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ADV [7th Dream] Pretty Warrior May Cry RJ086864

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Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

IF you are really from 7th dream, can you tell us which day it will be released? :p

Hi guys, I'm jason from 7thDream. Thanx for your support!

The game was already done and submitted, So you will be able to purchase it by about 10th Dec if nothing goes wrong.(DLsite will request modifications some times.)

In the mean time, we still found some parts could be improved, like scalable game window(super_slicer,we will fix that soon,BTW, you shouldn't be able to view the swf out of the game, We locked that, If you could some how, please let us know how you did it, So we can fix this "back door" :p ...).

Fortunately we designed this game upgradable in the first place. So we're working on a upgrade pack right now. If you have any suggestions, Please feel free to let us know.Thanx!

ulmf seems to have a knack for pulling in the actual developers from time to time.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

>do you really can view the animations by open the swf files? Which player you used?

Aidsoid Viewer can easily open anything from data folder.


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Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

I used Irfanview but it would only let me see the scenes I'd unlocked in the game, like in the gallery.

The other ones were just a blank screen with no sound.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

I use Flash movie player to view pretty much any .swf file. Link to their site :

In the interest of helping out I'll give you a little more information. When the file loaded up in the above mentioned program it wanted to just play the first few screens, which were black, repeatedly with the sound playing in the background. So I simply moved the seek-bar to a screen that showed the image and hit play.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

My main question at this point is whether the Lilith is the only monster that can rape men or if some of the others can as well?

I could see the slime or the leeches raping the men as well but.. I don't know.

I just hope we aren't forced to level up JUST our liliths to deal with half of the enemies.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

the turned females will also attack males... >.>
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

Yes but they can't be upgraded, which is what I'm getting at.

I just think it would be dull if the only unit you could upgrade to rape males would be the Lilith.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

Thanx all,
Got the suggestions, Working on them :D
Select unit by cursor should be easy to fix, Not sure if we can make digging tunnel by hold the mouse down,Will try!

super_slicer,Thanx, Yeah, I know you can see the files, But do you really can view the animations by open the swf files? Which player you used?

have any plan to introduce new characters, new monsters( Vampire, Zombie, Werewolf blah blah..), new 3DCG sex scenes even new stories/chapters in the future?:)
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

can someone upload this on megaupload? i'm having trouble with mediafire
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

I was hoping that you can retain the units Trained during previous Levels, Levels Retained. Like having no need to start off with level 1 again, Something Like a Cabertnet Page where the General keeps all his Troops and Converted units to use at any Level. Players will be able to choose which level Mobs to use
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Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

I really like this.
It is very well done.
Cant wait to see what all it has to offer, and if there will be other scenes.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

One thing I run into: the monster's HP doesn't seem to refill between stages.

So I'd have a few half-dead monsters but at high level from beating a stage, then in the torture room I would end up getting some half-dead and low level monsters, which cause me to spend more souls in corrupting people than necessary.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

Thanx guys...Yes we try loop the swf in the first few frames without the game programm. But you guys remind me some players have seek-bar......OMG...So I guess we should put a black mask on top of the animtions, and let the game program hide it when playing....Don't hate me :p

Games Dude:
Sorry, Lilith is the only female monster, but you have turned female warriors can rape men too....

Yes, We will make a big upgrade pack later. A pay pack, around 500 yen. Include more chapters, more monsters and more animations. I think we should add one more female monster, Vampire may be? Zombie and Werewolf is a good idea too, may be they can turn enemies by bite? But that will make the battle too easy... Hum, anyway we should look into it.

Sorry, We think that will make the game too easy, But we will consider account the money base on the monsters and their levels you left in the end.

Thanx, We have 16 chapters in full version.

Really? We will test it and fix it. Thanx!
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

What about censorship? Will we be able to delete it like in PoorSakura Fight! or Customized Girls Fight!?
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

What about censorship? Will we be able to delete it like in PoorSakura Fight! or Customized Girls Fight!?

Sorry,no, We should obey the japan laws.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

There's a bug in the torture chamber where, seemingly, souls will spawn and be invisible. When you put a monster down to go torture someone, it'll pick them up as it walks around. Watching this, the pathing algorithm for the monsters seems wonky too; it'll follow back it's path exactly after picking up those souls; it really shouldn't be backtracking like that, and should recalculate at the end of that path with a new objective square.

I also would like if it could be resized, it's a pain to click out a path on these tiny blocks; they're really small on a 1900x1200 screen. The idea for holding down to dig would be awesome too, but you'd need to crank up the difficulty to compensate for the speed that you'd be able to dig like that.
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Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

would there be any adding of Magics for monsters? They're leveling and don't have any new moves, So I was wondering if every monsters can have one spell for themself,
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

I think I would actually pay for this game if 7th dream submits this product to the English dlsite. Given the amount of the content and possible expansions, I feel like it would be a worthy investment. Unfortunately it sounds like it will be universally censored, but if the English version is uncensored I would lay down the bucks right away.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

I think I would actually pay for this game if 7th dream submits this product to the English dlsite. Given the amount of the content and possible expansions, I feel like it would be a worthy investment. Unfortunately it sounds like it will be universally censored, but if the English version is uncensored I would lay down the bucks right away.

I would too. Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman was one of my favorites; adding hentai in while keeping the mechanics solid is a no brainer.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (NOT YET RELEASED)

If this is on English dlsite its an insta-buy for me, censored or not. So much awesomeness in this game
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