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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

That smile... Bakan was still shaken by how easily she could just smile like that. Still, he tried to smile back. "Good morning... And yes... I did get much needed sleep. Thank you... Thank you for all you've done for me. If only I were as reliable as you, I think I'd be less of a chore for my friends to deal with." Bakan chuckled as he berated himself.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

"Nonsense! I'm sure you're completely reliable! And you owe us no thanks, we're only doing as two decent people ought to do!" Samarta replied cheerfully. Inka climbed slowly out of bed, and the snake woman followed her, accidentally shifting aside the blankets and knocking them to the floor, revealing Bakan's nude form. Both women suddenly froze, their eyes glued to his member as they were clearly under assault by their instincts, Samarta's as a succubus and Inka's as an alraune causing them a brief internal struggle.

(Bakan gained 40 corruption from dem snake woman humpings.)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan chuckled, reaching an arm back to scratch the back of his head. That was the kind of answer he'd give to someone he just saved. The fact that he was being given his own kind of treatment made him feel humble. When Samarta went to move off the bed though, and took the covers with her, Bakan blinked, before seeing his own nude form. He remembered his current state, and looked to the two girls, and saw them staring at his manhood. Their eyes brought on a deep red blush from Bakan, before he made a dive for the covers, and took them quickly with his hands to try and cover his lower half up in them. "C-Clothes, where are my clothes?" he asked nervously.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Watching his penis vanish back beneath the covers, the two women in the room seemed to snap out of the trance that they'd fallen into, Inka blinking repeatedly while Samarta gave her head a quick shake. "Your.... Clothes... Uhhh, right! Yes... Well, the, uhhh, alraune didn't take any of your things with them when they captured you," she said apologetically, and she then dug around on a shelf before pulling out a pair of trousers and a shirt. "But, we found these a while ago... Probably belonged to some other victim, but it's better than walking around the swamp naked. We've still got your shoes lying around too, they didn't take those. Anything else that belonged to you is still out there in the swamp, probably right where they picked you up."

Again, the snake woman smiled apologetically, but then she offered him a bit of hope by saying; "There aren't any scavengers about these days, it's way too dangerous, and maybe it fell somewhere that it wouldn't sink into the bog! We can go look for it before we take you back to the outskirts of the village if you want."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan blushed deep red. Even he would understand what was going on in those women's minds as they saw him naked. The only problem was the fact that Bakan never imagined himself ever to actually be appealing to the opposite sex... But with that in mind, these two had good reasons. Maybe it was only instinctual? The woman back at that town too... They all had reasons beyond rational control. With that in mind, Bakan felt much more at ease. 'I'm still ugly and horrifying, just as I thought. I pity those poor women who had to have sex with me.' Bakan thought to himself. Rather than feel sad at those thoughts, Bakan couldn't have felt happier. Poor Samarta would even have sex with an ugly thing like an ogre, which was, in Bakan's mind, about as ugly as he was. Yes, he could see the comparison easily, if he believed enough.

Dressing himself, Bakan nodded to Samarta and Inka once he was dressed. "Yes... At the very least, I'll need my hammer back. It's value to me goes beyond just a mere tool for battle. It is a most important gift." Bakan announced. "Oh!" he gave a start, before he looked to Inka, and bowed his head. "I don't know if I apologized before, but... I'm really sorry for scaring you last morning... I was ignorant of the situation." he apologized to her sincerely.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = , PP = , EP = , Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Inka blinked and tilted her head at Bakan, her expression slightly sheepish. After a moment the alraune offered him a nod, and then Samarta clapped her hands together and beamed at the two of them. "Wonderful!" she said, "You're all made up! Inka, why don't you get your armor on, and then we can let Bakan here get dressed! We can be off right after breakfast!"

