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Fate (maikochan)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Name: Fate Harris
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Swords


Although fairly popular in her college and being involved on the swim team, Fate hides a darker side of herself. The first time she noticed was during her frosh week initiation where, one night, she was made to walk across campus wearing nothing at all. Since then she has realized she is a hopeless exhibitionist and revels in it, addicted to the thrill of others possibly seeing her and the risk of getting caught, though she's too worried about going too far in areas where she would get in trouble for revealing too much. That's why, during her summer off, she applied to try out the EGG, planning on using the virutal world to reveal herself as much as she wants without real world consequences.

Extra Notes:
Fate is known around her college by the guys as a tease, as she always turns them down, despite showing a lot of skin and acting very provocativly. In truth, she's afraid of men, her father having abused her and her sister when they were young. Also, having grown up in a very controlled household, the thought of having a relationship with another woman just hasnt occured to her.

In addition to being an exhibitionist, Fate also has an interest in tight, bondage style clothing, possibly relating to her desire to be seen.


The summer had finally come and Fate opened her mail one glorious morning to find a letter, telling her that she had been accepted as an official beta tester for CHAMBER CORP's EGG Chamber adult virtual reality game.

The game had been receiving some excellent underground press, and a lot of the girls at her college had spread the rumors of what it was like. From what it sounded like, this would be the perfect opportunity for Fate to 'run wild' as it were.

She showed up to the company the following morning, as it was not a far drive from her home. After filling out a short form, she was accompanied to a small white room by a young man, who directed her to sit in what could only be described as a large machine shaped like an egg, with an inner chamber that was completely dark, save for the glowing green letters of text in front of the seat.

Fate did more or less as indicated, as the young man seemed to be very professional and not eying her weirdly like men normally do. Upon entering the EGG, the door hissed shut and she was left staring at a settings screen:

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters: (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Bestiality: (AnimalMonster, Halfhuman, etc): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Egg laying: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alterations: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Lewd Compulsions: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?):

After that, she was presented with a difficulty setting choice:

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

And after selecting that, she was presented with a list of options for locations. There were (?) buttons next to each that would display more information about the settings if she wanted. There was also a blank entry for her to suggest her own setting.

Rainforest Wilderness(?)
Holy Temple Siege(?)
Ice World & Subterranea (?)
________(?) (Enter your own level preference)
Re: Fate (maikochan)

Fate arrived at the building wearing a very uncharacteristicly conservative outfit consisting of a t-shirt and jeans. Nonetheless, her heart was still racing at the thought of what she was about to do.

Getting in the machine, she looked at the options and started to click through them, but only got to the second one where she realized she might not be the best applicant as she selected N for male/female, her fears marking this as an off limits topic, at least for now. Non-consent was another on her redlist, but she seemed alright with most of the other options, wishing there was a choice of having sexy clothes, but figured she could choose her own as went on.

Humans: Y 4
Male/Female: N
Female/Female: Y 2
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: N
Slavery: Y 3
Monsters: Y 4
Bestiality: Y 4
Egg laying: Y 3
Body Alterations: Y 3
Lewd Compulsions: Y 6
Roughness: On the gentle side of things. From 1 to 10 where 1 is very gentle and 10 is very rough: 4

Next was the level choice. She hit all of the question marks to get information on them and she seriously considered putting in her own level before shrugging and selecting the Rainforest Wilderness. That done, she waited for what would happen next.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

The text faded away and Fate felt her five senses dim to the point of non-existance, and she felt as though she were weightless in the chamber. Then dark became light, and she was standing on a shady path in the middle of a lush and very alive rainforest. The sounds of the jungle were everywhere, many birds and insects and mammals making their fantastic sounds.

Fate was dressed in a very odd uniform, seemingly out of place for this area. ((See persona picture in the first post.) It was a mesh one piece bikini suit with mesh stockings held together by straps of red leather that barely covered her places of modesty and appeared as some kind of harness. A thin white pad over her womanhood was perhaps the thickest piece of opaque clothing on her body.

In her hand was a curved sword, made of a light and durable steel.

She could hear the nearby sound of running water off to her left, and the brighter light coming from that direction indicated that there was probably a river of some sort that would cause a cut in the foliage, of the jungle canopy, allowing more sun to shine through.

