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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily


The word hit her like a long-forgotten concept, it itched something at the back of her mind, but just far enough that it didn't quite register. The short lapse of confusion might of crossed her face a little, only to lead her to give a quizzical sigh.

"N-not that I can recall. Drugged into a stupor, yes. Drunk... not so much."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's room
Pale -> Helena

Pale simply sighs and gestures Helena to follow before going in and soaking herself in hot water and cleaning herself rather quickly. Showering and bathing was all very well, but one should only need to do either so many times per day. Wrapping a towel around her, she grins and follows Helena back into the bedroom. Still fairly wet, Pale approaches Helena from behind and places her hands on the succubus' hips. "I didn't exactly get a chance to tell you, did I? Would you like a hint?"

Lily -> Six

Lily grins. "Well, you don't have anything better to do, and neither do I." Finishing washing her wings, Lily gets up. "Let's go find a bar or a tavern. I think the hotel has something like that."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Bedroom of surprises!
Helena -> Pale

Helena giggles as Pale sets her hands on her hips from behind, pushing her ass out a little for her new friend and listening to her. Thinking it all just a game, Helena chuckled and moaned softly, teasingly. Best to just surprise me~ Will I like this surprise though? I did promise, so no matter what it is, it's yours~ Helena said, unable to stop herself from smiling and wiggling a little in Pale's gentle grip.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily

Six smirked a little. "I guess I may as well get used to becoming civilized, if I'm stuck here and there's no proper prey..." she admits, getting back to her claws and stretching, her tail flicking a little as she looked to Lily.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's room
Pale -> Helena

Grinning, Pale presses against Helena's back and whispers to her ear. "Oh, you'll definitely enjoy it. Just try to relax." Kissing Helena's ear, the vampire pushes aside her hair and trails her lips to Helena's neck before biting down softly...then harder, causing sharp pain as her fangs pierce the skin and her arms wrap around the willing prey, stopping her from getting away even if she wanted to before slowly starting to drain the precious, corrupted blood, pleasuring Helena with her feeding as sure as the succubus had done with her own as she slowly tastes the blood, forcing herself to drink slowly as their pulses merge into one rhythm that seems to encompass everything...

Minutes later the pulse starts to slow down and Pale forces herself to stop, kissing the moment for one more moment before lifting her head.

Lily -> Six

Lily gives Six a smile before heading into the dressing room and quickly toweling herself down before getting dressed and heading to the hotel.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Bedroom of flailing, confusion, and unexpected pleasure.
Helena -> Pale

Helena coo'ed softly as Pale promised she'd enjoy it, before she felt her lips trail up her neck, Helena already ready for another go, before she felt the fangs... Squirming suddenly, but finding herself locked in the grip of the athletic woman now pinning her arms, Helena immediately protested before her words were cut off by the sharp pain of being bitten. You're A... A.. Vampire!

Shuddering as Pale began to feed, and pleasure flooded through her, Helena unable to resist it even slightly, and unable to escape, she found her own prejudice at war with the pleasure echoing through her body, still trying to escape for a few more moments, before a moan slipped from her lips and she writhed in pleasure rather then denial.

Unable to stop herself, Pale would find Helena's hips rolling against her own as she gasped and moaned, before cumming, her juices staining her thighs as Pale made sure to make her meal last, Helena exposed to something she had vowed wouldn't happen again.. but... but it hadn't felt like this.. this was... Wonderful...

When Pale finally stopped, 2 more mind wracking climaxes later, her thighs stained and her folds clamping down on nothing, Helena pulled away, and collapsed on the bed after the kiss, panting raggedly, her eyes a little unfocused, and lightheaded from the bloodloss as she rolled over and looked at Pale, the confusion extremely evident before she found her mind, her logic, and her voice.

I... I don't... I'll make an exception... You've done nothing untoward really, and if you'd have warned me... I'd have... Nevermind. Promise to warn me next time... or don't... that felt incredible.... I.. Damnit, you put up with me being a demon, and I'll ignore my feelings for Vampires on a whole, and make a person to person exception. She finally panted out, not angry, or even really upset, just a little confused as she laid there and recovered far more slowly then after their stint in the bondage room. Shaking her head as if to clear it, she waited for Pale's reply, a little nervous... Pale HAD overlooked her status as a demon, regardless of the implications, even let her feed... it was wrong of Helena to judge her under those circumstances, so she sighed and continued.

