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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"With what?" Calivex demanded, "what caused these mutations to begin? The effects of the infusion of magic into a body can be regulated to a small degree by subconscious desire, but it is rare to see ones that are truly shaped to the wishes of their wielder. You say your mother is an angel... Am I to assume that you were adopted when you were very young?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

With what... Bakan blushed a deep red as Bakan realized this woman was actually asking him for a history of who he had sex with. Do social boundaries mean nothing to her? This was honestly way too personal of a question. "L-look, I don't think most people would be happy about having someone they had sex with go about and tell others about it... It's kind of private information, you know?" he tried to dissuade her. "If you really wanted to know, I'd have to see if it was okay with them for you to know. But aside from that... Yes, I was adopted. I was very weak until my mother and father found me, even by a child's standards... I have a little brother you see, and I had promised to protect him..."

Bakan went silent. Mental images of his real mother and father's head rolling in front of his eyes flashed. The men responsible came into view. Cali would witness Bakan's wings threatening to turn black from the base. As if those men were really right in front of him, Bakan felt a rage boiling up, a desire to try and prove himself... But not only just the rage, fear as well began consuming him. The sight was familiar in the sheer difference in their sizes. No matter how Bakan changed his body, even if he truly did become powerful, there would be no changing that memory of weakness. Bakan shook his head, a black kind of spreading void-like corruption that was seeping from the edges of his eyes, threatening to consume the rest, retreated back, and so did the black colored wings from the base, leaving his wings white once more. 'I wish I could have killed them.' was a faint thought in the back of his mind.

Looking normal once more, Bakan sighed and glanced to Cali. "That is a topic I'd rather avoid." Bakan stated firmly. "Desperately so... But to properly answer your question as best I can, I was raised by that angel before I set out on my own."

"I have to find a way home... But at the same time, I'm so scared of returning to where I was born, that I want to throw up."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"Ahhh, so you've had sex with one of them then?" Calivex retorted, and glanced between Samarta and Inka. The latter blushed, but Samarta merely glared back at the horned woman, and she glanced back at Bakan as he mentioned that he had a little brother and, after he'd trailed off, said; "Both of them then! Interesting.... I suspected the naga given her need for energy, but the alraune was a coin toss. Interesting."

As she witnessed his wings turning black, her head would tilt curiously, and she would glance from them to his face and back repeatedly, up until he shook the dark memories and his wings returned to normal. "Interesting... Very interesting. But likely not exploitable for anything that I could use, unfortunately. Still... You say you wish to return home? Home to where? Are you not from Heloras? There are no humans but captured slaves on Arlos, so does that mean that you came from Londorien originally? Or were you born as a slave on Arlos and wish to return there to free your family, perhaps? Maybe your brother?"

Calivex wasn't the only one who looked interested at that point, as the entire table appeared curious at the answer to that particular question.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

So many names thrown at him at once... Bakan wasn't knowledgeable much in the names of the world, but he'd at least know where he came from. He shook his head at all of those names, and even more at her questioning at his family's situation. "No... None of those places sound familiar. And certainly my family were not slaves! We were just humble folk living in a forest. It's very vague... I was young, but I recall men in armor decorated with the symbol of the sun on silver chestplates. They were accusing my parents of something... Before they executed them." Bakan said slowly, causing his wings to turn a tint of blue. "I ran... Into some strange occult camp, and some odd gateway was there. I was sure I was being chased, so I ran through it. On the other side, that's when my adoptive mother and father found me." he stated, before humming. "The name... I'm trying to think of the land I was from." Bakan grunted angrily at his inability to recall the past, before it came to him in vague pieces.

"Zippan... agu?" Bakan guessed. "A place near mountains, where my brother and I used to play together. I recall my natural mother and father telling us not to go too far, in fear of monsters."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Confused but still interested, Calivex quirked an eyebrow first at Bakan's description of the symbol worn by those who had killed his parents, and again under the circumstances under which he had entered this world, and a third time when he tried to pronounce the name of his home region. Thus, by the time he was done, her eyebrows were raised high to the point that they might have vanished into her black hair if her horns weren't partially obstructing them. "I have never heard of such a place.... Nor that symbol. The closest to it that I can think of is the sigil of the Church of the Star God, but they prefer gold to silver and tend to make theirs more like the stars in the night sky than the sun. Interesting..."

After she trailed off, Bielaxis raised a question of her own; "You came through a gateway? You mean like a Gate of Darkness? Surely you aren't from Hell.... Does that mean you came from some other world?" She sounded oddly hopeful, but if Bakan didn't answer quickly, or after he was finished if he did and when more questions started popping up in the expressions of those around him, Darian would speak up on his behalf; "That's enough questions about the man's past! He's had a rough time of it, no need to be prying into him like that." Turning his full attention to Bakan as the rest of the table went quiet, and he continued; "Sorry about little Cali, she's not really great with people. What are your plans now, if I may ask? We're headed East and then North into the Pass, you're free to stick around us if you happen to be going in the same direction."

