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SIM [ エロエロ王国 ] 氷の上の妖精 RJ089320(New Touching Game by E-Ohkoku)

Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

2.5 months later, nothing new on the release..... all he seems to be doing is update the rock-paper-scissors thingy.
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

This game was supposed to come out in June...but it's release is looking less and less likely. Sad news....had a lot of promise too...:(
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

Any of the 2nd stages are playable?
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

Considering how far gone this game is from its projected release date, I guess we can call this one dead in the water. =(
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

Ahhh, that's a shame. I was really looking forward to another game by E-Ohkoku. Erotical NIGHT is still one of my favorites and I love his art style. Ah well, I hope it resurfaces but if not, it happens unfortunately. :(
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

new version is ver 1.2.5

Fairy on the ice release (water) Hey was confirmed on December 5!
I want waiting a while longer

is follow update longger
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Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

This game is now for sale on dlsite but only the Japanese site, which I can not read or use. I tried translating the page but no worky. Anyone know how to get it from the english dlsite or thru any other means?
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku)

Awesome, now we just have to wait for someone to provide it.
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

Whoa....I'm....surprised. Highly surprised. 6 months past due but I'll go ahead and say happy birthday to me anyway!!!
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku) (Currently a WIP)

Whoa....I'm....surprised. Highly surprised. 6 months past due but I'll go ahead and say happy birthday to me anyway!!!

Happy Birthday, you're one step ahead to your grave~

(Don't take this seriously is just an joke)
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku)

If you see 305MB rar file, be cautious of it, it is probably not the game, but just some porn video named to look like a game.
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku)

There you go :)

Awesome job man, thanks!

Now we just need someone to remove that abomination censoring her vagina.
Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku)

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Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku)

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Re: [TouchingGame] 氷の上の妖精 (New Game by E-Ohkoku)

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Bravo. I agree. Couldn't have said better myself.