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Family Matters (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Grappled, 10/12 Resistance

(Yes, you're getting a bonus from Thief, Lucky, and Stealthy.)

Stealth Check: Elizabeth wins x2.
Attack: Success and Success.
Damage: ((9 + 8) * 2) * 2) = 68 damage and ((5 + 8) * 2) * 2) = 52 damage. Dead and dead.

Enemy Attack: Hit. Elizabeth has been grappled. 2 resistance damage (10/12).

The skilled knife thrower buried two of her throwing daggers, one for each, into the creatures. Elizabeth had apparently developed a knack for hitting the invader's vitals, as she had managed to kill them both outright. The third, however, immediately stopped it's pounding on the door and began to skitter across the floor on it's spindly legs, heading directly for the lithe assassin.

Things took a turn for the worse as dozens of long tentacles shot toward the Badarian woman. Elizabeth managed to dodge all but one, which snaked around her leg and tripped her up, leaving her prone on the floor. The familiar sensations of the slime returned as it made contact with her skin. Elizabeth didn't have much time to consider it, however, as the thing's other tendrils were moving even then to restrain her.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth cursed beneath her breath, stabbing her Short Knife down toward the oozing appendage snaking its way up her leg, she wanted this thing to bleed. She slipped a third throwing knife into her free hand. It had worked thus far, and she had better luck catching these things off guard than she had cutting them down to size, though her Long Knife still rested at her hip encase the sudden twitch of her wrist wasn’t enough to give the creeping creature the hint.

Next time she left just one standing, she'd have to just blitz the bugger; those spindly legs didn’t look like they could take a full bodied tackle from a full grown woman in chainmail armour… She’d also have to find a new dress, or at least wash this one; it was getting a bit, sticky.

Basic attack with Short Knife
Sudden Shot with Throwing Knife
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Grappled, 6/12 Resistance

Grapple: Enemy wins. 4 resistance damage. (6/12)

Tear Armor: Success. Armor is at 30/40 TP.

Elizabeth found her wrists quickly restrained as she attempted to attack the beast that had grappled her. Several of it's dozen tendrils moved to the lithe woman's body, they slid through any hole in the fabric of her dress that was available to them. The heiress could feel the tentacles against her skin as they moved to carry out whatever machination they were working at. Then, the Badarian noble realized that she could feel the tendrils at the straps of her armor. Suddenly, the tentacles exerted a great force against her clothing and the leather keeping her chainmail in place, the invader was trying to tear off her clothing. It seemed possible that Elizabeth would need a new dress even sooner than she had thought. Worse yet, the ooze made the feeling of the dozen slimy appendages against her skin feel almost pleasing to the touch.

The assassin was going to need to work quickly if she didn't want to end up like the women in the courtyard.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth twisted beneath the tentacle’s grasp, trying to wrench herself free of their grasp. She turned in place, twisted against the floor, raised and kicked her feet down toward the mass of the thing pulling at her, struggling to turn her wrists against the clammy spongy tendril clutching them. Under normal circumstances, a twist of the wrist would cause too much friction for her assailant to maintain his grasp, but these things were coated in that grey fluid that caused the damned tingling in her skin.

The daughter of the Silver family growled, if she could feel her knife sinking into that monster’s fleshy body. If she freed herself, she’d slash and stab at that the thing for all she could.

Grapple resist, or whatever it’s called when you try to break free
If free, Long Knife attack, Short Knife attack.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine.

Turn 1
Grapple: Elizabeth wins. (Another victory by margin of 1. D: )
Elizabeth breaks free.

Turn 2
Attack: Success and Success
Damage: 12 + 9 = 21 damage and 15 + 9 = 24 damage. Dead.

Elizabeth's years of rigorous training paid off, somehow she managed to break free of the numerous slimy tentacles attempting to violate her. The infuriated assassin exploded in a flurry of violence directed at the invader, cutting off a tentacle and stabbing it to death in the process. With her final thrust into the thing's body she had dispatched all of the tentacle rapists in the hallway, though it seemed that there were plenty more where those had come from. The decoration in the hallway looked even more grisly than before now that the mutilated corpses of the invaders were there.

