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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"A better path yes, but ultimately the end result they aim for is not so different. She would rule the world if she could take it, she merely aims to take it by guile instead of force," Ashloriel replied, "we've managed to keep her in check through negotiation so far... But it's hard to argue when the mortals brought under their sway believe they're better off under Acheron's rule than under those of the mortal nobles who have ruled them for so long. It's even harder when that's true, at least in the short term. But even in Acheron, only the strong thrive under demon rule. Most would be exploited, reduced to slavery in all but name, even with Xeon ensuring the stipulations of such aren't quite as bad as they might be under more traditional demons. What's worse, the farther they are away from her the less willing her minions are to follow her rulings, and few of the greater lords are as amicable as she seems. Something will ultimately have to be done to keep the situation from progressing to the point where we might as well have let the demons invade outright, but we're too stretched thin with the invaders and the awakening that has occurred in their wake to offer much in the way of real force to stop it."

The subject turning to Selenia, Ashloriel let out a deep sigh. "Selenia is... A complicated woman. And a troubled one. She was captured by demons once, long ago, and it... Changed her a little. You've seen the physical side of it, with her shapeshifting and her body's mutations, but it obviously goes deeper than that. I was the one who cared for her after she was rescued, and as part of her recovery I did ask her to watch over you, from afar. I think it helped, and I know she got attached to you, but I never left her physically in your presence. She told me that she assumed my form to watch over you more directly at points, but I wouldn't worry too much about what memories are of me, my son. I only left you in her care a few times, and never doing anything significant or for more than a day. She just likes to... Exaggerate things."

She put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "don't worry... I understand why you might be worried!" She smiled and patted his shoulder before sliding her hand up to his cheek, caressing it affectionately. "Oh shush... What's wrong with spending a bit of time with you, hrm? Busy as I am, if I never spare time for those I care about, I'll fall apart just like anyone else!" She let go of his cheek, her hand returning to her side, "what would you like to do? Anything in particular?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan felt bad about Selenia, but then blushed at Ashloriel's words. Truth was, he could actually identify a little with Selenia. Not by demons, but a close second was he captured and ridden until he was experiencing suffering unlike anything he ever felt before. It only made him feel worse for talking bad about her, even if only a little. "She got... Attached to me?" Bakan said with a bit of shock on his expression. "What interest would she have in someone like me? I don't recall being amazing in any fashion." While the thought of him being cute, according to multiple sources, did come to mind, the thought was stabbed multiple times and left for dead in a dumpster before Bakan would dare even consider it.

When Ashloriel mentioned sparing time for those she cared about, it made Bakan's face beam with happiness. Just that sentence had a visible impact on Bakan, his wings turning pink again as he got embarrassed and folded his hands behind his back, looking like a child receiving praise for the first time and not know how to react. Though, the thought of Xeon made Bakan ponder. "Is she really still a bad person? I mean, I know I can be an insufferable idiot sometimes, but the idea that demons are always bad just... I don't know... Angels can go bad too, you warned me about that. Why can't demons become good?" he asked a very simple question, and it was perhaps that line of thinking that made Ashloriel want him to stay far away from Acheron. Far too naive. "What if the mortals under her rule are telling the truth? Being a demon, are we doomed to suffer her evil ways?" Bakan then silenced himself for a moment, looking regretful for having spoken, before he shrugged. "I-I'm sorry, Ashloriel... I just... I want to see the good in people rather than the bad, and every time I thought badly of someone before I thought of the good, I always regretted it. It nearly killed me inside once." Bakan said, thinking of Samarta. Of all the times to doubt someone... "I just... I have to believe. I can't change that part of me. I'd rather give someone a chance than not. I will continue to follow your wish to stay away from Acheron, though. So... You don't have to worry." Bakan said obediently. Still, deep down, he wanted to bank so hard on Xeon being a force of good, as he knew she would be a superb ally, maybe even a friend. Humans allying with demons for the best of both races? If that could somehow be managed... This world might see a bright future.

Then, Bakan suddenly remembered something when she asked him what to do. "Ashloriel... Do you remember telling me to go see that play?" he asked her. If she didn't remember, he'd tell her about the play he and Orgrosh went to see, of the woman who had to sing for many days and put on a perfect performance, but she was raped on the last day and her voice was ruined, causing the contract she had made to result in her bad ending. "I refuse to believe it was you who told me to go watch it... You know I hate bad endings more than anyone else in this world. Watching that play caused me such grief that I had to be restrained because I tried to stop it from continuing. I wanted to destroy that play, Ashloriel." Bakan said with a serious expression. "The thought of anyone suffering what that woman did makes me cringe. I try not to think of it now as I just..." Bakan took deep breaths as his wings turned light blue, anxiety overtaking him.

Though, he soon calmed down, no matter what her answer was. If Ashloriel confessed it was her, he would not say anything further on the matter, just wanting to drop it. If she said she didn't... It was Selenia. Though even then, he'd still remain quiet. Casting aside the first instinct to curse Selenia, he had to admit that she didn't know him as well as Ashloriel did. He forced himself to Forgive Selenia. "Well, I want to delay my scheduled torture at Janne's hands as long as possible. So... Now that we've had our walk, why not rest together? It's been rather hot too, you might also want a bath, yes?" he said with a smile, before realizing the implications of such. "Uh... I-I didn't mean for it to sound like that! Only if you'd be okay with... No! Uh...! Sorry..." he apologized, lowering his head to her respectively, not even looking at her feet, but the dirt so as to avoid looking at her after accidentally suggesting they bathe together. Or perhaps it wasn't an accident. His wings were also pink.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Oh nonsense, of course you were!" Ashloriel said as Bakan proclaimed his ordinary nature, "you were the first person that she interacted with in any fashion after her ordeal, the first mortal she had to protect. It's perfectly reasonable that she started liking a sweet young man like you!"

As their conversation shifted to Acheron, Ashloriel replied; "A bad person? I can't really say, I've never met her myself. She is at least trying to make her kind more amicable to coexistence on Donevrion, but while her goals don't seem to include domination by conquest she is expanding her domain very quickly. Mortals fallen under a demon's sway suffer, even if they might suffer a little bit less, and when one's master is immortal and so much more powerful than they are it becomes much more difficult for mortals to escape their bonds. I prefer to think of the latest demon queen as complex, personally, as she seems earnest in her desire to reform her kind. Unfortunately, while some demons wished only to escape and live in peace here, many others still follow the ways of Hell.

"It is a sad thing, but demons are a product of their environment. Hell is a vile, barren place, and its inhabitants were driven by the dark god that brought them there to murder, rape, and torture one another for survival. Thousands of years of siblings murdering one another practically out of the womb, of exploitation, treachery, and constant pain... Scars like that don't disappear in a handful of years. Especially not among immortals. Some of the demons living in Acheron are hundreds if not thousands of years old, and many with such age still hold positions of authority through power alone. They are unlikely to ever abandon their ways entirely, the best we can hope for is to try and keep their worse nature from being taken out on mortals. I fear that at some point we might have no other choice but to eliminate some of the worst of them to keep their influence from spreading, and that will be a very difficult day... But perhaps that can be averted entirely. Everyone can change, after all!"