The temperature was warm and tropical, and it made her thankful a bit for her very breathable outfit.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

Fate felt a pang of fear as her senses faded, but as the world returned around her, that fear turned to excitement, especially when she realized what she was wearing. Running her hands over the tight and very revealing suit, Fate smiled. "I should totally get one of these once I get back." She said to herself, out loud.

The warm temperature and revealing clothes, and the prospect of being seen by anyone, or anything, that happened by started making Fate feel more than a little aroused. Still, she figured she should explore this world and try to find someone who would be able to appreciate her skimpy outfit.

Looking around and seeing only one direction that was different from the others, Fate started towards the sound of running water. A part of her was hoping that there would be someone gathering water.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

As Fate started down the path, she began to notice a steady pattern of increasingly bright and multicolored flowers, set along the path in such a wild pattern that the beauty, if she cared for such aesthetics, might take her breath away. This rainforest virtual world felt so real. Not merely her vision, but all of her senses were bombarded with a tropical paradise of greenery - the smell of plantlife, and of rich soil, and the sounds of birds and insects, and the dampness that clung to her body like the mist outside a steamy shower, and the feel of a soft breeze winding its way through the flora.

She was so caught up in this, that she almost missed the rustling beside her, and then the sudden appearance of a snake, or at least what she thought was a snake at first glance.

Colored completely green along the length of its body, the writhing tendril that dripped with a suspicious-looking coating of slime shot out towards her from the underbrush.

With instinct that she did not know she possessed, Fate slashed defensively up and across her body with her curved blade, her chest rising suddenly and then falling back into place within her skimpy uniform. The blow was good enough to severe the tentacle in half, causing its two parts to fall down limply to the jungle floor, twitching several moments in a death throe before lying still.

Shrugging with the encounter over so quickly, Fate made her way down the path again and soon found that it ran right along the bank of a narrow river bend. The flowers had continued to grow larger and more colorful along the way but now they were simply huge, with buds half the size of Fate herself. Something about the soil and the water here must help the grow like this, Fate thought, before stopping in her tracks to stare at the figure ahead of her.

Bending down low to cup her hands into the river and drink directly from it, was a pale - almost minty green - skinned girl with platinum colored hair and sky blue eyes. She was naked, and her feet were hidden inside the bloom of an amazingly brilliant, giant blue flower, which was bent as far as it could go to allow the girl to feed herself from the river.

Fate's sudden halt caused her feet to scrape and kick up some dirt from the path, which in turn caused the strange girl to look up at her. After a moment of blinking, the girl registered her strange, revealing garments, and seemed to grin from ear to ear.

Fate also began to smell something strange in the air around her. Something very sweet.

Fate 5/5, AP 1/10

(You won a fight against a 1HP tentacle on the first round of combat.)
Re: Fate (maikochan)

Fate had always been a city girl, so seeing the bright flowers made her gasp in wonder and she brushed her fingertips along a petal, feeling the softness. It almost made her want to change her major to botany right there.

When the tentacle appeared, Fate let out a yell of suprise and instinctively brought the sword up to cut the thing off. As it flopped around on the ground a few times before laying still, Fate bent down to look at the... thing. She reached down, about to touch the slime on it when a thought crossed her mind, the same thought you get when you're about to touch a hot stove: Don't!

Pulling her hand back and standing up, Fate continued towards the water, giving the dead tentacle thing a wide berth.

When she saw the plant girl, Fate stared at her. She was beautiful and so exotic. As the girl looked at her, Fate remembered most of her body was on display and she felt a heat start to grow in her chest. "Uhm... Hi?" She squeaked out. She'd never been caught before so she was nervous, but excited at the same time. The sweet scent only added to her arousal.

((Try to talk with her!))
Re: Fate (maikochan)

When Fate squeaked out her greetings, the plant girl put her hand over her mouth and giggled cutely. Her eyes clearly coasted up and down the length of Faye's body, making the warrior even more aware of her lewd costume. Strangely enough, even though the plant girl was entirely naked, Fate felt more embarrassed by the nature of the uniform she wore. Without any clothes, the plant girl just seemed... natural, even quite beautiful. Fate seemed, undignified and sexually charged by the way her clothes teased a viewer. They hid almost nothing and screamed loudly "look at me, enjoy the view!"

