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Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(Fuck. I got nothing to deal with this.)

Veronica glanced up from the report she'd been typing up as the announcement of an emergency in the med lab. She was out of her chair and storming down the hallway inside of three seconds, heading for med lab. She was unarmed and one of the last to arrive, but the pilot didn't even wait a second before she shouted; "Flamethrower! Someone get the flamethrower!"
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Lulu had been diligently working at the station logs for a while when the alarm went out over the radio. "Oh no, Marlisse!" She cried out, looking over at Mina for a second before they both rushed from the room, headed straight for medical.

"The body was burned, the body was burned..." She muttered to herself in a panic as she ran for medical. That gave her an idea, and she quickly stopped and grabbed a flamethrower, appearing at medical just in time to see Marlisse receive a load of the creature's spunk. "Oh my god..." She wailed, trying to pass the flamethrower to the captain, or Riley, or Maria... Anyone, she just couldn't bring herself to to it herself...

(Playing Flamethrower)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Veronica, without a second's hesitation, grabbed the flamethrower from Lulu, aimed at the mass of tentacles - and Marlisse within them - and unleashed a torrent of liquid fire onto the whole mess. She remembered the mercy killed corpse from the outpost, and there was no way to extricate the woman at this point anyway.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Laura arrives to the scene just in time to take in the scene of Marlisse being violated in a terrifying and humiliating way. The blonde-haired woman's features shift into an expression of panic.
"Marlisse! No!"

She instinctively moves in to help, drawing her sidearm, but is cut short by the stream of firey liquid that spews forth from the thrower. She's given little choice but to shield her eyes and back up to get out of range, swatting away a stray tentacle that lunges for her as the creature wails in its death throes.

A moment or two later, Laura grabs Veronica by the shoulder, urging her to stop.
"T-That's enough! Marlisse is..."
Unfortunately, the visual aftermath made it quite evident that it was far too late to be concerned about the physician's safety. Seeing the charred remains of both the ship's doctor and the abomination that had been violating her, the distraught captain turns her head away from the gruesome sight.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Veronica didn't even look at the captain as she continued to send streams of flame onto Marlisse and the monster that was raping her. Not until the squirming had stopped did the pilot let go the trigger on the nearly empty flamethrower. She kept the weapon trained on the doctor's pyre, but there was no further threat to be found, and she lowered the weapon and then set it aside. Staring at the burning visage for a moment, she then glanced around, and found everyone else doing the same.

The gruff, professional woman calmly walked past Lulu and grabbed the fire extinguisher, and slowly put the torched mass out. She emptied the extinguisher, not stopping even when the conjoined corpses were no longer aflame, and then set the extinguisher down next to the flamethrower. "Bring up the security feeds. We need to see what happened."
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"We're... Not done with them yet..." Lulu stammers out, still in shock and staring at the corpse of the burnt doctor and creature...
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

As the creature and its doctor victim both burn away in agony, white gobs of the creature's residue fly across the lab, sticking to the walls and ceiling. The rest of the girls do well to avoid it as it sprays about.

Eventually the alien tentacle creature sloughs away, leaving a blackened horrific corpse behind that was once Marlisse.

Somberly, the girls take in the mess. It takes the pragmatic urgings of Veronica to wake them from the stunned silence. Reiko nods.

"We need to examine these tissue samples now more than ever. I know it may sound callous, but we have no idea what we're dealing with here and until I know more, we may not ever understand truly what happened to the outpost and Marlisse."

Beside her, Mako looked as if she were about to breakdown. Reiko had to put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"There'll be time for that later, Mako. I need your help. Marlisse would want us to continue with our examinations. We can't let her death remain a mystery."

Next Encounter:

Autopsy of Alien Corpse -- All players draw one card.
--Crew: 4-6
--Skills: Biology x2, and Medical
--Target: 3+
--Successes needed: 4/6/8
--Failure: Add a die to the Alien Ship task.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Laura gives up after seeing Veronica's resolve to dispose of the alien. After all, it had been 'dead' all this time only to come back to life.

As the smoke clears, she first makes sure that Mako, Lulu and the rest are unharmed, almost as if avoiding having to look directly at Marlisse's charred body.

"That thing wasn't dead yet," she said in a raised voice, her brow furrowed. "I was too careless to just take it on board like this..."

She nods to Reiko. "If you and Aoru could make some sense of what's going on with this thing's biology, we can at least find a way to report this back to UneCorp. It probably isn't the only one on New Eden."

