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Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Free Elia Roll:

Tania: 200+55=255 vs. Rift: 200+29=229.

With a mighty tug, Tania tears Elia free from the tentacle rape!


Pleasure Rolls:

Rift: AUTO WIN vs. Sophina: GAVE IN

The pleasure was simply too much for Sophina to absorb, and finally her will broke. Her back arched as she finally just gave in, allowing the mass of tentacles to do as they pleased to her ravaged body. Why she gave in was unclear, though perhaps having seen two other women already orgasm to this and what had happened to them made her think that if she let it happen, that she wouldn't suffer the same fate. If that was the case, then she was probably quite surprised that her orgasm turned out to be just as explosively powerful anyway. With one final thrust, Sophina's body finally succumbed to the pleasure forced upon her, and a blindingly white hot orgasm tore through her, stealing both her breath, and her energy. Waves of pleasure tore through her, threatening to snap her in half as her body convulsed wildly. When her orgasm finally subsided, Sophina realized that the tentacles weren't stopping, and that she couldn't move or even feel her limbs right now, but she still very much could feel the tentacles continuing to thrust into both of her lower holes.

Sophina suffers 45 pleasure which maxes out her bar, and she now has 110 Stamina left until she has another one. She also gains 195 KP which is cut to 97 due to her Sylvari perk.

The Rift has 20 Stamina left until it spurts corrupting fluids into her.

Rift: 200+52=252 vs. Lazuli: 140+87-10=217.

Lazuli struggled to keep from suffering the same fate as the others, but in the end the pleasure from being tentacle raped was too much. Her body began to spasm, and try as she might, Lazuli couldn't bring it under control. It continued to build, the spasms getting worse until suddenly her body just flat out gave in and betrayed her. A powerful orgasm tore through her, the sheer magnitude of it sapping her of the strength to fight, even though the will was there. Her orgasm went on for what seemed like forever before finally subsiding. When it did, she realized the tentacles weren't stopping, and to make matters worse, her limbs were refusing to obey her commands to move. It seemed for the moment, she was paralyzed.

Lazuli suffers 45 pleasure which maxes out her bar, leaving her with the full 180 until she suffers another orgasm. She also gains 195 KP.

The Rift has 20 Stamina left until it shoots corrupting fluids into her body.


Elia and then Iris have their turns, Sophina and Lazuli have lost theirs. They may choose to ...

1: Try to free one of the other girls.

2: Do nothing and watch the orgasmic show go on.

((Update will come after Elia takes her turn))

Updated Stats:

#1 Death Rift
#2 Elia: 25/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE
#3 Sophina: 110/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (Lost Turn)
#4 Iris: 35/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE (+50 Stats 2/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge).
#5 Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (Lost Turn)
#6 Zhara: 170/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge)
#7 Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Iris’ surge of strength surprised even her, and she easily tugged Zhara away from the tentacles. Too easily, in fact, as the weakened girl fell backwards onto her and knocked her onto the ground. For a brief moment she held her fellow half-elf loosely, a hand gently petting her hair in an attempt to comfort her before Zhara slid off of her and onto the ground. "Don’t worry about it" Iris whispered, getting up and allowing the girl to rest. "Alright!" she yelled to Tania, moving towards Sophina to try and free her, though before she got there the half-elf half-plant suffered a powerful orgasm, her body convulsing wildly. Iris knew that the tentacles wouldn’t stop there, though, and that her new colleague probably wouldn’t be able to resist any further pleasure… She had to pull the girl free, now, and she tried to do so with all of her might.

[Free Sophina]
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

"Thanks Tania," Elia said, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Come on, we have to help Sophina and Lazuli."

Elia took only a moment or two to catch her breath before getting up and rushing over to Lazuli, as Iris was already trying to pull Sophina free. She was tired though, so she wasn't sure how much help she'd be when she got there, but she would do everything in her power to free her new friend. As soon as she got to Lazuli's side, Elia would try to grab the tentacles binding her and pull as hard as she could to force them to release Lazuli, using her weapon to cut some of them if that was the only way to free her new friend.

If she managed to free Lazuli from her rape, then she'd try to catch her an lay her gently on the ground, while taking up a defensive stance beside her to protect her while she recovered.
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Free Lazuli Attempt:

Elia: 150+74=224 vs. Rift: 200+73=273

Elia tries to pull Lazuli free, but the tentacles refuse to budge.