Bakan would know that his destination, Cheydin, was to the West of the Pass of Ghosts to which Darian was no doubt referring, meaning that they were going in the opposite direction. He would be going through the same region that Cory and Rhep would most likely be taking if they traveled back into Badaria by foot, however.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan never really thought about it, but the idea that it was true, that he was from another world, was a rather big deal. That would mean finding Idian would become infinitely more difficult. Bakan idly thought that Ashloriel might learn something eventually, or that he might recognize a location and try to follow his brother's breadcrumbs as it were, but things were different granted he had to jump to another world. How the hell was he even supposed to do that? He was certain that finding that portal at just that moment was an impossibly rare fluke, as there weren't any other portals like it just lying around that he had seen. Suddenly, Bakan's wings turned deep blue as he felt crushing defeat. He could only wonder one thing as he sat at the table.

What the hell was the point of him wondering around aimlessly for all that time for!? Through demon invasions, gray invasions, and even being the cause of the destruction of an entire demon tower. He kept thinking he was getting one step closer to Idian, but in all actuality he was just wondering about like a god damn fool!

He wouldn't answer Bi's question before Darian pulled the others off from him, he was too busy allowing his face to fall against the table. Of course he was from another world. It was something rather obvious given the nature of that gate. He only considered the purpose of that gate until that point, and he felt like an outrageous idiot, which he arguably was. "I'm the worst brother in the world." Bakan said after a moment following his face kissing the table. "Or... the worst brother in the universe... Or the other world... Or whatever is here or there." he sighed, before lifting his head up, showing his red face to the others. He looked ready to cry. "How the hell am I going to find Idian now, if he's across some dimensional gate!?" he exclaimed to no one in particular while putting his hands to his hair and pulling his short brown hair in frustration, threatening to pull it out. "Just once... JUST FUCKING ONCE I'D LIKE TO HEAR GOOD NEWS!" he shouted in frustration.

Then he'd remember he had company. And they were staring at him. "... Sorry." he apologized. "I'm really reaching my wit's end. I think the safety of my friends I sent away is the last thing that will make me snap. If there's any mercy in this world, they'll be alright..." Bakan said with a look of desperation on his face.

"I think we can both agree that I'm not exactly the kind of person you'd want to keep around, plus, I don't trust myself anymore. I'm heading to Cheydin, because I hope I'll reunite with my friends there..." Bakan announced, looking rather frightened that they won't arrive. "That means I'm headed West, if I'm remembering correctly."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan's proclamation about being the worst brother in the world, serious as it was, earned him a pat on the shoulder from both Calivex and Samarta. The naga seemed about to speak, but Cali beat her to the bunch by saying; "There there deary... Don't say that! You're not the worst brother in the world!" She paused a moment after her words, and Bakan would be unable to miss the snicker in her voice as she added; "I believe the correct way to say it would be that you're the worst brother in TWO worlds!" Darian quickly reprimanded her; "Cali! You're not helping!"

Bakan's following exclamations, rising in anger until he shouted and brought the annoyed attention of the whole bar upon them once again, but it faded gradually with nothing more dire than a few mutterings from the other patrons and the staff while his companions accepted his apology immediately. "It's alright... I imagine I'd feel pretty disheartened if I were in your place too," Samarta said, to which Darian nodded and added; "I've been there before, or somewhere similar. You'll pull through it, if your friends are capable I'm sure they're just fine."

Shaking his head as Bakan explained his direction and deprecated himself in the same breath, the other man said; "Nonsense! Another hammer is always helpful, as they say in the mason's guilds, but it looks like you're going in the opposite direction anyway. I'd offer to walk with you there, but we've got our own business to handle in the North that would be best done quickly I'm afraid." Bi quickly added; "I'm sure we'll meet again someday though, and I hope that you find a balm for your troubles soon." It was then that the elven woman, who had been mostly silent up until then, opted to speak; "Indeed... You may not have made the best impression, but after your explanations I believe you may be forgiven for that, particularly after your patience with Calivex." The dark-garbed and horned woman rolled her eyes, but then she opted to say; "Don't mind my teasing deary, I've not been graced with much sociability. My kind rarely are, you see~" Finally, Sylvia smiled reassuringly at Bakan and said; "You have good friends with you, Ser Jeru. If a person can be judged by the company that they attract, I would say that you can't be all bad, and for what it's worth I agree with my brother. Whatever troubles you face, I'm sure that you'll be up to the task!"

