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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin rose a brow at her, and audibly growled at her reply, but didn't seem to offer much in the ways of argument. Looking down at her hand, he stared hard enough at it that he would burn a hole in it eventually. Twisting his lips in thought, he raised his hand slowly, and swiftly, placed his palm against her own. "... Your hand is bigger than mine... Should I even call this a hand?" he asked her after a moment of his hand resting against her own. "What do we do now anyway? Do we have to keep holding our hands? In my society, men are instructed to socialize with women from a distance and only get near them when they are deemed safe by the church. It's a bit ironic now that I'm touching a monster, when those methods were created to avoid any contact with monsters, and... Stop grinning at me!" he exclaimed suddenly, Jenna finally seeing him blush. "What an infuriating expression! Even if we're pretending, I hate that look of endearment! You should be looking at me with neutral formality, as one warrior to another! As per my family's tradition, both husband and wife must always look for a moment of weakness in their beloved, and punish them for it! My mother striked my father down for being light on me when I was a child, and I expect you to do the same to me!" he announced.

"... Pretending of course. I'd appreciate it if you didn't actually kill me under the false pretense of my wife. I wouldn't be able to rest if that happened."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna watched as the Griffin stared at her claw intently, trying to keep an expression that was warm, but not overly so, not trying to spook him. When he finally placed his hand in hers she allowed it to rest there for a while, not taking any more action. "You can call it a hand or a claw, whichever you prefer. I’m not partial to either" she replied to his question, shrugging a little. His next question struck her as sad, especially with his assertion that men and women were essentially separated in his society. Her grin was still there though, and he yelled out at her as he blushed brightly, frustrated.

The lizardgirl was a bit taken aback by the way he started shouting at her, but tried not to show it. What took her aback more was the way he talked about his family’s traditions. It seemed so impossibly harsh. When he was done she began to speak slowly and quietly, but with a firm tone. "First off, yes, we keep holding hands. In my society this is common, and husbands and wives are often close to one another in a physical way, even in public" she said, addressing his first question. "Secondly, in my society we are treating one another as one warrior to another. Fighting is a… a special thing" Jenna continued, stumbling a little over a way to say the last bit, not sure how to say it. "Sparring is an intimate thing, something you don’t share with just anyone. A husband and a wife look for weaknesses in one another, yes, but not to punish one another! Part of the point of marriage is that you push one another so that you’re constantly improving, because otherwise you’ll never reach your potential. Husband and wife are important training partners for each other. So much so that if one of us loses to a woman, we’ll still pursue her for marriage, to perfect ourselves as warriors." As she said this she finally closed her claw around the Griffin’s hand, trying to slip the individual claws between his fingers in a more intimate hand-hold.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin rose a brow as she revealed her views on warriors, and combat itself. When she revealed that their kind will even marry women, Griffin seemed even more distraught. "... Everything about that is extremely perverted." he said in reply to everything Jenna said, and where he was stiff before, he froze up like a statue when her hand closed around him. "Hey... Hey, hold on now... Where are you going with this? The hand holding was one thing, but this feels different!" he announced, clearly nervous as Jenna seemed to develop the situation on her own. "To what extent... Do we actually have to go?" he asked her, something clearly bothering him. "Isn't hand holding enough? Can't they believe our word alone?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"It's not perverted! It's beautiful!" Jenna said loudly and forcefully. "People would give up on their sexual preferences in order to perfect themselves as warriors!" She calmed down quickly, though, especially when he froze once she closed her hand on his. She let out a quiet chuckle, and replied "relax, this is still just hand holding. I don't intend to take this any farther. For public it'll be fine, but if we stay with my parents for long she may expect things of us. She would definitely expect us to share a room together if we slept there, maybe among other things. But we can deal with that when we come to it, and my mother and I don't get along terribly well, so it wouldn't be too surprising if I were rebellious."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Good," Griffin replied, before pulling his hand away. "The hour is still early, so I would like to depart for this civilization of your's soon. It can't be far, correct?" he asked her, and it was not far at all. They could certainly arrive there by that evening, or even sooner than that.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"It isn't that far, no. We should be able to get there before sundown" Jenna replied, gathering the cups and teakettle and things so that she could put them away in their proper place. "I'm going to change again, so you'll have to turn around" she said, waiting for him to follow her instructions before pulling off her dress and getting out a length of bandage, sucking in a deep breath before wrapping her breasts tightly again. "I want to have my armor and my sword with me" she called back, explaining herself for whatever reason. She then put on her dress again, then the light armor, and then strapping her sheath around her waist.

