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A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

1. No. It's a variety thing. Games where you're the guy and doing it well you're just a guy,you're not going to be something else the next time. Games where you're the girl then there's lots of different things.

2. I save before then reload after. Of course that's actually because I love virgins as I still do it in games where it's just ROL.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going blindly assume that the majority of GOR fans are male. Now, although I personally don't like it, I can understand the appeal of ryona because of the whole sadism fetish, but don't you guys feel uncomfortable playing these types of games especially ones where the MC is a female?

1. You're playing as a female character getting raped by male characters/tentacle penises and you're a male gamer. Doesn't that make you feel kind of awkward/uncomfortable?

2. A lot of the appeal in these types of games is losing to see the sex scenes and I'm pretty sure a lot of you intentionally lose/die to see them. Isn't it discouraging/cruel to just let your character sit there as she gets beaten up and eventually raped? The thought of intentionally losing should be a major turn-off. In fact, I play these games just to win so I can see the poor, rape-susceptible female character get a happy ending, which makes me warm inside.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I thought that this would be the best forum to bring it up on since the GOR community is strong here.

basically well yeah its cruel if it was real "But the fact that its not real" create a barrier between reality and fiction... True we see them but that doesn't mean we do them in real life or like it "I MEAN LIKE IT DO IT" kind of thing...~ *pretty much as a guy im disgusted to seeing Gore, well except for those sex scenes :p which what im ("after")

1. Nope not affected ["as long as its not real i wont be"] If i was female *well idk about that hohoho~ thats not really a problem since "Stopping is like putting break's on something im tired of... and beside's its not like ill go play *gore game for 24 hour's a day that would mean my Ethic's and morality Broke already~*" (sorry if i offend other's :d [ if i did somehow...])

2.*Most people are after the Cg's and thing's like that* but my opinion is that it varies "I finish game's for the challenge's and story lines" for the rest Idk~ [maybe just a "fapping tool" or maybe the same as mine or your's] The fact is *everyone have their own reasons why they play the game they pick!* [hey i use some game's as a fapping tool but i rather read hentai manga to make me go *Forever alone MODE*]

"No offense really just stating an opinion ~,~"

(Actually i just Facepalmed myself hard when i played katawa shoujo :D made me question my manliness "its like looking at Cute Cuddly Kitten's~" [i regret playing that game and yet somehow i liked it when IT WAS OVER *Sigh of relief*])
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

basically well yeah its cruel if it was real "But the fact that its not real" create a barrier between reality and fiction... True we see them but that doesn't mean we do them in real life or like it "I MEAN LIKE IT DO IT" kind of thing...~ *pretty much as a guy im disgusted to seeing Gore, well except for those sex scenes :p which what im ("after")

1. Nope not affected ["as long as its not real i wont be"] If i was female *well idk about that hohoho~ thats not really a problem since "Stopping is like putting break's on something im tired of... and beside's its not like ill go play *gore game for 24 hour's a day that would mean my Ethic's and morality Broke already~*" (sorry if i offend other's :d [ if i did somehow...])

2.*Most people are after the Cg's and thing's like that* but my opinion is that it varies "I finish game's for the challenge's and story lines" for the rest Idk~ [maybe just a "fapping tool" or maybe the same as mine or your's] The fact is *everyone have their own reasons why they play the game they pick!* [hey i use some game's as a fapping tool but i rather read hentai manga to make me go *Forever alone MODE*]

"No offense really just stating an opinion ~,~"

(Actually i just Facepalmed myself hard when i played katawa shoujo :D made me question my manliness "its like looking at Cute Cuddly Kitten's~" [i regret playing that game and yet somehow i liked it when IT WAS OVER *Sigh of relief*])

There are one or two games where the main heroine genuinely made me feel bad enough to stop losing. However, that's rare and far in between. Most game characters don't have enough depth/background story to create such an emotional response from the player.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

1. Yes, but not for the reasons you seem to imply. I like to consider myself a (amateur) writer so watching my female (or male) character get raped for a stupid reason like "you got drugged/defeated in battle/trapped/failed to get a prerequisite item" makes me groan and want to skip the whole scene. (And I do skip the GOR scenes.)

Admittedly, I'll go back and watch them later, but goddamnit gimme my story first and stop making me watch this stupid scene every time I lose the battle! I don't want to fap right now, I want to read a story! (Course this also means that I don't play many hentai games that aren't translated into English on account of my lack of Japanese reading skills :/ ) That said, I'm something of an oddball. I'll sometimes avoid (non-hentai) games simply because the story is bad even if the gameplay is solid or its really popular. (I don't care what you say, I refuse to buy MW3. MW2's absurd plot burned me bad.)

