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The Legend of Kokage (Previously Legend of shade)

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Re: The Legend of shade

You also forget that people throw rocks that seem to home in on you
and the rocks randomly take 1-3 kicks and are some times 3 in a row Hah
Re: The Legend of shade

I don't quite understand what you mean by the rocks needing kicks they just come flying over and pass by if they do not hit your character, perhaps you meant the obstacles in the stage?

The obstacles do at one point come in a three in a row point but the thrown rocks very rarely hit you as long as you keep moving. This is particularly true if you stay close to the front guard as you will have to keep stopping to avoid touching him.

As for the obstacles that come in a three in a row series, they should not slow you down if you have the timing correct. Do not stop moving forward unless you are about to touch the guard in front. If you are stopping to kick the obstacles you will not have enough time. You must kick them without stopping. And the obstacles never take more than one kick unless you have been missing, which is easy to do as Kokage's range is extremely short here.
Re: The Legend of shade

But they do take more than one hit.
I've had to sit there and hit them 3 times before.
And the rocks from outside hit me even if I'm constantly moving
Re: The Legend of shade

the CG code was nice, though it's missing quite a few, anyone have a full game save that isn't hidden? one that has the secret level preferably?
Re: The Legend of shade

I wish there were more pics/games with girls being forced to make a "march of shame" in the nude with people throwing stuff at them...
Re: The Legend of shade

the CG code was nice, though it's missing quite a few, anyone have a full game save that isn't hidden? one that has the secret level preferably?

In the DL in the first post, there is a save file with all the CG.
- Extract the RJ078367,
- Extract the second RJ078367 within the T0708-RJ078367 folder
- open the コカゲの伝説-製品版 folder and the save file is inside the オマケ folder.

The code inside is
Re: The Legend of shade

nevermind got it, thanks a lot :)
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Re: The Legend of Kokage (Previously Legend of shade)

Yeah going back to the beginning after going so far to see one of the endings is a real bummer. I much prefer sprite animations compared to a comic style ending too, particularly on a 2D game like this. Fromage is a good example, Fairy Fighting is another.

Comics arent a game, it just doesnt feel as good as knowing you can struggle and interact with the scene, which on these style endings i keep seeing in games lately, are not interactable, not readable, and might aswell have just released a comic series and not done a game at all.
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Re: The Legend of Kokage (Previously Legend of shade)

can anyone re-upload this? I trolled the internets, and all links are down :(.
Re: The Legend of Kokage (Previously Legend of shade)

Tried out AgentKGB's method as posted in other thread;
, but as I haven't tried the file, I can't say for sure.
Re: The Legend of Kokage (Previously Legend of shade)

maybe this one. found it in ryonani website
Re: The Legend of shade

I push all of these controls and nothing happens. I'm in Jap unicode...

I've tried everything and have a similar issue that I cannot seem to resolve. Main menus are navigated with a mouse easy enough, is NOT window restrictive of the pointer, but when a level starts the only thing that does anything is the Space Bar (the odd graphic toggle).

It's a shame, really. The music of the first stage (of which I've restarted (along with my computer) many times trying different solutions) seems catchy enough. Eheh. OS compatibility, non-unicode language settings, locale... I'm stumped. If anyone has any suggestions, that'd be grand. Otherwise, I'll have to skip this one for now.

Win7 64 OS
Re: The Legend of shade

I've tried everything and have a similar issue that I cannot seem to resolve. Main menus are navigated with a mouse easy enough, is NOT window restrictive of the pointer, but when a level starts the only thing that does anything is the Space Bar (the odd graphic toggle).

It's a shame, really. The music of the first stage (of which I've restarted (along with my computer) many times trying different solutions) seems catchy enough. Eheh. OS compatibility, non-unicode language settings, locale... I'm stumped. If anyone has any suggestions, that'd be grand. Otherwise, I'll have to skip this one for now.

Win7 64 OS

Well, it worked fine for me on 64bit Vista, so I really doubt your OS is the problem. It also worked fine with a gamepad, maybe that's worth trying?
Re: The Legend of shade

Well, it worked fine for me on 64bit Vista, so I really doubt your OS is the problem. It also worked fine with a gamepad, maybe that's worth trying?

Bloody brilliant! Now, why didn't I think of that? *facepalm* Yeah, I keep a gamepad plugged in for other games I play regularly, but those games never lock out keyboard control. I've seen it done before, though, and now it makes perfect sense. Works fine!
Re: The Legend of Kokage (Previously Legend of shade)

I don't suppose anyone could re-upload this one?
Re: The Legend of Kokage (Previously Legend of shade)

Is this game dead then? Gone forever?
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