Free Sophina Attempt:

Iris: 125+22+50=197 vs. Rift: 200+78=278.

The tentacles refuse to give up their prize to Iris this time, swatting her away like she was a little fly.

Free Lazuli Attempt:

Zhara: 175+68+50=293 vs. Rift: 200+18=218.

Having recovered it seems, Zhara jumped to her feet and ran in as the tentacles swatted Iris away. Ducking under them, she grabbed Lazuli by the waist and pulled with all of her strength, not realizing how strong she was with the adrenaline pumping. With a squishy popping sound, Lazuli came free of the tentacles, and the two women crashed to the ground, rolling over once before coming to a stop.


Tania's turn.

1: Try to free Sophina.

2: Do Nothing.

With some of the girls no longer being grappled/raped, they begin to slowly recover their stamina (5% while in combat per turn not grappled or raped). From hereon out, this will be referred to as "Regeneration Time."

Elia: +8
Iris: +4
Zhara: +8 (max of 5 due to only 5 off full anyway)

Updated Stats:

#1 Death Rift
#2 Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE
#3 Sophina: 110/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (Lost Turn)
#4 Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE (+50 Stats 1/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge).
#5 Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE (Lost Turn)
#6 Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE (+50 Stats 3/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge)
#7 Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Tania braced and prepped herself on her haunches before breaking off in a blurred sprint and leaping up to the tentacle mass, she would once again swing at and attempt to dodge any and all tentacles that tried to intercept her before attempting to free Sophina from the tentacles, puling with all of her strength at the appendages before getting ahold of Sophina and making a daring leap off of the tentacle mass to the safety of the ground below.

(Free Sophina.)
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Free Sophina Attempt:

Tania: 200+81=281 vs. Rift: 200+25=225.

With a squishy pop, Sophina comes flying free of the tentacles, free at last, and the rift shuts closed with a snap and a roll of thunder.

Enemy Encounter!

While the girls were busy with the trap, a large patrol of enemies entered the area, staying just out of sight until they had gotten free. Then, all eleven of them moved in at once.

#1 Level 3 Possessed Human
#2 Level 2 Tainted
#3 Level 1 Licker
#4 Level 3 Sylvari Female
#5 Level 1 Giant Ogresse
#6 Level 1 Suction Woman
#7 Level 2 Rigel
#8 Level 1 Gargoyle Girl
#9 Level 1 Corrupted Chantress Type 1
#10 Level 3 Dark Elf
#11 Level 3 Amphibious Drayne

Possessed Human Stats:

Evasion Rating: 130
Sexual Capture Rating: 175
Speed Rating: 120
Sexual Attack Rating: 165
HP: 700
Stamina: 175

Possessed Human: These are basically human Males who have been corrupted and now seek to rape any warm human Female they can get. They deal 30 Pleasure per attack.

Tainted Stats:

Evasion Rating: 175
Sexual Capture Rating: 145
Speed Rating: 175
Sexual Attack Rating: 130
HP: 600
Stamina: 155

Tainted: Tainted are twisted warped creatures who resemble a mix between a human, dog, and something unknown. The Tainted attack with their corrupting tongue, preferring to simply eat out their victims rather than rape them, most likely since the Tainted apparently have no penis or vagina. They can't reproduce, which makes one wonder how they came into being. What is clear though is that you don't want that tongue inside of you eating you out, because it triggers pleasure that you really won't want to escape from. Weakness: Fire. They deal 35 Pleasure per attack.

Licker Stats:

Evasion Rating: 195
Sexual Capture Rating: 185
Speed Rating: 185
Sexual Attack Rating: 195
HP: 400
Stamina: 105

Licker: The Licker is basically a human with a normal sized human penis, however their tongues are exceptionally long, able to wrap around the body and deeply kiss, flicker across breasts or thrust deeply into the victims ass when they penetrate. The Licker when it penetrates with it's penis also penetrates with it's tounge elsewhere, creating a dual penetration attack, making it one of the most lethal normal enemies to fight. The Licker scuttles across the ground on four legs and is incapable of standing up on it's rear legs, but it makes up for this with an ability to climb on walls and ceilings, and can leap incredible distances by doing so. Weakness: Physical. They deal 35 Pleasure per attack regardless of what penetrates your pussy/ass.

