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Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Molly let out a satisfied sigh that turned into a pleasurable moan as she felt Ayame's vine touch her thigh. For a moment she started almost instinctually spreading her legs, but then she stopped and writhed under Sally until the two women were face to face. The maid grinned slightly nervously "Um... hello."

Sally turned to Ayame, "I think your slave will survive without a 'reward'. She can go run some errands for you while you and I..."

Molly's face took on a slightly pouty look as the other woman spoke, but it quickly became a smile just before her arms wrapped tightly about the green-skined half-elf, pulling her in tight for a kiss against a slight yelp of protest. At the same time, the slave's legs slid between the maid's, and pulled them apart, leaving Ayame with a clear view of the two glistening pussies inches from each other. In the moments before she decided what to do, Ayame saw that the pinkness from the previous night had faded back to the normal shade of her slave's aroused state.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Ha-ha-ha~! My, my...such a greedy little maid you are, selfishly desiring me all to yourself~” Ayame teased, watching with a mixture of surprise and approval as Molly abruptly took control of the situation into her own hands, pulling half-elf above her into a heated kiss and spreading her legs open with her own. The sudden shift in position left the two women’s glistening pussies’ mere inches from one another, giving the Alraune a clear view of their fertile gardens just waiting to be seeded. It was a sight that the plant-woman couldn’t ignore, and after taking a moment to appreciate it she crawled forward between the two women’s legs and slowly ran her vine-like tongue all the way up each of their slits, tasting the flavor of their combined juices on her tongue.

Ayame then leaned back slightly on her knees and lowered her butt onto the bed, her feet separated out to each side, as all eight of her vines began to sensually snake themselves into position around the two women’s bodies, four of them rubbing and curling themselves around various parts of their bodies before encircling each of their breasts, with the last four enveloping their legs and thighs before locating their cores, pressing and teasing each of their lower entrances. “Hmm... Don’t worry, my dear Sally. As you experienced last night, there’s plenty of me to share and still thoroughly reward both of you~”

With that, the plant-woman let out a low, pleasured sigh as she slipped the four vines between the two women’s legs into their waiting holes, wriggling them around as she deepened their penetration in an effort to hit each and every spot within their velvety depths. As she did so, the ones wrapped around their naked bodies and around their breasts began to move and undulate, gently caressing and massaging their soft skin and sensitive mounds while the tips circled and teased at their hardened nipples. As the vines entering the two women bottomed out against their cervixes, Ayame continued to lightly poke and prod the entrances to their wombs as the pair of vines penetrating their asses slowly began to withdraw, stopping just short of pulling out all the way before thrusting deeply back in, the ones imbedded in their love-tunnels following-suit and slowly withdrawing, slipping just outside and briefly rubbing at the two women’s dripping nether-lips before thrusting back inside, bottoming out against their inner-most depths as the vines in their asses began to withdraw once again...

Sorry, two-man, gotta leave the rest of this one to you. Perhaps needless to say, but Ayame will be cumming inside of both Molly and Sally with the full intention of planting her seeds. How many times, exactly, I’ll leave up to you, but I would say at least twice. Gotta give them the ‘reward’ she promised, after all... :rolleyes:
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Pregnancy (Molly): ???
Pregnancy (Sally): ???

At the pressure of the Alraune's tongue, Sally relaxed slightly, no longer even vaguely resisting the slave's embrace. Molly, on the other hand, shuddered and pushed back, increasing the urgency with which she kissed the half-elf maid and spreading their collective legs even further apart while Ayame's vines snaked over their entwined bodies. Ayame felt herself getting wetter as her vines rubbed against the intimate parts of two horny women, with Molly's skin in particular feeling smooth as velvet.

Unable to contain herself any longer, she thrust in with four vines at once, each one taking an orifice all to itself. The feeling was almost overwhelming, and despite the slow pace she set Ayame found herself having to work not to immediately start pumping seed into the twin gardens. That would never do. Fortunately, both women responded instantly and intensely to the penetration. Molly broke off her kiss and arched her back in anticipation of coming orgasm, already letting out aroused moans with each new thrust into either of her holes, while Sally actually started returning the slave's embrace as her own less intense moans started.

