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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Anthriel, Spending an exhaustive amount of time searching and having failed to find anything in the hotel, finally found the Cafe and ordered an entire bottle of Tequila and a loaf of bread. Her anger finally spent as she waited only a short amount of time for her order to arrive she started to think about what was going on, where she was, and why. She'd seen other people here in several different shapes and forms, but had intentionally shied away from interaction due to the foul mood she was in. Anthriel needed to figure out what was going on here, but first she had other plans.

Anthriel lazily flew back over to where she had landed on the beach, the crater caused by her undignified impact marking the location. Setting the bottle down she walked into the surf, twitching a little at the chill of the water in the moonlight, she carefully cleaned herself up. taking solace in the moonlight and the lapping of the waves.

Feeling much more relaxed and looking a great deal less disheveled Anthriel made her way back up the beach and into the sheltered hole caused by her landing. Opening up the bottle of Tequila she took a long pull and stared up at the moon, trying to figure out what her next move should be
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"The fact that you are so concerned that you could not yield power responsibly is proof enough for me that you are worthwhile. And likely for Ashloriel as well. No one, not even the greatest of my kind, is truly perfect. Though you may not possess such power now, I think that some day, you will have the power to change the world. And I have faith that you will do it for the better." Nadia earnestly replied, smiling serenely. When he turned to her and suggested that he had to leave, the angel frowned slightly.

The man had been tense when he had arrived, and she still hadn't gotten to the reason behind that. In fact, if anything, Nadia felt as if she had made him even more uncomfortable, and she lowered her head dejectedly for a moment. Before Bakan could leave, however, Nadia said; "Wait, Bakan..... Would you like to come have lunch with me? I'm afraid that I've not been a very good companion this day. I wanted to help you with whatever was troubling you, but.... I just seem to have made you uncomfortable. I won't force you to, but I pray you will accept."

Bakan chuckled at Nadia's continued flattering. She truly was persistent about the matter. If he was truly so great, trustworthy, and kind, then he would not have disrespected Alex. That situation alone told him well enough that since he could not merely hold Alex's honor, he was far from capable of deciding the course of fate. "Fortune have mercy on all if I ever inherit such power. I will do what I think is right, but one's perception of right and wrong is hardly such a black and white concept. But if I am granted the chance, I will simply hold the power to change the world within myself, lest I do something I regret for the rest of my life."

Hopping off of the rock, he turned to Nadia as she called to him, before chuckling again at her request, and reasoning for it. Reaching up, he placed his gloved hand against the side of his head, still laughing softly, "Okay... I know what's going on here," he announced, still smiling as he put his hands on his hips, giving Nadia a confident look that implied, 'I figured you out.'

Shaking his head, he raised an eyebrow at Nadia, "How you had troubles with demons, touched by darkness, and these thoughts on 'love' that you insist I take into my own consideration, it's rather obvious, actually..." he nodded, before continuing, "You're worried about being attacked by a demon again, and want me to protect you!" he announced proudly, his chest high with pride at the flawless conclusion he drew, "Very well. I will escort you, if you so insist. Where shall we be eating?" he inquired.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Bakan

The red-haired angel simply continued to smile pleasantly as Bakan continued his self deprecation. "You say that now. Maybe you will hold to that. Maybe.... Maybe you'll do more. I cannot say." Was all that she offered in response.

She tracked Bakan as he hopped down from the rock, and raised an eyebrow as he claimed to know what she wanted from him. An eyebrow that raised even higher as he placed his hands on his hips, though she still smiled.

Her expression only broadened as he offered his supposition on her intentions, displaying such confidence that Nadia knew instantly that even if she wanted to, she couldn't dissuade the man from his beliefs. Briefly, a memory of her time with Luciana flashed through her mind, and a slight blush came upon Nadia's face. "Well... You've figured me out, Bakan. I take no shame in it! Some companionship would help keep the other contestants from bothering us too much, I hope."

