deeper inside of her, making her moans even lewder. She seemed less restrained in general during this session than she had been in the past. Finally Hannah tensed up again, suddenly bucking her hips back against the demon for a few thrusts before cumming hard, crying out Mei-Lien’s name as she reached orgasm. The redhead kept thrusting into the quivering girl as she rode out her orgasm, lengthening and heightening the pleasure it gave her.

Once Hannah came down from her high Mei-Lien flipped her over onto her back, laying her on her bound arms and spreading her legs. The girl looked up at the redhead lovingly, letting out another moan as she was penetrated again. The demon leaned down, pressing her impressive chest into the mage’s much smaller one as they began to kiss again. Mei-Lien kept thrusting nice and slow as her partner kissed her hungrily, passionately, the girl’s little legs wrapping around her waist to coax her deeper. Each thrust pressed the leather strap of the strap-on firmly against Hannah’s clit, which was quickly driving her towards another peak when combined with the more intimate position. Just a few minutes of gentle fucking had her crying out into Mei-Lien’s mouth, her legs tightly holding the demon in as she writhed in ecstasy under her. Again the redhead kept thrusting until her partner’s pleasure subsided, and then pulled out, giving one more kiss as she pulled Hannah up and untied her arms.

Once free the mage quickly moved to hug her lover tight, giving her another passionate kiss before pulling back to look her in the eyes. "Mei-Lien… you were great as always. And… I love you… I… I want to satisfy you, any way you want it…" she said, offering to return the pleasure to the demon however it was desired.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

All in all, it appeared that the demoness plan carried through with good success. Hannah appeared quite content afterwards, offering to give the redhead some release of her own, any way she might want it. "Hmm... Well, if you insist, then sure. Not sure what to ask for though, so I'll leave that for you to decide." she told the much smaller mage, really not knowing what to ask for.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"I… guess I’ll decide" Hannah said, thinking a little bit as she continued to hug Mei-Lien. After thinking for only a little bit she gathered up the rope and the strap-on, then walking around behind the bed to find more rope and then the dildo. "Alright, lie down" she said, though she didn’t wait for the demon to follow her command if she hesitated even a little pushing her onto one of the fluffy pillows with as much force as she could muster. She then quickly got some of the rope and began to tie the redhead’s lower legs to her thighs, quickly accomplishing the deed, and then straddling Mei-Lien and sitting on her stomach, grabbing her arms and tying them together, and then to the headboard. The mage was still being much more aggressive than usual.

Now that Mei-Lien was suitably restrained, she would watch as Hannah put on the strap-on slowly, securing it snugly. "I’ve always wondered what this would be like" she said, giving it a few testing pokes, then licking her residual juices off her finger. She then knelt between the demon’s legs, spreading them and lifting up her butt to get a better angle, and then quickly penetrated the redhead’s ass with the strap-on. The mage began to thrust fairly fast and hard, pounding her demonic lover’s backdoor in anticipation that the masochist would enjoy it. She then picked up the dildo, plunging it unceremoniously into Mei-Lien’s pussy. Hannah kept this up, roughly fucking the bound demon for a few long hours, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm. Towards the end she pulled back, too tired to keep up her thrusting, and she laid down between Mei-Lien’s legs, burying her face in the crotch of the succubus she loved and licking and slurping lewdly, occasionally muttering out her love. The redhead felt amazing, the constant pleasure mixing in with her fatigue to help her slowly drift off into a deep sleep on the comfortable bed, the mage still working away between her legs.

Mei-Lien would wake up quite early the next day in her own bed, still in Hannah’s arms. She felt quite rested despite their session last night; Rosa had probably used some sort of time manipulation in her headspace. Hannah was awake for once, looking worriedly at her lover. It wasn’t long before Erica came into the room. "Alright, today is the day. Up and ready for a big breakfast, you’ll need your nutrition for today" the elder succubus said.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Finally, there was some decisiveness on the mage's mind. It had gotten boring when Mei had to do everything by herself, all those decisions. Accordingly, there was no real resistance as she went down onto the bed, but getting pushed regardless as she tried out what would happen. It was a nice thing to see and feel from such a usually meek person, the almost seething determination. While it was somewhat of a quick and seemingly rushed process, Hannah managed to do a neat frogtie on the target of her affection, securing those powerful, beautiful legs into a controllable position. This was followed upon when the skinny little female moved on to sit on Mei's belly, forcing her arms away and securing them too, this time utilising the end of the bed as an anchor point. It was beginning to be a suitably thrilling event at this point already, with all the unusual agression and not as unusual restraint.