Through intense concentration, Ayame held on until an increase in pressure on two of her members said that Molly was cumming, in case the scream of passion hadn't been enough of a hint. That was too much, and all eight vines released at once, pouring liquid into both girls as well as coating their breasts in the sticky, blue plant-cum. That sensation was enough to drive Sally over the edge as well, and all three girls were left panting from the intensity of the sexual exertion.

But no more then a few seconds had passed before Molly was slowly undulating her hips against the twin insertions, while one of her hands found its way to Sally's clit. The overwhelmed maid let out a strained moan, and Ayame found herself in the position of either pulling out or rushing towards a second orgasm. She chose the later, but between all eight of her phallic appendages forced her two thralls to a slower pace.

The maid seemed content to take it, moaning softly as her body rubbed sensuously against the slave below her in time to the alternating thrusts between her legs. The redheaded slave, however, seemed to want more. Her hands sought out vines to stroke, she let out moans that were almost yelps as her hips thrust slightly faster then Ayame's vines, creating odd harmonics of passion, and she managed to get one of Sally's breasts up to her mouth, where she teased the maid's nipple with her teeth.

Sally's eyes popped wide open at the feeling, and she looked down at the mischievous grin, even as Molly went back in for another little nip. Any outburst was stopped by a moan as Ayame's writhing vines found a particularly sensitive spot, though, and when the maid felt fully in control of herself again, it was to pull one of Molly's breasts to her own mouth for a similar treatment. But Molly, for her part, seemed almost as aroused by this as by what was going on between her legs, and orgasmed again, even more powerfully then before. Again this added sensation drove the alraune over the edge, and again the sensation of being filled with love slime was enough to satisfy Sally.

With two full servings of Ayame's love, and realizing she wasn't going to get the better of Molly, Sally rolled off the slave to give a tired moan. But from the way her hands gripped the vine in her pussy, she wasn't quite done yet. Without getting up the maid pulled herself face to face with Ayame, and whispered "Again... please, Ayame-sama!"

Ayame, not yet done with her 'breakfast', was more then happy to oblige. She retracted her vines from Molly, drawing a sigh, and added another vine to each of the horny maid's holes. For a moment the four vines plumped independently, but then they coiled around each other inside the moaning Sally's body to form the same braided thickness she had used the previous evening. It was almost too much for the half-elf, as she threw her head back in passion that rivaled Molly's best for pure volume. It seemed almost too short a time with the maid bouncing on Ayame's twin vine-dicks before both women came yet again, and the slightly bloated Sally was set back down on the bed, dripping with cum and utterly satisfied.

This left Ayame with an unobstructed view of Molly, on her knees with her face pressed against the bed, facing away from her Mistress. There was a dripple of cum running down the slave's leg, but somehow Ayame felt it wasn't enough. And since she had promised to reward both women... she re-formed the vine-strap-on she had originally used on Sally, and then made a second one just below it. Fair was fair, after all.

Molly screamed her passion into the bed while her hands squeezed and twisted at the sheets while her Mistress took her doggy style with the twin braided vines, the other four exploring the maid's silky skin. She rubbed at Molly's breasts and clit while the slave's tight holes made each thrust push Ayame closer and closer to release. And yet however much Ayame was feeling, it was Molly who gushed her orgasm first, and it seemed like she was on her way to yet another release when Ayame filled the redhead with her seed for the third time that morning.

This time Molly didn't just pant for a few seconds, her breasts heaved as if she had just run a marathon. Nevertheless, she managed to sprawl next to Sally when she felt the twin penetrations withdrawl, and she slipped a hand between the maid's legs. Sally pulled away, but that didn't seem to bother Molly, who simply spread her legs and rubbed gently at her own mound. Cum dripped out below her fingers in a moderate stream, and the woman pulled her hand away repeatedly to lick off the mix of her own juices and her Mistress's cum.

