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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The man was now more than a mere annoyance to Vezina. His absolute refusal to give in and fall to her enhanced strength and quickness was beyond forgiveness. The Beast within her scrambled forth and pushed Vezina's consciousness down, deep into the darkness where it normally resided. Vezina merely watched as a passenger as she sank her fangs into man's shoulder and began to feed. Too late did the man's will break -- she had intended to kill him just as she would under the thrall of her Other, but when she was sated on his blood, her frenzy would have to be controlled. This was a moment of shame for her, having fallen into frenzy in front of so many of her fellow Cainites, and all prior to having been introduced to the London lords. This was precisely what she had been hoping to avoid.

If Jourdain or the others were not careful in their handling of her, this could also be a moment of extreme danger for herself and possibly the other Kindred. Silently, Vezina's consciousness howled fruitlessly in rage.

Meanwhile the Beast tore ever deeper into the man, drinking deeply and relentlessly, unleashing inhuman growls as she feasted. As long as it had blood to drink, it would be sated, but when this mortal was a dry husk, then it would look around for another target.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eyes flicking to her side even as the fist collided with her flesh, Anabelle muttered to herself: "A shìorraidh."

Focusing back on the man before her even as his blood spilled from his gut, she knew she had to finish him quickly, before he decided to run for it and spread this little tale. Sword held tight, she thrust forward, aiming for his chest, even as she lunged for his neck, mouth open, fangs glimmering in the darkness.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn couldn't help but twitch and turn at the sound of the man screaming, catching the sight of Vezina burying her face into the man's neck. She gasped slightly and turned away again, mumbling incoherently to herself and shaking her head...
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The man turns to run as his comrade is torn into by Vezina but Anabelle is upon him before he can get very far. Her own fangs biting into the man's neck as a slight scream escapes from his lips before it's drowned out by the wonderful feeling of the kiss. He falls back into Anabelle's arms as if in a swoon while she and Vezina feed from their victims. Time seems to slow down as it always does when they feed, the sweet coppery taste of the blood is all they notice.

I'm not sure if Anabelle planned to kill the man or just to feed normally so I'll wait on giving you blood points. Vezina's frenzy will end when the man dies or if she decides to use her willpower to stop from killing him.

Jourdain seems to be gone for what seems like a long time to Jocelyn and Eliza, before finally emerging from behind the trees astride his horse alone. He casts a weary glare toward the two feeding kindred before riding back towards his sister and Jocelyn.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza is seated atop her mount on the horse, staring off into space with a starry eyed look on her face when the scream makes her jerk back suddenly, flailing her arms until she managed to regain her balance. The young lasombra glances around furtively and tries to act natural as if that didn't just happen, a scowl growing more crooked on her lips as she watches the scene in front of her.

She sighs and strokes her horse's mane with her fingers. A snowy eyebrow arched and her scowl starting to curl up into a bemused smirk, watching Jourdain as he appears from the trees before looking down at the horse.

"See that my little horse? Even you are more civilized than my companions."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The kine was dead in her hands, drained dry, when her senses returned to her. The pupils of her eyes returned to their normal size, and the flow of the blood in her muscles stabilized. Warmth coated her lips, chin and neck, staining the collar of her dress. She licked her lips, savoring the coppery, tinny taste. It wasn't the best quality vitae she'd ever tasted, but she had been more hungry than she had given herself credit for, and that made the taste all the more glorious. She scowled at the dead body and let it drop unceremoniously into the bushes at the side of the path. She then whistled for her horse as she absently cleansed her chin with her hand and then licking her palm clean.

She mounted her horse, pulled her cowl down around her head to obscure her visage, and rejoined her companions, not speaking a word. She had heard what the young Lasombra had said, and decided that she was most likely a hypocrite. Either that, or she was tragically denying her true nature. She was Cainite now, not mortal. The laws of 'civilized' society did not apply to any of them. As nice and pretty as she might look now, this Eliza was at all times just a hair's breadth away from her own Beast.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jourdain is over by the rest of the coterie by the time Vezina has finished feeding. Seeing that her frenzy has passed his attention turns to Jocelyn with a curious look as she sits there mumbling and shaking her head. He seems to think better of getting to close and indicates to Eliza to stay clear of their mysterious companion while she's in this state.

While Anabelle finishes feeding he looks to Vezina who has remounted her horse by now and riding nearby asks sternly. "Did you learn anything?"

Almost forgot, Vezina gets 9 BP added to her pool.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

As always, Vezina's heightened senses picked up the sounds and smells of the night, and she could hear the patronizing aspect of Jourdain's voice as clear as a church bell resounding upon the hour.

