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The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

“Oww-oww-oww~” Vanilla whined softly as she pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, giving anyone looking a perfect view of her ass and panties before she sat back on her feet, her tail drooping and gravity letting her skirt fall back into its proper place as she rubbed lightly at her sore nose.

Before she knew it there was someone by her side, asking nicely if she was alright and offering a hand to help her up. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine, thanks,” Vanilla replied, accepting the offered hand before gingerly rising to her feet and dusting herself off. “I’m just a little clumsy, that’s all. I was in a hurry and-” she said, pausing abruptly as she looked and realized just who it was that had come to help her. She stared into the demon-girls eyes for a moment, taken somewhat by her warm demeanor and beauty before suddenly realizing that she was staring, and blushed.

“Um, h-hi... Th-Thank you for helping me, Lani... I-I’m Vanilla,” the catgirl muttered sheepishly, her tail absentmindedly swaying back-and-forth behind her.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani couldn't help but pause for a moment as Vanilla pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, the sight of the other woman's cute panties and ass enchanting to the young demoness.

"Hi Vanilla, I'm La- wha..?" Lani looks confused for a moment as Vanilla seems to know her name already, wondering if she had already met this woman. Though that can't be right, she's only just arrived here. Or... "Have we met before..?" Lani asks the catgirl, a bewildered expression on the demon girls face.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla froze at the demon-girl’s question, only now realizing her slip-up from a moment ago. “Ah... N-No, I...um...” she stammered nervously, trying to think of how she was going to explain how she knew Lani’s name already. Before she could put any thought into it, however, her magical staff took the liberty of explaining it for her.

“Ha-ha! No, we haven’t met before. I would remember a cute little thing like you,” the staff’s male-sounding disembodied voice said, an obviously teasing quality in its tone. “She just overheard you use your name. Vanilla here was stalking you, you see, like she does with just about every good-looking or attractive traveler that comes through Chander.”

The catgirl’s face turned bright red as the staff spoke. “I-I don’t...! I didn’t...! I-I was NOT! Vanilla replied vehemently, turning to face it and slightly tightening her grip on its length in embarrassment.

“Hah, don’t worry about it, though. She does this sort of thing all the time. It just means she thinks you’re sexy,” Parvani spoke up again, embarrassing its master further.

“I-I do NOT! I-I mean...I do, but...that’s not why... N-No, I didn’t mean...” she stammered, looking back-and-forth between her staff and Lani as her cheeks grew redder. “Kyah~! You’re so mean~!” she finally cried, turning and tightly gripping Parvani with both hands in a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment at her staff’s teasing behavior.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani continues to look somewhat confused as Vanilla stammers, trying to quickly come up with an excuse before the young demoness becomes suspicious of her. Though as the disembodied voice speaks Lani looks around, a look of curiosity having replaced her confused expression. "Where's that voice coming from..?" Lani's head spins around rapidly as she scans the area for the source of the voice, though her attention is quickly brought back to the cat girl as she realises the disembodied voice has been talking about her.

"Um... you were stalking me..?" Lani blinks, unsure of how to feel about that. She'd only just entered the town and she's already got a stalker? This woman could either be crazy or just lonely. Hopefully the latter. "Wh-wh-whaaa..?" The young demoness' face blushes a deep red as the disembodied voice professes Vanilla's attraction to Lani and the cat girl seemingly not denying its claims. For a moment Lani can't help but just stare at Vanilla, her mouth hanging open slightly. As she stares at the cat girl Lani can't help but notice herself finding her attractive. Lani can't put her finger on it, but there is something alluring about Vanilla. Perhaps it's her milky white skin? Or pink hair? Or perhaps her cat features. Lani isn't sure but she finds this woman comforting. "W-well... uh, thanks..." Lani stutters out, slightly embarrassed by the awkward forwardness of Vanilla.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla turned to face Lani once again and lowered her head in embarrassment, feeling a little ashamed of herself and her actions. “I-I’m sorry... I didn’t mean anything by it,” she began. “I just get curious about new people when they come through town, but I’m shy so I end up following them for a while instead of just saying ‘hi’ to see what kind of person they are first, but then I do something stupid and embarrass myself and then Pervani here only makes it worse, and...” she rambled, hesitating as she realized what the demon-girl had said a moment ago.

