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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

Pandora let out a sigh as Demeter announced her ignorance. "I wish it was only as complicated as you having that kind of soul..." she groaned, seemingly disturbed over what she encountered. She looked to think to herself for a moment, before looking at Demeter directly. Her arms were folded, and she had a firm stance, as if looking at Demeter with nothing but a serious tone. "Demeter, I will be serious with you. I feel you are getting yourself involved with events that will lead to you being targeted by more than just amateur assassins. What is within your soul is something that was woven by a very talented weaver. Someone who wanted to protect some nature of your soul from being discovered. Even directly touching you, I didn't detect a thing. Only when you allowed me to dig deep did I see it. You may be a Fragment from a greater being who names herself Fate, when she dispersed her power among individuals she believed who would have great influence. That seal may be hiding such a fragment, I cannot say. But the fact of the matter is, someone wanted to keep you hidden." she revealed.

"I trust in Fate's decisions, so I ask you, Demeter..." she tilted her lips for a moment, as if trying to determine an opinion about the elf. Her lack of satisfaction seemed to indicate she didn't get what she wanted. "What would you have happen? If you ask me of my aid, I will give it. I will protect you. If you wish to vanish and leave no trace, I will pretend that I never was a witness to an elf named Demeter. Just remember, before you make your decision..."

"Ma'am, you are likely being hunted." she announced.

"There are those who actively seek out Fragments to further their own means, and they are many, and some possess great power. Some will capture you, some will eat you, others will just destroy your soul. I say this because you went the extra length to warn me of an attack on my territory. That makes me believe you're a good person, on top of me owing a natural debt to you. So, you tell me, Demeter. What are your thoughts?"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

To say that Persephone's announcement was greeted with smiles by Demeter would have been an outright lie. She knew only a little where lore was concerned, at least relating to things other than those dealing with alchemy and elven propaganda, but even she had heard of Fate and the shards that that mysterious force placed into the souls of certain individuals. She couldn't fathom why she would have been one who was so chosen, but it did put into light why the mysterious demon had taken such interest in her, and after a moment Demeter would realize that it might have been the cause of the attacks upon her as well. But, how could they know of it when she herself hadn't? When Pandora, a being of great power, had needed to look closely and intensely in order to see it? That was a puzzle in and of itself, but before she could think much on it Pandora offered her protection, and that idea claimed the brunt of Demeter's thinking.

It was a very tempting offer, to allow the other being to shield her against foes that the elf knew she was utterly powerless against. As much as she hated being in this place, and simply couldn't trust Pandora due to her nature, it would have been easy to let her act in that capacity. Another question was who had tried to hide the shard within her, but Demeter could only suspect her mother of such and so didn't think much on that particular mystery while pondering what she could possibly do next.

"I... I am indeed being hunted, it seems.... But," Demeter would say after a few moments of thought, "I have no idea what might be hunting me or what to do about it. I obviously cannot hope to fight those that hunt me, if what has been thrown at me so far is any indication, and I would not drag others in my way to act as my shield. Not without knowing more, at least."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

Pandora winked at Demeter. "Have not fear, Demeter. At the very least, I will help you identify what chases you. We'll see what happens then. Until such time, where would you like to stay? I'd suggest somewhere within my castle for extra protection, but you're free to choose where you'd like to stay with your..." She hummed while looking at Idian. "... Slave?" she inquired.

Idian blushed. "N-no! I'm to be her husband!" he announced.

"Ah," Pandora shrugged. "Well, what say you? I'll probably agree to whatever you ask, so fire away."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"I'm not staying here," Demeter replied reflexively, but then clamped her mouth shut and blushed. The exchange between Idian and Pandora had not been very endearing, and the elf found the idea of remaining in the heart of Pandora's extremely exhausting.

