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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

"Alright then," Dori said, seemingly unworried as climbed up onto the packed snow so that he wouldn't have to wade through it. They approached the cabin and Dori was first to approached the door, the area around which had been cleared of snow, at which point he simply knocked. A muttered curse could be heard from within, and then a burly beast of a man stepped out, dark green skin and heavy muscle his most defining physical features. Clad in thick furs over tanned buckskin, the man had a waraxe hanging at his waist, a dagger in his hand, and silvery rings in his black braided hair. A rugged, hairy face scowled at Dori before he noticed the still nude Anthriel hovering above him, at which point his narrowed eyes shot wide open as he stared at her naked body.

"What d'you want?" the orc grunted, folding his arms over his chest as he slowly glanced back to Dori, though Anthriel wouldn't miss the occasional glance directed at her naked body. She could try and take advantage of his obvious amorousness and make the introduction herself, or could let Dori do the talking.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel shook her head and laughed after her initial surprise at the bear of a man behind the door, while he glanced at her occasionally. "Honestly? A warm place to sleep for a night, and a glance at a map if you have one. I'm Anthriel, this is Dori, we are sorry for disturbing you, but you're the first person we've seen in an impressive amount of time." Anthriel said cheerfully, not bothering to hide herself, but not making a show either.

Shrugging at Dori, Anthriel just chuckled. "Though, may I ask why you life so far out here? I'm not judging and certainly not meaning to seem rude. if anything I'm impressed. I can't think of many who could make a life for themselves so far into the mountains." She continued. Still, she didn't make any move forward until she was invited, this was a very large orc, who was armed. No reason to make things worse... She had to endeavor to think before she caused another problem...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

"It's a living," the potential host grunted simply in response to Anthriel's question about his lifestyle, giving her naked body another once before taking a step back into his home. "You'll get a bed, and a look at a map. I'll even throw in a meal or two, but she sleeps in my bunk tonight" he grunted simply, looking between Anthriel and Dori. The dragon, perhaps surprisingly, seemed neither uncomfortable nor surprised by the man's price.

He simply glanced at Anthriel with a roll of his eyes and said; "It's really up to her, but so long as I get my turn I don't mind." Sex wasn't exactly an uncommon price among the supernatural, nor among orcs, and Anthriel would sense no danger of corruption from their potential host. Whether or not she wanted to agree to that price, however, was entirely up to her.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel wasn't overly surprised either, no, it wasn't uncommon, but Dori's words caught her a bit off guard and caused her to turn to her companion with a slightly stunned look.

"You rude Mother Fucker... Your 'Turn' is it!? And what Exactly implies you have rights to any such thing..." She said, glaring dangerously. "How about our fine Host here fucks you instead? You willing to offer up that scaly ass instead of mine? As long as I get... My Turn, of course." She finished, before snapping her wings out and turning to the Orc.

"I'll find my own resting place tonight, thank you." She said politely, bowing slightly before taking off, the snow billowing up in a small devil below her as she shot up into the air again.

The fucking Nerve...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Dori simply chuckled and rolled his eyes at Anthriel's angry retort, and as she went off on her own she heard him say; "She wants me~ But I guess not you." Neither made any effort to stop her from leaving, and so she did, going off into the night on her own in the snowy woods to... Wherever she preferred. She didn't hear whatever passed between the two after that, but Dori walked into the orc's house with him a moment later. There didn't seem to be any better place to sleep in the area, leaving her to choose between snow drifts and trying to sleep in a pine tree for nightly shelter.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

She was gonna set him on fire one of these days... Like she was any better, but gods above. Winging into the night and damned near making good on her mental threat when she heard him continue as she left, Anthriel was quick enough about scooting up into a pine tree for the night, the tree giving her a decent windbreak, and a near perfect one when the snow she had disturbed reformed.

Resting her back against the bark, the angel just wrapped herself up in her wings and called it a night, sleeping light.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Anthriel's search would find her a modestly safe place to sleep for the night, and her winged cocoon would protect her well enough from the cold. When she awoke with the dawn, the half-angel would be free to choose what she wished to do with her morning, as Dori was nowhere to be seen.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel shook off the snow once she'd woken up, before popping out of the tree. She'd woken up alone, outside, in a tree. That wasn't surprising. Dori was likely still at the Cabin, sleeping in, as he usually did if someone allowed it.