She smiled reassuringly, "never be ashamed of your ability to hope, Bakan! Even if sometimes it seems impossible, it's always worth it to at least try and find the good in someone!"

When he asked about the play, however, she seemed surprised and confused. "A play? No, I never recommended any play... I've actually never been to one. Just never had the time, I'm afraid." She brushed her hands over his cheeks reassuringly, "now now... It's only a story. Even if it isn't for you, sometimes people like to be made sad. It helps them process the real tragedies they have to face, balances them out, or puts their own struggles into a new perspective. And sometimes, people just want to feel something they aren't used to."

She patted him on the shoulder, and then giggled slightly when he went on to mention Janne's upcoming punishment. "You might need another bath by the time she's done with you... I'm not surprised your friends didn't try to get between you two. She's a very... Forceful woman," Ashloriel said. "It is pretty warm, and I was actually thinking about trying to get a bath before I left. It sounds like a lovely idea!" she said, drawing no attention to his stumbling or his pink wings.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan head turned to the side at the mention of the kind of people a place like Hell helps create, "Yes... I know of a certain kind of Hell. Full of despair and hopelessness, where you feel like your entire life vanished before your eyes in just a wink. That's why... Ashloriel... That's why I feel like I can say that sometimes, not everyone is turned evil after such a thing... But I can also admit... The temptation to become that Hell onto someone else existed. Not everyone goes insane, not everyone joins the winning team, as it were. Some are like me." he stated, knowing such for a fact, knowing he didn't let the despair and loss of direction in his life completely drive him to despair. He held on by a thread, and he doubted he was special enough to be the only one, and maybe Xeon held onto such a thread as well. He had to believe.

Though, Ashloriel confirming that she wasn't the one who told him to see it almost certainly made it clear it was Selenia disguised as Ashloriel. That play brought out some very dark feelings within Bakan, so he would have to talk with her about her choice in play, even if to let her know that he didn't enjoy it. Though mother help him if Selenia suddenly claimed to not have been the one to tell him. Who the hell else could it have been? People like those three demon sisters? More shapeshifters? Speaking of, he sure has seen a lot of those lately. He really didn't like the fact that it worked on him almost every time. How the hell was he supposed to know if they looked just like someone? Possible training for later.

Though, Janne was a problem and a half. "Forceful is being kind. She's like a child who treats me like a toy and takes me apart at my joints to see how many pieces I come apart into and then giggles as I try to put myself together in shame. Metaphorically speaking." he sighed. "I thought I could stand up to her but when push comes to shove Janne makes herself the most useful and available person around. If I could easily summon you to replace her I would, in a heartbeat I would. But my efforts to do so led me into an angel who took my friends across the world when I asked them to be taken to a safe place and didn't really care about the implications of such, and then Selenia who made me question everything that happened in my life ever, since I went through the odd witch portal that apparently led me here, contrary to what I originally thought... Can't tell you how long I tried figuring out where my house was when it was in another damn dimension..." he said shamefully. Then he looked up at Ashloriel with a bit of shame. "... Yes, I only just figured out I was actually in Donevrion, not that long ago. I'm an idiot."

Then, with all the things he had to think about how to do, Bakan sighed. First, take care of Janne, then Cory, then check up on everyone else, commence a search for faeriegold and a poet of an elven tongue, before making the bow with the story on it, hoping Dove figured out how to summon Sivicine peacefully at that point, and then hoping to Fate that Sivicine restored Rebecca to her true form without too much of a hitch. Wait, Fate isn't in this dimension... 'Fuck.'

Finally, Bakan nodded at the bit about him needing another bath after being subject to Janne. Wait.

Another? Did he already have one? Or was he going to have one? He didn't recall mentioning that he was going to bathe. Did he? No, he could have sworn he just asked, so he wondered what was Ashloriel... 'No, that can't be right. I need to recount my steps to try and understand what just happened, because something just happened, and I missed it. But I know it happened. Or maybe it didn't happen? Perhaps I'm being hopeful and assuming that Ashloriel indirectly, very indirectly, invited me to bathe with her. She gave no reaction to me getting embarrassed either. Maybe she blew it off as me just being me? Maybe not? Yes? No? Possibly? Considerably? Exceptionally? What am I even thinking about anymore? I feel so confused.' Such is what happens when Bakan thinks. Finally, he decided to roll with it before he stalled for too long to come up with a response.

"R-right, well... Bath time then! Hooray!" Bakan clasped his hands together in celebration, an awkward gesture he had to admit, and he felt like he was walking on thin ice. But before he knew it he put himself in the middle of a giant lake of thin ice and wondered how he could be so stupid to have put himself there. All he could do was walk forward. And to spectators around him, they could possibly only see one of three things. A very cute man, a very stupid man, or a very stupid cute man. Knowing Janne, she would probably pick the third option.

Bakan would then proceed to hail someone who could tell them where they could freshen up in a nice hot bath. He would just say "We would both like a bath!" and leave it completely ambiguous as to whether he meant together or not. If Ashloriel suddenly asked her to bathe with him, to be completely honest, he'd be at her side like a lapdog and ask her where and when so he could set up the most perfect bath imaginable, complete with bubbles, an orchestra, and fireworks. And food. Though he was gritting his teeth a little. He refused to cross the line of taking the initiative to push them in the direction of bathing together. If that resulted in failure, Bakan would not be able to get anything done from the sheer humiliation he'd suffer, and wondering if Ashloriel thought he'd become a sex maniac. Which he can't deny is entirely true after giving up trying to be pure not too long ago, and failing to be pure long before that. This was such a delicate moment for Bakan and he wondered if Ashloriel even knew it. In fact, he hoped she didn't know a thing. Just the mere suggestion of thought, the mental image complete with sound of her looking at him with disgust and calling him "sick in the head" would destroy him.

One step at a time... In fact, it might even be handy if the one they find asks the question, "Together or apart?" or, "Mixed or separate?" It'd be PERFECT! Because all Bakan would have to do is act all coy and cock his head to the side and shift all the attention to Ashloriel, dragging off with the word, "Weeelll~" as if he's just joking about the idea after embarrassing himself. Perfect followup, perfect execution. It'd allow the situation to go either way and fish out Ashloriel's intentions. If she says separate, bullet fucking dodged, and he could heave a sigh of relief. If she says together-

Oh spirits what if she says together. 'No! Focus, Bakan you fool! Just beg, beg whatever mercy exists in this world that the question will resolve itself. And if it doesn't, then fuck me I'll wing it.'
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Bakan head turned to the side at the mention of the kind of people a place like Hell helps create, "Yes... I know of a certain kind of Hell. Full of despair and hopelessness, where you feel like your entire life vanished before your eyes in just a wink. That's why... Ashloriel... That's why I feel like I can say that sometimes, not everyone is turned evil after such a thing... But I can also admit... The temptation to become that Hell onto someone else existed. Not everyone goes insane, not everyone joins the winning team, as it were. Some are like me." he stated, knowing such for a fact, knowing he didn't let the despair and loss of direction in his life completely drive him to despair. He held on by a thread, and he doubted he was special enough to be the only one, and maybe Xeon held onto such a thread as well. He had to believe.