Smiling sweetly, she hopped down from the rock as well, spreading her wings slightly as she had a little extra room to maneuver. "Thank you, Bakan.... Oh, I don't know. I figured that we would just go to the cafe, and peruse the menu for something that catches our fancy." She said, and then strode forward to offer Bakan her arm. If he took it, she led the way to the cafe, matching his pace without complaint until they reached the cafe, and found a table for two. The first thing she ordered: Hot tea with extra sugar.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Auralice and Tamonten

Parting with Iggy at her hotel room, Luciana decided that she would grab a quick bite to eat, and the cafe always seemed to be a place where there was a lot of action going on. The walk there was rather uneventful, though she was confronted with an... interesting... scene once there. Beyond the normal gang of servants, there were two people in the building; what looked to be a rather cute girl with one arm that was black as night, and a rather large and yet beautiful naga who gave off an air of innocence that just shouldn't have been natural, which seemed to hint to Luciana that the strange being was a succubus of some kind or other. Suddenly the young woman seemed to convulse and shake for no reason that was apparent, seemingly trying not to make noise, and Luciana smiled widely as she walked as quietly and nonchalantly towards the table as she could. This could be fun she thought, watching and listening as the girl apologized, begging to be punished, and the crawled under the table. For her part, Luciana took a seat next to the naga, grinning over her and quipping "enjoying your food, I see." For the moment she just wanted to gauge the reactions of the two.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia's pale skin literally glowing as brightly as the moonlight that streamed in through the streams, undimmed by her fatigue or the sticky goo covering her as she followed Pale a short ways through the woods. Her own light shining against the black water of the spring, but truthfully Nadia was only half paying attention to where she was being led. As such, she only blinked slightly as Pale grabbed her and suddenly pulled her in close. The tired angel idly noticed the water as she and Pale suddenly spread toward it, but when she fell on her back into the steaming liquid, Nadia emitted a surprised gasp that was quickly cut off as her head went below the surface.

After a moment of sputtering after her dramatic entrance into the water, Nadia managed to say; "That's... One way to get into the water." After some more sputtering, the angel sighed slightly and simply left her wings submerged, wrapping them around Pale's body beneath the warm water as she began to rub along the woman's body.

Her head surfacing, Pale finds herself in Nadia's embrace. The mischievous smile still decorates her face as she feels Nadia's hands on her body. Returning the courtesy with slow, deliberate movements Pale starts washing Nadia's body, though the progress seems slow for some reason. Spotting a drop of the caramel on Nadia's cheek, the dark haired vampire licks it off with a quick movement. Soon she finds her hands cleaning the first joints of the angel's wings with delicate movements, careful not to damage any feathers.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach -> Hotsprings

About halfway through the bottle, and still feeling fairly sorry for herself Anthriel figured a warm bath would be nice, and remembered seeing the wafting clouds usually signaling the location of a hot spring. Rising slowly and carefully due to her inebriated state Anthriel took to wing rather than trusting herself to walk, the sand around her billowing out into a cloud as she unsteadily launched herself into the air and, weaving a little in the moonlight, soon found what she was looking for.

Floating down into the first pool she saw, Anthriel unceremoniously dropped into the water and started to relax, except that the pool she had chosen was already occupied, and by another angel no less. There was no mistaking those wings, the odd part was the very pale woman washing them. Any sober person would slowly excuse themselves to another unoccupied pool, but Anthriel was far from sober and instead lounged in the water (Which too her was the best damn feeling she'd had in a long time) and tossed a tentative "Hello!" their way.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


It had been a beautiful, warm day, and things were finally looking up for Alice. Her belly was full, and for the first time in a while she had managed to share in the companionship of a group of people she rather enjoyed and admired. As she walked back through the streets of Therion towards her humble home, she daydreamed of days just like this one to come...

Of course, then the staff she had been using for a crutch simply... disappeared, and the poor girl found herself face down in sand. Sand? Where the Hell was there sand in Therion? Slowly she brought herself to her knees, wiping the sand off her face with pale hands. Slowly she swiveled her head around as if to check her surroundings, but the only thing she "saw" was blackness; instead she was listening carefully to her surroundings. "The ocean? How did I get anywhere near the ocean?" she asked aloud, adjusting the cloth strip she wore over her eyes so that it once again sat in its proper place. She got to her feet slowly and carefully, brushing the sand off of her dress, trying to decide what to do. As she did so she reached up to wrap her short blonde hair around a finger, tugging on it idly until she began to walk away from the ocean, reasoning that it was as good a direction as any. Her gait was slow and somewhat ponderous, owing to her natural frailty, though really she was a bit more able than she was letting on. "I wonder where I am, or how I got here" she wondered, again out loud, though there was probably no one around to hear her. Probably...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Pale and Anthriel