Sally, on the other hand, had by now got off the bed and wandered over to the tray she had entered with. She sat down again in one of the room's chairs with a plate, still naked but with her legs now crossed, a thin glaze of cum still on her perky breasts. "You were amazing, but I'm exhausted, and I do have to work today." She looked down at her belly, looking uncertain if she should smile or frown. It was still flat, at least for the moment.

"And on that subject, do you intend to stay another night? If there's even a chance, I can make sure this room is available, and I can talk to Mistress Azure about the 'price'... and of course I can make sure that your 'breakfast' is always satisfactory..."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame gingerly rose from the bed as Molly continued to enjoy the aftermath of the most thorough treatment that she had enjoyed from her mistress thus far, the plant-woman using her vines to wipe the various sexual juices from her own body and licking them clean as necessary. She then made her way over towards Sally, grabbing a piece of fruit from the food tray with one of her vines as she went, and sat down in an empty chair nearby, grinning at the maid’s satisfied words and appearance. At the maid’s following question and subsequent offer to speak to Lady Azure about allowing them to stay longer, Ayame’s eyes widened slightly in surprise before her features softened again.

“Hmm... That would be lovely, dear,” the Alraune replied, smiling with genuine appreciation. “To be honest, I’m not actually certain just how long our stay in Acheron will be. It depends on how long it takes to find someone that will help Molly with her magic, or if something else were to catch my interest while we’re here. If you could broker such an arrangement with the Lady, though, it would certainly alleviate the issue of our living arrangements during our stay,” she said, taking a bite of her fruit and pausing to swallow before finishing. “And of course, I would be more than willing to show the Lady just how much I appreciate her generosity, if she would like...”
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The maid frowned slightly at the last bit, but then glanced at Molly and brightened up. "I'm afraid I don't know anything about magic... but I'll talk to her right as soon as she wakes up!" Sally took more time making herself presentable then she had in the 'viewing' room, but was still dressed and out the door before Ayame was finished eating.

By the that time Molly too was finished, and holding out Ayame's dress, her own over her arm. She looked at her dress distastefully, but pulled it on before following her mistress out of the room. In the common room Mistress Azure was nowhere to be seen, but Ayame remembered the woman's directions to a tailor the previous night.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame nodded as the maid excused herself, making no issue of the fact that Sally couldn’t offer any assistance with finding Molly a magic teacher, and proceeded to finish eating her breakfast. Once the red-haired woman had finished gathering herself and had eaten her share as well, Ayame accepted her dress from her slave and slipped it on before making her way out of their room and back to the common room with Molly in tow.

The Alraune was a bit surprised to not find Lady Azure anywhere about, but she didn’t concern herself any further with it as she thought back on the directions outlined by the demoness that would take them to a suitable tailor, leading her servant out of the Blue Man and on with their day.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame followed the directions easily enough, and noted a marked improvement in the quality of the buildings and a decrease in the lewdness when those directions brought her back to one of the main streets leading from one of the gates. It quickly became obvious that while perhaps the little 'display' in the brothel across the street from the Blue Man may have been technically legal, that there was be nothing like that in the more visitor-friendly areas.

A short while later, Ayame found at the conclusion of the directions six separate shops displaying clothing in their windows or on their signs. The shops varied from one that seemed to be displaying ball gowns and gold embroidery, to one with a sign declaring their products "guaranteed free from malevolent magic", with fresh paint on the "mal" in "malevolent". The one Mistress Azure had recommended was firmly between the two, but there were alternatives available if Ayame wished to save money or get a higher quality product.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Upon arriving at the location that Lady Azure’s directions had taken them, Ayame paused for a moment to consider which of the six available clothing shops she wanted to utilize, paying particular attention to the ones that appeared to have a higher quality selection on display in their windows. She assumed that the higher quality shops would likely cost a bit more, but if she was going to be forced to wear clothing in this city then she was going to make sure that what she wore was to her liking.