Sylvari Female Stats:

Evasion Rating: 180
Sexual Capture Rating: 180
Speed Rating: 180
Accuracy Rating: 190
Sexual Attack Rating: 195
HP: 600
Stamina: 135

Sylvari Female: When captured by one, she will futa spell you and then thrust you inside her shockingly warm and tight body. Once she has you inside of her, she will attempt to use her Elite skill. This skill is perhaps the most dangerous one in the game, as when it succeeds she completely captures you, preventing you from resisting until you have impregnated her. This powerful ability is known as "Sylvari Mating Bind". It is possible for a Ranger to free a victim captured by this attack, even though the vines wrap around the intended target's limbs, crushing them to their sides, pinning them against the attractive body of their rapist, however when a Sylvari is around, enemies seem to target Rangers exclusively until the Ranger is captured. Sylvari will sometimes set their sights on a Ranger and refuse to attack anyone else unless the Ranger is taken by something else first. Regardless, this skill has a thirty turn recharge rate when successful, and five when it fails. Once a Sylvari has gotten herself pregnant, she will back out of the fight to give birth, and if attacked she will try to kill you. Special Ability: Sylvari Mating Bind - See Above. Weakness: Physical. (2nd strongest of all the normal enemies). She deals 55 Pleasure per attack against non Sylvari while dealing 60 to other Sylvari even if it's a hybrid, and hits for 20 HP when trying to kill you. In the beginning, it is possible for her to outright kill a Sorceress instantly should she be the one to draw her anger. While not the strongest enemy in the game, for parties without a free Ranger/Amazon, she is without a doubt the most dangerous due to her ability to completely take a single girl out of the fight an impose her desires upon them, leaving their victim helpless to resist.

Giant Ogeresse Stats:

Evasion Rating: 195
Sexual Capture Rating: 180
Speed Rating: 155
Sexual Attack Rating: 180
HP: 500
Stamina: 120

Giant Ogeress: Exactly the same height as the male, ten feet tall, only her skin is green colored. She attacks by trying to eat you out, or using her futa spell and trying to suck you off or force you into her pussy. Special Ability: Deep Thrust - This ability can be attempted every ten turns, and when it succeeds it causes an instant orgasm. Weakness: Fire. They deal 30 Pleasure per normal attack, however Deep Thrust allows them to deal the exact pleasure required to bring your character to an orgasm, and passes through all buffs or shields.

Suction Woman Stats:

Evasion Rating: 195
Sexual Capture Rating: 175
Speed Rating: 185
Sexual Attack Rating: 180
HP: 600
Stamina: 140

Suction Woman: Essentially she is an unknown demoness who is capable of instantly imbuing you with a dick and sucking you off. What makes her so dangerous in particular is that her mouth seems to have the abilty to perfectly form around your new tool, maximizing your pleasure. At first glance she appears to be a human and of little threat, however she is much more skilled than she appears to be, and tougher to kill than a human. She seems to take on the appearance of a woman similar to what your mind considers to be a perfect female lover. Weakness: Cold. They deal 40 Pleasure per attack.

Rigel Stats:

Evasion Rating: 195
Sexual Capture Rating: 170
Speed Rating: 185
Sexual Attack Rating: 160
HP: 500
Stamina: 120

Rigel: The Rigel is a very dangerous creature, and also one of the most repulsive to have to fight. Basically a human sized Snake, these things somehow are able to leap distances over ten feet in pursuit of prey. If they manage to grapple you and pin you under their heavy bulk, a pair of claspers slide aside to reveal a rather impressive cock, which they then use to slam inside of you. Once inside, the claspers move aside more to form around your ass, and then the Rigel will begin to have his way with you. For your sake, try not to be raped by these, but if you are, pray it doesn't impregnate you, or you'll be giving birth to baby snakes. Weakness: Magic. They deal 40 Pleasure per attack.

Gargoyle Girl Stats:

Evasion Rating: 195
Sexual Capture Rating: 180
Speed Rating: 165
Sexual Attack Rating: 160
HP: 800
Stamina: 190

Gargoyle Girl: It's unknown where she came from, only that her skin is cat black in color, and she appears mostly human, save for the cloven feet and wings. When she captures you, she will imbue you with a dick and then mount you, forcing you into her warm body, either via her mouth, or pussy. She has an elite skill that once she has you mounted and inside her pussy will temporarily turn your arms and legs to stone for that turn, preventing you from fighting her off and resisting rape. This turn has a twenty turn recharge when it succeeds, only four when it fails. Special Ability: Stoning - See above. Weakness: Magic. She deals 50 Pleasure per attack.

