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Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf, and Shrike7)

Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin didn't care, she had an Orc in her grip and she was going to hold on like a rabid animal until he was dead. Rage had gotten the better of her and she loved it, twisting the chain and throwing all of her strength behind it the Huntress made every effort to strangle the life from the Orc, taking a twisted pleasure in his struggles, gods how she had wanted one of these green skinned bastards in her clutches properly... To Hell with everything else, To hell with the door and the slaver and Karen, the Orc in her grip dominated her focus and she pulled for all she was worth.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen eyes began to water from the mixture of fear and confusion slowly welling up inside of her, her damaged mind not able to comprehend how she was doing what she was doing. As she disarmed a second one of the orc-thugs, a sudden burst of images began to quickly flash through her mind once again. The scene lasted for only a split-second, but it was clearer and less chaotic than before...

An image of a young woman with flowing blonde hair, holding a large sword with both hands and standing in the middle of a large group of axe-wielding orcs. There was a loud cry, and then fighting. Blade cut through flesh. Blood splattered across the woman’s face and stained her hair...

The sudden sensation in her mind sent a tingle up Karen’s spine, snapping her back to reality. ‘Why? Why was that woman fighting those orcs? She...she looked like...me...’ Karen thought, her body shuddering as tears began to form. ‘It...it can’t be... W-Why? Why was I f-fighting the masters?’ she thought, the images suddenly flashing through her mind again...

More orcs. Metal clangs against metal. Laughter sounds. A sudden rush of pain shoots through the blonde woman’s body as a fist slams into her stomach, knocking the air clean out of her lungs...

“Stop...” Karen whimpers as she’s thrust back to reality once again, tears beginning to slowly roll down her cheeks even as her body reacts yet again and dodges the newly unarmed orc-thug’s attack, before twirling around and delivering one of her own. Why was this happening? What were those images? How was she doing all of these...things? None of it made any sense...and the rapidly rising stress was quickly becoming too much for the young slave girl’s shattered mind. None of this was supposed to happen...she just wanted to make it stop.

Attack the orc-thug that she just disarmed.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha nimbly stepped back, watching the orc groping for her fall flat on his face instead. "Come on!" She called out, even to the portly orc that had previously held her chains. Those same chains swung down, trying to wail at the orc in front of her.

Ananha cares about everyone, even the chubby guy! XD

But not the one trying to grope her. Bonk him with the chain, pretty please.
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Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36], Grappled
Corin: HP = 34/38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen, -10 Roll Penalty for needing to drag an unconscious Karen around.
Karen: HP = 0/43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin, Unconscious
Ananha attacks the thug that's trying to give her a hug!
Attack: Hit. Bonk!
Damage: 15 damage. Ananha receives a small bonus for her improvised weapon.

Corin continues to choke a bitch.
Resistance: 20 vs 14. Thug passes out.

Karen attacks the thug she just disarmed.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 27.

Slaver attacks the thug that attacked him.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 16. Thug #1 dies.

Thug #2 strikes back!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 13. Karen is knocked unconscious.

Thug #4 attempts to grab Ananha again.
Attack: 15. Ananha is grappled.

Corin's rage persisted, and the fiery huntress held her stranglehold on the thug with an iron grip. He struggled and kicked and, at one point, even tried to bite the woman's hand, but he couldn't overcome her. With his determined struggling and rapidly decreasing flow of oxygen, it wasn't long until he went limp, passing out as a result of the Badarian's assault. She could continue to strangle him until he was dead, which would only take a little bit more time, or she could help handle his remaining comrades and save him for later.

Karen, despite her enthusiastic collar-mate's motions, managed to deliver a devastating kick to the orc's abdomen. For a second, she could be almost sure that he was going to pass out immediately from the pain of her attack. Unfortunately for the blond Crolian, he did not. His response to the incredible kick was to deliver a headbutt of his own to the increasingly confused girl's head. It had nowhere near the power that her kick had held, but it was all that was necessary to send Karen into the realm of unconsciousness. "Wish granted," he spat derisively, as Karen fell onto the ground of the alleyway.

Ananha warded off yet another attack. Her improvised meteor hammer went smashing into the orc's legs, tripping him up and causing him to fall to the ground yet again. But, as she circled to better attack the orc's more vulnerable side, she felt a meaty hand on her ankle. A sudden yank was all it took to send the faerie to the ground, and the thug took no time in beginning to drag the fey woman toward him, leering at her with savage intent as he did so.