The alraune quickly did just that, donning armor that seemed to be made of leaves and sticks and vines, before the two left and allowed Bakan to dress in his borrowed clothing. After a swift breakfast that consisted entirely of cold foods that seemed to have all been found in the swamp, though it was still quite good, Bakan and his two new companions were able to set off into the swamp. "Do you remember anything about where you were ambushed? If we got you near to the village, could you find your way from there?" Samarta asked of him, looking for a place to start their search.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

After having breakfast, Bakan looked relatively pleased. "Ah, thank you for the food." he said. Then, once they were ready, Bakan thought for a moment. It seemed that he was fairly lost, given how he was taken by the alraune, not to mention he was now at another location he wasn't sure of. "All I can remember honestly is a large rock surrounded by knee deep muddy waters." he said. "After that... I just sorta picked a direction and went with it." he said rather bluntly. "If that doesn't mean anything... Then I suppose we could use the town as a waypoint."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = , PP = , EP = , Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Perception: Success.

"A rock... And a muddy pool... I think I know where that is... Inka, what do you think?" Samarta said, turning to the alraune. Inka gestured with her hands, her tentacle-like fingers forming a number of shapes in order as Samarta nodded, and then the three of them were off. The two didn't seem to think leaving their cottage unattended was going to be a problem, given its depth within the swamp and how little the controlled alraune cared about habitable structures, and so they left without anything to worry about.

They proceeded through the swamp in a twisting, meandering path, led by Inka whom Samarta seemed to have absolute faith in as a guide through the swamps. They didn't get far before the alraune held up a hand for them to stop, however, and gestured ahead with a series of quick hand signals. "Alraune... And pets.... Three of both," the naga said, but then the ululating cry of the monstrous creatures that the alraune cultivated around them rose into the air one at a time, three in total, and a trio of the creatures came bounding out of the underbrush, catlike in agility by charging more like wild wolves as their handlers came forth right behind them, grinning broadly as they spotted Samarta and Bakan.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan thought it strange how they guessed that they could find their way just with that, but he didn't raise any doubts into an open question. He simply decided to follow along behind his guides, an act which didn't last long before they were soon attacked by a familiar sight. "Damn these relentless...!" Bakan growled, before raising his hands up immediately as they charged at Bakan and his new allies. "Get back!" he shouted at the rapidly approaching beasts, before concentrating and forming a shield of light around Samarta, Inka, and himself.

(Bakan makes a Holy Wall for 4+4 EP, for a total of 8 EP, and must pay 4 EP every round while getting a +20 Bonus to his resistance check.)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 77/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 53/54, PP = 67, EP = 57/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan spends some EP to make a protective dome!

Dem plant cat things try to jump through the wall.
Resistance: They do not succeed.
Damage: 4 + 2 = 6 damage.

Samarta, not one to be fucked with lightly, spends some EP to set some bitches on fire! She uses Hellfire Blast for X = 10.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 3 = 4 * 10 = 40 damage.

The alraune die, leaving the feral stalkers to circle the bubble of protection and paw at it helplessly.

Samarta and Inka reacted quickly to Bakan's shout, coming closer to Bakan and staying behind him and thus allowing him to conjure a dome of magical light that easily covered all three of them. The beast-like plant-creatures were not ones to be stopped by any barrier of light, however, and they pounced a few feet before they would have collided into it, forelimbs wide and claws stretching out, ready to tear through flesh.... And then all three were pancaked against the front of Bakan's dome, held back by it easily, before flopping down to the ground in a pile of wildly scrambling limbs.

The alraune, upon seeing this, seemed to rethink their chances and turned to flee, but Samarta suddenly slithered in front of Bakan, a dark gleam in the naga's eyes as they suddenly flashed bright red, power gathering within her. "No.... You will not escape!" she growled, raising a hand to point a single finger at the back of the middle retreating plant woman, and suddenly the fiery energies that Bakan had felt gathering around Samarta lashed out. An orb of invisible energy slowly stretched out, flinging itself across the swamp toward their foes, and Bakan felt a sudden sense of intense wrongness about it as it collided with his spiritual barrier, an expression of his own essence.

Samarta's magic pushed through, leaving an oily black spot in the white for a few moments, and suddenly the three alraune were enveloped in a wave black fire. They screamed, loudly, and took off running into the swamp, each of them diving beneath the surface of the fetid waters only for them to begin to boil. The plant women splashed wildly within the water, their bodies consumed by flames that simply wouldn't go out as their agonized cries grew desperate. One by one they sunk beneath the waters that failed to save them, blessed death releasing them from the hellfire's grasp. The three cat-like plant monsters suddenly went still, and then slowly and calmly righted themselves before sitting down as a normal cat would and looking at Bakan through the barrier in a completely non-hostile manner.

