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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
This is the in character area that doesn't involve the matches. Anyone can talk to anyone here, and imagine it looking like a giant resort on a beach, sort of. Character's cannot attack one another here. Save it for the arenas.

Anyway, there's all kinds of stuff in here, from a library, to a cafe, to a massage parlor. The people are polite, but refuse to answer a single question about anything. Read: Please, don't make me create more NPCs. :p
Re: The Island

The buzz of the crowd could even be heard from the quiet sanctuary of the library which he found himself in. It was still quiet enough for him to ignore and continue his reading however, and it was a very good thing that most of the inhabitants of this location were not scholars of any sort, which meant plenty of quiet for one to read what little the library had to offer. And there was an emphasis on the word 'little,' much to his dismay. There was hardly anything educational in the library to be found. Most of the books were simply erotic novels written by equally lewd authors. For someone seeking information, this library was easily a waste of space; however, it still saw plenty of patrons that were actually interested in the various books. Various magically warped individuals went about, gathering books that seemed interesting to them. One of the most popular types seemed to be how to have various types of intercourse with someone, or how to use lewd magic efficiently.

With a sigh as yet another customer passed, about one walking by every 15 minutes or so, Bakan noted their book of interest yet again. "These people have but a one track mind..." he commented to himself. Though he wasn't entirely innocent himself as he was skimming over a book that had written in it a story concerning dimensional gates. Even though it was an erotic spin-off of previous events in which demons were arriving and raping innocent people, he hoped to find at least a little knowledge concerning how they worked; however, there was no such knowledge available in the book.

Disgusted, Bakan shut the book, and stood up from the reading table he was seated at, before returning the book to where he found it and examining the shelves for another hopeful book...
Re: The Island

Bored and unsure of what's going on, Pale eventually found herself drifting to the library, away from the dangers presented by the sun. Not really interested in reading, she looks around...
Re: The Island

While browsing for another book to read, Bakan sighs as his search turns up fruitless. Stepping out from the rows of shelves, he passes into the open section of the lane, before bumping shoulders with a curious pale woman who happened to be looking around.

"My apologies, my mind was elsewhere," he apologizes to her for bumping into her, but before he'd go about looking away and seeking to move on, he found himself curiously staring at her pale complexion for a bit longer than someone normally would. Despite what it likely meant, he found the texture of her skin charmingly angelic from the dim light that the library offered.
Re: The Island

Instinctively trying to hide before realizing it to be too late, Pale raises her gaze towards the curious looking man who just bumped to her. "It's okay," she says her voice barely above whisper, "I just came here for the silence. I hope I'm not distracting you from something important."

Not looking away from the man, Pale takes a step back, bumping into the shelves.
Re: The Island

Someone who came for a similar reason as he did was enough to relieve Bakan over his previous worries that everyone on this island was insane, which was only worsened when he met the blind elf with the horrible magic stench and tomboyish dragon some time ago.

Watching her step back and bump into the shelves, his protective instincts kicked in as he reached a hand out slightly with worry that the whole thing might collapse. "Be careful..." he said slowly.
Re: The Island

Pale smiles shyly "I really should pay more attention, shouldn't I? I guess it's not knowing what's going on that has me all jumpy."
Re: The Island

Of all the previous patrons to those library of debauchery the walking green she-dragon would probably be the most notable. Not because she stood heads above most everyone else, and not because the random twitch of her tail caused her skirt to reveal the faint outline of her powerful rear. She was pissed.

"Hey!" She immediately stepped over to the person manning the library. "I said I wanted a book on techniques I can use! This only deals with ropes and traps and other things that aren't allowed! I need to learn how to wrestle!"

For all the scene she created Alex never did get the information she wanted. At least not directly. Instead she was pointed to a section of light novels that mostly dealt with non-consensual couplings. Most of it was more of the same as the last book she read, but every once in a while she would find something that hinted at submission. This led to a book aptly titled Predator: How to Subdue Your Prey. She was rather loathe to take it simply from what was implied by the cover, but if she were going to compete this would be what she needed. This did little to calm her nerves, however, and with it tucked under her arm she checked the damn thing out with a seemingly uncharacteristic blush on her face.
Re: The Island

Bakan smiled back, nodding with understanding. "I mean nothing bad by it, but I'm actually glad to hear that someone else is at least slightly bothered by this. It seems the others who were taken here don't seem to mind their new circumstances at all..."

As if to reinforce his point, a draconic-human woman nearby was angrily inquiring for books to assist with her efforts to wrestle efficiently. Blinking, with his eyebrows furrowing together nervously, he glanced over to the pale woman he just met as if to say, "This is what I mean."
Re: The Island

Pale glances at the dragonkin. "So much for the library being a quiet place. I wonder if there's some place more quiet in this island...preferably away from the sun. I burn easily."
Re: The Island

She could feel it. Scrutiny... It felt like it was coming from a quiet corner of this most unimpressive library, and once she looked around a bit Alex finally found her target. Next to some rather mousy looking pale girl stood that somewhat insufferable prude of a man. She asked him for a match in order to give herself a proper test for what she may face, and he started spouting nonsense about immorality and decency and other things that made her want to clutch her head.

