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Compendium Thread-Work now Based at Blog

Re: Compendium Thread

Hmm...well Blazer's on hold again for the time being.(Don't worry about a project halt, its going very well so I'll most likely see it through) I'm gonna go back on FGB as well as one other thing now, most likely :p (Hey, I called it my 'Compendium Thread' for a reason) Will fill you in with the details when I get there.
Re: Compendium Thread

Hmm...well Blazer's on hold again for the time being.(Don't worry about a project halt, its going very well so I'll most likely see it through) I'm gonna go back on FGB as well as one other thing now, most likely :p (Hey, I called it my 'Compendium Thread' for a reason) Will fill you in with the details when I get there.

No probs with that, really enjoyed what was there of the FGB game as well. Still think you should enable the girls the heroine is raping to be able to reverse it if you don't mash the button enough *hint hint nudge nudge*

But yeah, I'm sure the progress on those should be just as awesome. Keep it up!
Re: Compendium Thread

Well that's extremely disappointing.
Re: Compendium Thread

Even if you're putting MGB on hold, I would like to offer an enemy idea.

Giant-type enemy that towers above the normal enemies and uses grab moves only.

If he gets within grabbing distance he will try to bear hug Blazer. Blazer can simply duck these grabs. His kick, however, will instantly send Blazer flying back to land either on her back or belly. If he grabs Blazer from behind, he will pick her up and body slam her.

I haven't figured out a grand attack for him other than just a stomp move.
Re: Compendium Thread

Well, long story short FGBQuest is now called Lust Knight Adventure. You'll notice that one of the enemies is the same, although the plot and gameplay vary greatly from what you last saw. There is much more depth and the main character is an original character of mine instead of a borrowed one. You still get enemy abilities by means of sex, although parts of the enemies outfit become available to you by simply defeating them. You begin a quest and you will start out with excellent equipment, but through betrayal you will lose it and you'll have to procure whatever equipment/abilites you can find.

The ram girl actually has 2 abilities I could have stolen, but the chances are low. :p

Beta testers, I'm almost ready for you.
Re: Compendium Thread

Beta testers, I'm almost ready for you.

The changes look pretty good to me. I really like how when the ram girl rapes the heroine she pauses to enjoy her work from time to time, rubbing her thigh and such, while the heroine is helpless to escape, hawt stuff. I also like how the heroine can do the same to her enemies.
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

eer....my malware wont let me download.... don't feel like restarting in save mode right now but it sounds nice and I'm sure it is from past stuffs.
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

o.o always with the viruses you....
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

I think real is idea, make small boys, he punching her in lower belly, she in end - bend off. and any fuck her, or grab boobs!))
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

I think real is idea, make small boys, he punching her in lower belly, she in end - bend off. and any fuck her, or grab boobs!))

I'm sorry. I realize that English is probably not your first language, but I can't understand what you're trying to say.
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

I'm sorry. I realize that English is probably not your first language, but I can't understand what you're trying to say.

I think what he's suggesting is to add some shotas to the enemy line-up.
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

I'm sorry. I realize that English is probably not your first language, but I can't understand what you're trying to say.

If i'm not wrong he/she is trying to say:

An idea: shorter enemies who punch the character in the lower belly, after some hits she bends over and someone can screw her from behind or grab her boobs
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

If i'm not wrong he/she is trying to say:

An idea: shorter enemies who punch the character in the lower belly, after some hits she bends over and someone can screw her from behind or grab her boobs

Sounds hot enough to me. That should definitely be in there! :D
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

I'm assuming we are referring to Blazer now, right?(Not to mention this same idea was mentioned earlier in the thread) Cause in Lust Knight, the animation/function is not complex enough to support this idea. :confused:.

Right now I'm working towards this:

Blazer: Complex sex animations w/ combinations etc., borrowed protagonist, and simplistic game play.

LKA: Simple sex animations, possibly buffered by CG's later, original protagonist, w/ more in-depth game play including story line, progressive collecting, etc.

My base reasoning behind Lust Knight is that I think a futa who steals her enemies abilities through sex is an interesting idea, along with the concept of giving as well as receiving. I'm not really a futa aficionado, although I can enjoy it from time to time. Don't expect animation chains to get anywhere near as complex as Blazer's though. For this one I'm looking forward to developing game play a bit more than coming up with sex animations, although they are a significant part.
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

o.o always with the viruses you....

haha I did it I found the problem it was Sendori! Now I can get on DLsite again and download your video.
and yeap I was right, its looking good.
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Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

looks like this is dead again .w.;;

oh well =w=
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

Hibernation for winter perhaps?
Re: Compendium Thread - Lust Knight Adventure

i don't think so. this is a dead game

Well, in defense of the developer who was lynched pretty hardcore with the latest project, I'd take my time too to get stuff fixed on the next version of this and any project. People were so unhappy... =(

Or take a break to let that kinda heat blow over...