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ACT [Gorepete] Sakyubasu no Tatakai

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

LOVE the Archer reference when the fairy was talking about the lecrosse game. :D
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

It is highly peculiar, but I have it on GP's authority that the inability to block coming down from a jump is somehow intentional. Dunno if it'll stay that way, but there you have it.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

There are new enemies in the new zone area. Ninja update.... because they are ninjas!

Ah, but can you battle them yet? Last time I tried they just kinda moved around and attacked, but there was no interaction with them at all, they were just kinda... there, so no 'real' enemy yet ;p
Love the 'stages of grief'.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

A tiny question too: Is there any reason why you can't block while you are comming down from a jump? You can block while you are going up and hold it for the entire duration of the jump, but you can't initiate a block while you are going downward. Is that intentional? It's not a big deal-breaker or anything but it feels a bit off that you can air block while going up but not while going down.

This mechanic has gone back and forth for a couple of reasons. The reason why the way it is now is because blocking in the air has a set duration (unlike blocking on the ground). This is to prevent people from just kind of infinitely floating in the air. The way the game is set up, performing actions while jumping is actually different from performing actions while falling; so the effect would be that you could jump, trigger a block, run the timer, trigger the fall, then RE-block on the way down to artificially extend the timer.

If that makes sense. So I just removed the option to block while falling to keep that from happening. I will probably rework the block, mechanic though, so it is more of a short, timed parry that you can't just hold down infinitely.

Like, you could block, she will guard for a second or two, then auto release the block. With a small cooldown of a click or two to prevent spamming. I am still undecided though.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Like, you could block, she will guard for a second or two, then auto release the block. With a small cooldown of a click or two to prevent spamming. I am still undecided though.

Might have to shorten the charge time on Gorgers, then, if you did that, since they charge for about 3-4 seconds while against your shield. That, or have the block last for as long as a charging Gorger.
Also, I don't know about anyone else, but when I manage to do the dodge instead of simply blocking, they always hit me at the end of the flip anyways, and then it simple refuses to do the flip, simply letting them through my shield instead (I see the animation of the shield come up, but then they charge right through it and hit me, might just be me though?)

EDIT: Meant to edit this thread earlier. BLAUGH.
You can now fight the chapter 1 enemies, but their health replenishes when they 'die', so you can't kill them. Their armor is linked to their health, so less health = less armor (it only seems to be for show, not actual damage-reducing armor).
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Or you could make it a even more of a feature by having the player actually be able to block at any time and maybe even float around a little in the air while blocking, then set it so that it can't be performed twice in the same jump.

How I'd see the setup for that working is the block ability would have an added boolean value set to 1 when a jump begins or the player is on the ground, blocking reduces it to 0, and it only resets when the player is touching the ground. I'd back it up by making the game check if the player is on the ground before checking if they have a 1 in the boolean, so as to prevent needing to jump and between blocks.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Might have to shorten the charge time on Gorgers, then, if you did that, since they charge for about 3-4 seconds while against your shield. That, or have the block last for as long as a charging Gorger.

Better solution if the blocking requires timing is for it to knock the gorger out of the charge, giving a benefit for a well timed block.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Or you could make it a even more of a feature by having the player actually be able to block at any time and maybe even float around a little in the air while blocking, then set it so that it can't be performed twice in the same jump.

How I'd see the setup for that working is the block ability would have an added boolean value set to 1 when a jump begins or the player is on the ground, blocking reduces it to 0, and it only resets when the player is touching the ground. I'd back it up by making the game check if the player is on the ground before checking if they have a 1 in the boolean, so as to prevent needing to jump and between blocks.

I give a thumbs up to this idea! :)
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Currently, after you hit a bee, dash, or else she'll hit you immediately afterwards.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Something I've noticed in Chapter 1:

When you go down to the 2 wasp areas and the portal, once you go past the first wasp area, you don't pass through it on your way back from the second wasp area, you simply go back up. You still pass through the first area when you come back down, though.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

If there's a way to get to the new stuff without having to kill 30+ gorgers EVERY TIME the game is updated I'd appreciate if anyone would tell me what it is.

If there isn't one, there SHOULD BE.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Meh. It'd be nice to have a 'skip ahead' feature, but the prologue goes by fast if you just rush to the boss instead of grinding.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

haha, yeah, for the last few versions the boss refused to do anything but sit on the top level and shoot at me, this last one he finally decided to jump down so my beef is moot.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Ah, well, it's good that he's jumping down for you now, and yeah, _needing_ to grind 450 souls just to get past the prologue every time would suck =/
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

He's pretty much done with Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 has an armor/weapon shop in which you can buy things. Apparently he's going on vacation, so next update may be a while.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Game was updated with angel + rape.

I decided I didn't want to grind again or actually fight the thing for real so I edited the .sol file to give me 100 in every stat and 5k health along with all abilities. I thought I'd share since it's a small upload and I'm in a good mood.

I found it here: C:\Documents and Settings\(put your user name here)\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\NWK7TW4G\localhost\Downloads\Sakyu.swf After I had downloaded the .swf from legend of crystal and saved at the beginning, and searched for a .sol file so you should be able to find yours and replace it with this one in that manner.

Shouldn't interfere with Gore's bugtesting, but untill a mod tells me otherwise, I don't care. Happy faps y'all.

Oh and I might make another one as I have yet to test this on the angel boss so she might require a larger stat boost.

Edit* Gorger chief didn't work right, trying the removal of the slam ability to see if that fixes it.
Edit 2 Decided to remove warp to possibly prevent the same thing happening with the Stingers.
Edit 3 Said fuck it and started over with only stat boosts, 1k hp is max base apparently ,and no abilities hopefully last edit
Edit 4 was wrong see next post :( I will defeat this!
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

I actually defeated her a moment ago.

Lag or input delay does not help you on this fight at all, since normally she's hits like a truck and she would kill me in two hits.(I haven't tested the fight on slicer's version yet, but having the buckets of extra hp should help SO MUCH)

It doesn't flow properly into the 3rd Chapter yet (Just goes to a "WTF GOREPETE" screen), so you have to defeat the boss again if you want to replay the entire scene(Which is considerably longer in comparison to the previous ones)
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

I'm actaully getting some annoying bullshit where if I'm in a sex scene or stuck by an attack that paralyzes me all my actions entered during will wait till the end of said thing and then all play out, rather annoying. ANNOYING. There, think I've said it enough to get the point across.

Also, game apparently resets stats upon chapter change to prevent exactly what I'm trying to do. Will upload a save later just before angle with cheat stats.

OOOOOOOkay, this should be the last one (for the love of god I hope so) it was lvl up that reset the stats, so instead I just set the soul value to an extremely high number (lol I'm at lvl 2592 and still lvling up).

Note: Her chain attack will still kill you in a way, even though you're taking no damage it doesn't end sooooooo, don't get hit by the easy to dodge attack okay? And by that I mean that I'm going to be replacing this version with a set level because I think the constant leveling is slowing everything down and it's god-awful hard to dodge that attack when your button inputs are delayed and elongated.

Ediiiiit: I swear to god this is the last time, hoping this will reduce the amount of lag I was getting. And honestly I shouldn't be getting any from a flash game.


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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

The angel fight really isn't too hard once you get the hang of it(admittedly, getting the hang of it will probably require half a dozen deaths, at least). Also, you can use honeypot before you use seduce, so you can start each part of it at full health, if you really need to.

Also, I just watched the angel corruption scene. Pretty sweet.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Original Title: RUSH!)

Haha, yeah, it probably took me more time to edit the save right than it would have to just beat the angel.