“W-Wait... Y-You’re not mad...?” Vanilla said, looking back up at Lani with a somewhat hopeful gleam appearing in her eyes.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Mad?" Lani asks, a large, childlike grin spread across her face. "Why would I be mad?" Chuckling, the young demoness pats Vanilla on the head. "Your reaction then. It was pretty cute!" Lani continues to giggle for a few moments, enjoying the company of her new friend.

"Though... who's Pervani? I don't see anyone else with us, but I heard someone else talk. Is that Pervani?" With an expression of concentration on her face Lani looks around once more to see if she can spot someone hiding nearby, though she has no luck in finding anyone.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla’s blush deepened as Lani patted her on the head and called her cute, her tail beginning to sway again as a strange, happy feeling of butterflies rose up in her stomach. As the demon-girl asked her question, Vanilla’s staff again decided to speak up for itself before its master could reply.

Parvani,” the disembodied voice says again, emphasizing the first part of its name. “It’s Parvani, and I’m Vanilla’s staff. She just calls me that other thing because she thinks I’m a pervert.”

“You are a pervert,” Vanilla replied.

“Hmph, says the girl who humps herself against my shaft every ni-” Parvani shot back, stopping suddenly as Vanilla jerked her hand up to cover the base of the moon-shaped ornament at the top of the staff, as if to cover a mouth that wasn’t actually there.

“Ah-ha-ha-ha... I-I’m gonna go now!” the catgirl said, looking at Lani with a wide, embarrassed smile, clearly mortified by what her staff had started to say before she interrupted it. “I-I’ll be back at my shop, ‘`Lixirs & Luminance’, if you need anything. I-It was really nice meeting you, Lani!” she said as she turned, starting off down the road again towards her shop. After a few strides, though, she stopped suddenly and turned back around to face the demon-girl again. “And...um... I-If you were planning to stay in town for a few days, you can...um...come and stay at my house so you don’t have to pay for an inn...if you wanted...” Vanilla added nervously. “A-Anyway, bye!” she finished with a wave, resuming making her way back towards her shop.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Oh, well then, nice to meet you too, Parvani," Lani greets the staff, a playful smile on her face. The young demoness then watches the exchange between the two of them, giggling at the two friends teasing each other.

"Aww, you're leaving already?" Pouting, Lani's wings and tail hang limp as Vanilla is about to head back to her shop. "It was nice meeting you too, and I'll be sure to swing by!" Lani shouts out her goodbyes and waves as Vanilla leaves her, heading back to her shop.

"She was certainly nice..." Lani thinks to herself, staring at Vanilla's backside as the woman vanishes off into the distance and back into her shop. I guess I could stay here a little while. Been a while since I've eaten a warm meal and slept in a comfortable bed. And the company would be nice..." While Lani is happy to have made a new friend so soon after arriving in Chander she does feel guilty about considering postponing her journey to Acheron just to enjoy herself for a bit. Though she has been travelling for several weeks already, so surely a few more days couldn't hurt..?

"Oh!" Lani suddenly cries out, remembering what Travis had said earlier. "The sheriff has work on offer!" Upon remembering what she had originally planned to do before getting waylaid by Vanilla the young demoness goes in search for the sheriff.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 75, EP = 95, Status = Fine

As Vanilla walked away from Lani, her staff sarcastically muttered; "Good thinking, I bet she'll be great company! Did you see the curves on that girl? I'll bet you she sleeps naked too. I mean, she's a little short, but if anything that makes that ass and those tits even nicer! This is gonna be fun~!" It was about then that Vanilla noted a horse drawn carriage sitting beside the saloon, something that had not been present when she'd left her shop. The carriage was drawn by a pair of healthy looking brown mares that were currently sipping from the water trough outside, and were being watched over by a burly human in dark armor.

As Vanilla entered her shop, she found a fairly tall human man standing at the counter. He turned toward her as she walked back in, offering her a friendly smile and a bow of his head despite her fairly odd appearance. "Hello miss. Do you know when the proprietor of this establishment will be about? I'm looking to make a purchase," he said in a cool, quiet, and friendly voice. The man was dressed in simple but expensive clothing, and though he practically oozed confidence and self assurance Vanilla couldn't see a weapon anywhere on him. He was fairly pale, though not quite as light of skin as Lani had been, and had sandy blond hair. His most striking feature by far, however, were his deeply set sky blue eyes, seeming almost like pools of water that one could become lost in.