Their meal finished and the day just starting, it seemed that the group was packing up. Darian went off to pay their bill, and then he and his entourage of companions said their goodbyes and left unless Bakan wished to make some other inquiry of them. Samarta and Inka looked ready to do the same, the unfriendly gazes leveled at them by many of the human pub patrons producing an unwelcoming atmosphere now that Darian and his crew were no longer present to shield them from it.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Cali delivered an emotional fatal blow. Being the worst brother in two worlds, a double bad brother. Even by the color of his wings, she would be able to tell that she had great effect on him. But then, everyone seemed to chip in to comfort him. It was painful to be the one clearly being looked after, it only made what Alena said stab deeper. He'd be getting nowhere fast towards fulfilling his promise to her if he spent all his time being tended to. Unfortunately though, he could summon no will to do anything but be treated to their pity and sympathy. It didn't last too long, before Darian made a point. Cory and Rhep weren't defenseless. By all rights they should make the trip if they set out to do it, after all they were smarter than him. Surely they'd avoid any misfortune... Surely... Surely... Surely... Surely...

No matter how many times he tried to brainwash himself, he just couldn't rid himself of the worry. He was paranoid out of his mind. He wished he could find them at all times and know if they were okay or not. Bakan would sigh as everyone gave their good wishes, until he looked up when they mentioned him putting up with Calivex. He looked genuinely confused, so much so that his wings slowly returned to normal as his normal state of mind took place. "Patience? I don't quite understand. She seemed fine to me this entire time." he said honestly, before looking to Cali. "You don't seem like a bad person at all. At worst you were just saying what I was thinking, so you really didn't do anything. I should be the one apologizing." He announced, lowering his head to Cali. "Since you looked quite annoyed with me when I first sat down... I'm sorry." he apologized sincerely.

What may perhaps come as a surprise was that Sylvia's words actually hit harder than Cali's. Told that he could face whatever challenge ahead, he simply looked back to his defeats in that jungle and collapsed his upper body at the table. It was like telling someone permanently blind that they'll be able to see again one day. It was such a nice thing to say, and yet it walked hand in hand with the truth, which dug deep. After another recovery from negativity, Bakan would look up at Darian and his group, waving them goodbye. "Sorry for taking up your time... I hope that if we meet again, I'll be much more reliable than I am now." Bakan said hopefully.

Once they were gone, he'd look to Samarta and Inka. "I, uh... Guess we should be off." Bakan announced to Samarta and Inka. He was observant enough to know that his presence wasn't wanted.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

To say that Bakan's confusion at Darian apologizing on her behalf and then her own explanation of it confused the woman in turn was a bit of an understatement. Her perplexed expression only grew more intense as he proceeded to consider her not a bad person, and when he said that he should be the one apologizing she looked absolutely flabergasted. "Errr.... Well... Alright then. I, ahhh, forgive you.... I guess," she said confusedly, and her discomfort seemed to amuse Bielaxis greatly.

Moments later, Bakan's despairing reaction to Sylvia's words seemed to mortify her, but the woman seemed to have no way of figuring out what may have set him off about her statement. All she could do was give him an apologetic look for offending him while the others all looked mildly confused as to why her efforts to reassure him might have failed so spectacularly. His dour hope after they parted ways only caused them to frown all the harder, but at that point they seemingly didn't know what else to do and simply wished him, Samarta, and Inka good luck and safe travels before going on their way.

Once the strange group was gone and the glaring had begun again, Samarta shot the other tavern patrons an annoyed glare before looking Bakan's way and saying; "Yes, I think that might be best." Inka nodded, and the nage straightened while Inka climbed out from behind her seat. Leaving the tavern, they spotted Darian and his crew walking down the road in the direction they had come, and unless Bakan spontaneously changed his mind they would start off in the opposite direction.

The next few hours were relatively uneventful, to say the least. Nothing more dangerous than a raccoon was to be encountered along the way, but as night began to fall on the road across Badaria it was generally agreed upon that it might be best to set up camp for the night. Inka managed to find some wild pears to supplement their fairly boring rations, but other than that it looked to be a very uninteresting night of bland food and little of note. Samarta looked ready to go to sleep by the fire fairly quickly, lying out on the ground with the lower portion of her tail curled, most of her quite near to their camp fire. It was how she usually slept when not doing so with Bakan, close to the fire but on the ground with her only pillow being her hands, but she never complained of it in the morning, though if the night got particularly cold after the fire burned down she would usually be difficult to rouse. Inka, on the other hand, looked ready to stay up for a while as she poked at the fire with a stick, the mute alraune occasionally glancing at him to offer a reassuring and friendly smile before turning her gaze back to the fire.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Twas a relief that they managed to leave the town without any further trouble. Hopefully the townsfolk were equally glad he was gone, and wouldn't seek any hostilities from the leaving trio. Bakan went about their travels casually, keeping a casual pace that didn't seem too bothered by his armor. He'd grown so used to it that it was like a second skin to him, mind when he would sleep of course.

But then, he saw a raccoon again, which caused Bakan to blink at the sight. "Is that... The same raccoon?" he wondered. It made him feel awkward, because it was always Idian who was good with animals. He wondered if the raccoon was following him because he gave it food, and was looking for some more. If he stopped feeding it, would it go away? He wondered about that, but somehow the idea of going through with it sounded a bit mean. However, it did give him some food after he gave it some... Wait, do raccoons normally do that? Bakan wondered about how normal that was... Well, maybe it was just a really smart and nice raccoon.