"Alright, now we can leave" Jenna said once she was dressed, walking up behind the Griffin and suddenly taking his hand in her claw again, practically skipping as she led him towards the Great Hollow. When he inevitably complained about her touching him the lizardgirl would turn to stick her tongue out at him playfully and tell him to deal with it like a good husband. For what ever reason she was happy about this arrangement, and it was pushing her normally serious demeanor aside, revealing something more playful and childish. Maybe she had underestimated just how much she wanted a mate.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin grumbled as she announced she was going to change again. "More like a human woman than I would have thought..." he complained after she began to change and his back was to her. "This is one time I'm fine with not carrying a weapon," Griffin said as he headed for the exit to the cave ahead of her, already having made distance as she was changing. "If the reports hold true, then appearing like a warrior will only put me in further danger. I heard of many merchants who safely made it through lizard territory, but my own soldiers were attacked quite often. What's worse is that my very best often went missing." he said with a grimace.

And then Jenna came up from behind and took his hand in her claw, "Ah-hey!" he exclaimed, walking at almost a run to keep up with her skipping. "We've only just left the cave! We don't have to hold hands the whole way!" he complained. When she responded by sticking her tongue out and dealing him to deal with it, Griffin growled angrily. "You should be more humble to me, considering the pretense of our relationship! You should be walking beside me, waiting to strike me down the moment I let my guard down, not running like a little girl!"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"No one will bother you if they think you're married" Jenna called back as the Griffin worried about how being seen as a warrior might put him in danger. "Unless you're hostile, no one would attack you unless they were looking for a husband. Probably."

His protests at her holding his hand made her giggle and grin, and she replied "there's no need to be humble. A newlywed has room to be giddy about it, after all. And I already told you, no one marries a man and then looks to kill him when he isn't paying attention. It doesn't make sense. How terribly paranoid you humans must be at all hours of the day and night!" The lizardgirl really couldn't envision a society that actually worked that way, or a marriage that was seemingly built on mutual fear.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Griffin frowned, as if to answer, before looking beyond her, and shouting, "Hey! Watch out!" he exclaimed, before, during her excited run, an orc jumping down from a mountain ledge above slammed against the excited Jenna, catching her off guard, and knocking her to her back on the ground with the orc standing over her. "Mmm, another lizard girl to add to the rest! Want to challenge me, lizard, and become my wife? Hehehe!" the orc snorted down at her, as Jenna would see an excited 'tent' growing in the orc's loin cloth around her waist.

"What the hell is an orc doing here!?" Griffin exclaimed, just as Jenna would remember that there was a group of orc slavers moving through, and they were seeking to challenge various lizards, one by one, and capture them, forcing them to be their wives, trapped by their own tradition, so as to procreate with them. It was one of the things Gren told her about, as she herself heard it from the lizard scouts from the Great Hollow itself. "... Hey, Jenna." Griffin suddenly said seriously. "Give me your sword, let me handle her. You aren't fit to challenge a brute like this."

"Besides, I'm not sure how your tradition works, but if you fight her, you'd be accepting her challenge, right? If you lose..." he whispered to her, trying to encourage her not to fight the orc.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The Griffin's warning registered in Jenna's mind a little bit too late, and she found herself slammed into by an orc. She fell over onto the ground, staring up at the pig-girl with a scowl on her face. She could see that a tent was forming in the orc's loincloth, the monstergirl clearly excited at the sight of Jenna. Its words reminded the lizardgirl that Gren had warned her about a group of orc slavers moving through the area, challenging lizardgirls and forcing them into slavery using the old traditions about what happened once they were defeated in battle.