After parting ways with Vanilla, Lani headed more or less right across the street to the sheriff's office. After going through an already open door, she finds herself in a small, dusty, wooden room with a thin door in the far right corner on the right side of the wall. A trio of desks, two smaller ones and one larger one, were sitting along the left wall, and at the largest of the three, also the farthest from the door, sat a man.

He wore a long sleeved, button up tan shirt and a big hat, and glanced up at Lani as she entered with dark brown, cat-like eyes. He had a fairly full beard and long hair hanging from beneath his hat, both also dark brown to match his eyes. There was a sidearm sitting next to him, similar to her own weapons but heavier and with only three chambers instead of five. He'd been working on a piece of paper when she had entered, and after he sized Lani up for a moment he leaned back, revealing a badge shining on his chest marking him as the town's sheriff.

In a completely neutral tone, he said; "May I help you with something, miss?"
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"I, uh, I've come for work," Lani says after several moments staring wide-eyed at the sheriff, surprised by the grandness of his hair and beard. "Um, Travis. The shopkeeper, he said you had some work that needed to be done. And I, uh... I may need to restock on ammunition for my guns." Taking her Badarian revolvers out of their holsters Lani holds them up for the sheriff to see for a moment before holstering them once more, a cheerful smile spreading across her face. "I'm Lani by the way."
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla could only blush more at her staff’s continued comments regarding Lani the possibility of her staying the night, unable to truthfully deny or disagree with anything that it was saying. It honestly hadn’t been the reason she made the offer for the demon-girl to stay with her for the night, but now that Parvani had planted the images of the other girl sleeping naked in her mind she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

As she entered her shop again, however, the presence of the tall human male figure standing at the counter quickly assumed her attention, causing her to recoil slightly in surprise. As he turned and addressed her, the catgirl paused for a moment as she looked into his deep blue eyes before straightening her posture in an attempt to look professional. “Ah... Hello, sir. Y-Yes, I am the proprietor,” Vanilla replied, bowing slightly before hurrying back around to her proper place behind the counter, resting Parvani against the wall. “I apologize for my absence, I...um...had to step out for a moment. What can I help you with today?” she finished with a polite, helpful smile.
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 75, EP = 95, Status = Fine

The seated man raised an eyebrow as Lani claimed to have come looking for work, but said nothing until she mentioned that Travis had sent her. "Ah, I told Travis to send anyone my way if they might be able to handle a little problem we've been having. Though, you look-" The very second Lani's hand touched one of her guns, the man moved like a bolt of lightning. The heavy revolver that had been sitting on the table was in his hand and pointed right at her heart before either of her weapons cleared their holster all the way, and the man's cat-like eyes were narrowed dangerously as he stared her down.

As she proceeded to put her weapons away, however, he slowly eased the hammer of his gun back down and laid it back on the table. "Let me offer you a word of warning, miss; Don't draw a weapon unless you intend to use it. A lot of folks in this town wouldn't have hesitated to pull the trigger on you were they in my shoes, and I wouldn't be able to do anything if someone testified that you'd drawn a weapon first," he explained, and then rose from his seat and holstered his gun at his belt. "I just so happen to have a problem that I think you can help me with, and I can offer you some spare rounds ahead of time if you agree to take it on. Normally, I wouldn't let someone who looks as young as you take on dangerous work, but I'm shortstaffed right now and my options are limited."

He paused to let that sink if for a moment, and possibly to allow Lani to reply if she wanted to, and then went on; "I'm Sheriff Malcolm Walker, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet ya, Lani," he offered her a tip of his hat before going on; "Now, there's two bounties I've got out right now. One is for a bunch of spiders that have infested the old Dorvin mine a ways down South, and the other is for the White Phantoms, a gang based somewhere out in the East that's raiding what few caravans we still get out here. Getting rid of the spiders before they become a problem will earn you 200 denarii, and getting rid of the gang will get you another 200. Both are pretty dangerous though, so I'd advise you to get some help, if you can. I'd do it myself, but one of my deputies has a busted leg, and he'll be out for another week at least."


