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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina pursed her lips ruefully as her knight was taken, but still, she hadn't been idle. She had traded for a bishop and what she figured was better board position. Taking a moment to ponder her next move she addressed what Ulric was saying.

"Path of madness? I don't think knowledge alone makes one mad." She decided to castle as she said this and let Ulric make his next move as she continued. "There's always some greater power at work it would seem, we might not be able to escape it forever, but we can always buy ourselves time to better deal with such things."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza was pondering Genevieve's words about Edwina when the younger lasombra's suggestion that she was even more beautiful broke her out of her reverie. She smiled radiantly back at Genevieve, appearing surprisingly genuine. "Almost indeed mm? You flatter me Genevieve. You're rather beautiful yourself, you know? Most of us are in our clan I suppose."

The older lasombra looked down at her snowy locks for a moment and stroked them with her finger delicately. "I was a little worried... traveling around in the rain on boats and horses, my hair all couped up in a hood for so long with no one but me to care for it. I should think I look rather dreadful actually! ...Would you mind helping me?" Eliza asked after a short pause, continuing to smile at Genevieve.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Donigal remains focused as Anabelle makes her comment, he manages to parry the swipe at his shoulder and nimbly jumps back from the next attack before pressing his own attack. His sword quickly moves in a w pattern and barely misses the hilt of Anabelle's sword as she pulls her wrist back, leaving him on the defensive once more.

"That is why one must practice. The lessons of the battlefield can be harsh for the untrained."

Ulric blinks his eyes as if clearing his head while he waits for his turn. His smile returns as he watches the move before responding. "Perhaps, it depends on how much one truly understands of the knowledge one gains. Perhaps only my clan becomes more mad as we learn more secrets, it is our curse after all."

He answers Vezina's castling with an aggressive maneuver that endangers the queen before finishing. "In the end oftentimes it seems we are just fooling ourselves though. No matter how much time we buy our future is always bearing down on us."

Genevieve seems very pleased at the returned smile as she responds. "I suppose most of us are beautiful in our own ways, even if it is a terrible beauty at times. I suppose it is the burden we must bear as such perfect beings. Though I'm not sure if I will ever get used to not being able to see my reflection."

She says the last in response to Eliza's request before gently straightening her snowy locks as best as she can. "I hope your brother has made suitable arrangements to help with such things. He does make his own efforts to appear presentable but he seems to miss the obvious things so often and I couldn't stand to see you showing up with a single hair out of place."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Yes, of course." Jocelyn said, finding a set. "What did you want to know? You could have asked Aubrey, he knows everything about me." She said, leaning forward a bit.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle's heart would have lurched were it still working when her attempting trip failed. She pulled back, quickly taking hold of her blade once more and pushing forward, slashing quickly from the side.

"They can be harsh for the trained as well," she replied to his comment, keeping up a brisk attack, thankful for not needing to breathe.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza closed her eyes with a satisfied smile as Genevieve went to work stroking her hair. "You don't really get used to it. I certainly haven't, and I've had a great deal more time to adjust than you. It helps to avoid mirrors as a general rule. But then of course there are lakes and ponds. Those infernal things have a way of forcing you to look in them. Ah well. It's just trivialities really."

As Genevieve went on to wonder about Jourdain's planning abilities, Eliza smirked. "Now that my darling, is a matter of greater importance. I suspect you might be right, but we'll see. If he did make arrangements, it would be nice if they were also desirable enough to sink my teeth into. I'm afraid Jourdain has little understanding for my taste in delicate flesh." Eliza stated regretfully as her kiwi eyes looked into Genevieve's brown ones, gently returning the favor by brushing a stray blonde hair from the younger lasombra's cheek. "We should keep in touch darling."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"You are a descendent of Malkav? I suppose I can understand your warning then. Odd though - I always imagined that if one is properly mad, they shouldn't be aware of it." Vezina said, then stopped to look again at the board position. She was aware now that she would likely have to sacrifice her queen, in several moves, but Gyulu had lost his queen to Vezina before in a similar situation, and had still prevailed - the key was focus. Her other pieces were starting to be freed up. She had to make it painful for Ulric to take the bait. She slid a rook into position, pinning a knight into place, else it would give her a clear route to attack his king's position. Now further aggressive movement by her opponent could cost him dearly. She bent more of her thought to the game and less to her conversation, merely offering an "Mmmhmm," to Ulric's fatalistic proclamation.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Rodger smiles reassuringly as Jocelyn takes a seat, he seems to be perusing a sheet of parchment as he speaks.

"Merely a formality my child. I feel as if I already know you to tell the truth, your sire could weave a tale out of a mere fragment of information. My Lord simply wishes to be sure that you are as described is all, so many of our kind tell lies better than the truth. You do understand the traditions of our kind I assume?"

As Anabelle slashes toward his side Donigal suddenly parries and turns so that her blade goes clean through his side pinning her weapon for a mere second. With the blade still stuck in his side he steps forward and sweeps her feet from under her and stops his sword inches from her neck on the ground.

"Especially if they haven't been trained to fight the likes of us."

