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Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

As Riley starts to open fire with extreme prejudice, puncturing mulitple holes through the nearest tentacled thing, Lulu hefted her own gun, which looked quite odd being held by someone with as small a frame as herself.


One shot went wide. Eeep! She thought as she'd gotten the attention of a particularly menacing alien...


The second shot impacted on it's neck area, making it screech inhumanly and flail around in place.

(rolls 1, 6 = 1 success on discard)


7/8 success acquired.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Halley to the rescue: 2 auto successes, needs Lucky
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

The flailing tentacles suddenly lash out at Lulu, obviously irritated at the way she had managed to hurt the creature they were erupting from. At the last moment, Halley tackled and rolled Lulu out of the way, bringing up her own pistol out at the end of the roll to put another two accurate rounds in the creature, causing it to careen out of control and smash itself into the wall of the rec room.

9/8 successes acquired. Alien player? Any response?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

The shots hit next to each other with good grouping. The focus on the dropping creature allowed another of them to try to take a stealthier route for the fighting females.

Movement in the Shadows : Cancel 2 Successes
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"The ship's motion sensors are showing movement." : 2 auto successes, needs Computer Systems.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

The creatures attempted to attack simultaneously, using their appendages all at once to grab towards to girls.

Tentacles along the Walls: Cancel 3 successes
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"Maybe we'll heat things up a little around here." : 3 auto successes, needs Pilot.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Tracking the movement with of the devious tentacle beasts, Lulu swiveled on the spot and took down a creature as it tried to sneak up behind the group. No one else had spotted it, but all were relieved that the unexpected fighter had been ready and able to take them down.

The last alien creature leaped up onto the ceiling of the rec lounge, its skin bulging and then bursting forth with a multitude of flailing tentacles. Veronica was undaunted by this however, and leveled her assault rifle on the thing, tearing it apart with a constant stream of automatic rounds.

Eventually the alien creature dropped dead to the floor. The battle was over for now.

Humans win the encounter. Alien player has alerted me that they will not trigger a Tentacle Attack.

EDIT: Forgot about Mina working on the Satellite Array --> 1, 3 (no successes)



The current Captain must choose, without conferring, to kill one NPC.

(For story purposes, I may not actually "kill" the chosen person, but they will effectively be removed from the game.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Laura raised a brow at the way the aliens cooperated together, attacking in unison and coordinating with one another rather efficiently. It was so strange to see them do such a thing. Not that they weren't intelligent; after all, one of these things could carry out surprisingly perfect impersonations. But considering their strange appearance, this wasn't so much a hunting down or extermination of wild beasts... it was more of a war between races.

After the last alien--or known one, anyway--dropped to the floor dead, the captain heaved a sigh of relief. This kind of problem could only be solved little by little. In a way, she knew that the crew had to learn to appreciate the smaller victories.

"Given how this could've ended... I think it went pretty well, all in all. Good work."

Choosing Faye.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Veronica remained outwardly impassive at the order to kill her friend. The pilot's steely resolve never wavered... That anyone could detect, but she held her rifle a little tighter all the same, her knuckles white beneath her gloves. She didn't challenge the order, however. She had to trust the Captain. Had to.... If they started fighting amongst themselves now, these monsters would kill them all.... Or worse.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Given Lulu's apparent bravery in the last battle, Laura seemed inclined to believe her word over that of the drugged up Faye. The burden of command fell to her, and a decision had to be made. There shouldn't be that many hiding places left for the animal. She gave the order to put Faye under Deep Freeze. It was simply too dangerous for her to be kept conscious but weak on tranquilizers. If she was an Alien, it'd be a bluff anyway. If they ever got out of this, they could hopefully revive Faye in a lab somewhere back on an Earth Satellite facility under heavy observation.

Hopefully. Deep Freeze was an extreme cryostasis process and normally reserved only for cases where any other course of action would result in a fatality for the person undergoing it.

Even drugged, Faye could tell where they were taking her. She did her best to struggle against the leather straps that they'd tied her down with. Her eyes pleaded with Veronica - there was a desperation there bordering on madness. She wanted to speak but the drug was making her speech slurred and unintelligible.

At last it seemed she resigned herself to her fate. Her head lay back, and her breathing calmed.


Then, as they went to go for the sealing lid to the cryostasis module, Faye's entire chest cavity imploded with a sickening crunch, showing a goopy mass of blood, organs and ichor on her insides. Her rib cage had snapped back, an in the center of the gore was a slimey, spheroid green mass of bubbling slime and tendrils. With a screech, the rest of her body came alive and snapped free of her restraints, her fingers elongating into tentacles as the spheroid bulk shot free of her body like a projectile, skittering out into the hall way even as the others fought to keep things under control. Faye's eyes were tinged with red and she lashed out viciously at her former friends.

Faye was INFECTED!

