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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Shutting off her blessing, the priestess relaxed a bit and turned to the others.

You silly Derpnium.

Thankfully they didn't have to look long for another path inside, since spending too much time would likely give the opposition more time to prepare and set up sturdier defenses. A tree somewhat hid a window behind it, and after a look they managed to get in as the thing was not blocked off in any way, some satyr-applied force opening the way. Beyond, a place that turned out to be a common yet large washing room waiting for them. It was most likely meant for all the soldiers, most of whom which would never use the place again. All those fancy robes that the group saw in their storage spaces would now go to waste.

More options as to where they needed to go were presented, and it looked like Tomoe was to be the one making the decisions once again. One way would just lead them back into the main hall where they had been before, so that was out of the option list. Two more doors were present on the other side, so this was what they would need to choose from, along with a slightly curious crate pile. The crate pile was the miko's target for now, if there was something to help them, then looking into them would be a good move. If nothing presented itself, then she would move to the doors and have careful looks into them, trying her best to only sneak in a peek through a small gap and not just throw the doors open. The left door would be the one to look first.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 32/76, Status = Fine.
Check: Failure.

Attacks (Enemies): All miss.

The miko checked the crates without incident, sliding the lids off only discover hay in them. When she padded over to the left door afterward, she had no issues cracking it open and taking a peek inside. The room which laid beyond the door looked something akin to a chapel. The ceiling was at least twenty feet tall and the room itself seemed wide enough to fit half the town comfortably, and by its size Tomoe quickly determined that the right door also led to it. The room was octagon. Several rows of wooden pews were present, with the red carpet-lined paths between them likely looking similar to a cobweb from overhead. All of the seating was arrayed towards a large octagonal stage draped with red fabric in the middle of the room. On the stage was an iron statue in the shape of a young man with a sword, armor, cloak, and a crown on his head.

After spotting that, however, an incident did arise. She heard the shuffling of feet from behind, and not that of her allies. The satyr called out in alarm. "What the!" And when Tomoe looked behind her, the dead riflemen had risen. They raised their guns and took point blank shots at the group, the room filling with smoke and loud bangs as they squeezed the triggers.

When all was said and done, however, nobody was injured, and the group readied their weapons to prepare a counterattack against the apparently risen riflemen.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Hmph, weird habits they have..." Tomoe thought as she saw that the boxes contained hay. Leaving those alone, she went to look into one of the doors, finding what looked like a chapel or similar gathering spot in there when she peeked through the small gap on the door. Since the place was so big, it was easy to determine that both doors went to the same area. The central stage and the surrounding set-up of the room was not something that the miko liked, since it reminded her about a spider's web in form, and she had not been treated well by those in the past days. Most likely this was where the leader of the place held speeches, if he was so inclined.

Before any proper inspection or entry could happen, there was a hassle behind them that the satyr gave early warning to. As the sounds of rifles filled the air, the shrine maiden saw the gunmen from just a few moments ago were apparently not as dead as they used to, now firing their weapons at the group. Even in the face of this surprise attack, the entire group escaped unharmed. Given no other option, the busty miko took out her bow, intent on joining the magic types in an exchange of shots.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 32/76, Status = Fine.
Tomoe's Attack: Hit... the door behind the riflemen.

Tomoe nocked her arrow in the eastern style, pulling the string back as she brought her bow down into shooting position. Her eye settled on a target almost instantly, before the rest of the group could even engage, and she loosed the projectile. Upon freeing her fingers from the bowstring, her arrow flew through the air with a low whistle...

Only to pass directly through her target's belly and imbed itself in the heavy wooden door behind the three. At that point, the group's attackers aimed and fired another volley. This time, the priestess watched as bullets sped through both of the sorceresses. These bullets, however, were apparently completely ineffective, as not only did they not break skin, shred clothing, or cripple organs, the faeries didn't seem to notice them at all as they continued right through their backs and through the wall behind them. There was no smell of gunpowder nor was the smoke that rose from their guns difficult on the lungs. It appeared that they had been attacked by illusions.