Popping out properly and into the air, Anthriel flew her way back to the cabin, looking for the wayward Dragon and his Orc buttbuddy. The idea of him having to pay her price made her giggle a little.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

The house was still seemingly occupied given the smoke rising from the top, and if Anthriel opted to approach the door and knock, or in some other way signal her presence, she would hear a grumble from inside before the orc opened the door. He was fully clothed, and Dori was visible sitting on a couch sipping from a mug with steam rising from it. "What d'you want now?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel blinked as the orc rather roughly answered the door, before glancing at Dori and sighing. "From you? nothing, and aren't you just a ray of sunshine in the morning. But the man on your couch wont appreciate having to find me later in the air surrounded by snow looking for white wings. It's up to him." she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Still, its not every day you have a dragon on your couch or an angel at your door. Either way I promised to look out for him and there's more to us then a quarrel." She continued, before lifting herself into the air and circling the house, idly wondering if the orc realized she could be directly responsible for the avalanche that knocked his house down and buried him alive.

Snorting the thought away, she wouldn't wait long before continuing and leaving Dori to catch up.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

"But we haven't even had breakfast!" Dori whined, prompting the orc to snort in amusement. "Go on. Yer girlfriend's waitin," he grunted, and after pouting for a moment Dori sighed and stepped outside, the orc shutting the door behind him. "I was gonna get bacon!" the dragon whined petulantly, "you coulda had some too if you weren't such a prude!"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"You get to enjoy a threesome with me and a sidhe, and you're calling me a prude? You're ridiculous. If you want something to eat, grab a sheep, that's what dragons do right? Steal livestock? Keep princesses in towers?" Anthriel replied, snorting.

"Even better, one house means a possibility of more people. We could probably find a settlement of some kind and buy something from the air without much trouble, or we can actually snap up something more fresh if we see it. I'm not a picky eater, if I eat at all." She continued.

If the slapstick between them was done for now however, then they could move on, and true to her word, she kept an eye open for prey. Goats, elk, whatever was in the area, swooping down to spear it with a shadow if it could be gotten for the Dragon to eat something. She rightfully had no idea how much he may need to eat. But meat was meat.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

"Hey, you enjoyed it too! and this woulda been the same, but with you getting the extra attention instead!" Dori replied blithely, though her snide sniping at his heritage led him to roll his eyes at her. "Do I seem like the type to go for a princess? And do you see any sheep around for me to steal?" He began to shift, transforming into his lithe miniature draconic form, and then they were off.

It was Dori who found food first, diving down without warning upon a small herd of elk. He took a pair of young bucks down, and ate one whole by the time Anthriel had even landed. He turned a bloodied maw towards Anthriel in what was probably the draconic equivalent to a grin, and then turned and char broiled the other, giving her an opportunity for something more palatable if she wanted to eat before he gobbled up whatever she left bones and all. The rest of their day went as one might expect, and when dark came she was again given the choice of continuing North through the frigid mountain air or trying to find some shelter for the night. She felt something strange, an unusual tug towards the mountain below just as she considered doing so, as if something down there was calling to her, but whether or not the half angel chose to submit to that call was up to her.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel turned her head as Dori tucked his wings in and shot towards the ground, essentially acting like the largest, scaliest, scariest Hawk Anthriel had ever seen as he tore down into a herd of Elk, dropping onto two and ending them instantly.

By the time she'd joined him on the ground, one was nothing more then a bloody smear, leaving the dragon grinning at her and obviously feeling better...

She'd forgotten why dragons managed to inspire so much fear, there was nothing kind about blood dripping from a scaled maw full of teeth as long as her forearm....

Still, he was fed and he was happy to cook hers... in a rather direct fashion, but cooked nonetheless, Anthriel stripping some meat from the flank and eating it quickly, feeling the hot weight settle in her stomach in a comforting way. Didn't taste bad either, Dori could probably make a killing in a large enough settlement as the town grill master and firepit all in one. Now for sale! Dragon Roasted Steak!

She giggled at the though, finishing her own meal quickly before walking up and licking some of the blood from his scaled muzzle to tease him, before stepping up onto his shoulder and kicking into the air from his back.

They could move on whenever he was ready, doggedly continuing to the north, and further from the demon pit in Badaria mile by mile. She knew no matter of physical distance would make too much of a difference, but it was something.

As night fell, the old choice of simply flying through without rest, and bedding down for the night settled over them, before Anthriel felt a tug from the earth below, stopping immediately in the air and turning, Dori likely having to circle back. She stared down at the mountain, something was trying, and succeeding in getting her attention, though why, and how, was entirely unknown. Such a thing was completely alien to her, and she didn't understand the Insight her fullblooded brethren had. But still, it was nagging at her.

