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The OOC Thread


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Here's a reminder of the creation process, copied and pasted from the sign up thread.

Each character has 250 points - note that buying Pattern or buying Blood of Amber are requirements.

The Attribute Auction will be first, in the following order (explanations about what these attributes actually are will come later):


We will then auction off miscellanious goodies. Some of these are all or nothing bids. Order is top to bottom:

Birth Order: determines order of succession. Highest bid is eldest, second is #2 and so on. Those who do not bid are Olin's out-of-wedlock children.
Olin's favorite: Dad liked you best. His trusted adviser, Cameron, will be told to take care of you and also perhaps entrust you with some other things as well.
Deworin's favorite: Grandfather liked you best. A crazy old kook, but he was the one who created the universe by drawing the pattern. He's been missing for ages but maybe he left you an important clue?
Queen Eileen's favorite : Olin's wife wishes to see you on the throne. (Must be a child of hers to bid.)
Nala's favorite: Olin's mistress likes you. What secrets might she have unearthed?
Rebma's Champion: Moire, the Queen of Rebma, the Under Sea Kingdom bordering Amber, supports your claim to the throne.
Spymaster: You control the royal spy network. This is a secret auction and only the winner will know who claims this.
Castellan's Favorite: Prince Jules controls the palace guard and defenses of Castle Amber. He supports your claim.
Steward of Amber City's Favorite: Princess Wanda runs the City militia and day to day government. She supports your claim.
Lord Marshal's Favorite: Prince Edric has the allegience of Amber's army, though it is scattered across Amber's borders. He supports your claim.
Admiral of the North's Favorite: Prince Gamon commans the northern fleet and the Shalomar Naval Base. You and he go way back.
Admiral of the South's Favorite: Princess Siobhan commands the southern fleet and the Mystara Naval Base. She's your best friend.
Warden of Arden's Favorite: Princess Rhone commands the Arden Forest waywatchers, controlling the main land route to Amber. She feels you're the best choice for ruler.
Treasurer's Favorite: Lord Aiden controls the wealth of Amber and has the keys to the vaults. He also happens to be the supreme judge. He feels you're the prudent choice for rule.
Lady Azure's Favorite: The Ambassador of the Chaos Courts and sorceress supreme finds you incredibly interesting. She loudly proclaims you to be the best choice for ruler and seems intent on getting you there!
Bride/Groom of the Serpent: The Serpent (physical representation of Logrus/Chaos) likes you. I mean, really really likes you. Where this might lead, who can say?
What's in the box? - You don't know what's in the box, but it'll be something worth having.

You don't have to bid on any of these if you don't want to. If no one bids, the person of interest remains neutral or the item of interest is assigned to an NPC sibling.

These auctions are held in this manner: Opening bids are secret, bids after that are public. Winner of auction is announced. Only the winner actually has to spend the points.

Role of Spymaster is a once off secret bid with the winner not being publicly announced. What's in the Box winner is announced but the identity of what's inside remains secret.


Costs of Powers (explanations of what they do can be found on the link in the first post with a little searching)

Pattern: 50 points
--Advanced Pattern: 25 points more
Broken Pattern: 10
--Broken Pattern Adept: 15 points more
Shapeshifting: 35 points
--Advanced Shapeshifting: 30 points more
Logrus: 45 points (Plus you need Shapeshifting)
--Advanced Logrus: 25 points more
Trump Artistry: 40 points
--Advanced Trump: 20 points more
Power Words: 10 points (Buys you five power words)
--More Power Words: 1 each
Sorcery: 15 points
Conjuration: 20 points
--High Compelling: 5 points more
--Advanced Conjuration: 15 points more


Any questions (and their ought to be quite a few) can be directed at me here.

Also if there's anyone out there that hasn't yet seen this game and wants to jump in and be a part of it, just say so now before we get too far into the auctions...
Re: The OOC Thread

Using Pattern and Logrus at the same time will do bad things, right, so uh, let's say I did use them both, and in fact used them really hard. I assume this would kill me, but would it be, like, an explosion, or will I just, like, fall apart, in a manner not so lethal to other people.

If it is the more explosive option, what happens if I was one of the last two, and detonated on my brother-or-sister, killing us both. :V

Uhh... I had an actually legit question, I'm pretty sure... oh yeah:

Buying down - is this a one-for-one point thing?

Let's say I have Pattern and Chaos Blood. Bad for me? "Pattern Blades" will wreck my shit, but just using Pattern itself won't do badawful things to me, right.

Can I substitute quantity for quality in a Psyche contest. Like, say, I'm up against one of my wizard brothers, 1st-ranked in Psyche, and I have, oh, fifty people attacking them with an Amber-level Power Word. Will this eventually work, or is there no chance?

All the other stuff is still available for purchase, right? Your own shadows, "spins on the wheel of allies", Chaos Ties and whatnot.

