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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

There's so much beef! It's everywhere!
It's not my fault. The farmer told me it was normal for those cows I bought to eat dynamite.

EDIT: Geh, sudden unexplained case of writer's block today. Hopefully it'll be gone by tomorrow, knock yourself out with whatever preparations you want to make for the attack. I'd rather be mentally into the combat so It'll only be a short delay hopefully.

EDIT2: Vezina probably wouldn't be able to follow Eliza's line of sight through the same arrow slit. However she should be able to notice the shadows moving through a different arrow slit, after all you did want them to be somewhat noticeable.

Also since we're in essentially the coterie's prologue I still give out unasked for advice. Don't give up so easily when you try something just because the werewolf didn't notice the shadows the first time doesn't mean he won't eventually notice them. Of course if you're trying to make Eliza seem impatient I would carry on with just dropping the concentration.

I'm also sorry about not having every little thing written down mechanics wise for the disciplines but it would be almost impossible to write everything out. Personally though I think the slow moving shadows would be a better distraction than the running ones and with the room as dark as it is the line of sight isn't exposing you to being seen easily.
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Re: OOC thread

Yeah maybe, but I didn't want what she was doing to be noticeable. She's supposed to protect her clan's secrets and she takes it seriously. I did it purposely in a way that wouldn't be noticeable because of that. If I knew it was going to be so obvious, she wouldn't have done it. And I mostly had her stop because I never would have had her look out the slit like that in the first place.

I know you can't put everything in the mechanics and I'm not like upset about it or anything. I'm mostly just annoyed because of the unintended consequences.
Re: OOC thread

Ah, well you aren't giving up clan secrets by using the power in front of other kindred. Giving up a clan secret would be teaching obtenebration to one of the kindred outside of the clan. Most kindred will at least know that a Lasombra can control shadows just like they would know a Brujah has a short temper or that a Ravnos can make illusions. With the exception of a few uses such as hiding dominate 1 in speech most disciplines are pretty overt in their use.

It is still a prologue though so if you want we can try to retcon it so you didn't use obtenebration the second time. It shouldn't take much post changing for anyone.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, Anabelle certainly knows about the shadow thing.
Re: OOC thread

Welp... I was thinking it over and maybe I'll just have her keep up the shadow tactic. She's already kinda blown her cover anyway. May as well just blow it all away. And if she does start using the tactic, she wouldn't just stop so fast. Makes sense.

Gonna edit the post now.
Re: OOC thread

All right it's up to you like I said, I am kind of thankful though since now I don't have to think up another way to handle the situation.

Yep Anabelle had some very frightening experiences with obtenebration. Still she hasn't seen some of the more powerful uses of the discipline yet so there's still room for her to be frightened by it.

If I really wanted to scare people I could of course throw an abyssal mystic in as an NPC, that's one scary and dangerous form of blood sorcery.
Re: OOC thread

Hi VtM role play buddies! I'm gonna be away from the computer for this upcoming weekend so if Vezina doesn't respond to things in thread, that's why. I've provided her basic intentions for the ensuing encounter. She's not afraid to spend blood because she fully intends to feast on these guys. As far as dealing with humanity issues, as a Tzimisce, she's already on the road of Kings and these peasants were effectively intent on committing a violent crime against their true masters, so there shouldn't be any moral qualms for her putting them down. ;)
Re: OOC thread

Okily dokily then. Though Vezina isn't technically on the path of kings just yet, Vezina is aspiring to be on the path of kings. Of course to do that she has to shed her humanity so to speak through role playing. Which was the purpose of this scene in the first place, to help Vezina along on her path and to reinforce the others' humanity hopefully, of course some didn't want to feed so I have to be creative for them now. Anyways have fun where ever you're going I'll do my utmost to play Vezina as correctly as possible.
Re: OOC thread

I guess Vezina just rolled crap?
Re: OOC thread

Will be away for the next few days... I'm guessing not too much will happen?
Re: OOC thread

Not entirely, you rolled good when it came to the grapple and soaking the damage. You can still spend a will power to pull yourself out of the frenzy temporarily but you said you planned on draining him dry anyways so I kind of figured you wouldn't.

Probably not though the combat should be technically over after this round. Just jump back in when you get back and if we do end further ahead I'll catch you up.

