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In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Jessica
Age: 25
Level 0 Trait: Polearm Expertise (some sort of metal yet rustproof spear to stick things)
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Jessica is a fairly nerdy and shy person who happens to be a (very closeted) pervert. She's too timid to try and indulge herself in the real world, and even in the EGG she might have problems, but she's heard there are lots of opportunities for non-consensual situations in the game, which she hopes will get around that issue...

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Damn you, spider, tempting me into doing this. :<

I'd like this campaign to be fairly shortish. You can't offend me with a fetish. I would rather it not get super dark, but I could deal.

The invite had arrived to Jessica a week in advance, allowing her plenty of time to fret over it. Nevertheless, this grey morning found her in a parking lot, walking towards the Chamber corp. building. Inside, she is directed straight into a small chamber with an EGG pod. A smiling young woman quickly instructs her in its use before leaving her alone.

As she sits down, a screen pops up:
"Welcome to EGG beta program!" After a while, the screen flashed and showed a list of selections.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futanari option? Y/N
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consentual Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): (1-5, five being very rough, 1 being very gentle.)
Additional Category? _______________?

followed by options:

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels

Defensive Levels
The Sunken Labyrinth(?)
Ruined City(?)
Dark Castle(?)
The Sea of Ruins(?)
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica had received her invitation to help test the EGG a week before this dreary day, and as such had had plenty of time to think about what she wanted out of the experience, and to worry about it in her characteristic way. She had to take a few moments sitting in her car in the parking lot to work herself up to it, but eventually she walked into the building, quickly finding herself directed towards a small room with a little pod in it, and she could tell where the name came from. A woman who had to be younger than her instructed her in how to use the machine with a broad smile, leaving her alone once she got inside of it.

A little screen popped up, thanking her for playing the beta version, and then all of the options popped up. It took her a while to look them over, but she had a general idea already of what sorts of things she was interested in experiencing. Several of her choices were tailored toward ensuring she wouldn't have to take an active, seeking role often; perhaps the best way to get through her shyness would be to run around it, or so she thought.

Humans: Y3
Male/Female: Y3
Female/Female: Y2
Futanari option? Y
Pregnancy: Y1
Birthing: Y2
Non Consentual Sex: Y5
Slavery: Y4
Corruption: Y1
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y3
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y4
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y3
Roughness: 3-5
Additional Category? _______________?

After those settings, she found the difficulty settings, and pondered for a moment. She decided she wanted a harder game, mostly so that it would have a chance to cycle through some of these options... She selected Hard and then moved to the level selection. They all sounded interesting... But a sunken labyrinth? She liked the sound of that for some reason. It seemed like something that would have possibilities. She selected that and then sat back, adjusting her glasses as she waited for the choices to kick in.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Everything goes dark and for a moment Jessica feels like she's floating in emptiness, with no sensations of any kind. Then her senses come back to her, slowly. Jessica finds herself sitting on a tropical beach, dressed in bikini and with a harpoon on her side, one designed to be used as a spear or thrown. Behind her is a small campsite for one and not far from the beach she can see an entrance to a labyrinth.

Then memories come to her. She's been hired to work on this archeology project by one Doctor Miller. There were some problems with transportation, which is why she is currently alone in this place, ready to go in save for the lack of backup which is to arrive tomorrow, hopefully. For the past few hours she's sunbathing, but it's starting to get kinda boring and her skin can't take much more. Her scuba gear is close by and she has already checked to see that it's in working condition. She's supposed to radio in around sunset, but it's only early afternoon now.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

For just a few moments after she enters in her settings, the world goes dark for Jessica, and she feels as if she isn't feeling anything at all. Before it has a chance to get discomforting, her senses begin to return to her slowly, a tropical beach forming around her. She was dressed in a little blue bikini that made her blush, a little too skimpy for her standards, but there was no one around, so what did it matter? Sitting next to her was a harpoon, and behind her was a small campsite.

The game filled her in on her purpose here once she spotted the entrance to a labyrinth. She was working for an archaeologist on a dig of some sort, one who was late due to transportation issues. She had been sunbathing for a while, and she noted that she had more of a tan than she did in the real world, but also that she suddenly felt bored. She knew she was supposed to check in, but that wasn't for some hours yet, so she went back to get her scuba gear and then her harpoon. It couldn't hurt to explore a little, right...?
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The scuba gear is heavy, but the weight eases when she enters the warm water. Beyond the entrance is a dark tunnel seemingly going deep underwater. Her airtank would provide air for two hours and on surface it would automatically refill itself with time. Turning the flashlight on her forehead, Jessica enters the tunnel. After a few dozen meters of downward slope, the tunnel ends in a T-intersection, with the left path leading slightly upwards and the right one slightly down.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Donning her scuba gear, she found that it was quite heavy, though as she walked into the water the weight was lifted somewhat. She slowly swam towards the entrance, adjusting her goggles until they were comfortable, getting used to the gear before she got to the tunnel. It was very dark inside, so she had to turn on the headlamp affixed to her goggles as she swam down the tunnel. And it was indeed downward for some ways before she reached a T-junction, one path going back up, the other deeper down. The dim illumination provided by her headlamp gave the place an eerie feeling, and a shiver ran down her spine. This is cool... she thought, pondering her choices. Farther down seems more dangerous, and I don't have anyone with me, so maybe I ought to stick to the upper path. She began to swim to the left, lightly swaying her head side to side as she went in order to light up as much as she could.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The tunnel leads to a large chamber with entrances to left, right and down. The chamber seems mostly empty except for a large vase. As Jessica is looking, a large octopus-like creature comes out of the vase.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica swims a bit farther up the tunnel, which sloped more gently than the tunnel she had taken down, and soon she found herself in a semi-dark chamber. It was a rather large room, with exits to the left, right, and one that went straight down. Looking around, the place was empty except for a large vase, which looked like it might be an interesting find... As she swam over to it, an octopus far larger than any she had ever seen on TV crawled out of the vase, moving slowly towards her. Oh wow, that thing is huge... she thought, gripping her harpoon. Her first enemy... The look of it excited her a bit as she thought of all those tentacles, but she quickly pushed it out of mind, preparing herself to defend if it proved to actually be hostile. She had set the difficulty on hard for a reason; while she wanted to lose some, she didn't want to try to lose. She would have a hard time justifying it to herself if she gave less than full effort.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