Corrupted Chantress Type 1 Stats:

Evasion Rating: 140
Sexual Capture Rating: 125
Speed Rating: 140
Sexual Attack Rating: 120
HP: 700
Stamina: 180

Corrupted Chantress Type 1: She's a human Chantress who came before you, and was corrupted at some point, turning into some form of monster. She can't get pregnant, however that doesn't stop her from wanting to rape you with her futa spell, or suck you off. It seems that the corruption hasn't fully transformed her yet, which may explain her inability to get pregnant ... They deal 30 Pleasure per attack.

Dark Elf Stats:

Evasion Rating: 130
Sexual Capture Rating: 160
Speed Rating: 130
Sexual Attack Rating: 180
HP: 600
Stamina: 140

Dark Elf: The Dark Elf is an elven female succubus. Strong and equipped with demonic magic, she carries the futa spell, which by now you already know what this does and how she'll attack after using it. She stands five feet nine inches tall and has purple skin. Weakness: Fire. They deal 35 Pleasure per attack to all species except Elves. They deal 40 Pleasure to other Elves, even if they are hybrids.

Amphibious Drayne Stats:

Evasion Rating: 210
Sexual Capture Rating: 195
Speed Rating: 190
Sexual Attack Rating: 200
HP: 500
Stamina: N/A

Amphibious Drayne: These are the underwater cousins of the Drayne Hunters, and are very dangerous. Possessing a futa spell, they will wrap you up in their tentacles and drag you to the bottom of the water they reside in. Once there they somehow pump oxygen into you then she simply slides your futa spelled shaft into her tentacled mouth, and proceeds to suck you off with nearly irresistable deep throating and sucking motions, all the while making sure to keep her mouth clamped to your body. Trust us, you don't want to stay this way for long, or else you just might not want to escape. Weakness: None. They deal 50 Pleasure per attack.

A loud female laugh warns the group that they have been spotted, as a very attractive, but clearly corrupted Sylvari Female points to them.

"Well, what have we here? Looks like some lovely ladies looking for some loving. Let's give them a warm welcome shall we?"

Suddenly she points to Zhara, and with a smirk she adds, "rape her first."


Grapple Attempts:

Rigel: 170+46=216 vs. Zhara: 175+66+50=291

Zhara manages to avoid being tackled by the snake, though she has to back up near the water to do so ...

Amphibious Drayne: 195+100=295 vs. Zhara: 175+5+50=230

And from the water erupts a feminine creature with tentacles around it's mouth. Before Zhara can recover her balance, the creature grabs her, and yanks her into the water with it, and all Zhara can do is cry out in surprise with a screaming "NO!" as she vanishes below the surface.


Iris has her turn now and has the following options.

1: Attack a target.

2: Do Nothing

((Zhara is on her own for now, at the moment it is impossible for anyone to try to help her.))

Updated Stats:

Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE
Sophina: 110/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.)
Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE (+50 Stats 1/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge).
Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.)
Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE (+50 Stats 3/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge) - Grappled.
Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. FULLY FREE

Initiative Rolls:

Rigel: 185+89=274 #1
Amphibious Drayne: 190+80=270 #2
Iris: 200+51=251 #3
Gargoyle Girl: 165+85=250 #4
Suction Woman: 185+62=247 #5
Sophina: 175+67=242 #6
Zhara: 155+81=236 #7
Lazuli: 140+95=235 #8
Corrupted Chantress Type 1: 140+86=226 #9
Giant Ogeresse: 155+58=213 #10
Tania: 140+61=201 #11
Sylvari Female: 180+12=192 #12
Licker: 185+5=190 #13
Dark Elf: 130+59=189 #14
Tainted: 175+1=176 #15
Elia: 160+15=175 #16
Possessed Human: 120+27=147 #17
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Unfortunately, Iris couldn't even get to Sophina before one of the tentacles easily swatted her away, knocking her to the ground. Luckily enough the large woman who had freed her ran in behind her, pulling Sophina free with a wet popping noise. As she did so the rift in space closed with a clap of thunder, the tentacles retreating to whence they came. Iris got up slowly, rubbing her backside as she looked around at the others. They had managed to get out of the situation without the tentacles cumming inside of them, at least.