With that in mind, the plant-woman turned and made her way over towards the highest quality looking of the stores, with Molly in tow.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Inside the shop, only one person was immediately visible, an apparently-human woman in a form-fitting dress with shifting, shimmering colors. For a moment, when Ayame entered the store, she frowned slightly, but after only a moment she smiled and walked over to the pair, raising both arms as if gesturing at the store. "I am Madame Raith, welcome to my establishment... and I think the city as well? No matter, I can see that your dress is entirely unsuitable to yourself. You will be wanting a new one, and I am the best in the city at satisfying unusual requirements. I can adjust any dress in this store to any woman's body I have ever seen, or make a new one from scratch to your specification. One of my regular customers is a shapeshifter, so have no fear that whatever requirements you may have will prove beyond me."

The store was full of clothing, almost exclusively female, but of remarkable breadth for a single store. There was an 'outfit' that seemed to be little more then three pieces of string alongside a wedding dress, and styles native to Badaria, Crolia, the jungles, and even more that Ayame didn't recognize. Some had more then two sleeves, some fewer. Still others clearly left room for tails, and even wings. If everything here was an example of this one woman's art, then there could be little doubt that she could serve Ayame. The only thing there wasn't, in the realm of woman's clothing, was anything that looked plain, or cheap.

"So... tell me what you require."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame listen thoughtfully as the shopkeeper explained her various specialties with regards to fitting and making customized clothing, noting specifically that she would be able to meet any of the plant-woman’s needs, no matter how simple or complex the requirements. “Thank you, Madame,” she replied, nodding her head politely. “Hmm... I would like to purchase a custom-tailored dress, if I may. As you said, the one that I was forced to wear upon entering the city is ill-suited to my needs, for more reasons than simply comfort,” Ayame continued, briefly gesturing at her dress as she spoke.

The Alraune the proceeded to outline the details of the type of dress she wanted, specifying that she wanted it to be sleeveless, backless, and long and elegant, extending down roughly to her calves or shins. She wanted slits running up the length on both sides from the bottom of the dress up to her waist, where the dress would fit fairly snuggly against her form. She wanted the fabric to be a sort of deep violet-red in color, as well as soft and comfortable, but durable, and filled with floral patterns and accents that were the same color as her hair. She also specified that she wanted it to be easy to remove, favoring that the dress simply be easily removed as opposed to being torn off in the event that she finds herself in such a situation.

Have one dress made as specified above. You can RP and write Ayame disrobing and getting her measurements taken and stuff as necessary. Also, have the dress enchanted as follows:
- Trade 2 Chameleon Skins for the +6 Stealth Bonus enchantment.
- Trade 60 denarii for 4 Horror Carapaces and trade Ayame’s third Chameleon Skin for a fifth one, then trade those 5 Horror Carapaces for 2 of the +2 AV Bonus enchantments.
Total denarii spent would be 60, plus whatever the price of the dress itself is. Fluff as necessary to make the enchantments.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Ah, you have come to the right place, dear. Come." The woman led the Alraune and her slave further back into the store, stopping briefly to show Ayame a few strips of silk cloth in the colors she intended to use, before arriving at a screen in the back corner of the shop. The screen came up to Ayame's nose, and was set up to cut off a little corner of the shop, where there was a young su-ku-ta woman sitting on a stool and reading a book. "If you would step behind the screen and undress? Kitty here will take your measurements. Just give her a swat if she gets too familiar."

The cat-woman started at the seamstress's voice, and blushed as she pushed the book under her stool and stood up, holding a measuring tape. Madame Raith continued chatting with the plant-girl over the screen while the tape looped around her in several places. "Tell me, was there anything else you would like for this dress? I often say that I can work only to the limits of my material, but this is perhaps misleading. I can also enhance my work to a certain extent with the right reagents, and in this city anything can be had for the right price... interested?"

The woman doing the measuring was, perhaps unfortunately, not being as familiar as the proprietress had warned, but it was nevertheless a slight surprise to suddenly feel the band of cold tape around Ayame's thigh, with soft fingers pinching it in place. Still, the Alraune mentioned the scraps of hide she had recovered from the hunters, and a desire that the dress offer some element of protection.