You're not a vampire. You're Pale. That's all you are to me. I'll just be glad I have a friend here.

Hotel Lobby of Lonliness ;_;

Waiting in the Hotel lobby, hours had passed since Joey had hidden within her large flower, peeking out to watch the odd servants walk by, and waiting for someone, anyone to explain what was going on, she was so scared, though over time, her panic had ebbed away and been replaced with obvious curiosity, and the Alraune was willing to say hello to anyone who noticed her now... she was getting lonely
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily

As Lily cleaned herself up, Six crawled from the tub and shook off the excess water, murring a bit at the liquid dripped away. Quietly, she followed Lily, still unsure how much to say.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's room
Pale -> Helena

"You did ask for me to surprise you." Pale comments light-heartedly, sitting down next to Helena and running a hand through her hair. "Would you like me to get you something to eat or drink?"

Hotel lobby of confusion and pokes
Lily -> Six/Joey

Not much happens after Lily and Six get out of the bath, so soon they're outside, and Lily heads straight into the hotel. The hotel lobby is dim compared to the outside, but as Lily walks towards the bar, she spots an alraune hiding inside a flower. Curious of the creature, as the northlands she is from don't have many alraune, Lily approaches the alraune slowly. "Hello. Why are you hiding there?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Helena -> Pale

Helena smiled up at Pale softly, kissing her hand and just ignoring her own prejudice completely, despite her feelings Helena had always been an incredibly open person.... it's how she'd gotten into so much trouble in the first place. As Pale asked if she wanted anything, she nodded. Something cool to drink would be welcome, and if you're up for it, I'd like to look around this island at night. I have no reason to split, and I enjoy your company. If you don't mind that is. She said after a moment, closing her eyes.

Hotel Lobby
Joey -> Lily, Six

Joey watched the two people come in, watched them approach, and shrunk back into her flower a little, before sighing, annoyed with herself a bit, and opening her petals, it was now or never right? The black woman looked scary, Very scary, but she hadn't done anything yet, but the other... She seemed nice.

Smiling softly, Joey was still nervous, before she spoke. H.. Hi... I don't know where I am and no one has talked to me... I was in my spring and then I was here and I don't know what's going on She said, obviously a nervous wreck at the sudden transportation, and probably needing a little help to calm down. Hell, if she'd known there was somewhere she could get a drink, and what alcohol was, she probably would have done so herself. But now it was a question of making friends, and finding out where she was and how to get home.

Slipping out of her flower, Joey hesitated, she didn't like leaving it... but she didn't have much of a choice, she didn't want to seem rude.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex ->
Good lord, she even felt embarrassed in front of the golems... Alex had trouble forcing herself to accept the sandwich as she ran around as someone's nude pet, but she eventually did and tried to bring her focus onto her little meal. But the sudden sound of reality ripping once again had her instantly looking up, and that was just in time to find a warm body falling right into her lap. Unfortunately it also fell all over her head and her chest, and her arms and legs simply flailed in surprise before she was forced to fall as well. A small "oomph!" as this all happened in an instant, and once it was all done the dragon simply laid where she landed wondering what kind of ass was enjoying her misery.

Laying like that it would probably be odd to notice that both the new arrival and the knight both shifted their eyes over to the fallen glass of milk. For some reason it seemed to catch the dragon's attention, and it was only once the body said hi that Alex finally did anything. "Hello..." That magnificent response was far too guarded for anyone's good, but thankfully the weight of that woman started shifting and lifting itself. A hand was quickly offered to help Alex to her feet, and as she accepted it the warrior couldn't help but notice the wandering eye of the woman that just moments before sat on top of her.

But something else practically attacked her in its want for attention, and once she was up Alex found herself staring down at probably the most appropriately dressed person to be stuck on this island. The woman wore practically nothing more than strips of cloth that tapered into little more than string as it wrapped around her waist. And all that managed to do was give the barest bit of cover to her delicates. The crotchless garter over that did nothing more than draw the eye to that little strip that looked like it could shift at any moment, but even that seemed far more decent than what covered the woman's chest. The same black lace was found there, but the material was so sheer that Alex could make out every detail of the woman's full breasts without even trying.