Of course, that was when the situation went from bad to worse. The time they had spent escaping from the trap had only given a large group of enemies time to amass, one that far outnumbered them. Before they could really react, Zhara had been grabbed and pulled into the water, and the monsters were on their way to attack the weary women. Iris clutched her wand tightly and pointed it at the corrupted Sylvari, who seemed to be the ringleader of sorts, and focused. She could feel the magical energy inside of her, and she had an idea in her head of a spell that she felt she could cast... With all her might and concentration she launched it at the enemy.

[Elemental Annihilation Fire at the Sylvari]
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Regeneration Time:

Iris: +4

Attack Roll:

Iris: 200+78+50=328 vs. Sylvari Female: 180+13=193.

Iris casts her elemental fire annihilation and blasts the Sylvari. It lands normally and eats away 400 of her HP in a single shot, leaving her with 200 left and staggering from the blow.

Grapple Attempts:

Gargoyle Girl: 180+55=235 vs. Tania: 140+85=225.

Tania tries to twist away, but the Gargoyle manages to knock her to the ground, a smile on her face as she looks the warrior's body up and down with lust filled eyes.

Suction Woman: 175+37=202 vs. Iris: 200+4=204

Iris BARELY manages to avoid getting tackled by the Suction Woman.


Sophina's turn, and then an update.

1: Attack the weakened Sylvari Female.

2: Attack something else.

3: Do Nothing.

Updated Stats:

Amphibious Drayne: Grappling Zhara
Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 1/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge). 50/135 MP. FREE
Gargoyle Girl: Grappling Tania.
Suction Woman:
Sophina: 110/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.) FREE
Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 3/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge) - Grappled by Amphibious Drayne.
Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.) FREE
Corrupted Chantress Type 1:
Giant Ogeresse:
Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. Grappled by Gargoyle Girl.
Sylvari Female: 200/600 HP
Dark Elf:
Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. FREE
Possessed Human:
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Breathing extremely deeply as she was fatigued by the rift quite badly as she came down from her brutal orgasm, she mutters "thank you" to her savior. Inwardly she is ashamed of herself for giving in, even blushing slightly in her shame.

She grabs her staff from nearby and uses it to raise herself off the ground, shaking a little as she stands, leaning quite heavily on her deathly weapon.

As the patrol spots them and approaches she curses that there is no time to rest but her eyes go wide as one of her team is taken below the water instantly adrenaline surges into action, She takes her staff in one hand twisting it sideways focusing, curls her hand into a fist arm aimed towards the sylvari female focusing on a shadow strike, eyes closed as the spell completes in her mind and going wide as she strikes the base of the staff into the ground, a shadowy blast leaving her hand and heading with high speed toward the chest of the sylvari.

[Cast shadow strike at sylvari female]
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Regeneration Time:

Sophina: +7

Attack Roll:

Sophina: 175+77+50=302 vs. Sylvari Female: 180+89=269

Sophina blasts the Sylvari Female and scores a CRITICAL HIT! Damage is doubled, and she hits for 200 HP, outright KILLING the Sylvari Female.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Zhara: 165+100+50=315 vs. Amphibious Drayne: 195+84=279

Zhara struggles and manages to gain the upper hand, breaking free from the Drayne, and getting back to dry land.


Lazuli's Turn now.

1: Attack a Target.

2: Do Nothing.

Updated Stats:

Amphibious Drayne:
Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. 50/135 MP. FREE
Gargoyle Girl: Grappling Tania.
Suction Woman:
Sophina: 117/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (+50 Stats 3/4 Turns.) FREE
Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 2/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge) - FREE
Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.) FREE
Corrupted Chantress Type 1:
Giant Ogeresse:
Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. Grappled by Gargoyle Girl.
Sylvari Female: DEAD, 200 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Dark Elf:
Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. FREE
Possessed Human:

Notes: Party currently has gained 200 XP overall, and this will factor in after the end of combat.
Last edited:
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

The last moments of the trap were too much for Lazuli, her body completely subdue to the dark tentacle mass than used her without pity. With her hips moving without control and with her weak attempts to escape working only to pleasure the tendrils. The blue haired girl fill a strong feeling fill her whole body and mind, she arched her body and even when she tried to muff her moan, this was so powerful and loud than she at the end let it go, her face let escape some teardrops by the intense pleasure, as she remain completely stunned for a moment, however the tentacles continued using her body in that ectasis state, her mind tried in vain to recover the control of her body, but not even a finger could be moved, leaving a completely unprotected woman to the use of the appendages.

