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ACT Loli [チェリーポイ] Zurine Adventure (RJ080121, RJ081110, RJ085589)

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Re: Zurine Adventure

New pics up on the blog.

It's just three characters, SFW.

The tan girl in the middle and big breasted one on the right look great.
Re: Zurine Adventure

If you are wondering how to view just the green charger enemy in the new mecha room from the fountain, then do this. Go into the room where they are attacking and kill flies. Then go around the chargers to one of the dead end spots where they come out from and let them grab you. The annoying unkillable nerd/neet wont be able to get past the charger grabbing you.
Re: Zurine Adventure



For the lazy.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Any idea what these new images/characters mean? Because to me, the froup of 6 seems like elemental based enemies or something.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Tried opening the game, and get an error "RGSS200J.dll could not be found". Any idea what this is?

EDIT: Even after installing the RPGmaker from page 1 link, it still doesn't work. I don't know what to do.

EDIT: Ok downloaded the wrong one apparently. It is working now.
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Re: Zurine Adventure

I also think they may be something more like Bosses.
Or they are Story related as NPCs...but who knows ^^
Re: Zurine Adventure

Got a new pic up.

Looks like these girls are characters...

Fuck yes.
Re: Zurine Adventure

I officially am in love with the tan girl with the greenish hair and the goggles. She is so cute~<3.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Next question;


Well, he's been posting pics of the elemental chicks since before his 3rd game came out. So there's no telling when or even IF they become a game.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Im guessing that'll be the image on the right during the game. She doesnt seem to be a fighter like the first three. Maybe its going a different direction?
Re: Zurine Adventure

The pic with the two groups of siblings(?) looks like it might be a competition style game, doesn't it?
Re: Zurine Adventure

who knows, these cherry point guys are crazy.

I'm hoping for some new enemies too.
Re: Zurine Adventure

I think I still prefer zu. The dark one IS cute, but a little small for my tastes.:p Regardless, I'm beginning to really anticipate this game.....
Re: Zurine Adventure

Hmmm if you ask me seems like the elemental galls are matched up to the new heroines. Lolis for the loli, average for the dark skinned girl. Then again he could always do the reverse or a mixed
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