The plant girl was doing plenty of admiring. She backed up into the bud of her flower, and the whole plant straightened up as if at her command. She beckoned Fate to come closer, and as Fate stood there wondering about this strange girl and being embarrassed by her clothing, she caught another sweet whiff of steamy jungle air. Something about it just added a pinch of excitement and adrenaline, making the plant girl's stares that much more piercing. Fate realized that her body was getting quite warm and her nipples were poking through the intersections of her red leather straps like hard pebbles.

A flicker of movement across the running water caught her eye, and she turned to see another observer. On the opposite bank stood a young woman with an athletic, lean, and muscular build. She wore very little, merely pelts of various animals across her loins and generous bust, and totem trinkets bound with leather straps around her arms, thighs, and neck. Her hair was the color of caramel, and her eyes were dark and brown, but a thick white line of some sort of paint had been drawn across her face horizontally, over her eyes and back to her ears it seemed. She looked like a wild woman. She had a pair long knives strapped to either side of her waist.

This wild woman was observing both Fate and the plant girl, but made no motion to interfere. In fact, now that she saw that Fate had become aware of her, the jungle girl began to retreat away from the edge of the river on her side, back towards the far side of the jungle.

Once more another sweet scent assaulted Fate's senses, and she knew now that she was most definitely starting to get turned on. The pad covering her womanhood was quickly moistening.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

With her breath coming faster now, Fate licked her lips, hoping to taste that sweetness on the air. She glanced over at the woman, taking in her curves, but the flower girl's beckoning called Fate stronger. Also, with the skittish way she was acting, Fate was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to get close to the woman, especially since she'd have to cross the river to do so.

No, the flower girl was much closer and easier to get to, and more enticing as well. Licking her lips once more, she moved closer to the plant girl. "Uhm... H-hello." She said when she got closer as she unconsciously rubbed her thighs together, the leather strap running between her legs digging into her folds if she flexed just the right way.
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Re: Fate (maikochan)

The flower girl smiled charmingly, and in response to Fate's second greeting she put up a finger, as if to say, 'one moment,' and then she momentarily disappeared beneath the petals of her large plant. Curious, Fate stepped closer still to the enormous plant, so near now that she could reach out and touch the waxy soft surface of the blue petals, streaked with little white spots near the tips. The sweet smell was very strong now.

The plant girl reappeared, slowly cradling inside her cupped hands a small pool of honey-like substance. A rich, golden syrup that most likely was the nectar of the plant itself.

The plant girl held the nectar close to her chest, then raised it up to her neck and then forward in a deliberate motion, making an "ahhhh ahhh" sound with her mouth. She then moved forward to bring the sweet smelling ambrosia near to the tips of Fate's mouth. The liquid appeared and smelled as if it might very well be the most wonderful thing in the world. Just being near to it as well, made Fate's thighs draw even tighter together and the crotch strap she was wearing rode higher, causing her to squirm and breath out lustily.

This motion encouraged the plant girl, who nodded and proffered the golden nectar once again to Fate.

"Enuk ahra. Ahra iua ya trewa i ma," the plant girl said in a bizarre and unknown tongue as she held out her offering expectantly.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

Fate was almost panting with lust as she drew close to the flower. When the girl was out of sight, Fate quickly tugged the crotch strap a bit to give her some more stimulation. Fate was so glad she had gotten a chance to try the EGG out, it was making her feel so wonderful, she was actually a little worried about being depressed when she returned to the real world.

When the girl returned, it was fairly obvious what she wanted Fate to do. Even if she hadn't offered the nectar, Fate was almost drooling from the scent and likely would have tried to drink it anyway. Dropping her sword to the ground, she cupped her hands under the flower girl's and tipped the girl's hands to her mouth, drinking directly from them. Fate was in a bit of a hurry, so as she drank, she spilled some of the nectar down her chin and onto her chest, but most of it made it into her mouth. When she finished, she licked the plant girl's fingers, searching for more of the nectar.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

The plant girl smiled confidently as the honey-sweet nectar dribbled down Fate's throat and over her lips. The feelings of lust increased five fold as she drank of the plant girl's gift, and the green skinned girl daintily moved her fingers one by one so that they could be suckled by the overcome blond.