This made Jenna mad, and even without the Griffin's prompting she had no intention of fighting an opponent so beneath her. She got up quickly, taking the soldier's hand again and beginning to walk away. "I'm already married" she said frankly and forcefully, "and I'm not looking for a filthy pig to make my bitch. Bother someone else."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

As Jenna attempted to walk by, the orc stood in front of her, and using the mass of her body, pushed the lizard girl back, her large breasts bouncing from the impact against the lizard as it was by Griffin's grace that Jenna did not fall again. "Are you sure about that? Nyeh heh heh!" the orc asked her. "Then you best turn around, eh? Only 'warriors' can get by here!" she announced to Jenna. "What's wrong, eh lizard? Always lookin' for a strong warrior, yet ya back down to a challenge? Are ya sure you're a lizard, and not a soft little frog?" she chuckled at Jenna, pressing her breasts up against Jenna, pushing her back again with a smug grin.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

When Jenna tried to walk around the orc it stepped in front of her again, essentially bumping her back with its plump belly. The Griffin was the only thing that kept her from falling to the ground again, supporting her with his body. "I am sure of that, yes. I've already found a strong warrior, and as I said I'm not looking to find a fat pig bitch too" the lizardgirl replied, her eyes narrowing as she regarded the orc slaver, who was still pressing her large breasts against Jenna's breastplate. "I needn't accept a challenge from something like you, and I'm not a child. You will not provoke me" she said, trying to push forward and around to get past the orc.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"A warrior with no weapon. I think you lie. I think," she stopped for a moment, shoving Jenna back hard this time, enough strength to push both her and Griffin back so that they land on the ground. "I think you are just a coward. If you get on knees and call yourself a coward and beg for forgiveness, I let you pass." the orc snorted with a sense of superiority over the lizardgirl that wouldn't put up a fight, looking ready to start laughing at her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

As Jenna fell back onto the Griffin she began to fume. This orc was infuriating, and even if she had said she wouldn't be provoked, what the slaver said next did the trick just fine. The lizardgirl got up, quickly drawing her sword. "Fine, if you won't get out of my way I'll gut you" she said, preparing herself to move quickly. The hammer was an unwieldy weapon; powerful in the extreme, but hard to use with precision. There would be no blocking, the thing would probably shatter her sword, so Jenna would just have to dodge the first blow and then dart forward, slashing with her blade and disemboweling the pig.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Jenna, stop!" Griffin shouted to her as she drew her sword. Upon seeing Jenna accept her challenge, the orc laughed and licked her lips lewdly. "Hee-hee-hee!" she squealed in laughter, as Jenna only saw the 'thing' getting larger in excitement over dominating the lizard woman. "That's it then! If you lose, you have to marry me! We'll make many children!" the orc promised, before the orc started to draw near, and take a surprisingly fast swipe at Jenna with her hammer. Only with great strength could any living thing swing a hammer at the speed that she did, and just barely was Jenna able to get out of the way.

But the orc's persistence didn't let up, and she continued to stay close to Jenna as she tried to use her agility to dance out of the way. And when Jenna prepared her counter attack, pulling her blade to make a slash, the orc let one hand go of her hammer, and grabbed her wrist, quickly hoisting it, and her sword into the air. "Ah~!" the orc moaned with delight as Jenna felt her length press up against her stomach. Her hammer in her left hand, she wrapped her left arm around Jenna's back, pulling her in towards her, before planting her lips on Jenna's, forcefully kissing her as one arm held her sword arm over both their heads, and the other gripped at Jenna's body tightly.

"Jenna, is your ridiculous tradition going to condemn me if I interfere?" Griffin asked quickly at seeing Jenna instantly start losing the fight.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The orc squealed in an infuriating way as Jenna charged at it, its cock growing even more erect beneath its loincloth as it shouted about all the babies the two of them would have together. "I already have a husband!" the lizardgirl shouted, though she quickly had to stop and duck as the pig-girl swung the hammer with incredible speed and force. Even with her fast move the weapon came very close to hitting her with a blow that probably would have shattered her arm.