"It's no trouble miss, I only had to wait a minute or two, and I'll be in town for a few days," the tall man replied amiably as Vanilla strode to her position behind the counter. His confident and friendly smile didn't leave his face as she asked him what he needed, and he smoothly replied; "I'm looking for a certain type of venom in order to make a sedative. A family member is very ill, and a medicine made from the venom of a type of spider found in the area is the only thing that can ease his pain. This type of spider is very rare, but I heard that a large number of them could be found in a mine to the South. I figured that you would have some samples of their venom on hand. I'd need as much of it as you can give, and I'll pay whatever you ask for it."

Vanilla knew about the spiders in the Dorvin mine, a very dangerous local creature, but she didn't have any of their venom in stock. Hunting them was extremely risky, and she'd used the last of her stock of it many months ago to make anesthesia for the town doctor. It was a powerful but non-lethal paralytic, and those that succumbed to the spider's bite would often awaken to feel themselves being eaten by the spiders, or so the tales about the vile creatures said at least.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla listened thoughtfully as the man explained his request, immediately recognizing the substance that he was referring to. “Ah, yes! I know what you’re looking for,” she said happily, moving over to the corner behind the counter, continuing as she went. “I sometimes use that venom to make anesthesia for the doctor. It’s really potent stuff. Dangerous to harvest, too... Just...give me a minute to find it...” the catgirl explained as she rummaged through the various vials of liquid and store boxes located behind the counter. After a moment, however, she suddenly remembered the last time she’d made a batch of that anesthetic a couple of months ago, and how it had used up the remainder of her stock of that particular spider venom.

With her eyes downcast in disappointment, Vanilla slowly rose back up from behind the counter, her head bowed as she addressed the man. “I...I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that I don’t have any more of the venom in stock...” she began. “I used the last of it up a while ago making anesthesia for the doctor, as I mentioned, and I haven’t had the chance to gather more yet...” she said, feeling a bit sad that she couldn’t sell the man what he needed to help his sick family member. Then, something that he’d said earlier donned on the catgirl, and her face was suddenly beaming again. “Oh, wait! You said you were going to be in town for a few days, right? If you don’t mind waiting, I should be able to acquire some of the spider venom for you before you have to leave! Would that be acceptable?”
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani lets out a cry of surprise as the sheriff aims his revolver at her, throwing her hands up into the air to show that she wasn't about to suddenly attack. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't know..."

Once everything had been cleared up Lani listens quietly as Malcolm explains what work is on offer, an eager expression forming on her face. "Wow, that sounds like quite a bit of money," Lani says gleefully as Malcolm finishes, the young demoness clapping her hands together excitedly. "Not sure which one I'll do first though..." Placing a hand to her chin and the other on her hip Lani thinks for a moment, a foot tapping for a while until she finally decides upon something. "I know! Why don't I take them both at once? You said I'd probably need to take someone, right? Well it sounds like I'm going to be here for a few days so I have the perfect person in mind!" Curtseying to the sheriff and waving to him as she leaves the building Lani bids farewell to Malcolm and rushes over to Vanilla's shop.
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 75, EP = 95, Status = Fine

"Hold up a sec missy," the sheriff said as Lani turned to leave, and then pulled two pieces of paper and a small wooden box out of his desk. He handed both to Lani, and she found the two pieces of paper to be bounty fliers, one for the head of the queen spider and the other for the gun of the man she had been sent to find. "You bring me Balthazar's handgun and the head of the queen spider, and you'll get yourself 400 in hard coin." The box contained a healthy supply of ammo, enough to last Lani for a while at least, and after that she was free to go.


"Take your time," the tall man replied as Vanilla began searching through her various stores of potions and ingredients for what he wanted. When she came up empty and explained that she'd used the last of her stock, the man shrugged and said; "Thank you anyway, miss."

He turned to leave, but then Vanilla continued speaking and he paused. "Yes, I'll be in town for a while longer. It should be about four days, to be exact, and I'll be staying at the White Lotus Inn a ways down the road. I'll pay you 45 denarii per bottle of venom, but if you can get me the intact venom gland of the one of the larger spiders, I'd give you 200 denarii. If you need to find me, ask for Mr. Alvarien at the front desk." He turned and walked out of Vanilla's shop, passing Lani on the way to whom he offered a pleasant smile and a nod.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Hello!" Lani greets the man as he exits the shop, bowing as she steps aside to allow the man to pass her and watching him for a moment until he's put some distance between the shop and himself.

