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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Ashloriel would let out a sigh in response to Bakan's explanation, and she ultimately did little more than shake her head as the maid helped him back into his clothes. Turned away from her, he wouldn't see her expression, but she could hear her displeasure as he concluded with such self deprecation. "Oh don't talk like that about yourself," she reprimanded him, "not being the strongest thing in the world hardly makes you weak. By that line of thinking we're all as weak as ants! And just because you're troubled doesn't make you broken!"

Despite the awkwardness caused by his actions only a few moments earlier, Ashloriel stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Things will get better Bakan... They're getting better all the time, it's just hard to notice that was new troubles keep popping up. Have faith," she said, "faith in yourself, in those you care for, and that you can make the future better... Because you are, you already have, and if you keep doing as you have you'll continue to do so!"

Then she stepped away, smiling reassuringly either at his back or at his face if he opted to turn away. "I need to go... But call on me if you need me," she said softly, and then once goodbyes were said she would vanish with a soft snap and a brief flash of light.

With Ashloriel gone, he was free to turn to the maid, who glanced at the slight mess on the floor and then back to Bakan before curtsying. "Of course my lord Bakan, I am at your service," she said, following him off to the bedroom he had been given, where Janne was waiting for him. Before he entered, however, he could turn to the maid following him and deliver his speech, to which she seemed... Surprised, to say the least.

"Uhm... It's... It's alright," she said, responding first to his apology. "Really, it's... Kind of just a hobby of mine... Thinking about what ancient people did... I'm not really much of a historian myself I'm afraid! I learned my letters, but I'm not much of a writer. I... Would like to talk to someone about it, but I'm not expecting anyone to really go far out of their way for it, really!"

His warning about Janne, in turn, caused her eyes to widen in surprise, and a blush to appear on her cheeks. Ultimately, however, she nodded in understanding and awaited his warning.

Opening the door to the bedroom, Bakan found Janne sitting at a table that she had cleared, a number of small bottles, bowls, packages, wrappings, and all manner of tools useful for herbalism and alchemy that were still being portable enough to carry in the witch's pack. She looked up from her work as he entered, having been facing the door, and set aside a potion she'd been mixing and rose with a knowing smirk. That smirk became curious as he brought in another woman, but when he motioned and introduced them and Margery curtsied she seemed more curious than anything else. "Oh... Well hello there, what can I do for you?" the faerie said, to which the maid politely curtsied again. "Milady... My name is Margery, and... If it pleases you... I would like to ask you some questions about... About the people of Badaria from ages past, of its rulers, of what they spoke of... Sir Bakan believed you might be able to help me."

That caused Janne to quirk an eyebrow and laugh lightly, "well... A noble enough cause I suppose! I do know something of history, but not much, and I'm afraid that I am not nearly old enough to give you exactly what you want, but I could act as another connection of sorts to those who witnessed such things first hand. Not to say that such services are free, of course, and though most don't bother to keep time, few of the sidhe like having their time spent on frivelous things for anyone other than themselves. Just... A bit of forewarning for you." Margery seemed hesitant, but then nodded in understanding. Before she could speak further, however, Janne turned to Bakan with a knowing smirk and said; "But first... Bakan here happens to owe me... And I aim to collect~ You may not want to be present for that part, unless you plan on joining in!"

Margery looked surprised and blushed slightly again, but then nodded, curtsied, and moved to excuse herself. Unless Bakan made some other request of her, she would depart, leaving him alone with his long time tormentor, who was already looking at her with predatory eyes.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"I will, Ashloriel." Bakan replied, before letting the angel be on her way.

Then, with Margery, Bakan shrugged. "Then, what do you want out of life? Does something that you seemed so excited about mean so little to you? Do you want to work this job and accomplish nothing you desire?" Bakan inquired. "If not this then what? It's really not such a hard desire to grant, really. This is your best chance to ever enjoy the opportunity to fulfill your desires. I'm not saying there won't be a better chance, but I highly doubt it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have offered this at all if you could just walk out and find the answers yourself." he stated. "You're more than welcome to refuse, but I encourage you to accept." he stated finally, letting the decision be hers ultimately.

Once with Janne, Bakan nodded when Margery excused herself, letting him be alone with Janne. Staring at the door for a moment after closing it behind Margery, Bakan thought about it for a moment, before heaving a heavy sigh and wordlessly throwing his clothes off with direction and resolution. He glanced back at Janne while showing off his butt and scarred back. "After the day I've had, I've no desire to resist you with force or quips. I concede fully. I just can't beat you." He sighed. If she hadn't pounced him by then, he'd turn to face her. "I'll be obedient and pleasure you until you're satisfied and further more as you visit me... Until the moment you show me weakness." he warned her. "The moment I see a chance, I will make you mine in an instant. I 'will' dominate you." he promised, ready to hear what she wanted, or just to allow her to initiate wordlessly if that's what she wanted.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Well.. It is interesting to me... And I think it could help people... It's just... You're making this seem very dramatic. I mean, I'm not saying no, it's just... A little daunting, you know?" the maid said, the formal attitude she had displayed up until then being dropped briefly before she seemed to realize that she was talking to a guest and gathered herself back into her role.

Once alone with her, Janne would merely watch and quirk an eyebrow as Bakan simply stripped in place, making no effort to help and, when he glanced back at her, seemingly admiring the view. His words drew her eyes back up to his face, however, and despite the threat that he issued the faerie sorceress continued to smile. "Oh Bakan... You silly boy you~" she lamented with a dramatic sigh.

Her hands rose to the shoulder straps of her dress, and she began a slow stalking advance on him that let her have her clothes melt down her voluptuous frame an inch at a time while she drew nearer at a fairly sedate pace. She stopped a few feet away, her dress at her hips and her massive breasts fully exposed, that smooth creamy flesh always so alluring and no less so now despite what had just happened between him and Ashloriel. Her dress quickly completed its journey to the floor, and then Janne finished her advance, her hips giving a predatory sway until she was right up in front of him.