The woman in the room had stopped shrieking when the noise had stopped. A hinge squeaked loudly as the devastated door was opened a crack to allow the room's occupant sight into the hallway. When the woman, more a girl, really, spotted Elizabeth she peaked her head out into the hallway. The girl's face was youthful and pale, she appeared to be a little shorter than Elizabeth and perhaps slightly younger. She had long black hair that was tied into a ponytail. The assassin noticed that she wore plain brown clothing, the mark of a serving girl. The young maid was obviously incredibly frightened. "Are you human?" the girl asked, somewhat daftly.

(Gain 2 more XP for a total of 6 so far. It's like there's a pattern!)
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth took a moment to compose herself, sheathing her blades and adjusting her hair, attempting to do whatever she could to settle her dress and amour back into place, though between the blood stains and whatever that was that the creatures were coated in she was definitely just going to need a new dress. She even walked over to the dead beasts just beyond the door the maid cowered behind to retrieve her throwing knives before turning to address the young girl.

She cursed in the back of her mind, she’d been hoping for someone who might be able to fight, or at least more than one person so she could use them as a distraction, but after chewing on her tongue for a second, sizing the young girl up before uttering a word. “Yes, I’m human. I am Elizabeth Silver of House Silver, I was a guest here before the assault. Who are you?” At very least as servant should know the back way through the house, and perhaps even a servant’s entrance. Most houses had at least one and they would be smaller, often opening into back alleys, ideal for sneaking in, or out.

(The Dice Gods refuse to let Elizabeth be raped ;) )
(Also; can I spend EXP at any time, like say now to get +3 to my Body?)
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine.

(But the dice gods are fickle! For every stroke of good fortune they will exact their toll! Or something! >.>)

The girl wore a visible mask of panic when Elizabeth introduced herself. The serving girl stepped out and gave a deep bow to the noblewoman. "I-I'm sorry, Lady Silver! I did not know!" The girl began to apologize profusely. "I'm Alice, a servant of House Dreslin." Alice was a skinny girl, slight of frame. It was unlikely that her thin nature was the result of exercise or the diets that the noblewomen of Badaria would put themselves on, however. The serving girl's diet was likely entirely involuntary, consisting of the food that she could scrounge from around the estate and whatever her meager wage would afford her, her exercise was probably similar. Alice was ghostly pale, likely a mixture of her normal complexion and fear at the invaders.

"When the chaos started I was in the halls cleaning. The guards outside were quickly overrun and fell back to the ballroom and barred it, leaving me out here with those monsters. I hid in one of the sitting rooms," The girl finally gathered enough courage to lift herself from her deferential bow, she indicated the splintered door behind her as the sitting room in question. "The things had seen me though and tried to batter the door down... W-wait, are those?" Alice covered her mouth in horror at the scene in the hallway and looked as though she might faint. The serving girl was obviously not strong of heart. The skinny girl tried to compose herself but wasn't very successful, she seemed as afraid at the possibility of Elizabeth's reprisal as the grisly scene.

The noises of battle raged on from the direction of the ballroom. It was uncertain how long until, or even if, the defenders would be overrun.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Dead, that’s what those things are.” Elizabeth took a light step past the shivering girl, examining the sitting room she’d taken shelter in for anything useful, or at least something to clean herself up. “Look, we’re in a bit of a hurry here, so let’s drop the formalities and just consider ourselves sisters in womanhood. Noble or commoner doesn’t seem to matter too much to these things” She gave a nod to the butchered corpses of the boneless invaders, upturning anything she could get her hands on in her hurried search of the sitting room. “How long have you worked for House Dreslin, do you know your way around the manor?” A short cut or narrow passage would be excellent, the more of these things they could avoid, the more of these things she didn’t have to risk fighting.

I don’t suppose there are any hidden passages, local guard barracks or someplace we could get weapons? Maybe a showroom for House Dreslin’s products?” House Dreslin may have refused to produce firearms, but truth be told Elizabeth preferred the feel of a sharp knife in her hand than the hefty weight of a handgun, and House Dreslin did make some nice blades.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine.