Inka was frowning sadly at Samarta's back, but the naga hadn't moved since she'd unleashed her foul energies. Bakan was able to recognize the power, the very same that the demon known only as The Lady had unleashed upon him, and knew that no learned magics could cause that effect. The black fire had come straight from Samarta's own soul, and as the naga's eyes returned to their normal golden color she lifted the hand that she'd outstretched and examined the tiny burn that now blackened the skin at the tip of her finger.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

That power...

Seeing Samarta use such a power brought back every memory of his facing against the Lady of that wretched tower. Except now, it was under different circumstances. Her power was allowed not to harm, but to touch directly with Bakan's power. To the bright shining pure light that he released, her power left a disgusting stain, yet, when Bakan felt that 'stain' of a sort for a moment... Somehow, as repulsive as it was, Bakan felt extreme discomfort encompass him as he shuddered, feeling as if the darkness of Samarta's soul that touched his own... Was not an alien presence, not unknown to him.

Watching the alraune burn didn't help either. After what they did, and what they most likely planned to do... Bakan couldn't feel pity for them no matter how much he tried. The very moment he started to actually feel happy about watching them burn he quickly looked away. 'What an ugly side of myself...' Bakan thought. Not to say he didn't know that it was always there... He knew full well of the darkness that was within him. Still, he liked to pretend it wasn't there.

Looking to the tame plant beasts, Bakan rose a curious brow. "Are they tame...? Or are they waiting?" Bakan wondered, giving a curious glance to Inka.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 53/54, PP = 67, EP = 57/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Inka tilted her head and nodded, though whether she nodded to his first question or the second Bakan couldn't guess. Samarta quickly supplied; "With the other alraune gone, Inka is the nearest intelligence able to link to them and can thus control them. That won't hold if we end up in another fight with them, so we should just kill them so that they can't hurt anyone else." The naga paused and frowned at the burn on her finger for a moment, but then dropped her arm to her side and added; "...Or, I suppose we could let them go. What do you think?" Inka was frowning sadly, looking at the passive creatures through the barrier of his magical wall of energy.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan lowered his barrier and let out a slight chuckle. "I don't think I should be the one to make that decision." he said. "Inka... You are the most concerned, so I think it's only right that you decide." he nodded to her.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 53/54, PP = 67, EP = 57/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

The plant-cats didn't make a move as Bakan's barrier was lowered, confirming them as not a threat. Inka's eyes widened as Bakan offered her the decision, and then pursed her lips and stared at the creatures for a moment. They rose as one and simply trotted off into the swamp, leaving them be, and then Inka smiled softly. Samarta gave a thoughtful grunt and then nodded, apparently satisfied. "Well, lets be off then," the naga said as she began to slither away, "No sense dallying about!" Inka, and presumably Bakan, followed after her towards where they might find his hammer..... And find it they did.

They moved towards the village, and then doubled back, retracing Bakan's steps. The journey was long and arduous, but with two people that actually knew the swamp it was much easier. Samarta was able to move across and identify sinkholes, deep mud, and quicksand without any trouble, and was incredibly graceful in the water as he found out several times. Inka just seemed to plod over everything, her light structure allowing her to pass over or through dangerous obstacles that would have troubled him far more. Eventually they found the stone and the signs of devastation around it, which caused Samarta's eyes to widen and Inka to wrinkle her nose with displeasure, and from there it was a simple task to find the place where he'd been ambushed and captured. Bakan's backpack, the shreds of his clothes, and his armor were all sitting right where they'd been left.

His hammer lay in the mud, discarded like a useless stick, while six alraune ravished a trio of men on the ground, and a seventh abused a woman. None of the victims were familiar to Bakan, but more weapons were discarded nearby, likely theirs before they'd been captured. Each of the men had an alraune riding him and another sitting on his face, and the woman had tentacles pounding into all three of her holes, stretching them lewdly as blue seed leaked from her holes, her belly already inflated with the seed of the plant women. Inka's eyes were wide, and she'd begun to shiver perceptibly next to Bakan, clutching at him as she watched the scene unfolding before them. Samarta was scowling, her eyes shifting to a bright orange color as she filled with hateful fury. "We have to do something..." she whispered harshly, already preparing her fiery magics.