Fortunately Zhara recover herself once she get free and in a great struggle she free Lazuli before the trap place the dark fluid inside her. Thanks... that was so close to get worse... It cant be! Her blue eyes notice the huge quantity of foes waiting for them, the fight looks to be lost even in the start, but instead to run her partners fight without stop, even working together to defeat one of the perverted creatures. Lazuli cant just stay there watching them and trying to feel the magic inside her, she cast a intense magic than surround her friends giving to their bodies and mind a great speed to do the twice of moves.

Cast Mantra of Speed
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Lazuli works her magic, and a moment later knowledge floods into the minds of each woman that they have received the "Mantra of Speed" buff.

Grapple Attempts:

Corrupted Chantress Type 1: 125+12=137 vs. Iris: 200+30=230

Once more, Iris manages to avoid getting tackled.

Giant Ogeresse: 180+34=214 vs. Iris: 200+90=290

And again Iris dodged a would be tackler.


Tania's turn.

1: Attempt to escape the grapple.

2: Do Nothing and see where it goes.

Updated Stats:

Amphibious Drayne:
Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. 50/135 MP. FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Gargoyle Girl: Grappling Tania.
Suction Woman:
Sophina: 117/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (+50 Stats 3/4 Turns.) FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 2/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge) - FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.) FREE 30/80 Mana. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Corrupted Chantress Type 1:
Giant Ogeresse:
Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. Grappled by Gargoyle Girl. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Sylvari Female: DEAD, 200 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Dark Elf:
Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Possessed Human:

Notes: Party currently has gained 200 XP overall, and this will factor in after the end of combat.
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Tania grunted out in shock as the gargoyle woman pinned her to the ground her eyes hardening and narrowing in disgust and anger at her lust filled gaze as she struggled in all her might to break free from the creatures hold so she can strike.

(Bleh. Sorry for taking so long, nit my best post but there's not too much to say or do at this point; also off of my game. =_=)
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Escape Roll:

Tania: 170+67=237 vs. Gargoyle Girl: 180+89=269
Tania: 170+77=247 vs. Gargoyle Girl: 180+21=201

Tania fails her first try, but the Mantra's extra turn boost allows her to break free!

Grapple Attempts:

Licker: 185+80=265 vs. Tania: 140+68=208.

Tania is now tackled by the Licker and grappled!

Dark Elf: 160+79=239 vs. Iris: 200+19=219

Iris's luck finally runs out and she is tackled to the ground by the Dark Elf, pinned underneath her.

Tainted: 145+99=244 vs. Sophina: 175+100=275

Sophina manages to dodge a tackle attempt.


Elia's Turn.

1: ATTACK Something.

2: Do Nothing.

((Remember she has TWO actions per turn for now.))

Updated Stats:

Amphibious Drayne:
Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. 50/135 MP. FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Dark Elf.
Gargoyle Girl:
Suction Woman:
Sophina: 117/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (+50 Stats 3/4 Turns.) FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 2/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge) - FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.) FREE 30/80 Mana. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Corrupted Chantress Type 1:
Giant Ogeresse:
Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. Grappled by Licker. Mantra of Speed 9/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Sylvari Female: DEAD, 200 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Licker: Grappling Tania
Dark Elf: Grappling Iris.
Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Possessed Human:
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Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Elia sees all of their enemies around her and watches Iris get grabbed by a dark elf much like herself, though this one was evil obviously. She sees Tania break free of the gargoyle woman only to be grabbed by another of the monsters that were assailing them. She watches Sophina barely avoid getting taken down by another creature. Somehow in all of the chaos going on around them, Elia found herself relatively left alone by the monsters.

"Hang on everyone I'm coming!" Elia shouted to her new friends, rushing to their aid.

As she rushes to help her companions, Elia remembers some of the skills that she'd apparently been given to fight with and decided to use them. She also feels a burst of speed come to her and notices Lazuli casting a spell. So with her new found speed, Elia picks out Lazuli's opposite now that she knew what her kinds of magic could do, as well as the gargoyle woman that had a hold of Tania moments ago.

[using Clear Focus and then Beast Swipe on the Corrupted Chantress on the first action, then assuming that hits, I'm using Signet of Agony Chain on the Gargoyle girl for the second action. If the first attack misses, then use Beast swipe on the Corrupted Chantress a second time.]
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Attack Rolls:

Elia uses her Clear Focus skill, and for the next 5 turns she will deal 2x the damage (not counting possible critical strike) per attack.

Elia: 155+86=241 vs. Corrupted Chantress Type 1: 140+76=216.