Ashloriel looked pensive, and after a brief pause she said; "You aren't wrong, everyone has a chance... But it's important to remember something about demons that I know is hard for a lot of people, my own kind included, to remember. We... Have the chance for something more... Something better. Even when we descend into darkness, we have the light of our memories, of our loved ones, of all the things we care about... All those things that can guide us back. Demons don't have anything like that. The best those poor souls still in Hell have are glimpses into our world, of how our lives are so much more fulfilling than theirs, and their jealousy so easily fuels their rage and hate. They are evil not because they are broken to it, but because they never had the chance to be good in the first place. It is a sad thing, yes, and something that hopefully the demons of Acheron will ultimately pull away from now that they have the chance for something better, but while we must hope to create the ideal world it is always important to live in the one that we have. They certainly seem to be trying at the very least, and such reforms are exactly what Xeon seems to be trying to push her people towards!"

Though, Janne was a problem and a half. "Forceful is being kind. She's like a child who treats me like a toy and takes me apart at my joints to see how many pieces I come apart into and then giggles as I try to put myself together in shame. Metaphorically speaking." he sighed. "I thought I could stand up to her but when push comes to shove Janne makes herself the most useful and available person around. If I could easily summon you to replace her I would, in a heartbeat I would. But my efforts to do so led me into an angel who took my friends across the world when I asked them to be taken to a safe place and didn't really care about the implications of such, and then Selenia who made me question everything that happened in my life ever, since I went through the odd witch portal that apparently led me here, contrary to what I originally thought... Can't tell you how long I tried figuring out where my house was when it was in another damn dimension..." he said shamefully. Then he looked up at Ashloriel with a bit of shame. "... Yes, I only just figured out I was actually in Donevrion, not that long ago. I'm an idiot."

The colorful description of his tormentor prompted Ashloriel to let out a very quiet chuckle, and she offered simply a shake of her head. "She has a way of making herself needed, yes. It has served her, but it has also hurt her in the past.... As bad as you think she is to you, don't ever think that she doesn't care for you Bakan! It's just her way to be... Prickly." Then she frowned slightly, "who did you end up getting? I suppose they followed the letter of your request... But only technically the spirit, at best." Should he reveal the name of the angel that he had summoned, Ashloriel would let out a knowing sigh and offered another shake of her head. "Castiel... Is not good with people. Had you asked him to bring them back, he would have, but you need to literal with him I'm afraid."

Then, she patted him on the shoulder as he admonished himself about not realizing what had happened in his youth. "Don't beat yourself up over that too! You were young, how many children can say they know about inter-dimensional travel? It's not exactly a normal problem to have."


Ashloriel wore an unusual smirk as Bakan clapped his hands together, and when he found a servant tending the garden she happily smiled at him, revealing pleasant wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. "Ahhh, yes, just go on back inside hun! The attending maid should be right inside, she'll help you!" she said, and true to the gardener's words a young woman was waiting inside, her hands clutched in front of her as she idly examined herself in the mirror. She seemed surprised when the two winged folk approached her at once, but quickly recovered and curtsied in greeting. "Oh, hello! How can I help you?" Ashloriel left it up to Bakan to explore their desire, and the girl simply nodded and curtsied again. "Of course! I'll go prepare two baths for you, I can come and find you when they're ready or you can follow me and wait if you prefer!"

Before any disappointment could fully settle in, however, Ashloriel confidently said; "One large bath will be fine, actually. We'll follow you." She then took the lead after the maid, who again simply nodded, curtsied, and muttered; "Of course."

Rather than lead them upstairs, to the private rooms, she led Bakan and Ashloriel to a somewhat secluded corner of the grand complex, a lonely area that seemed to be seldom visited. Into a large chamber they went, the floor made of polished marble tiles, large skylights letting in the sunlight, and numerous well cared for flowers giving the room an incredibly pleasant scent. The walls were decorated in intricate frescoes that looked old, very old, and Ashloriel examined them for a moment while the maid moved to a large stone basin in the center of the room. There were numerous taps surrounding it, four large ones and about a dozen smaller ones, and a single large drain in the center. "This is one of the old royal guest baths, where the great nobles of old would bathe together and discuss matters of the realm!" the maid supplied as she began to turn a couple of the handles on the taps, causing crystal clear water to begin to fill the basin. She seemed enthusiastic about it, though Bakan could be forgiven for not noticing how energized her speech was with the prospect of what was about to happen filtering through his head.

"The great king Artorious bathed here, long ago, and it is said that these taps are not only the best engineered in all the world, but enchanted with faerie magic!" she continued, tapping one of the untarnished brass tubes curling out from the floor and over the basin with her finger. "It doesn't get much use these days I'm afraid, but we keep it clean and ready, just in case!" It was almost perfectly clear that "we" meant "I" in this case, but on she pressed; "All of these taps have different soaps and oils! You can have any sort of bubbles you want! It's really quite lovely!" Then she went over to a cabinet and withdrew a pair of pressed towels. "Would either of you like me to help you disrobe?" she asked in a completely neutral tone, and there was not a hint of color in her cheeks, as if this was purely a part of her profession.

Ashloriel was first to answer as she stepped forward; "I won't need any help, but thank you! Bakan might need some help getting his armor off though!" She strode forward until she was a few paces from the edge of the bath, and then reached up to the straps of her sleeveless white robe. The cloth was slowly pulled over her shoulders, then further, giving a noticeable shift as it obviously cleared her breasts which Bakan could only barely see from behind her. Further it went, before getting caught at her hips, forcing his adoptive mother to wiggle back and forth to get it to fall the rest of the way. The tantalizing struggle took a few long seconds before the garment finally fell, going all at once, and if he was still watching by that point he would once more enjoy the view of her perfectly proportioned, round, soft, heart shaped backside in all its glory. It was exactly as he remembered it, but now he was seeing the wonderfully appealing roundness from much closer, and from a much better angle. Ashloriel stretched, and the maid silently gathered up her robe and took it to the side of the room, hanging it up quite neatly before moving to assist Bakan in removing his armor, doing it all for him if need be and taking it piece by piece to a bust set up beside the clothes rack for just that sort of thing.