Once the initial handfuls of nectar were drunk, the plant lowered its petals, and the strange girl drew Fate inside of the bud. The inside of the flower had a damp base that was coated up to Fate's ankles in the nectar. There were also four prongs of sharp, thorny tipped tendrils that slowly drew up and at the plant girl's command wrapped gently around Fate, bringing her closer.

Coaxed into a kneeling position by the vines, Fate was hand fed several more scoops of nectar. The plant girl took a mouthful of the honey herself before feeding it to Fate with a passionate, swirling kiss.

When finally she drew back from the kiss, the girl's eyes were alight with victory.

"I've been waiting alone for so long...." she said in a high pitched voice. Somehow, Fate knew that the plant girl was not speaking in English, but now the language seemed to make sense to her.

"Come..." she continued pushing Fate onto her back. The girl's hand moved to undo the leather straps on Fate's legs. "Let's get you out of these 'clothes,' and I will show you the joys of an Alarune."
Re: Fate (maikochan)

Stepping into the flower, Fate was aware that the lust inducing nectar that she had drunk was now being added to by her own, the tiny pad and leather straps doing nothing to halt the flood of juices down her legs. It took only the slightest of coaxing for Fate to kneel in front of the Alraune, looking up at the girl with lust-filled eyes.

Fate thought she would climax from the nectar soaked kiss, her body on fire so much. Only the presence of the Alraune and the promise of a sweeter release kept the girl from mauling her breasts and driving her fingers into herself.

Pushed on her back, her knees spread, Fate felt a sudden pang of fear and the lust cleared from her eyes. "W-wait... what are you going to do?" She asked, a little worried.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

The alraune moaned happily and brought her head down to kiss Fate's belly. The straps of Fate's outfit came undone, and with the help of the four vine tentacles, her outfit was soon removed carefully from her body. The thigh high mesh leggings were left on though.

"I'm going to make you feel amazing," the plant girl said in response to Fate's suddenly worried tone. The vines slipped and curled around each of Fate's limbs and gently but firmly spread her out, allowing the alraune the easiest access to the girl's gushing honeypot.

The plant girl took another handful of nectar and rubbed it messily over Fate's nether lips, rapidly slapping and sloshing it across the petals. Then as Fate began to arch herself back, the plant girl's mouth sealed about Fate's slit and began to kiss her womanhood passionately, feasting upon the sweet saltiness like a starving urchin upon a christmas dinner. Pleasure wracked Fate into a helpless mass and the vines held her in place so that the alraune could work her magic.

Fate orgasmed, squirting out juices that were quickly licked away by the plant girl as rapidly as they appeared. Slathering more nectar into Fate's cunny with her long fingers, the alraune soon began to press her digits inside of Fate, while another vine like tendril appeared out of the center of the flower, this one slick and dripping, with a bulbous head that seemed to have many holes at the top, out of which oozed the golden nectar.

"Do you like it? It's for you~" cooed the alraune as Fate saw the bulbous tendril draw near.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

The alraune was true to her words. Despite her reservations, as soon as she felt the girl's touch on her lips, Fate threw her head back and let out a passionate cry of pleasure. As she was quickly brought to orgasm, Fate remembered the tribal woman watching from the opposite bank. The fact that she was being watched while being pleasured sent an added thrill through her body, enough to trigger the biggest climax of the girl's life.

As she slowly came down, Fate noticed the tendril approching. "That... that's going inside?" She asked, a little fearful, but also expectantly. "P-please be gentle... I've never..." Her voice cut out as the thought of that long tentacle filling her up with the divine nectar filled her mind.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

The alraune nodded and the tendril's bulb came to nuzzle up against Fate's folds, slickly rubbing itself against her, making loud, wet sounds as it teased her. The plant girl lowered herself by Fate's side while the tendril worked, and placed a hand on one of the human's breasts, grasping it firmly and rubbing it in a circular motion.