Three more alraune, these ones with the brown, barky skin that he'd seen before, and two more with an extra collection of tentacles sprouting from their backs walked onto the scene, grinning lewdly. Like the others, they hadn't yet spotted Bakan and his allies, but they were fairly far away from the rest of the group that were raping their victims. Bakan's hammer was between him and the alraune, but it was closer by far to the plant women.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was happy that Inka seemed glad to let the beasts go. "Yes, let's get going." Bakan agreed, before they set off.

He tracked where he had gone, and mentally tried to find his way to where he was previously. But upon finding the scene once more, he experienced some deja vu as he saw all of the victims of the alraune. He grit his teeth, looked to his hammer, and immediately decided what he was going to do. Samarta seemed to wonder what they were going to do. "Give them capital punishment!" Bakan whispered, before suddenly rushing out of cover, heading straight for his hammer, running as fast as his legs would carry him as he shouted.

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 53/54, PP = 67, EP = 51/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Three Alraune shoot pollen at Bakan!
Attacks: Pft, all miss.
Bakan retrieves his hammer and is within melee range of the alraune rapin people! The ones sitting on dudes faces all get up as they shoot yon pollen though.

The 3 dryads and 2 symbiotic alraune approach, but then Samarta chucks a (greater) fireball at them!
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hits 'em all.
Damage: 6 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 15 * 4 = 60 damage, 44 on the Dryads.

The siamese alraune are fried, but the dryads close in one Bakan while the rest of the alraune set aside their broken captives.

Inka casts Entangling Vines!
Casting: Success.
Attack: Yon vines, with their 60 Grapple (48 Body) hit all of the alraune that were sittin on dude-face, grappling them!

Samarta nodded to Bakan's whispered order, but then she and Inka looked horrified as he simply rushed off, shouting his own name aloud and alerting every single alraune to his presence. "Save him!" Samarta commanded a moment later, in the middle of Bakan's shout such that he didn't hear her words. Both she and Inka began to work their magic as the surprised alraune began to react, the ones in the middle of the act dropping their victims and standing up, leaving their broken captives to deal with this strange charging man. Several of them he recognized, being some of those that had abused him while he was their captive. Those that had been sitting on the faces of the men stood, grinning at the sight of their new victim, and one by one each shot a burst of pollen his way as he closed in. The first missed him completely, going between his legs and splashing against the ground. The second sailed inches past his face, nearly striking him but still a miss. Finally, the third sailed over his head as he dove into a slide that ended just as he reached his hammer, taking the dirty but familiar weapon up in both hands once more.

A streak of fire shot out from the bushes just as he was getting back to his feet with his weapon, Samarta unleashing an orb of flame upon the alraune and setting all of them alight. The ones with extra tentacles simply burned like candles, screaming, but the bark-skinned ones dove into the murky, coming out with severe burns on their thick skin but still very much in the fight. Inka must have done some magic of her own as well, as the three alraune that had shot pollen at him were all suddenly wrapped up in vines. Though they unleashed their own tentacles to try and pry themselves free, the three plant women were out of the fight as well, at least for the moment. That left only the four who had discarded their victims - and likely already expended their pollen for the moment - and the three armored ones for Bakan to deal with.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Hammer in hand, Bakan turned back to face the alraune, now with a big grin on his face with his handheld companion joined with him once more. "It's HAMMER TIME!!!" he shouted in a rage towards his rapists. "Come to me, my scruffy friends!" he called out suddenly, lifting his hammer over his head to summon five of his Gruff friends!

(Bakan pays 15 EP to summon five gruffs.)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 58/85, Status = Fine, Grappled

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 53/54, PP = 67, EP = 47/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan summons 5 gruffs! STEPHANO RETURNSSSSS! And with him come Jeff the berserker, Garakaius the blademaster, Ogg the shield fighter, and introducing.... BILLY!!!!! He, like Staphano, is just a regular gruff.