His adoptive mother never turned to look at Bakan, not while she was out of the bath at least, but she seemed to take her time in taking the last few strides to the still filling bath. It was hard to tell whether the sway of her hips was simply natural from being so curvy or an affected strut, but when she finally settled onto the soft wooden bench lining the basin and turned to him, exchanging the view of her ass for one of her full bosom with their wonderfully rosy tips, she was smiling serenely rather than suggestively. Far from the confident sultriness of Janne, Cory, or Samarta, or even from the simple innocence of Sarah or Inka, Ashloriel was perfectly calm and comfortable with her nudity, even around Bakan, and if a certain organ happened to become engorged from the sight of her she would apparently take absolutely no noticed of it, her eyes remaining on his face while her expression remained perfectly patient as she sat in the ever rising water. The maid would only give a roll of her eyes should she be present for the unveiling of his erection, or any similar reactionary antics to seeing Ashloriel naked, but would take his armor and clothes off to the side and then, once the bath was mostly full, shut off the water taps and moved towards the door. "Would you like anything else? Anything at all?" she asked in a pleasantly neutral tone, and Ashloriel simply shook her head negatively in response.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

All was well and good. One could suppose. Though then came the matter of bathing. Finding a servant via proxy of another servant, Bakan explained his wishes and nodded when she said two baths. That about settled it. It wasn't disappointment alone that settled in Bakan, but also relief. But then the unthinkable happened. The truly unthinkable. Ashloriel spoke, and her words to follow turned the whole world black and white except for him and her. It was as if time stood still, his sheer shock cracking the hourglass of time and halting it for many painful moments. With all this time to think, with Ashloriel nor the other woman saying anything, Bakan could think of anything. He could plan ahead, decide what to do next. She had actually assertively asked for a single bath for the two of them. It was one of his expected results, but why? Why was it so dreadfully shocking that it would cause his mind to believe it entered an entirely separate dimension in order to have the time to think this through and comprehend it? Bakan's mental processing might reveal something, but all that was going through his mind was a single word.


Like that, time seemed to resume. Yet he still felt like he was frozen solid. His face was blood red, and without warning his wings erupted into a glorious pink splendor. It would be quite hard to avoid observing the gleaming light show his wings were putting forth while he himself felt consumed by a certain unnameable emotion. Such was that his wings weren't entirely pink. Oddly places were glowing, sparkling feathers of light blue and lime. Despite wearing the armor he wore, any kind of intimidating aura Bakan had at all vanished entirely, looking as easy to bully as a baby. Meekly, he followed them, while trying to listen to the woman's speech and focus on something else to distract him. "I... I-I wonder what... They'd talk about!" Bakan pondered idly, trying to say something and avoid staying silent and odd the whole time. He had to focus. Though his question answered itself when he suddenly pictured the mental imagery of Ashloriel pregnant with his child in the bath with him. "What shall we name our heir, Bakan?" the phantom Ashloriel inquired, smoothing her hand over her beautiful round belly. The question made his knees buckle and threaten to give out underneath him. That question had a huge impact, even if it was only a theoretical dream. Though, that vision... It didn't feel like a fantasy. Did he develop the ability to see into the future? And why was it that the prediction showed Ashloriel and Bakan having a child? Then he came to the conclusion. Perhaps Ashloriel's real intentions...

Bath. Naked. Vision with a baby in it.

"Oh my god."

Just then, he felt a certain wetness on his upper lip. How odd a place for moisture to gather on his skin. When he felt it though, he was shocked beyond his wits. 'My brother's fucking nose bleed!? Of all times for you to first appear!? Idian, my dear brother, I appreciate you being here with me in spirit, but this isn't a battle we can win! There's no way! My body isn't ready for that! I'd melt into mush the moment she touches me!' of that he was sure of. Bakan was no fool, he could tell, even without his mind in the gutter, that Ashloriel's softness, her beauty, her sex... It would completely dissolve his mind and leave him a vegetable. Ashloriel was the end all be all of his sexual desires. No succubus would ever come close. 'Calm down, Bakan Jeru! Please for the love of your family calm down!' he begged himself. 'That would be a total switch for Ashloriel! You've known her for your entire youth, remember!' he told himself, and calmed himself a bit. Indeed, Ashloriel was too kind and gentle for such a direct approach. That logic helped calm him.

'Just don't look when she goes to get into the bath. Let the bubbles protect your eyes.' he encouraged himself, and oh if only Bakan listened to his own advice. While looking at the maid with uncertainty whether he'd want her to help him, he did the unthinkable. He locked eyes with Ashloriel's body as she began to undress... Now, it was too late. Bakan struggled, but his eyes couldn't turn away. He tried to resist, but it was impossible. It was too late. He looked, and just like before, his mind was lost in what he saw. Enslaved to her beauty. No doubt the maid was freeing him of his armor while he was captivated. And indeed, 'that' was on attention as well, enlarged due to Cory, far beyond the standard for men but not unrealistically so. The maid would have to work with his apparel due to that, wiggling it free before it bounced with freedom into her face, provoking that eye roll. Once he felt it freed however, Bakan snapped out of it once he became aware of his own shame.

"Ah!? No! You didn't have to! I-I-I'm so sorry, miss! I-I-I-I-I'll repay you for this shame, I'm sorry!" he said, covering his length using his hands and arms before making a deep bow to her as if making an apology. 'I can't believe I made this woman undress me because I blanked out! I'm a fucking moron!' he cursed himself. By that time, Ashloriel had submerged her otherworldly attractive figure into the waters, bubbles able to hide what bathed underneath. Unable to stand the idea of being seen exposed for no reason, he apologized to the maid before making a sudden movement into the tub, creating a big splash as he dove in hopefully fast enough to prevent her from seeing his jewels. Then, like a crocodile, he submerged into the water and left only his head and nose sticking up from the water, hiding in the bubbles.

Like that, in their bubbly bath, Bakan's face was deep red in the most intensive blush ever Bakan's eyes finally broken of that lovely naked figure, he only looked at his feet through the bubbles. "U-um... If you could bring something that helps someone relax..." he requested, looking at the maid with a sense of dire urgency. His eyes practically had words writtten on them. 'My heart will give out if I stay this nervous. Please, I beg you to help me!'
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Oh if only we could know! Know for sure what such great men once discussed in this very room, that decided the course of history as much as any battle!" the maid quipped longingly in response to Bakan's hesitant musing, her passion for the subject growing increasingly apparent.

Bakan's intense nosebleed at the sight of Ashloriel naked would go uncommented on by both women, and the apology to the maid as his erection nearly smacked her in the nose only earned a soft smirk. Her response was lost in the splash produced as he dove into the water, Ashloriel shielding herself with one of her wings and giggling while the maid simply smiled. She was halfway to the mop by the time he made his request, and she nodded eagerly and said; "Of course sir, I'll prepare some hot tea! It will take me a few minutes, but I'll be back soon!"

Then she walked out, leaving him alone with Ashloriel... A naked, wet Ashloriel who stretched enough that her breasts were fully out of the water, covered but not concealed by the soapy suds produced by the soaps coming out of two of the still slowly running taps. "It has been too long... I was never one to prize luxury, but this is so much nicer than bathing in streams and lakes or with magic!" she remarked as she settled back down, concealing her lovely bosom from Bakan's view once more. "The water's so warm... It's like a hot spring!" she continued as she rolled some warm, soapy water onto her shoulders, rubbing her fingers across her skin.