"But of course! It is always a pleasure to exercise my talent! Your slave here has the reagents you mentioned? Kitty! Enough molesting our guest here, be a good girl and run down the street and buy me a few carapaces, yes?"

The su-ku-ta woman bobbed a curtsy and rushed out of the shop, tail lashing back and forth. Madame Raith laughed lightly. "Perhaps I torment her too much... but she is so cute when she is angry." She turned back to Ayame. "Now... the tailoring, it will not take much time. What you have asked for is not so unusual, and I work quickly. The enchanting... a little longer. An hour or two? You can wait here, and Kitty will keep you company, or you can go about your day and pick up the dress later, yes? Just be sure to be here before dark, or we will be closed. Which shall it be?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame nodded and followed the seamstress further back into her shop with Molly in tow, stopping to admire the silk fabric strips she was shown before continuing on. As she stepped behind the modesty screen where the shopkeeper’s assistant sat reading a book, the Alraune smiled pleasantly at the lovely cat-woman as she undressed herself and took her position behind the screen. Ayame smirked at Madame Raith’s comments. “Oh? Hmm... That’s alright, I don’t mind a little ‘familiarity’,” she replied, giving Kitty a little wink before letting her get to work.

As the cat-woman went to work taking Ayame’s measurements, she paid minimal attention to what she was doing and continued chatting with the shopkeeper, only sparing an occasional grin or playful look with the assistant when she touched or positioned herself somewhere particularly compromising. After the plant-woman proceeded to explain the desired ‘improvements’ she wished to have made to the dress, she gave the seamstress an appreciative smile as she expressed her pleasure at being able to exercise her talents, adding a brief affirmation of the required reagents being in Molly’s possession.

As Kitty scurried out of the shop to acquire the requested items, Ayame watched with a smile as Madame Raith let out a light chuckle. “Ha-ha-ha~! Indeed, she is quite the cute little bloom,” the Alraune replied with a giggle of her own as she stepped out from behind the modesty screen. She then paused and listened as the seamstress explained the timeframe within which her dress would likely be completed, taking a moment to consider the possible options available to her while she waited. “Hmm... I think we will wait here while you work. I need to return the dresses that Molly and I borrowed from the guards when we arrived, and I will be able to return them both at once now that I will have a suitable replacement,” Ayame explained, pausing and taking a moment to stretch after having to stand still for the past few minutes. “The day is still young, after all, so there will be ample time to enjoy the day once all of my prior commitments have been dealt with. And I’m sure the company of your lovely assistant will be most enjoyable,” she finished, smiling pleasantly as she stood next to Molly.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Good! Kitty spends too much time reading, she needs to talk with more people. You will wait here, and I'm sure that Kitty will join you shortly!" The woman laughed again. "Mmm... and while I am spoken for, I think I would pay good money to see Kitty's face if you are still naked when she gets back, yes?"

Molly followed Ayame back behind the privacy screen, where the Alraune had hardly had time to sit down when the shy su-ku-ta returned. She didn't appear to notice the other two women in the little screened off area until she had picked up her book and sat down. She dropped the book with a squeak and in one movement kicked it under her stool, blushing bright red and nervously playing with one of her catlike ears. A peal of laughter from the floor of the shop suggested that the look on the cat-girl's face had not gone unnoticed.

She spoke for the first time since Ayame had entered the shop, smiling slightly and revealing a pair of slight fangs, but studiously avoiding the plant-woman's exposed body. "Um... the Madame didn't tell me you were still in here. I'm Katie. Are you new to the city? And, ah, I'm finished measuring. You can put your dress back on if you like?"

Molly, meanwhile, took a seat next to the woman, who seemed much less nervous about a woman who had so far kept her dress on... though Ayame thought she might have seen a glance down the slave's shirt that was almost as blatant as her studious avoidance of Ayame's chest. Molly spread her legs apart slightly, and Ayame could see a glistening pinkness, which was almost certainly not an accident.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Ha-ha-ha~! That sounds like a fun idea~” Ayame replied to the seamstress’s suggestion, moving with Molly back behind the privacy screen to sit down and wait for Kitty to return.