The slaver, with the most pathetic battle cry that had ever been uttered by an orc, managed to score another hit on his assailant. This one struck the thug directly in the gut, and when the slaver yanked the weapon free, in a manner that suggested he was afraid to get blood on his hands, so, too, came the thug's innards. The portly orc looked incredibly nauseous at the sight, as the newly dead man collapsed to the ground.

There were only two thugs left conscious in the alley, one menacing the unconscious Karen and the other attempting to pin Ananha. Corin held an unconscious, yet still breathing, thug in a stranglehold using her shackles. The slaver looked downright petrified at the idea that he had just killed someone, and probably wouldn't be much help, or might even flee, without a little encouragement in the right direction.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

As Karen’s leg connected with her assailant’s side, the surprise of the force in her blow left the woman’s already collapsing mental state in disarray. After a moment, she paused and raised her hands in front of her face, starring at them with wide, lost eyes. Why was she able to do all of this? How? Part of her wanted to remember, pushing her to think, to concentrate...but every time she did her only reward was a wave of intense, never-ending pain. She didn’t want to remember...not if all it meant was pain. She just wanted it to stop...she just wanted to make the pain stop...

“Please...” she whimpered finally, with tears now flowing freely from her eyes, stinging the wound on her arm as they dripped down off of her cheeks and to the ground. “...Make it stop...” she finished before collapsing into the alleyway, the last thing she remembered being a throbbing pain on her forehead before blacking out.

I’ll sit out for a while until Hafnium deems an appropriate time for Karen to wake up. In the meantime, I’ll start on writing the post for when she wakes up since there’s some things I’ll want to include in it regardless of the circumstances of when she regains consciousness.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin snorted triumphantly as she felt her original target go limp in her grip before watching Karen go down and Ananha get caught. Leaving the unconscious orc alive for now, which just rubbed her the wrong way on so many different levels, the Huntress decided to deal with more immediate problems and scooped up one of the discarded daggers. With both of the orcs otherwise occupied they would be nothing more then carcasses on the end of her blade soon...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

The fae woman let out a help of surprise as the orc pulled her feet out from under her, winding up on the ground in a tangle and being pulled towards the downed orc. the chain wouldn't do her any good on the ground with no room to swing, so she instead used her other leg to kick at the orc, teeth gritted in determination. She had only seen a few left when she went down, and one of the other slaves was already standing again, with any luck, there's be able to fight their way clear soon...

Aaand kick the blighta!
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36], Grappled
Corin: HP = 34/38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen, -10 Roll Penalty for needing to drag an unconscious Karen around.
Karen: HP = 0/43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin, Unconscious
Ananha attack (?) Thug #4.
Grapple: Ananha wins.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 8.

Corin picks up a weapon.

Slaver attacks Thug #4
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 14. Ded.

When danger reared its ugly head, the brave remaining thug bravely fled.

Corin made for one of the two discarded daggers and quickly scooped it up. It was cheap iron, nowhere near as useful as something crafted with being a weapon in mind, but it was better than nothing.

In the meantime, Ananha continued her struggle against the thug on the ground, giving him a fiercer struggle than he was prepared for. Her foot ended up striking him directly in his nose, making it noticeably shorter and briefly stunning the orc. He was dazed and weary, and the faerie slave didn't need to doubt that she could have him out of action with just another kick. She didn't need to, though, as a hatchet drove into the man's back, likely severing his spinal cord. The slaver who had held her chains drew back his weapon, looking at the faerie with obvious stupefaction on his face. Whatever the legends about orcs, he was obviously not one who had ever taken a life in a battle before, let alone taking one and helping to finish off a second.

The remaining thug glanced at Karen, then at Corin, then back at Karen. The huntress could see the cogs turning in his head, as he considered his ability to defeat Corin before Ananha and the slaver were upon him.

Without fanfare, he turned tail and fled the alleyway, running as fast as any orc that any of the assembled group had ever seen. "Should we chase him?" The slaver asked when his attention finally snapped away from the dead thugs for long enough to notice the man fleeing. The portly orc apparently had not realized that he was not necessarily among friends, now that one had a dagger and the other was unbound.

Of course, it was an actual option, if not necessarily a wise one. Two slaves chasing after an orc, even a mongrel as the thug was, would probably not be taken well in enemy-controlled Gods-Reach.

(Loot: 3 Crude Daggers 2d6 + Body/3 damage. These break on an attack roll of 1. A grand total of 9 denarii between the three corpses. Finally, the three gain 4 xp apiece.