Samarta casts flaming sphere at one of the alraune that's getting up!
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 4 + 8 + 2 = 17 * 3 = 51 damage. One alraune down!

Inka's vines try to put one into a submission hold while the alraune try to break free!
Grapple 1: An alraune breaks free rather than be put into a submission hold!
Grapple 2: Vines win.
Grapple 3: Vines win.

Inka herself just kinda derps there.

The three alraune that got off of victims and are still alive each try to grab a gruff! Garakaius, Ogg, and Stephano are all targeted.
Attacks: All are hit and grappled!

The three dryads approach, and two attempt to grapple Bakan while the third goes for Jeff!
Attacks: Both hit. Bakan and Jeff are grappled!

Five gruffs flashed into existence suddenly at Bakan's call, "Hey Bakan, bro, how yah been!?" Jeff the gruff called excitedly, Garakaius, Ogg, and Stephano all appearing with him, but unfortunately there wasn't much time to catch up. The alraune rushed them immediately, tendrils waving, and within seconds each and every one of them (including Bakan himself) had tendrils wrapping around their waists and limbs, trying to bind them in place.... All save for a gruff that Bakan didn't precisely recognize, who escaped being grabbed thanks to Samarta, who shot an orb of fire at the alraune that went for him from her safe position over in the bushes. The alraune that had been captured by vines all squired, and one managed to get free as the bundle of mobile vines attempted to bind her further, but the other two were now quite thoroughly stuck in the vines.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan thought he would be able to turn the tides with the aid of his friends. As the tentacles wrapped around him and everyone else, that turned out to be a different story. "Again!?" Bakan exclaimed, before squirming angrily, trying to bite down on one of the tentacles holding him. "LET ME GO!" he demanded. "If you don't stop, you're going to regret this!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 116/120, PP = 41/45, EP = 58/85, Status = Fine, Grappled

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 53/54, PP = 67, EP = 47/67, Status = Fine
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan tries to squirm away!
Grapple: Enemy wins, his pants are taken down, and one starts sucking on him.
Pleasure: 1 + 2 + 6 + 17 + 4 - 26 = 4 PP damage.
Resist Pleasure Damage: 2 + 2 = 4 damage.

Samarta casts flaming sphere at the alraune attacking Stephano.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 8 + 2 = 13 * 3 = 39 damage. Not enough to kill it.

Inka's vines try to put one into a submission hold while the alraune try to break free!
Grapple 1: Vines win. Alraune is put into a submission hold.
Grapple 2: Vines win.

Inka herself just kinda derps there some more.

The three alraune holding gruffs try to entangle another gruff with tentacles. Jeff rages, the other two just try to get out.
Grapple (Jeff) : Alraune wins.
Grapple (Ogg) : Alraune wins.
Grapple (Garakaius) : Alraune wins.
Each of them is grappling with another gruff, making them grappled by 2 alraune each, but only about to be humped by one apiece.

The two dryads already had their turn, the one on Jeff tries to hump him.
Grapple: Alraune wins 'em all.
Pleasure (Jeff) : 1 + 1 + 3 + 25 - 8 = 22 pleasure.
Pleasure (Dryad) : 5 + 5 + 10 = 20 pleasure.

Billy attacks the dryad trying to fuck Jeff.
Attack: Miss.

The freed alraune tries to grab him.
Attack: Hit. Billy is grappled.

"Not a chance~" the bark-skinned alraune replied in unison, and when he bit one of the tentacles wrapping around him he felt it pull away, and it was replaced suddenly by the alraune's soft lips, pressing against his hungrily as her tongue flicked out. His pants were tugged down suddenly, and he felt the other alraune that had grabbed him kneel down and start licking and kissing his member, causing it to stiffen rapidly. Billy the gruff suddenly rushed in, but the alraune kissing him didn't even look at the faerie as she raised an arm, her heavy bark-like limb stopping the gruff in his tracks. Another alraune came forth and grabbed him, likely preparing to do the same to him, while the other alraune now had their captive gruffs thoroughly entangled, and the one on Jeff had laid him onto the ground and taken him inside despite his enraged squirming, her finely shaped brown bottom bouncing as the gruff's thick shaft vanished into her body. Things were not going well....