Elizabeth found nothing of value in the sitting room. It was a fairly standard for the sitting room of nobility, filled with furniture and decorated to show off their wealth with nothing of practical value in it. There was a weapon on display but an inspection of it would prove it to be a pretty sword, although ultimately an ineffective piece of junk. "Yes, Lady Silver! Anything you say, Lady Silver!" The maid spoke hastily from outside the room, bowing again. It seemed very unlikely that the serving girl would be able to fully take in the idea of a sisterhood between a commoner and a noble. Alice did straighten in a more expedient manner the second time, at least.

"Yes, Lady Silver. I've worked in the estate since I was old enough to," old enough to work as a serving girl tended to be code for 'the second I could walk and not likely drop anything.' The young serving girl's anxiousness seemed to increase as Elizabeth inquired about the barracks and armory. "The barracks is in the opposite direction of the ballroom. It holds the majority of the weapons but I don't believe any items of value would have been left behind as the guards equipped themselves." Alice seemed especially nervous when she suggested that the noblewoman wouldn't find anything, as though she were afraid of the heiress' reaction. "Most of the weapons on display in the estate are merely for decoration. The best weapons are kept in the personal armories and rooms of the nobility but it will be difficult to reach them."

"The next shift of guards was still asleep when we were attacked, some stragglers might still be there. I know of a few shortcuts we could take through the estate. There are also serving quarters under the building that lead to most rooms that I can lead you through but we would need to find an entrance."
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth took some slow deep breaths, slowing down to think for a second. What did she know? She needed to kill her cousin, her father had ordered it and that was her mission. She knew her cousin’s estate was not far from the Dreslin, and that the Dreslin estate was currently under siege. The centre of the combat seemed to be ballroom, and from what she had seen these creatures were chiefly ‘interested’ in women. If they were truly only after women, they might have left her cousin's estate largely unharmed, which would mean his guard would still be a near full staff.

The creatures were likely coming from that craft, or perhaps even greater beast in the sky. That she had no way of dealing with, but the Badarian military would likely clear the streets sooner or later, though she didn’t know of any major military bases within the city streets of the Necropolis. They’d likely have to take the town street by street, and still leave the alleys and backstreets crawling with the elastic fiends.

Elizabeth took another deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment and letting the adrenal of battle run out of her system. Safety wouldn’t likely come until she was on the far side of the Badarian line, and even assuming that the creatures’ only interest was the women of Necropolis the veritable siege they had laid to the Dreslin house likely meant they had some extra-sensory ability to local them, else they were just overwhelming every house they came to. Both were equally chilling concepts, for all she knew her cousin could have already been strangled by these things and her only mission now was survival.

Another deep breath and Elizabeth turned toward Alice; she needed to know the manor. “The bulk of the creatures are probably striking against the ballroom. They seem to have a ‘thing’ for women.” She ground her teeth a little, before stepping back out to the hall. “I need to know the manor better, so you’re coming with me, stay behind me and stay hidden.” She was going to be damned if she let some little servant girl screw her. “Stay low, stay quiet, and don’t let any of these things see you. Keep an open eye for them coming and don’t let them sneak up on you, if they try to grab you, kick, scratch, bite, do whatever it takes but make them let you go. Now;” Elizabeth turned to look down both end of the bloodied hallway. “What’s the fastest way to the barracks, avoiding the ballroom and any major hallways?” One person never turned the tide of any battle, and encase it turned out that Elizabeth arrived too late to be of any real help, she’d have to at least pick up someone who could handle a sword for her trouble.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Fine.

"Yes, Lady Silver. I can point out the passageways to get us to the barracks sooner." Alice did not seem as though she genuinely wanted to go with Elizabeth and potentially encounter more of the invaders. The serving girl's opinion of the plan hadn't gotten much better the heiress hinted at what the creatures were after, either. Still, through some twisted sense of duty the commoner followed her noble leader.

