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Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Purraj slipped in via a low window, open in the cooling desert evening, rather then risking another slamming door. The guards moving about made it all but certain that she could have made it through the door unseen eventually, but time was starting to be a factor now and the window was clear the soonest. The guards didn't seem to have found her body yet, but it could only be a matter of time, as the search seemed to be expanding still.

She found herself in a short, undressed hallway. To her right it opened up into a larger room that seemed to have a number of tables and desks, a few papers stirring in a breeze through the open window. To her left it ended in what seemed to be a small sitting room with three closed doors. There was a single guard visible in the sitting room, standing so still that he might have been sleeping standing up. There were also three sturdy, padded chairs around a small table, the surface of which Purraj couldn't see clearly.


Mystic Girl
Nov 28, 2011
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Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Purraj slips through the window, tail twitching a bit behind her as she sniffs and listens, looking, straining to catch any scrap of motion or alertness on the guards' parts. Peering down the hallway, she surmises that the main offices are behind those doors. And that guard is...either rather incompetent, and is dozing off...or is hypercompetent and is simply being still and observing as hard as she is.

Well...information first: grab papers. But then...she ponders her situation a moment. To make an open, but silent attack on the guard? To sneak up on him and kill him? To pretend she's a guard come to relieve him and get close that way, or pretend she's a slave? She looks at her robes, and shaeks her head...her equipment is just too different. Has to be trying to sneak.

She starts to creep quietly towards the sitting room and the guard, trying to remain unnoticed.


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

stealth: success!

As she got closer, the room became more clear to Purraj. There weren't many individual things she hadn't been able to see - a potted plant cactus that had seen better days sat in one corner - but the purpose of the room as a whole expressed itself. It was a sitting room, of the sort that might be found outside the office or living quarters of... well, someone important enough to make visitors wait for an appointment.

Also increasingly clear to Purraj was the fact that the guard was managing to sleep standing up. He was leaning very slightly against the wall behind him, cradling the shaft of a pike in one arm, and his eyes were very slightly open, but they lacked the gleam and near-constant movement of consciousness. That didn't mean he couldn't see her and wake up, but it made it much less likely than if he were truly awake. There were three doors in the sitting room, with no obvious way to tell what was behind each.


Mystic Girl
Nov 28, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

((And I'm back! And better than ever!))

Purraj slinks closer. Alert level slowly rising for the fortress, this is probably the last place she can search before having to leave, so....she makes up her mind. The guard serves the invaders and must be killed. Hide the guard in one of the rooms, search, then start to get out.

With the course of action planned, she attempts to sneak close enough to kill the guard silently with her claws.


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Penetration (Alkalannar) GMed by thetwo

Stealth: success

The guard would have had a difficult time picking the assassin out of the darkness if he had been awake. Asleep he didn't stand a chance, and he died without a sound. One less foe her allies would face tomorrow.

A man in full armor was too much for the lithe woman to carry while maintaining any sort of pretense of stealth, so she dragged him into the leftmost room. She turned around quickly at a sound.

The room seemed to be a combination bedroom and office. It wasn't as neat as the ones she had seen before, a few papers still out on the desk. There were also what looked like medals hanging on the wall above the desk, perhaps indicating a person of some importance. The noise had come from the person on the bed, turning over and letting out a snort. They were still sleeping, but not heavily. And while another chance to inflict loss on the foe was welcome, her luck wouldn't last forever.