While it was an annoying momentary setback, Tomoe had fortunately held the foresight not to spend more of her precious energy on the fight. And, although the group of illusory riflemen was reloading for another volley, the group and her were now free to explore the odd chapel-like room if they so desired, or to continue through it and into the bowels of the apparent town hall.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The nocked arrow soon zoomed towards the riflemen as Tomoe let it go, it's path going straight towards the guts of one of the four. He would go down for the second time in short order, or so the shrine maiden thought as she trailed the arrow's trajectory. But as luck would have it, the projectile didn't stop at the man's midsection, instead passing right through. "Wha... Are they spirits now...?" she thought about the whole event, the return volley confirming that they were in fact facing illusionary opponents. Slightly embarassed at her behaviour, the miko put away her bow, leaving the ghostmen to have their imaginary battle. For her own part, the priestess decided to advance the group into the big cathedral-like place and have a better look in there.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 32/76, Status = Fine.

Even as they entered the strange, worshipful room, the phantom riflemen continued to fire in their general direction. But they did not follow or move once the group had passed the threshold and closed the doors behind them.

As they passed the pews, distracted only once by the sound of another volley from the room behind them, Tomoe determined that their craftsmanship was nothing short of exquisite. Each one was made of an unusual, beautiful cherry-colored wood that shared no similarities with the type the rest of the town was constructed of. Ornate engravings were carved in both ends depicting the same powerful boy-king that the statue had been designed after. Fantastically depicted scenes of battle, usually between humans and some other race, were found on the backs of the pews, each unique. The detail and probable expense that had gone into the seating alone was nothing short of extravagant.

And in the aisles and rows between those pews was lush, red carpet with a golden fringe resting over carefully maintained hardwood floor. Every step felt like walking on a cloud. Over the walls hung a series of similarly colored tapestries, made of red silk and with depictions of various symbols in gold upon them. At spotting these, Kei gave a low whistle. "Rich tastes," she commented.

She wasn't wrong. The statue in the middle of the room stood out even more than all the rest, if only for where it stood. It was atop a five foot tall stage in the center of the room which was draped in red silk. A podium made of the same wood as the pews stood in front of it. The front of the podium was engraved with a picture of the person whose likeness the statue bore reaching out to grasp at a sun which was represented by a lightstone set into the wood. The statue was itself a creation of iron in the form of a young, athletic-built boy, in his late teens at the latest, wearing cloak, armor, and a crown, with a sword pointed into the air. In case the shrine maiden ever forgot his face, she only needed to look in any direction to be assaulted with twenty likenesses of it.

"I knew they were an egotistical group, but this is beyond anything I ever expected," the satyr spoke up.
"It shouldn't be that surprising. The lowest mortal can be more self-absorbed than even a faerie queen." The unnamed siren gave a quick look between Tomoe, Shenron, and Kei and quickly added; "No offense."
Shenron shrugged.
"None taken."
The two sorceresses chose to remain silent.
"We'll put an end to all this insanity today. We should keep going."

The doors further into the hall were located on the opposite side of the room of the ones they had entered. Tomoe could also explore the room, if there was something she was more interested in.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

In the cathedral or whatever, there was ridiculous amounts of materials and objects that were mostly for the rich people of the world. All the carvings with the same face, expensive wood, overflowing tapestries and the statue told that the owner of the place was not one for maintaining a low profile about himself. They were probably the most self-absorbed person that Tomoe had known in her life, and she had seen many of the lords and their luxurious castle-estates during her childhood times. None of them managed to reach this level. "Well... I have to agree. I've never actually seen a room as obscenely self-indulged and wealthy as this one, and I used to be a warrior family daughter, so there were many rich places that I saw back then..." the miko remarked back at the siren, not really minding her comments.

Looking around here might earn them something useful, so the priestess decided to do so. Still, she wouldn't keep them there for too long over such matters. Unless something immidiately interesting or useful presented itself as a result of the search, the priestess would lead them towards the new doors and approach them too with the same cautiousness as they had before.
Last edited:


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 32/76, Status = Fine.

Tomoe immediately spotted a very old hunk of bread underneath one of the pews. Whatever strange organism was growing on it might have been classified as interesting, but probably not useful. Beyond that, there wasn't much to found amongst the rest of the pews nor the outer walls.

The platform in the middle of the room was a different story. The lightstone in the podium might be helpful in any dark places if she were to pry it loose. Barring that, it would be good for a handful of denarii if sold. The statue's crown, cloak, and the pommel of the sword it held were all adorned with precious gemstones. She could pry them free and sell them later. It all depended on how much time she was willing to use looting the church, and if she was willing to loot the opulent place at all.

