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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

With her determination driving her forward, Tomoe saw her companions keeping on the push as she approached the combat last. The others were doing a good job, Kei keeping herself clear of any harm as the feet swung at her. Shenron's condition looked a bit more critical at first, like he was about to get crushed, but it was not as simple as that. No, it was an aid to let the miko bring her sword in full force and without hinderance. Not one to disrespect such a potentially dangerous gesture of aid, she swooped right in there, Kuchinawa reared to the side before she swung it forward at the point of contact. From that point on there was no stopping, and only once she had essentially pulled the fine katana's blade across the entire body did the strike end. It was a good cut, and somehow the priestess managed to avoid getting crushed or sprayed with body fluids as the huge monster toppled down, shaking the entire cave with it's apparent demise. It was finally over.

Making her way back around the creature, Tomoe's spiritual energies faded away as she sought to rejoin the others on the opposite side of the massive critter, their usefullness hopefully spent for the remainder of the day. The miko was weary, and didn't want to bring her powers forth anymore that day. She joined the others just in time to see the satyr's unneeded but most likely satisfying punt to the deceased thing. From there, it went to the beginning of the recoverystuff they needed to do, the first act being the release of the speared fey from the massive thing she had been planted into. She appeared to be alive, but the priestess still saw it a good thing to apply a small healing effect on them. It would ease the pain, surely. Afterwards, it went into silence again as everyone seemed to be taking the victory in, only now properly coming into terms with what they had accomplished. And as surely as the sunrise, it was indeed Kei to crack the situation back into talk. The comment was a little vague to the priestess, but she considered it was a desire for competition. Tomoe herself was anything but competitive, and probably would have made a boring rival. While the second easterner did ask for what the party would be doing then, it appeared that she was getting presented with an answer before they even got to think about too much. The two busybodies soon slipped away into cutting up the remains of the creature for that precious sac, a thing that the shrine maiden didn't want to take part in. She had already had enough of spiders for some time. And amidst all the slicing going on, another thing could be heard, this time from the always tight-lipped Shenron.

Hearing that, Tomoe sweeped her katana to a position in front of her, pointing the thing to the roof. "Saviour..." she thought, looking at her reflection on the nearly mirrored finish of the stained blade. It was not as simple as that. Surely, they had taken care of the menace underneath, but the village above was still there. And as the situation currently stood, they were little more than a defenseless hamlet. No, there were no saviours here, only killers with bloodied blades. "Somehow... I don't think I agree..." she replied to her companion, having worked a cloth out from her pack to wipe away all the gore on Kuchinawa. Soon the blade slid back to it's sheath with a little clack signalling the finish, and the miko hoped she would not have to take it out today anymore. The death emanated around the place, and did not need further strenghtening. Before long, the others came back with the massive venom-producing organ, even suggesting that she put it into her pack. "No, not going to risk putting that on top of my other belongings. It might leak." she told them, dismantling the idea rather quickly. Instead, she opted to get a small web from the nearby piles and use it as a makeshift bag for the organ. But what was asked for next, she was fully co-operative towards as this place was beginning to get to her in a lot of ways. They had done everything needed, and now would be time to leave.
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

Shenron didn't vocally reply to the miko's disagreement with his statement. Instead, the hunter sidled toward Tomoe and put one of his hands on the shrine maiden's shoulder. It was a gentle touch, as gentle as only the stoic lizardman could be, despite the feats of strength that he was capable of and the damage his claws could do. With only a reassuring pat to rebuke her uncertainty, he otherwise let the subject fall into silence. Not long after that Kei and the satyr would return and the business of the venom sac would be taken care of; the web, though there wasn't all that much given that it was a giant spider's lair, worked well for what she used it for.