"While I'm here though... I ought to show you how to take care of your wings!" she said, standing slowly and letting Bakan see water sliding down her skin, the soap coated angel coming slowly closer to Bakan while he was still alone with her. In but a few short moments she was standing over him, her bust completely uncovered save for a few spots of suds, "turn around, I'll show you a few things."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

In regards to the woman's lamenting not knowing the discussions that went on, it actually charmed Bakan a bit. Always nice to see someone so happily passionate about something. It was a worthy distraction. "It... Might not be outside of the realm of possibility, you know. Creatures as ancient as this world itself exist. The knowledge might not be lost!" Bakan said, trying to fill the girl's heart with hope as one would to make a child happy about a fantasy figure that brings them presents during the snow. Plus, he wasn't lying either. There just might be something out there that knows the truth.

Then, in the tub... Bakan nodded. "Y-yes that's good, t-thank you..." he said, currently stressing the fuck out. With Ashloriel letting her nipples poke out from the bubbles as she stretched, Bakan had buried his face near the water to keep his eyes low. Getting to cleaning himself immediately, burying his face in the water to let the light suffocation distract his mind for a second, Bakan emerged from the water with his face covered in suds. "Yeah... It is really hot... Perhaps a little too hot?" For multiple reasons. He could barely even just look at her face. Though when she talked about cleaning his wings, he wondered about that. For the most part he just got them wet and shook them around a bit in the water when he had the chance since he wasn't used to using them. "You don't have to do tha-" He stopped short when his eyes looked up to see Ashloriel standing up completely from the water. He didn't wonder why she didn't just move on all fours to hide her body. Standing was an odd choice unless you absolutely wanted to show off everything.

But it was too late. He saw it. Now he couldn't peel his eyes from the beauty that was her figure. He sat and stared, eyes wide like an owl and face as red as a brick. He could feel the veins pumping through his face as blood rushed to his head and his loin. Her figure, her everything, was the definition of his fantasy. Forget what he saw as a child, this was a sight to dwarf that. As the water rolled down her breasts, down her curvy waist, down her beautiful hips before leaving her sparkling skin and dripping into the water, Bakan took in every detail. Her hands were so pretty as they swayed with her slow steps through the water. Her arms, he could remember how it felt to be wrapped in those. He never wanted to leave their embrace when it always filled him with such warmth and comfort. Though as he looked lower, the thoughts steadily became more primal and carnal as he looked. Her waist, her hips... How was it possible to inspire such lust? Looking at her legs, and what was between them, Bakan felt as if he felt his lust had hit it's climax. He wasn't even aware Ashloriel was standing right over him as his eyes saw her bare pussy. He couldn't even believe how badly he wanted her right then and there.

His stuttering stopped, his awkward motions stopped. With Ashloriel standing naked over him, Bakan had hit the breaking point. "Okay." he replied to her command, before standing up calmly. He didn't intend for it to be a direct reply of gesture to hers, but now he stood completely bare before her, with clear evidence of his arousal on display (not to mention it was like an arrow pointing to the cause at this point.). He didn't idle like that either, turning calmly so that his back was facing her. Given where his wings were, they would be slightly submerged in the water if he was sitting. So it just made sense to stand so that one could reach every inch. However, it allowed Bakan to think, and realize. Ashloriel was beautiful, yes indeed. But the most beautiful in the world? Probably not. Others may hold more beauty, but somehow, Ashloriel was the shining star amidst them all. He loved her beyond a shadow of a doubt. Thinking of the vision again, Bakan lifted his left arm to fold across his stomach and grip his right. 'This isn't just a normal kind of love. This isn't the kind of thing Orgrosh considers human. This is just pure affection. Like I've never felt before.'

Out of nowhere, he chuckles. "I'm surprised at the amount of will power I have."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Something seemed to light up in the maid's eyes, making her talk and move with even greater enthusiasm. "Oh, but I shall never meet such a being!" she lamented, "no, a little city girl like me isn't meant for that sort of thing... I mean, it is said that the first king met with the great members of the fair folk here, but how would one ever even find one of them to ask? If only someone would one day, someone blessed with their approval to reveal the wisdom of the ancient lords!"

With Ashloriel wading through the bath toward him, the water just barely coming up to her waist, Bakan was able to see everything ultimately, even if not at once. She seemed to show no shame in that, not when he was obviously oggling her in stunned silence and not when he stood, taller than she, his erection revealed plainly and pointed right at her flat stomach, right at her womb. She was so close at that point, and his manhood had swollen so greatly due to corruption and his maddening arousal, that barely more than an inch separated the tip of his pulsating rod from her taught belly, the tiniest step forward enough to press his needy flesh against her own, but for now he denied himself that touch and turned around on command.

"You can kneel if you prefer," she said in her ever calm, soothing tone of voice, "this will take at least a few minutes." Whether Bakan stood or knelt, Ashloriel suddenly pressed up behind him and began to wrap her arms around his torso. He could feel her presence enveloping him, her full breasts pressing and compacting up against his back, their tips hard enough that he could pinpoint their exact location as they contacted his flesh, just beside the joints of his wings. "Fold your wings in front of you," she said, an act requiring a slight shift of his shoulder blades and some hunching over but nothing particularly uncomfortable, making them act like a cloak.

Then, Ashloriel gently grasped Bakan's hands, bringing them up and then folding her fingers gently over his, causing him to run them over the soft feathers he had developed. "You are both blessed and cursed by these. Natural creatures have to spend a great deal of effort cleaning their wings; you've seen birds preening their feathers before right? My kind - and other beings of magic with feathered wings - don't necessarily have to clean their feathers by hand, though we prefer to since magic doesn't do it quite as well. Sometimes you can get away with just rinsing them, but at least once a month it's good to clean them thoroughly like this. Tense the muscles in your back, like you're lifting something heavy."

When he did so, Bakan's feathers would ruffle slightly, letting his and Ashloriel's fingers get under them. "As a mortal you need to take care of these, just like any other part of your body. Dirt and debris can get under them, risking infection. Parasites will try to latch onto you here too," she explained, picking out a few particles of dust that had gotten stuck under his feathers. She would show him the motions necessary, a very simple and methodical technique that didn't require much thought but did need a decent amount of concentration lest he miss a feather, though once he got into the swing of things it wasn't terribly time consuming. "There are some places that you can't reach on your own of course, like near the base on your back, and for those places you'll need help from someone," she continued after guiding him for a few moments, her hands remaining on his but only guiding his when they failed to do things right. Then she began to do just that, releasing his hands to begin cleaning the feathers on the base of his wings, where his own hands would have trouble reaching.

It was in the midst of her lesson, assuming of course that Bakan didn't do something drastic or insane, that the maid would return with a tea tray. She dropped to her knees beside the tub and delicately poured two small cups of sweet smelling tea, "your tea is ready... Milord, milady!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan blinks at the maid, a little shocked at how easy it was to speak to her. "Um... I know people. I imagine I could learn at least something from the Fae who happen to have been there and know something of interest." he shrugged. "I would say just to ask any fae you know, but... I'm so used to knowing a whole grocery list of different people that I'm not aware that other people lack such connections." he shrugged. If the maid wanted to ask him to help her find out some of the history of her interest, he would probably ask her to meet up with him after being tortured by Janne so Janne can tell her some juicy info or where to look.