If she didn't wish to take away any of the treasures she had spotted -- hunk of inedible bread included -- Tomoe could freely travel to the doors as nothing was in her way.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

With a quick inspection around the opulent cathedral room, there were a few things that could possibly be up for grabs if the shrine maiden saw enough reason to actually do that. It would most likely only serve as a needless distraction from the current task. "The village will be better off if they have these... They'll be able to get a good start to the community..." she thought, opting to leave those be. Only the light stone would actually be of use if there was a dark place. There was another thing in the room as well, a stale bread that was already beginning to house new life. That was left alone on it's spot, allowed to spawn further molds and such unless someone cleaned it away later. After getting out the lightstone and pocketing it, the priestess decided it was time to move on through the yet unexplored doors.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 32/76, Status = Fine.

The group found themselves a mere few steps away from the doors. They turned out unable to put the chapel behind them without one more interruption, though. "Halt!" The head-knight and the two stragglers shimmered into view behind the pews nearest to the platform, tens of feet away from the doors that Tomoe and company stood in front of it. They had obviously been making good use of invisibility spells. "It seems I've erred by expecting you to be a vulture as well as a trespasser and misused my trap! No matter! I won't let you proceed!" The knights' morningstars were as ready as they were, leading the charge, and the leader of the smaller group was ready with the twin lightning blades they had utilized earlier.

The other easterner was the first to draw her swords; both tasseled blades were out in a flash. "Hey, Tomoe. You should just keep going. Bar the doors behind you and leave these guys to me, I want a rematch anyway. I'll catch up," she added as a means of reassurance.
"That's insane! We outnumber them, we should either all fight and wipe them out for good or all run!"
"Don't get in my way, goat!"
The two seemed primed to continue a fruitless argument, which would be really bad given that the knights would be upon them in seconds. Once again, it was up to the miko to determine the group's course of action. Tomoe's group would make it through the doors with plenty of time to spare before the knights caught up if she ushered her team towards retreating further into the hall. It was certainly true that they outnumbered the opposing group, though, and if they wiped them out then it would be that much less opposition as they made their way to rescue the sidhe.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Just as the varied group that she was apparently leading, Tomoe heard the familiar voice of the knight that they had been fighting earlier. They had been hiding with the help of a spell, the cowards. "Such unlikely thoughts, as if I'd lower myself to picking up your gems when there's a situation going on. Someone more interested can go at those." she called back at the knight, noticing the sudden interest that Kei had towards getting a match at the remaining group. Still, it was pure insanity even for her to consider fighting the remains by herself. "No, Kei. Even though I respect your strenght of arms and have seen you fight numerous times, I still think these are fishes too big for you to get by yourself. We are not going to split up, no matter what you say." she told the fellow Easterner, falling back to the usual plan of assisting with the blessing before moving in to battle herself as well.

(Blessing 10, like so many times before.)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 22/76, Status = Blessing X = 10.

Tomoe uses Blessing X = 10.

Kei goes straight for the head knight again, using full defensive fighting this time.
Attack: Miss, even with blessing.

Shenron goes for one of the knights using full defensive fighting.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 51 - 26 = 25 damage.

Satyr stands in so that the other knight can't get the casters, uses full defense.

Dem casters open up, focusing on the knight unoccupied by Shenron.
Casting: All succeed.
Attacks: All succeed.
Damage: 50 - 26 = 24, 45 - 26 = 19, and 40 - 26 = 14.

The head knight strikes back against Kei!
Attacks: Both miss.
The head knight attacks twice more with persistent haste!
Attacks: Both miss.

One knight attacks Shenron.
Attack: Mace hits, shield misses.
Damage: 42 - 12 = 30.

The other knight attacks the satyr.
Attack: Miss.

"Fine, but that one is still mine!" Kei went charging headlong at the light-wielding knight the instant the miko's powers took hold on her. The other easterner's sword point led the way to the dangerous group and before Tomoe could even act the head-knight and her companion were already engaged in mortal combat. A deft sidestep took the armored figure out of the way of the warrior's tasseled blade and in the same instant he counterattacked with his dual light blades. The swings came in a flurry of motion, the deceptive range and blinding nature of the knight's weapons forcing Kei to back away toward one of the pews lest she lose something vital.