So, he decided. The following night, he'd check around camp to see if the raccoon was really following them. As a sign of peace, he'd hold one of the pears Inka collected in his hands. Once spotted, Bakan would place the pear on the ground before the raccoon, and step away. Chasing it before led to the little thing becoming terrified, so Bakan thought to keep his distance from it. Regardless of what it did, if it was even there, if it accepted the pear or ran off, Bakan would be unable to help but comment. "You're a strange little guy."

If nothing else happened as a result of all that, Bakan would seek his bed and go to sleep.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Whether it was the same raccoon or not was impossible to tell, but such a creature did indeed creep into camp that night while Inka and Samarta slept. Upon seeing Bakan it looked prepared to bolt, but after he placed the pear down and stepped away it cautiously approached. The tiny creature paused momentarily as it came close to the fruit, sniffing at it, but after doing so and again glancing at Bakan it grabbed the pear in its paws and ran to the edge of the light, where it stopped and promptly started devouring the offering. Once the pear was eaten nearly down to the core, the raccoon abandoned it and glanced at Bakan before running off into the darkness, unsurprisingly offering no reply to his words to it.

Before he could go to sleep, however, the creature appeared once more, running right up to the campfire where he sat and holding up a walnut to him as if offering it. If he took it, the creature would hurriedly scamper off into the darkness once again, and would not be seen again that night. Thankfully, nothing else arose to bother them, and when Bakan and his companions arose and broke camp the next day they were all relatively refreshed. The leaves on the trees in this region, elevated at the feet of the mountains bordering Crolia, had already begun changing color to their autumn shades, and despite the cold Samarta and Inka found it a fairly relaxing trip.

"I missed the sight of the leaves changing color on vibrant trees like this!" Samarta would say as they journeyed on that day, "the trees in that swamp were all either sickly or covered in needles instead of leaves. Its been over a year since I got to see the leaves change properly, I'd almost forgotten that it was so beautiful!"

Their journey was, again, uneventful save for a single raccoon sighting, at least until it once again reached the hour where they began looking for a proper place to camp. The waystations along this road were unkept and unsuitable for travelers, the last one having been caved in by some mishap or another, so it would likely be another night of roughing it... Until, suddenly and out of nowhere, a satyr stepped out onto the road ahead of them and hailed them with a smile on his face; "Ho friends! I sense yhe touch of the fae upon you... Or two of you, at least! The Lady of these woods has sent me to invite you to a feast, and safe lodgings for the night! Would you permit me to lead you to her?" The satyr was unarmed, his right hand raised in a friendly wave, but Samarta looked a little wary and Inka looked surprised, though that expression quickly faded to one of curiosity. She glanced at Bakan, awaiting his thoughts, and Samarta spoke up; "I see no problem with accepting such hospitality... So long as it is offered freely and without expectation of a specific favor in turn, and that yourself and your Lady are willing to swear that no trickery will be used against us in any capacity."

The satyr was apparently unperturbed by her wariness, as he merely chuckled and nodded. "Of course milady!" he said brightly, "I offer my word that neither trickery nor violence shall be used against thee, and that no entrapment is intended by our offer of hospitality! If my Lady is unwilling to repeat my oath - though I am quite sure that she will - I will gladly lead you back to this very spot, no harm having come to you!" He bowed and waited, and Samarta seemed satisfied and turned her gaze to Bakan as well, waiting to see what he thought of this.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Another simple trade... Bakan wasn't sure why he was hoping for a different result, but when he received the walnut in trade for the pear, he simply pocketed the walnut with a sigh. The next time the raccoon would appear, he'd see about getting more food, though instead of leaving it there for the raccoon to collect, Bakan would try to encourage the raccoon to come closer. "I wonder if you'll let me pet you..." Bakan said openly when viewing the raccoon.

Whether the raccoon would be convinced to let itself be pet or not, Bakan would either be happy or sad. Either way it'd likely escape with the food. Focusing instead on the change of scenery, Bakan too would feel relaxed. It certainly was calming when he had enough on his mind already. "It certainly feels nice to be in the gentle cool air and see the autumn leaves. Though, aren't you two of a disposition to hate cold weather?" He wondered, his companions being a snake and plant. No matter what they answered, a satyr jumped out before Bakan might be able to reply back, or before they could even reply perhaps. Bakan scratched his nose at the satyr's offer. "Hmm..." he hummed. He had to wonder why a Lady Fae was calling seemingly random people to her. The satyr didn't seem to know at all who they were, so was he just wondering around to throw random invites at strangers?

The satyr would offer his word that there were no tricks nor violence planned, and Bakan would feel content with that. When it came to satyrs and gruffs, he felt like they were a trustworthy bunch when they gave their word. "Well, a feast sounds good!" Bakan announced with a grin. If there was plenty of food just laying around, then it might be harder to notice him eating as much as he's known to do. Though, he remembered something just then. "Oh, do you know anyone that's good with animals?" he asked the satyr. "There's a nice raccoon who's been following me, and he will want some food too, though I suspect if we go into a large group of people, he'll get scared." he nodded, before readying himself to follow the satyr.