"You're so well-built, just like those amazons..." the plant girl murmured, her fingers closing in to pinch and tug at Fate's nipple just as the bulb began to increase its pressure, preparing to enter the girl. "I could just eat you up... but I'd rather do... this~"

The bulb entered Fate, filling up her insides with it's slick girth, sliding along easily as it pumped aphrodisiac nectar out of itself to lubricate the thrusting action. The tendril went deep inside. Fate quivered at the force of it, unlike anything she had imagined. It felt wonderful. Fireworks of pleasure lit off in her mind.

As it thrust faster and faster into her, the thorn tipped vines near Fate's arms uncoiled and then wrapped around the girl's breasts. Looping twice and then tightening, evoking a groan out of Fate. Then the thorns poised over the girl's nipples, and Fate gasped to see the prickers extending until they were long needles aimed at her. A purple fluid dripped from their ends.

"Don't worry, it'll just add to the experience," the plant girl said as she moved to help keep Fate's bouncing orbs still. The needles descended in two quick jabs, so sharp that Fate barely felt them enter. Each needle point went directly into the tip of Fate's nipples. A slow heat began to fill her tits, and she could feel a wave of dizziness hit her. Not enough to knock her out, but she knew now that she was in a very weakened and powerless state.

The alraune petted her loose strands of golden hair back with an affectionate caress and then kissed her once again on the lips. The tendril bulb brought the helpless Fate to another orgasm, and as it did so, Fate felt a sudden rush of warmth spray out in every direction inside of her womb. In a few moments, she felt herself near the bursting point, and whatever the plant had poured into her was starting to squirt and leak from around the vine shaft, spurting down her inner thighs. At the same time, Fate was certain that more strange purple fluid was being injected into her body, through her teats.

Overcome, and over the edge, Fate began to slowly drift into a half-consciousness. She was aware that the fucking did not stop for a long time, and that the plant girl caressed her delicately and affectionately while the vines and bulb continued to have their way with Fate. But time ran in a daze. It could have been a matter of minutes or a matter of hours. All Fate knew was that when it was done, she was completely fatigued, and she was being lifted by the vines out of the alraune's giant blue flower and being hovered over the bud of a nearby red flower. It was large and seemed to be of the same genus as the alraune, the only apparent difference was the color. Her dripping pussy was held directly over the flower, and after several large drops of sexual juices splattered on the closed flower, it reacted by opening into full bloom.

At the center of this red flower was a bulb vine similar to the one that had just been pleasuring Fate, but this one had an odd frilly top to it, with many pink and red feelers on all sides, like tiny cilia. The tendril extended, searching for the source of the wet disturbance, and Fate could only moan and whimper in ecstasy as she was lowered onto the new tendril. The plant attached itself to her, and the red petals closed about her, their wax, delicate touch feeling cool and refreshing on her body.

The other vines let go of her, and the alraune sat leaning on her own blue petals, watching over Fate, who now sat skewered on the smaller red plant. Fate found that she had no desire whatsoever to unseat herself. This plant felt just as good if not better than the blue one, and whatever was inside her right now seemed to be adhering to her inner walls, draining fluid from her rapidly.

"I've been looking for a companion for so long~," the alraune said with a wistful sigh. "Now I finally have you to help my sister plant grow. You'll be a beautiful alraune..."
Re: Fate (maikochan)

Fate found herself unable to articulate any words, releasing only moans and gasps whenever she tried to talk. Her body was on fire and she thought she would go insane from need. 'S-stop teasing me...' She thought as the tendril rubbed against her needy sex, but all that came out was a lewd moan that only intensified as the plant girl started playing with her breasts. She had always liked playing with her breasts before bed, enjoying their weight and fullness and the feelings that they gave her. Now, another girl, albeit a plant girl, was playing with them in the same way. She wished she could lean over to kiss the girl, or at least voice her pleasure in a way other than a lusty moan.

When the tendril finally pushed into her, Fate had her first orgasm brought on by someone else. She'd discovered the amazing feeling with her fingers and, later, toys, but this was beyond anything she had ever experienced. And the pleasure didn't stop. The needle pricks into her breasts and the warm heat growing her chest caused her head to fall back, only to be caught by the alraune and kissed.

As she was brought to climax after climax, consciousness fading in and out, Fate's only thought was: 'I never want to leave...'