With their business concluded, they made their way to the faeries, who were just as they were when they had left. "You succeeded! I could sense it in the air the moment the deathwalker was slain! My enclave will sing your group's praises for generations to come, Tomoe! I would give you a hug, but I think that would be uncomfortable for both of us. Now we just need to figure out a way up and my own group and I can be off to gather a fresh party who will be able to cleanse these caverns." Of course, the way up was already obvious to those familiar with the warrior priestess's abilities, and once her powers were explained it would take only a few moments for the shrine maiden to transport the group back to the room they had faced the dead king in. There they met up with the two sorceresses and the greater siren who had been left behind. One of the two magic-specialized faeries was still unconscious, but it would be easy enough for Shenron to carry her out.

When Tomoe had rested or done anything else that she might want to do, including looting the rest of the building if she'd changed her mind since the hall was exactly as they left it and empty of any defenders, it would be easy enough to exit the pseudo-town hall. There was the matter of how she might want to exit the building, however, since the town wasn't exactly a friendly place even if between Kei and her most of its guards had been wiped out, either through the front door or one of the few available windows. Either way, it seemed pretty empty from what she could see outside.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Back at the fairies, it was once more apparent that everyone around her seemed to be having the idea that Tomoe was some kind of saviour. While she still did not agree too much, the miko decided to not to spread her gloomy thoughts onto them. It was probably better to try and keep the situation more happy and easy right then. "Well... I suppose you could do that..." she replied to Rhoswen's words, eventually bringing up the gathered fairies and other companions with her instant transport power. While she was weary, there was still energy in her to allow this and not leave any kind of lasting impact.

On the upper level, it appeared there were some further options to choose. There still was no real desire to loot the place in the priestess' mind, so that was a thing that would not happen. It would be better if the village kept what it had instead of her taking anything away. Also, there was the whole leaving thing. It did not appear that there would be any further hassle happening as the outside seemed still quite deserted and the people in their homes, but one could never be sure. Even so, Tomoe would not run or hide, nor would she sneak out. When they did exit, it would be through the main doors, carefully but not cowardly.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

Their exit didn't reveal anything that the windows hadn't. The double doors swung open and the sizable group was able to enter the town square without any harassment. The houses by and large were either abandoned or locked tight. With few others than women and children left, none of the townspeople seemed to want to take their chances with the group that had already dispatched so many of their militia. Their lack of desire for further conflict was apparently made even deeper with the addition of Rhoswen's retinue to Tomoe's already formidable group.

On their path to the gate, however, they were stopped by a single woman. She brandished no weapons and certainly didn't appear capable of fighting the miko's party. She looked more armed to do battle with a stove than another person, wearing a dirty apron and peasant garb underneath it. She had curly red hair. The woman, after gathering some courage, approached Tomoe's party and spoke up, only her version of speaking up seemed to carry a level of volume only slightly over that of a whisper. "U-um. Your group could s-stay at my inn. If you want to, that is. I p-promise it would be safe."

Rhoswen looked at the woman, then to Tomoe, and then spoke up herself. "My retinue and I can't remain for long. We must return to our sanctuary, take care of these," she patted her own gravid belly, "and then collect a fresh party to return and take care of the problem in the mines. What you decide for your party is up to you."
"Could be a trap," Kei suggested, folding her hands behind her head as she did so.
"N-no, I swear it isn't. T-the others m-may have lost family and loved ones today. B-but you've l-liberated me."
"I'm sure nobody has ever denied that a trap was a trap before," Kei retorted, although it seemed more aimed toward making the woman uncomfortable than out of any actual concern. Her words earned an nervous sigh from the woman, who then looked to Tomoe as if she might save her from the other Easterner.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