"I... I'll need to brief the others on what happened--I'm sure Maria and Riley are wondering what's going on down here. I'll be back shortly," the captain adds, her voice wavering towards the end.

Laura heads down through the ship's corridors from the lab, but stops for a moment, hitting the entry switch to a nearby storeroom with her fist. Walking in, she shuts the door to the dark chamber behind her, and begins to weep bitterly.

(Can I assign tasks / encounters? I have one ready.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(It might be better to wait for Toxic to post whether he'll be exposing any NPC or PC, and you'll have to choose a person for Bad Blood as well.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Announcement: Ardnakandra won't be able to continue, so here's what's going to happen.

Halley is going to be phased back to an NPC position.

The Bad Blood discard will go back to the deck, along with all of Halley's cards. There will be no more Bad Blood. There will be no more Override the Computer task. Any cards referencing those tasks will be removed from the deck and from your current hands, and be replaced. This is now a 4 player game.

Other than that, the game will continue as normal.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(No, let's not ruin everyone's good time with an attack, though I totally could if I wanted to.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(Do I still exclude a PC now that we're down to 3 human PC's? If so, I'll propose to exclude Veronica from this one. Otherwise she'll just add to the fun.)
Selected Team for Encounter:

Selected Team for Tasks:
(if anyone has any objections, feel free to PM me and I can change it as needed)
Powerfist Battlesuit - Riley, Halley
Lifeboat Shuttle - Faye
Satellite Array - Mina
Research - Aoru
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(All PCs will go on the encounters now that it is only a 4 player game.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(Playing "Keep an eye on her. Keep both eyes on her." : Force a PC of your choice [Shrike] to choose one of two random drawn tasks to permanently destroy.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Lulu somberly went with Mina back to work on the records they had recovered from the station. As soon as she had plugged herself back in, however, she found a blaring alarm waiting for her, that had apparently been going for some time. A sense of dread filled her as she investigated, and just went downwards from there when she discovered what was causing it.

"Uh, Captain?" She called over the system. Once she had a response back, she continued. "While we were... In the medbay, something came and tore up our lifeboat. The alarm had been going off in the system the whole time, I just got it when I plugged back it. Cameras didn't catch whatever did it, but it looks ruined..." She explained, fear in her voice. "...what do we do, Captain?"

((Choosing to remove the lifeboat shuttle task.))
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

("It wants to be anywhere but here." : Add a die to the Alien Ship task, OR remove one success from any Task.)

*Remove one success from Research*
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(Okay, so Research is now at 1/3 successes and the Lifeboat Shuttle has been destroyed. Taki to rearrange task assignments and then I'll roll.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

A period of silence goes by before the captain finally responds.
"I... I'm here," she says over the intercom, audibly taking a deep breath.

After hearing the news, she pauses for a second before giving a relatively composed reply. "Well... it can't be helped," concludes Laura. "Seeing as I trust each and every one of you girls on this ship, I imagine it has to be related to what took Marlisse. That alien isn't working alone, and seems to know just what it's doing. It's absolutely imperative that we figure out exactly what this thing is capable of.."

She continues. "As Captain, I'm going to have to assign extra manpower to other tests and research while we help Reiko and Mako with the autopsy--there's no way I'm going to let them handle any 'corpse' without protection from now on."
(Reassign Faye to Research)
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2


Powerfist Cargoloader rolls: 3, 4, 6 (1 success)

Cargoloader at 2/2 successes. May be triggered during a tentacle attack to cancel it immediately or during the Final Battle to automatically destroy one attacking Tentacle Monster.

Research rolls: 5, 1, 3 (no success)


Satellite Array rolls: 3, 2 (no success)


Encounter Rolls

5 dice rolled. Target number is 3+: 1, 6, 3, 3, 6 (4 successes)

4/8 successes achieved.

You may now play cards.


The news that the lifeboat's control panel had been entirely torn apart did not bode well for the crew. There was a definite alien presence still aboard this ship and it was clearly intelligent enough to know how to block off their means of emergency escape.

Reiko and Mako set about their task, doing their best to perform an autopsy without the benefit of Marlisse's medical expertise. Under the circumstances they performed admirably. Laura and Lulu looked on with concern while Veronica and Maria kept watch in the hallway just outside the door... Who knew what was lurking in the long, shadowy hallways of the Muse?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

("Watch who you're with, real close." : 3 auto successes, needs tough; you must remove a success from any one task.)

"We've got to be very careful. We don't know if they got all of those monsters back on the outpost. Everyone needs to watch each other's backs carefully, and no one should go off alone. Has anyone seen Aoru?"

(I'll pick the Research task.)