Edit: Karen will wake up at 1 HP as soon as one of the two decides to nudge her awake and may be RPed with this in mind.)
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin watched the last thug flee with nothing but contempt on her face and she spat on the ground in derision. "No, we don't chase him, as much as I'd love to."

Turning back to Ananha, Corin gestured that she should probably come and stand over by her, away from the slaver before looking at him and thinking. "You handled yourself well, but you're no warrior, which leaves us in an awkward situation. You see, I would love nothing more then to spill every last drop of blood you have, But I Won't, you have my word. We need a place to wake her up and to catch our breath and now that the door is open I suggest we do, consider the purchase of the Fey girl still on the table for now. We need to Talk..."

Moving to collect the last of the daggers and then tying them within her rags, Corin then moved to pick up the unconscious woman and move her towards the door.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

"Let him go, he's not going to hurt anyone for some time, and he's too ashamed to try and gather another group to try again." Ananha said slowly, watching the last of the thugs flee as she got up and rubbed at her wrists, where the orc yanking on her chain had left a raw spot on her skin, the iron manacles already nearly causing a rash on it's own. She couldn't remember the last time she had actually fought back against the orcs, it felt scary, but good.

All that emotion drained out of her when she heard the other slave talk of her still being for sale. Her jaw dropped a bit, then she sighed and drooped her head, following along silently.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36], Grappled
Corin: HP = 34/38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen, -10 Roll Penalty for needing to drag an unconscious Karen around.
Karen: HP = 0/43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin, Unconscious

The slaver seemed more than a little mortified by Corin's bloodlust. Still, in a move that was apparently despite his better judgment, he merely nodded to her and followed. The portly orc finally found the time to replace his breeches before falling in line to walk silently alongside the two women and the still-unconscious Karen. The fur-wearing beast-man did offer the faerie a book that, for the first time since she had met him, looked almost apologetic.

They passed into the building without issue, there wasn't anybody inside to immediately greet them. It a moderate sized room and cold, dark, and damp. There were only two doors to it, the one they had entered and another on the opposite wall. Slabs of meat hung from the wall on chains and hooks. Crates full of other preserved foods were stacked about the room; accompanied by a few bags of salt. It was obviously a larder of some sort. It was empty and quiet besides the slaves and slaver, for the time being, but might not stay that way forever. They might be able to rest there for the time being, away from scrutiny, at least.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha looked back impassively, offering a small shrug in return. She looked around the room as they entered, wrapping her arms around herself to try and keep warm. Once everyone was inside, she went over and looked over the unconscious slave. "Nothing major damaged, she can do with some recovery time though..." She mumbled almost to herself, turning back to the slaver. "Are you sure you don't have the key? I can patch you up too." She asked him, starting to try and wake Karen...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin stopped Ananha from waking the unconscious woman, "Not yet"

Looking at the slaver, fingering the edge of her newly acquired blade, Corin pondered her next move.

"Now. The purchase of the Fey is no longer for Dolbog, it's for Me and here's the offer. As you're probably aware, we are here under Dolbog's orders and that girl there is one of his personal favorites and everything happened under Your watch. I'm certain he would like nothing more then to blame you for this little circumstance and simply take everything you have, and you know he will with this excuse. You let the Fey go and you walk away, you tell everyone that you released her into our care like planned and that was the end of it. The other option is you never walk out of here alive, I still take the girl, and you die with a thugs dagger in your throat with no one the wiser. Speak quickly, I'm far from patient."

All this was said with a menacing undertone as Corin slowly paced the slaver into a corner, he would have to move past her to get out and the Huntress was in no mood for games... If he refused then he would die, it was simple, if he agreed then Corin's next target was a smithy to try and get out of this cursed collar, or at least get rid of the chain...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36], Grappled
Corin: HP = 38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen, -10 Roll Penalty for needing to drag an unconscious Karen around.
Karen: HP = 0/43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin, Unconscious

"Sorry... er..." The slaver started, addressing the faerie, but trailed off as he struggled with recalling her name—or if he had ever learned it. "No, it was a safety measure, should you have escaped... Guilt was heavy in his voice.

If he was going to say anything else, it was interrupted by Corin's announcement. There were the slightest hints of fear on his face, but nowhere near the amount of terror that had been present against the thugs. "No. I won't sell her," he said, sternly, attempting, and failing, to stare down the huntress in the process. Before she could do anything in retribution, however, the portly slaver offered; "She's free, and can follow you if she likes. I may not be a warrior, but I am an orc, and I owe you three for saving my skin, I won't leave that as a debt unpaid."