With a degree of caution towards the possibly hostile surroundings of the town, Tomoe took her escort and companions out through the main doors of the apparent community center. The lack of people didn't change as they strode out, but there was one eventual greeter to see them, a pretty average village woman it appeared. There was a certain air of a possible trap here, but somehow, the miko felt obligated to go along with them for at least some time. The fey had their limits as well, and Rhoswen made it clear that they would leave eventually to gather more fairies to finish cleaning up the undermines. So, it would most likely have to be a compromise between the two parties. "Alright, we'll stay with you as long as our escort group can. We probably have to move out soon, but we will take up on your offer for a little, at least. Considering what has happened already, I cannot take more from this place than what has already been taken." she told the woman.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a load off of our feet! I really mean we can't stay for long though. A fraction of an hour at the most. Unless you want to have your relaxation ruined by the sight of us going into labor and several dozen spiders scurrying free of us!" Everyone beyond Shenron and the faerie herself blanched at that, including Rhoswen's retinue and Kei. "U-uh, y-yes, well... You'll be able to leave whenever you'd like. A-and I already have some food ready. J-just follow m-me." With that, the woman began to scurry away, leading the way toward the inn.

It wasn't a long walk physically, but Tomoe and her group could see curtains rustle as they passed. She could feel watchful eyes on her. Though none seemed brave enough to try anything, it still made the trek seem a good hundred miles longer than it was. That feeling didn't diminish even when they made it to the inn without incident.

The building was a single story and a primarily wood construction. The outside looked unassuming enough and well maintained. When the woman opened the door and allowed the sizable group to come in, they found themselves in an open room, sans a few columns, with a desk that sat beside the entry point of a hallway which must have been where all the rooms were located. A few round tables with stools were situated on the side of the room across from the desk. There was a roaring fireplace situated in the corner on the wall opposite of them as they came into the room, and it had a much longer table with several stools set near it. A bit of damage had been done to the inside of the inn in the form of smashed stools, tables, a few broken floorboards, and some damage to the walls. It looked to be the result of rowdy customers.

The long table had several bowls filled with what looked at a glance to be porridge, and empty cups set along with three pitchers. The table was set for seven, which was a fair amount smaller in quantity than Tomoe's party was. "I-I got this ready for y-your group because I thought you might be h-hungry and thirsty. I d-didn't realize you had so m-many. M-my deepest apologies, I'll h-hurry and get more. M-make yourselves at home. She went rushing off to some back room down the hallway. In the meantime, the faeries did just as she suggested, settling themselves on some of the various stools and tables, though not the long table that appeared set for the group, awkwardly with their pregnant bellies. The satyr, the siren, and the two sorceresses joined them. Shenron remained near Tomoe as if some vigilant bodyguard. Kei, as per usual, was the vocal one of the group, casually asking of the miko; "So, do you think it's a trap? Or should we dig in? Breakfast was great but after today's workout I'm starving."
"You don't need to worry about us if you want to indulge your appetite. We faeries don't require food... Although I would give many things for a salted apple right about now." She commented as she cradled her gravid stomach.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Wish she had put it a bit less bluntly..." the miko thought as she heard Rhoswen. Since there was agreement among the escort, the group went along with the villager to take a brief rest at her place, the local inn. Getting there was physically a breeze to anyone capable of walking on their two feet, but with her current mental state, Tomoe had a much harder time with it. The scared villagers in their houses made it none the easier, but the thing was thankfully over sooner than later as they entered the inn proper.

The building was a modest little estabilishment, something that anyone would expect to find in a settlement like this. There was some visible damages around the place, dents and broken bits in walls and floors, some destroyed stools and similar pieces of furniture. There was a chance that the soldiers had been using this place, and in the late hours, there might be brawls of intentional or unintentional nature. And when a trained and strong man begins to rage... it was fairly obvious. The table was set for them, so Tomoe took a seat along with the rest of them while the lady retreated to a back room. With all that done, it was the usual Kei silence break that would incite discussion. "If it is your desire, then you should eat. I... will personally have to decline..." she told the others, not sure what to make of this as she looked down at the wooden table. By all means, she should not even be here at the current time, yet there was invitation and prepared meals for them. While there was a certain degree of suspicion about the whole thing, she would not show the way she felt about it all. Maybe this lady was thankful for getting rid of the soldiers or some similar thing, but the motive behind her actions was not understandable. So, in face of all this, the shrine maiden pushed her food away from her a bit and let the others eat if they wanted to. Even though it was a possibly dangerous prospect, she would not try to command them.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"Suit yourself! I'm digging in!" The red-eyed traveler sat herself down and dug into one of the bowl of porridge with a voracious appetite. Before long she was working on a second helping and talking between bites. "Not bad! I did work up an appetite between the big spider and that knight though. Shame I didn't get the chance to take her one on one. Maybe I'll just have to duel you sometime to make up for it, miss miko." Shenron's posture became even more protective of Tomoe following that comment, which caused Kei to laugh. "Calm down, I didn't say I was going to take a swing at her."

