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Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Purraj: HP = 74, PP = 47, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The walls of the ancient city towered over Purraj as she silently crept toward them. Moonlight streamed down upon her still form, not nearly enough to reveal her to any but the most acute of eyes. Her tightly wrapped robes clung to her body, and despite the cool night air, Purraj was sweating slightly. This fortress had been a stronghold of her su-ku-ta ancestors for over four thousand years, its walls impregnable and its sentries ever vigilant as it kept watch over the road that ran across the Expanse.

No longer. This fortress was one of the key guard-posts on the road to Shry-Kuth-Lus, and as such it had been one of the first things that the invaders had taken following the fall of the City of Opal's. It had not been the last. Since the invasion, the monstrous things had slowly pushed their way East, toward the human empire that bordered that of her own people. Ever since then, she and the few members of her kin had joined the humans that lived in the desert in trying to push them back, the continuation of their lives, their identity, and even the very existence of their race hung upon the outcome of this conflict.

She was here to scout out the defenses of this fort, and if possible to sabotage them. Any damage she did while she was here would make retaking the fort easier for the small group of fighters that Purraj had become a part of. They had barely been able to pay the amount that it took to hire her, but as they had, her task was clear.

She had to get over the wall, and she had a number of options open to her. Going over the walls was one of them, but once up there she would be out in the open to any of the sentries that patrolled them. She would only have a few seconds to reach cover at most, and without the ability to see over the lip of the parapets, she would have no way to plan her route, and would therefore have to operate on pure instinct.

Alternatively, there was a small grate at the base of the wall not too far from her. That would take her into one of the cells in the dungeon, but she didn't know whether those cells were open, or what the invaders might be using them for. She would at least be able to see inside before climbing down, however, which would allow her to change plans if she didn't like what she found. Against the wall would leave her more visible to the guards than she was in her current position, though it was easily the least risky of her options.

Finally, she might try to make it through the opened gate, but there were a pair of guards standing next to it. She could probably deal with them, but the struggle might very well be heard if they weren't neutralized extremely quickly.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar)

Going over the walls had some merit. Great risk, but possibly great reward. On the other hand, sifu had always made it clear that while amateurs practiced until they got something right, professionals practiced until they couldn't get it wrong. Those cells might be closed or open, but she had tools and skill to open locks, and would certainly use them. Besides, this would be better to keep her from the guards' notice.

She stalked forward carefully, using the shadows and her dark robes to their best effect before getting to the grate and peering in before scrambling down into the depths of the fortress to meet her fate. After all, her family and allies depended on this fortress falling. More immediately, the guerrilla band who had hired her was depending on her information to help with that. A motley crew, Su-Ku-Ta, humans, even some Orcish mercenaries (that were a lot more intriguing than they should have been--damn her mixed blood; it made her slightly stronger than others of her kind, but their presence and scents...called to her, and she wasn't sure she wanted her first time to be with them).
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Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Purraj made her way to the little grating silently, sticking to the shadows. Even this entrance would have its obstacles, but locks and bars were familiar to the thief, overcome many times. She waited until the guard walking the wall above her had started walking again, masking the sounds of lifting and shifting the grate with his footsteps, and then pulled herself through. It was a snug fit, but this cell at least had obviously been designed for larger prisoners.

Once inside, Purraj looked around and found a slight flaw in her plan. She was in a small stone-walled cell, four or five paces across. The only furnishing was a ring set into the wall, and the door. The door was thick oak, with bars set into it in a small window. There was no handle, and the hinges were on the other side. A careful push said that either the door was soundly stuck, or it was locked. Moonlight shown in through the opening where the grate had been, too far up the smooth back wall to reach, and a torch or lamp burned out of sight in the hallway outside.

A little more cautious venturing gave the half-orc a sight of the lock. Unfortunately the general quality of the keep included the locks on the prison door - it was a good one, not one of those Purraj could pick with a single extended claw. But a few careful minutes with a lockpick would open any lock she had ever seen.

Before she could start, the sound of footsteps gave her a moment's warning, and she retreated to the shadows of the cell to watch a pair of guards walk past. She didn't get a good look through the small barred window of the cell, but both seemed to be Su-Ku-Ta, and strangely silent. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as one glanced into the cell, but it was only a casual glance and he didn't see her. The same would not be true if they passed again while Purraj was picking the lock, not that close. She might not even manage to hide against another casual glance, if she wasn't lucky.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Time. Her enemy. Guards patrolling. Must be fast now, and get into the corridors--as well as search for another way out. First things first, a quick survey of the ring in the wall, tugging it, before--if nothing reveals itself--going back to the door and withdrawing a set of picks made specially to work with clawed fingers and working to open the door to get out of the cell.