"By the way, my name's Bakan Jeru. Nice to meet you!" he said with a bow.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

The raccoon did not reappear that night after offering Bakan the walnut, and thus his plans to try and pet the small creature were left to stew for a while.

"We can handle it," Samarta said dismissively when he brought up the issues that the naga and the alraune might have with the cold, "some warmer clothes might be a good buy if we can find some way to earn some coin for when it starts to get even colder, but for now we can handle it. The winter got pretty cold in that swamp, but we managed to survive through it." Inka nodded, and both seemed content to leave the matter at that before the satyr suddenly jumped out.

"Of course," the satyr responded to Bakan's initial question, his smile momentarily broadening with mirth, and then Bakan's statement about the raccoon didn't seem to surprise or confuse him in the slightest. "Of course, good sir!" he replied gleefully, "if your woodland friend appears, they shall of course be welcomed."

Bowing again, the satyr continued; "Tis a pleasure to meet you, Bakan Jeru! Our glade is a ways off the road, but the journey is easy and may be made swiftly. If you would follow me..." And then, assuming that Bakan raised no objection just as his two female companions did, they would be on their way through the woods. True to the words of the satyr, the going along the path that he followed was easy and they encountered no obstacles, the single body of water that they passed being nothing more than a small stream that was spanned by a narrow but sturdy wooden bridge bridge.

When they passed over it, the difference was as clear as the difference between day and night, as Bakan, Samarta, and Inka found the air warmer, the sun brighter as lines of light pierced through the healthier canopy of leaves, which had turned to autumn colors as well but in far more vibrant and varied colors. If Bakan looked up into the trees long enough, he would realize that they formed more than a canopy, but a mural, built in a wide but subtle range of green and red, orange and gold, and depicting the scenes of what he could recognize even in such abstract paintings of the fair folk. Images of knights in armor of shining gold at tourney, and of lords and ladies of every shape and size at banquet appeared for a few seconds at a time only to vanish, leaving Bakan to wonder whether or not they were really there at all, as he could never get the same one to reappear despite any attempts to stop and look at one. It wasn't as if the trees were moving much either, as the occasional bursts of soft, comforting breeze that were the only wind barely caused the leaves to stir.

A short ways into the faerie woods Bakan began to hear a song, the words and the instruments used to create the tune impossible to truly to discern but heartfelt and moving nonetheless. It was a serenade to life, and to the things that made it worth living, and even to Bakan's weary heart it would be a balm unlike anything that anyone save perhaps Ashloriel might have provided. The song was quiet at first, so quiet that it might have been imagined entirely, but the closer they drew to the faerie gathering that was their eventual destination the louder and more pronounced it became. That wasn't to say that it was coming from ahead of them, however, as the joyous song seemed to come from all around them. Lights began to appear in the trees around them, glowing motes of color that shifted softly between the leaves to cast them in new and interesting shades, the images that appeared becoming more detailed as the lights grew brighter and more common.

And then, after leaving the road only ten minutes prior, Bakan and his companions emerged from the enchanted woods and into a wide glade, its contents veiled from all perception before he entered just as the outer edge of the faerie realm had been. Before him was a gathering of hundreds of faeries, seated (or standing depending on anatomy) at table after table as they spread out into the glade. Goatkin and kobolds sat together around the lower tables and laughed boisterously together, trolls and nymphs sat ahead of them at the larger tables, the former huge and grim while the latter sat and laughed lightly, some even throwing appreciative looks towards Bakan as he entered. Great white fluffy spiders sat among the trees, looking down on the festivities from webs adorned with glowing moats of light that Bakan would realize were the lesser members of the fey, the members of fairykind. At the very head of the table sat what were unmistakably the sidhe, the voices and rich laughter drifted forth from those tables producing the sweetest music imaginable, the sheer beauty of looking towards them hypnotic in and of itself. Not so hypnotic, however, that Bakan didn't notice the others among them, a group of men who were all apparently human for one, as well as an angel, and finally a woman who was unlike anything that Bakan had ever seen before, her entirely unclothed body toned with muscle and emanating raw power the like of which he had only ever witnessed in the form of an enraged dragon before. The strange woman sported feathered wings like those of an angel, but unlike the pure white that he was used to they were dark brown, and her bare skin was an alluring bronzed color, while the thick hair sprouting from her head was a dirty blond mixed with a light brown that was very leonin in appearance.