Elia lands a hit for 750 damage, and it also strikes as a CRITICAL HIT, upping the damage to 1,506! (after all calculations) This is EASILY enough to kill her target in a single blow.

Elia: 155+83=238, 155+29=184 vs. Gargoyle Girl: 195+9=204, 195+10=205.

Elia only lands one hit from her second attack series, and that lands for 200 Damage. Her detonation adds an additional 200 damage making the grand total 400. This leaves her opponent with 400 HP remaining.

Grapple Attempts:

Possessed Human: 145+100=245 vs. Sophina: 175+9+50=234

Sophina is tackled to the ground underneath the Possessed Human.

Rigel: 170+58=228 vs. Elia: 210+3=213

Elia stays put just a hair too long after her attack, and is suddenly body slammed to the ground with the snake creature on top of her!

Amphibious Drayne: 195+87=282 vs. Zhara: 175+44+50=269

Once more, Zhara is pulled into the water by the strange creature, and vanishes as it pulls her down!


Iris's turn.

1: Attempt to get free of the grapple.

2: Do Nothing.

((You should place a secondary option for IF she breaks free on her first escape attempt.))

Updated Stats:

Rigel: Grappling Elia
Amphibious Drayne: Grappling Zhara.
Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. 50/135 MP. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Dark Elf.
Gargoyle Girl: 400/800 HP remaining.
Suction Woman:
Sophina: 117/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (+50 Stats 3/4 Turns.) Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Possessed Human.
Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 2/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge) - FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Amphibious Drayne.
Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.) FREE 30/80 Mana. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Corrupted Chantress Type 1: DEAD, 100 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Giant Ogeresse:
Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. Grappled by Licker. Mantra of Speed 9/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Sylvari Female: DEAD, 200 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Licker: Grappling Tania
Dark Elf: Grappling Iris.
Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. 2x Damage 5/5 Turns, 10/10 Cool Down 10/40 Mana. Grappled by Rigel.
Possessed Human: Grappling Sophina.
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

A bolt of fire shot out of Iris' wand, hot enough to make her feel uncomfortable, and slammed into the corrupted Sylvari. Iris was a little bit stunned that she could cast such a powerful spell as she watched the enemy stagger back, only to be killed by Sophina. It was a grim scene, a reminder of the stakes of this game. Soon she felt speed welling up inside of her, apparently from something Lazuli did, and she used it to dodge several monsters that jumped her way. Her luck eventually ran out, though, as a Dark Elf tackled her to the ground. She quickly began to struggle, trying to push the wicked monster off of her.

[Escape, if I do launch Elemental Punishment Ice at the Gargoyle]
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

Escape Grapple Roll:

Iris: 150+60=210 vs. Dark Elf: 160+85=225
Iris: 150+4=154 vs. Dark Elf: 160+42=202

Despite having two chances to get free, Iris goes absolutely nowhere and remains pinned underneath her soon to be rapist.

Grapple Attempt:

Gargoyle Girl: 180+61=241 vs. Lazuli: 140+44=184

Lazuli suddenly finds herself pinned under the Gargoyle! Her spell remains in play as she has not been penetrated yet.

Grapple Attempt:

Suction Woman: 175+94=269 vs. Tania: 140+14=154

Tania is too busy with the Licker to avoid the Suction Woman from also grabbing hold of her, leaving her in a position to get double teamed!


Sophina and then Zhara's turns before an update.

1: Attempt to get Free.

2: Do Nothing.

((Remember, Sophina has two actions for now, so list an alternative move for action #2 should Sophina manage to get free. Her options would then be to attack a target (not grappling someone), or to do nothing.))

Special Note: When grappled by two enemies, any escape attempts automatically will roll out to escape from BOTH enemies as separate rolls. You do not need to wait an extra turn to try and toss off attacker #2 unless you fail to escape her the first time.