At best she has until the patrol normally comes back, so time is of the utmost essence: get in, learn, explore, and get out to report....

....but why were they appearing so strange? Were they already in league with the invaders?

What could have broken their will so fast?
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Time to open lock: 1d4 = 4. The guards will pass twice more before she opens it.
Pass one:
Guard1 perception: 20+18 = 38 v 44 = 11+33 -> Failure!
Guard2 perception: 20+2 = 22 v 39 = 6+33 -> Failure!

Pass two:
Guard1 perception: 20+16 = 36 v 47 = 14+33 -> Failure!
Guard2 perception: 20+1 = 21 v 49 = 16+33 -> Failure!

The ring, as expected, was no more then a place to secure a prisoner's chains to. Reasonably certain there was nothing more to learn from inside the cell, Purraj moved as quickly as possible to escape. She pulled out her lockpicks and went to work on the lock. It was a good one, there was no doubt about that. After a few moments she wondered if she had made a mistake, before she finally felt the first tumbler click into place. Unfortunately, this thrill was quickly followed by the sounds of footsteps. The guards.

Cursing the locksmith, the half-orc withdrew her picks and crouched in the darkness of the cell, waiting for the two guards to pass a second time. Again the darkness and her natural abilities conspired to hide her presence, and as soon as the guards were clear she went back to the lock. The first tumbler was easier now that she had done it once, and the second fell into place soon after, but the third was still giving her trouble when she heard footsteps again.

And for the third time Purraj managed to evade the guards from within her cell. Now, for the first time, one of them spoke. His voice was flat and brisk, almost artificial. "It is midnight." The two guards stopped not far from the cell, then after a moment started moving again in a different direction then before. Perhaps the shift had changed, or simply the patrol route, but Purraj didn't want to risk trying to hide from the guards a fourth time. She moved as quickly as she dared, and this time found the third tumbler, and finally felt the lock click open, the door moving freely for her hand.

Outside, however, wasn't terribly much better. She could see there was only one way out of the prison area, and she could hear movement there. Perhaps the guards changing shifts, or perhaps different guards for the entrance alone. It should have been expected - prisons weren't known for their ease of exit, even outside the cells. Still, it might be possible for someone skilled in the art of stealth... or it might be a fast track back into a cell, this time without her lockpicks.

Before she could decide, Purraj heard a quiet gasp behind her. Moving quickly but carefully, she turned to see proof that those soliders hadn't been guarding an empty prison. A Su-Ku-Ta woman was inside the cell behind her, in a sorry state. She had a metal collar about her neck chained to the ring in the wall behind her, wrists cuffed together behind her back, ankles bound together with a short chain. Other then that, she was nude, and showed signs of recent abuse. She had a black eye, a few other bruises, and Purraj could see semen stains about her thighs. She was obviously pregnant, and looking up at the half-orc scout through eyes wide with surprise.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Purraj hisses as she sees the prisoner. Taking her state in, her ears go flat, and her tail flicks from side to side a moment. "Can you be silent when you move? Can you help me if I free you?"

Prisoner answers affirmatively:
"Let me try to get these off of you then."

Chains come off easily:
She gets the chains off and has the female follow her towards the main entrance after outlining the plan: "I go and surprise them...I count on you to take advantage of that, and to take care of those coming at be from behind."

Chains do not come off easily:
Go to 'answers negatively'.

Prisoner answers negatively:
"I need to take care of the guards at the entrance, but then I will come back for you. Have hope. Be patient. I promise." She gave her sworn word, and would have to keep it now, but how could she condemn another of her race to serve as a mindless breeder?

Either way, stealth and sneak attack on guards when she finds them!
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Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

A confused mix of emotions covered the prisoner's face, until she finally found her tongue and spoke in barely a whisper. "No! You mustn't! I don't want to be punished again!" She turned away, not meeting Purraj's gaze, but hearing the thief's promise to come back, mumbles a few more words. "I should call the guards. If you're caught they'll find out I saw you, and punish me anyway... but if you knew about the grate in the warden's office maybe they'd never know you were here... I don't want to be a prisoner forever..."

Reviewing her vague mental map of the area, Purraj realizes that if the warden's office has a grate like the one she came in through, it would open into the courtyard on the inside of the wall. Crossing to where she thought the office must be would mean more chances of being spotted before her attack, but if she didn't manage to kill the guards at the jail's entrance quickly enough they would raise an alarm, and her mission would become much more difficult.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

"You won't be, I promise." She gives a faint smile, and vanishes from the cell. Even if the only way I can guarantee that is by ending your life...