The maid did have some sense of grace in her step, a necessity when one worked in a noble house for any length of time, however, Alice had no knack for stealth. If any of the monsters had been in the hallway they would have discovered her immediately. It was almost fortunate that most of the creatures had made for the ballroom. Yet, for all the drawbacks of having the serving girl tag along, Alice did make the trip much more expedient. Every once in a while she would point to a room which would end up cutting through the labyrinth of hallways. With the maid's guidance, Elizabeth found herself at the entrance to the barracks within minutes. What she also found was another battle.

A group of guards were battling several green humanoid creatures outside of the door. Dead littered the hall and included several creatures that looked nothing like the ones she had come into combat with so frequently. Five guardsmen remained. One of the guardsmen, with a cloak that suggested a position of leadership, worked to rally his men against the humanoids. Seven green-skinned creatures, bearing a large resemblance to lizards, harried and used hit and run attacks on the guards, looking to overwhelm them with their numbers.

Unfortunately, Alice's lack of stealthy prowess meant that two of the lizards noticed the duo immediately. Still, Elizabeth could potentially turn the tide of the fight.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Stay down because I’m not going to save you.” Elizabeth basically barked to Alice as she drew her Long and Short knives, long raise in her left hand, while her short stayed low, pointed up by her right hip. Two of the lizard things were coming toward them, five more stood behind them entrenched with the guard. The Silver Heir smiled.

In the absence of stealth, she leaned to her speed, charging down the hall at the two reptile things. She remained low, head down, shoulders tucked in. She kept her Long Knife raised above her, blade pointed out backward from her hand, ready to slash or block any incoming strikes, while her Short Knife stayed beside her side, blade raised up, ready to plunge into the stomach or gut of her aggressor, and then be given a twist before being pulled free. If she was lucky, and these things shared the anatomy of humans, she could puncture a lung. It was a slow death even in men, but few things gave pause like drowning to death in their own blood while they gasped feebly, pathetically, and helplessly for air.

She closed as quickly as she could, quick short steps to keep from tripping on the dead, and then a sudden kick, throwing herself into the air as she neared the first of the creatures, her intent; to land knees first on the beast’s collar bone. If she didn’t topple it, she might break its collar, if she didn’t break it, she could plunge her short knife into its neck and open its throat with her long knife, and even if the thing prove too big for her, she could set her back to the wall and keep the body of one between her and the other.

She was not going to let these things get the better of her. They needed to die, and Elizabeth was happy to oblige.

So, charge, if that’s an action… Long Knife being used defensively, then a jump, if that’s an action… an attempt to use Elizabeth’s body weight to topple one of the lizards over, basic attack with short knife to try and pop the thing’s lungs/give her something to grab onto and sort of ‘turn’ the first creature’s back to face the second, that is of course assuming that it doesn't just fall over from her tackling it, and a basic attack with her Long Knife, to open the creature’s throat regardless of where everyone ends up.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 23/37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Injured.

Elizabeth Attack: Hit & Hit
Damage: 18 + 8 = 26 - 8 = 18 damage.
Damage: 17 + 8 = 25 - 8 = 17 damage.

Enemy Actions: Attack Elizabeth and Maneuver
Lizard 1, Hit, 26 - 12 = 14 damage.
Lizard 2, Trying to get into range.

Guard vs Lizardman Melees
Captain v L1-5: Hit, 14 + 22 = 36 - 12 = 24 damage.
G1 v L1: Hit, 25 - 12 = 13 damage.
G2 v L2: Hit, 23 - 12 = 11 damage.
G3 v L3: Hit, 23 - 12 = 11 damage.
G4 v L4: Hit, 15 - 12 = 3 damage.

L1 v G1: Hit, 24 - 4 = 20 damage.
L2 v G2: Hit, 24 - 4 = 20 damage.
L3 v G3: Hit, 23 - 4 = 19 damage.
L4 v G4: Hit, 21 - 4 = 17 damage.
L5 V Captain: Hit 25 - 12 = 13 damage.