It was only when the woman started talking that Alex realized she'd been staring at them for far too long, and she blushed as the woman apparently liked what she had seen. The fact that the dragon was already being called 'pet' by this newcomer only had Alex blushing even brighter, and just before she could cross her arms over her chest Lenalee introduced herself. "A...Alexandra..." Her own hand hesitated a bit before reaching out to accept its gloved counterpart, and as the two shook Alex was feeling far more exposed than she did just a few seconds earlier. "Welcome to the Island..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lenalee -> Alex/Alice

Lenalee's smile adopted a bit of mischievousness as Alex accepted her hand, and she purred; "It's a pleasure to meet you Alexandra~" Suddenly, the sorceress would give a light tug using her grip, pulling herself and Alex together such that they were pressed together. The mage had to stand up on the tips of her toes to do it, making the dominance that she displayed somewhat comical, but Lenalee pulled Alex against herself such that their breasts were pancaked against each other and their arms were still locked together between them. Tilting her head back and grabbing Alex by the back of her head, the dark-haired mage kissed the taller dragoness fully on the lips unless Alex pushed her away quickly, letting out a low moan as her tongue slipped into the dragon's mouth to attack her own.

Forward as she was, Lenalee kept the kiss brief if it was allowed to happen at all, and after a moment she pulled her mouth back and smirked up at Alex. "Thanks!" she said brightly, "I have a feeling that it's going to be a pleasure to be here~"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel Lobby
Six -> Lily, Joey

As Six followed Lily, her mind tried to make sense of what had happened thus far. It was odd, everyone seemed so nice around here, and yet she still got so uneasy about all the strangeness, especially this... contest. The last fight, she had been terrified, and yet... there was something else. The pain she had felt last time, it had made her body feel odd.

And then, she heard Lily call forth to another person, causing her to jump a little before slowly slinking behind Lily. Obviously this person could handle herself should the need arise, after all. Her fighting measures were near useless here if it was a true threat. Even still, her eyes would narrow as she looks to the other creature.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Helena -> Pale

"I think that would be nice. Though I'll have to deal with Alexandra after she comes back." Seeing the succubus continue laying down, Pale slips out of the room, returning a few minutes later with a tall glass full of fruit juice.

Hotel Lobby
Joey -> Lily, Six

Smiling at the alraune, Lily offers a hand to her. "Hi. I'm Lily, and the strange person behind me is Six. This place...I think we've all been teleported here from various places. Anyway, you don't need to worry, no-one is going to try to hurt you."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex/Lenalee

"Well… at least we can eat as much as we want without having to worry about it too much" Alice replied quietly, the skinny girl thinking about how often that had been untrue for her in her life. The nuns who took care of her had limited resources, after all, and there were lots of others who needed their attention, so food was often scarce unless there was a particularly large donation in a given month. Even if they had to strip naked and fight each other for the amusement of a daemon, that was worth it for all-you-can-eat sandwiches. The blind girl was dressed now, though, and didn’t feel nearly the sort of shame Alex was going through, even if she felt bad for the proud dragon. She didn’t acknowledge the seemingly mindless servants that staffed the island as she rode her deformed shadow dog to the café, though she knew them to be there; they just weren’t important in her mind. The frail girl approved of her companion’s order, and simply held out her hand until she felt one of the servants put the sandwich in it, and quickly began to munch on it happily.

Alice didn’t have long to dig into her meal, though. There was a strange cracking sound up above her, like nothing she had ever heard before… she even felt it, deep in her bones. It was like the very fabric of reality itself had been torn asunder. And sure enough, there was a loud scream and a crash in front of her, and it took her a moment to figure out what was happening, the details of which were supplied to her by a steady whisper into her mind by her shadowy companion. If she had had eyes they would have narrowed at the newcomer. She didn’t like what the dog told her about the look of this Lenalee, and she certainly didn’t like her calling Alex “pet.” "Hey" she said loudly after taking a moment to chew her bite of sandwich, "who are…" she was informed then by the dog that this newcomer had just pulled (or attempted to pull) the dragon into a kiss. The frail girl blushed, though she felt a competitive urge rise up in her. She had feelings for Alex, that much was sure, and this time there was no debt of honor to be paid. "Leave us alone" she objected angrily, her shadowy mount warping in appearance slightly… it had simply looked deformed before, though at least somewhat like a grim dog. Now it had something of a sinister look, tendrils bristling along its sides to match the girl’s mood.

