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Re: Wolfenstahl

I'm going to vote "Yes" to it, but only do so if you actually want to put it in the game. If you don't like putting it in, then that's bad for you and also it'll show in the work.

Not trying to nag at all, by the way. I'd like a game with all the stuff I'm into, but I'd rather a game with some stuff I'm into done very well than a game with all the stuff I'm into done sorta well; and you'll enjoy making the game more that way. Best for everyone.
Re: Wolfenstahl

How about one with different tentacles...
Like one tentacle could be a drill.
Other could be a sucker..
One with spikes or studs..
A vibrator....
A nuclear missile..
Re: Wolfenstahl

it would be cool if the tentacle monster would throw the girl around as it raped her and raped her in different ways while doing so

would definitely be more interesting than standard rape
Re: Wolfenstahl

You know you've been viewing hentai awhile when you can use the phrase, "more interesting than standard rape," when your refering to tentacle rape.
Re: Wolfenstahl


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Re: Wolfenstahl

I have absolutely no japanese idea, but I could do a spanish translation (I'm from Spain) quite easily so the game becomes more "international" to the spanish audience, wich is quite big. Also, I could do some voicework if you still didn't find one.

Just wanting to help, if one of none of the offers are needed just ignore the message, no probs :)

That being said, I'm really interested on this project, the system you're working on sounds great.

I'm not sure how much extra work would come with this.
So I thought about focusing on english and japanese if possible, because those languages are mainly being used in H-games.
I could do a german translation, but I guess I won't do that.

One reason is the extra work, another reason would be, that sex-scenes in german sound... weird... yeah...

Regarding the voice work, I actually have 3 of my friends helping me out for the female characters voices.
So I guess I don't need anyone at the moment.
(I'm also always trying to find the right voice, for the right character)

But thanks for the offer ^^

Make it a mutated Octopus. Win/win. You'd get your tentacle monster without it being the generic tentacle monster you find in most every other h-game with them.
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I'm not sure what it'll exactly be.
But it will be some tentacle monster that has several moves/choices to play with the heroine.
So I guess, it won't be a generic one.
Or at least I hope that it feels a bit different than usual tentacle monsters.

I'm going to vote "Yes" to it, but only do so if you actually want to put it in the game. If you don't like putting it in, then that's bad for you and also it'll show in the work.

Not trying to nag at all, by the way. I'd like a game with all the stuff I'm into, but I'd rather a game with some stuff I'm into done very well than a game with all the stuff I'm into done sorta well; and you'll enjoy making the game more that way. Best for everyone.

Yeah, I think so too, one should never add something, one doesn't want to add.
I also think that first of all, the game should be something that we (Projekt Wolfenstahl Team) love ourselves.
Just if the author loves his own creation, others can truly love it too.
Or at least that's the way I think about this whole matter.

I just started the poll, because I really like tentacle monsters, but since I already announced that I planned on having just human enemies I thought, letting the community/fans decide, would be best.

The Wolfenstahl Game (second game) will have tentacle monsters, demons and all.
And yeah, I guess the poll says it all, Paperheads will have tentacle monsters too.
(or at least one tentacle monster, with several moves)

it would be cool if the tentacle monster would throw the girl around as it raped her and raped her in different ways while doing so

would definitely be more interesting than standard rape

The tentacle monster will do different stuff to her.
I still have to discuss this matter with our main artist, maybe there will be different poses, but I don't think that the heroine will be thrown around during the H-sprite animations since it would be too much movement and it might seem a bit weird...
But I don't want to jump to conclusions.
I'll reveal the details when the time has come.
(after all I'll have to talk to our artist first)

Re: Wolfenstahl

Good to see that the game's still being developed, and I believe I speak on behalf of the community (ULMF) when I say that we appreciate you hopping onto the forums every so often to keep us posted with updates.