Trreat this now as a Tentacle Attack. Faye requires an additional Flamethrower to Cancel her attack. (Though the Cargoloader is not a flamethrower and may alternatively be used to cancel this event.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(Tassadar, you did read the last statement in my post, right?) :confused:
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(I did, but I'm assuming that someone else helps in the meantime. If not, we use the cargoloader. Either way, this particular attack isn't getting through, so I figured we might as well got on with things. Of course, I can just edit out the last paragraph of my post if you want to play out the fight further.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(I meant that you can choose to play one cargoloader OR two flamethrowers OR discard to resolve this attack. The Cargoloader can do it by itself.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Veronica stared down at what her friend with darkened eyes and an empty expression as she escorted her to the cryo bay. She hadn't objected to this decision, not outwardly at least, but flashes of Faye dancing around in her underwear crept into her mind repeatedly, being dispelled but then coming back moments later. She met every one of Faye's pleading gazes, but did nothing to stop their journey through the Muse's massive cargo holds. Even as the lid of the cryostasis began to descend, Veronica stood by impassively.


Her expression didn't change. Even as she watched Faye rise out of the tube, tendrils tearing out of her body and waving wildly, lashing out at them, Veronica maintained a flawless poker face. As the sphere in the center of Faye's body tore free and skittered off into the hall, the pilot was already moving, climbing into the cargo loader mech and powering the thing on even as Faye.... What had once been Faye prepared to attack the crew.

One of the cargo loader's massive arms shot forward and lifted the squirming, gory mass that had once been her friend and grabbed her around her arms in the massive clamp on the end. The thing as lifted off the ground and began to squeeze, another sickening crunch sounding, and Veronica calmly flipped on the torch at the end, setting Faye on fire even as the other clamp settled around the once-woman's waist, crushing her further. With a sickening tear and a flood of gore, the alien was torn in half, the second torch activated a moment later. In a few seconds, all that was left of Faye was two writhing masses of burning flesh.

Veronica calmly climbed out of the loader, its battery largely drained, and pulled her rifle off of her shoulder. "Your orders, captain?" she said smoothly, turning toward Laura. Outwardly, she didn't appear any different from before, at least not to any of the rest of the crew. The only one who could have detected the pain behind the pilot's eyes was currently lying dead upon the floor.

(Use the cargo loader.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Laura could only stand speechless at the sight of Veronica taking the other pilot's body apart, as was necessary. As the experienced head of a ship, she was no stranger to shunting her feelings elsewhere temporarily for the greater good, but the callous expression on the pilot's features was difficult for her to grasp. It took all of her might to not burst into tears on the spot when Marlisse had died, and here was Veronica, barely batting an eyelid while having to dispose of the infested Faye in a manner most gruesome. The captain couldn't help but find herself somewhat unnerved by the situation.

"Veronica..." she offers hesitantly, her voice filled with concern. "Listen, I know this is a bad time but, if you need to talk or, something, anything at all..." Her voice trailed off. What could she even offer to this woman who had just offed her best friend without letting out even a hint of frustration?

The blonde sighed, her gaze wavering. On one hand, she thought to herself, an infected crew member was down. But if each infection had to be answered like this... it was just too much to think about. She wanted to cry for Veronica, but no doubt would have looked like even less of a capable leader, particularly when compared side by side to the ever stoic 'Ice'.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Reiko watched in silence as the scene had unfolded. Her eyes hardening much as Veronica's had as another former crew member was revealed to be a devious mimic hiding in a trusted shell. As Faye's body was torn in two, and set alight, she noticed the way that the blood itself seemed to move of its own accord, reacting to the flame of the welding torch as if the blood itself were a living organism.

"Of course..." she murmured, hand on chin. Then in a stronger voice. "I think I know how we can be sure that we're all still human."


Conduct Blood Test -- All players draw one card.
--Crew 3-8
--Skills: Medical, Biology, Tough, & Lucky
--Target 4+
--Successes Needed: 9
--Success: Reveal the Exposure cards of 1-4 NPCs, stopping and ending the test when the first Tentacle Monster is revealed. When this happens, begin a Tentacle Attack.
--Failure: There is no blood test, move on to the next encounter.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"That won't be necessary, Captain." Veronica replied calmly, her voice just edging away from cold in acknowledgment to the woman's offer. As much as part of her might want to, Veronica couldn't fault Laura for Faye's death; infected, she'd been a threat to everyone, and the decision to put the woman on ice had been a good one. She didn't have time to fall apart now, and she especially couldn't afford to do it in front of the rest of the crew. Later, when she was alone and the threat to them had been eliminated, maybe, but not now.

Turning to Reiko at the girl's proclamation, she said; "What are you thinking, Reiko?"
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"I'm thinking that this alien doppelganger is alive and living inside the blood of its victims. If we can get to the lab and take a sample of everyone's blood, we should be able to tell who's an alien and who is one of us." Reiko said as she urged the group towards the laboratory. "I know most of the equipment there is still broken up, but there'll still be sterilized scalpels and petri dishes. Come on, everyone stick together!"

Alien player forgoes exposing anyone or playing any cards. PCs may now play cards and assign to encounters or the satellite task.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"That... Could work." Veronica said, thinking over how Faye's blood had reacted to the loader's welding torches. "But we'd all need our own scalpel, and everyone would need to be secured when we did the test. If one of us is infected and someone else comes into contact with their blood, they might infect one of the others if some of their blood is still on the blade. And if an infected is discovered, they might try to attack us." Hefting her rifle, Veronica followed Reiko to the lab, and glared very meaningfully at anyone that attempted to hesitate. They had just watched her kill her best friend, and as such she doubted that any of them would be under the illusion that she wouldn't do the same to them.