"I mean... Thank you for the offer, but I don't believe I'd be comfortable staying here, for numerous reasons. I will remain in your city for at least a little while, but I intend to try and stay out of trouble as much as I possibly can. Someplace out of the way, without too many distractions, but still a little public. I'm supposedly waiting for someone to find me."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"Whatever accommodations you require, I can meet." Pandora announced with a very business-like tone. "Elves commonly request very unique and isolated living environments, especially the rather strict ones that demand to even be out of my aura. I don't honestly care if people do not wish to make use of or enjoy my aura, so I allow them to do whatever they wish. Same goes for you. There's a place called the Elven District if you so desire. Plenty of spacing between housing so that no neighbors are immediately near, but still within eyesight if you're especially nervous and wish to keep an eye on them."

"You make it sound like Demeter is a paranoid person..." Idian said to the goddess.

"Elves seem to share varying degrees of paranoia. Genetics, I suppose." she shrugged.

Idian looked doubtful that Demeter was like the rest of her species, but didn't say more, simply standing by her side, waiting for any further development from either of them. Pandora looked ready to offer a temporary deed to a property. Should Demeter accept, Pandora would inform her: "You can come back any time if you decide you want to make a permanent residence here. Even if you are what you seem to be, I'll be happy if you're here, doing nothing but living your life. Much rather that than all those fighting for their own interests for 'good' or 'evil' or what have you." she said with a bit of a groan, as if neutrality was her clique.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"I'm... Not sure that I really need property... I would be fine with somewhere in the city itself, if you have something near a park or garden. I don't exactly get along very well with most of my kin," Demeter replied, thinking that it might be best to try and get used to being around large amounts of people.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"That's fine. I can get you a luxury suite in front of a lake near the high district. It's gated and solitary, so you'll have lots of room and lots of personal space. I'll also instruct the church to void the area so my aura won't reach you. How does that sound?" Pandora inquired, trying to be a good host.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"Errr... I.... Yes, that would be fine. Thank you." Demeter was still somewhat flustered, but the idea of being able to relax in Pandora's domain as opposed to needing to resist her aura the entire time was not something that the elf was about to complain about. "Supposedly someone is looking for me, someone not trying to assassinate me. My father. I was told to make it known where I was, would that be possible in any way?"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"Naturally. Since I am the nexus of Pandemonium, once I wish something to be known, the entire town will know of my words within ten minutes. I will make it so that if you father is here, he will no doubt hear that you are here and find his way to the place of residence that I have provided you." Pandora assured her. "Any other requests? If not, one of my servants will show you where you'll be staying." Pandora announced, calling forth one of the who had been standing off to the side.

She looked awfully firm with a no-nonsense expression for a servant. Though, she still said nothing while waiting for Demeter to follow.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"No... Nothing that I can think of," Demeter replied nervously. In truth she might have preferred a more imperious attitude to the friendly and helpful one that Pandora had displayed, as it made Demeter feel very awkward to have a ruler treat her so. She wasn't about to say that to Pandora, however, and kept her thoughts guarded as she bowed and said; "Thank you... For your assistance, Lady Pandora."

With that, she would turn to the maid who had been tasked with showing her where to go and nod. She looked serious, and that was something that Demeter could easily work with. "I am ready" she said, and then followed the maid to wherever she was supposed to go.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

Pandora waved her hand at Demeter. "No-no, I'm also doing this for myself, a little bit. I won't lie, you will be under guard, but only at the entrance and various walls to your temporary property so as to prevent unwanted intrusions. My purpose for this is to ensure you don't end up in the wrong hands, so I'm more than happy to accommodate." she announced.

Then, the maid acknowledged Demeter with a firm look directly at her face, the maid's stare a very firm one. "Since this isn't to be your permanent residence, we're to go over the rules and guidelines of living there. Any rule broken is money you will have to pay in fines, and for damages that result." she began, before turning and walking. "Follow me, you will be instructed on the way." she announced. Once Demeter, Idian, and the maid were out of Pandora's chambers, with Pandora waving Demeter goodbye and to enjoy herself, the maid continued. "There will be a pamphlet in the mailbox of your home if you want more details and specifications on exact fines for damages to the property." she began. "I will just go over the precautions you should take, though most of it should fall within the lines of common sense. Firstly, the property is to remain as clean when you leave it, as when you first take up residence. Dust is not a concern, but stains and marks on the furniture should not be spotted by inspection, or there will be fines depending on the value of the item. There are of course to be no rips or warps to any piece within the house, so do not bend the metal, and keep sharp objects away from the couches, chairs, and beds. This includes the curtains over the windows and within the many bathrooms."