The change in attitude, likely brought on by his near-death experience, was accompanied by him stripping a few of his bundles of fur from his skin and throwing them to the ground, along with his weapon. "In addition to her freedom, you can have these to ward you from the cold and anything else that might try to get you. I won't breathe a word of any of this and Dolbog, should he ask, will be none the wiser. Have a bit of coin for your troubles, as well, though I don't know what you'll do with it here," he dropped a sack of coins onto the pile. "This is all I can offer you, good luck, he concluded, determinedly. The portly beast-man moved to leave without a single glance back, exiting through the door they had originally entered through and closing it behind him unless one of the women stopped him.

A glance at the furs on the ground revealed that they were big enough to cover a woman apiece, easily. His axe was of much better make than the daggers they wielded. And there were fifty coins in the pouch, which might be useful if they could find an orc amiable enough to bribe.

(Gain 2 Fur Armor: AV = 4, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2, 50 denarii, and one Handaxe 2d10 + 3 + Body/2, split them up among the three as you will)

If they didn't stop the slaver, the three women would be left in the larder alone. If they could hide the weapons, they might be able to walk into the streets and appear as unarmed slaves to the general populace. Alternatively, they could explore the building they had found themselves in. They could also simply talk and rest or whatever else they might want to do. Whatever they did, the choice was theirs.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Surprised by the unexpected degree of honor from the slaver, Corin nods an assent with her head, "Thank you, may the gods hide you from your enemies"

Turning to Ananha, Corin got to work, removing her rags and cutting them into strips, these would be used to secure her weapons and other gear under her furs and keep them from sight and would be easy enough to duplicate for the others if they so desired. The Fay was willing to fight, and that was good, but it seemed physical combat wasn't her forte. Her unwilling companion was much better in a fight but something still seemed to be off upstairs and that could still lead to trouble...

Looking back at Ananha, the Huntress pondered a moment while she arranged the straps on her body that had loops for a dagger and the axe. Picking up the hand axe she said quietly "Go ahead and wake her up, be ready though, I have no idea what goes through that womens mind..."
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha was stunned by the slaver's words, watching the orc go without speaking a word, which she immediately cursed herself for when she gathered her wits and realized she still had no way to get rid of the collar sealing her magic. Leaving that difficulty for now, she nodded at the other slave's suggestion and went over to the unconscious Karen, gently waking her up. "Hey, come back to us now... You alright?" She said slowly, letting the woman adjust to their surroundings.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen’s unconscious form twitched and shivered occasionally as the scene between the portly orc and the other two slave girls played out, the chill in the storeroom perhaps giving them the reason for her shudders if they had wondered. It wasn’t the cold that was responsible, however...

Darkness. It enveloped her – body, mind and soul – as the night envelopes the world at the setting of the sun.

She was in pain.

Her eyes hurt. Her lungs hurt. Her...body...hurt. She could barely remember what it felt like to have tears rolling down her cheeks, her eyes having long since cried themselves dry.

She thought about trying to crawl way from the orc pounding in and out of her abused pussy from behind...but she didn’t. She just laid there...the side of her face resting in a pool of orc cum with her ass raised up in the air, rocking back-and-forth with each one of the orc’s powerful thrusts. She then felt him grow tense and his cock begin to pulsate inside of her, a sensation that she now instinctively knew meant that he was cumming, adding his load to the countless others that had long since filled her insides to capacity and beyond, the excess spilling out of her and joining the thick, sickly-white pool surrounding her. He pulled out, spraying one last rope of cum over her back and into her hair before wiping himself off on her ass. Again she did nothing to try and resist him, simply lying there and taking it as submissively as she could, not wanting to be beaten again.


She used to fight. She used to resist. They beat her when she did, and then brutally raped her anyway. Sometimes to within an inch of her life. They would heal her, and then do it all over again. She wanted to die. Death would be a mercy. They wouldn’t let her. She refused to eat. She refused to drink. They beat her when she did, and then forced the sustenance down her throat anyway.

She wanted the beatings to stop. They told her to stop fighting. They told her to stop resisting...to behave. They told her the beatings would stop if she did. They told her to behave...to be a good girl. They told her the pain would go away if she was a good girl. Good girls behaved. Behaving meant not getting beaten. Not getting beaten meant not feeling any pain. Being a good girl meant not having to feel any pain. She didn’t want to feel pain.

