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Upload/download blackout?

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Jungle Girl
Jul 7, 2010
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With Megadownload, filestube, rapidshare, and others going out, is this the end of upload download sites? Are we looking at a world wide blackout of sharing information completely? I bring this up, because I want to send out some files and share them here, but I'm not sure what to use, or even if my files will be up for long...
Re: Upload/download blackout?

Mediafire and Rapidshare still seem safe, but most pirating sites and illegal streaming sites are shutting things down in damage control. I doubt it's for good, just for a period of time as the censorship stuff calms down.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

It seems that from a few years from now the "internet" will be facebook and more facebook, thanks USA.

Better get used to life with no internet again.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

I think you should put the blame where it belongs. Instead of blaming the USA, maybe blame all the lazy ignorant people around the world that allowed corrupt politicians to make it into office.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

At this point USA is to take the blame, other countries block access to the sites in their territory, USA fucks it up for everyone.

Sure, other countries can refuse their request to arrest their citizens for crimes someone on the other side of the ocean said they commited, but then USA will go "Hurr durr we dun liek you" and given the incredibly shitty economy in Europe they don't want to make good ol' China-owned USA angry.

When shit hit the fans I only hope "developed" countries throw their bombs at each other and let the third world countries plant potatoes in peace (at least until they run out of pringles and come kill us all because they need their pringles).
Re: Upload/download blackout?

Re: Upload/download blackout?

At this point USA is to take the blame, other countries block access to the sites in their territory, USA fucks it up for everyone.

Sure, other countries can refuse their request to arrest their citizens for crimes someone on the other side of the ocean said they commited, but then USA will go "Hurr durr we dun liek you" and given the incredibly shitty economy in Europe they don't want to make good ol' China-owned USA angry.

When shit hit the fans I only hope "developed" countries throw their bombs at each other and let the third world countries plant potatoes in peace (at least until they run out of pringles and come kill us all because they need their pringles).

...for the last time (and I'm tired of explaining this), Megaupload had servers in the US of A, thousands in fact. 525 of these were in Virgina alone. The USA was perfectly within legal rights t take action, mainly because their business model made piracy a major part of it. This isn't the big bad boogyman cracking down as copyright police because of have an anime avatar or did a review, this is the authorities going after criminals they have every right to. All the file sharing sites backing out are most likely trying to clean up their image in a desperate measure after realizing they aren't as invincible as they thought, the paranoia made greater by the recent SOPA events.

The United States did not go into other countries to arrest people for pirating, this is false idiocy that spread like wildfire by people who didn't bother to think rationally.

What I'm saying is making Megaupload our martyr is just going to ruin the cause for a censorship free internet because that instantly paints the entire movement as a bunch of dicks who do nothing but pirate everything all day.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

...aaaaaaaaaand Rapidshare is possibly the next target of the FBI. WELP.

Still, I heard this from a pretty flimsy source, so take that with a grain of salt.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

The United States did not go into other countries to arrest people for pirating, this is false idiocy that spread like wildfire by people who didn't bother to think rationally.

I'm pretty sure every mention i've seen of the megaupload takedown mentioned that the FBI did in fact enforce warrants for about twenty people worldwide, as in off american soil. I don't remember the exact number and i'm too lazy to dig it up, but it was the same number every time i saw it. all sorts of different sources, some of which i wouldnt trust if i could swing a bat and hit it (other than my laptop. maybe that was a bad way to put it. oh well), but some from decent or better reliability.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

I'm pretty sure every mention i've seen of the megaupload takedown mentioned that the FBI did in fact enforce warrants for about twenty people worldwide, as in off american soil. I don't remember the exact number and i'm too lazy to dig it up, but it was the same number every time i saw it. all sorts of different sources, some of which i wouldnt trust if i could swing a bat and hit it (other than my laptop. maybe that was a bad way to put it. oh well), but some from decent or better reliability.

This is where the law is far behind the internet.

Tons of servers for Megaupload were in the states and therefore fall under US law. However, a few people live out of country so the best that could be done was to ask help from the countries they were in to help locate and bring them in. It's sort of like how a fugitive leaves country but is still wanted.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

HAHAHAHAHAHAha...ha, you think there's any way in hell there aren't bombs with EVERY countries' names on them? No matter how big or small, mutually assured destruction affects EVERYONE. I mean, hell, a bomb doesn't even need to be targeted at your country to ruin it and I bet potatos don't taste very good with a side of nuclear fallout.

And as far as people who aren't in the USA being arrested by the FBI. It's called extradition, it's perfectly legal AND the country that said person is being extradited from has to agree to it. That's why it's the FBI and not the Marines.

Though, isn't the FBI supposed to deal with domestic issues only? I thought the CIA was for dealing with things abroad.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

maybe it was because the FBI was the branch dealing with shutting them down? that's a good question, yeah...
Re: Upload/download blackout?

For those of you whom don't understand extradition, the FBI does not make a habit of physically knocking on the door of the bad guy in another country. They issue the arrest warrant in the US for said baddie and then request the local authorities to pick them up and ship them stateside. If the foreign state agrees with the arrest warrant, charges, etc. they'll comply. Same goes the other way. Lets say the Germans (Or British, or Japanese etc etc.) wanted to arrest an American. The American authorities would review it and then, based on the request's merits, arrest the American and ship them overseas.

Now, us Americans have that whole "American Exceptionalism" thing going on, so it is a lot rarer the other way; but it does happen.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

aye, im just curious as to the specific channels for cases like that. is it done entirely through the federal talky-to-other-nations bit, or do the FBI or CIA contact the other country themselves? wow, that hardly makes any sense, does it?

umm, does the request get passed sideways to another branch of the government before actually reaching the other country's representatives? that makes a bit more sense, yeah, i'll go with that. XD
Re: Upload/download blackout?

I think it goes through the Embassies officially, but countries that often work with one another, I'm sure they've streamlined the process.

Though, I'm not 100% on that.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

Okay, so that explained why all the sites and stuff just said the FBI was involved, instead of the CIA. That makes a lot more sense, thanks!
Re: Upload/download blackout?

Not a problem any time ^.^

And I realize my first post might sound a bit condescending, t'was not my intention.
Re: Upload/download blackout?

explain how people keep making these threads after i rule they should be talked about in the news thread.

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