"Do not carelessly practice magic within the mansion and it's grounds, as many items within are flammable, be it furniture or tree. Fire damages will result in heavy fines, more expensive than a human being. So do not practice magic. Keep it in at all times due to the high risk involved. If you are under the assumption that you are too well-versed in weaving to make a mishap, you are hereby instructed to assume you are incompetent, and that an accident will occur one-hundred percent of the time." she said strictly.

"Clean up your messes, and do not allow food to go stale or sit around in open air. This will attract pests that will ruin the property. Some pests might appear regardless. If you have a mouse, arachne, or devil bug infestation, do not attempt to take care of it yourself. Approach one of the guards outside and inform them to call a terminator to purge the home. Do not attempt to keep the pests as pets. You are not allowed to have pets in the home." she announced, before checking a note on her side. "Though apparently in this rare instance, a sahuagin is okay. Just make sure none of her slime or foam remains behind. Clean up after her."
After much more lecturing, drilling into Demeter and Idian with all the safety precautions, how to properly handle the magical devices and taking every measure possible to prevent any sort of disaster, she forced the idea into their heads that whenever anything needs to get done, they must rely on a maid or some other official to do the task. Effectively, her summarized message was for them to not touch anything that they don't have to in order to ensure minimal possibilities for fines to be charged to Demeter's name. "Of course, since lady Pandora is offering you this estate for free, my advice to you would be to accept the deed should you break anything to avoid any legal issues." she advised, before the maid and the group approached the gates in question. The roads were paved in smooth concrete, and it's sidewalks with red brick. The gates surrounding Demeter's home were tall stone walls, seemingly to keep the most amount of privacy possible. The rest of the houses on the block were little different. There was hardly anyone walking the streets other than them. Though Demeter did see one, an elf like herself, who glared at Demeter with distrust, as if expecting Demeter to be no good, before quickly retreating into her protected property.

"Welcome to the high elven district. Every property here is a no-trespassing zone, so feel free to kill any unwanted intruder, as per the elven way." The maid advised, before unlocking the gate to Demeter's new temporary home and handing her the same key she used, which was actually linked to an entire keyring, all seemingly for the same mansion. "As well, expect violence should you wish to greet your neighbors, but I'm sure you know how that works, being an elf yourself." The maid said in regards to Demeter's heritage.

If Demeter had no further questions, the maid would depart, leaving Demeter to explore her home. "... That maid talked a lot..." Idian said, looking rather numb, mentally.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"Okay," Demeter said when the maid explained that she would go over the rules for living in the house she was to be lent. The elf expected... Well, a lot less than she got, and by the time the maid was half finished her head was already swimming. Why so many rules? It wasn't exactly a good example set to make her want to stay in the city for very long, but her various traveling companions had requested some R&R and she didn't even know where she could find Octavia if she'd wanted to change that.

The reference to Bubbles as a pet briefly drew a scowl from the elf, but she let it pass as the maid went on with her overlong explanation, delivering the message that Demeter was essentially to call someone in to do anything that might need doing. "Since I don't have any money, I'll keep all that in mind" she snapped coolly when the maid had finally finished, and didn't even bother to acknowledge the cold look shot her way by the other elf who was seemingly to briefly be her neighbor. "I think I'll try to avoid killing anyone, thank you very much," she replied as she was handed the key to the estate, which she looked at with a mild frown for a moment before glancing back to the maid.

"I'll certainly keep that in mind. Good day," she said, her final words holding a dismissive note. She wasn't upset, but she couldn't say that she much liked the woman or the rules that she had been told of. It reminded her too much of the life she'd been glad to leave behind, and was a far cry from the freedom offered by the hermit's life she'd led in the swamp. "Step carefully. And don't leave the property by anything other than the front gate," she said to Idian, "we don't need any trouble while we're here, and given where we are some of our.... Neighbors.... Might do worse than just kill you for stepping on their lawn. Come on, lets see what this place is like."