J 4 vs 22 counter!
O 10 vs 16

Jessica: 4/5
Octopus: 4/4
The octopus seems to eye her curiously before suddenly propelling itself towards her. Though she manages to avoid its tentacles, her fumbling about with her weapon allows its body to hit her on the chest, pushing her back a little.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica watched the octopus intently for a while as it looked back at her, sizing her up apparently before suddenly rushing at her, She managed to avoid the grasping tentacles of the cephalopod, but wasn't able to get out of the way of its large body, and the thing tackled her somewhat gently in the chest, knocking her back in the water. Not discouraged, she tried to stab at it with the harpoon now that it was at close range, going for its big head-like body.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Helena: 3/5
Octopus: 0/4
A jab from Helena's spear pierces one of the tentacles, mixing the blue blood of the octopus with the water as it tries to wrap around her and another move pulls the spear free, the barbs in the head tearing the wound wide open. Another thrust catches its head and when she pulls the harpoon out, bits of the octopus' brain are hanging from it, as it trashes around, the blood and ink muddling the water.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica's stab pierced one of the octopus' tentacles, blue blood squirting out into the water as the sea creature tried to retaliate, another tentacle starting to wrap around her. She yanks the harpoon out of its tentacle, which ripped the wound wide open, ragged flesh hanging as more blood flowed out. In the heat of the moment the nerdy girl just acted, stabbing the oversized cephalopod in its head, the harpoon sinking in deeply, and as she pulled it out the barbs at the tip ripped through the octopus, tearing away its flesh and leaving a gaping hole, torn shreds of the thing's brain hanging out as blood spurted out onto her and into the water. She couldn't quite decide if this was completely disgusting, or totally cool for the realism factor. It was probably a little bit of both. As the octopus thrashed around Jessica reminded herself that it wasn't real, and moved to inspect the vase carefully; she was supposedly an archaeologist, after all.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The vase doesn't seem to have anything inside it. It seems to be covered in runes similar to those used by the ancient norse, but they're too muddled for her to make out anything else, even if she understood the language. The make of the vase seems to bear similarity to bronze age work, though if it's that old, its good condition would be quite unusual, if not unheard of.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Hmm..." Jessica muttered as she looked over the empty vase. It was a cool piece, and it seemed quite old, or at least modeled after something very old. The condition it was in was amazing, and she decided not to touch it. She didn't know the protocol, and she was sure the real archaeologist would be mad if he or she found out that she had broken something like this. Instead she decided to swim down the rightward path, wanting to explore a little more before heading back.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The tunnel from the right leads Jessica to a stone door, blocking the way. Opening it without help or tools would probably be difficult, to say the least. The door has some simple patterns carved to it, but nothing to indicate what's inside.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica soon comes up against a blockage in the form of a heavy stone door with simple patterns on it. Opening it would probably be impossible, so she turned around and decided to try the leftward passage.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The leftward passage leads to an irregularly shaped room. There seems to be air on top, but the surface of the water is covered in some other substance, it's hard to tell what, exactly. The room has a couple stone statues in disrepair, representing soldiers with spears and round shields. There is also a wooden chest, covered in mold, and remains of a table and some chairs.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The tunnel ended in a strangely shaped room, filled up by a couple of stone statues of soldiers, broken and in disrepair, a molded wooden chest, and what had once been table and chairs. It also seemed that the water didn't completely fill this area, though there was something on the surface of the water, and she couldn't tell what. She decided to surface and check it out, and also refill her oxygen tanks just that little bit.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

18 vs 13
As Jessica touches the substance, she realizes it's a slime just in time to avoid being engulfed. The slime notices Jessica and starts pulling itself together, coming between her and the door.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Just as Jessica touched the substance covering the surface of the water she realized that it was alive, and backed away just in time. It quickly began to coalesce, floating down between her and the door. She certainly hadn't expected that... And she didn't know if a harpoon would really do anything to such a creature, but she would have to try anyway. She swam at it, stabbing at its main mass with the harpoon, trying to get it away from the door.