"We've already done that before... Or do you not remember when you fucked me up the ass? I don't care who's on top, and I like it a lot more when you're into it~" she cooed, her breasts lightly pressing against his muscular chest while her fingers trailed up over his torso, tracing some of his scars. "I would say that I'm surprised at you for that little threat... But I'm really not, not after what you did out in the courtyard. I know you like to think of me as some horrible titty-monster who comes in the night to torment you, but really... It's a little silly, when you think about it. I mean, among the women that you've become entangled with lately, how many of them have put fewer requirements on you than I?"

She threw her arms around his neck, drawing herself closer against him, and continued to smile, but now it seemed more affectionate than devilish. "Don't think that I mean to say things against them; it is natural for people to expect things from one another after all. Still, who among those you have acquired as your companions needs so little from you? Cory, wonderful woman though she is, has reason to be quite cross with you, and is carrying a child. Samarta must feed from you, and is carrying a clutch - presumably by you - as well. I suppose Rhep and Inka don't need much more than companionship and an occasional night in your bed, and Orgrosh and her ward Sarah require nothing of you, but as we found out earlier they don't offer what I do."

She reached up and gently stroked the side of his face, "I have never done anything but try and help you, Bakan... Even if it isn't in the ways you might think you want~ And all I ever ask for in return is a little bit of fun! No drama or requirements attached!" Her right hand strayed downwards, fingers softly wrapping around Bakan's shaft as he began to stroke him, rubbing his rod against her stomach in the process. "So, why continue being so cross with me, hrm? You know you'll enjoy what we're about to do, so why not simply live in the moment for a little bit?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

At the mention of so little requirements, Bakan was a bit shocked at how close and yet so far at the same time she was to hitting the hammer on the nail. "It's precisely that. You expect nothing of me, so I have nothing to accomplish. Taunting me with that word until it became an additional scar but on the inside of my mind. I worked day and night in that little shack you made your home. I fixed it up, even put in new windows. The very bed I constructed became the location of my violation the night you decided to jump me. All my attempts to impress you and feel accomplished, and you merely looked at me with amusement. As if what I did for you after Ashlorial put me in your charge was..." Bakan sighed, and his fist clenched. "... Cute." he uttered the word while clenching his teeth to resist the painful twitch of hearing that word. So full of humiliation he was whenever hearing the word directed at him.

"So, indeed, why do I act cross with you? It's because the difference between us enrages me to Hell, to Donevrion, and back again!" he declared, grabbing her hips to pull her in close when she went for his shaft. "You can just walk all over me, and what the fuck am I to do!? I cannot bind you, out perform you, nor even get my own damned companions to side with me against you!" he fumed at that, Samarta's turn coat behavior back then hitting a sore spot. "You can appear out of nowhere and solve my problems, help me fight the invaders from the sky, demons, monsters, and what have you. Yes, the fact that you are good at what you do is not lost on me, but the fact also remains that I know who and what you are. Janne, the fae. I've no clue when that transient behavior of yours will turn around and make me regret not being able to do what you can do. When I call and you don't come. When you decide you've had your fun and choose to make a toy out of someone else. It's because you expect nothing from me, that I know I matter nothing to you! So the last thing I want to do is even like you, and then regret it when you're gone for good!" he stated. "I don't want the same broken heart I got when I found out Ashloriel and I were never meant to be." he said, knowing Janne knew that he had a hardcore crush on the angel since he was young.

"What will happen if I do come to like having you around, Janne?" Bakan inquired. "Would you stay, or would you poof and vanish?" he asked, while returning her gesture, slipping his hand between her legs to rub along her crotch, teasing her clit. "With that transient attitude of yours, why should I make myself so vulnerable by accepting you? By expecting you to be by my side when I need you most? I know Cory will march across the world to come find me, and risk her very life just to make sure I am safe. She proved that." he declared, before, after their fair share of foreplay, Bakan picked Janne up, and placed her on the bed with his cock slipped between her thighs, just above her pussy while he held her legs spread if she allowed it. "Would you do the same!? Because that's what makes her qualified and then some to earn my love, respect, and adoration! That's why I love Cory! And Rhep as well! They hold my trust, and despite having power, talent, and my virginity to boot, trust trumps all!"

He leaned forward, pressing down against her on the bed (again, unless she does a barrel roll or something to escape), and asks, with his lips not far from her own, and his eyes staring at her own sparkling fairy eyes. "How much does my mortal life really matter to you? Can you really measure up to Cory and Rhep after what they suffered because of me, and for my sake as well? When I'm sure most people would have just forsaken me? I don't know, and that's why I fear you."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Janne once more would chuckle softly at Bakan's words, "so you need me to tell you you did a good job? You did... Even that night I decided to be your first~" She let him grab her, let him pull her in so that her devilish fingers couldn't reach his shaft, and instead her hips shifted back and forth, letting his upright rod press against the soft skin of her taught stomach.

Her teasing stopped suddenly as he unleashed his tirade against her, a bit of understanding dawning, and for a moment she did not smile. "You don't think you can rely on me?" she said, her voice brittle, "you don't trust me... When it is I who have always been there when you needed me? Bakan... You wound me again~" Despite her flippant tone, it was hard to miss the note of genuine hurt buried in her voice, or the frown appearing on the busty nymph's pretty face.

She actually seemed startled when he started rubbing her petals, jumping slightly as her eyes widened, but then she began to shift again, pressing both against his fingers as she whimpered in pleasure and still grinding against Bakan's shaft. "I don't think that's a fair example to try and make me follow," she protested calmly, "I'm not asking to be your wife like Cory, or even to be around you all the time. I'm asking you to stop belittling me in front of your friends after I come to help you, to stop trying to force me to prove myself when I've never done anything but try and make myself useful to you whenever you've called on me... And to stop being so depressed when it's time for us to enjoy ourselves! Have I ever not shown when you needed me? Have I ever been useless to you? Have I ever not gone and done my very best to help you, at times even at my own expense?

"Whenever you were in danger, I came, even if it meant I might be killed or captured. When you had your spat with Orgrosh and summoned me plus a few of my kin by accident, I tried to help you cope with the difficulties of that relationship and never demanded payment, even went and made sure my kin got theirs from someone else. And you don't trust me, and treat me the way you do... Because I'm flippant. Because I don't act like I need to be around you all the time, even when I obviously enjoy being around you even when it doesn't involve our clothes being on the floor. Besides... I couldn't even replicate what Rhep and Cory went through to find you again. I can find you and teleport back to you. They can't."

She through her arms around the back of his neck as he lifted her, and looked him in the eye as he brought her to the bed and laid her down, her legs gently pressing against his sides as he pressed down on top of her. "You don't.... Know what it is to be a nymph. I understand... Bakan, we aren't... Entirely like mortals. Even demons, like Cory and Rhep, they have... Choices that we don't have. We are... Women, but at once more and less. Some of us are mothers, made in the image of the sidhe to take the seed of men, to bear children. Others are... Companions, like me. You think you don't mean anything to me, just because I'm playful? You think your life doesn't matter to me just because you're mortal?"

She broke eye contact as her hips began to roll back and forth, causing her damp petals to slide back and forth over the underside of his shaft, and her next words were whispered into his ear instead; "Our first time... When you came in me again and again and again... How long were you worried that you had gotten a child on me? When I told you that I hadn't... That I couldn't... Were you relieved? Or disappointed?" Her arms wrapped around his back, her legs locking around him as well, holding Bakan close but otherwise allowing him relatively free reign, to continue the more gentle grinding or to slide himself into those familiar soft folds.

(@ the stuff about Janne's reliability: I think she has never not shown up when summoned. I cannot recall an instance where she didn't anyway, so if I'm wrong about any of the above remind me and I'll edit.)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Janne's words were well chosen and had valid points. Despite how Bakan could state she had no true reason to care, she countered by stating why she did. The part about her teleportation was a direct hit against him, since he completely forgot that Janne could do that. Even after she already did that to come find him just a while ago. Though, there was one point she got wrong, and Bakan was more than happy to talk about that. "I never asked you to prove yourself... On the contrary, I wanted you to be less reliable often times. You already know my past, you know where relying on others has gotten me. Even if you allow me the excuse of being a mere child, it was because I did nothing to live up to my promise to my brother, no training nor act to get strong enough to defend him, that I cannot stand the thought of letting others take the danger for me and be slaughtered because I was too pathetic to help. There are a lot of reasons why I try to push you away, and it's because I don't want to end up relying on you to solve my problems." He said, before sighing and shaking his head as her points shook him. "I have been unfair. I've been cruel to you too. Though don't think for a second that it was because I hated you. It was instead because I was afraid of you. The thought of me being seen as but a transient existence, to be there and fade away from your concern was chilling. That first time was awful for me because of all the things I thought about. That despite it being so shocking for me, it was probably nothing to you. Instead of it being special, if you were asked one hundred years later, who Bakan was, you would say that it was just some mortal. Being insignificant is what scares me the most." Bakan revealed.

Laying together like that, Bakan pressed down upon Janne, slowly rubbing his length along her folds as light wet sounds of flesh squishing against wet flesh were heard beyond his words. "You also must realize, Janne... I was not raised by humans. In the beginning? Yes. But not after that day. I was raised by an angel, so I don't hold the values you think I do. I don't want a wife, I don't want to own you, nor Orgrosh, or anyone. But at the same time, I don't know what I want. I can't describe it. Though, whenever I make the people around me smile, I feel satisfied. So..." Bakan blushed for a bit. "Maybe... Maybe I was looking for a 'good job' from you. Do you think that's stupid? I don't know if that's still human thinking to you or not, but given by the state of humanity right now I don't know where you'd draw that conclusion from. Since instead of smiles, they'd rather see dead non-humans for the majority." he said with a grunt. "Maybe I'm an idealistic fool for thinking I can get along with everyone. Maybe I have no idea how to make Orgrosh happy after what happened. I do know what I want though. I want to be significant to people. Someone that they want to call to in order to live a better life. And I still..." He let out a sigh, now feeling the guilt of Janne's words upon him for rebutting his accusations of not caring. "I still want to know how significant I am to you." he said, before sliding her up in the bed and crawling onto it, standing on his knees with his legs spread out so that his length was still against her folds.

Then, her whispering almost sent him over the edge of lust. Her words trying to obviously inspire lust, and an answer. Bakan blushed, and gave Janne an angry look for a second, before his eyes lowered. "You're seriously..." He murmured, about to scold her before letting up a little. "Fine... I was just... A very, very tiny bit... Just a little... Disappointed." he finally said, giving in just an inch. Then he growled a bit. "Quit making me embarrass myself, you sadist!" he chided her, before taking an act of revenge as Janne would feel him move in and attach his lips to her neck, giving a firm kiss that would no doubt tickle her before licking the tender flesh before him. "I can't wait for the day to come when I turn the tables on you! One day I'll be the one in charge, and you'll be the... The 'cute' one!" Despite sounding like he was complaining, the mental imagery of tying Janne up and gently torturing her was arousing him as he grinded against her faster. "One day you'll be the one, just sitting and enjoying a meal at the glade, when I swoop in and steal you away to play with you, and share you with my satyr and gruff friends! This is my promise:" Bakan looked her in the eyes while moving his hips back. "I will make you mine~!" he said, before embracing her tightly, and planting his lips upon her own as he thrusted forward, impaling his cock into Janne's folds and beginning a quick succession of thrusts, pounding into her pussy with gusto, slithering his tongue into her mouth to dance with her own tongue. Just the kiss was the promise. From that, Janne was free to maintain her control if she wished, rolling Bakan over to make a retort if she desired. Bakan only promised that her time in power would eventually fade, and he would become the one who dominates her. Though she'd no doubt know that he'd not hurt her at all, and it was all just the difference being who gets to be on top and tease the other. For now though, Bakan was Janne's, soon to be the other way around.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"I never thought you hated me... Not really," Janne reassured Bakan, "but you were often difficult with me, unfairly, and I think it's time for that to change." She caressed his chest lightly, comfortingly, "you need to figure out what you want then. Is making people smile enough, or do you want more? After all, if you make people happy, you deserve to be happy in return right?" Then, the faerie grinned and rolled her eyes, "psh... Still wondering that huh? Suffice to say... You matter. You're important to me. I'm not really one to base my life around anyone else, and I still owe debts of fealty to certain people, but you're the only one who summons me, the only one I really go out of my way to see for things other than business."

Once on her back on the bed, Janne would giggle into his ear at Bakan's answer, though her soft laughter would take on a different note as he latched onto her neck. "Teeheehee... So you want to put a baby in me huh?" she cooed between pleased noises, nipping at the edge of his ear. "Ooooh.... You're really trying to get me all excited huh? Wanting to knock me up... Promising to share me with all your friends~" she would add, before letting out a deep moan that was muffled by his kiss as Bakan reoriented and slipped his length into her soft, damp, welcoming folds. Their wonderful softness wrapped around him like a glove, familiar temptation to surrender himself to their invitation of mindless bliss one that for once he seemingly fully gave in to.

Her tongue gently lashed against Bakan's in turn as he invaded her mouth, and the most intense thrusts he could muster against her were received by her plump rear and soft folds with ease. Loud, wet claps filled the air, outdoing their muffled moans as Bakan's cock was squeezed and sucked by the faerie's inner walls with every thrust that he delivered. Despite his apparent dominant position, Bakan could feel his body barely hanging on within only a few moments of pounding into Janne at that rapid pace, his seed boiling inside of him and ready to be delivered deep into her inviting depths. Her legs locked around his sides, pulling him in deeper, giving him no chance to pull away and escape that heavenly embrace, or even to try and cool off or slow down as her return kiss began to grow more aggressive.

Before he came, however, Janne suddenly threw her weight against him, hurling him to the side and flipping Bakan onto his back while she went with him. Janne put herself on top, the normal dynamic of their relationship, and contrary to his wild bucking began to rise and fall upon him slowly but hard. She rose at a snail's pace, making him feel every centimeter of her inner walls clinging desperately to his erection and leaving him swamped with pleasure but not enough to let him cum. Then her descents were fast, her hips smacking into his lap to continue the lewd applause but at a more sedate pace, seemingly causing her to tighten around him for the torturous ascents that inevitably followed.

Minutes passed under Janne's torturous assault, the pleasure close to pure bliss but just far enough that it hurt, his balls aching for release as she rode him. Her inner walls seemed to clamp him tighter and tighter with every buck, so good towards the end that every one made him feel almost like he would find sweet release but not quite enough, leaving him locked in a pleasure hell of Janne's creation. Then, without warning, she began to buck wildly, shredding the tatters of Bakan's stamina and driving him into an immeasurably satisfying orgasm. The first spurt of his release would be issued deep inside as she dropped to the hilt and held, breaking the kiss and letting a loud groan of satisfaction pass from between her lips as the voluptuous nymph's inner walls gave his rod rhythmic jerks. Spurt after spurt was drawn from him, his pulsating balls emptied into her as her folds kept perfect rhythm with his eruptions to both draw as much seed from him in each and to ensure that he just kept cumming.

By the time he could finally stop cumming, Bakan felt like he'd been sucked utterly dry, his balls totally empty while Janne settled above him like a satisfied cat. Her big breasts rubbed against his chest, her auburn hair fell down over him, strands tickling his face as she held his manhood hostage in her folds. Only a bit of his seed had leaked out around the plug of his cock, much of it left locked inside of her and unable to escape while her inner walls forced him to remain rock hard with rhythmic pulses and subtle grinding motions.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Her making giggly 'teehee' noises at him flipped a switch in Bakan. To him it sounded like she was treating him like an amusing toy again. To that, he roared, and cried a little. "Damn it... STOP MOCKING ME!" and he plunged into her harder, giving her a right pounding if there ever was one for Bakan to give. One should hope that bed was study, otherwise the powerful back and forth motions would be sending the bed creaking one way then another. So careless Bakan was of his own limits that he just thrusted into her without much care as to holding back or refusing the pleasure of her pussy. The moment he realized he was going to cum, it was already too late. Janne seemed savvy in the ways of detection as she threw him over and put him on the bottom.

"How do you even do that!?" he questioned her while in dire need to cum. "I'm stronger than you!" he then whined. Even though it was quite obvious her legs had a power of their own. All that sex did well to train those thigh muscles. Though then there was an added problem. Bakan gave Janne, who was laying on top of him with her fingers locked around his own and his hands against the bed with her bountiful breasts smushed against his chest, a shocked look when she lifted slowly, and then a tortured look when she slammed down. His whole body tensed, and contested with her arms a bit before the teasing sensation of her ass drawing back up, her pink pussy sliding up and torturing his sense of pleasure, causing her grip to overpower his, pushing him back down. "Janne... you wouldn't..." Bakan declared, and she no doubt developed a devilish look. A few more back and forth motions in this manner, just teasing him with the idea of climax until pain set in, and Bakan was gritting his teeth. Though that became a different story as the kiss continued. Bakan wanted to utter words of defiance, but perhaps sensing this, she silenced him with her lips, attacking him with more kissing as their mixed saliva ran down both of his cheeks, creating a mess on the sheets.

Times truly haven't changed. Their relationship didn't change. It was Janne in control. She was riding him, and denying him any form of resistance. Though as much as she was making him submit, it seemed like she was punishing him all the more for it. Grinding on him, kissing him, forcing him to endure orgasm denial. He was torn between the ideas of submission and resistance. Though resistance was met with more domination. He could shift around a bit though she denied him much movement, until he went still and the torture continued. It might as well have been Janne telling him to shut up and take it. Which was easy for her to not-say as Bakan was full to burst and she was keeping him from doing so. It got to a point where he was complaining at her through the kiss and making angry pouting thumping motions with his feet before she suddenly attacked him, drawing a loud (and arguably girly) startled cry from Bakan. His breathing came in rapid back and forth bursts, panting as suddenly she was bouncing wildly off of his crotch and almost immediately drawing his climax from him. Bakan's kissing became sloppy as his brain basically shut down for the next few seconds, his eyes rolling back into his head.

Then came that lull. Nothing happened, mind Janne just laying on him all satisfied while Bakan felt like she nearly sucked his life out in addition to his cum. Without being a succubus, she certainly felt like she took more than one every time she fucked him.

He laid there, drained. Twitching a bit. Not even being raped by 100 alraune could prepare him for someone like Janne. Though it did make him wonder if she treated other men this way. Just for a moment, he wondered if he was the only one she did this to. The mere thought made him just a bit harder, though not to his knowledge. Nor his willingness to accept such an idea that being Janne's one and only bitch actually excited him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Are you~" his tormentor teased, "are you really stronger? You can blow your load whenever you want... Except I want let you until I want you to!" Her torture only grew more intense, her hips bucking slowly and tormenting him... Until, ultimately, she rode Bakan's orgasm out of him, draining his balls dry and leaving him a twitching mass after his startled cry of ecstasy. She giggled merrily when she felt him twitch inside of her, hardening at the thought of submission, and as if she sensed his thoughts she began to work her hips up and down once more, painful pleasure leaving him in the best agony imaginable as her tight folds drew upon him.

"Still hard... Good~" she cooed, before pulling off of him and releasing his tortured cock from her pussy. Despite that she had given him the hardest orgasm of his life, none of his seed leaked out of her, and apparently she wasn't done with him as she crawled aside and turned until her head was hanging over his slick rod. "I want more, but your next load better be even bigger~" she cooed, and then descended on him with her mouth open. His cock vanished into her mouth, stretching her throat without apparently causing her to gag, and fresh agonizing ecstasy flooded him as her auburn hair tickled his thighs. Her lips tightened, tongue lapping at the base of his shaft slowly, and her throat squeezed, and then she began to bob; one, two, three times she rose and fell, then her tongue was rolling across the sensitive head for a moment before she repeated that pattern.

Over a minute passed in that torture before she popped free, and then Janne's head dropped, her tongue sliding across Bakan's abused cock until she reached the fingers she'd used to hold him in place. "I'll just have to... Give you a little help~" she cooed, and then took one of Bakan's aching, empty balls between her lips and began to suck. At first it was a relief, a boon, as his shaft was left alone, but then she began to jerk him steadily, like she was milking him, but the pain ended a second later as Janne's skilled sucking on helpless orb was joined by something else. Magic flared from her, into him, and suddenly Bakan felt like he hadn't cum in years, his body going on overdrive to produce more semen for the insatiable faerie. Every second made him feel more full, like he was overflowing, and after a moment Janne released that ball only to take the other, sucking on it and restoring its vitality as well.

Her jerking slowed down, pleasurable but not enough to make him cum again by far, even as she alternated between sucking on each of his balls in turn, back and forth, while occasionally lapping at the base of his shaft. Then she slowly slid her tongue up to his tip and swirled it over his head, and gave a soft giggle as she shifted slightly to turn one half closed eye upon Bakan's expression. "You know... I was thinking about punishing you after before... About doing something very... Very... Naughty to you~" she cooed, still lapping at his tip teasingly while giving it slow jerks.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

While being tortured by her, Bakan pouted angrily. "I... I AM stronger than you!" he insisted. "I've got bigger muscles!" he stated, before feeling like he wanted to die after how absolutely pathetic that sounded. In fact, all he could do from that point on is look at Janne with a sad and angry face as she rode him.

Then, the massive climax happened, and Janne took the time to get off, and start revitalizing his balls. "A little help? You're not done!?" Bakan exclaimed, before he started twitching in her grasp and convulsing a bit while actually having her magically restore the capacity of his balls somehow. No, not just restoring it, making it overflow! "W-wait, Janne...! Stop, it's too much! J-Janne! Listen to...!" He was cut short as he felt it. His second ball filled up and the 'need' hitting him like a truck. This woman had to truly be insane to inspire this much lust in a man right after he finished cumming. She had to be a sexual monster to not even be remotely tired or satisfied with the rapid, passionate sex. No, she wanted even more. And that was scary. "You're insane...!" Bakan wheezed out in between his twitches and slight upward hip thrusting into her mouth, overwhelmed with need. "Janne, seriously...! Too much!" it wasn't the first time she did this. The act of her taking his virginity had her reusing him over and over until the memory of his virginity was a permanent scar on his brain. This time however, she was pumping him so full of sexual vigor that Bakan realized he was reaching dangerous levels of lust, such that the room was glowing pink due to his wings getting so bright.

Feeling like Janne was serious, Bakan had to back down and be humble. "W-whatever it is... I'm sorry...?" he replied uncertainly, not sure of what she was mad about. It wasn't that he didn't have a certain instance to draw from, rather he had MULTIPLE instances she could be mad at him for. She might even just be delivering his dues for all of them right now. "J-Janne?" he called her name out in a panic. "Don't go crazy, please... M-mercy...!" he pleaded, her slow strokes of his cock leaving him bucking and moving desperately. She had the choice of giving him mercy or not, while Bakan knew that even if she let him go, he'd jump right on top of her and fuck the closest hole. Probably her mouth, but who knows how that tussle would end up.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Janne, having Bakan in her power now, grinned with lips around the helm of his cock, her tongue unseen but felt as it danced in circles across his sensitive dome. Her hand rose and fell in steady jerks, stroking his length while her mouth worked his tip, and after a moment her plump rear settled beside him and her other hand joined the relentless assault upon Bakan's manhood as it began to rub his now swollen balls. There was just enough stimulation there to keep him from going mad, but only just, and even if he felt himself being drawn towards orgasm it was at a snail's pace despite Janne's near perfect steadiness. She released his tip only to run her tongue in lines up and down his shaft, and then replied; "You were mean to me~ Remember? Don't worry... This isn't your punishment~"

Then his rod half vanished suddenly into her mouth, the tight warmth and deft flicks of her tongue heaven and hell all at once, and for the next minute Janne bobbed and stroked and rubbed and licked, leaving Bakan trapped out in a pleasurable storm in which he had no shelter. Just before the eye of the storm - relief in the form of orgasm - was over him, however, the mischievous faerie stopped and halved the pace of her stroking, once more locking Bakan on the edge of glorious release. "I was going to tie you up, you poor thing~ Tie you up and blindfold you, and then treat you just like this... And every time you... Popped... I would bring in somebody to... Assist me~ Of course, you wouldn't know who they were.... And I'd just keep on refilling you, until you couldn't possibly cum any more~ I was going to start with a couple of friends, but then I would have left you in their... Capable... Hands while I went to see if any of your friends wanted a turn punishing you!"

Her hand started jerking rapidly suddenly, and a few moments later Janne's mouth was bobbing in time with it, her tongue half wrapped around his shaft as she sucked his rod for all it could take. There was no more denial now though, and within moments Bakan was left shuddering as Janne wrung rope after rope of fresh cream from him, moaning with pleasure around his cock as she kept him shuddering in the throes of another incredibly powerful orgasm. Every stream of warm cum was tasted, rolled around on her tongue, and ultimately swallowed, and Bakan was left shooting them for a half minute or more before his orgasm finally faded.

This time Janne stopped, mercifully, once the sensitivity on his tip became uncomfortable, but even then her hands continued to deliver slow strokes and rubbed at his balls, once more delivering that restorative magic. "Lets see how long you would have lasted if I hadn't decided to be merciful~" she cooed, and then moved to squat over him, her feet planted on either side of his hips and one hand planted on Bakan's chest. The other aimed his manhood at her folds, from which none of his seed seemed to have escaped, and with a lustful moan she fell upon him, his length sheathed by her hungry folds once more. She rested there a moment, her plump ass in his lap, while she planted her other hand on his chest, pinching one of his nipples, but then her folds seemed to tense around him as magic pulsed through her, causing her eyes to glow a bright green, and as she started bucking up and down Bakan felt like she was tighter than ever.

The faerie's hips moved so fast that they were nearly a blur, Janne's build up in pace incredibly quick as she pounded herself onto him. Wet claps joined the faerie's moans, but such would barely be noticeable as pleasure exploded through Bakan, the sensation of his manhood wrapped and stroked by her inner walls totally overwhelming now. Moments passed by with her riding him hard and fast, his balls aching for the release she was going to bring him in mere moments if she kept up that pace, but if he let himself surrender fully into her hands without offering any resistance here she would surely ride him until he couldn't even move any more. What resistance he might offer, however, was the question, as he could feel the strength draining from him the longer she rode him, his body eager to let the faerie drain him dry as her vigorous riding sent pleasure burning through him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was a bit intimidated by the words Janne spoke. Just imagining the situation she painted was both humiliating and annoyingly exciting. Bakan wanted to give a retort, but Janne was making him gasp and groan instead as she tortured his genitals, refilling their vitality while going back to denying their much desired release. He cursed it all. He wasn't sure what had gotten into Janne. Being mean to her had the opposite expected effect and now she seems even more lustful and carnivorous than ever before. In fact, he was certain she was being even more sadistic than the first time she took him, making the experience look gentle in comparison. Though, when she began moving at a rapid pace, Bakan's eyes widened. His body went stiff, fingers digging into the bed. Even closing his eyes, he could see with a picture perfect image in his mind, the sight of her pink lips wrapped around his dick, sucking on it while her hand pumped his length relentlessly. His hips bucked beyond his control, eager to surrender his seed to her, soon doing just as such as his eyes rolled back, his cock gushing into her mouth.

His whole world was throbbing. His head, his body, his arms, legs, and groin. It made him dizzy, having so much blood rushing around. Such that he laid there motionlessly, putting an arm over his eyes before looking down. Seeing her glowing eyes, and position over him, Bakan panicked. He wanted to beg that he was already feeling like his heart would give out from the excess of stimulation. But it was too late, she was upon him, and slamming her hips down. Her pussy was tighter than ever, and Bakan let out a kind of cry that he quickly wish he never had. Moaning and crying out like a virgin, Bakan knew she was probably eating his shame up with glee. "T-Too... Too... Fast...!" Bakan weakly wheezed out, as he was pounded by Janne's hips. His hands would snap to her wrists when she began tweaking his nipples. Though both his body and willpower was too weak to deny her. And in all honesty, over the time of his adventures thus far, he was starting to get used to being the one on bottom. With the voluptuous Janne atop him, he took one look at her when normally his eyes would always look away, and he couldn't stop looking.

