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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 2 vs 13
E 4 vs 15

Helena: 6/6 MP 0/5
Eldritch horror: ?/?
The bolt of lightning goes towards the monster and hits the wall 90 degrees away, despite going in a straight line. This time Helena manages to avoid the tentacles by simply stumbling backwards, until her back hits the wall and she almost falls through the window. Jasmine comes through the window, landing on her feet only to freeze at the sight of the monstrosity.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena clutches the window and stares at Jasmine, her eyes wide. "What the hell is this thing!" She screams, throwing a spear of Ice, utterly terrified.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 10 vs 20 J 23 vs 20
E 12 vs 8 | 14 vs 14

Helena: 5/6 MP 0/5 Jasmine: 8/8 MP 7/9
Eldritch horror: 11/12
The ice shatters as it touches the tentacles, but Jasmine manages to throw a ball of fire that explodes, causing the monster to react if not hurting it. Helena is wrecked with pain as the tentacles touch her while passing through her leg. "I don't know! I've never seen anything like it!" Jasmine seems to collect herself, but she's still visibly shaken.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena screams at the sudden bolt of pain shooting through her at the strange contact, trying to roll away. Suddenly it occurs that the Circle may be her only real chance of achieving anything as the pain snaps her out of her fear. Aiming at the circle she throws another spear of Ice, attempting to damage the sigils there...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 22 vs 19 J 5 vs 10
E 6 vs 12 | 18 vs 4

Helena: 5/6 MP 0/5 Jasmine: 7/8 MP 7/9
Eldritch horror: 10/12
The horror let's out a flash of purple-yellow light as the circle is damaged. This time Jasmine misses, and a tentacle touches her, causing the redhead to fall on the floor, though she quickly gets up.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"The Circle! Target the Circle!" Helena screams as she moves to the other side, throwing another spear. Her already drained power making everything so much harder,,,
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 11 vs 22
E 4 vs 8 | 9 vs 14

Helena: 5/6 MP 0/5 Jasmine: 7/8 MP 7/9
Eldritch horror: 10/12
The spear is deflected by an inhuman hand that simply turns it into steam. Helena manages to dodge the tentacles, but Jasmine doesn't even seem to notice them passing through her as she starts casting a spell.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snarls in dismay, pitching a lightning bolt at the circle, wondering if they were even going to get out of this alive, the inhuman fear still very much gripping the young succubus
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 5 vs 15
E 19 vs 15 | 20 vs 22

Helena: 4/6 MP 0/5 Jasmine: 7/8 MP 7/9
Eldritch horror: 10/12
The lightning bolt hits the roof as another tentacle touches Helena. Jasmine dodges the tentacles coming at her without seeming to be aware of it, as she continues chanting, her focus perfect as she gathers more energy.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena screams in pain and her shot goes wide as she once again recoils from the creatures touch. Clutching at the psuedo injury, she throws another bolt at the circle, if nothing else, buying Jasmine time...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 7 vs 14
E 6 vs 18 | 3 vs 8

Helena: 4/6 MP 0/5 Jasmine: 7/8 MP 7/9
Eldritch horror: 10/12
Helena's bolt misses again, but the tentacles crash into a wall of light that now surrounds the horror, leaving it unable to reach either of them for now. Jasmine continues her chanting and draws a glowing symbol in the air that seems to lessen the horror Helena is feeling.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena feels the fear subside and shakes her head, getting a proper grip. Gritting her teeth she tries once again to damage the circle. Not knowing what Jasmine was up to, but putting her complete trust in her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 14 vs 10
E 3 vs 10 | 4 vs 21counter

Helena: 4/6 MP 0/5 Jasmine: 7/8 MP 7/9
Eldritch horror: 8/12
As Helena's lightning bolt hits the circle causing another flash of that strange light, the tentacles slam the wall of light, causing some of it to burst inwards and burning the creature. Jasmine is now panting in concentration as she gathers even more energy.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena spares a quick glance at Jasmine, worried at the strain she was under, before throwing another spear of Ice, hoping that the constant cycle of different attacks would help, She had to keep the thing from stopping Jasmine!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

H 16 vs 12
E 18 v 15 | 16 vs 20
J 8 vs 7

Helena: 3/6 MP 0/5 Jasmine: 7/8 MP 2/9
Eldritch horror: 0/12
Helena manages to damage the circle some more before the tentacles burst through the wall and hit her again just as Jasmine unleashes her spell, erasing the circle. The horror freezes for a moment before continuing to flail at the succubi as it turns incorporeal, and though its touch is unpleasant, it can't harm them anymore. Jasmine collapses to the floor, trying to catch her breath.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena runs over to Jasmine after her spell is complete, shuddering at every touch. *What did you do? I mean, Thank you! but what....* Helena collapses next to Jasmine, exhausted, her hunger gnawing at her insides now like it never had before...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I...dispelled the circle. That was all that was anchoring it to our level of reality.* The monstrosity is fading into and out of the view, still trying to grab them.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stands up and screams at the thing before slumping again. *We should get out of here, its handled. Im tired, you're tired, we're both hungry....*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine nods and slowly gets up. *Let's go.* She walks over and leaps out of the window, landing on the yard.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena follows, the knowledge that Willow would hopefully be more then happy to "Feed" her keeping her impressive hunger in check, but she wouldn't last long. *So what do we do now? That... I don't know what the fuck that was Jas, Shook me right to my core...*