"Welcome friends.... To our feast!" their guide said with another bow, and then added; "If you would be so kind, it is proper for guests to introduce themselves to the Lady." He gestured in a grandiose manner, and at the head table sat a woman enshrined in an oaken throne, her skin a deep pale blue like the sea and her dress a deep midnight blue covered in shining star-like diamonds. She glanced at him, emerald eyes gleaming even from there, before similarly looking over Samarta and Inka as they surveyed the scene before them with eyes of wonder, though the naga seemed somewhat less awed than Inka did.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

It was good to hear that Samarta continued to show great toughness. Bakan wondered about what Darian said, before thinking that it was fine if he let himself relax and depend on her. It wasn't easy, but he could do it. So, Bakan spent more time closer to Inka and Samarta than before, feeling calmer near them, even as they followed the satyr. He had to wonder if this kind of thing was normal. The satyr did seem to pop out and wish to guide them back to this place. Why wasn't he there to begin with? There seemed to be no inquiry as to Bakan's disposition either. He wasn't worried at all if he was dangerous? Moreover, he was being taken straight to his leader. If Bakan was a bad person, he might even just try to kill her, maybe. He wondered if the lack of caution came from confidence or something else. Or maybe it was the presence of Inka? Her existence was a mysterious one, and perhaps she spoke with some other alraune nearby and confirmed their intentions?

Bakan wasn't sure either way, but he was sure that he was being led to some place grand. This assurance was made stronger when Bakan looked up upon feeling the comforting heat. That was when he saw it. To the satyr and his comrades, Bakan made a noise that may cause surprise among them all as he shouted with surprise, "Woah!" while observing the sights above. "That's crazy! You'd never expect to see something so beautiful in the leaves!" he exclaimed, looking like a boy filled with wonder while exploring something out of a dream. The distraught expression he seemed to carry often was gone as he was taken in with the mystical nature of this new place. He watched this display, before being overtaken by the song. The wondrous nature of this place helped melt the ice around his heart and allow the music to mend it. With that, Bakan's excitement would melt as he simply remained content to look up at the ever changing leaves in wonder.

The music was calming indeed... He had to wonder if the song wasn't made just for him given the way it resonated with his pain and cast it away. It helped to mend the most recent wounds, but the gouge in his heart that was the most ancient would not be swayed by this music. It was much apart of him as his arms and legs. That most ancient trauma... Even a magical song would not be able to cure that. Perhaps cover it up, but not remove it. Still, the most recent issues were made victim. This serenade of life washed through him, and left Bakan with a genuine smile on his face. He carried this smile until he shuddered, goosebumps crawling all over his skin in a wave that felt like release from his worries. With this sensation, he stepped into the glade, and was surprised that his surroundings suddenly changed. This place was right in front of his face and he didn't notice it until he was on top of it. That would show enough caution to answer Bakan's earlier questions, on top of the fact that there seemed to be so many people here. With just the three of them, even if they were strong, trying to take on all of this would be suicide. That left Bakan without much to think about. This whole place just seemed like a happy place for everyone to simply be. Bakan found himself getting sucked into the atmosphere rather easily.

He noticed the nymphs looking at him. Bakan wondered why in a display of him being yet again quite dense as he looked down at himself. He'd recall then that he had such menacing looking armor on. His red breastplate with blue lining, and black gauntlets and greaves with red lining all made him look like someone who meant bad news. Still, he couldn't help but silently defend his armor style. He liked how menacing it looked... If only because he thought it looked cool.

He'd look to the rest of the sights to see, and saw the sidhe. They were so beautiful that Bakan found himself looking away in shame. Unable to help but feel excited at the sight of them. Despite their attractive and musical nature, Bakan's eyes were drawn by the aura of power, and fixed on a brown skinned beauty. Her aura might rationally warrant a sense of caution. Natural instincts might tell one to not anger this person. Don't stare. Don't draw their attention to yourself. Yet, Bakan simply had all those cautions bounce off of his thoughts. Of all the women he'd seen, this one seems the least likely in need of protection. Still... He felt himself drawn by her power.

The satyr broke Bakan's concentration as he mentioned it'd be polite for him to introduce himself. Bakan fumbled with his mouth a bit, flushing with shame, before doing something perhaps embarrassing. He quickly made a bow, and said, "G-greetings... L-lady... My name is Bakan Jeru..." he announced. The person he directed it to might draw amusement, or possibly malice, as Bakan was giving his greetings to the brown skinned winged woman instead of the blue woman in a dress. Likely he'd be alerted of his foolishness, and would repeat his words, albeit twice as fast, to the blue skinned Lady of the glade, while his face was blood red, flustered over his embarrassing fumble.

'Damn it! If I wasn't so fascinated by her...! Crap! Inka and Samarta are likely furious with me now!' Bakan thought, ashamed of himself.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"These are faerie woods," Samarta remarked dryly as they passed, though she too seemed captivated by the images created by the flowing leaves that passed overhead. "That's only the tip of the iceberg where beauty is concerned, so you'd better be ready for more sights like that!" she added warningly after a moment. Ashloriel had taken him to faerie groves before, where gruffs and satyrs and occasionally nymphs would help train him in combat, but never before had Bakan been taken to such a grove as this one, where a gathering was occurring.