Alice didn't need to be told twice, she immediately scurried off to hide somewhere. Elizabeth jumped into the attacking lizard-men with gusto, her knee crashed into the first one. Unfortunately, the thing was too sturdy and heavy to send to the ground, more worryingly even with the amount of force she had exerted it's bone didn't give way. The assassin went to plan B, plunging her dagger into the thing's neck and attempting to open it's throat from ear to ear with her longer weapon, it produced nearly the same results as attempting to cut through chainmail. The lizardman was bloodied but it's thick skin made it far more durable than it really had any right to be as a humanoid.

The daughter of House Silver tried to duck around her opponent to get her back to the wall, taking a nasty hit in the process, but managed to get it between her and the other reptilian so that the fight remained a one on one. The two didn't seem so badly coordinated that they would fall for the same trick twice, however. Elizabeth would end up in trouble very shortly if she didn't finish off her first opponent quickly. The melee between the guards and remaining lizards seemed to come into full swing after the assassin had gotten into the fight. Individually, the guards seemed to be taking the worst of it, but the captain cleaved through the lizards with reckless abandon, inspiring his men to fight harder and giving them a slight edge.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Ow. That was the first thing to run through Elizabeth’s mind. That had hurt. These things hit harder their bendy friends. Still whether there was blood in her teeth or not, she simply wasn’t the type to lay down and take it, regardless of what ‘it’ was. The young rogue grit her teeth and set her short knife back in its sheath. She did not want to take another one of those hits, she needed to come up with a different strategy, blitzing these things was clearly not going to work; they were built too hard, too solid.

She dropped a throwing knife into the palm of her free hand and twisting on her heel, lowering to the ground, she shot the blade up toward the chin of lizard. With any luck the underside of their jaw would be less armoured than the rest of them, but she was through taking chances, this thing was going to die, and she was going to make sure it went down bloody. Sitting back onto one leg, Elizabeth extended the other, right between the lizard’s legs, bringing the crest of her foot right up into the monster’s crotch. If they were going to try and leave her like the women in the courtyard, than she wasn’t going to pull any punches, or kicks as the case may have been.

The second was going to be a problem, not to mention the other five the guards were dueling with. She needed something to give her side an edge. An idea came to her; she didn’t think it would work, but she couldn’t think of anything else. It was time to test Alice’s loyalty. “Alice! Distraction. Flash the fuckers!” It made sense in her head, something to distract rapist lizard monsters, toss them a nubile young girl in maid outfit, it was the same theory behind throwing a guard dog a steak…

Sudden Shot & a kick to the nads
PS: oh and if thing one dies she's going to move to shelter herself from thing two beneath thing one's corpse. Didn't know how to work that into the post without assuming thing one dies.
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Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 3/37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Badly Injured.

Stealth: Enemy wins (by 1, the tables have apparently turned.)
Attacks: Hit & Hit
Damage: 13 - 12 = 1 damage and 15 - 12 = 3 damage.

Lizard 1: Attack. Hit. 26 - 12 = 14 damage.
Lizard 2: Attack. Hit. 24 - 12 = 12 (RP Bonus)/2 = 6 damage.

Giant Melee
Captain v All: Hit. 18 + 22 = 40 - 12 = 28 damage. That finishes the first five, apparently.
G1 v Lizard 1: Hit. 22 - 12 = 10 damage.
G2 v Lizard 2: Hit. 24 - 12 = 12 damage. Dead.
G3 v Lizard 3: Hit. 22 - 12 = 10 damage.
G4 v Lizard 4: Hit. 17 - 12 = 5 damage.

For convenience sake, since there's no way for the solitary remaining lizard to win, I'm going to say that at this point the guards mob it to death since the best it could do would be to knock out Elizabeth and then die instantly.

The lizard saw through Elizabeth's feint, it jerked it's head to the side causing the throwing knife to barely nick it's face. The assassin's knee met with similar resistance. It retaliated with a vicious claw, piercing through her chain armor and staining the noblewoman's dress with her own blood. Worse yet, the first lizard looked barely worse than it had after the first two attacks it had taken. It was then that Elizabeth used her backup, backup plan, and called for operation: flash the fuckers to be put into effect.