Still, stealth is her greatest ally at the moment. Get as much information as possible, and strike at a strategic target if it's too tempting to pass up. She heads towards the Warden's office, hoping to find not only a means of ingress, but also perhaps information, or even keys there.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Stealth (Purraj): 33+14 = 47 vs DC 40 -> Success!
Perception (Purraj): 25+4 = 29

Sticking carefully to the shadows, Purraj thankfully makes it through to the warden's office without being spotted. One hand carefully touches the door handle, and she is somewhat surprised to find it unlocked. A glance around the door frame shows no lamps lit on the other side, but nevertheless she is careful as she opens the door as carefully as she is able. Fortunately it seems that the place is still being maintained, at least insofar as oiling the hinges of the foreman's door, and it opens without a sound.

Glancing about, Purraj realizes that this is not only the warden's office, but also his quarters. The door to his little bedroom is open, showing the man laying asleep on his bed, covered only by a thin sheet. A casual glance around the rest of the room doesn't show anything obvious. No keys left out where she can see them, or even papers. There is a desk in the main room with several drawers, but there is no telling what is inside or if they'll be as silent as the door was.

Purraj also sees the little grate high up on the wall that she intends as her egress from the jail. Like the one she came in through it is too far up to reach unaided, but this is no unfurnished cell. It shouldn't be too much trouble to reach from the top of the desk.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

So he sleeps here as well. When I come back... She shakes her head. Better not to risk the desk with the warden right there, and better not to kill him at the moment and risk alerts going out when she can't control them. Instead, she looks at the desk to make sure it is not trapped, and then if it is not, she proceeds to work on the grate to the inner courtyard, tail lashing in satisfaction, though the fate of the other prisoner weighs on her mind.

I hope I'll be able to take her out with me when this is through...she deserves better than that....though those scents.... She shakes her head again to clear it.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Deciding that discresion was the better part of valor, Purraj carefully inspected the desk. While she couldn't be certain of what traps might lie within the drawers, she was reasonably certain after a few moments that there were no traps designed to trigger should someone climb the desk. A more practical test confirmed this view, and she found herself squeezing through the tight fit where she had removed the grating.

She replaced the grate behind her, and looked into the interior of the fort for the first time. She could see guards up on the wall, and quickly identified three principle structures inside. One seemed to be the barracks and kitchens, another was an administrative building, and finally on top of the barracks there was a wooden tower that would give a clear view of the interior of the fort as well as a way to spot incoming attackers.

Purraj felt that even what she could see now would be of some use to her allies in the eventual attack on this place, but it hardly seemed worth the risks. On the bright side, escape should be easier then getting in had been, at least from here. The outside of the walls were carefully kept clear of anything that might be used to get to the top. The inside... not so much. Add in the much clearer view of where the guards were, and Purraj was comfortable with the idea of escaping as long as she could reach the foot of the wall without being spotted.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Purraj smiles. Finally. Ways deeper in. First stop, the barracks and kitchens...less likely to raise an alarm there, since people in the barracks should be less alert. Unlike guards and sentries on the wall, or in the administration building. And it would give a better overview of the soldiers here, certainly tactical information well worth getting for the assault. The building atop....would be nice to look at, but of the three, probably has the least useful information in it...the mere fact of its existence would be sufficient for her purposes.

Of course, the Administration building would hold perhaps even better tactical information, or even strategic information. Or perhaps the post commander to capture or kill. Definitely go there if not detected initially. For now, though, she studies the guards on the wall from her hiding place, plots out a route that will take her to the barracks and kitchen area, then executes.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

A cloud passes overhead, blocking out the moon and dipping the courtyard into deeper darkness. This makes the passage to the barracks area almost trivial, though Purraj is still careful. The only sources of light are the torches set around most of the entrances to buildings, and Purraj decides to enter the barracks through the kitchens as that entrance isn't lit.

The "lock" on this door proves to be a simple latch, flicked open with a single claw as an almost-reflexive part of opening a door. Inside is, unsurprisingly, a kitchen. It appears to be deserted, with the fires banked for the night. A quick glance around shows little of interest. Stores of dry and bland food such as every military in history has eaten. It seems that they will almost certainly be having porridge for breakfast, but it seems that they have inconveniently failed to stock the kitchen with any tasteless poisons. There is a door out into the mess hall, and from there access to the barracks proper.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

The hybrid makes her way through the kitchen, quietly but quickly, then to the mess hall before going towards the barracks proper. Right now, the plan is simple: be quiet, find a senior officer or non-com who doesn't sleep with the rest of the barracks, assassinate him, and steal keys or papers to help. Then: the admin building.

She lets out a deep purr, tail flicking slightly as she glances into the dark hall, then moving silently across it (if she doesn't see an enemy).
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Stealth (Purraj): 49 -> Pass
Fortunately it seemed as if the at this hour of night there was nobody awake in the kitchen or mess, the guards on the walls apparently being considered sufficient protection. Not that it would have done them much good anyway, as the half-orc stepped silently through the mess hall towards the barracks. The place was meticulously clean, all the chairs set upside down on the tables to allow the floor to be swept and scrubbed, form the look of it.