Shenron moved in next, trying to cover the woman's flank and occupying one of the knights in the process. His long claws sliced through the metal of his opponent's armor like it was nothing more than a glorified tin can. From a distance, it looked like he had even managed to damage the man inside. His target was not helpless, though, and took a swing with his shield to force the alien lizard back. Before Shenron could recover, the knight followed up with his morning star, striking square into thick green skin with a sickening crack and causing the lizardman to grunt in pain and favor his side as he stumbled backward, barely keeping his footing.

The other knight was beset with spells before he could even choose a target. Green bolts flew true, courtesy of the faeries, striking his armor and causing it to rust away much as had happened earlier. He, too, gave an agonized roar as a foul liquid of decay and rot began to seep from under his plate and an equally foul smell accompanied it. Whatever pain he was in, it didn't stop him from attempting to charge the women who had been the cause. But he was slowed by pain and clumsier for the distraction and in his way stood the satyr, who bodily stopped his charge. The two crashed into each other and fell to the ground, quickly picking themselves up in order to bring pain to the other.

It had all happened in the blink of an eye, but her side had definitely fared better and now Tomoe was ready to join the skirmish happening mere feet ahead of her. The odds were definitely in her favor.

1 Head-knight, engaged with Kei, within charge or move range of Tomoe.
2 knights, one engaged with Shenron and one with the satyr, within charge or move range of Tomoe.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While she brought out her powers, Tomoe observed the beginning of the combat between her own party and the opposing one. The numbers advantage seemed to bring the advantage onto her group, but that didn't stop the enemies from putting up a good defense, not all that much actually happening before she too could join into the advancing melee. She moved in to deal with the knight that had been exchanging blows with Shenron, as it looked like the spellcasting fey and the satyr could likely deal with the already magic-ravaged knight. And she did want to give Kei some time with the enemy commander, as had been the other Easterner's wish.

(Attack Shenron's opponent with... a normal attack. So weird.)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 14/76, Status = Blessing X = 10.
Tomoe attacks Shenron's opponent.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 7 + 61 - 26 = 42

Kei continues to try to hit that head knight.
Attack: Hit (by a margin of 1, hurray!)
Damage: 57 - 32 = 25 damage.

Shenron attacks the same guy.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: He ded.

Greater Siren casts at the same target as last round.
Casting: Success.
Damage: 49 - 26 = 23. He is also dead.

The two sorceresses cast drown at the head knight.
Attacks: Hit and hit.
Damage: 60 - 32 = 28 and 85 - 32 = 53.

The satyr attacks that head knight.
Attack: Miss.

The head knight attacks Kei.
Attack: Miss.
The head knight attacks Kei again.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 48 - 13 = 35 damage.

Tomoe's assistance was well placed. She pushed toward the knight, finding an opening in his defense and subsequently in his armor, the latter of which she jabbed Kuchinawa through. Before the knight could recover from his first impalement, Shenron slipped his claws underneath the man's helmet and into his throat. Their unfortunate opponent gave a gurgling noise as a waterfall of red poured from his neck and down his breastplate shortly before he let his weapon simply drop to the floor. Once the duo had removed their edged instruments from his body, he slumped to his knees, before falling backwards onto the ground with nothing but the clatter of armor to announce his death.

In the meantime, the siren had cast one final spell at the faeries' targeted knight. A bolt of brilliant green struck the man directly in the helmet, in what would be for the last time. The foul smell intensified as his armor took on enough rust to mark him as a man who had been underwater for the last century and before long he too fell, decaying before their very eyes.

That left one opponent, the head knight, and they barely fared better. Kei began to lead her personal enemy's attention away from the group and in doing so hurdled right over one of the pews in advance of her opponent's first lightning blade, which went crashing through the pew, splintering and destroying the wood in its path, behind her. The other easterner braced herself for the next attack, the second blade coming in not long after its counterpart. This time, the knight seemed just a little too fast, and managed to score a painful looking injury across the traveler's side. But Kei had prepared for as much, counterattacking without hesitation even with the pew in-between them and the pain of the hit she had taken. Her tasseled blade swung out, smashing into the side of the knight's helmet with such force that it actually staggered the warrior and knocked the helmet free of their head.