"Dori... we need to check something out. Yea, I know, last time it got us in trouble, I'm sorely hoping this is different... Eyes peeled." She said, stroking a hand along his neck in a worried manner. Last time she'd almost lost him to her curiosity, but this... This wasn't a foolish whim, and after only another moment of indecision, Anthriel was tucking her wings to start her freefall down towards the mountain, gliding when she had to as she looked for the source of what was calling to her.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Dori would gobble up what Anthriel didn't eat before taking off, and when night came he flew in a circle around her while the half angel spoke of the mysterious pull to the mountain below. He descended with her, and they found themselves on the surface of a snowy peak, with no clear indication of where exactly the strange pull was coming from. Dori landed in the snow with a dull thud and a small eruption of white powder, but Anthriel would at least have a few options. She felt magic in this place, nothing that she could tap into but powerful all the same, and beneath the snow and ice she could feel that some great cataclysm had once happened here. The strange call was coming from below them, but where she would go to try and find it wasn't clear. She might try going lower and trying to find a cave or somesuch, going higher and seeing if there was a crater she could descend into, or perhaps try to break her way down to whatever it was, though the longer she waited the less powerful the call would become, and it wasn't even clear what sort of power was calling out to her.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

She didn't have time to spare, that much was clear, and even she doubted her ability to pound her way through the top of a mountain. She knew she probably could... if she had Time.

But she had a few options. And the most likely, if the call was an indication of a great cataclysm, was a crater, though whether that crater was still above ground would yet to be seen. Either way, it would only take a moment to launch herself back into the air.

"Dori, I'm gonna check something from up above, fly around the peak lower and look for a way in, I'll keep you in sight, If I find something I'll dive to you and lead the way, if I don't I'll join you looking for a way in." she called, spiraling up to look for anything that would give this away, either a large crater, or even the blackness against the snow and ice of a cave entrance.

If she didn't find anything though, she'd be tucking her wings to launch herself back to her lover to join the more spiraling search. "Cmon.... Whatever you are, give me something, I'm trying to find you here...." she muttered to herself. Craters could fill with snow, but the rings that outlined them would be pretty obvious. Same with caves, the trick was finding the fuckers quickly.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Perception: ??

Dori would let out a deep grunt before taking off, circling the base of the mountain while Anthriel flew high, searching for a way down into the mountain while the strange signal continued to fade. Peering into the icy crags atop the mountain's peak would reveal no convenient entrances, however, and after about an hour the voice would fade entirely, leaving the half angel with nothing to follow down to whatever had called out to her. Dori was still circling the mountain, but had done multiple circuits by that point and hadn't seemingly seen anything that permit them entrance. As she made her last circle, however, she sensed something different from what had drawn her here, a presence akin to her own hovering above her among the clouds.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel was maddeningly disheartened, growing more frantic as the sense grew weaker with each moment, until it faded completely, Anthriel in all fairness now about to try and remove the top of the mountain, or melt her way in through the side.

But another distraction drew her eyes upwards, and immediately she shot upwards after it. "Hello! Who's up there?" She called into the wind, trying to follow this source into the air. There was no mountain in the way now.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP 71, EP = 148, Status = Pregnant

Dori: Fine

Turning her gaze upwards and shouting at the presence in the sky, Anthriel caught sight of one of her kin briefly through the veil of a cloud. His wings beat, keeping him in place in the brief moment in which Anthriel could see him. The figure was clad in full armor, plate and chain gleaming orange in the fading sun's light, leaving their face above their lips concealed but allowing Anthriel to see their firm scowl. A kite shield of polished bronze hung from their side, and a lance was clutched loosely in their right side.

It wasn't often that Anthriel saw her more martial kin, sometimes referred to as valkyrie by mortals, but more often than not they were called in only when the need for simple brutality was so great that magic was inadequate. That one of them seemed to be guarding this place meant that her kin were watching this place carefully, that whatever lay inside was dangerous indeed, and that they had appeared to her was likely meant as a warning. They vanished without speaking, but she could still feel their presence. It wasn't enough to pinpoint their exact location, but the general feel of their continued awareness of her was a clear sign that she was being watched.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Oi! What's in the mountain, I'm talkin... Damnit. Fine! Go make some soup in your armor you clanking imbecile. Telling me not to poke around would have been fine! You know? Talking? That thing you do with your mouth!" She shouted at the Angel, annoyed. If she was about to boil her way through a mountain into a mess of trouble, a warning rather then a threatening spearing would have been fine. You know, a verbal one.

Sighing, she winged her way back to Dori, nodding her head. "Time to move on, nothing worth poking at, or being poked at for." she grumbled, winging along her path.

You'd think, with all the faith people had in them, that they wouldn't have so many fucked up secrets. Angels, she was half angel and she still didn't trust them, though... she owed Michael and Castiel at this point.