The situation was, for the most part, diffused when the nervous woman returned to the room bearing a tray of filled bowls, along with a single apple. She set the tray on the long table and offered the faeries a chance at the food, though none accepted, and then presented the apple to the fey lord. "For me? You shouldn't have!" Her words apparently weren't all that genuine, as she had taken a bite out of it before the human could even reply. Rhoswen quickly devoured her odd choice of treat down to the core. "Who would have thought that a salted apple could taste so good? Now if I could just do something about how horny I'm feeling... But I'll deal with that when I return to the sanctuary."

The crimson-haired traveler continued to sate her own hunger by consuming a third bowl of porridge, and by then the satyr had decided to try his luck with Kei. After an ill-advised effort to place his hand on her rear which ended in a painful looking twist, he instead decided to try his luck with a pitcher of wine that the innkeeper had supplied, which went far better. The innkeeper herself chose to strike up a conversation with Tomoe. "I-is everything t-to your liking? N-n-nothing is the m-matter, is it? I d-did this to th-thank you all for wh-what you did. I kn-kn-know that a l-lot of people died, b-but the p-p-path we were on... It was bad. M-more bad for some than others."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Looking at the proceedings as Kei was the first to get into the act of eating, Tomoe herself was still unsure what to do in the current situation. The others seemed to be enjoying themselves, even more so as further foods were brought in. While the other fairies did not care for the offered fare, Rhoswen's delight was easily detectable as she finished off the apple in barely a moment. There was some other silliness going on as well, the curious attempt at what appeared to be hitting on Kei ending up in a rather painful-looking twist of the arm. Still, it appeared that the satyr was finding some replacement joy in the wine pitcher, and the miko was happy for him about that. Of course, it was better that she avoided the thing as well, for booze was never a thing she had properly managed to train with. And what she had heard, it was probably better that she didn't. It was better to be in your full capacity of clear thought all the time.

Eventually though, there was no avoiding attention as the keeper lady saw Tomoe and her hesitation to take part. "No, it's very kind of you to provide hospitality... And I did kind of guess why you did this... But... I still can't bring myself to be a good guest... It still feels wrong for me to be here..." she replied, still almost fixated to looking into the grain of the wooden table as her companions enjoyed themselves. There just was no looking at the kindly innkeeper, the shrine maiden could not bring her gaze up to meet theirs. "Don't worry about this... I'll try to eat a little, there is still a distance for us to travel today..." she eventually soke up again, trying to get herself into eating a few spoonfuls of the fare presented. Still, the miko hoped that this would be over sooner than later and they would get to leave. There would be a need to make amends to this place eventually.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

(Uhhh, might have gotten caught up in Blighttown a little longer than I thought I would. >.>)

"N-no, don't f-force yourself," the nervous innkeeper replied. Although if Tomoe decided to go ahead and try out the porridge despite the woman's offer of a polite out, her few spoonfuls would prove to be tasty. It was far from the most delicious fare she had ever had, but definitely above average. Promisingly, she was not immediately paralyzed, aroused, or otherwise poisoned by the food either. Regardless, the innkeeper would continue shortly afterward. "I-I g-guess this d-doesn't come as much of a reassurance, b-but f-for what it's w-worth, I think you s-saved everyone l-left in the town. F-for those of us who weren't m-married to a s-soldier, it was only one st-step above slavery..."