And despite Kei's earlier demands, the faeries capitalized. Two bolts flew through the air in short order, striking the knight in their now exposed back and eliciting shrieks of pain. Their toll was evident as the group's sole remaining opponent dropped one of the lightning blades in order to clutch at their own pain-wracked body. The satyr attempted to capitalize and finish the fight and, for how the knight was doubled over and panting, it seemed like that end was well in hand. Before the goatman could strike that finishing blow, however, the knight turned and parried his weapon. In doing so, the opponent who had given them so much trouble turned toward the group at large. And that was when Tomoe realized that they were fighting a woman.

She had golden blonde hair pulled up into two buns and dazzling blue eyes, along with a face fair enough to match the faeries the shrine maiden had rescued. The head knight's voice, free of the echo of the helmet, was not the softest that the miko had ever heard but was noticeably feminine. Yet it made no difference, this woman was still clearly their enemy, and any reservations Tomoe's group might have had now that they knew were quickly dispelled by the knight's following words. "This was my mistake, I knew better. The mages always have to die first..." It was barely more than a whisper and yet, as the knight looked toward the faerie sorceresses and the siren, it seemed an error she intended to correct.

There was no reasonable escape left for the knight, with the mages near the door and Tomoe, Shenron, and the satyr able to put themselves between her and those casters, along with Kei behind her to capitalize on distractions. Still, she seemed nothing if not determined to stop the miko's group.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The struggling knight proved unable to fend off two determined attackers, eventually falling victim to Shenron's claws that sheared their way into his neck after the shock from getting stabbed with a katana made him pretty much defenseless. Confirming that they had taken the knight out fully, Tomoe withdrew her blade, letting the man slump to the ground and pass on to the rest of death. While she would have liked to offer them a brief prayer, there was no time.

The fighting moved fluidly without the two of them taking any part besides eliminating the remaining knight. The other rank knight fell victim to another spell, some sort of quick decay spell reducing him to a pile of mush that smelled faintly of the sea. The leader still went on with the bout against Kei, but with their other target destroyed, the spellcasting fey too threw their weight into the lot with bolts that managed to distract the head knight away from the battle a bit. The fact that they did so after the exchange between the two told Tomoe that they too had at least some respect towards Kei's duelling desires. But it was to end there, as the remaining bits of the group would now join in. The revelation that was brought to light at the de-helmeting of the opposition gave the miko a brief pause, but she did not hesitate. It was the aftermath of the whole deal that would unboubtly trouble both her and the fey escort that she was accompanied by. The mysterious vanishings of the high-up fey were getting further possibilities added to the pile of reasons why they were happening.

Moving in to intercept the assault towards the magic-wielding fairies, Tomoe sought to get herself between them and get a strike in. It was most likely a matter of a succesful hit or two to the enemy fey to end this.

(Move, strike, use Might to increase damage. 10 points for +95 to hit and 1d12+71 damage)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 14/76, Status = Blessing X = 10.
Tomoe attacks!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 71 - 32 = 43 damage.

Shenron attacks.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 58 - 32 = 26 damage.

Kei attacks
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 39 - 32 = 7 damage.

Satyr attacks.
Attack: Miss.

Casting: Success
Attack: Hit
Damage: 65 - 32 = 33 damage.

Casting: Success
Attacks: Hit and hit.
Damage: 55 - 32 = 23 and 65 - 32 = 33 damage. Down she goes, finally.

The satyr was the fastest to respond to the woman's intent to strike down the mages, given that he was also the closest and already immediately in the way of the knight. He swung again without hesitation, but found his wrist caught by the last standing enemy. She narrowed her eyes and directed a deathly stare at the goatman, before raising her lightning sword high in the air...

Only for Tomoe to intercede. The miko's blade slashed through armor and flesh alike, biting deeply into the knight's vulnerable side. But the pain wasn't enough to stop the knight, still she held the goatman's arm, even as he desperately tried to pull away, and still her blade began its descent. Shenron came in next, grabbing at the woman's arm and stopping its deadly arc before striking her in the arm in an attempt to cause her to lose grip on her blade. This, too, wasn't enough, and she struggled mightily against the much broader lizardman.