"Vanilla, Vanilla!" Lani calls out as soon as she enters the shop, scanning the room before seeing the young cat girl behind the counter. "Guess what! I've got a contract! Two in fact!" Practically running up to the counter Lani drops the two contracts on the wooden surface, an excited look on her young face, her red eyes practically glowing with joy. "One to take out some bandit group. Got to bring the leader's gun to show I've completed that one. And one to wipe out a mine full of spiders. Got to bring back the spider queens head for that one." Lani reads out the details of the contracts, her face almost touching the papers as she runs a finger across the words, sounding them out slowly and purposefully.

"The reward for each of these is two hundred denarii, though I bet we can swipe some more from whatever the bandits are carrying on them. So, you want to tag along? It would be fun!" Lani offers Vanilla to join her on her missions, the young girl almost bouncing from the prospect of going on an adventure.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla’s eyes widened slightly at what the man had offered for the venom, and especially at what he’d offered for an intact venom gland. ‘Wow! 200 denarii?! I barely have that much in the bank at the moment!’ the catgirl thought to herself, nodding and briefly acknowledging where the man said she’d be able to find him before kindly waving him goodbye.

Once Mr. Alvarien had left, Vanilla turned to her staff leaning against the wall behind her, beaming with excitement. “Wow! Did you hear that, Parvani? 200 denarii just for one of the venom glands! Plus more if I can collect more individual vials of the spiders’ venom, too!”

“Hah, I know, it’s quite the prize,” Parvani replied, lacking his usual sarcastic undertone for a change. “It’s turning into a pretty good day today, isn’t it? A break from the monotony, a well-paying side-job, a sexy girl spending the night... Hah, speaking of which, here comes the little vixen now...” the staff finished, his tone making it sound as though a grin had formed on his lips – if he had them.

Vanilla tilted her head curiously for a moment before turning around, just in time to see the aforementioned demon-girl come bounding in through the entrance to the shop, her face beaming with just as much excitement as the catgirl had been exhibiting not a moment earlier, if not more. After greeting her new friend with a wave, she looked on in a bit of a daze as Lani went about explaining the bounty contracts she’d acquired, though her ears perked up at the mention of the one to clear the spiders out of Dorvin mine. The young mage hadn’t even known about a bounty being issued for clearing that mine, otherwise she’d have taken up the job a while ago to re-stock her supply of the spiders’ venom and pocket the extra coin from the bounty all at once.

When Lani followed up by excitedly asking the catgirl if she wanted to come along, Vanilla almost couldn’t contain her own smile at the prospect. “T-That sounds perfect, actually!” she began. “I was actually just about to go to Dorvin mine myself to retrieve some of the venom sacks from the spiders there for the customer that just left! I...was a little worried about having to go alone at first, but if we go together it should make things easier for both of us! Plus we’ll be able to take care of both commissions at once!”
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Oh, you were?" A surprised look replaces Lani's excited expression for a moment before the young demoness claps her hands together in joy. "Yay~! Then it's decided, it's a date!"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla blushed as the demon-girl finished her exclamation. “Ah... Y-Yeah, okay,” she began, a smile forming at her lips before she turned and began rummaging through her supply-stores again. “J-Just give me a minute to grab some things from the back and we can head off,” she finished, turning and making her way into the back room with a bag in hand. Shuffling noises and soft pings could be heard a few seconds later, sounding perhaps like metal utensils and small glass jars or vials bumping against one another as the young mage gathered them.

After a few more seconds, the catgirl emerged from the back room with her bag strapped around her shoulder and retrieved Parvani from his spot against the wall, and then made her way around the counter. “Okay, ready to go!” Vanilla said with a cute smile, her tail happily swaying back-and-forth behind her.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Okaaay~!" Lani calls out in a sing-song voice as Vanilla heads into the back room of the shop to collect some supplies. Waiting patiently for the cat girl Lani hums a tune to herself and gently swings her arms, her little bat wings fluttering lightly and her tail swishing around.

"Well then, lets be off~!" Taking the lead, Lani marches out of the shop and makes to head out of town the way she came in from though stops abruptly. "Ummm... where exactly are we heading to..?" A confused expression appears on the young demoness' face as she turns to face Vanilla.