2 point: Alter time flow. You can speed up or slow down the flow of time in your shadow.
4 point: Control of Destiny. You can 'move' your Shadow around Shadow, placing it in the path of those moving through shadow.
2 pt: Is this a shadow-wide, effects-everything thing, or can I speed up and slow down time in local pockets. I.e., does this mean I have a Hyperbolic Time Chamber where I can pop into it for a year and then pop back out after only a day of 'real time', or does this confer bullet-time for me and slow-mo for them. ...I'm guessing the former, right.

4 pt: What.
I'm guessing this means something besides "you can drive your dimension into people and run them over with it"? Maybe something like "Suddenly, Incubus finds himself in Blargland, instead of where ever he actually wanted to go"?
Re: The OOC Thread

From what I read, you buy down from Amber rank (a.k.a 0) to Chaos (which gets you 10 points) or HUman (which gets you 25). So there's no actual score.

I too am interested in having my own little shadow-lair
Re: The OOC Thread

Oh yeah.

Also, for Shadows, do the more expensive options include the lower ones? Do I get to control ye time without further expense if I pay for Destiny Control, and the like.

What does that "Named and Numbered" thing that appears in so many places mean? (say, in like the Item thing, where it mentions "This thing knows Named and Numbered Power Words")

Aaaa I want to do too many things and can't afford everything I want. X(
Re: The OOC Thread

Using Pattern and Logrus at the same time will do bad things, right, so uh, let's say I did use them both, and in fact used them really hard. I assume this would kill me, but would it be, like, an explosion, or will I just, like, fall apart, in a manner not so lethal to other people.

If it is the more explosive option, what happens if I was one of the last two, and detonated on my brother-or-sister, killing us both. :V

Summoning either the Pattern or the Logrus to mind is an individual action that requires all your attention. I do not think that you can summon them both at once.

In the case of the Logrus coming into contact with the Pattern, the Pattern will likely fall down and the Logrus will unravel in an explosion with unknown effects, possibly bad to the Logrus wielder, or possibly bad to those around him or her, or more than likely both. Having "Good Stuff" or "Bad Stuff" would be useful/detrimental in this situation. By the way, Pattern is generally stronger the closer you are to Amber, while the Logrus is stronger the closer you are to the Courts of Chaos.

It's interesting to note that in the actual canon source material, there's no instance of Pattern technically being superior to the Logrus. But the difference in points cost is taking into account that a lot of this fighting will eventually take place in Amber, where you intend to defend and make your home and where Pattern is strongest and the Logrus weakest. If you fight a Logrus wielder in the Courts of Chaos, you might very well find that the the Pattern shatters with equally bad effect when it comes in contact with the Logrus.

Powers as with real estate, it's location, location, location.

Uhh... I had an actually legit question, I'm pretty sure... oh yeah:

Buying down - is this a one-for-one point thing?

Nope. You buy down to Chaos and gain 10 extra points, or down to Human for 25 extra. There's no middle ground there. At those levels you're leaving yourself a tremendous weakness that can be exploited. In a throne war, it's nigh suicidal unless you have an amazing advantage elsewhere.

Let's say I have Pattern and Chaos Blood. Bad for me? "Pattern Blades" will wreck my shit, but just using Pattern itself won't do badawful things to me, right.

If you've got the blood of chaos in you, or if you've learned shapeshifting, then pattern blades are going to hurt more, yes. It just means that what might be a flesh wound becomes a minor wound, a severe wound becoming a grievous wound, and a deadly wound becoming a decapitation. Theoretically, there may be Abyssal blades that do the same to the blood of Pattern (which all of you are by scenario default.)

Can I substitute quantity for quality in a Psyche contest. Like, say, I'm up against one of my wizard brothers, 1st-ranked in Psyche, and I have, oh, fifty people attacking them with an Amber-level Power Word. Will this eventually work, or is there no chance?

You mean you gathered up fifty mortals out of Shadow who each have a power word and are using it simultaneously at Amber level on a non-moving, non defending 1st Rank Psyche target? Depending on your Tactics, you might actually be able to get this situation to occur, and if so, you could probably weaken and distract that person's psychic defense enough to do something more substantial in a different category. Certainly it would be annoying and the person might have to go into full defensive psyche mode, but if that rank 1 Psyche person had even a decent rank in Endurance, chances are they're going to outlast those mortals and then eventually go on to blast them. But if you were to combine this tactic with putting an arrow into said person's chest, then yeah you might come away with a victory. Your goal there would basically be using the 50 people as a distraction to prevent an effective Psyche attack on you while you're going in for a killing blow.

All the other stuff is still available for purchase, right? Your own shadows, "spins on the wheel of allies", Chaos Ties and whatnot.

Yes for the most part. Constructs, allies, items, personal shadows are all available for purchase.

2 pt: Is this a shadow-wide, effects-everything thing, or can I speed up and slow down time in local pockets. I.e., does this mean I have a Hyperbolic Time Chamber where I can pop into it for a year and then pop back out after only a day of 'real time', or does this confer bullet-time for me and slow-mo for them. ...I'm guessing the former, right.