Kei came in next from behind, and Tomoe could see the results of her strike as a bloodied blade impaled the woman such that its point stuck out of a gap below the front of her breastplate. Somehow, despite the sheer amount of bodies in the way, the sorceresses managed to follow through with three bolts of force, each hitting the remaining warrior with more force than even Shenron had mustered. Still she stood for a few seconds, but only a few.

Finally, the knight gave in. The light left her sword as it clattered to the ground and, once the people impaling her removed their swords, she fell backwards, her arms and legs sprawled out in all directions. But her breathing hadn't stopped, nor had her voice faltered. "I have no regrets... Finish me. I know not whether you're of honor or not, but give me a proper death and don't leave me to wallow," she said in a voice that almost sounded like she was commanding the group who had just brought her down.

"Waste of time, leave her here," Kei sounded in with her opinion.
"I'd rather we be done here sooner rather than later, but a quick act of mercy wouldn't delay us."
"There is no difference in the amount of time taken on her," the siren argued. "She was probably the last defender present and many of us have exhausted our energy, we should rest and recuperate before moving on."
"Could question about defenses..." The hunter piped in, in his awkward mastery of the common language.

With her companions' suggestions given, the final decision seemed to come down to Tomoe yet again as to what they would and wouldn't do.

(Tomoe receives 10 xp!)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While she hastened towards the leader of the now-deceased knights, Tomoe saw that she might not make it in time. Fortunately, the satyr was there to intercept and delay the charging surprise-woman, not really managing to do anything besides push her back a bit. But it was enough for the rest of them to get into the situation, the miko coming in first, then Shenron and Kei both, and finally the spellcasting fey support group. The amount of damage that their opponent could take was astonishing, but they still managed to down her, just barely but nonetheless succeeding in it.

Shutting down her supporting power and wiping her blade, Tomoe returned to her usual state of being once more as she sheathed her sword, now faced with a dilemma. How to deal with this woman now that she was relatively harmless and seeking her way to the next world, having been wounded to the brink of death. And as it had been so many times now, the others seemed to all have differing opinions about what to do, only two of them really appealing to the shrine maiden's way of doing things. "Should really take a breather, I'll pass out if I have to use any further power..." she agreed with the fey, taking a seat near the defeated captain, if that was the knight's rank. The miko knew not, but still sat near her, assuming a neat and formal sitting position from her own lands. "The warrior's honor is everything, this I know. I'll see that you get to retain yours, yet I do not kill without reason." she told the now harmless opponent, bowing her head in confirmation. "Still, I'd like to hear... About what is happening here, and how much is there left still? These people were not of sound minds, so I much desire to know what has been happening and what is yet to face us. Somehow I feel this is not going to end here." Tomoe carried on briefly before switching to listening mode. While she was sure that the knight might expire before she got to finish, the priestess still had a little bit left in her to heal those wounds to a manageable level.

(Ask her for things while resting. Also, in case of seeming death, apply a small Lay on Hands for 3 points of the remaining 4 or so points. You forgot to reduce the Blessing upkeep, btw. And another also, exp spendage?)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

(Was stuck between deciding whether to just go ahead and reset Tomoe's EP for resting and spending it, ended up forgetting and doing neither. >.> Nay, no exp expenditure yet, unless you really want Tomoe to take a nap right now.)

"No reason? I am an enemy, it should be all the reason you need-"
"Can't argue with that," Kei interjected.
The knight didn't miss a beat before continuing. "I'm already dead anyway, it's only a difference of seconds or minutes."
The miko didn't need anyone else to explain as much to her, the severity of the wounds and their locations alone were enough to confirm that, without healing, the knight would be passing on minutes from then at the very most. Still, the siren strode forward, knelt down at the blonde's side, and gave her own inspection before confirming as much. "Ten minutes at best. It's a miracle that she didn't immediately die of shock."

"You're not the only ones capable of magic, faerie, but even now I can feel a bitter cold in my hands and legs. Would that I had enough power to stand again and see this through." The knight closed her eyes and for a brief moment her overall stillness gave the appearance of a dead person, but the woman persevered. "What happened? It's simple. The king saved us all. When we fled the Necropolis following the invasion and died one by one to starvation, wild beasts, and non-human scum, he rose up and took us back to true Badarian ideals. Faeries, demons, orcs, and elves, humans are superior to all of them and should take our rightful place in control of the world. If you don't understand that then you're no better than the fey you lead."