Once the onslaught of orgasms slowed and awareness returned to her, Fate found herself being lowered onto another flower. "This is..." She murmured, but it was cut off by another moan as the small feelers entered her, giving her a different kind of pleasure, but no less great, than the large tendril earlier. Putting her hands on the soft earth in front of her, Fate started to calm down. Exhausted, and still being pleasured, however, her tongue hung out of her mouth and she panted hotly as the small feelers moved around inside her.

The alraune's words took some time to sink into her lust-addled brain, but when they did, Fate only smiled. "Can... can I feel this good... when I'm like you?" She asked, willing to do anything for this amazing feeling. The promise of being so close to the alruane only cemented this decision. The small, conscious part of her reminded her that this was also a game too, and that she could do just about whatever she wanted without worry about repercussions. Whether that was true or not, she had no way of truely knowing.
Re: Fate (maikochan)

"You'll feel great~" replied the Alraune, who then sighed wistfully. "You'll feel absolutely wondeful, just as this girl did before I took over her body." The plant girl pointed to herself, and then giggled. Fate was now aware that the giggle seemed to have an echo to it, as if there was another, more powerful and inhuman voice layered over it, giggling along with the girl.

"You're so full of lust nectar now, you couldn't escape even if you wanted to. Fufufu~" the alraune continued. "I give you a day before your mind breaks permanently. Then whatever made you 'you' will take a back seat forever more, just riding the sensations that the alraune uses your body for. Such a pretty trap, no? fufufu~"

Any alarm that Fate had at this point was dulled by the overwhelming lust as the flower beneath her continued to fuck her and bring her to another mind twisting orgasm. The world went white for a few moments, and the petals beneath her expanded outwards, growing at an increased rate as her love juices flooded down to feed the plant.

"It won't be long now~ Soon my sister will wrap you in her bud, and when next she blooms, you'll cease to be. Enjoy the rapture, you delectable human..."

Unable to say anything more to the plant girl, Fate simply stayed put, bouncing up and down, her body heaving and her hips rolling and grinding as the animated plant began forming connective tissue inside of her. After an hour, the red plant had doubled in size from consuming Fate's honey, and now the petals began to rise and small tentacle vines expanded to wrap around and draw Fate's limbs close to her body so that she would fit inside once all the petals closed and wrapped around her. The alraune next to her waved goodbye to her as the outside world went out of view and she was left alone in the darkness. She felt as though that whatever was inside of her now was adhering permanently within her, and a sickly feeling of nausea passed through her. She felt her nipples and arms and legs be stabbed again by needle-like prongs, and felt something flowing into her from each injection. A heady, leafy smell surrounded her, and she felt as though something was beginning to move her body as though she were a puppet on a string. All the while, the pleasure center of her mind was firing off seemingly of its own volition, sending her into a lust spiral that no doubt she was not meant to wake up from.


Later. How much later she did not know. There came a sudden, violent jolt. Her small 'chamber' of metamorphosis shook, and then tilted dangerously to one side. She felt her arms wanting to flail, her legs kicking without her permission. Instinct and desire for preservation made Fate fight against this however. The flower did not bloom to meet this sudden threat. There was another jolt, and then the whole dark enclosed space pitched severely to one side, then fell with a whump to the earth. The world went dark.


Fate woke up again. She was on the ground on the bank by the river. The large red flower that was meant to be her alraune lay on the earth, removed from the rest of its stem, dead. The blue flower alrauane was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, above her stood the familiar face of the jungle woman who had stared at her from across the river. Her beautiful face was set in a look of hard concern. The white face pant across her eyes gave her a very tribal look. She said something to Fate, but the girl couldn't understand her.

All she knew as that this girl was very pretty... very well built... very... mmm.... sexy. Lust coiled within her like a serpent ready to strike. All rational thought was unable to rise to the surface. Fate only wanted to know what it would be like to touch this woman, to kiss her, to do things with her that Fate had never thought of doing with another woman until she had first met that Alraune.

Fate 5/5, 10/10 AP (she must have sex), (status: lust-driven, AP rises by one every minute that Fate is not currently having sex. Orgasms give a three minute respite to this. Fate cannot cure this condition by herself.)


Optional 'What if' Replay Unlocked: Later on in the start menu, the player may review possible scenario endings that they otherwise might have achieved, including Bad Ends.