And with that, Demeter would start forward, closing the gate behind them with a bit of wind magic and then locking it with the touch of a nearby vine. It was indeed time to see what sort of place Pandora had given her to stay in while she was stuck in Pandemonium.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Chapter 4: Just Like Home

After entering the grounds, Demeter felt the presence of the aura vanish completely, allowing her to relax her protection. Idian looked quite nervous at the whole idea. "I can't believe we're going to stay at such an amazing place... And yet, as nice as it looks, it feels lonely... Is this what a lot of elven places are like?" Idian inquired, and he was slightly correct. Indeed, elves were a very isolated species. People she knew growing up were the same people she knew as an adult. Strangers were not to be trusted. Alien magics were not to be trusted. In the end, after leaving her kind, Demeter ended up living just like them, almost. Mind, she was a bit more open to sexual relations with a human male, a species viewed as plain and savage. Though in Demeter's defense, Idian was much like a puppy of that plain and savage species, complete with little cute eyes and a button nose. Her sister species, the dark elves, would easily find a pet out of Idian.

This place would remind Demeter a bit of her original home, and the home she had in the swamp. It was lonely. There was a great deal of space between her and her neighbors. Even if she screamed at the top of her lungs, there was likely only half a chance anyone outside the walls would hear it. The walls were fortified as well, Demeter able to sense protective magics and study material to fend off an invasion. The territory certainly didn't desire visitors. Though Demeter would detect various magical orbs of communication, each with their own note of their purpose, to summon staff of differing talents to perform duties related to the various rooms.

The garden had many hedges, decorated in various shapes reminiscent of that of elven design. A certain elegance mixed with natural appeal, not rigorously designed to fit a certain mold, only styled and altered to look both appealing and natural. The hedges were cut so that they looked to have spirals, same as the trees. Various runes were styled into the gardening, even among the flowers and grass lawn. Their meaning was one Demeter saw all the time, mostly in her own home. It's meaning was indicated for those who already were trespassing, and it's message was that the offender shall be punished for their ignorant offense. There were also small rock sculptures with artificial waterfalls to suit the atmosphere elves enjoyed, who often meditated near water to calm their nerves. There was an open garden as well, with a stone pillar structure and circular roof, no walls as it was meant to look out into the open garden. Demeter would be reminded that such was a place where elves would court one another. An elven man speaking to an elven woman was an uncommon thing, so it was often available when someone needed it in order to try and break the ice.

Through the first double doors, made of mahogany, was an entrance room that appeared to be little more than a nexus for the rest of the giant mansion. It connected to every location. The kitchen, dining hall, hobby room, casual room, and swimming area on the first floor, and up the spiral stair cases were the bedrooms, weaving room (for practicing magical techniques), library, the study, and the overlook at the front of the mansion on the second floor, which observed the entire grounds, no space left unchecked to satisfy even the most paranoid. Standing in the mansion felt like standing within a fortress. It was highly defensible, with multiple routes of escape and very few routes of entrance, and plenty of areas to hold one's ground. The railings for the staircases were also made of mahogany.

There were many paintings and urns about. The paintings were of various aspects of nature and the various seasons. The urns were decorated to match the paintings above them, be it with lush green colors or white colored snow to the colors of autumn. There was plenty of carpeting to go over the marble flooring as well, which felt lush like the richest grass, comfortable even with shoes on, and just as green as grass as well.

"Wow... This place is incredible..." Idian commented, awestruck. Though, after a moment, he gave a start. "Demeter... Look!" Idian said, his voice suddenly in a whisper. Should Demeter look, she'd find that Idian had identified that they were not the only two within the property. But rather than some sneaky or ominous intelligent being, what Idian had spotted was a dog, of the mamono variation. She had short brown hair, and a small curly tail. It seemed she wasn't feral either, as she was sitting in front of a food and water bowl, both of which were empty. "It's a dog girl..." he said to her, in case she wasn't looking already. Though, the mamono soon caught scent of the two, and in a start, suddenly transformed into a cute puppy.