They didn’t have to wait long, however, as the cat-woman came rushing back into the shop with the procurements in hand, handing them to Madame Raith – who then left and began work on the plant-woman’s dress – before moving to sit at the stool she had been in when they’d first arrived, quickly retrieving the book she had been reading. Kitty then squeaked a second later when she noticed the other two women behind the privacy screen, dropping the book and kicking it back under her stool in one motion as a bright red blush appeared on her face, eliciting a wave of laughter from the shopkeeper as her embarrassed assistant began to nervously play with one of her cat-like ears.

“Hmm... That’s alright, Kitty, I’m fine like this. That dress was uncomfortable anyway,” Ayame replied to the cat-woman with a grin, intentionally using the nickname that Madame Raith had used for her. She then paused as Molly – who had perhaps surprisingly kept her dress on to this point – moved to sit down next to Katie, spreading her legs apart slightly as she usually did to give her mistress a view of her glistening pink pussy. The plant-woman noticed the shop’s assistant taking a look down Molly’s shirt as well, despite studiously avoiding looking at Ayame’s own naked form, putting an amused smirk on the Alraune lips.

“Anyway, yes, we are new to Acheron. Molly and I arrived just yesterday evening, in fact,” Ayame continued, briefly pausing to think for a moment. “This garden still feels a little...overwhelming, I must admit. Even so, our time here has certainly been most enjoyable, thus far... Isn’t that right, dear?” she said, waiting for her slave’s undoubtedly affirmative response before continuing. “Hmm... But that’s enough about us. Madame Raith mentioned that you enjoy reading, yes? What was that book that you were reading earlier?” the plant-woman finished, giving Molly a discreet wink as she referenced the book as if to hint or signal for something.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The cat-girl put on an innocent expression, but Ayame could suddenly make out her nipples through her dress. "Book? Oh, nothing important. Just, ah, a history of... clo..."

While the woman spoke, Molly had turned to face her and leaned slightly forward, and the much easier view of the slave's assets apparently struck Katie speechless, at least for a moment. And in that moment, one of Molly's legs darted under the other woman's chair, and pulled the hidden book in front of her, where she finished leaning forward and picked it up. She held it up for her Mistress to see. Ayame couldn't make out the title, but there were two horseback riders on it. One was a very muscular man, the other a remarkably busty woman. Both were blonde, with their hair blowing in the breeze. Both were riding bareback, and, not to put too fine a point on it, bare chested as well.

The su-ku-ta snatched the book back and sat on it, blushing until her face was as red as Molly's hair. Molly, for her part, was doing her best to display her body for both other women despite technically being dressed. She put both hands on the hem of her dress and looked questioningly at her Mistress while Katie tried to regain her bearings. "I... ah... You've liked Acheron so far? What brings you to the city?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame listened as the cat-woman began giving her explanation of what her book was about, starting to give what perhaps would have sounded like a believable lie before trailing off as she caught sight of Molly again, who had gotten her mistress’s hint and leaned forward, giving the assistant a better view of her assets as she made her grab for the book.

The plant-woman grinned impishly as Molly held up the book for her to see, and even though she couldn’t make out the title, the somewhat sexually suggestive nature of the image on the cover gave Ayame all the hints she needed in order to figure out the type of book it actually was before it was quickly snatched away by the cat-woman again, whose face was now as red as Molly’s hair from embarrassment.