2. Yes. but for the reasons listed above.
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

You know where would be a really interesting place to ask this question? Ryonani.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

apologies for the bump, i just find this an interesting subject.

1. in my case, i'm a heterosexual male fantasizing about being a woman being used (sometimes consensually, sometimes not) by multiple males/monsters... :confused: i don't get it either, and it weirds the fuck out of me. i really wonder what the psychological explanation for this fetish is. i notice that in my fantasies, the woman often shares personality traits with me while the men/monsters are just faceless entities with penises. huge penises. GoR appeals to me because i have this fantasy.

2. i never lose intentionally unless the game is so easy that i have to in order to see any h-scenes. when i play a GoR game, i want to try my hardest to avoid rape, and i want to fail anyway.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Don't question yourself. Fantasies are fantasies and there really is nothing to pull from them most times. Both men AND women have fantasies of raping AND being raped. It's quite common.

The only time you should worry, is when you're also a fucking psychopath that can't control their own actions and don't really know the difference between reality and everything else.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Don't question yourself. Fantasies are fantasies and there really is nothing to pull from them most times. Both men AND women have fantasies of raping AND being raped. It's quite common.

The only time you should worry, is when you're also a fucking psychopath that can't control their own actions and don't really know the difference between reality and everything else.

Can a psychopath even "worry"? I thought the definition of a pschopath is that they are physically incapable of feeling sorry.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

You're thinking of a sociopath, Noman. They are clinically diagnosed as being emotionally detached from their actions. A psychopath may have any number of stimuli regarding their behavior, from being abused as a child to wire hangers in the closet.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

there is also the strange variable, where those with either numbness or classy tastes in sexual themes, seeking to enjoy the thrill of arousal, divulge into the edgier aspects of pornography,
how strong its effect is greatly proportional to the years a particular subject has experienced,

you'd also have to count in variables like environment and genes among other things. . .

looks at question

what did i just write?
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

I have a strong affinity for exhibitionism and creampies, among other things. For me, GoR games have more of a tendency to have more strange fetishes (which I like) and, most importantly, they're more engaging. I just can't connect with a wall of foreign text and a choice every few hundred lines with some CGs. Gimme a story, a battle, a challenge, and suddenly things are more my own.

When it comes down to it, I warp the woman's own inner thought patterns that I perceive into that of my own. So basically like she's fighting it, but she (I) wants it and enjoys it when it happens. Basically there's no suffering element in it for me. I choose to ignore that part.

Of course, these thoughts aren't really limited to GoR games. I love all HRPGs, especially BR games.

tl;dr it's not the rape. It's the stuff that comes with the rape. Imagination and innovation ftw.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

1. You're playing as a female character getting raped by male characters/tentacle penises and you're a male gamer. Doesn't that make you feel kind of awkward/uncomfortable?

2. A lot of the appeal in these types of games is losing to see the sex scenes and I'm pretty sure a lot of you intentionally lose/die to see them. Isn't it discouraging/cruel to just let your character sit there as she gets beaten up and eventually raped? The thought of intentionally losing should be a major turn-off. In fact, I play these games just to win so I can see the poor, rape-susceptible female character get a happy ending, which makes me warm inside.
1. Male gamer here, I find it hot. Why can't I be the cute girl being raped and called a meat-toilet? ;______;
2. Well, I like to do a virgin playthrough as far as I can, or all the way. After I am done, I go full-out slut modo.
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

I guess its an interesting moral question, I personally like seeing them lose, why not. I come to this forum and eventually joined after leeching so long off this forum and not every putting a name to the perversion that is me.
I guess to answer your question tho most people who play GOR are the types who like to as DarkFire said want to be in control. I personally having to be stuck in a high level calculus and physics class enjoy nothing more than coming home and releasing frustration and finally being the person pulling the strings. Maybe it could be possible I'm sick and disturbed, which I wouldn't take that thought to far away from anyone mind who actually knows me. If I wanted a warm feeling like seeing an innocent girl overcome the abyss of rapist tentacles and slim monsters I'd well...actually I wouldn't ever want that becuase I enjoy the idea to much. :D Listen the best way to think about it is like this, if we wanted the satisfaction of winning a game we play Cod or some other game, we seek out perversion in games no because we like the feeling of winning but because we want to live in some sort of fantasy. Every man dreams, and there are some men who do in fact make dreams reality, whether its a rapists or Ted Bundy or even one of the greatest men to ever lived who had a dream that gave others inspiration to. Inspiration that every man was in fact equal, that man once said; "Publishing a sophisticated men's magazine seemed to me the best possible way of fulfilling a dream I'd been nurturing ever since I was a teenager: to get laid a lot." Hugh Hefner, Jan. 1974. He wanted to get laid, I want to see a girl get gang raped by aliens and monsters and filled with mufti colored sperm. Its about finding our kink, so come everyone fap if you get the drift. We all do what we can to get our rocks off. Amen :)