Like that, the disguised mamono would turn, and approach the two with a gallop, seemingly unaware that her true form was observed. She appeared playful and friendly, yipping at the two of them in a display that seemed to give hint that she knew how to make people fawn over her cuteness. Though, with her cover already blown, Idian was quick to let the dog know as much. "... We know you're not a real dog, you know?" Idian declared. With that, the little puppy seemed less energetic, almost scared. Backing away slightly, she let out a whimper, slowly getting more frightened as time went on. "... She's hungry... What should we do, Demeter?" Idian asked with worry as to Demeter's answer. Easily, Demeter could have a maid come and get rid of the dog, of course she could feed it before it's taken away. If she wasn't to send it away, then there were the other options, not limited to cooking it, which would no doubt horrify Idian by the very idea alone.
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Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

"More or less, yeah. We... Aren't the most social race, though we do have our ways of communicating, especially for romance and arranging marriage. I didn't really ever get to experience that though, even though I was a noble... It was mostly a solitary existence when I wasn't being taught." Demeter's words gave her a sour look on her face, as she didn't much like her memories of growing up, soured as they were by the betrayal that had seen her and her mother exiled and the rift opened up between them.

She didn't so much mind the loneliness of the place, having considered people likely to treat her poorly here as much as anywhere else, that having been the reason for her choice to live alone out in the swamp. The elven styled garden was an uncomfortably familiar sight, and caused her expression to sour further. She had never been approached in such a place when living at home, not entirely surprising considering that she had been very young at the time but still enough to make her resent her own kind.

Still, Demeter would get a nostalgic sense as she toured the large complex she and Idian had been given to stay at during their stay in Pandemonium. To her surprise, however, they turned out to be not alone, as Demeter would spot their strange guest even before Idian did with her well-honed senses. A were-dog, a woman with bestial features capable of transforming into a dog, was hiding in the yard, and when it spotted them it assumed its fully canine form before moving to approach them. That form turned out to be.... Absolutely and irredeemably adorable.

"It's... It's so fluffy!" Demeter squeaked girlishly as the disguised mamono bounded towards them, and the elf briefly forgot about the danger that it might easily represent as she dropped to her knees to run her hands over its fur. Idian, of course had to point out that they'd seen it transform, but as it cowered the elf shot him an incredibly nasty look before moving to scratch the were-dog behind the ears. Nothing she had ever seen had been so harmlessly cute before, and she didn't want to send it away to the cruel maids. Not yet, at least.

"What are you doing here?" she said in an affectionate coo as she tried to calm the tiny fluffy dog, petting it some more if the creature allowed it. With a tiny effort of magic she conjured fresh water and food in the weredog's respective bowls, but as the creature ate she would leave it alone and rise back to her feet, smiling like a little girl. It was certainly the first time she'd worn such an expression in front of Idian, as she'd never worn it before in her entire life.

She would give the mamono time to eat before, with a reassuring smile, saying; "Now that that's taken care of... Assume your normal form. I need to know how you got here. I was told that no pets are allowed here, and that this place would be empty."
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

(Inspirational Music - )

Idian looked a bit surprised at Demeter's scowl and how she seemed to absolutely adore the were-dog. But after a moment, he simply smiled as well, also welcoming the were-dog once it seemed she was generally accepted.

The were-dog also seemed quite relieved. Demeter's reaction to her seemingly a positive one as it began to bark out cute noises that sounded like high pitched squeaks. "Yip! Yip!" the dog sounded off at Demeter, it's curly, fluffy tail wagging as she was pet. She seemed quite overjoyed that she was still accepted despite being seen in her humanoid form, so much so that she was licking Demeter's fingers and squirming happily in her hands.

Meanwhile, Idian was blushing deep, seemingly looking at the two of them as if Demeter was on her knees petting and rubbing her hands all over the girl in her human form. He didn't remind Demeter that she wasn't petting a real dog either, seeming to be content with just looking for the moment.