He smiles as he steps back and pulls her blade from his side before aiding Anabelle to her feet. The bloodless wound in his side quickly heals as he offers his hand in respect.

"Not your typical maneuver I admit but it certainly works. Well met Anabelle. If you ever have the need to take out your anger on something I would be glad of an additional fencing partner. My other partners are always so busy with politics."

Genevieve continues to smile coyly as the lock of hair is brushed from her face. She suddenly lights up and hurries to the side of the room before returning with two glasses of a certain red fluid.

"I am sorry but you just reminded me of the delicacies that were prepared for the gathering. I understand that it might not be to your exact tastes but Rodger simply refuses to reveal his source. It is quite delicious and all the rage at our courtly gatherings though. Won't you at least try some?"

She takes a drink from her own glass as many of the others in the room are doing with a smile. The blood has a delicate scent to it though it is not warm, still it looks quite delicious.

"Well I don't believe I am any more insane than your average Cainite, though the other clans like to say we are so. Perhaps they are mad for not seeing the truth that is so plain in everything we do. Once long ago, Malkav was considered the wisest of the thirteen, and perhaps he still is sleeping away in his haven."

As the conversation dies down Ulric seems to become a more sullen as the match continues. He brightens briefly as he captures Vezina's sacrificed queen but the look quickly fades once he realizes her ruse. The match predictably plays out with a close victory for Vezina as Ulric lays his king on it's side.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"My sire taught me to pay close attention to the words of the Malkavians. He said that your progenitor's wisdom flows in your bloodline as much as his curse." Vezina was happy when the game ended in her favor, and did what she could to be gracious in victory.

"So can you introduce me to some of the other Cainites, Ulric? Or at least tell a newcomer who and what she should be looking out for?" She gave him her most charming smile. "I'd hate to pass up your advice and be considered mad for it."
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Laying on the floor, eyes trained on the point by her throat, Anabelle couldn't help a smile cross her features. As she was aided to her feet she grasped the offered hand.

"It would be a pleasure. Never know when politics will turn to the battlefield, and I'd like to learn all I can," she said sincerely.

"Besides... I get lost in back and forth empty talk much too easily."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Ulric seems to not mind having lost the match accepting his defeat in dignity and looking about the room for a second before responding.

"Yes, it can be rather dizzying to discern which of their distant cousins are important and those who aren't. Of course none of the most powerful are here at this time: Prince Mithras and his seneschal Valerius both of clan Ventrue, Aethulwulf the Gangrel warmaster, and Rodger De Camden the chamberlain. The sheriff was around and most likely still is, Richard is one of the Nosferatu and acts as Mithras' spy master in addition to his duties as sheriff. The woman you saw drag that young woman out as you arrived is Lysandra, Rodger's bodyguard though I'm unsure of her clan as she certainly doesn't appear to be a Cappadocian.

The rest aside from myself are of the Toreador and Lasombra clans, though their Primogen are not currently present. I must admit to enjoying these two clans, always so full of plots and intrigues to unravel. If only they weren't so serious when one does so."

Donegal and Anabelle are joined by Guy, the other dueler. Who hands each of them a glass with a smile before introducing himself with a flourish. "A pleasure, Anabelle. I am Sir Guy DuBois of clan Toreador and if I am available you can always count on me for a duel as well."

He leans back against the wall to sip his own drink while Donegal drains his own glass in one gulp, he makes a bit of a face as he swallows the blood before saying.

"Not exactly what I would like to drink regularly but it is rather nourishing. I would say it's safer to learn to duel than it is to engage in politics, especially around our kind. I would compare it to a dozen people dueling together all at the same time and the sides keep changing. Still it's wise to keep an ear out for the direction of the wind so to speak."

Guy suddenly interjects with a question, "Pardon my intrusion, Anabelle, but surely you can't be Jourdain's new clan mate. I heard that she should be arriving soon but you don't strike me as a Lasombra. Though neither does Jourdain for that matter."

Donegal gives Guy a bit of a glare at the mention of Jourdain but it quickly fades away to his more jovial manner.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Roger de Camden, the chamberlain, which clan does he claim? You did not mention, though I had rather assumed he would be Ventrue as well, being of the Via Regalis," Vezina asked as she put the chess pieces back in their original position. "What sort of welcome can an outsider expect from him, in such a climate? I intend to make a haven for myself here in London - what are the normal methods of achieving the right to domain?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza eyed the glass suspiciously, lips twisting in thought as she held the glass gingerly between her fingers. The older lasombra replied with nervous incredulity before setting the glass down. "And you drink this without knowing where it came from? It seems to me that's how someone such as the Dux Bellorum ends up... incapacitated..." Eliza frowned. "I don't mean to be rude darling, but I'll pass."

Paranoia seemed to bring her back to the situation at hand. Jourdain had always reminded her to be ever cognizant of hovering daggers, both within her clan and without. Even if Genevieve was harmless, something that Eliza wasn't entirely convinced of, others such as Rodger were most certainly not. Eliza brushed a finger through her long hair contemplatively. "What can you tell me about this Chamberlain, Genevieve?"
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle takes the glass and sniffs at it, and holds it before her but does not drink. When she hears the question, and notes the look from Donegal to Guy, she can't help but let out a hearty laugh.