Congrats tho its pretty clear you may actually be a decent human if you truly do that.
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Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Visual Novels are overrated...
GOR shows the practical side of life..
If u lose..ur fucked :D
Also it adds to the "durability" of the game.
Without those, the games would be short and players would play it just once as opposed to the what the devs want.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going blindly assume that the majority of GOR fans are male. Now, although I personally don't like it, I can understand the appeal of ryona because of the whole sadism fetish, but don't you guys feel uncomfortable playing these types of games especially ones where the MC is a female?

1. You're playing as a female character getting raped by male characters/tentacle penises and you're a male gamer. Doesn't that make you feel kind of awkward/uncomfortable?

2. A lot of the appeal in these types of games is losing to see the sex scenes and I'm pretty sure a lot of you intentionally lose/die to see them. Isn't it discouraging/cruel to just let your character sit there as she gets beaten up and eventually raped? The thought of intentionally losing should be a major turn-off. In fact, I play these games just to win so I can see the poor, rape-susceptible female character get a happy ending, which makes me warm inside.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I thought that this would be the best forum to bring it up on since the GOR community is strong here.

No, because I don't imagine myself in the shoes of the female MC, I'm just a spectator

And no, because I play the game mainly for the hentai/sex scenes anyway, so naturally I would do w/e I can to get them

In other words, I go into H-games with a clear objective and no before/after thoughts about anything else
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

This is a very interesting topic and it's fascinating to see so many different views on this.

Personally I find the typical GoR (Fight, loose, two picture rape scene) to be pretty boring, because I usually have to "set the stage" for it to happen.

On the flipside I find rape/molestation scenes that result from simply talking to an NPC or being in the wrong place at the wrong time to be very satisfying. Even a simple choice (do you accept the sex scene? Yes/No) can ruin this for me. I guess I enjoy seeing this loss of control.

Now to answer your questions:

1. I never feel awkward playing something that drastically differs from my real self. It's also necessary for my personal enjoyment (described above) that I find the MC attractive. Considering my preferences, that means a mature female.

2. The cruelty and humiliation are the main draw of these games. I find it very counterintuitive to even play them, if one does not enjoy this. There are so many vanilla hentai games out there (those can be satisfying in a "Happy happy smile feel good" kind of way).

By the way, I don't find your questions offensive. You stated them in a civil, non judgmental way and this thread has been very interesting so far.

P.S.: It's actually kind of funny that I am what you would consider a "softie" in real life relationships. Cuddling, happy sex, romantic evenings... the whole Shebang. I don't have any dark fantasies about my partner or feel repressed in any way. Maybe those games help me to get it out of my system, but I am no Psychologist.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

1. You're playing as a female character getting raped by male characters/tentacle penises and you're a male gamer. Doesn't that make you feel kind of awkward/uncomfortable?

Don't identify myself as the female character, so no

2. A lot of the appeal in these types of games is losing to see the sex scenes and I'm pretty sure a lot of you intentionally lose/die to see them. Isn't it discouraging/cruel to just let your character sit there as she gets beaten up and eventually raped?

Personally I can't stand bad ends myself. Apparently in japan Rape Equals Love, so its all okay somehow
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Female gamer weighing in here.

I'd consider myself a fan of GOR in many ways, but often dislike most of the games that it comes up in. (Yeah, almost a contradiction there.)

I really LIKE games where I can identify with the MC on some level and get into them that way. Games where I can't really 'get inside' the head of the MC (which are painfully many, damn male oriented market) feel more like some cheap porno where the overweight plumber shows up at the door to 'clean my pipes'. Instant turn off, and the game is immediately shelved/deleted.

It satisfies certain fantasies I have that would... not be in my best interest to act on personally.