Her swaying breasts were hypnotizing, her smooth and beautiful skin alluring and pleasant. Her pink pussy sucking in his engorged cock fascinating in it's own right, getting more perspective on just how much of his enlarged size she was taking in. He couldn't look away. He hardly wanted it to stop. So, Janne would find herself looking down at a certain Bakan who was staring up at her, looking directly into her eyes while his peripherals took in the rest. Captivated, with little doubt as to his submission and desire, wanting to release his cum inside of her and feel her pussy twitch around his cock in her own orgasm.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

With her victim utterly and totally surrendering to her lewd desires, Janne's grin grew even wider before she suddenly sped up even more, her lips parting to emit a soft, alluring moan that called to the primal centers of his brain. His grip on her wrists didn't stop her from toying with his nipples, and with no effort made to slow her rapid bucks Balam was soon overwhelmed by raw, paralyzing pleasure. Much like a succubus, Janne had used magic to perfectly craft her body to inflict as much pleasure upon him as possible, and with his cock wrapped in her agonizingly tight folds as she bounced up and down the sensation was overwhelmingly potent. Not only did her magic enhance her inner muscles and give her the strength to maintain that desperate pace, but it seemed to seep into Bakan, into his nerves. Every sensation seemed to feel even more intense, every stroke of his manhood by those velvety inner walls almost orgasmic, but the steady throb of his whole being was rising steadily towards yet another climax. Janne looked back down at Bakan, her heavy bosom swaying steadily with every rise and fall and her plump rear jiggling each time she impacted down upon him, pounding him into the bed with her hips, but most fiendishly lewd of all were her eyes, glowing green but telling of the pleasure she took from having reduced him to little more than a helpless lump of flesh, fit only to give her his seed.

When next he came in only a few short moments, redoubled pleasure exploded through Bakan, and Janne dropped her hips and held him in to the hilt. Her eyes closed, though he could still see hints of emerald glow form beneath her eyelids, and though she groaned in satisfaction she also seemed to be concentrating on something. Bakan felt her inner walls contract, drawing the second spurt directly into her womb as pure pleasure burned itself into his mind, and each spurt following was sucked out of him in that way. Her inner motions kept his orgasm going until Bakan's balls were utterly empty, but Janne still seemed to have not cum herself, though she gave a satisfied groan as the last of his baby batter was wrenched from him and his cock went dry. Her magic continued to replenish his stamina, however, and as she stared down at him as he was slowly revitalized Janne crooned; "I love feeling your big cock throbbing inside of me~"

Her inner walls continued to contract around him over the next few moments, leaving Bakan swimming in soft bliss as he recovered, and when he felt that his testes had refilled Janne began to move again. This time it was slower, her hips rising gently, almost cradling his rod, and then dropping down as she groaned loudly. The last time she had been enjoying his reactions more than the sensations, but as she built into a steady rhythm but leveled out at a pace that wasn't half what her last one had been it was clear that now she was letting herself enjoy their coupling on a physical level. Her more earnest coos and moans only enhanced the still irresistible sensation of her folds wrapping around his shaft, and it would be as swift a race to orgasm as before.

This time around, however, the ecstasy that flood him was even more intense, and he was no longer alone in it. Janne groaned and shuddered atop him, her folds clenching and milking as she once more held him from base to tip in her silken embrace. The steady spasms of her inner walls sucked the biggest load yet from him, rope after rope of burning semen pulled into the nymph's voracious womb, each burst sending pleasure so powerful that it made white flashes appear before Bakan's eyes, and when finally they ended he felt utterly spent, the strongest orgasm yet having drained his body of every drop of sperm it could muster. Even magic wouldn't restore him to full stamina at that point, and with a sigh Janne released hers, seemingly shrinking before him as she pulled off with a soft pop. His rod showed only a few trace globs of his seed at its tip, the rest sucked away, locked inside of her, and as she settled back to a straddling position the faerie collapsed forward onto him and started panting contentedly, lying her head against his chest and smiling with eyes closed. Streaks of auburn hair tickled across his face, and she began to trace circles over his chest with one hand while giggling contentedly, the sound almost like a purr.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

In the back of his mind, he was really wondering what her eyes were glowing green for. He couldn't possibly come up with the reason as to why. His first assumption would have been that she was making like those triple succubi and draining his energy, but he knew very well that she wasn't doing that. He pondered if it was related to her pussy sucking his cum directly into her inner depths, but it couldn't have anything to do with pregnancy. She already told him she couldn't have children. So he was simply stumped. So, while the back of his mind was drawing blanks as to the questions he desired answers for, the front of his mind 'was' blank. His body was heavy too. He couldn't lift even a finger. He realized he was moving his entire body during that experience. After the experience with Rhep and Janne, he was starting to be far more of a participant in the sex than before, and was starting to understand the pleasure buttons he could press on a female to please them. Pleasure buttons, by the way, is a name he deems fitting because when he pokes them, it causes pleasure. It's a very simple way for him to understand how to interact with the female body. Surprisingly enough as well, he found that there were lots of pleasure buttons beyond just their genitals. During his experience with Cory, for example, he found that the butt isn't much of a pleasure button despite his latent desires to grasp it. He found it odd that his instincts were trying to get him to do everything wrong.

While he was thinking about all this, he had a purring Janne drawing lines on him with her fingers. He didn't trust those motions at all. As far as he knew she was just going to make his dick even bigger with some kind of wicked rune and then he'd have to repurpose his armor 'again' just to fit it inside and still make it look natural. Instead of making it look like he is deliberately trying to show that he's smuggling two apples and a cucumber in his pants. That had to be rectified immediately for the sake of his own shame, which he was starting to run out of. Kind of scary, that.