Updated Stats:

Rigel: Grappling Elia
Amphibious Drayne: Grappling Zhara.
Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. 50/135 MP. Mantra of Speed 9/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Dark Elf.
Gargoyle Girl: 400/800 HP remaining. Grappling Lazuli.
Suction Woman: Grappling Tania
Sophina: 117/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. Pussy and Ass Penetrated (+50 Stats 3/4 Turns.) Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Possessed Human.
Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 2/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge) - FREE Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Amphibious Drayne.
Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.) 30/80 Mana. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Gargoyle Girl.
Corrupted Chantress Type 1: DEAD, 100 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Giant Ogeresse:
Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. Grappled by Licker ^ Suction Woman. Mantra of Speed 9/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Sylvari Female: DEAD, 200 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Licker: Grappling Tania
Dark Elf: Grappling Iris.
Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. 2x Damage 5/5 Turns, 10/10 Cool Down 10/40 Mana. Grappled by Rigel.
Possessed Human: Grappling Sophina.
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

As her bolt of shadow energy hits the sylvari, the sight of her crumpling to the ground fills her with a morbid and gleeful sense of pride "one less enemy to contend with."

As she surveys the field of battle she takes in the situation, Elia held by some hideous thing, zhara held by some amphibious female, Lazuli pinned down by a attractive looking gargoyle, Tania pinned by a licker and a suction creature, an ogress who missed her target and now looks to be recovering, and will be her next target and iris held down by a really attractive looking dark elf, sort of jealous in the back of her mind.

Her distraction at looking at iris' situation made her overlook one of the enemies, as a possessed human tackled her to the ground and got on top of her.

In Surprise she yells "GET OFF!" hating the look and hating men in general she struggles immediately.

[Struggle, if escape cast Shadow strike at the Ogeresse]
(OOC, Is it possible for enemies with a futa spell to futa themselves and take you instead?)
Re: Party 1 (Iris, Sophina, Tania, Lazuli, Elia and Zhara)

((OOC: It isn't actually. Never even crossed my mind with that considering I had close to the same number of male enemies in the game. Besides, for in character, it certainly gives your character something to consider, and gives her a rather detailed look at how things feel from the other side of sex.

One of the writings I was working on quite some time ago, that unfortunately I lost all gumption to continue with, actually had it to where this one group of women were trained to be super combative and be virtually untouchable should a male try to rape them or whatnot. And then of course their enemy decided since they had magic to turn the tables on these women and futa them, and use their women (enemy) to rape the trained women. In the end it became a BIG problem for these women because even after they came to expect it, they hadn't ever been able to train for THAT, and of course since Female anatomy isn't wired to process that properly, should something like that happen it's basically sexual pleasure overload for them. Before you ask, no, I did not actually install a feature to this game for that kind of rape to cause problems in resisting it, although I'm starting to think I should have lol.))

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sophina: 155+9+50=214 vs. Possessed Human: 175+92=267
Sophina: 155+38+50=243 vs. Possessed Human: 175+60=235

Sophina fails to get free initially, but she can sense she still has a chance. Thanks to her second effort, she manages to shove the Possessed Human off of her!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Zhara: 165+32+50=247 vs. Amphibious Drayne: 195+94=289
Zhara: 165+59+50=274 vs. Amphibious Drayne: 195+91=286

Zhara struggles, but this time the Drayne has a much better grasp on the lovely woman, and despite her best efforts, Zhara goes absolutely nowhere.


Lazuli's Turn:

1: Try to get free.

2: Do nothing.

Updated Stats:

Rigel: Grappling Elia
Amphibious Drayne: Grappling Zhara.
Iris: 39/85 Stamina, 272/50,000 KP. 50/135 MP. Mantra of Speed 9/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Dark Elf.
Gargoyle Girl: 400/800 HP remaining. Grappling Lazuli.
Suction Woman: Grappling Tania
Sophina: 117/145 Stamina, 394/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 2/4 Turns.) Mantra of Speed 9/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Zhara: 175/175 Stamina, 690/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 1/4 Turns Remaining, Adrenaline Surge) - FREE Mantra of Speed 9/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Amphibious Drayne.
Lazuli: 180/180 Stamina, 790/50,000 KP. (+50 Stats 4/4 Turns.) 30/80 Mana. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. Grappled by Gargoyle Girl.
Corrupted Chantress Type 1: DEAD, 100 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Giant Ogeresse:
Tania: 210/210 Stamina, 160/50,000 KP. Grappled by Licker & Suction Woman. Mantra of Speed 9/10 turns, 2 actions per turn.
Sylvari Female: DEAD, 200 XP gained (added at the end of combat)
Licker: Grappling Tania
Dark Elf: Grappling Iris.
Elia: 33/160 Stamina, 595/50,000 KP. Mantra of Speed 10/10 turns, 2 actions per turn. 2x Damage 5/5 Turns, 10/10 Cool Down 10/40 Mana. Grappled by Rigel.
Possessed Human:
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