He wondered what was going through Ashloriel's head. With her pressed up behind him, Bakan shivered in her embrace, reacting with a shock as his hands instinctively went back, unintentionally grasping the rounds of her ass before letting go just as quickly as the shock came. Though that brief grasp he was thankful he felt it. It felt very, very nice. Feeling her hard nipples against his back also reminded him of something. Seems like a girl's nipples were hard usually when they were aroused. He felt Cory's, Janne's, Rhep's... He knew they became soft at some points too. It's just that right now, Bakan kind of realized that he wasn't the odd one here.

When her hands gripped his and locked through his fingers, he used his thumbs to stroke her thumbs as he brought his wings in front. A small act of affection, and one he couldn't help. Using her guidance to clean his wings, he kind of realized something. His wings were very soft. It felt nice to the touch, just gently brushing them felt nice. Though, one thing Ashloriel said made Bakan think. "I don't think I'm entirely mortal any more." he replied quietly. "But yes, the base of my back I'm sure would be a problem. If only, I could have you there to clean them when I needed. I'd like that." he said happily.

When the maid came back in, Bakan was startled, but every instinct in his body made him stand completely still. He wanted to hide his manhood, but she had already seen it. So he just relaxed and let it be. Besides... Maybe his thing wasn't quite that impressive to her? Such a little reaction... Bakan wondered, 'Am I that small?' he pondered while glancing down at his ten inches, thinking that such might be the case since he had nothing else to reference to. The gay elf man that flirted with him even still was slightly bigger than him. That misleading experience was all that he had. Still, then he thought about what the maid might have seen. What really impressed her. He pictured some giant of a man, with a cock the size of a support beam while the maid was grinding her ass against it, "Oh, yes! Tell me more about history!" he imagined her pleading. 'I have some really fucked up thoughts sometimes,' Bakan realized.

"Thank you, miss... I'm sorry, can you tell me your name? I'd rather thank you as a person rather than a servant." Bakan declared. Then once he thanked her, he would finish up his wings and get to sipping some tea. "Shall I do your wings next?" Bakan inquired with a smile, with one goal in mind. To do to her what she did to him. He wanted to embrace her so very, very badly that all he needed was a wave or a nod.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Ooooh, I've never met one of the fair folk!" the maid replied excitedly, "it would be amazing if you could talk to one and find out what they might remember! Think of what we could learn if you wrote down the wisdom of ancient lords!"

The shock of feeling Ashloriel against his back caused Bakan to ultimately produce a similar reaction when his hands reached back, finding purchase on her so as to stabilize himself and keep from falling over. Unfortunately, the spot his hands found happened to be Ashloriel's big round ass, a twinned loud wet clap echoing through the bathing chamber and his fingers sinking easily into her heavenly soft flesh. Ashloriel stiffened and gasped as Bakan took two handfuls of her plentiful rear, and he could practically feel her face heat up. She managed to recover quickly after he took his hands off of her, however, and continued on with her explanation about how to clean his wings.

"Perhaps. It's hard to tell without using a bit of magic," she replied when he suggested that he wasn't fully mortal anymore, "but you don't feel as if you are fully magical quite yet."

When the maid returned with their tea, she seemed surprised when Bakan asked her name. "Oh, but I am but a servant milord! My name is Margery, if it pleases you... Of the Reynold family." She knelt beside the bath, holding the tea tray in one steady hand while pouring two cups of the steaming greenish gray liquid, and Ashloriel stood again to go over and take her cup, once more exposing her lovely figure for his viewing pleasure before she bent over slightly at the edge and then knelt down as she took one of the cups. "That would be lovely, actually!" she replied as Bakan suggested that he do her wings next, remaining in her exact position while the maid shifted over so that he could get his cup without reaching over Ashloriel's shoulder.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Well, I'm currently on a task to find an elvish poet, and one of the first people I'm going to ask is my old caretaker." he replied, before ending the conversation before the bath. "We'll talk after the bath, yes? I'm to meet her after. I don't see why you can't ask a question or two." he shrugged.

Meanwhile, in the bathtub of justice. Bakan was a bit shocked that Ashloriel gave such a reaction. So normally composed and caring, and suddenly giving such a startled motion? 'The worst part is, now I can't get the feeling of her ass in my hands out of her head. Well! All things considered! She saw my manhood, she invited me into a bath naked, stripped before my very eyes, showed me literally every inch of her body, and-wow I'm starting to get dizzy with arousal.' he said, with his wings glowing pink as he stared at them. '... Why did it have to be pink?' he wondered. It's a color easily associated with that c-word that shall not be said in full. But what if... 'What if Ashloriel called me... That? I kind of want to be manly to impress her, but if she prefered the c-me...' Bakan didn't want to admit the answer, but Bakan would wear cat ears and happily make cat noises if Ashloriel would hold him and love him forever. In fact... It almost scared him, how willing he'd be to do anything Ashloriel told him to. 'I'd... Be cute... For Ashloriel...' Bakan admitted while grinding his teeth.

Lowering himself to relax and drink his tea, he looked down, and blinked. "... Where's your cup?" he inquired, confused. "You can have my cup if you forgot." he said simply, before moving on. "Greetings, Margery. My name is Bakan Jeru. I only just recently found out I'm not from this world, so I kinda don't have much family history..." he frowned at that, his head sinking. Not that there was a family left for him back in his world anyway. Nothing but ash and scarred memories. "I was looked after by my adoptive father and mother, Ashloriel here, and my father Matthias. It's a pleasure." he said casually as one can to a woman who saw your penis the first day you met her.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Oh... Uhm... Of course my lord!" the maid said, accepting Bakan's offer. And then, after she got back with tea, she looked shocked at his inquiry. "Oh, no my lord! I can't do that! Master Paul would be most cross with me for drinking tea meant for guests!" she said insistently, and though some of what he revealed seemed to go over her head she still adopted a sympathetic look. "I'm most sorry to hear that milord," she said, and if Bakan demanded that she share the tea she would ultimately relent, saying; "No, you must keep yours... I'll go and get another cup!"

Ashloriel, in the meantime, would contentedly enjoy her tea, smiling as she lightly sipped at the steaming liquid. Should Bakan taste some of his, he would find the tea slightly sweet and slightly bitter, the two mixing pleasantly and the warmth settling into his stomach and causing a relaxing numbness to spread from his core outward.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Call me Bakan. I'm no Lord." Bakan told her. "If you insist on getting another cup, that is fine. But I don't see Master Paul here so there's no reason he should know, and this tea was no longer meant for me the moment I gave it up to you. He can be as cross as he wants, his politeness and manners pale in comparison to you, who talks to another person like they're an actual human being. That's all the respect I ask for." Bakan stated firmly. "And a respect he has yet to give." He said bitterly. He could tell what Paul did was purely for Dove's sake. That man gave of vibes of having little care for other people, or at least not Bakan and his companions.