Not deterred, Jenna charged forward again, slashing at the orc's stomach with her blade, but with a similar speed the pig grabbed her wrist, pulling her sword arm up into the air over them. "Damn fat pig, unhand me!" the lizardgirl shouted, and she cringed as she felt the monstergirl's cock rubbing up against her stomach. The orc wrapped an arm around her back, the one holding the hammer, and pulled her in close. Once she was in range the pig-girl forceably kissed her, and Jenna reacted with a quick show of disgust. She tried to bite down hard on the orc's lips if she could as she brought her knee up into that thick cock, all the while her tail whipping around to grab and twist the pig's wrist to try and dislodge the hammer.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The orc retracted in pain as Jenna bit at her, and growled a bit as Jenna made her other moves to counterattack. When Jenna's leg kicked up, it didn't seem to phase the orc as much as the bite, and she reacted to it in kind, trapping Jenna's leg between her thighs, and holding strong to her hammer as Jenna's tail wrapped around her wrist. With one leg trapped, Jenna had no balance, and so the orc pushed forward, and collapsed herself on top of Jenna, while Jenna felt the orc's heavy weight crash down on her. "You'll pay for that!" the orc swore in return for her bit lip. And with Jenna on the ground, the orc yanked Jenna's hand as it held strong to her sword, ripping her weapon out, before holding it to Jenna's throat, grinning down at her as Jenna would realize the situation. "I win." the orc boasted, pressing down hard enough on Jenna's neck with her sword that a trickle of blood went down her flesh, meaning that she'd be risking her life at this point if she tried anything other than acknowledging the orc as the victor.

"Jenna! Damn it!" Griffin cursed, moving in to attack after she twice didn't respond. In his first step however, an arrow darted past him quickly, landing in front of his path when he found several other orcs appear, two aiming bows and one other holding a similar hammer as the other at him. "Hee-hee! I don't see a marriage mark from one of those religious girls! She's yet unclaimed!" the orc on top of Jenna announced. "You're my wife now, you lost to me~"

Meanwhile, Griffin kept his distance from the archers and the one with the hammer, holding the sheath for his lost sword in defense. "Jenna, say something! Damn it!" Griffin cursed at the way the situation was unfolding.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna’s bite had some effect on the orc, forcing it back in pain, though her other attempts were worse than fruitless. Her knee was quickly trapped between the pig-girl’s thick thighs, giving the lizardgirl serious problems as she attempted to balance, and the orc capitalized by pushing her forward, knocking her to the ground. She let out an "ooof" and then a groan of pain as she felt the heavy pig-girl slam down on top of her, knocking the breath out of her.

Once on the ground, Jenna and the orc struggled further, though the pig was clearly stronger than the lizardgirl. They fought over the sword, the orc managing to catch the crossguard and force the weapon out of Jenna’s hand, pressing the blade against the lizardgirl’s neck hard enough to prick through the skin, a trickle of blood running down onto the grass below. The battle was clearly lost, but Jenna didn’t want to admit it, and certainly had no intention of becoming this fat pig’s wife.

The Griffin immediately moved to intervene, but he didn’t get far. Jenna saw that an arrow shot out at him, stopping him in his tracks as more orcs came through the trees. "Just because I don’t have the mark doesn’t mean we aren’t married, damn it! We’re newlyweds, now get off me you damn sack of fat!" she shouted, not at all liking where this was going. "I will not become your wife!"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"So, you a bad lizard? I come looking for warrior, I defeat you, yet you lie and lie and lie. Bad lizards are not honor lizards... Because you know... The sea, where married lizards go... Is that way," the orc points back, the opposite way Jenna and Griffin were heading. "I know you lie, so if you admit it, and call yourself a little cowardly lizard... And dishonorable... Then I let you go. I challenged you for a good fight, get good wife. But you no good. So admit it. Go ahead, honorless lizard." the Orc told Jenna, promising to let her go if she openly renounced her honor.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna almost protested that she wanted to introduce the Griffin to her family before taking him to the sea, but something stopped her. She knew the orc was right. Her pride as a lizardgirl demanded that she submit to this pig in marriage. This... is my fate? To be the wife of a fat pig slaver? she thought, her claws clenching tightly. "Gods damn it..." she muttered, a tear coming to her eye. "I have to... I'll become your wife... you filthy orc."