"W-w-w-w-w-what!?" Alice cried in disbelief as she stood up from her hiding position behind a table in the hallway. The skinny maid blushed fiercely and stared at the ground. "U-um, u-um." It seemed as though her loyalty to the nobility went a bit farther than just work, however, as her hands moved to pull down the top of her dress. With an abrupt yank, the thin girl exposed her breasts to the inhabitants of the hallway, as ordered of her. The two orbs of pale flesh weren't any large than a B cup, though they were very perky and tipped with small pink nipples. For the duration of her exposure to the room the maid stared at the ground, afraid to look up and see what sort of attention she had caught. Alice's cheeks were burning red with embarrassment and shame.

The exposure had seemed to do something, at least. The second lizard battling Elizabeth was thrown off his guard by the sudden appearance of the maid, or more accurately the sudden appearance of the maid's tits. The reptilian's surprise gave Elizabeth the necessary maneuvering room to turn a blow that would have knocked her unconscious into a glancing hit. More importantly, the captain had never stopped his violent rampage, he cleaved through the remainder of the lizardmen in the melee with a ferocity rarely seen in the personal guard of the nobility, leaving a few decapitated despite their thick skin. With their opponents slain, the guards initiated their own operation, one of vengeance. The armored men rushed at the two lizardmen accosting Elizabeth like a gust of violence and steel. By the time they were done the reptiles had been cut, stabbed, bludgeoned, beaten, and were beyond dead.

Meanwhile, Alice continued to stand quivering in the hallway with her perky breasts exposed, still staring at the floor in shame and fear and unaware that the lizardmen were dead. The guards, their revenge extracted by the violent slaying of their opponents, seemed perfectly content to admire the view. The captain, however, approached Elizabeth after sheathing his great sword on his back. "Greetings milady, we owe you a great debt it seems." The captain greeted, his voice was deep and echoed in his plate helmet. The captain offered a bow. The man's features were entirely obscured by chainmail armor covering thick plates of boiled leather and his helmet, though it was easy to see that he was nearly a foot taller than Elizabeth. "I am Captain Derrick of the night guard of House Dreslin. I can guess by your gown that you are one of the guests, although I am surprised both that you have found your way here and that you can fight so well in it." He offered a glance to the maid, careful not appear as though he were looking below Alice's neck level, before turning back to the heiress. "Is she yours and might I ask that you do something about her? The girl is distracting my men." He asked in what was nearly a whisper, apparently trying to spare the serving girl any further embarrassment.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Alice, you can put the girls away, we won.” Elizabeth was not so keen to spare Alice any dignity as she fell back against the nearest wall and clamped a hand down over her gushing wound, sliding down to sit against the wall behind her. That had been a hell of a lot closer than she cared to admit, and though she’d never say so upon pain of death, she probably owed a lot to the mousy little maid. Elizabeth figured they were even, she had killed those tentacle things by herself after all.

Nice to meet you captain, and right now your debt is one best paid with medical attention.” Elizabeth was in pain, a lot of it, but she still knew that as a woman of Badarian society, she had little standing to demand or order anything of any man, even those in service to a noble family. “Elizabeth Silver, of House Silver, and my hand maid Alice.” Alice was now the spoils of war, and as far as Elizabeth was concerned that made her belong to House Silver from the second she’d pulled her out of that sitting room.

Swallowing her pain, and a bit more of her own blood than was probably healthy, Elizabeth pushed herself up by one arm. “The Necropolis has fallen under attack by an army of these, things. My father has asked that I extend House Silver’s support to House Dreslin. My cousin’s estate is not far from here, I confess, I do not know the state of my cousin’s home, but he will have his own regiment of guard. The members guests and servants of House Dreslin are invited to join forces with House Silver.” It was more difficult to lie through your teeth when you were trying not to pass out, but on the bright side it was also a lot easier to prevent any tells when you were in serious pain. “We heard fighting in the ballroom on our way here, the other guests and guards are likely there…” Elizabeth tried to stand up, but about halfway into leaning forward she decided that was probably a bad idea until she got some of that medical attention she’d requested. “I would like to be of help, but injured as I am I would probably only be liability. However, if you are able to rescue guests, I can show you the way to House Silver’s estate, and, assuming it still stands, the guards there offer yourselves and your masters their protection.” Yeah, medical attention would be nice… and also a new dress.