"No. No I am not Lasombra, Jourdain and I are merely old friends. Though to be honest I never did expect to run into him again," the Scottish soldier said. For a moment she thought back to her sire, and the blood caking the sand of the desert.

As the thoughts cleared, her brow furrowed in a serious frown once more.

"Forgive my ignorance, for I have been... in hiding, for some time. I must ask though, are these plots, and poisonings just the start of some hidden war?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn nods encouragingly. "One of Aubrey's favourite stories, that one. He's told it to me so many times, I have it memorized. THe lessons have come in handy a fair amount, as well." She answers, smiling.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Rodger is of the Cappadocian, a bit unusual for one of the clan of death to follow the road of kings but like many of us he does. More specifically he follows the path of the vizier and he is considered a paragon of his faith so to speak." Ulric says as he continues to slowly look the room of Cainites over, he points towards the far table filled with glasses and adds.

"I almost forgot to mention. Rodger as is his custom has set out refreshments for us. A little bland though it is quite nourishing, some manner of Cappadocian ritual I am told."

Genevieve is visually upset by Eliza's refusal to drink the blood she has retrieved but she quickly covers it up with another sip of her drink before responding.

"Oh Rodger is likable enough. I'm sure he was probably quite handsome before his embrace. He's something of the social hub of Mithras' court, keeping track of boons and status amongst our kind, not to mention being one of the prince's most important advisors. Sort of like a power behind the throne if you will."

Guy nods as his question is answered, seeming to ignore the look he had received from Donegal as he says in turn. "Ah, so the blonde Cainite must be his clan mate then. As to the poisoning and plots, it could be any number of things. Most certainly part of some hidden war but on what scale I haven't a clue."

Donegal grimaces once more as Anabelle mentions being old friends with Jourdain but covers it up by saying. "Old friends as in enemies or allies?"

"Excellent." Rodger says leaning forward with a beaming smile. He clasps his almost skeletal fingers before his face and continues.

"As long as you understand the traditions I feel no qualms about acknowledging your presence in Lord Mithras' domain. I also put myself at your disposal should the need for advice or even use of my library arise, though I may require a small boon or favor in return.

Valerius may ask to meet with you when or if he returns but as long as you have been a good, I will gladly speak on your behalf. Now do you have any pressing needs before I allow you to return to the many entertainments to be found in my home for the evening?"

While listening to Rodger, Jocelyn catches a glimpse of a book being removed from one of the nearby shelves. As she looks up she can see Aubrey standing behind the shelf leafing through the book and seemingly listening.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle looks over to Donegal and pauses for a moment before speaking.

"Allies," she said carefully. She wondered what dance she was stepping into this time. 'Oh why did I come to London?' she asked herself silently.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza noticed Genevieve's momentary lapse but the older lasombra's expression didn't change. Instead, she touched Genevieve's hand, giving her a smile like her own sire might have given her when teaching her a lesson. "No harm done my dear, though I would be a bit more careful about who I trust and what I drink if I were you. I wouldn't like to see someone harm a single hair on your pretty little head."

The older lasombra leaned back in the bench, crossing her legs while stroking her hair once again. "One lesson you should always keep in mind about those with power is that everything they do is meant to defend their power. Everything. If they were not so vigilant, they wouldn't be in power."

"Still, that is interesting information, quite interesting indeed. So the chamberlain gets along grandly with the prince then? How is Rodger's relationship with the Seneschal and our unfortunate Dux Bellorum?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I have fed recently, but I suppose I could indulge the custom. I wouldn't want to seem an ungrateful guest." Vezina stood up and offered her hand to Ulric. "Shall you walk with me for refreshments or stay here?"

Regardless of whether the Malkavian joined her, Vezina walked on, grabbed a glass and then began to walk around the rest of the party, seeing if there were other kindred who didn't appear too above talking to the neonate Tzimisce.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Donegal nods seeming to be a little relieved by Anabelle's answer as he leans against a cabinet.

"I don't really mean to pry but I have a soft spot for rebellious youths. He may be his clan's primogen but he's still a youth compared to some of us. I assume you met while on crusade in the Levant."

The younger Lasombra nods her head at Eliza's words. She seems to have returned to her coy looks of before as she answers.

"Rodger is certainly powerful and I suppose the only real rival for Mithras attentions to the others you speak of. He seems to be less overt of a leader more like a power behind the more obvious leaders or an advisor. Everyone goes to him for advice even Valerius and Aethulwulf. I suppose like most Kindred he is capable of plotting something like this though he doesn't seem the type."

"Of course, I will join you if you wish. Though if you wish to engage the others in conversation feel free to shoo me away. The other clans do not always hold any respect for my own despite our past glories."

Ulric says standing and walking with Vezina to the refreshments. Most of the snippets of conversation Vezina can hear as she grabs her glass are about the newcomers like herself. Most of them seem interested in the newcomers though very few seem to be eager to begin the conversation.

The blood is indeed very filling though the flavor is bland, The flavor reminds Vezina of death itself. Almost as if she were drinking from a dry vessel, perhaps something to do with the Cappadocian ritual used to create it.
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