While Margery was off to get herself a cup or be forced to endure Bakan insisting she do so while indirectly wanting fisticuffs with Paul, Bakan would eventually turn to Ashloriel. He'd quickly look a great deal more shy. "Sorry... Did I do things wrong? I always go with what my heart says is right instead of reading into the situation. I... Suppose I might have been talking out of place, even though I will admit that I wouldn't have done anything differently." he said stubbornly, before smiling. "I digress, it's your turn, right?" he asked, and if Ashloriel was in position he'd step forward after finishing his tea, setting the cup somewhere safe before approaching her from behind. Like this, indeed she looked soft, and inviting, though for a different reason. He was overtaken with considerable arousal. His head swam with overwhelming thoughts of lust. He felt his heart beat quicken to a point, until Bakan realized his desire was spiraling out of control, instinct finding his willpower wanting. So easy it would be, to swoop in, kiss her neck and grip her hips, sliding himself in. Indeed, so easy that he actually found himself in the steps of doing it. His arms reaching out, his cock lined up with her perfectly.

He wrapped his arms around her, one gently going over her breasts so that his palm rested on her shoulder, and his other arm went around her belly under her breasts. His tool seeking violation instead sliding up, glancing along her rear entry, and resting between the rounds of her ass. He embraced her. His head leaned over her shoulder, and his smooth slightly scarred cheek brushed against her own silky smooth cheek. He hugged her, holding her to him. Then, he murmured his tale of nostalgia. "I always loved hugging you. I haven't hugged you from behind like this since I was young, and some time after I had fully gotten used to you, and accepted you." He moved his arms up, moving his hands starting from her shoulders, down to her hands, to lay his hands over hers to clean her wings just as she did with him. "I'm just... Happy. Happy beyond belief. I questioned so much, which memories I had were truly of you, and which were of her. I felt so insecure. I even felt so guilty, one day, when I was looking for you when I was but a teen still trying to lift that impossibly heavy hammer from Matthias, I saw a figure of you bathing. I wondered lately, if it was truly you. But now I know it doesn't matter. This *is* you." he said, encouraging her to move her wings and flex them as she had him, brushing them and cleaning them through the motions she taught him.

He tolerated his lust, all through cleaning her, until every feather and underneath was spotless and clean. Throughout the process his length gently rubbed between her soft mounds, keeping him agitated and hard. Leaning over to brush the ends caused his shaft to slide forward, and his slightly inflated scrotum to touch against her. It was a good fight, but Bakan felt like he was on the edge in more ways than one. When he was finished, Bakan smiled, albeit, sadly. "Do you see me as a man?" he asked simply. "Or am I still a boy?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

The maid seemed nervous at the prospect of angering the stern butler that Bakan so disliked, and so simply opted to curtsy and go to retrieve a third cup for herself, leaving Bakan and Ashloriel once more on their own.

When he questioned how he had handled things, Ashloriel simply shrugged and said; "Who am I to say? It's hard to tell sometimes whether you're doing right by people, especially when you don't know them. For a woman in her position though... I don't believe it's best to risk getting her in trouble with her superior, but I also don't think you did that. So, no, you didn't do wrong, but it's important to strike a balance between following your heart and letting your head guide it if you really want to help people."

Then, it was Ashloriel's turn to have her wings cleaned, and as she bent forward against the wall and he approached her Bakan's arousal would surge. It would have been so simple and easy to take her right then and there, to embrace her and slide his length into her folds and unleash every ounce of pent up frustration and the potent seed that was boiling to be let loose. Instead he hugged her, however, his hands avoiding the full breasts that were all but begging to be cupped and caressed while his arms encircled them. He wasn't to go fully unstimulated, however, as his tight hug brought his member between the plump cheeks of her doughy rear, and being enclosed by those soft soapy slabs of flesh felt as heavenly as he might have expected.

Ashloriel didn't seem concerned in the slightest at the intimate gesture, shifting slightly into his hug in a way that would have seemed entirely platonic if every tiny movement didn't effectively stroke his cock. It seemed that such was little more than a side effect, purely by accident, as his adoptive mother sighed happily and giggled as she settled into his embrace. "You were so difficult to get out of your shell back then... But I'm glad that I did," she replied, and then moved her hands to aid him in the cleaning of her wings, though she seemingly made no effort to move quickly. "This sort of thing really isn't unusual among my kind," she explained as she gave one of her wings a slight flex, sending a ripple of slight shifts through her whole body that once more had her ass moving very slightly against his cock, his intimate organ feeling every motion in magnified intensity and detail. "We aren't as conservative about nudity as some might think... Not around those we trust anyway."

The next few minutes came and went, Ashloriel helping Bakan clean beneath her feathers and every shift she made producing a torturous burst of stimulation that only stoked his ever burning lust. Margery returned only to remain in the background, unneeded and thus out of sight, though at hand immediately if they needed anything. The further along they got, the more Ashloriel had to shift against him, and thus the more intense those soft strokes became, bringing him closer and closer to the point of no return. By the time the last of her feathers were finally cleaned he was right on the cusp of release, his member throbbing as it prepared to erupt against Ashloriel's ass and back, and just as he began to ask his question she began to shift again, settling back into his arms. It was all too much, and as she gently grasped his arms to hold him in a seemingly affectionate manner he felt the telltale signs of oncoming orgasm surging up.

Every tiny movement brought him closer down that path, a slight clench of her rear cheeks seemingly sealing his fate, but then she suddenly went perfectly still, leaving him hanging by the barest of threads while his manhood was still trapped against her, pulsating with need. Ashloriel let out a soft sigh, gently releasing his arms. One tiny motion was all that he needed, one shift would see him to glorious final release, though if she was truly oblivious to his present state by now it would surely be impossible to hide it then if he made that final move and let himself cum. "You are a man now Bakan," she said softly, "you have been for a while... No, you're no longer just the little boy I took care of."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan swallowed a lump in his throat as he just realized he couldn't command his body to detach from Ashloriel. "I'm glad... You trust me... But... Well..." Bakan began, his mind overwhelmed with the need to cum. "Y-you see... I don't really trust myself... Right now..." he began trying to warn her. "Because... Not as my adoptive mother, but as a woman..." If Ashloriel didn't see it coming in time, Bakan would wrap an arm around her belly and cusp one hand over her breast as he made his last final thrust needs between her ass cheeks to find release while shouting. "I love you!"

If this was allowed to happen, Ashloriel wouldn't need to escape anymore as Bakan would slap his hands onto his face and fall backwards. "I'm sorry," he'd say before splashing into the water. There, he'd lay flat in the water like a fallen statue with his hands against his face, and regret what he had done until he needed air.