Oh I don’t know, winning a fight with 3 hp left? Sounds like Elizabeth still has some luck to burn.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 3/37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Badly Injured.

"Eep!" The girl made a noise of startled embarrassment as she rushed to cover herself. Alice's cheeks seemed like they would be permanently in a state of blushing. The serving girl seemed to simply slump until she landed on her rear on the floor, as though she had no more energy for panicking and shame and merely wanted to dig herself into a hole and stay there. "Well, Lady Silver, the aid of your House will be much appreciated," the captain seemed to have carefully replaced the word 'father' with 'house.' Derrick turned to his men and nodded to them, they formed up behind him almost reverently. "You are correct, as much as we owe you it is unlikely that you would be able to see another fight through to the end. Unfortunately, none among us are accomplished enough to give you the medical aid you require. The only one who could give you true aid in a timely manner would be a mage. House Dreslin's mage, Lilly, is most likely in the ballroom and we will likely find ourselves in a fight before we find her."

"U-um, Lady- er, milady," Alice started, still staring at the floor. The new handmaiden was apparently surprised by her sudden change of employment and pseudo-promotion. "I have some experience with medicine, I might be able to offer some relief. If the captain would allow me to look around the barracks for some supplies I could use I might be able to get you back into fighting condition." The captain looked briefly at the maid as though she were some circus attraction. The captain's helmet turned quickly back to her new owner along with his gaze, however. "I see no problem with it. Haste would be preferred, however, every sword arm will be needed in the ballroom and the sooner the better." Thankfully, Derrick did not seem to notice that Elizabeth did not know about her own hand maid's experience with medicine. Alice looked up at Elizabeth, an odd mixture of confusion and relief present in her blue eyes, almost as though the daughter of House Silver had done the young maid a favor by stealing her from the Dreslins. "We would need a private room, too, milady." Alice didn't finish her sentence, the reasoning was implied, however. Elizabeth's wounds couldn't be dressed through a gown.

It would take time for Alice to properly patch Elizabeth up but it would allow her to aid in the fight for the ballroom. Alternatively, she could excuse herself from the fight easily enough. There were a few other options, though their appeals varied greatly.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth did her best to lift herself up to her feet, steadying herself against the wall. “Thank you Alice.” Attention for her wounds was Elizabeth’s priority. She didn’t want to be roaming the manor halls as injured as she was, or the city for that matter. “Alice, what is the swiftest way to the ballroom from our current location?” However, Elizabeth saw no reasons for her injuries to delay the guard. They could move ahead of her, clear the way as it were, and then when she reached the ballroom the enemy would already be entrenched. It was easier to plant a knife in something’s back, when they were busy fighting someone else.

The Silver heir stumbled her way toward the barracks; it was a private enough room, though it dawned on her that alone in a room with Alice getting her wounds addressed would be a little too, vulnerable, for her liking. “Captain, I understand time is of the essence, and if you would like to lead your men ahead I would not object. However, I do ask that one or two of your men remain behind to offer my maiden and myself protection while my wounds are addressed. We will of course follow as soon as we can.” Elizabeth leaned in the doorway to the barracks, giving the garrison a quick once over, just to make certain it was as safe a haven as she needed it to be.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

HP = 3/37, PP = 33, EP = 30, Status = Badly Injured.