Nadia giggled lightly as Pale licked a tiny bit of caramel from her cheek, and seemed about to move to deepen the embrace when a splash signaled the entrance of another into their pool. Turning her head, Nadia spotted another angel of all things lounging in the pool not far away. "Erm.... Hello!" Nadia replied awkwardly, and then glanced at Pale, trying to gauge the other woman's reaction to the sudden intrusion of another of her kind.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Moonlit springs
Pale Pale -> Dirtywing Nadia & Drunk Anthriel

The pleasant expression in her face changing into alarmed one, Pale steps away from Nadia to take a better look at the other angel. Her hands suddenly shoot forward and splash water on Anthriel's face. "You're drunk" the vampire comments dryly, irritation clear in her face.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)


It had been a beautiful, warm day, and things were finally looking up for Alice. Her belly was full, and for the first time in a while she had managed to share in the companionship of a group of people she rather enjoyed and admired. As she walked back through the streets of Therion towards her humble home, she daydreamed of days just like this one to come...

Of course, then the staff she had been using for a crutch simply... disappeared, and the poor girl found herself face down in sand. Sand? Where the Hell was there sand in Therion? Slowly she brought herself to her knees, wiping the sand off her face with pale hands. Slowly she swiveled her head around as if to check her surroundings, but the only thing she "saw" was blackness; instead she was listening carefully to her surroundings. "The ocean? How did I get anywhere near the ocean?" she asked aloud, adjusting the cloth strip she wore over her eyes so that it once again sat in its proper place. She got to her feet slowly and carefully, brushing the sand off of her dress, trying to decide what to do. As she did so she reached up to wrap her short blonde hair around a finger, tugging on it idly until she began to walk away from the ocean, reasoning that it was as good a direction as any. Her gait was slow and somewhat ponderous, owing to her natural frailty, though really she was a bit more able than she was letting on. "I wonder where I am, or how I got here" she wondered, again out loud, though there was probably no one around to hear her. Probably...

Alex -> Alice

A few moments after the blind girl's arrival a small sandstorm would pick right before her useless eyes. Could she see she would find a figure simply standing there once the cloud had passed, and she would be greeted by a draconic back covered in mud.

For her part Alex was unaware of the being that stood just behind her. She was far more focused on layer of mud that covered her entire form. Her shredded outfit had been restored, but the loose top barely clung to her every curve and threatened to give anyone near quite the sight if it slumped any further.

With the mess covering her she wasn't exactly the most content of dragons at the moment, but some of her frustration had been worked out thanks to that bout. But this mess... Good gods was it annoying. She would need to clean her scales, and considering how she had been rolling around she didn't doubt some of the mud had worked its way into some less than comfortable spaces. She definitely needed a bath, but for now she could at least wipe most of it off her skin. Her hands brushed a layer off her face, and a moment later she was preparing to whip her arms and her tail to fling little mud balls in whatever random direction that was not her, but a sudden jolt caught her to freeze. For some reason she suddenly had the sense that someone was standing right behind her, and as she turned to look she noticed her tail ready to painfully whip some girl in her side. "Hello?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex

Not too long into her walk away from the ocean, Alice vaguely heard a sound that seemed quite a lot like swirling sands, though it wasn't loud enough to seem threatening to the girl. With a measure of curiosity she began to walk more specifically toward it, though the sound disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. Still, she kept on walking until she heard the "hello." "Oh, is someone there? Hello" she replied, giving a little bow to the space right beside Alex. "You wouldn't happen to be able to tell me where I am, or maybe even why, would you?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Alice

Turning around to fully face her Alex found that the girl was bowing respectfully to the space to the dragon's side. It seemed that wrap around her eyes was not for show. "Where we are... I'm not quite sure, but we're on some island with its own resort. Why we're here, well..." For a moment Alex wasn't quite sure what to say. We're being tested? We're being used? We're nothing more than entertainment for whoever has brought us here? But those were all speculation, no matter how true some of those might be, so might as well go with what the staff had said. "A number of people have been gathered to compete in some tournament. Those that do are free to use the resort and any of its services to their heart's content. But the contests are not the usual test of strength one would find. To win one must incapacitate their foe, and the most preferred method is... sexual gratification."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex

