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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Could someone also put the english patch on the first post too please?

Just look at page 27 of this thread for english patches by Wessex and legraf...
legraf's patch is essentially Wessex's patch which has a few minor typo and grammar corrections

Wessex English Patch

legraf English Patch

pick your poison (^_^)

Unzip the patch somewhere and just overwrite the folder where you put HotB in your drive.

Can someone please reupload version 20130114 because the one on his website 404d. :(
(- ,-) docs.google.com/file/d/0B09PRfvknDKgTzl1bDFhdHBSYzA/edit?usp=sharing
password: blade
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

aand based on googlefu he has stopped the production and doubts he ever starts it again. someone can give a more refined translation if they can.

random thoughts// quit fucking whining and start doing this for a living and you would be swimming in monneys :mad: fucking hell, as if it isnt hard enough for me to find stuff that suits my needs in this day and age, everyone just doing it halfassedly or not at all. q.q
welp, back to waiting for unforbidden. /endrant
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

most probably 99% its over.... oh well RIP aya D:
the very least i hoped he could let other ppl take over or something
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

If he'd finish games he would. He doesn't seem to have the personality for it right now though. His blog posts are often him doubting himself or talking about how he's upset he's using premade stuff and programs to create his graphics instead of drawing or whatever (Which could mean he couldn't sell his product anyways).

I think he needs to just set smaller goals for himself and finish them, then work up to these big projects over some years first. If he had set out to make a bunch of mini games instead of some epic journey of a game, he'd already have two completed games. Now he knows where he keeps getting cut off (Around 3-5 levels in) so he'd better not pick up a project longer than that again for a while. Just aim smaller danget!
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

If someone here speaks Japanese, could you ask him if he'd be willing to release the Nanocrisis assets? I have game dev xp + legit GameMaker. I'd be very interested in continuing this myself.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

If someone here speaks Japanese, could you ask him if he'd be willing to release the Nanocrisis assets? I have game dev xp + legit GameMaker. I'd be very interested in continuing this myself.

Idk about nanocrisis, but you can continue hounds of the blade I think. You would have to import each script and sprite and etc into a new game maker project. Then again, i think you can continue nanocrisis since he considered it dead. If you still have the game i think you can just grab the stuff from the folders
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

If someone here speaks Japanese, could you ask him if he'd be willing to release the Nanocrisis assets? I have game dev xp + legit GameMaker. I'd be very interested in continuing this myself.

Indeed. This is something I've been thinking of myself. It would be great if he just "open sourced" what he has for someone else to modify.

The premise and themes of his games are frakking great, but the mechanisms and balance are kinda flawed and it makes gameplay less exciting than it could be. For example, you can hardly ever fail to resist "rape" unless you're actively trying to fail or you're all out of health. In the latter case, it's practically infini-rape and then "game over".

For example, if you were to make it so that attacking, using abilities and jumping would drain your stamina to various degrees, you would have to be more careful with your offence or you could open yourself up to a "surprise rape". But then again, you need to jump and attack to kill monsters so you have an interesting dynamic there.

Blades and Nano has great potential. I wish he would realize how many ppl love his games.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

... The premise and themes of his games are frakking great, but the mechanisms and balance are kinda flawed. ...

Nanocrisis had a sort of upgrade system to buy new weapons/armour, which while wasn't quite balanced, was good enough for a game like this. Hounds has a level-up system that he hasn't implemented. If you look at the pause screen, it gives you some arbitrarily high level and str, dex, and vit levels. It's not a complete game, so saying the balance isn't right is only because, well, it isn't a complete game at all.

However, it definitely could be done well, which is why we all lament the creator's tendency to not finish these games :(
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Both are good, but I feel like Nano had a slightly more reasonable plot going for it. We all know the post apocalyptic thing is big these days, and I think that mutant creatures as a result of that kind of universe is more readily acceptable than a full on sci-fi universe, granted you empirically have more creative freedom with the latter. But still.... Duckman in HoTB? Seriously?

While I understand his art pipeline in a broad sense, I'm not fully familiar with the DAZ toolset or how he went about creating character animations. Though I don't suspect that would be hard to master. Just the tedious animation process itself. The rest is just high level gameplay code. If I make any headway, I'll start a new thread on it.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The premise and themes of his games are frakking great
I do love the little character touches in HotB particularly, the relationship between Aya & Silvia, the political background with being the rare human in quasi-enemy territory, and so on. I have some hope that he'll return to parts of this theme - such as how he recycled the "trainer" that is happy to see your character thoroughly worked over in the simulator.

Frankly I could do without the insect-sex, though I know that's a big part of the appeal for many. But the overall package is something I'd gladly pay for already.

And sure, the duck was a strange touch, but... artistic license. :)

Oh, and note that his last update blamed Skyrim for much of his distraction.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Hey has their been any progress in the tinkering of the game? Seems such a shame to just let this one die, it's basically almost there in terms of mechanics.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The developer stated a couple of months back that he will no longer be working on the game sadly.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Yeah but a couple of guys said that they might have a tinker with the contents of the game and i was hoping that they liked it so much that they might even help add to the game in some way.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Poor Akatsuki had a mental breakdown near the end of NS0, may his soul rest in peace!

So does that mean he is *gone*--or just not making games anymore??

I sincerely hope that he is still alive and seeking whatever help or treatment he needs...
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