After getting thoroughly petted, Demeter would find a collar around the dog's neck, with a tag that simply read: "Koroku". Idian seemed to know what that meant as he looked at it and said, "Nice to meet you, Koroku!" with a smile, causing the dog Koroku to spin in a circle for a moment happily and stand up on it's back legs in a playful show, her fluffy tail waving back and forth appealingly.

Once some food was summoned, Koroku seemed to remember what she was depressed about as she ran over and immediately began eating and drinking as if she were on the verge of dying. She seemed quite thankful that Demeter had provided her the constructed food. By the end, she left two clean bowls, and rolled over on the side, sighing with happy content while Demeter felt as if she had just as much if not more sustenance missing from her own body, which caused her stomach to rumble in complaint.

Demeter's request came as a surprise to her though. Her wagging stopped, and she seemed to hang her head for a moment. Idian would look to Demeter when Koroku did that, as if finding it odd that she was looking like that, before taking note to stop her transforming for a moment. He went into the house and came out with an apron and stockings he seemed to find, and gave it to the dog. Then, she transformed, revealing her human shape.

Idian still looked away despite covering her up as best he could. "At least it's something..." he said with a blush.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Seeing the dog transform, Demeter was fairly unashamed to find her nude when she did so, not particularly bothered by the idea. It wasn't like she'd never seen another woman naked before, and that Idian got her some clothes removed that problem anyway. "So... My questions. Why are you here? Did the former owner leave you here or something? Were you a servant? I had been told that pets weren't allowed here."
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Ears drawn back, Koroku seemed intimidated by Demeter and her questions. At first, there was no response to her, as if the dog were afraid to speak. Idian gave her comfort by petting her, causing the humanoid canine's tail to wag a bit, despite still being nervous. Then, with a small voice, she spoke. "... Yes... M-my owner left..." she replied, and Idian made a gesture as if trying to hear her. "I hid from the maids... They were scary..." She announced, meek and with a form of speech that seemed incomplete, as if she had trouble speaking the common tongue.

Idian blinked, though took what she said into consideration. "They left the water and food bowls here, and the maids didn't look for an abandoned pet?" Idian inquired, finding that odd. Koroku didn't seem like she had an answer for that either, looking between the elf and human as if she were just as curious.

Then, suddenly, Koroku stepped forward, and put her 'paws' on Demeter's legs. "I like you!" Koroku announced as bravely as a meek girl could, before Demeter would find her cheek licked by the weredog. The result of this was Idian giving a sudden gesture, taking a rag over his nose as he apparently suffered a nosebleed.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

"Mmmm.... That's very... Strange. And unfortunate. How long have you been out here?" Demeter asked, but then Koroku suddenly stood up and licked her face. Demeter froze in place, looking confused while Idian reacted in a very flustered manner, and also apparently suddenly suffered a nose bleed.

"Uhm.... Right. Well... I'm not really sure what's supposed to happen now... Who was your previous owner? Do you know where they went?"
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

"Um... I've been here for a few days..." Koroku replied, opting to sit in Demeter's lap after pulling her down unless the elf pushed her away. Not pushing her away would result in a happy pet, on both accounts, as Koroku would wag her tail and her male pet would find himself overloaded from the sight of Koroku being so affectionate to Demeter.

"My previous owner... Um... Had ears like you. She didn't tell me anything..." Koroku replied to Demeter's inquiry, before her head tilted slightly to the side, and she continued to stare at Demeter directly into her eyes. And then she'd begin to sniff Demeter, eventually tickling her neck as she sniffed at the base of Demeter's neck where it met her shoulder. She never sniffed the same spot twice, always moving to discover a new scent, even if only slightly different.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Demeter gave a surprised look when pulled to a kneeling position, but then allowed Koroku to kneel on her lap without complaint as the weredog spoke, the elf taking in her sparse words carefully. As the strange girl leaned in to start sniffing her, a mildly embarrassing but, given her animalistic nature, not terribly surprising act, Demeter would reply; "Really? So she was an elf... You didn't ever know her name?" She reached up to gingerly pat Koroku on the head, not sure what do beyond that as she'd never had a pet of her own. Elves weren't allowed them unless they served a functional purpose back where she was from.