But even then he was still a friendly face. Kinda. The man still needed to get out more. With her book momentarily forgotten while it was still tucked beneath her arm Alex made her way to approach the pair. "Well, little man, have you finally decided to help me yet?"
Re: The Island

There were really no books of interest here, so Bakan found himself agreeing with the idea. But the last bit made his eyebrow raise, as well as an alarm of warning go off. Even though she seemed more normal than the rest, she was no less dangerous than the others, as one who burns in the sun usually could only indicate one thing. "I know not of such a place..." he replied to her, before making a slight bow to her, "Again, I'm very sorry for so carelessly bumping into you. I'll respect your wish for quiet solitude, and leave you be." he announced to her, while politely waiting for her response.

But when the tomboyish woman appeared, he visibly paled. "I-I have no intention of doing something so improper!" he replied to her request with a fluster, taking steps back away from her, knowing all too well that that tail of her's was dangerous.
Re: The Island

"Well, I think I'll try to find one myself. Though if you want, I wouldn't-" Pale glares at the dragonkin for interrupting her, then takes a step away from the pair, partly blending into the shadow.
Re: The Island

Meanwhile, in a cozy corner of the cafe, an eccentric elf found herself chatting away, or rather...rambling away to an unwitting "companion" she had managed to snag, following the premier bout of the realm's newest arena; seemingly having forgotten the fact she had stripped and violated the latter only a scarce few moments ago, or cared little for it altogether.

"So do pray tell dear, what is it that gives you such magnificent strength? Blood, purpose, the very essence of your soul? You are quite exquisite, filled with physical prowess that many demon lords could only hope to possess. And if so, is there a way to obtain such?"

Tea had been laid out for them, as well as plates of fresh pastries by which to snack on. Yet barring the light drink, Enigma had hardly touched her portion at all, seeming more interested in simply prying "everything" she knew, from this interesting specimen she had found... After all, full demons she had made aplenty, but a half demon? This, was an exotic find. At best, the only thing that could top such a find, was if she could find a dragon, or dragonborn to interrogate, if not...well...take apart, altogether.
Re: The Island

With a mild thump and a rustle Auralice finds herself crawling out of a thicket, removing a twig from her hair and brushing some leaves off her shoulder as she gets her posture straight again, not amused with her sudden and mildly unpleasant travel to unknown lands. Making her way through a clearing she lays her eyes upon what seems like a holiday resort, casually slithering past the various buildings she finds herself glancing upon a specific one with a delighted smirk on her face.

Entering through the door she is greeted by a cute woman who leads her to the destination she had in mind, laying down as instructed on the seat she soon finds her mind slowly fleeting into a bliss as her back is thoroughly molested by the masseuse's warm oily hands. A much needed treatment after nearly dislocating her hip and straining a few muscles in her spine in the rough landing, laying there carefree in a semi-conscious state she wonders what other pleasures awaits in the future.
Re: The Island

Aaand he's back at it once again. It was so... Infuriating how he looked down on everyone else! Alex looked like she was about to say something before the pale girl retreated to a darker corner to hide rather effectively in the slight shadow it held. "My apologies, miss. I am Alexandra, youngest daughter to the dragon Aureaus." She offers a nod to the girl. "I offered to enter into a battle with Bakan here yesterday, but he has refused. I thought it would be helpful to get him over his hesitation before someone drags him into war, and I could use the practice to prepare for other opponents, but I fear this may be a lost cause." Her gaze had turned to the retreating human and gave him a rather unappoving scowl by the time she was finished.
Re: The Island

After re-assessing the situation, Pale steps back to light. "Apology accepted. I'm Pale. His hesitation is certainly understandable. Myself, I don't think I need any more practice."
Re: The Island

Bakan frowned back at the dragoness when she looked at him, and folded his arms in defiance. "Are you not taking my gender into consideration at all? For the past eight years, it has been women who've been the main focus of such lewd attention from both the hells below and stars above," he references to the aliens and demons.

"A lady should not ask a man such a thing," he states firmly to Alex, "There are plenty of men who would take advantage of you under such circumstances. You're lucky I'm not one of those kind of men." he continued to lecture her.
Re: The Island

At Bakan's answer Alex takes a more somber look. "I am quite aware of that, Bakan..." Unpleasant memories start to swell within her mind, and it was painfully obvious that her mood was dropping toward depression. "Could I at least ask you to hear me out fully before you decline once again?"
Re: The Island

Bakan's disposition changes as her mood lowers, and her request become more gentle. Blinking a few times, he eventually lowers his arms to his sides, and takes a more relaxed pose, his body language alone agreeing to hear her out. "I've spent a good deal of time helping said women escape from the clutches of those perverted figures. Can you understand that I don't want to contradict myself by assaulting women in the same manner they did?" he asks her, explaining himself before letting out a sigh.

"... I'll hear you out..." he eventually agrees.