When prompted to introduce himself, the flustered man was left to make his mistake, to which those around him chuckled without allowing Bakan to feel as if any of them were making fun of him as he moved first to the bronzed beauty who sat in the table beside the head one, within easy earshot of the actual Lady of this particular glade. The winged woman herself quirked an eyebrow and grinned at him, replying in a voice that was deeper than he might have expected and lacking in the musical grace of the fae, replaced instead by a primordial resonance that again reminded Bakan with the roar of a dragon despite the quiet purr in which she spoke; "Well hello there~ If you're looking for the Lady of the glade, I'm afraid you're at the wrong table... But if you'd like to correct yourself, you can just call me Mistress instead~"

She pointed behind Bakan as she spoke, indicating the woman that he had been supposed to address, who was then looking at him with an amused smile. When he opted to introduce himself again, properly this time, she smiled and returned the bow from her seated position with the utmost grace. As he turned his attentions toward her, Bakan would realize that the Lady of the Glade was possessed of awe inspiring power all her own, comparable in quantity to the dark Lady of the tower that had nearly killed him with a single blast, but far more wholesome and far more subtle. Where the Dark Lady and the bronzed woman that he had initially addressed were both obviously powerful engines of death and destruction, the presence created by the sidhe woman was one of preservation and growth, the same sort of power that could create the beautiful sights and sounds that had so eased Bakan's mind, and in her reserved but still undeniably alluring gown Bakan would find it difficult to look away from her once he was in her presence.

"Greetings, Bakan Jeru, and be welcome in my home!" she replied jovially, the lyrical tones of her voice more pronounced even than those possessed by the rest of her kind. Hearing her speak, everything else around him would briefly become nothing more than background noise, and she would continue; "It would be my pleasure if you and your companions would join my feast, held in celebration of the turning of the seasons!" She turned then to Samarta and Inka, the former of whom bowed low while the latter dipped just slightly and blushed, obviously unsure of how to properly handle herself in such a situation. "Greetings milady~ My name is Samarta, and this is Inka. We would be glad to accept your hospitality freely given, as your emissary has promised," the naga replied respectfully, to which the Lady nodded and replied; "Of course! Beyond the normal expectation of courtesy, we would make no demands upon a gust here. Be at ease." Samarta nodded and seemed satisfied, leaving Bakan to speak or move away to join a table of his choosing, the other non-faerie guests being seated at the head tables with the sidhe, though Bakan might choose to sit elsewhere if he wanted to.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

That reminded him. Bakan wondered how Ashloriel was doing. He often worried for her safety, and always came to him to douse his worries. Yes, it had only been a few days since he last saw her, but each day felt like forever. His presence of mind felt a lot more loose than before, which was as scary as it was interesting and unrestricting. With a smile, he held an image of Ashloriel in his heart, and whispered the first three words that came to mind as he pictured her smile.

"I miss you."

Letting himself drown a bit in thoughts of Ashloriel, Bakan began to feel rather giddy. Thus far, Ashloriel hasn't had a very prominent position in his mind due to all else that's going on. He has a relationship with Cory now... Or maybe he doesn't. It might be waiting to explode when they meet again. That was a scary thought, and all he could think of to do was get on his knees and plead for forgiveness, and that's just to start. He'd have to try really hard to make it up to them after all that.

Back to the Glade, Bakan would feel his ears rumble from the powerful purr in which the winged woman spoke. She was clearly powerful, sounded inhuman, and looked like a frightening force. Rational ideas would come to any but him. To respect her, to be wary of her, and to absolutely not do anything that might provoke her wrath. Bakan lacked such common sense, especially when it came to such things as what others might be afraid of. Drawn to the sense of danger, she was far more appealing of a sight than the Lady, as beautiful as she was. His eyes would lock to her too when speaking with her of course. Her words caught his interest. "A feast!? Count me in!" Bakan replied, raising one hand in the air with cheer, drool already running down his chin before he remembered his manners. Bowing again, he politely apologized. "A-ah... Sorry... I'm a really careless person especially when I'm not paying attention... And when it comes to food... I'd eat my own leg off if it tasted good." he announced.

Once pardoned by the Lady, Bakan would quickly seek out some food. If there was none, he'd wait, albeit impatiently. The end result was the same however, as he'd approach and sit right next to the sphinx, as much as he could anyway. His eyes were filled with pure fascination. Sure, she was naked, but somehow whatever made Bakan like her seemed to just barely step over that fact. He'd invite Samarta and Inka to sit with him as well. And the first words out of his mouth were:

"You're. So. COOL!" He'd announce to her. "Do you have any deadly powers? Can you rip someone in half? Can you make the world quake beneath your feet? Can you make deadly fear inducing fire? Ah, who am I kidding! I bet you can do stuff I can't even imagine!" Bakan announced, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "And I love the wings! And the thing you do with your voice! I met this cool dragon once, but he was kind of a jerk. Anyway, you kinda remind me of him! Like, in the awesome way!" Bakan rambled, going off like a broken record while treating the sphinx like an awesome anti-hero, singing praises about her he didn't even know were true or not. Amidst his rambling, she'd get the picture.