Having set the stage, Hannah moved on to the next part, going along the same path as Mei herself had just a few minutes ago. "Well, was the first time for me too just now..." the demoness admitted her own lack of experience with the strap-on variety of dildos. Well, not that she had massive stacks of experience with regular ones either. Thankfully, the mage didn't dally too much with her preparations, drilling into the redhead's butthole with reckless abandon. The smaller girl had picked up how the fighter liked things, for she kept the action fast and furious, brutally penetrating her rear with the strap-on like no tomorrow. Not too long into the act, she got the standard dildo out as well, hammering it into the free flower of the demoness, starting out what would stretch out to a few hours of relentless violation with a good bang. It was a long and drawn-out ordeal of flesh, but one that kept Mei constantly climaxing, pleasing her to no end. This was how she should be when sex was the subject, used and abused to the desires of the other. She was just no good as the dominant side of the situation, lacking in imagination and skill. The words of the others hadn't really confirmed any of that for herself, even if they said the complete opposite. It was simply better all around this way.

Not sure how many times she had climaxed or how many hours it had been, Mei was beginning to get worn out from all the violation. Her asshole was likely a total mess by now, but she didn't care. It appeared that Hannah too was beginning to finally tire, for the girl withdrew. But it was not going to stop there, for the lovey-dovey girl went in face-first afterwards, using the alternate oral methods to please the demoness. With all the tongue tornadoing and silly words, the lullaby for the redhead was all there, and she did eventually fade out while the skinny girl still carried on in her need to satisfy.

In the morning, Mei woke up quite refreshed, considering what had occured last night. More jiggery-pokery by the shifter, surely. That odd mindspace always had some new thing to surprise her with, after all. There was a degree of concern on Hannah's face, but before the redhead could answer, the mistress joined them with instructions. "Sounds like a good idea that. Not really sleepy anyway." she replied, fully intent on following the older succubus to the dining hall. Along the way, she would also ask Hannah what she was worrying about with that concerned look from earlier.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah and Mei-Lien both got up and followed Erica to the dining hall without a fuss. When asked, Hannah replied "I'm just worried about today." When they got to the table it was set with big plates of eggs and meat and bread, each one more than enough for a single person. "Eat up, you'll need your strength" Erica said, sitting down and attacking her portion immediately. Rosa soon came in and did the same. Tess wasn't far behind them, and she lit into the meal with some ferocity, though in her case it was probably just a love of food. Hannah was light on her meal, although she wasn't coming to fight with them.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Ah, yes. I can understand that..." the demoness replied to the mage's confession about her worries. Regardless, they moved on to the table, where a massive plate of protein stuff waited for them. It was a surprisingly different breakfast from the previous ones. Mei wasn't one to turn down such a delicious starter for the day, so she began to eat away all the stuffs while the rest of the little group started to gather.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The group ate their food quickly and silently, getting what would likely be, for the three fighters, their only meal of the day. It was hearty and filled with protein and things, filling them with the energy they would need to attack the city. Once they were done Hannah and Tess began to clean up, leaving Erica, Rosa, and Mei-Lien to head to the armory to get ready. The elder demon picked out a sturdy spear and a set of leather armor to put under her robes. Mei-Lien was also given the option of some leather armor in addition to her gauntlets, something that would give her a little bit more defense if something got through with a weapon.
Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

All in all, the food was what could be expected from such a pile, filling and packed with the necessary energy they would need for the efforts of the upcoming day. When all of the food had been nommed, it was straight into the armory, no random derping around between the two events. While she had most of her gear already, there was an offer of armor presented to Mei as well. While she would have usually declined from using armor, it was probably a smart choice now, given that there would be plenty of weapons coming against her. So, the redhead opted to actually take the additional protection this time.