Nadia's Room
Luciana -> Nadia

Luciana could sense her partner’s reluctance as she hesitated despite the fact that her expression never wavered. She had become relatively adept over the years at picking up such cues, though she hadn’t shown it well in the past few days. It took a moment for her to agree to take the demon up on the offer, but when she did the angelic redhead seemed almost eager for the new experience, or at least curious what it would feel like. "Good, good" Luciana cooed with a husky voice, "just relax and I’ll take care of ya nice."

Her tentacles continued to tease at Nadia’s nipples, but they kicked things up a notch now, wrapping around the stiff nubs and squeezing gently, periodically rolling around the sensitive flesh in a full circuit. Others wrapped around the angel’s back, though they didn’t hold her at all; instead they simply provided her with something firm to lean back against if she needed it. All the while Luciana slowly sank to her knees in front of her partner, until she was eye level with the angel’s crotch. The succubus grinned; Nadia was surely one beautiful piece of work. A slender blue finger reached out to teasingly trace the edges of the angel’s clit, just barely touching her… but it would be clear if the redhead knew anything about magic that there was power in that fingertip. The circles it traced began to close in, slowly brushing over more and more of the sensitive nub with each pass.

Rather than the usual sensation of pleasure, however, there was a strange tingling that quickly began to shoot up and down Nadia’s spine. The demon intensified her rubbing slowly but steadily, and so too did that strange sensation… It wasn’t too awful long that the angel’s clit began to grow in both length and girth, causing Luciana to grin lewdly. This spell, of course, could be performed much more quickly and in several different ways, but this was much more intimate. A second finger joined in, but now she was able to teasingly roll the stiffening nub between the two digits like her tentacles were doing with the angel’s nipples. "Mmm, any special features you’d like me to add?" she teased as she looked up from between Nadia’s legs, licking her lips. Of course, she could do pretty much anything when constructing the cock she was giving her partner; a knot, barbs, nubs, all manner of exotic things. She would default to the standard, of course, and she didn’t expect the angel to request anything crazy, but it never hurt to ask. Little by little, inch by inch the clit grew, widening as well, until it was about four inches long. It was then that Luciana took it into her mouth, sucking and licking on it tenderly.

Even so, there still wasn’t “pleasure” per se, not in the traditional sense… That didn’t come until what had once been simply a nub began to shape into more cock-like features. It was about six inches long now, and fairly wide, though not too much so. It began to develop a head, and before long Nadia would be able to feel the demon’s tongue teasing between a small cleft that was forming in the tip… The spell sped up then, Luciana racing the development to the finish after a slow buildup, and before the angel knew it her cock was ten inches long and very girthy, and with a small spurt of precum it was fully formed. It felt so sensitive it was incredible, especially now when it was new, and the succubus pulled her lips off it in recognition… though her tongue flicked out to just barely brush the head a few seconds later, a finger lightly trailing up and down the underside. "You like so far? Feel good?" she asked, grinning up from her knees. "Wanna feel my lips again~ Or maybe you’d like something else~"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Bedroom of Juicy Fruits, and Crazy Drinks
Helena -> Pale

Alex? Was she one of the girls in here earlier? I liked the one you sent for walkies, though it didn't seem like she was enjoying being on the bottom, so to speak. It's a real shame, I wonder if she likes Top any more, I should offer. Worst case is I get a blush, or ignored. Ahh Thanks!

Taking the offered drink, Helena sat up and drained the glass, slowly and reverently smacking her lips with a satisfied Ahhh as she finished and set the glass aside. There were two ladies here with you though, what was the other's name? And which was which... Helena asked, floating small colored lights around with her fingers.

Hotel Lobby of FriendShipGet!
Joey -> Lily, Six.

Joey perked up at hearing that no one else knew where the hell they were either, because that simply told her that she wasn't in as deep trouble as she thought. Well, at least not with these girls here. Taking the offered hand very gingerly as she nodded.