I especially like games that have a well transitioned build-up leading to the MC (me) becoming more lewd and open sexually, toying around with different things little by little, wondering what I can do that's just a bit more, but won't cause that little voice in my head to whisper in my ear, "no no, you can't do that!" And quietly thinking, "mmh, well let's do something else and see if I can bend those morals a little more... I'll be walking downtown without panties soon enough. *giggle*"

As to the rape part itself, I tend to fight my heart out, but always have this bold "the good guy always wins" mood on, a self assured smile heading into every battle, that lets me feel a little dirty when I actually lose and end up with different enemies defiling the MC. (A good progression on this helps a lot too.) While eventually, as I get a little more bold and curious, I may feign resistance and lose a fight or two on purpose.

Tentacles (even more when they're really slimy) or extra grimy thugs or beasties are a level of naughty added onto that, letting the mood slip from the heroine who cannot fail down to such a degraded shame of an adventurer, then putting on a brave face (usually) to face the public again.

All of this is, of course, just a slightly unusual twist of normal fantasies most women have, but I was raised a gamer, and after stumbling across a couple of these games, I got hooked.

To focus a bit on the two big questions of the OP:

"1) Doesn't that make you feel kind of awkward/uncomfortable?"
... Okay, the question is taken out of context a bit, since he was asking male gamers about this, but I'm stealing it anyhow for this.

No it doesn't. Because as close as I try to feel to my character, there's a veil of game vs. reality between it. Just like reading a really good book, there's times when you can't put it down, but it's still just a book (game).

I think I've only run across one game ever that actually made me feel enough for the character that I couldn't continue (and it was the ending that caused this, so it kinda worked out...)

"2. A lot of the appeal in these types of games is losing to see the sex scenes and I'm pretty sure a lot of you intentionally lose/die to see them. Isn't it discouraging/cruel to just let your character sit there as she gets beaten up and eventually raped?"

As I said above, I try to always keep in the mind of the girl. Early on, I avoid losing fights if I can, but always go in with a sense of bravado.

It's this envisioning of myself as the MC on some level that often ruins these games for me when they throw in some forced situation early on, that doesn't really fit the idea of a heroine starting her adventure. If my immediate thought is "yeah, I wouldn't continue this adventure if this was my first encounter", then I'm probably not continuing the game.

Later on, once she's... A little dirtier, I view purposely losing as less of getting beat up/killed cruelly (at least in games that she always wakes up someplace afterwards and continues her adventure), and more like... she threw the fight.

Putting a little more distance from these games themselves and tipping slightly into RL. I was sent (by a friend from this forum I RPed with) a link to something that amused me greatly, but wasn't really a turn on until I thought about it a bit more. It was a video about sexual wrestling (and guys, I know you may love it if you know it, but it just looks terribly silly to me), where in between pinning their opponent, they performed all kinds of sexual assault on one another, all but raping the pinned girl for the camera.

When I thought about it later on, this is largely what any heroine in a GoR world is doing. Every girl raised in these worlds knows that monsters are horrible rapists and you shouldn't wander around away from town, and adventurers are insanely strong individuals for being able to fight off these beasts. Walking out of town with sword and shield is like signing acceptance of those terms.

Just like with this wrestling, even if I think I'm a good fighter, if I end up pinned and fingered to orgasm after signing up, then I would have to quietly accept after I lose that my opponent gets to have her fun with me, and the further in I go, the higher the stakes may get (one clip I was sent included a live audience that got to play with the losers a bit). After watching a couple, I began envisioning myself in such fights, and just like a nice GoR game, I think if I ever had the nerve to join such a fight... well... I wonder if at some point, making it to a championship match, if I wouldn't be tempted to throw the fight...

In this sense... I guess the title of my game would be "Kathy:Sex Wrestler", and if it ever came out (don't count on it!), I hope everyone would enjoy the GoR I'd provide.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

Also one of the reasons why i like BF Games much more than VR or GoR

Cause both parties damage themself with pleasure and the one who can endure more and has a greater technic is the winner at the end.

GoR is more favored than VR cause its more natural that the loser of a battle will be raped.

VR is more like: i am the rapist (most likely the evil person)
But it can lose a lot on weight if it is a female Rapist against females or guys cause it goes far more in direction to pleasure the enemies rather than violating them.
Re: A Question Directed Towards GOR Fans

In case you guys are interested, someone made a similar topic on the Hongfire forums, though he's clearly bashing the genre.