"C'mon, Tomoe," Kei butted in. "Such a mopey look just doesn't suit your face," the traveler's fingers suddenly pressed gently just below the shrine maiden's ears, then trailed a soft line to her chin and fell away to land on her shoulder with a reassuring pat. "What else would you have done? The soldiers wouldn't have been any gentler with you than you were with them, maybe even worse. You even saved a damsel in distress or twenty," she motioned toward the faeries, the vast majority of whom were too involved in conversations between themselves to notice the two easterners talking. "If you over-analyze it you'll find a reason to feel guilty about every fight. Most bandits these days started out because they were homeless and poor. Besides, you're too skilled for this sort of regret. Nobody gets as good as you without at least taking a little pride in their own swordplay, eh?" Her tone was joking, but her expression was a slightly accusatory.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"I did suspect as such... But still..." the shrine maiden continued her half-hearted attempt at conversation, getting some confirmation to her suspicions about the state of the town while she ate what little she could manage. It turned out that there was indeed no malicious attempt at her welfare hidden inside the food, a thing that somewhat relieved her tensions. Shortly afterwards, Kei too injected herself into the conversation with further remarks about not feeling too down about the situation they were in, along with some stuff about having pride in her ability. It was weird to hear, since skill was no excuse to avoid guilt from committed atrocities. As much as the other easterner tried, her reasoning was not going to work on Tomoe. The thing about bandits was true as anything, that was something she could agree to. "I guess..." was pretty much the only thing she managed to say in response. Surely there were good things that came out from this day, but there just was no shaking that image of dead village sons from the priestess' mind, even as she looked at the fey who they had freed.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"Sheesh, so mopey." The carmine-haired woman replied with a sigh. "Is all this guilt a priestess thing? There's plenty of people who wouldn't mind taking a swing at you, so why do it to yourself? If I wasn't so sore and tired from today I'd be ready to try to beat this mood out of you," she commented with a lighthearted tone that didn't match her words. Tomoe didn't need to look at or even touch Shenron to feel him tensing up, ready to defend her. As usual of the traveler, however, nothing came of her words. "Whatever," she suddenly proclaimed, causing the hunter to relax. The room drifted into silence beyond the background noise of conversing faeries and anything the miko might say.

"Oop, I think I felt something kick!" Rhoswen broke the silence with her announcement.
"Wait, can eggs-" The satyr started to ask, drawing a look of confusion from the innkeeper in the process, but he was quickly cut off.
"We should get on the road unless we want to infest this nice mortal's tavern! Tomoe, you and your group are free to accompany us if you desire. I doubt my kind will take well to any mortals or your green friend until I explain what's happened, but there's a small glade where you would be able to rest and relax and have something to eat and name trees and all those other silly things mortalkind likes to do." The elven-looking fey stood up with a bit of effort and cradled her pregnant belly. The rest of the faeries followed her in removing themselves from their seats.

"W-wait, y-you're not going to l-leave me here by m-myself, are you?" The stuttering woman spoke up.
"Eh? You have an ulterior motive or something? I thought this was a no-strings-attached celebration." Kei scoffed.
"N-no, it's j-just that after you l-leave, I d-don't think the r-rest of the villagers w-will be pleased with m-me inviting y-you here."
"Well, it's up to your group. There's enough room at the glade for everyone. If you'll take responsibility for anything she does, then she's welcome too." Rhoswen offered with a shrug, which drew no reply from Kei.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Beat it out of me?" Tomoe asked back as she heard this particular foolishness being said, not one to back out from threats, even the smaller ones. Getting up from her seat, she went right to Kei. "Do it if you must. Now. But know that the only thing resulting from this will be me thinking less of you as a person for using violence for such meaningless matters. I will not be changed so easily, for I like to think that I still have some humanity left in me." she told the rash Kei with her usual calmness, keeping herself prepared to take any hits that might come. Regardless of what happened, there already was some loss of respect towards Kei as a result of those words the shrine maiden had heard her spout.