The siren looked at the knight with a neutral expression and the miko couldn't see the sorceress's faces but the satyr was obviously straining to control his temper at the assertion. The goatman seethed and glared at the dying woman. She didn't even seem to notice, though, almost a final insult to the fae being as her eyes remained closed. "All that is left in the hall is the king. I wish I could stage my last stand beside him, to truly die in his defense, but I have failed in that. But I don't think he really needs a guardian like me anymore and while my faith has wavered at times, I know that he can give you all what you deserve. Finally, the knight opened her eyes and allowed her head to tilt toward the shrine maiden. "Are you going to finish me or not? I don't have all day," she said, apparently straining to be disrespectful in her demand.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

(Alright, you silly frog. The spendage is not really necessary, so I don't mind. Advancement ho.)

Giving the dying woman the time she needed to tell her what she wanted to know, Tomoe went through some of the usual things that these people seemed to be going with. Even though she was out here to help the rather bad situation that humankind was dealing with in this particular period of time, the miko was not one for conquest or dominance, nor did she believe those ways to be the right path for her species. They were already facing stiff resistance from the alien menace and demons, so getting allied with the other races would be a smarter and likely a more pleasant thing to do than oppressing them. "No amount of Badarian way will never get our kind back to how we were, and thus I cannot agree with you. But... you told me what I asked for, so I will grant you the final wish. As much as I don't like to do it..." she told the woman as she got up, giving them a moment to say some final words or simply take a final look at the place or something. Once everything was said and done, the priestess would end the suffering with a quick decapitation.

Having dealt with the grim deed, Tomoe didn't really feel too good or right about how things had gone. "Another group of kin gone... This is not an auspicious sign towards anything..." she lamented the loss of even more humans in her mind as she took a few moments to rest at the pews. The miko would eventually get up though, for they needed to keep moving. She just needed a breather to gather herself, and after she felt comfortable enough, they would move onwards to find this king and the remaining captives.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 77, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine.

There was no protest from the group's former enemy as Tomoe took up her sword in order to end the woman's life. The shrine priestess's target closed her eyes, a look of serenity on her face. With one strike it was over and the head knight was without a head. The free body part rolled a short ways across the floor, eyes still closed, now locked into an eternal expression of peace.

Her group at large seemed neutral about the woman's end, either not caring or accepting it as a necessary strike. Most of them took a brief rest on pews far away from the body, recovering themselves. When Tomoe took the same opportunity she was given several long minutes to think about it. Her loyal lizardman made the effort to comfort her, at least, awkwardly sliding in beside her and placing his meaty hand on her back with a surprising amount of gentleness. Though he remained silent unless she made a direct comment to him.

When the group was rested and ready to make what all hoped would be their final push to end the threat caused by the xenophobic humans, they gathered around the miko again. She was allowed to lead through the double doors of the grand chapel and into the hallway beyond. The hall itself was wide enough for three grown men to stand abreast of each other, so Kei and Shenron took up beside her while the rest remained in the relative safety of their flank, and their target was apparent immediately. There, at the other end of the hallway, stood a pair of foreboding double doors, garbed in red silks with golden crowns weaved into them.

They carefully checked each room, of which there were at least twenty, as they passed but found little of interest and less of value. Several rooms seemed to be spartan studies for the worshipers of the place. A few served ritual purposes with stone altars and smaller versions of the statue on display in the chapel. There were a few small rooms filled with bookshelves and old, musty tomes upon them. The last room they passed toward the double doors appeared to be a study for a more some sort of high priest, judging by a fine, ornate crimson robe hung inside and the general grandeur of the room.

Once they stood in front of the doors of their target, the miko was almost immediately overwhelmed with an aura of pure malevolence. It was unlike anything she had ever felt from a human, more akin to the strange thing that she and her companions of years ago had battled in that ancient tower. Her group felt it as well, judging by the darkened looks on the faces of all but Kei, who herself had adopted an excited grin, and their silence. It seemed like it would be her last chance to make preparations or cast any boons in advance for the coming battle, or scavenge from any of the rooms she had passed.