He was fascinated by her.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Rather than be obviously offended, the sidhe noble would merely smile softly at Bakan's enthusiasm for something to eat, and she calmly replied; "You are forgiven. Go, be merry mine guest!" Bakan would find food already present at the tables, and not the usual dirty stuff that he might forage out of the wild or the often low quality fair he might expect from a tavern on the road either, but food that was almost unnaturally delicious and filling. Indeed, when he started to eat, he would find the delicious dishes on offer to have the same wondrous relaxing effect as the music and the sights he had seen.

Taking a place next to the naked bronze-skinned woman as she conversed with someone sitting across from her, Bakan would find Samarta slithered up beside him and Inka just to the side, but he left them largely ignored while speaking to the target of his interest. She turned a bemused eye upon him as he bombarded her with questions, a fact that the man to whom she had been speaking found slightly irritating judging by the slightly sour look that came over his face. Still, the sidhe did not interrupt while he asked his questions, nor did their subject, as she would chuckle only after he spoke of reminding him of a dragon.

"Tis' not the first time I've heard the comparison... Yes to all of your previous questions and to the following assumption. I am sworn to respect the courtesy of our mutual host, however, so I am afraid that I cannot offer any demonstrations. You are really quite impetuous, aren't you? Coming up to a woman that you do not know and asking so many peculiar questions without even asking her for her name first~ If you are to sit with me, Bakan Jeru, you would do well to maintain your manners! And if you are to be a gust at a Summer Feast, you would do well to learn them and keep to them! Not all would be as patient with you as I would," she said, but with amusement rather than reproach, her tone suggesting that she had taken no offense to his forwardness.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

When called on her observation that Bakan was someone who did much without thinking, one without forethought, Bakan would flush a bit and do a double take on his actions, giving the sphinx more space as he'd scratch his nose, a bit flustered. "Y-yeah, I'm told that a lot. I guess I'm not the tool in the shed," he said with a laugh, before being alerted to the other man across the table. Seeing his sour face, Bakan didn't get confrontational, he merely immediately apologized. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir! I didn't know you were talking with your girlfri... Er, friend... Relation..." Bakan stumbled over his words, thinking that he might look like a man trying to flirt with someone who held the sphinx in a romantic light. "If I'm unwelcome here, I won't argue. But I apologize for my rude behavior... I just... Whenever I see something that looks dangerous and powerful... 'Scary things' as my brother used to call them... I get a bit fascinated." he declared. "But, um... Trying to keep with manners, shall I know the names of the man and women I offended? I might be able to apologize on a formal note then, perhaps." Bakan said, bowing his head to the both of them.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan's misuse of such an anachronistic expression caused only confusion, and his fumbling over what to call the sphinx in relation to the man she had been speaking to was not particularly successful in improving the man's mood. "Acquaintance," he corrected Bakan coolly once he had fallen silent after requesting their names, and then the sphinx smirked broadly and said; "Don't mind him, we were just discussing topics of mutual interest. My name is Tiranna, and if you're going to be spending your time around faeries you should probably learn that they don't really use names. Those of us with the sensible to desire to know who's addressing who give them their names, and if they like them they tell other mortals to use them. A title of some sort, like Sir or Ser, would be appropriate for such an apology given my friend here's status."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan nodded, before looking to the man. "I'm sorry, Ser, for interrupting your conversation. I meant no disrespect." said Bakan, before he scratched his chin and wondered what it meant to be a knight. Surely Ashloriel would have taught him something about it. Regardless, he had some backtracking to do. He was an intruder towards the both of them, and he wondered if either or possibly both would like to see him off so that they might continue speaking. Though, Bakan didn't exactly have too strong a reason to continue staying either. His entire reason for approaching the sphinx was out of fascination. So that left him feeling a bit awkward. While he was thinking, he was also multitasking by taking various bits of accessible food, preferably meat, and devouring it heartily. He had no business to continue staying there, and yet he possessed no inspiration to leave. He wondered what was keeping him there, his feet planted so strongly. A single word of dismissal and he would depart, indeed, but he heard no such thing, and something yet he desired existed...

"I want... Your help." he said, the words coming out on their own. Originally directed at the sphinx, it was still vague enough in direction for the man to receive it as well if he so chose. After saying that, he took another bite and seemed to look more focused, and less flustered and bewildered. "For my own selfish reasons, I want your strength. I want to be able to assure those close to me that they need not fear anything. I feel that if I was as strong as you appear to be, then I could protect them."

With that, Bakan turned to the sphinx and her acquaintance. "I'm willing to do almost anything within my limits as a human being. I implore you... As an ally, a teacher, or as a friend, I need your aid. Is it impossible to ask of such a thing?" he inquired, genuinely asking the sphinx and the knight(?) for assistance with his desire to protect those like Samarta and Inka from those who would harm them.