Also just because your not involved or interested in the combat doesn't mean you can't participate in the story. Feel free to describe your thoughts or what have you will you either watch or ignore the fighting.
Re: OOC thread

Right, well, if the blood drinking will sate her frenzy, then I won't bother spending a willpower point.

Mind if I ask how taking the damage put her into a frenzy? She was low on blood but not exactly starving. What are the mechanics that go into this?
Re: OOC thread

Frenzy can be caused by any number of things, not just being hungry. Hunger is by far the most common and is universal for all vampires. Other reasons for frenzy it depends on the vampire in question and therefore depends more on me to decide. Vezina has a very low opinion of mortals in general so anytime a mortal insults, attacks, or injures her she might have to make a roll to resist frenzy. Other reasons for frenzy could be danger, danger to a loved one, humiliation, taunting, harassment, temptation, etc, etc.

A frenzy also ends when whatever caused it is gone, so as soon as the man who sent Vezina into the frenzy was dead it ended.

And try not to hear things muttered under breaths or whispered unless it's whispered to you or you have heightened senses turned on. On the same note don't sweat the small things unless it actually causes problems. In which case I would say something.
Re: OOC thread

Sorry RP, but I always thought that Heightened Senses was a passive thing. It costs nothing in blood or willpower. To have to turn it on doesn't make sense to me, as one either has good hearing and sight and smell, or they don't. That's how I justified Vezina hearing these things muttered under breath. (Sorry, I don't have super strength or shadow control, I just hear things well - thought it'd be okay...)

Also, if I have to have Vezina risk frenzy every time a mortal defends themselves, it's going to be like having an additional clan weakness. (Or a flaw that should be worth a few positive XP points somewhere else.) Vezina has been taught that mortals have their place but she understands that a lot of them don't KNOW that. She's not surprised that they would fight her. I'd appreciate a PM about this just to iron out this persona detail out, ronny.
Re: OOC thread

Oh I didn't realize heightened senses was actually a skill she had. My bad. I'm a total newbie at this. Sorry!

I still think that she's unlikely to be paying attention to that while ravenously tearing apart some guy's neck though. But... *shrug.*

I'm not buying the puppy dog eyes though. Eliza can't talk to animals or read auras and she certainly doesn't have eagle eyes, ears, frog tongue, and wolf nose. :p
Re: OOC thread

*Vezina summons a horde of puppies to stare at RP*

Yeah, well, I'm confused about the nature of heightened senses too at this point, since dmronny mentioned that it had to be turned on. I hope he'll clear it up.
Re: OOC thread

This might seem long-winded but hopefully it will tackle all of your problems and even some future ones that come up.

Discipline powers go way above your normal senses and natural strengths. All vampires seem to be stronger, faster, tougher, more sensitive, smoother, etc. In reality they aren't any better at these things than a normal human, they seem better because their body is dead and therefore does not react like a humans.

For example a human and a vampire are lifting weights together in a gym, they can both lift the same amount. Since the vampire's undead body doesn't get tired he can keep lifting that same weight all night long while the human will eventually slow down as he tires. Their senses are much the same way being dead vampires don't breath, blink, etc, etc. It seems as though they have better senses when in truth they just don't suffer from the distractions a human would.

Now disciplines as I said go way above and beyond these norms, while they are often referred to as gifts of the blood they also work as curses in a way. Potence is a great tool it makes you far stronger than any mortal could ever be, however you can never turn it off. It is a part of god's curse on Caine and his ilk because it removes the capacity to be gentle, the entire world becomes fragile and easily broken.

Auspex makes you more sensitive to your surroundings able to see and hear things that no mortal could. Anybody can look at a painting and see many various details, if you used heightened senses to look at said painting though you would be able to see every little brush stroke and nuance. Any mortal could hear someone walking through a dry lawn if they tried, heightened senses you would be able to hear individual blades of grass breaking while said person walked. Any mortal could smell a perfume, heightened senses you could pick out the individual components in said perfume. Now if heightened senses were always on, imagine what would happen if there was a sudden gunshot, lightning strike, etc. You would lose that sense for a time if such a thing a happened.

Does it make more sense now, or did I explain too much as I have a tendency to do?
Re: OOC thread

Made sense to me! I'll make a mental note to be really gentle when getting Eliza's hands on a pretty little thing. :eek: