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A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger

Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Shrakur nodded at her explanation of where her mother had gone, but asked no more on the subject. Instead, as she seemed to perk up as the strength of the winds grew, he said; "The storm seems like it could be fairly heavy.... We might want to get inside, and quickly, before it arrives."

With that, the satyr stood up, and walked over to a fairly small tent that had been set up a short ways away. Crouching down, he entered it, and held the flap open while staring at Mithral, waiting for her to either join him, or signal that she would be waiting outside.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral nodded, quickly following the satyr inside before the rain got worse. Even still, she watched the outside before closing the tent flap behind her.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The forest was darkening quickly, and as Mithral watched, rain began to sprinkle lightly, hissing quietly as it hit the fire. There was no sign of any movement, and the rain began to fall harder. Shrakur sealed the tent flap behind her, and the two of them were alone in the dark tent. "Right.... Well, there isn't much room, but it's all dry, and I have enough blankets for the both of us. There's only one bedroll though, unless you brought your own." The two of them were fairly close together in the tight space, and Mithral could feel the satyr's heated breath and smell his thick, musky scent.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral didn't comment much on the closeness, simply nodding. "It's oki," she replied, quietly situating herself towards the edge of the bedroll to give the satyr some room. "I've slept on anything from a tree branch to a hotspring before, so a little bit of flat ground's not gonna be too different," she explained.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Shrakur merely hummed thoughtfully as she responded, and threw himself down on the bed roll next to Mithral. The satyr seemed content with that answer, and slowly closed his eyes, his hands under his head. Not long after the tent had been closed, Mithral heard the rain start outside, the patter of it against the surface of the tent louder than it had any right to be. Still, no dark presences appeared to her, and it was about as comfortable as she was likely to get tonight, unless she wanted to try cuddling with Shrakur on the bed roll.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

The sound of the rain outside soothed her ears, even still she kept to herself, soon falling to sleep on her side of the tent. Part of her was worried if the creatures outside had not fled, but there was little she could do to fix that, quietly sleeping away.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Mithral gradually drifted off to an uneasy sleep, Shrakur's steady breathing indicating that he had done the same. The satyr didn't snore, so the only sounds that she heard were the tapping of rain drops on the surface of the tent and the occasional sounds of the creatures of the forests.

Some time later, she awoke due to a loud thunderbolt to find the tent still dark, and the rain still falling. She could hear the wind howling outside now as well, but beneath all those sounds, there was the sound of steady, rhythmic shifting, and she could hear Shrakur mumbling incoherently in his sleep. There was no sign of the presence that he and Mithral had felt earlier, but she did hear a slight scratching at the entrance to their tent. It was small and quiet, but they most certainly sounded like claws to her, even if they couldn't get past the leafy outer surface of the tent.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

As the rain pounded on the tent, Mithral awoke, ears perked as her mind tried to better fix itself to a awakened state. Even still, the sudden scrabbling outside the tent cause her to perk faster then she ususally does. She stayed quiet and stil, gripping her rapier and waiting on if it left or continued trying to enter the door.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Shrakur continued shifting and mumbling as Mithral perked up at the sound of claws scratching at the door. The sound continued for several moments, the sound too small to be a bear, or even a wolf. A quiet chittering sound accompanied it for a moment, and then the scratching sound increased in volume, as though multiple creatures were now trying to gain entrance. The strange sounds continued for a moment, and a bolt of lightning illuminated the night fir just long enough for Mithral to realize that it was just a pair of racoons trying to get in.

As the lightning flashed, out of the corner of her eye, Mithral spotted something from Shrakur that she hadn't been able to see before. She only half-glimpsed it, but something was sticking almost a foot out of his groin. He continued shifting a mumbling in his sleep, and another flash of lightning a few moments later made Mithral sure that she had seen correctly earlier.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral gave a tense, almost forced chuckle as she realised she was just jumping at the sound of some natural animals. She needed to relax, Shaktur was right, this downpour would chase away what had stalked them earlier.

As she went to turn back to her side of the bedroll, the flash of lightning would elect a sharp blush at the satyr's length illuminated. Even still, she avoided further exploration on the subject. She just wasn't the type of person to take advantage of others, and more then often hoped that sentiment was shared with others, with mixed results...
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Shrakur continued to mumble and twitch in his sleep, and every flash of lightning over the next few minutes revealed the same sight of the satyr's erect member sticking up into the air, but after a short while Mithral felt herself falling back into sleep. The sounds of the storm did not relent before the dragoness once more lost consciousness, and for the rest of the night, Mithral was not roused from her sleep.