"Do not take that tone with me, Jourdain. You are not my keeper, nor my sire. I owe you no explanation. The mortal served his purpose, as I planned." Vezina was in no mood to be lectured, especially by a lying Lasombra fop with a superiority complex. The other Cainites could stuff their criticisms. She was already missing Gyulu's haven and the privacy of a proper domain, where she could have the peace of books and willing thralls, and the order of a hearth well-tended.

"Let's get to where you're leading us," she said, with finality in her voice.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza had been surreptitiously coaxing her horse to the side away from Jocelyn slowly like Jourdain suggested when Vezina spoke up indignantly. Having fallen to frenzy herself and attacked her own beloved sire, the lasombra felt a little bit of sympathy for the other cainite. Even a barbaric little girl like her deserved some respite from that kind of humiliation she thought to herself as her horse clopped forward moving even with Vezina, though not looking at her. Instead her kiwi eyes fell on Jourdain with a meaningful glare.

"The girl is right. We should not linger in this wretched place any longer than necessary."

The cloaked lasombra glanced around nervously and put her horse into a slow trot.

"Who knows who might be watching."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"We're always being watched. It's a test, remember." Jocelyn pointed out, seeming to go back to normal again. "We should... Leave, I think."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jourdain suddenly snaps at Vezina's response, the black pupils of his eyes seeming to grow as if the very shadows he can control have filled him to the brim. His arm quickly reaches out and he grabs Vezina by the throat and yanks her from her horse to face him, her feet dangling in the air as he holds her close.

His frenzy is apparent to everyone though for some reason he seems to be able to control or direct it. Vezina can't help but feel her beast again stirring though this time she is able to control it, having recognized the signs from her previous frenzy. Jourdain speaks to her sternly as he did before though he sounds far more bestial and menacing than is normal.

"I am an officer of Lord Mithras court and I will not introduce an insubordinate neonate who can barely control their own frenzy into his domain. Now answer my question, what have you learned?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza slowed her horse yet again, turning it about and rolling her eyes in frustration.

"Are you quite finished with your tantrum Jourdain? We are wasting precious time."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina hissed and then gritted her teeth, her Beast growled, but she controlled it by chastising it, yet as she did so, she also drew a steely resolve from it.

"Then do not introduce me to him, Jourdain, and forsake your agreement for my aid already rendered. Control your own frenzy and acknowledge your obligation to me, or fail at your own lesson, and kill me. Either way, I will not bend. I am Tzimisce."

Vezina closed her eyes as she spoke, unwilling to look the elder vampire in his eyes. She had noticed his use of Dominate before, and refused to give him the opportunity to win this contest of wills with a use of his discipline. She recalled times in her mortal life when Scorylo had been unleashed on her, beating and cutting her so bad to test her loyalty to Gyulu. The brute had been certain she would break, threatened with destruction. She hadn't then, and she wouldn't now.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jourdain wrestles with his beast for a moment before relaxing his grip enough that Vezina can speak more easily. He is still obviously in the grip of frenzy though he remains in control of his beast for the time being.

"Perhaps I worded that wrong, Vezina. You seem far more along in your sire's teachings than my dear sister. So you should understand when I say that my road shuns the helping of strangers. I can overlook such a minor transgression but I am having some difficulty in understanding why you would kill a source of food unless necessary.

A city is much different from the wilderness of your homeland, we need to keep our food source alive and well. The prince and his sheriff are very unforgiving of such transgressions and are not as nice as I am. So I want some kind of assurance that you do not go around killing every kine you feed from. It's both our heads on the chopping block if I introduce you and you turn out to be a psychopath."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina felt the grip on her throat relax, and allowed her eyes to open into two slits, gazing at Jourdain's tight-lipped mouth as it struggled to speak while maintaining control over his emotions.

Using the relaxed grip, Vezina swiftly swept her arm across her body and tore herself away from Jourdain's grasp. Hissing again.

"A kine who would attempt to strike a Cainite forfeits its life. And a brigand is of no use to any society, mortal or kindred. I do not waste any life that is worthwhile to an orderly domain!" She hissed. "But have no fear, Jourdain, you will not be introducing me to Mithras. When we get there, I will introduce myself. Touch me again, and I will make you regret it. My word of honor on it."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Good hunting, Vezina." Is all Jourdain says before grabbing the reins of his now free horse and spurring his own horse forward. He takes off towards the northeast at a gallop after signalling the other three to follow.

Half an hour later Jourdain's party arrives at what appears to have once been a very fine manor house. It appears to have fallen on hard years and the stink from the surrounding moor is enough to keep anyone away. It seems a strange place for an important Cainite to keep their court. After carefully picking his way across the spongy ground he dismounts near a barn and leaves his horse with the attendant, a strange vacant eyed man with patchy skin who says nothing. As soon as the others have done the same he makes his way to the door and knocks.

