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Overwhored RPG Maker Game FULL GAME UPDATE!

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

The bat will now be recruitable.

On Hypno Master, don't miss the hidden outpost in the woods. You'll enjoy pointedly not having sex with one of the people there as well.

Oh man she got the sheets all messy, damn brat. XD
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Speed issues will be fixed in the next version, thanks to a script modified by Regless, a poster on Hongfire.

Quick update on progress: I had a week away from the comp during thanksgiving, but since the last release here's what I've done:
1: Created five new maps, and new regions on the world map.
2: Created a hellishly complex event on one of those maps.
3: Started making the next heroine dungeon. It's a cool chapel, and I'm trying to reference Chrono Trigger in a few places with it. Not too literally.
4: Begun working on making the bat a recruitable character. You'll get her in the next heroine dungeon, the chapel.
5: A few new items, letting you use some you couldn't use before, tweaking items and stats and making everything work better.
6: Altering a bunch of skills.
7: About a bajillion invisible little tweaks and fixes to things you'll probably never notice.

A new release is still a ways away. But now you know where I'm at.

Just a general FYI. If you're an artist and want to contribute to the project, go ahead and contact me, and we'll see if we can get you in-game. (Conditions: Traditional art, must be a of a style at least somewhat similar to the others in color scheme and style) Otherwise, I absolutely love fanart. Gimmie fanart of ANY kind, and I'll happily plaster it everywhere.

That's all for now.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

What's the furthest you can currently progress in the game? I finished the first island, but no more is availiable. Did I download the wrong version?

Otherwise, is there somewhere I can refer to about what the furthest point acessible currently is?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Can you upload some screenshots of the User Interface please (battle screen, in-game-pause-menu-screen, shop-screen)?

Also, can you give a description of the game such as how H events occur, if you buy stuff, if you find stuff, if you can see enemy or is it like Pokemon (you run in the grass and out of no where, pops a pokemon).
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

What's the furthest you can currently progress in the game? I finished the first island, but no more is availiable. Did I download the wrong version?

Otherwise, is there somewhere I can refer to about what the furthest point acessible currently is?
The current version ends after you get the blacksmith girl. The Tower Mistress explicitly tells you it's done.

Can you upload some screenshots of the User Interface please (battle screen, in-game-pause-menu-screen, shop-screen)?

Also, can you give a description of the game such as how H events occur, if you buy stuff, if you find stuff, if you can see enemy or is it like Pokemon (you run in the grass and out of no where, pops a pokemon).

The stuff in development is a bit different than the stuff already made. I intend to make a good little screenshot intro soon though.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

The current version ends after you get the blacksmith girl. The Tower Mistress explicitly tells you it's done.

The stuff in development is a bit different than the stuff already made. I intend to make a good little screenshot intro soon though.

Alright. In that case, I'll wait.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Request (without even playing your game).

It would be great if your character can equip 2 different layers of armor:
- a clothing layer
- an armor layer
- can wear cloth with or without armor; vice-versa for armor

multiple accessories (depending on the type of accessories):
- say a certain accessory was a "ring" type, then you shoudl be able to equipe at least 1 ring of each hand.
- If it's a necklace, then you should only be able to wear 1 necklace at a time
- You should be able to wear necklace and rings at the same time because it's not like you're wearing rings on your neck

Yes, i know these are extremely specific and selfish. I don't even know if implementing those are possible. But if they can be implemented, that would be very awesome.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

any screen shots so can have a idea of what it looks like ?
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

can some one up a hypnochan version because the site is down.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Well, I finally did two important things today.

First, I created a blog, so you can keep up to date on what I'm doing.

Second, I finally put some preview images in the opening post. Take a look!

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Might or might not want to take some of dem spoilerz out of the preview pictures...(?) (Thinkin' of the hero one in particular)

Also might or might not want to go ahead and put the blog link in the first post thar
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Request (without even playing your game).

It would be great if your character can equip 2 different layers of armor:
- a clothing layer
- an armor layer
- can wear cloth with or without armor; vice-versa for armor

multiple accessories (depending on the type of accessories):
- say a certain accessory was a "ring" type, then you shoudl be able to equipe at least 1 ring of each hand.
- If it's a necklace, then you should only be able to wear 1 necklace at a time
- You should be able to wear necklace and rings at the same time because it's not like you're wearing rings on your neck

Yes, i know these are extremely specific and selfish. I don't even know if implementing those are possible. But if they can be implemented, that would be very awesome.
A lot of that is dependent on the system, I'm afraid. I'm working to add as much variety as I can, but I can only do so much with the system that exists.

That's something to look into, though.

Might or might not want to take some of dem spoilerz out of the preview pictures...(?) (Thinkin' of the hero one in particular)

Also might or might not want to go ahead and put the blog link in the first post thar

I'm really not worried about it. First, though it's a spoiler for the current release, what you've seen so far is basically just the intro dungeon. It also doesn't make a ton of sense for a player without context.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Due to the very positive response on my blog, via e-mail and PM's on forums, I have decided to allow donations to the project. The latest post on the overwhored blog has details. This will speed up the pace of updates to the game a lot. Thanks to all supporters of the project, donators or not. There's also some new fanart there, created by the fantastic Ehlanna.

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

I posted this on my blog but it bears repeating on the forums I'm posting on as well.

Good news for those of you that have donated so far. Your dollars are NOT sitting idle! I'm currently working with the artist Sleepymaid (who did the Nanshe sex scenes) to do the sex scenes for another heroine.

This is a tiny preview of the picture currently in the works.

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

"She looks a bit man-ish" - Austin Power

Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

"She looks a bit man-ish" - Austin Power


She's sort of the alterverse equivalent of the Khan character from the Overlord game. Trust me - when you see the whole pic, you'll KNOW she's got huge feminine charm.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Good news everyone. Funding goals to finish the basic game have been met; artists are working on many of those images as we speak. Details on everything are at my blog.

And yes, that means that extras are now available. I'll add details for that on the blog shortly as well.

Also, rather than adding one heroine region in this release, I want to add two. That means it'll be probably about one more month before there's a release, but that means twice the content and porn you'd otherwise get.
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Hey everyone! I'm currently beta testing version 0.2 of Overwhored with donators. It should be ready to play in about a week!

Note that this release comes early for reasons I mentioned on my blog. So it includes only one new heroine area, not two. But it is a pretty big increase in content.

Look for it here soon!
Re: Overwhored RPG Maker Game UPDATED 11/9/12 Ver. 0.1.2

Very nice art, looking forward to it!