He didn't think of words in that moment. All he could do mentally, was laugh in madness. He came on Ashloriel. He fucked up so bad that it was absolutely hilarious to him. Meanwhile, the other side of him couldn't help but think of how Ashloriel felt his cock between her ass cheeks, and how this was also partially her fault for grinding him between those soft cheeks. Not that anyone would ever see it that way of course. It was just a defensive thought to resist the overwhelming sensation of guilt as the bath was now glowing blue from the intense glow of his wings showing his shame.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Ashloriel straightened and gasped in shock as Bakan suddenly grabbed her breast, the sudden grip on her soft breast causing her to let out a small strangled cry that didn't seem particularly aroused. Then she seemed to realize what was happening and let out a sound of protest, but by that point it was far too late. Streams of his cum were already coating her ass and lower back, small thrusts between the angel's plump ass cheeks keeping the seed flowing as his body basked in glorious release until finally he released her and fell back.

Shock at his actions seemed to paralyze her for a few moments as he floated face up, semen still dribbling from his erect rod, and she turned and glanced at it briefly before reaching back. Her hand came back covered in cum, and she blanched visibly as it stretched between her fingers, though Bakan would see none of that as he covered his face in shame. Then she sighed, the main helpfully offering her a rag with which to help clean the stain as she looked to Bakan and said; "Well... A man, yes, but not... Bakan, why did you just do that? That was... Very inappropriate. If you harbored such feelings, you need to say so, not... That!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan, after hearing her question, adjusted himself in the water to be sitting on his heels, just his face barely coming out of the water. "I thought I made it kind of clear before..." Bakan said, making a slight excuse before hiding his head in the water and making bubbles. In his defense, there was also a reason they stopped sleeping together as he grew up. In his mind, it was because he kept staring and getting excited. "I felt this way about you ever since I came of age. I'm sorry..." He apologized. "It's just... You're an angel and I'm just a human being. You're perfect and I'm not. I was afraid of being hated and never seeing you again..."

'Too late, I guess...' Bakan sighed, before slamming his face into the water, hoping it would hit him like concrete.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Don't... It's not necessarily something to be ashamed of," Ashloriel said in exasperation before turning, trying to look over her shoulder at her back and thus once more letting Bakan get a view of her perfectly sculpted bottom, now complete with ropes of his thick, pearly seed clinging to it. Sighing and using the towel and the soapy water to try and clean herself, Ashloriel missed quite a bit of the release he'd left on her pale skin since she couldn't quite see herself.

"I am NOT perfect," she continued, "and I most certainly don't hate you, even if this is... It makes things very awkward." She turned to face him, her ass still mostly covered in cum, "never think that I don't love you, Bakan, but... Just... Not like that. I care for you very deeply, and I want nothing for you but to be happy... And you wouldn't be happy if we went to that level."

His faceplant into the water would, sadly, not cause him any severe harm, and when he came back up he would see Ashloriel climb up out of the water, her perfect figure still on full display, and the maid would take the towel and kneel down immediately. Her face was stony and without a hint of blush as she started helping her finish cleaning up, retrieving a second towel once the angel's backside had been cleared of semen to finish drying the rest of her while Ashloriel looked to Bakan. "You can still call on me... At the very least I need to teach you about what you seem to be emulating, but please... Don't do that again."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Though her words did make his chest feel so heavy that he feared for his heart, Bakan did find her opinion on what would make him happy rather curious. "For me, there's no further level to go to... I already feel like there is no possible way I can love you more than I already do. To me, that makes you perfect." he said simply, and quietly. Not without shame. "I don't know the consequences, I don't know the implications." Bakan said, facing away from Ashlorial, unable to face her. "I can't even imagine a world where I'd be unhappy if you returned my feelings. Even if I turned to a statue to live forever in stasis the moment you did, I feel like it would be worth it. If I didn't feel like I would die soon, or that I'd become fallen, I would never have done this." Bakan revealed. "I knew it was impossible, that you'd certainly refuse. I just wanted to die without regrets, if that's what it comes to. I don't want to leave this world, wondering what you truly thought about me."

"I'm sorry for being selfish. Just being around you, and being cared for by you has been and always will be enough to make me happy." he said, getting out of the tub and getting dressed. "Don't worry for a second about me bothering you further, Ashloriel... Mother." He reverted to calling her that again. While his wings displayed the pain and the shame he was hiding. "I'm content, I was over it the moment I said I loved you back at the garden. I'd have been quite happy if you actually did return my feelings, but the result would have been the same as now. I know what you deserve, and it's not me. Since after all, you deserve someone who isn't broken and weak." he stated, a brief flash of black running through his eyes, and likely his wings as well, as he could almost feel the irony of his actions laughing at him.

After all, he was preparing for the worst. The all-likely chance of him going back to his world, and learning of his brother's death. He could feel the roaring black vibrate within him. Just the fear alone was enough to let it out. He knew what he'd become if he truly found out his brother's fate, and relive that fiery scene once more. He knew he'd completely crumble, and drown in it, letting it take over because he'd become too afraid to even want to live knowing the truth.

'You deserve better than just a tragedy.'

"Margery. Let's go meet my friend, the fae Janne. She will answer your questions. Tell Paul I forcibly carried you if it's a problem." he said, opting to not forcibly carry her and to be her scapegoat to satisfy her desire for knowledge. It was nice just seeing her bright, interested face while he knew his own face was pale and sullen. He knew just by the heaviness of his heart that he was on a clock. Everything that happened so far took a little out of him that he'd not gotten back. Slow, tiny chips taken away at his soul and lost to a void. His very existence quivered as if weak in structure. Unless Ashloriel said anything to make him stop, Bakan would leave her be after that, going to Janne's room either alone or with Margery.

Bakan would motion to knock on Janne's door if alone, but if the maid came along, Bakan would shamefully hold his hammer with both hands at his waist in front of him. "I'm sorry... So very sorry... This must be the worst day for you." he said to her. "I promise you, I won't let what just happened get in the way. I will keep my promise to you and help you. Just because I have to give up my heart's desires doesn't mean you have to as well." he said with a weak smile. "Don't ever give up on what you want, even if you know you'll fail without a doubt or think it's impossible. Because that slim chance that you actually could have done it will make you regret it forever once you die. That's why I'm helping you. You might just be a maid, a nobody to most people. But you're still a person with dreams, with desires for happiness." He said, returning to using his hammer as a walking stick while raising a finger. "Besides, if it's just history, that's a way more realistic aspiration than mine was! Then, maybe I can make up for but one of my many failures." he said.

"Just promise me," Bakan began, looking at Margery directly to grab her attention. "You won't give up half-way. Now that you're with me, and I've made my promise to you, it's going to happen come Hell or high water. Do you understand? This isn't a whim or random chance decision. Very few people make the kind of face you do and talk about their desires. Rare people like you deserve a chance to realize a dream or two. Speak your desires, Margery. I want to hear them. I want to at least achieve a dream, even if it's not mine."

Once they reached Janne's room, he'd warn her. "Just be careful of Janne... And the fey in general. They're not malicious for the most part... Mind winter court, but their society is far different from human. Ergo... Well, some of what your famed lords of lore did with their fey friends was most likely sex."

Then, he'd knock. "Janne? I'm here... And I brought a friend." he'd say. If she opened, he'd introduce Margery to Janne.