If Vezina heads in the same direction she will arrive an hour after the others. Returning to the inn will take roughly the same amount of time.

BP and health:Anabelle 15/15, Eliza 5/15, Jocelyn 8/15, Vezina 14/14 1 lethal. No one senses anything out of the norm during this time period.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza hesitated with a frown before galloping off after Jourdain. She'd tried her best to help Vezina in her own way, but she didn't really have a choice but to follow him. "That was rather gauche, brother." She said reproachfully before riding on in silence.

When they arrive at the "court," the stench is almost unbearable for Eliza. She coughs, and as she dismounts, the lasombra covers her nose for a moment before recovering. She kept her comments to herself, knowing that many eyes may be watching in situations like these. She couldn't cover her frown, though, as she daintily attempted to take the least dirty path to the door. Eliza self consciously wiped at her cloak and examined herself as she waited behind Jourdain at the door.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn watched the rest of the argument from the time she spoke up impassively, eyes barely seeming to focus on each as they spoke in turns. She followed after immediately, staying in the group such that Annabelle was between herself and Jourdain the entire trip.

Her face distorted into a from as the smell of the moor made itself evident, but her and Aubrey had stayed in worse places on their flight from her family, so she was able to bear it well enough. "Why does he stay here?" She asked out loud, proceeding to examine the odd man at the door.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

As Anabelle pulled her fangs back, crimson running over her lips and down her chin, she pulls her blade from his flesh and watches him fall to the dirt. She could heal the slight wounds in his neck, but not what else she had done to him.

She ignored the commotion behind her as she stood above the dying man, and knelt by his side. "Caidil gu math," she whispered to him, before dragging the edge of her blade across his throat.

As she got to her feet, sheathing her sword and wiping her face clean with the palm of her hand, she frowned at the display between Jourdain and Vezina. When they split to go their seperate ways, Anabelle watched the other woman for a moment before raising a hand and shouting out to her: "fortan leat."

With that she grasped the reins of her own horse, and galloped after the others, sliding in between Jocelyn and Jourdain. She was quiet the entire ride, unsettled by what had happened before. She did not know Jourdain as well as she claimed before the others, but he was the only one she knew in this world. She wondered now if she had made a mistake in coming to London; with each moment that passed living in the woods and hiding from the wolf men seemed to be the easier choice.

Sliding down from her horse along with the others, Anabelle stood behind Jourdain as he knocked, standing between him and Jocelyn, somehow feeling as if the woman was seeking protection from her. As knuckle rapped on wood, the Northwoman turned to face this strange newcomer to their group, and offered a friendly smile.

"Are you alright m'eudail?" she said to Jocelyn.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina watched the others ride off with her chin raised and her jaws clenched. She hated Jourdain at that moment, so it was indeed better to be rid of his odious presence. His arrogance and presumption chafed at her bruised ego, which had been in no mood to deal with the fallout of frenzy. What had she learned? Nothing that she hadn't already known. The Beast, something that she had taken special pride in being master over since that first test before the fires of Gyulu's limestone cave, had been wily tonight, and had slipped her grasp for but a moment. It had come at the worst possible time, not that any time was good for it to surface.

Still, she took solace in knowing that she had remained true to herself and to her heritage. In her mind, aside from the loss of control, she had done nothing wrong. A mortal had raised arms against her, unprovoked. She had been within her right to end his life, and if he were to be dead, his vitae shouldn't be wasted. Who was Jourdain to say she had been out of line? Indeed who had he been to presume she had needed a lesson in self discovery? Did he treat all new kindred he met with such patronizing notions?

Enough, she told herself. If she continued to think about Jourdain right now it would only give her Beast more incentive to unleash, and after tonight's slip she was ever more resolved that it would never show her up again. She thought of the shame she would have suffered in Gyulu's eyes if he knew of this incident. Her bond to him made this thought painful to Vezina's undead heart. She mustn't let him down. She must rise above this.

She concentrated on the wound in her stomach and knitted it shut as she had learned long ago. She then went over to the dead body in the bushes that she had killed, and licked away the evidence of her fangs, before taking her dagger and slitting open his throat further to make it appear as if he'd been attacked by a mundane attack. She wished that she had achieved the power of the blood Gyulu had achieved, whereby she could summon the creatures of the night to her side. Hopefully some of them would come soon to feast upon this man's remains and further gnaw away at the evidence. She attempted to howl in mimicry of the wolves, like her sire had, in order to attract them to this site.

When she had done this she stepped back onto the road and began to walk, using her heightened senses to follow the obvious tracks left behind by Jourdain's procured horses. It took her an hour before she reached the gates of the decaying estate amongst the moors. If she were unimpeded, she would knock at the front door.
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