“Hmm... A history of...what? Clo...Cl-othing, perhaps?” Ayame began, laughing softly and teasing the cat-woman as she finished what she thought the assistant had started to say earlier. As Molly proceeded to shift in an effort to present herself better for the other two women, the plant-woman gave a soft smile to the slave girl, but didn’t otherwise hint at any sort of command. Katie then spoke again, trying to gather herself again and shift the conversation back towards the plant-woman. “Curiosity. I had heard rumors of a garden that was open and accepting of blooms of all kinds, regardless of race or lineage, but you’re changing the subject...” the Ayame replied, pausing a moment as a sly grin spread across her face again. “That book you have...what’s it about, exactly? The cover certainly looks...interesting...” she finished, the impish smile remaining on the Alraune’s lips.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The cat-girl wrinkled her brow. "It's the history of... clothing and, um, nudity... taboos... among the human tribes of the Anudor Desert?" She breathed a sigh and smiled proudly. "Very boring, I'm afraid. I'm not enjoying it much." Her eyes drifted down over Ayame's body, then snapped back up to her face. "I've never met an Alraune before. You said you've been enjoying yourself? Are you finding everything alright?"

Molly covered her mouth to stop herself laughing at hearing the purported book title, and inched herself a little closer to the tailor's assistant, rubbing her thighs together in a way that would leave a wet spot on her short dress if she kept it up for long. Something else seemed slightly odd about the dress, but Ayame couldn't put her finger on it.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame raised an eyebrow as the shop assistant stated the subject matter of her book...sort of...her tone of voice not sounding all that convincing to the plant-woman. The sight of Molly covering her mouth to keep from laughing suggested that she didn’t believe the title either. That didn’t stop the slave girl from scooting a little closer to Katie, though, before beginning to lightly rub her inner-thighs together, no doubt increasing the wetness already present between her legs. It was then that Ayame noticed something odd about her servant’s dress as well, but couldn’t put her finger on exactly what, deciding to keep an eye specifically on Molly’s dress as they conversed in order to try and figure out what it was.

After a moment, Katie resumed speaking and drew the Alraune’s attention again, who didn’t miss the cat-woman’s eyes briefly drifting down her body before snapping back up to her face. “Hmm... I’ve been finding things well enough so far, I suppose,” Ayame replied coolly. “Once I’ve returned the dresses we borrowed from the guards, I intend to try and find a skilled mage who will help Molly improve her own magical abilities. If you would happen to have any information that might assist in my locating one, perchance, that would certainly be helpful.”
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Perception: 27

The su-ku-ta seemed grateful that Ayame wasn't pressing the subject of her book, which judging from the cover might only be considered 'history' in the sense that it took place in the past. "Um... well, Madame Raith is teaching me enchanting, but I don't think she usually offers lessons, and she doesn't do much other magic. But she was taught by..." the cat-girl's brow furrowed again, "I think he called himself The Great Magnifico, but Madame said he was Mr. Johnson really. He lives near the West gate, I think."

A closer look at Molly's dress only made her shift to give Ayame a better look down her dress as well as up it. She was also obviously getting increasingly aroused, and tugging at her dress as if it didn't fit properly. Or as if she really wanted to pull it off, at least. Either way, Ayame couldn't quite spot what had been odd. "So you never said, how have you been enjoying the city? Or did you need help finding anything else?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame frowned slightly as the oddity that she thought she had seen on Molly’s dress eluded her, though she was hardly disappointed with the view that her pseudo-inspection allotted her. The plant-woman briefly refocused her attention on Katie as she outlined the whereabouts of a possible mage candidate, nodding in acknowledgement of the information.

“Hmm... I’ve been enjoying the city quite well, actually,” Ayame then replied, turning her attention back to inspecting her slave’s dress as she continued. “Molly, here, treated me to a wonderful show last night at the Blue Man inn while I enjoyed the company of one of the maids... Not to mention the excellent ‘room service’ this morning...” she said, grinning playfully for a moment before furrowing her brow slightly as Molly continued fidgeting with her dress, seeming as if she really wanted to take it off – not that she was particularly surprised by that. “What’s wrong, dear? Is your dress making you uncomfortable?” Ayame asked, trying again to identify what it was that seemed odd about it before. “Kitty, would you be a dear and help me take a look at Molly’s dress? I thought I noticed something odd about it earlier, but I can’t tell what it is...”