Before too much could happen thought, there were signs of alarm that suggested birth was at hand for the fey ladies. A lot of things were said then, the whole deal basically boiling down to what needed to be done with Tomoe's group and the innkeeper, who might face consequences if she still remained in the village. The remaining villagers were a nervous wreck most likely, and would need to take their thirst of vengeance out on something. "We'll take you along for now, it should not be a big deal or burden. Take us to the glade before there will be further atrocities. I feel that staying here for too long will lead to something like that."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"How confusing," the carmine-haired woman replied. The very air in the room seemed to tense as the exchange escalated and the two came into close proximity, though the other easterner never rose from her seat nor made any motion in Tomoe's direction other than to lock eyes with the warrior priestess. "You let people walk all over you like this, though you could surely stop them. Your skill with a blade should be worshiped by most of these bandits and peasants, but you play the hero, ask for nothing, and then feel guilt afterward. Doesn't it burn you to know that you're not receiving your just praise? Surely you could have become a bodyguard or the arm of some lord or another and lived in the lap of luxury for your skill, but instead you became a miko. Your choices are just so alien and intriguing."

Though Tomoe would have some time to respond to Kei's follow up, it wouldn't be long before the fey lord had made her announcement. After the shrine maiden had agreed to take responsibility for the woman, the fey lord continued. "Very well, we can bring her along then! Now, just gather around me and I'll wiggle my nose three times and we'll all be at the grove!" None of the other faeries moved to approach Rhoswen, nor did any of Tomoe's group. The stuttering woman took a few steps toward her, but stopped when she realized that a majority of the room was motionless. "... Just kidding! We have to walk again! People used to fall for that..."

And so the group left their meals, except for the wine which the satyr brought with him, and the inn, and eventually the town. Though Tomoe was probably right about the villagers desiring vengeance, or perhaps just potentially becoming violent out of fear, they still hadn't gathered enough courage to face the group of fey nor the group of women who had slain most every soldier in the village. Tomoe's party and their temporary company were able to make the entire journey, a trip that took over an hour, without any incident.

Eventually, most of the faeries split off, all of them offering their thanks toward the warrior priestess, except for Rhoswen who stayed behind to lead Tomoe's dwindling party of Shenron, Kei, the innkeeper, and herself to the isolated glade. It wasn't much, simply a small clearing with a pit built specifically for fires and oddly colored firewood already prepared in the middle of it. There was more than enough space for all four of them to sleep, at least, though they lacked a bedroll for the stuttering innkeeper.

"This place is warded, and you can sleep here safely. I have something to attend to," the fey woman patted her gravid belly, "though I will be back later to make sure you're all settling in well. But before I go, since we've returned I'd like to offer you more of a reward than simply sharing your story, Tomoe. Tell me, is there anything you would desire? I'll do everything in my power to make it so."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

It seemed that Kei was not as willing to come out with violence when actually confronted for it. Better that way, stick to verbal confrontation instead of a physical one, though even that was undesirable for Tomoe's current mindset. "I do not want that, I'm just doing what I am good at. And there is no reason to act as some noble's lapdog. There are far more people in need out in the open world than there are in castles, who actually have need for a capable protector. Luxuries are meaningless in the face of this reality. The needs of the many come before the needs of one." she gave her final reply to this matter, not sure how Kei would think of it but not really caring either. It was how she thought, in the grand scheme of all worldly things.

Afterwards, it appeared that there might be easier moving in front of them as Rhoswen seemed to be suggesting an instant transmission of her own. There was no real way for her to do that in the way she insisted though, a thing that instantly gave away the joke to the shrine maiden, only the innkeeper falling for it. So, they would have to walk across the bosom of nature once more, a thing that was pleasant to do after all of what had transpired at the village. It saddened Tomoe to leave the place behind, but it had to be done.