Still, he had to say something. Janne being 'happy' while giggling like that was giving him a kind of fear that crawled up and down his spine. It seriously made him feel like she knew way more than he did and was wondering how to toy with him using her secret knowledge. With how devious a person she was... Bakan would never admit how happy he was that she wasn't a true enemy. "Yeah..." Bakan said weakly with a gasp for air, his voice weak. "... Take that..." he declared, trying and failing to sound like he beat Janne.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Janne giggled musically following Bakan's declaration, the tracings of her fingers drawing new lines. "I will~" she cooed, "again... And again... And again~" She leaned up and gave him a deep, hungry kiss on the lips, her breasts dragging against his chest and then flattening as she descended upon him, her nails slowly dragging into Bakan's scalp as she reached up into his hair to keep his head in place.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

First, there was confusion. He didn't think she'd reply like that. Or laugh. Then when she gripped his head and forced a kiss on him he'd whine before resigning himself to the kiss she forced on him. Despite her arousing motions, nipples dragging along his chest and rough grip of his hair, he had no more lust to give. Otherwise he'd be rock solid again. As such his mind would just go blank, and without him truly even thinking of what he was doing, would find himself sharing Janne's kiss. Once the kiss would end though, Bakan would gasp for air, having forgotten that he could breathe through his nose. After a few moments, he'd grin. "This... Is the most... satisfied you've been... Heh... Hehehe... It's only a matter of time... Until I'm the one on top!" Bakan declared with a weak gesture of pointing his thumb at his face. "Then... And then..." his mind blanked. He hadn't planned for the even where he was winning against Janne. "... And then, I win..." he concluded.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Janne giggled again, one hand gliding down over his torso only to begin slowly stroking his limp cock, as if threatening to abuse it further. "Well... You'll have another chance in the morning~" she cooed threateningly, before flicking her tongue against his lower lips and then nipping it gently with her teeth. "And in the afternoon... And tomorrow night... This is your next challenge then hrm?" The faerie's thumb circled the oversensitive tip of Bakan's cock, sending painful bursts of pleasure bursting through her abused organ despite that it was soft, "you can't pass by... Until you can really satisfy me and earn a turn being on top!"

Then, Janne cradled herself against him, ending her torturous stimulation against his member as the glow from her eyes finally ended and she gave a soft yawn.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan paled a bit when she spoke of... Well, basically having sex all day long. Rather than grieve over it, Bakan pondered. "Can we consider those payments for our contract?" he asked in regards to his ability to summon her through the link they shared. "After we rest, I will need help finding one of the best poets around to appease Sivicine. In addition... You're going to teach me how to best you in bed." He declared. His intent on the side being that if he ends up in a similar situation with Orgrosh again, he wants to win. If he wins then she will accept him... He thinks. Right now things are too unsettling between them. He needs to get her to understand that he's not a normal human being. To do that, he'll probably need to communicate with her in the way of the Orc, through competition. If she refuses then it's already over, but on the chance that she gives him a second chance, he'll need to meet her expectations with flying colors. In addition, since it seems like there are a lot of sexual characters around him, and his weakness is pretty much that, he'll need to be able to best them too. If someone's not trying to kill him, then he can hardly think to raise his hammer against them. But if he can beat them at their own game possibly... Well, it's a hope.

Either way, no matter what Janne's response is, Bakan would take off his glasses and put them on the end table that hopefully existed. Then, he'd grab the blankets to the side, and yank hard, covering them both up in the blankets like meat in a burrito before settling down with Janne on top of him. He pondered how he never thought he'd be like this with Janne. He'd dare to say they were actually getting close. It was surprising. Additionally surprising was how much he's changed. His purity is pretty much dead and buried. Yet, he didn't feel that it was all bad. He doubted that he'd ever have a normal relationship with Cory, not that it started normal anyway. She did a good job of taking advantage of the situation, and then was already attached to him before he even knew what was going on. Thinking about it like that, if Cory didn't fall in love first, he would never have loved her back. If she or anyone else never had sex with him, he would never have pursued anyone.

Bakan yawned, petting Janne's back to coax her into a relaxing sleep. Eventually he fell asleep himself, and had a dream where he was sleeping while cuddling up with Rebecca, petting her fur and curling around her as if to keep her warm. All while imagining how cute she looks while sleeping, as a distant fear in his mind ate away at him, that she would one day no longer be a fluffy raccoon. It wasn't what she wanted though, so he had to swallow his desires and persevere, simply enjoying her cute little form as long as it lasted.

It was a bittersweet dream.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Well, you already owed me two... Technically four if you count the payment for the two I had to wingman for, but I wouldn't hold little old you to that~" Janne responded quietly, resting against Bakan with her eyes closed. "Well, when you phrase it like that... I'd have to call anything tomorrow charges for instruction~ I'd let you call it even after that though, and if you make me proud maaaaaybe I'll let you off the hook later," she continued sleepily, though Bakan would get the impression that the latter was more a tease than anything else.

Gone to bed, then to sleep, and then to the land of dreaming all in short order, Bakan would wake up first to find that Janne hadn't moved. The faerie was still sleeping soundly, her breasts pressed against his side, one arm draped over his chest, and her silky auburn hair gently tickling his skin as it draped across him. He felt rested, and the room was still dim with morning twilight, but already he could smell something being cooked.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Of course she'd have to make it sound like he was making a deal with the devil. Granted, he already knew his groin would hate him severely for his choices, but it would just have to deal with it. Though to be honest... Having Janne like this made Bakan not mind the little devil much at all. Such that when he woke up, and found her sleeping soundly to his side, he hummed. The first thing he realized was that she was definitely not Cory as he felt far more massive breasts to his side. Janne was thicker in general too. It was oddly appealing to have such a... 'healthy' presence next to him. Not to mention, looking to his side and seeing the resting Janne there, she actually looked cute instead of like the evil deviant she was on the inside. So cute was she that he found himself possessed. Unable to help but give in, he leaned in, and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Then, he'd get up, get dressed in his basic clothes because he felt like this was a secure location to do so, and head out to go eat provided Janne was awake. If she was not, he'd go over and rub her back to try and gently stir her into consciousness. "Breakfast, Janne. Wakey-wakey those arms so achey!" he rhymed a bit. He also realized he should stop being too happy about some of the things Janne said. She will definitely use that against him.