She wanted to be a good girl.

She stopped fighting. She stopped resisting. She behaved.

The beatings stopped.

The pain didn’t.

It would, though. The beatings had stopped. The pain would, too. They said it would. If she behaved, if she was a good girl...the pain would go away.

She tried her best to behave. She tried her best to be a good girl. She did whatever her masters told her to do. She pleased them whenever they wanted her to...however they wanted her to. They praised her when she pleased them. She felt happy when she was praised. Pleasing her masters made them praise her. Receiving praise made her happy. Only good girls received praise. She was a good girl. Pleasing the masters pleased her. Pleasing the masters made her happy. She was happy.

The pain was gone.

And so, too, the memory of the girl who had caused her to suffer it.

That girl had fought. That girl had resisted. That girl hadn’t behaved. She wasn’t that girl. She was a good girl. She behaved. That girl was the cause of her pain. That girl was pain. The memory of her was pain. She didn’t want pain. She wanted to be happy. It was the masters’ praise that made her happy. It was pleasing the masters that made her happy. They were all she needed. They made her happy. She was happy with her masters.


The orc left, her cell door creaking loudly as it slammed shut, the sound of group-laughter echoing in the distance as her rapists departed. She eventually forced herself up onto her hands and knees, weakly crawling over to her bedding – which was little more than a thin pile of hay – and collapsing onto it, smearing the pool of orc cum across the floor as she went. She then feebly pawed at the edge, pulling a small section away to reveal the stone floor underneath. There were words there, faintly scratched into the stone as if made by a crude utensil...or by fingernails.

yoUR NAME ls

She stared silently at the words as if her life depended on them, until her remaining strength finally began to fade away and she drifted into unconsciousness.

Karen stirred slightly as Ananhn gently nudged the unconscious woman’s body, slowly drawing her back into reality.

A moment later her eyes suddenly shot open as she felt the other woman’s touch on her arm, jerking awake with a startled yelp as she frantically began crawling backwards away from the faerie woman, stopping as her back hit the wall behind her. In an instant there were tears streaming down the blonde woman’s cheeks, her eyes filled with fear and pain as they darted back-and-forth at her surroundings like a frightened animal.

“P-Please...d-don’t hurt me...” Karen whimpered, pulling her knees up to her chest before hugging them tightly in her arms as the memories of the times her orc masters ruthlessly abused her rushed through her mind. “I-I’ll be good, I promise... Please, just...d-don’t hurt me anymore...”
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha took a step back when Karen started awake, watching her backpedal with a look of sincere concern on her face. "Oh, dove..." She said slowly, almost at tears herself just watching the woman's frightened expression. She followed her to the wall slowly and unthreateningly, speaking softly all the while. "It's okay, nobody here is going to hurt you, you're among friends, your safe..." She cooed, finally reaching the woman and wrapping her arms around her, pulling her into a soft and warm embrace. "It's okay, let it all out, you're safe..." She repeated, slowly rocking the tortured soul...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin stayed silent, watching it all. It wasn't magical, no. They had actually broken her. Damn them, damn them all to whatever hell had bothered to spit them out here. Corin steeled her jaw, her mind made up. She'd help the woman, she'd help them all, and bleed every green skinned piece of filth foolish enough to cross her path ever again. It was time to go to war....

Holding up the chain and walking over to the two Corin sat down in front of them, there was nothing she knew to say to make anything better, and everything she could think of would probably make everything worse. Instead she started making as many strips as she could, they were all going to need to fight and they needed to get out of these damned restraints... But for now, patience was called for.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen flinched when she first felt the other woman’s arms envelope her, but the warmth in her voice and the gentleness of her embrace managed send a feeling of calmness through the broken woman’s mind, and she leaned back into the faerie woman gently rocking her in her arms...and cried...

“Why...?” Karen said faintly a short time later, sobbing into the other woman’s shoulder. “W-Why do I...r-remember...?” she muttered between breaths. “I-I didn’t... I don’t...want to remember...t-this...” Karen cried, pausing as she turned and wrapped her arms around Ananha and held onto her tightly, their bodies pressing firmly together as the tears continued to trickle down her cheeks. “P-Please...make it stop...” she pleaded, burying her face into the other woman’s neck. “I-I’ll do anything you want... Just...m-make the pain go away... P-Please...”