At the glade, it finally appeared that there would be some peace time ahead. At least for a little while. Only food was lacking, though they had just eaten so it would not be a thing to worry about. "Well I can see that... What do I desire?" the sudden offer brought more than a little thought to Tomoe's mind. But when it was asked for so quickly, she was kinda put into a bad spot. "This will sound really strange... but... I want that you look after that village... See that they prosper eventually... and ward off further negative influence towards them. Lest another force of evil turn them onto the bad ways in life again... and generally be a force of equality in this region. I have heard that there have been pretty horrendous events happening around the entirety of the world as I know it. We need to keep together if we are to keep this land for ourselves and not lose everything to the strange alien beings. That... us what I wish."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"A noble wish!" Rhoswen declared brightly, beaming with the sort of pride one would normally expect of a parent for a child. "Yes. Some of us may not be able to forgive the mortals so easily, but when the truth is explained I'm sure I'll be able to sway enough of my kin to carry out your request and see to it that the town is protected from further trouble. I do not know that we alone can be a force of equality, but after all you have done it would be remiss of me to not try. I will do my best to fulfill your wishes, on my word as a Lady of the summer court." She winced, suddenly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be off or you four might never be able to enjoy an omelette again!" With that, she turned and left.

After the fey lord had departed, the other three members of Tomoe's group had settled into their own routines. Kei had sat herself in a secluded part of the clearing and begun to sharpen her swords with a kit she had produced from her own pack. Shenron had sat himself near the still unlit fire, doing nothing in particular. The innkeeper wandered around the clearing, though she never dared go anywhere that would take her from Tomoe's sight, apparently investigating everything with a childish sort of excitement in her eyes. The miko was left to her own devices as to what she wanted to pursue, be it preparation for the next day, speaking to her companions, exploring, or anything else she might have in mind.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The fact that her wish actually got a positive response was a great relief for Tomoe. "Alright... we'll see you again when you are rid of that and come back, like there was some talk about." she told the lady fey, waving them goodbyes as they left the group for now.

After the departure of the fairies, the group seemed to relax. Not one to bother others, the miko let Kei and the innkeeper do what they were doing. There was no concern towards them in her mind, though the earlier argument of sorts was certainly still there. What would come of it, Tomoe knew not. Hopefully nothing. Seeing Shenron there without any real thing to do, she went to him. Patting the lizardman on his massive shoulder, she sat behind him, leaning against his back with her own. "If it's a bother, I can move away..." she told him. Depending on how the hunter answered, she would stay there or move a little to side of him. From there, she too would start to do a brief maintenance routine on Kuchinawa. For a moment, the miko's thoughts wandered back into what was now her home, the shrine. To all her sisters back there. "Those were the times... I wonder how all of them are doing..." she pondered, actually stopping briefly with the bladework as her mind slipped back into the serenity of the shrine and the surrounding lands. It was a comforting memory to relive amidst all the death and blood that was going on now. But she was back in the real world soon enough, and finished up the swordcare before taking another look around and possibly laying down to have a rest if nothing else was happening. The place should be safe enough, considering what Rhoswen had said.
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

The hunter cast her a warm look, as warm as his species' expressions could be, at her gentle touch. He seemed quite happy for her company. "No. Safer..." The lizardman rumbled in response, suggesting he preferred her near him for more than one reason. "That one... Dangerous," he continued after the miko had begun working on her sword, unfortunately proving to be the factor that removed her from her comforting memories. His eyes were cast on Kei, who didn't notice the lizardman's stoic gaze for her concentration on her work. "Killed many unnecessarily. Dangerous threats... Must keep you safe."

