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ACT Loli [チェリーポイ] Zurine Adventure (RJ080121, RJ081110, RJ085589)

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Re: Zurine Adventure

Also prima I think he said you're overreacting because you're repeating yourself a little :)
All I can say is that you should try to be more open to change and not reject something just because it's not the exact same as before.

Also we hardly have any REALLY good BF out there. If someone can make a fantastic one, it's Zurine!

i do open to changes. however not all changes are good, since it kills what the game has grown in the heart of their players. there are things that SHOULD be change and SHOULDN'T be. in this case, this shouldn't be changed is Zurine. it's like turning Mario bros into Mahjong game, really.

hell fuck no. there's ROBF already stands on the top of BF games. look at it's DLs no BF games are nearly as popular as it does. it's the best BF game as of now. also thousand NEETs are playing RO in japan just fyi

@the lurker shadows

people enjoys the characters than the RPG style like what they said pages before. sure it wont lose it's animated H even if it becomes RPG. but like many BF RPG, you play it once for the content, and reload the game to view the gallery to fap, that's it. i prefer zurine to remains as action game, so i wont rip the contents and delete the game right after i finish it.

i dunno if there are game creators who reverts their game after they fail it cause that what most failed game creators has been doing to increase their sales to no avail. ONEONE1 is good example.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Let's just wait and see what this game turns out like first before we bury it, we should be glad that the developers alive and well enough to continue this series at all.

This. A month ago there was never going to be another Cherry Poi game at all for all we knew, rather see him working on anything than just disappear forever like most H developers..

This "discussion" hasn't been much of a discussion for a while. How about we try to chill out and at least wait for an update before spamming this thread now? I don't like seeing this bumped constantly when there's no new news to talk about, especially when it's the same people beating the same dead opinion horse over and over.
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Re: Zurine Adventure

Considering ONEONE1 has made 18 games in the past two years, and most of their games have 500+ downloads with one having almost 4000 downloads and an average price of 1500+ yen....I'd say ONEONE1 is doing extremely well. They basically made 200,000 USD (this is an estimate) in two years. Thats 100k a year for making hentai games that supposedly suck according to you. Also the game that has almost 4k downloads? That's the game when ONEONE1 decided to do something different from an RPG and look what happened? THEY MADE TONS OF MONEY!

Also...I don't understand how thousands of NEETs are supposed to be impressive? I think your misunderstanding the definition of a NEET so let me help you out by linking you to Wikipedia
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Re: Zurine Adventure

Can anybody pm me link there i can dl zurine adventure and the save file, i will aprusiate it very much!
Re: Zurine Adventure

Hello! I can not download this game. Who ate working link?
Re: Zurine Adventure

Long time no see ulmf...
Anyway, i was searching for the last version of this game. Can anyone provide a link here or PM? That would be neat :p
Re: Zurine Adventure

No update form him in 3 months, sigh.....

Sorry for the 1 month necro, just here to ask a question.

Is it possible for me to make a game in a similar style to his older ones in rpg maker or gamemaker, without 'ripping' from him? i'd love to make a game like them since they look simple to make, but the problem would be the implications of him trying to sue or such if i were to make it very similar...

Just on the fence about making one with that kinda worry, just want opinions on it :?
Re: Zurine Adventure

One: Stop posting here unless there's new news :p

Two: I think unless you try to copy him or his art style completely (Or use his characters), it's fine to make a game with similar gameplay mechanics. Nothing is really original any more. How many dungeon crawlers are there to kill a demon king? How many "Metroidvania"'s are there? How you make things your own is in the details. Basically don't copy him 100% and you should be good. You can always mention that it was inspired by his games as well, as it seems that's what you have in mind.
Re: Zurine Adventure

No update form him in 3 months, sigh.....

Sorry for the 1 month necro, just here to ask a question.

Is it possible for me to make a game in a similar style to his older ones in rpg maker or gamemaker, without 'ripping' from him? i'd love to make a game like them since they look simple to make, but the problem would be the implications of him trying to sue or such if i were to make it very similar...

Just on the fence about making one with that kinda worry, just want opinions on it :?
It is not so hard to make a RoR game in rpg maker if this is what you are implying. I tried it once too, but while the system was ok, my drawing sucks beyond oblivion. And no, as long as you don't steal scripts from him or graphics he can't sue you.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Well I just have to say it.
Everytime I see this thread coming on top, those bluish letter turning into bold font, that red orange envelope on the left side, my heart stops for about the time I take to open the thread and check unread post.

*reads post*, *rants* and *goes back into the lurkey shadows*
Re: Zurine Adventure

this circle have another new game yet?

or old game have some update yet?

i waiting for new update my character can pregnant

or some thing about corruption in this game

(and this all i'm talking about a Zurine Adventure loli :()
Re: Zurine Adventure

Does anyone have a link for any of this authors games by any chance?
Been looking around for a while but all I can find are dead links.
Re: Zurine Adventure

Didn't look too hard I take it...

Okay, afaik, these are the most up-to-date versions.

Mechanism Co-adventure:

Zoorine Adventure (green-hair girl):

Page 37 no less.
Re: Zurine Adventure

I'm sorry if I've missed anything or if this is not achievable now, but could anyone PM me a link for the updated pink one? Thank you and sorry in advance.
Re: Zurine Adventure

He lives. But we may never see another Cherry Poi game again.
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