Wellllll, if No one is going to hurt me... I'm so thirsty... The Alraune said, drooling slightly at the idea of eating. She wanted sunshine and lots of cool water, or anything else for that matter, waiting inside in a lobby had left her starving... her face kind of distant for a moment as she thought about it, before snapping back to reality and offering the odd hand shaking gesture to Six.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Alice /
"The pleasure is mMMM!" The sudden pull was quite unexpected, and though Alex was strong and tall she wasn't prepared and ended up stumbling as her balance was thrown. And that was just enough. Lenalee capitalized on that loss, and Alex soon found herself being kissed openly while a tongue quickly snaked its way into her mouth. It was surprise and shock that kept her from pushing back, and before she could it simply ended with the woman offering her thanks. "I...think you're going to fit in just fine around here..." Though Alex smiled back it looked a little forced...

But that gave way to a bit more surprise once Alice started making herself known. She was obviously looking upset, that much could be seen on her brow, but the sudden shifting of her seeing-eye monstrosity from slightly grotesque to angrily grotesque was far more telling. And it had Alex worried. Whoever had stolen everyone here did so simply to enjoy the conflict it created. Even if everyone else was enjoying themselves and each other in a very intimate sense this was still marked as a competition, and something like this wouldn't go unnoticed. If Alice was truly getting angry then their captor may notice, and no doubt he/she/it would whisk them off to some other arena simply for mischief. They'd all be forced to work through their differences, and that was what had Alex worried. Though the blind girl was willing her strength and skill were...well... The thought of seeing Alice humbled by someone else was making Alex nervous, and she started looking around. She just hoped the wind wouldn't start kicking up like it had earlier before the other matches...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel Lobby of FriendShipGet!
Joey -> Lily, Six.

Joey perked up at hearing that no one else knew where the hell they were either, because that simply told her that she wasn't in as deep trouble as she thought. Well, at least not with these girls here. Taking the offered hand very gingerly as she nodded.

Wellllll, if No one is going to hurt me... I'm so thirsty... The Alraune said, drooling slightly at the idea of eating. She wanted sunshine and lots of cool water, or anything else for that matter, waiting inside in a lobby had left her starving... her face kind of distant for a moment as she thought about it, before snapping back to reality and offering the odd hand shaking gesture to Six.

Six continued to sit behind Lily, continuing to eye the strange plantgirl without saying much else. She had seen some creatures like this, but she didn't have a good hand with talking in this conversation, though.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Helena -> Pale

Pale stifles a giggle. "She probably does. And Alex is the dragoness, the other girl is called Alice." Tossing her towel on a chair, she sits down and starts pulling on clothes. "Although she did like being handled earlier, so maybe it's just the part where she promised to be my pet earlier that she doesn't like."

Hotel Lobby
Lily ->Joey/Six

"What's your name?" Lily asks, squeezing Joey's hand gently before starting to lead her towards the bar. "And I think we can help with your thirst."

Leading Joey and Six to the bar, Lily takes a seat in front of the bartender. "Give my green friend some water. And I think I'll take... actually, just give me a couple bottles of some strong wine. This is too fine a day to spend inside."
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Bedroom of Evil Plans...
Helena -> Pale

Helena snickered, not bothering to get dressed for now except to pull her underwear on, since they weren't going anywhere for awhile. Still, she picked up her dress as she lounged around and fiddled with the colors on it a bit, wondering if it would look better with blue lines to compliment the yellow. Well... Shouldn't make that promise unless you know what you're in for~ Still, you looked absolutely lovely with a Tail, we'll have to do that again sometime. As for your friends, maybe they'll warm up a little, I was rather rude with the entrance, though it wasn't intended... If we're stuck here until sundown, should we get a bottle of wine or something? I'm fun drunk, promise. Helena said, sticking out her tongue, before turning her dress entirely purple, and slipping it on, liking the way the silver of her collar flashed against the dark color.

Lobby -> Bar
Joey -> Lily, Six.

J... Joey. Joey answered, smiling softly before eeping as Lily started to drag her to the bar, giving one last, mournful look at her flower. It was too fat to get through the doors... she had a fat flower. Did that mean she was fat!? O gods! Following the pair into the strange cafe, and to the bar, Joey waited for them to see what they would do, before sitting as well, eagerly drinking down the water before holding out her glass. More please! More! she said, emptying glass after glass after glass like a woman possesed. She felt like she could drink a lake...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lobby -> Bar
Six -> Lily, Joey

Once again, Six wouldn't really comment as she slowly wandered behind them, her tail very lazily flicking behind her as she thought to herself. Even still, still not much of a commenting kind of person, especially on subjects she's not got a clue about.