4 pt: What.
I'm guessing this means something besides "you can drive your dimension into people and run them over with it"? Maybe something like "Suddenly, Incubus finds himself in Blargland, instead of where ever he actually wanted to go"?

The 2 point control of shadow content refers to the shadow's time in relation to Amber's flow of time. You can make it so that a day spent in your shadow is the equivalent of 2 weeks in Amber. Or you can make it so that a year in your shadow is the equivalent of a day in Amber. Amberites are immortal so it's all the same to them. But once you begin to move from shadow to shadow, you start moving on Amber time again, as does anyone who comes with you.

The 4 point control of shadow refers to your shadow's actual physical location in the universe.

At the far end of the universe is Amber. At the other far end of the univers are the Courts of Chaos. Smack dab in the middle is the tree of Balance, called Yig. Everywhere on either side is a sea of infinite shadows bumping up against one another, moving around more if they're closer to Chaos, or moving less if they're closer to Amber.

The 4 pt ability lets you motor your shadow along through the sea of other shadows, getting closer or further to Amber without actually having to move out of your own shadow. You can't bring your shadow into another one though, and there's only so close you can come to Amber before it just becomes like trying to drive through a pool of mud.
Re: The OOC Thread

A note about secretly buying up your Attributes.

This is possible, but will occur at the buying powers stage of character creation, AFTER all the bids are done.

Basically you will secretly spend an amount of points to increase yourself up to a certain RANK. This will be your character's secret ranking.


You can only buy a secret rank if you DID NOT bid on the original attribute auction! You basically agree to be an Unknown quantity.

You are effectively Amber rank and are at the mercy of what other people bid. You then may decide to stay at Amber rank, or you may spend an amount of points equal to whichever rank you want to be at. However, you will still be slightly less powerful than the person who had that rank publicly.
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Re: The OOC Thread

So, on these new bids, are any points that we bid lost if we don't win, or only deducted if we do win?
Re: The OOC Thread

On the birth order bid, any points you assign are spent.

With the other bids, you only spend the points if you win.

You may give me conditionals such as "If I win auction 2, don't bid on auction 3. But if I didn't win it, then bid X."
Re: The OOC Thread

I find it both interesting and fitting that it's my twin I'm equally matched with in psyche.

And if anyone's wondering about my appearance...
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Re: The OOC Thread

Just as a heads up, I will be without internet from Thursday to Sunday. Going to Chicago to visit a friend.
Re: The OOC Thread

Okay thanks for the heads up Alpaca.

Oh yeah kudos to those who are already finding pictures to represent themselves. Very nice indeed.
Re: The OOC Thread

Everyone also ought to let me know where in the Amber-verse they'd like to start.

Your options are somewhere in Amber, or out in Shadow, or in the Courts of Chaos.

If you're in Amber, let me know where -- Castle Amber, Amber City, the ports of Amber, out on a ship in the sea, in one of the naval bases Mystara or Shalomar, down IN the sea in Rebma, out in the Forest of Arden, or maybe on the highest peak of Mount Kolvir, overlooking the Vale.

If you're out in shadow, let me know which shadow. Your own? Or just a random one that suits your desire.

If your in the Courts of Chaos, erm... give me a good reason why you'd be there and if that matches up, you can pretty much just tell me your surroundings, since Chaos tends to change all the time.
Re: The OOC Thread

I'll ask this publicly because it probably affects others too, what's our recent events. What's just happened? Have we just found out about father? Is this where we are before we find out? Is this afterwards and we've already
begun to prepared for our bids for power?

For that matter, what's the current political situation?
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Re: The OOC Thread

This will be where you are when Olin bites the dust. He's on his deathbed in Castle Amber. It's been public knowledge that he was taken ill -- and via various reliable sources, the knowledge of his imminent death has gotten back to all of the contenders for the throne.

With Olin dead, all bets are off. The expectations of the general public are that Prince Bator will take the throne by right of birth, but obviously not all are okay with that, and behind the scenes, leading up to Olin's death, there has been a jockeying for assurances of allegiance and all that good stuff that will now be severely tested as the successors vie for the throne.
Re: The OOC Thread

I'll start in Castle Amber, probably attending my father in his final hours.

I'll post when I get back Sunday, assuming it has started by then (which I'm fairly sure it will have).
Re: The OOC Thread

I am waiting on MBS (Prince Svaltus)'s finalized character sheet, and starting location (which should all be PM'd to me)

After I get that, we can begin.
Re: The OOC Thread

Prince Even:
Re: The OOC Thread


Dubiel's real form has white hair. She tends to run around in a fake form, but you can see her painted on her Trump, which is basically this.

This is the aforementioned fake face - but even then, she wears some ridiculous headgear in the form of this thing, cultivatan dat mysterious actress' aura or something. At least it's not a meat dress.

She spends her time singing and performing in her favorite theatre down in Amber City. Fun times. Presumably not very regal, though.

I wish I was a bird. Dubiel also turns into a bigass Ibis. !
Re: The OOC Thread

This should go without saying, but don't read the threads that don't have your character's name next to them.