The captain seemed a little less than enthusiastic by the proposition but eventually nodded his consent. "Very well, I owe you as much." Derrick turned to two of his men and spoke. "No harm is to come to Lady Silver, understand?" The way the tall man spoke seemed ominously as though he were warning the soldiers against harming the noblewoman rather than giving an order to guard her. Derrick turned and began to march his men through the wrecked hallway on his task to reinforce the ballroom. When their captain was out of sight, Elizabeth could see the guards sizing her up through the slits in their helmets. The two lecherous men seemed more interested in the woman than the noble part. They did not do anything, however, it seemed that as long as the heiress appeared strong and they had a common enemy to fight the two would remain on her side. But, if she were to be bested in combat with them on her side... well, she and Alice would share a fate as spoils of war, regardless of whether the men or their opponents won.

Alice seemed cheerfully oblivious to the men and the implications of their stares. "Let's get to it, then!" The thin maid pushed into the room past the heavy oaken door behind Elizabeth. The assassin had found herself in a circular room, part of a tower that jutted into the sky. The barracks had obviously been carefully crafted for defense against anything that might raid the estate. There were no windows and the two entrances into the room she was in consisted of the door she had entered and upward stairs leading to a hatch in the ceiling, both were heavy oak and reinforced with iron. The tower itself appeared to be made of stones, each carefully carved so that each block was the same size and shape as the ones next to it. Beds, personal chests, and small tables serving as nightstands were arranged in a ring around the outer wall of the tower with several larger tables for eating, writing, and other such activities in the middle. Weapon and armor racks were situation next to the door, entirely barren now. There were enough beds for at least thirty men on the first floor alone, testament to the size of the room Elizabeth had found herself in.

The maid busied herself immediately upon setting foot into the barracks. Alice motioned to a bed, "Sit over there, milady, I'll gather the supplies." When Elizabeth had settled onto one of the beds, the maid gracefully walked over to her and cleared the night-table beside it, carefully setting everything onto the floor arranged in the same manner that it had been on the table. The thin girl then went about collecting supplies. Alice whisked about the room in her search. Every once in a while she would return and place some instrument, material, or other thing on the table by Elizabeth's newly claimed bed. By the end of her search, the young maid began to rummage through chests. After a few minutes she pulled up a bottle and uncorked it. The slight-framed girl winced as she sniffed at it before returning the cork and making her final return to the heiress' side. "Okay, that's everything milady!"

Without further questioning the maid immediately moved to undress the young heiress. Alice took great care in the removal of the bloodied gown, her fingers were so light in their task that it was difficult to tell what she was doing without looking directly at her. The mousy girl's ability to maneuver and get at all the different buttons, ties, and the other torture devices that were common on the ballgowns of Badaria suggested that she had some experience with the job. If Elizabeth did not protest quickly then she would find herself down to her chainmail in mere minutes and from there naked in even less time.
Re: Elizabeth Silver (AshPrince) GMed by Hafnium

Elizabeth gave no objections to the young handmaiden’s actions, and aside from the occasional wince, caused more by her injured body not wanting to bend into the shapes necessary to remove her dress than by Alice’s actions. The agent of House Silver was careful to keep her knives at her sides, even laying several of her throwing knives out along the bed beside her.

Maybe it was due to her being injured, or maybe it was just her untrusting nature, but even with the duel guards standing beyond the garrison door, perhaps even because of them, Elizabeth felt uneasy. To be fair, she was bleeding profusely in a strange environment beset by strange creatures with the seeming sole intention of raping anything with breasts within the city limits.

Let’s make this quick shall we?” Elizabeth stole a sip of the liquor no doubt intended to sterilize her wounds, leaning to one side as she did her best to facilitate the removal of her armor. The liquor was swill, but strong enough to serve its purpose. Look at her dress once it was removed, the thing was a rag, it was torn stained, her own blood the beast’s as well as their, secretions. “See if there’s something more suitable to wear, my dress is yours if you want it.” Alice was proving to be a good investment. Loyal enough to obey any order, capable enough to render basic medical attention, and smart enough to stay out of the way during battle, if they got out of this with their dignity intact the young maid would make an adequate replacement for Robin, assuming of course the wide man hadn’t had the good sense to get himself off that street seconds after she had. A little training to refine Alice’s natural ability to blend into the background, maybe get her a knife, or two…