"An island resort? Surely I haven't just been so lucky as to be sent here without strings attached" Alice responded, completely surprised. These sorts of things just didn't happen to normal people with normal lives, at least not every day. Alex's explanation of the reason they were there, of course, enlightened her a bit more. "I see. A tournament of... sex...? That still doesn't explain why I, of all people, am here, but... You say I have to participate in order to use the services here...?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Alice

"Indeed. Everyone who is brought here eventually must seek a match. If you don't you risk getting forced into one at our host's whim, and I hear he can be quite the mischievous bastard."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex

"Hm... That sounds like a problem" Alice replied with a sigh. "If that's the case, then... would you mind having a match with me? You have a kind voice. Strong, but kind. If I'm going to be forced into sex, I might as well try you." she said, an attempt at a forced smile on her face. "How do the rules work? I assume I can't just try to maim you, and vice-versa."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Alice

The sudden request was a bit of a surprise, and Alex couldn't quite understand why this frail looking thing had been dropped into this island of debauchery, but a challenge had been issued. Honor demanded that she accept. "If that is what you wish then I accept." A light wind started to pick up once Alex had finished, and the warrior knew she only had a few more seconds to speak before the pair were whisked away to some random location. "Maiming, no, but matches can be decided by beating your opponent into submission. I do believe some arenas won't allow that, however. We'll see what happens once we get there."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Anthriel -> Pale, Nadia

The greeting from the other angel was both expected and pleasant, The accusation of the pale woman was neither. Anthriel, Opening her mouth to dispute the fact that she was drunk only caused her to swallow the spring water as she was splashed. Coughing and chuckling a little despite herself, the chuckles turning into a giggles, and the giggles turning into a full gut wrenching fit of hysteria, the laughter carrying on longer than she had ever intended as she held out the half finished bottle to the pale woman still snickering a little.

"True as that may be, are you sure it's the best idea to splash someone with large wings?" Anthriel asked the pale woman, moving her wings a little in the water to emphasize the point, the small motions causing small waves to form. giggling some more Anthriel floated the bottle over to the pale woman, "Names Anthriel, and apparently I'm on forced vacation, nice to meet you"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice -> Tamonten, Luciana

As Auralice finishes her last bite Tamonten finally submits to her primal desires and leaks all over the serpent's tail.
The maid is quick to kneel over and clean up her mess as Auralice leans back and enjoys the free service, her laidback mood didn't last long however as she notices someone approaching, the stranger is quick to yoink the seat right next to Auralice without even introducing herself.
"Oh yes, their dessert is... orgasmic~"
Feeling her tail being licked clean the serpent brushes the tip against Tamonten's cheek, nudging her to get back in her seat.
"Tamo, we have a guest, behave yourself"
The serpent puts her arm around the intruder and drags her into her scaly lap, slowly molesting the blue skinned creature as she strokes through her hair and cups a feel on her chest, slowly tracing a digit down towards her nether.
"So, what brings a cute little demon here, have you come here for business, or, pleasure~"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Auralice, Tamonten

"Hm... Maybe I should order some of it myself" Luciana said with a grin, watching on bemusedly as the naga ordered the girl, apparently named Tamo, back up to her seat. As she pondered that, the naga wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her gently into her lap and stroking her long hair, another hand cupping the succubus' ample chest and then trailing down her stomach. "Mmm... Pleasure is my business, dear" she replied, grabbing Auralice's arm firmly, but not harshly. The urge to just curl up in the beautiful naga's warm embrace was strong, but there was a stronger urge to make her work for it. "But you ought to at least ask a girl her name before you try to finger her. That girl there... It seems to me that you've already taken full advantage of the nature of this island. If I'm wrong, of course, I apologize, but I don't think I am" she continued, smiling as her other hand wandered down to stroke Auralice's thigh. Her smile faded soon after that, though, and she continued "I have bad memories of magic like that." She shook her head, resuming her smiling demeanor, and finished with a challenge; "so how about a little game, in the interests of my business? We'll have one of those matches. If you win, I'll join your Tamo there for a day, without any need for magic. If I win, you break your hold over the girl and give her to me. Does that sound fine with you?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice -> Tamonten, Luciana

Auralice let out a short giggle as her arm was halted, her digit stopping right above the demon's bush.
"Interesting offer~ Tamo, finish your dessert, I'll be back soon...ish. I accept your offer"
With that, Auralice lifted the demon's head up and kissed her on the lips, both of them quickly fading away...
-> The Love Nest