After her conversation with the hunter came to an end, however, Rhoswen didn't return. It seemed that nothing else of note was going to occur. Kei continued to work on her sword until it had a razor's edge, and then she began to work on the other, which was followed by organizing her pack, and the innkeeper continued to gawk at the surroundings as if she had never seen greenery before, so not much entertainment or interest would come from them unless Tomoe herself approached either of the two. If the miko was still looking to take her rest after any responses she made to Shenron, she would briefly be interrupted by the innkeeper? "U-uh, w-where sh-should I sleep wh-when I get t-tired?" She was obviously wondering about the bedroll situation, as there were only two since Shenron tended to sleep on the native ground. Though, once that was solved she would be allowed to take a nap and recoup from the events of the day.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The words that Shenron had decided to share managed to bring further troubles into Tomoe's mind, though she was still very thankful and liking what was being said about protecting her. She was not entirely sure how the two of them did this as she was probably more skilled at battle than her lizardy companion, but it did not matter really. "Hmm... thank you..." the miko spoke softly then, reaching a hand along her side to hold Shenron's bigger claw hand for a while. If nothing else, she wanted to stay quiet for a while.

For that passing while, Tomoe could look around again to see Kei still managing her belongings while the innkeeper wandered around. It looked like a child seeing something new, with the relentless wondering. "This just might be her first time outside the village..." the priestess pondered this somewhat mousy woman and her actions. Shortly it went to talks about napping, but the issue was nothing that wouldn't be solved fast with a simple offer. "You can use my bedroll, I do not necessarily need to use it here." she told the woman, removing the roll from her pack and giving it over for the other party to use. Sleeping on the grass should not be anything to be concerned about in this place, and this would allow Tomoe to sleep on equal terms with Shenron. The fact that he always lied down on the barren earth or whatever had poked at the shrine maiden from time to time, but now they would be the same. They really should get one for the hunter, but the moment was not the time for that.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

"Th-thanks!" The nervous innkeeper eagerly replied as she accepted the bedroll and laid it out for her own future sleeping spot.

Not much else transpired in the time following, not without the priestess's direct involvement at least, and sunset arrived quickly and without much fanfare. Assuming the warrior priestess stuck to her original plan to rest barring anything of note occurring, she would have her choice of where to lay as nobody else was quite ready to to do the same yet. Wherever she chose, her rest would eventually become a short, revitalizing nap.


And she would awaken to the sound of stifled, girlish giggling. Night had come in full, and all of her comrades had gone to sleep. Shenron was near her, though still giving her a bit of personal space. It was hard to tell where the innkeeper and Kei were without moving her head, but it was easy to determine that the giggles belonged to neither of them.

"He's so big!" One of the feminine voices exclaimed.
"You can't back out now! You picked dare!" A very poorly hushed voice replied.
"Wow, there really is a lizard who isn't allied with the otherworlders? I thought you were fibbing!" A third, unique voice whispered excitedly.
"I was telling the truth! He helped the mortals save our sisters and the Lady! Anyway, what about the dare?"
"Are you sure about this? He's not with any of these mortals, is he?"
"What does it matter? We're just having a little fun~ And she only has to use her mouth! If he doesn't want it then he can just stop her!" There was a certain smugness in her tone.

"Well, he is handsome for a lizard, and he does seem pent up, and I did pick dare..."
"That's the spirit!" The most persistent of the unseen voices exclaimed, followed by the sound of a hand smacking against flesh and an 'eep' from the other woman. The telltale sound of someone rustling through the grass toward the sleeping lizard, and, by extension, her, came after that, leaving Tomoe to decide whether she wished to pretend to, or perhaps actually return to, sleep and leave Shenron to deal with whatever might come, or to try to stop the voices' game.

I went ahead and nudged Tomoe along to ye rest so that you could spend XP, since I didn't really have anything else in mind that any of the NPCs would attempt to do or conversations that they would initiate. If you happen to have any ideas for extra stuff you'd like for Tomoe to accomplish before she sleeps, feel free to pursue those and I'll either address them as necessary or edit this post.

Also lizard penis.