When she opened her eyes again, a dim light was coming into the tent through the walls, signalling that the sun had risen. It was still raining, but it was much lighter than it had been before. Thunder rumbled off in the distance, but it seemed like it was far away now. Shrakur was still asleep on the bedroll next to her, though his manhood was (perhaps thankfully) no longer at attention.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral yawned, her tail uncurling from around herself as she stretched. The sound of the rain soothed her, ears twitching a little as the noise helping her mind awake. She didn't know if it was just the dragon part of her, or because of her magic of choice, but the sound of rain always calmed her more then anything. Deciding not to delay herself from looking outside, she grabbed her bag and slid out of the tent, going to explore.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The ground was muddy as Mithral stepped out into the morning air, and the sky was fully overcast despite the light rain. Off in the distance, she could see a patch or two of blue sky, but she had no idea if it would spread, or if the clouds would close in for another spring storm. Their camp was wet, but clear of anything dangerous at least, and Shrakur hadn't stirred as she left the tent. She was free to go in any direction that she liked, but it might be rude to get too far from the one who had so kindly shared his shelter with her. Whether she wanted to remain near to camp until Shrakur awoke, or strike out farther, or even simply leave completely and continue on her way was up to her to decide now.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral quietly looked around the campsite, not preterbed by the continuing fall of rain on her. Even still, she was still unsure of a few things. Inquisitiveness was getting to her, and thus, she went to the edge of the camp, where she was sure she felt the presence before, and tried to locate any signs that didn't seem too out of the ordinary- though with a nightfall of rain, she didn't expect much...
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 25/41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Injured

Perception: Success.
Mithral has gained a darkheart!
Perception: Failure.
Attack: Automatic hit!
Damage: 2 + 1 + 10 - 5 = 8 damage. Her clothing is at 18/25 TP.
Damage: Same, armor is at 11/25 TP.
Total 16 damage.

Mithral examined the area where she had believed the presence to have come from last night, the rain having obscured any tracks that she might have been able to find even if she were skilled in woodcraft. She wandered slightly, and a short distance from the camp she came upon the corpse of a wolf. It had been reduced to a skeleton, and its age was impossible for her to tell, but she spotted a glowing red stone within the rib cage. It looked like it was valuable, and it would have been easy to take from the thing.

As she was examining it, however, something suddenly shot out from the undergrowth, something long and thin and green. She only had time to be startled, however, as it rushed past her, claws ripping into her side and tearing through her clothing. Another rushed out of the brush, tearing at her body as well, and sending pain shooting through her body as its claws dug into her. Two creatures, cat-like but seemingly formed of some strange plant material, and about the size of mountain lions but with huge bushy manes were now circling around her silently, waiting for another chance to pounce.
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Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral figured her luck on finding tracks would fail, resulting in a sigh. Still, she persisted and searched, until she found the wolf skeleton. Curious, she reached down, gently taking the shining red stone, giving it a curious lookover...

Before rudely interupted by a surprise attack by not one, but two creatures, striking from nowhere and sending the dragonkin skidding back a little. Wincing at the damage inflicted, Mithral eyed her opponents, only to find them unlike anything she had met in her travels to this point. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed her staff from her back and spun it into both hands, cautiously staring her foes down. Deciding to try the usual approach, she focused her energies, the gestured forward with a outstretched palm, a burst of chilly magic shooting forth at one of the creatures.

Mithral attacks one of the random creatures with Ice Bolt
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 15/41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Injured, Grappled

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 4 + 7 * 2 = 15 * 2 = 30 - 4 = 26 damage.

Attacks: Both Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 10 - 5 = 10 damage. Mithral's armor is at 3/25 TP.
Mithral has been grappled!

Mithral's burst of cold slammed into one of the creatures, causing it to suffer severe freezer burn across much of its head and upper torso. The plant-monster didn't seem to have even noticed the attack, however, and suddenly lunged forward, claws extended. More cuts, along with more tears in her clothing accompanied the attack, which she was simply unable to avoid. The dragoness found out that the attack was actually a distraction, however, as she was suddenly tackled from behind by the other monster.

Knocked to the ground on her belly, Mithral felt tendrils wrapping around her legs and waist, and her hips were forced up so that her ass was held up in the air. More tentacles slid under her already shredded clothing, preparing to rend them apart and leave Mithral naked and helpless in its grasp.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral gave a loud shriek as the monsters pinned her down, and she struggled for a few moments under it's bulk. This was turning sour fast, and the fact she found her quarry, not to mention it having backup, didn't help matters.

Still, running out of options, and her only ally she knew of not being in existance, Mithral focused hard, and started to try and condense the liquid of a nearby patch of air. If she wove her spell correctly...

Water elemental, I choose you! Use hydro pump!
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 15/41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Injured, Grappled, Submission Hold

Casting: Success.
A water elemental has been summoned!

Attack (WE) : Hit.
Damage: 8 + 17 - 4 = 21 damage.

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 10 = 14 damage.
Her water elemental takes 14 damage.

Grapple: Enemy wins.
Mithral has been put into a submission hold.

Maintaining her focus despite the thing holding onto her and the pain of her wounds, Mithral watched as a water elemental appeared next to where she lay in the hands of the monster that was holding her. It slammed into the plant monster's side, but the creature didn't seem to notice at all, and as its tendrils snaked around her body the other creature clawed at her elemental. A portion of its substance was torn clean from its body, and it seemed diminished for the attack even though it was still on her side, fighting.

Meanwhile, Mithral's arms were tugged behind her back painfully, and the dragoness knew that she wouldn't be getting off any other spells so long as she was in such a position. More tentacles were waving beneath her clothing, and if something didn't change soon, she would be naked and helpless in its grasp.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Ok, her plan failed even more dismally then she had hoped. "S-Shrakur! A-anytime you want to wake up would be convient!!!" she part yelled, squirming harder in the beast's grasp as she flexes her claws, attempting to pull herself free of the creatures. If she didn't...