Stealth (Purraj): 43 -> Pass

Holding her breath, Purraj opened the door to the barracks, glad that the hinges seemed well-oiled. She opened it just far enough to squeeze her lithe body through it, and closed it behind her. The click of the latch seemed almost painfully loud compared to everything that happened before, but after a few seconds the assassin was reasonably sure that nobody had heard. Beds lined both walls of the open barracks, dozens of sleeping men who would awake if she made a sound. Killing one would be easy... but she wasn't here for the common soldiers, the risk of one making too much noise before he died was too great.

Down at the end of the hall was another door, and the su-ku-ta woman approached it silently and passed through it. Once again she had to be glad that the soldiers seemed to be maintaining the place well, and this time she was more careful closing the latch. On the other side... one man in a bed. Probably an officer. There weren't any papers left conveniently out, but a small writing desk was visible. It was locked, but that wasn't an insurmountable problem.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Purraj's heart raced, then she smiled ferally as the various soldiers did not wake up. So far, so good...and if the officer is nearby, I can at least cause some confusion for when the alarm goes up.... Quickly but quietly through the barracks to the door at the far end.

Sneak, sneak, open....slip and close. Nostrils flare as she looks around, tail twitching. An officer, and a locked desk. Unlock the desk and risk waking the officer, or kill the officer and risk waking the rest of the soldiers?

Tail flicking, she flexes her paws, claws gleaming in the low lights before she makes her way to the desk, to see what secrets might be within. And then to this occupying bastard to end his miserable existence.

Go to desk, check for traps. Unlock/disarm/loot, then go for the officer. If he's still asleep, use Shattering Blow on him ((2d12+49)*2 damage on a successful hit). Really don't want him to cry out.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Razor sharp claws made quick work of the sturdy but simple lock, and a few papers went into Purraj's pack. It was too dark to see more then that they had writing on them, but if they were locked up then it was a safe bet that they were important to somebody. Perhaps that somebody would turn out to be the half-orc's allies, now.

Stealth: 46 -> Success!
Damage: (11,4+49)*2 = 128
The officer is killed.

Gain 2 XP for the kill and documents recovered.

That done, she turned to the officer. He still slept soundly, snoring very faintly as the su-ku-ta assassin approached. With all her might and considerable precision, but very little trouble, she ended the man's pathetic life. One fewer soldier to fight in the coming battle, and as an officer perhaps some added confusion as well. Of course, his death might be noticed before the battle, and at this point there was no hiding the fact that he'd been murdered. She would have to live with that... assuming it didn't lead to her capture and/or death. In the mean time, she had to decide what to do next.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Finally, she made her first kill for this mission. The black-furred su-ku-ta smiled before stalking back out. A note of about how many soldiers in this group, and about how big the room was for an estimate of forces in this fortress. She had to get out of the barracks and closer to the administration building, and there was still the female back in the dungeons on her way out. She'd have to move fast now, even if that meant taking more chances.

Slitted eyes reflected moonlight as she glanced over the sleeping soldiers, then stealthily slunk to try to vanish into the night...and towards the heart of the imposing edifice.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Stealth: 34. Failure.
Stealth: 49. Success!

Purraj looked up as she slipped out of the kitchen entrance she had used to enter. There were still a few stars visible on the horizon, but the rest of the sky was an inky black. It seemed like a storm might be on the way. She began to gently close the door behind her, when a sudden wind kicked up, swinging the door wide open before slamming it with a sound that must have been heard over half the camp.

The wind died down to a more reasonable pace, quickly stealing what little heat clung to the desert at night and leaving the su-ku-ta woman glad for her fur. In the mean time, she had left the immediate area as quickly as she could, and found a reasonable hiding place behind a wagon. She froze as a pair of soldiers with torches passed feet from the wagon on their way to investigate the sound. There was a murmur of voices around the corner at the door, and she heard someone walking inside the kitchen. The search didn't seem urgent, but it was clear that they were looking for anything else out of place. And if they checked the barracks...

The administrative building stood ahead, undoubtedly full of important people and information. If she managed to get onto the roof, it would even be a quick way out in an emergency. But if the body was found, the entire compound would become a lot more dangerous, and the administrative building would be the worst.
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

SLAM! Purraj twitched as the door slammed, and dove behind the wagon. This could get ugly, but she had to move fast, now. Failure was not an option...and those guards were no longer blocking the way to the administration building. And if there was to be a fight, well... The cat-ork hybrid smiled, fangs gleaming as she cleaned the blood off her claws.

She goes towards the building, looking for an unseen way in.