Also, I can't get over the fact on how delicious the girls look... Daamn.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Some people complained about her make up being too slutty (as if it was a bad thing in an h-game) but I really, and I mean REALLY love it. whatever happens dont tone it down. :p

make up all the way, man!
Re: Wolfenstahl

We won't give up on this game, there are several reasons...
One being, that we already invested way too much time into this project.
And we're not the types to waste our time (and money...).
(uhm... in fact this whole project swallowed already aproximately 750 $ out of my pocket, software and hardware etc. isn't cheap, and there where a lot other things we need for this project, that cost money, (e.g. Amelia buying a new microphone for recording purposes) but never mind that now)
You'll always have to invest something (time/money), if you expect to do something great.

Another reason for not giving up, would also be my own pervertedness (or lets say, the teams pervertedness) I really want to do this game for my personal use.
Sharing it with others is something that I only feel would be nice to do so.
After all, I would want to have the chance to play any h-game I like.

Some people complained about her make up being too slutty (as if it was a bad thing in an h-game) but I really, and I mean REALLY love it. whatever happens dont tone it down. :p

make up all the way, man!

Oh never mind, I'll leave her the way she is, because I love her the way she is ^^
I would say, that about 90% of the project is kinda thought out (there's always stuff you haven't thought about, which comes up in the middle of production, so I won't give a 100% here), and more or less just slightly changeable.
But there are certain things, like Verdani herself, which I wouldn't change.
I like makeup on women, I also love it when women have long nails and all.
But I'm well aware that it's not everyones taste.
In my oppinion there are just not enough characters like this around.
So even better to have my own heroine that way ^^
(yeah, I really love all my own characters)

Finally I put up some screenshots on my blog.
Please tell me if something looks off, too big, not good enough or whatever.
We're still able to improve it right now, and I rather not change too much later on.

I haven't mentioned this on my blog (I forgot to do so), but the Verdani-avatar (small picture) might be changed later.
The least change will be that she'll make different expressions regarding the situation she's in.
But this minor detail will be added later on.
(There will be lots of details that will be added step by step)

Re: Wolfenstahl

hey wolfenstahl i know i only just started following this but do u have a small demo version or links for a version u might have out please and thanks if u do
Re: Wolfenstahl

Got to say, wasn't sure what I thought of this at first, loved the art but wasn't exactly sure how the gameplay would work, but looking at those screen shots I\m really excited to play this now!
Re: Wolfenstahl

Great screenshots, now I'm looking more and more forward to this game :)
Re: Wolfenstahl

I believe it was stated earlier in the thread that a demo would be forthcoming toward the end of this month.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Yes, we plan to schedule a working demo version for the end of may.
I'm relieved to say, that in my oppinion the hardest part is already done.
Programming that 3D-like platforms was really troublesome.

I mean:
Verdani has to move upwards, downwards, left and right.
At the same time she should be able to jump etc.
It was pretty frustrating to programm that, but it works now.

Until the end of may we still have to add this stuff:
- Some more attacks for Verdani
- Tentacle Monster
- More details for the backgrounds
- Grab-System
- Game Over system

And maybe some other extras that don't take up too much time, but are good to add.
We'll see about that.

Thanks for the positive response and your support ^^

Re: Wolfenstahl

That's good news! With the most challenging part done, perhaps you can now focus on having fun and making the game you really want.
Re: Wolfenstahl

^^^ great now that song is stuck in my head.....
Re: Wolfenstahl

Very good news these images. We see that the game progresses, and I hope the demo will be excellent.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Yeah, he's kinda strutting lol
But those paperheads look hilarious anyway.
Some of those paperbags on their heads do look hilarious.

Right now the main graphics for the tentacle monster are done already.
So it's time to work on the Grab-System and the stages.

We're also working on the hentai scenes (dialog etc.) and the voice acting.
I'll do a blogpost later today, since there are several good news.
Especially good news for the japanese people, but I'll cover all the details on the blogpost later.

Re: Wolfenstahl

New blog post. Things are coming along nicely.